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Why did the dracaena leaves droop down? Dracaena diseases: causes, symptoms and treatment. Transplant problems

Dracaena is a very delicate flower that requires proper care, and not experimentation with it. The plant should be transplanted into clean, new soil, watered - no more than once a week, and with mineral - organic fertilizer - only twice a month.

Some of the most problematic species of dracaena are Happiness and Marginata Bamboo, although other species of this plant are also subject to various diseases. Dracaena is a very demanding plant, it is afraid of drafts. It is recommended to remove it from bright light and place it in a moderately lit place. Remove the leaves as much as possible from the bottom up. Leave small leaves only on the top of the head. This method should help to renew the palm tree. Dracaena is strictly forbidden to pour, there should not be an excess of water in the pot.

The main reasons why dracaena leaves dropped

- Moisture. The primary reason is precisely the presence of low humidity in the room where the plant is located. After all, this flower is considered a southern plant that is adapted for tropical conditions, therefore, the humidity in the air for it should not be lower than 60-70%. And in ordinary apartments, the air humidity is generally lower, and in winter especially when hot batteries, different heaters heat and dry it, then the humidity can drop to 20%, which can be very bad for these plants. In this regard, all growers need to additionally humidify the air in the rooms, regularly spraying rooms where there are plants, or buy a special air humidifier or put a container with water near the battery, then the water will evaporate under the influence of high temperature and thereby increase the humidity.

There are also other reasons for dracaena's malaise. These include improper or poor watering, which lead your flower to a deplorable state. Do not forget that such a flower should be watered only when the soil in the pot becomes dry, about once a week, no more and no less.

- Draft. Another reason for the poor condition of the dracaena can be an ordinary draft in the room. It is dangerous especially during winter or late autumn, so at this time you should not keep these plants on the window. After all, they can get sick under the influence of cold.

- Nutrition. If you are trying your best to take care of your dracaena, but it is still sluggish in appearance and unviable, then try to analyze your care for it. Maybe the cause of the flower's malaise is a lack of vitamins. Ask experienced flower growers, try different types of fertilizers, dressings intended for indoor plants. Sometimes lethargic leaves and slow growth of the plant are a sign that your flower is very crowded in the pot, so you need to carefully transplant it into a wide planter. It is better to do this in early spring, and it is better to take the soil in the form of landless mixtures.

Dracaena can lower its leaves even after transplantation, for a week it can continue to hurt, and if after this period the previous elasticity and brightness have not returned to the flower, then a special growth stimulator should be used.

In addition to all the probable reasons why the leaves of the dracaena dropped, the content of the plant in winter with a temperature of no higher than 18 degrees Celsius in the room. However, if the temperature is even a few degrees higher, then the plant will forever lower its leaves down along the trunk (typical for all types of ficuses that have large leaves, which are found in apartments with central heating).

To prevent such unpleasant consequences, you just need to follow all the basic rules for caring for dracaena, then this plant will always delight you with a beautiful view. Maintain the desired temperature, put it in a bright, diffused light, constantly monitor the humidity in the room and do not flood with a lot of water.

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Among indoor plants, dracaena, which is sometimes called a "false palm", is very popular among flower growers.

Attracted by the deep, rich color of its leaves, the splendor of the crown.

However, if the plant begins to "fall leaves", then everything is for real, without "false modesty" - from the former beauty in a matter of days, one bare stem can remain.

To prevent this from happening (although the reasons can sometimes be objective, and they cannot be avoided), you need to carefully monitor the condition of the green pet and, when you feel that something was wrong, take action.

The main problems with dracaena, like most cultures whose homeland is the tropics, are associated with acclimatization. In an ordinary city apartment the plant often lacks warmth and moisture... And then, and another dracaena must be given in addition, and to do it competently, without going to extremes.

If you find that the dracaena has a soft trunk and leaves are falling off, the bark has become wrinkled, then you have overdone it with watering.

If the leaves begin to curl or turn into a tube (this may mean that the plant has died) - therefore, you could not provide the green pet with a comfortable temperature, did not save it from abrupt transitions from one microclimate to another.

Diseases and pests also create problems for the flower, which must be learned to recognize in a timely manner.

Of all the varieties, the threat of "baldness" most often arises in Marginata, in other varieties this problem is less pronounced. The main reasons why dracaena leaves fall off may be as follows:

  • natural aging (the leaves of this culture live from 2 to 3 years);
  • water scarcity;
  • cold air, drafts.

To help the plant, it is important to figure out which of the reasons is killing your flower.

