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Early gender determination. How to find out the sex of the unborn child without ultrasound at home. Determining the sex of the child by the Rh factor and blood group of the parents

“Who will we have? Boy or girl? " - these questions are the most exciting for young parents.

Many mothers and fathers cannot wait for the results of an ultrasound scan. It's too tiring, because you want to know the sex of the future baby for sure from the very first days. It is possible to determine the sex of a child much earlier if you know about some simple methods. To some, these techniques seem to be simple superstitions, while others successfully use them even when conceiving a baby.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception?

Our first method has a solid scientific basis. In order to use it, you need to know at least approximately the date when fertilization occurred. Another option is to use the ovulation calendar. What gender your baby will be is decided on the day of conception: it depends on a specific set of chromosomes that the sperm transmits to the egg.

Female germ cells initially have a set of chromosomes of only one type - XX. And sperm can contain information about both X chromosomes and Y chromosomes. Accordingly, if the father "presents" the male Y-chromosome to the mother, the couple will have a boy; if two female X chromosomes connect, a girl.

So what information can the day of conception give us? The fact is that cells with a Y chromosome move quickly, but their lifespan is very short. Once in the female genital tract, they are able to remain mobile for no more than 22-24 hours. Therefore, the conception of a boy is possible only on the day of ovulation (+/- day).

If conception occurred after the day of ovulation by about a week, then it is highly likely that the sperm with the X chromosome managed to achieve the goal.

This simple rule can be followed when planning a child: if a couple wants to conceive a son, then sexual intercourse should take place as close as possible to the time of ovulation. If you dream of a girl, then you can wait a little with conception. Also, the sex of the crumbs can be affected by the sexual abstinence of the man. Prolonged absence of sexual contact (2-3 months) blocks the production of "boyish" sperm. With an active sex life before conception, the probability of having a boy rises to 70%.

We calculate the sex of the child by renewing the blood of the parents