If it is aging, then this is an objective and unregulated process. Fortunately, nature has provided that at the same time all the leaves of the dracaena will not leave - those of them whose due date has come will begin to turn yellow, then curl, turn black and fall off. After some time, new, healthy leaves will appear in the vacated places.

In the event of a lack of water, massive leaf fall does not occur either.

The difference is that the aged leaves dry out completely, and the fallen leaves due to the scarcity of watering still partially retain their vitality.

If the grower overdid it with watering, the plant begins lose green leaves- this is due to the fact that the roots have rotted in the waterlogged soil and the plant dies.

Temperature discomfort (especially cold, draft) is expressed in the loss of green foliage by the plant.

If yellowness on the leaves appears, like gray hair in humans, for natural reasons, it can capture not the whole leaf, but its tips. In this case, specialists recommend pruning, removing only the yellowed part and leaving healthy... This will preserve the decorativeness of the culture.

Often the problem arises due to the fact that the plant does not have enough sun. Most varieties have enough soft, diffused light, and even a short winter day does not have a negative effect on them. However, in some cases, the dracaena cannot do without backlighting and informs the owner of this with the yellowness of its leaves.

A similar reaction occurs due to excessive watering. And if the leaves of the dracaena dropped and turned yellow, this may be caused by a lack of nutrients in the soil. It is especially dangerous to keep a flower on a starvation diet during its active growth - from April to the end of August.

CAREFULLY: If, after watering and spraying, water regularly remains in the leaf axils, this can cause a color change from green to yellow.

This trouble can happen even with young foliage, if the flower grows in the same pot, without replacing the soil, for 3-4 years.

Salts accumulate in it, due to which the plant is not able to fully absorb nutrients, even if the owner regularly feeds his pet.

Salinity kills the suction roots - the main conductor of nutrients into the flower's body.

Due to inadequate nutrition, the tips of old leaves also dry out. In addition, the problem may lie in the structure of the soil - if it is clayey, heavy, poorly permeable to water.

ATTENTION: the tips of the leaves sometimes begin to dry out due to the oversaturation of the soil with fluorine. This element is included in the composition of fertilizers for tropical crops, which should be applied exactly according to the instructions, so as not to harm the flower.

Never comfort yourself with the phrase that "there are spots in the sun too": spots on dracaena leaves pose a threat to flower health and most often appear due to insufficient care of the plant, and their color helps to determine the essence of the problem. Here's what they are talking about:

If the trunk of the dracaena wrinkled, the leaves began to fall off, there is a high probability of mistakes that the owner made, most likely due to inexperience. The main thing is to have time to correct them in time.

Among the most common mistakes:

  • improper, too generous watering (in fact, the soil in the pot should dry out between waterings, control its condition by sticking a thin wooden stick into the ground);
  • high dryness of the air (remove the flower away from heating devices);
  • insufficient illumination (the plant must be provided with additional highlighting);
  • exposure to cold air ("washing" with warm water will help frozen leaves);
  • lack of nutrients (buy fertilizer in the form of a stick at a flower shop and stick it in the soil - your pet will regularly receive feeding in the amount necessary for it).

ATTENTION: if the leaves turn yellow after an unsuccessful transplant, help the flower to recover by spraying the soil with Epin.

Experts (in order to prevent various diseases) recommend add potassium and phosphorus to fertilizers... Unfortunately, this is not enough to avoid disease completely.

Dracaena diseases can be:

Pests that infect dracaena can be in the soil or get on it from neighboring, already infected, plants. Signs of ill health are cobwebs, specks, sticky plaque. Among pests:

This video tells about another pest of dracaena and how to deal with it:

How to reanimate a dracaena if the trunk is fragile, the bark wrinkles, and the leaves begin to rot? Would need "Surgical intervention" in the form of cuttings: cut off the top of the dracaena and either immediately root it in the ground, or put it in a container of water so that the roots appear. This usually takes 2 months.

If the poor condition of the dracaena is associated with dry air, bring the pet back to life a warm shower will help... To prevent water from flooding the roots, put the pot in a plastic bag and pull its edges around the trunk.

If the stalk (and later - a full-fledged plant) stands in water for too long, its trunk may turn yellow. This is because the aquatic environment promotes the activation of bacteria, and the changed color of the trunk is evidence that the plant may die. You can avoid such a development of events by urgently transplanting the dracaena into a pot of earth.

A plant affected by cold air will be saved by a few sprays of warm water. and placing the pot in a draft-free place. In cases where the temperature dropped below 15 degrees Celsius, there is a great danger that the roots have suffered. If the check shows that this is how it turned out and the roots began to rot, they are removed and the dracaena is transplanted into a new pot. In cases where there are practically no healthy roots left, the top of the flower is cut and rooted.
What to do with a broken dragon tree

The broken woody part of the stem is fairly easy to root. To do this, the place of scrapping must be cut with a sharp knife (the cut must be horizontal), hold in the air for a while so that it dries up, and lowered into a container of water, where a tablet of activated carbon is added (it will save the future plant from decay).

The remaining part of the stem in the pot can also be saved. The fracture site is carefully trimmed and filled with wax. After a short time, shoots will appear on the sides of the stem.

If it is not a lignified but a green shoot that is broken, it is recommended to root it in moss or sand. In order for the roots to form faster, the tip of the shoot is treated in the "Kornevin" preparation, and then artificial heating is organized (the best temperature is 25 degrees).

ADVICE: if the stalk chosen for rooting is very small, it is stuck in the ground and covered with a glass jar, providing a greenhouse effect.

Many dracaena owners are faced with various problems in caring for such a plant. The most common - dracaena leaves fall. Let's find out what are the reasons for this phenomenon, and what to do to save the flower.

As a rule, such a problem arises due to mistakes that the owners make in the care process. Leaves can fall off with insufficient or excessive watering. There are also natural reasons why dracaena leaves fall off.

These primarily include the age of the plant. Another factor is the unsuitable microclimate. Despite the fact that this flower is considered hardy and resistant to various environmental conditions, there are certain conditions for its maintenance.

How to save a plant

A healthy plant has a fairly dense bark. But as practice shows, dracaena may experience deterioration in the condition of the bark and leaves. If the reason is age, then nothing can be done about it. Each leaf lives for a certain time. Subsequently, it turns yellow and falls off. This is a natural process, and you will not be able to resist it in any way.

However, it is not uncommon for a flower to lose all its leaves at a young age. At the same time, the bark also deteriorates. The trunk becomes weak. Why does this happen in dracaena? Because you are not looking after her properly. You are probably watering it incorrectly. It is not difficult to solve this problem: it is enough to ensure timely watering, and you will be able to preserve the attractive appearance of such a plant culture.

Often, the owners of such plants are afraid to underfill water and water in more quantities than the flower needs. Even taking into account the fact that dracaena loves humidity, this cannot be done. As a rule, with an excess of liquid, dracaena sheds its leaves in a fairly short time. In this case, the bark begins to rot, like the roots. What to do in such a situation? It is enough just to reduce the amount of water for irrigation and do it less often.

It is important to take a series of immediate actions. Remove the flower from the pot without damaging the roots and bark (i.e. soil). Remove some of the soil to inspect the condition of the root system.

Remove those roots that have rotted. Let the rest dry, removing the remaining soil. Subsequently, do not over-water. The plant will stop shedding leaves as soon as the soil moisture level returns to normal and the roots dry out.

If the dracaena has a soft trunk and leaves fall off, this is a likely sign of improper watering.

To do this, dry the roots and plant the flower again in less moist soil. The stem also wilts from excess liquid. As a result, leaves begin to fall off, which can no longer hold on to the weakened "skeleton". It is important to ensure that there is no water left in the leaf axils after transplanting and watering. Otherwise, they will rot and fall off again.

It is imperative to maintain the correct microclimate. So you will be able to save even a "bald" flower. For these purposes, set the room temperature above +15 ° C. If the flower stays in a cold room for a long time, this will lead not only to the fall of the foliage, but also to the death of the entire plant. In addition to optimal temperature conditions, it is required to regularly feed such a crop. This flower needs nutrients such as nitrogenous potassium, ammonium sulphide, potassium phosphate.

Dracaena has an original look that attracts attention against the background of the overall interior design.

This palm tree is quite popular among indoor plant lovers due to its easy care.

In numerous photos, you can see beautiful trees with a luxurious crown, which have grown to unimaginable sizes. This was due to the positive qualities of the plant.

At some point, the tips of the leaves dry out on the dracaena. This can happen for several reasons.

It is important to identify the root cause of the problem as it will help in the healing and recovery process.

In order not to lose the plant, you need to immediately take recovery actions.

If we take into account and prevent negative effects on the plant, then problems with drying of the tips of the leaves simply will not arise.

Reasons why leaves fall and fall

It sometimes happens that the dracaena sheds its leaves after they have completely or partially dropped.

There are only three reasons why the green part of the dracaena goes down first, and then completely falls off.

Why dracaena throws off the leaves:

  1. If the plant is more than 3 years old, then the leaves fall off due to old age.
  2. If the dracaena has lowered the green part and the leaves have already begun to fall from below, then the flower is poorly watered.
  3. A low temperature for a plant is the main reason for the relatively falling leaves.

By the way the leaves sank and fall, it is possible to determine the cause of the "baldness". The nature of the fall is pronounced in each of the cases, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

Attention! Dracaena variety Marginata most often undergoes "baldness" and leaf drooping.

From old age, the leaves fall off completely, being replaced by new units.

With poor watering, the leaves are in a lowered state for a long time, turn yellow and then fall off. From the cold there is a loss of still green leaves.

Brown spots

Often brown spots appear on the green crown of dracaena, which catastrophically threaten the life of the flower.

Each problem stains the spots in its own brown color, which has particular distinctive features.

Reasons for the appearance of brown spots:

Why does the trunk turn black and dry: plant diseases

As a result of the vital activity of such organisms, the following metamorphoses can occur with dracaena: the trunk dries, the leaves change color, the trunk becomes soft or empty.

In the fight against diseases and pests, it is important not to overdo it with treatment, as this can also negatively affect the condition of the flower.

Attention! Sometimes a flower affects several diseases at the same time, so an integrated approach to treatment may be required.

To treat the plant correctly, it is best to consult a specialist store.

How to help dracaena

In order not to bring the flower to a terrible state, you need to properly care for it. Proper care is the best help for dracaena.

If there are any failures, then it is important to decide how to help the plant under any circumstances. There are several options for rescue, each of which is appropriate for the situation.

What to do to save dracaena in some situations:

  1. Any type of disease will require special additives, sprays and "medications".
  2. Dracaena can only be reanimated by transplanting into another container with new soil.
  3. To eradicate problems with spots on the greenery of the crown, it is worth establishing a watering regime and finding a suitable place in the room.
  4. Once every 2-3 years, you need to transplant the plant into a new pot with suitable soil.

It is easy to save the plant if you adhere to the basic rules regarding transplantation and subsequent care. It is worth closely monitoring the indoor plant so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Useful video

Dracaena is considered a very unpretentious houseplant. She does not need special care. But in order for the flower to please the eye with its splendor and beauty for as long as possible, react in time to any changes in its appearance. What do the dropped leaves of the dracaena say?

Let's look at what causes this problem, and what needs to be done to solve it.

There may be several reasons:

  • improper watering;
  • flowerpot not suitable in size;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • lack of moisture;
  • drafts and disturbed temperature conditions;
  • the plant is frozen.


The soil should be moist, not soggy. The plant is watered with settled water at room temperature, when the earthen lump dries up by about 2 cm. The watering regime is 1-2 times a week in spring and summer, in autumn and winter, once a week is enough. To prevent excess moisture from collecting, not stagnating in a flowerpot, pour expanded clay or coarse sand on its bottom with a layer of 3-4 cm, you can put shards. This material will play the role of drainage, which will save the flower's root system from rotting. Overfilling is much worse than underfilling.

In the hot summer period, the flower needs to be sprayed. To wash off the dust and refresh it, we recommend putting the plant under a shower once a month, covering the ground with cellophane. After bathing, blot the leaf growth points with a napkin.

Cramped pot

The second reason that the leaves are constantly drooping down may be the wrong size of the flower pot. If it is small, then plant nutrition is difficult. Roots need space. Check the tightness of their fit to the walls of the flowerpot. Transplant the flower if necessary.

The diameter of the pot should be about half the height of the dracaena.

Its diameter can be increased by 1-2 cm every year.

Lack of nutrients

The lower leaves may fall down due to insufficient nutrients. In a cramped pot with a very developed root system, the land quickly becomes poorer, the upper crown grows due to the lower foliage. During the period of active growth from April to September, feed the roots with pre-selected fertilizers 1-2 times a month. When watering, you can use liquid fertilizers according to the instructions.

To get oxygen to the root system, do not forget to loosen the soil surface to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Temperature and humidity

Dracaena feels comfortable at a temperature of 18-28 degrees. A fall below 15 degrees is already critical for her. The leaves may look drooping if you freeze the flower. First aid is a warm shower.

The flower loves humid air and does not tolerate drafts, so find a quiet place for him away from the radiator.

In a particularly hot period, you can put the flowerpot on a tray with water so that the bottom of the flowerpot does not come into contact with the surface of the water. By evaporating, water humidifies the air.

Avoid direct sunlight, but do not hide in the shade when the sun is leaning towards the horizon. The light should be evenly diffused. In winter, additional artificial lighting is needed.

As you can see, creating conditions for the growth of dracaena is not so difficult. An evergreen palm under 35 is considered young and blooms 1 to 7 times a year. May your tree of happiness please the eye for many years.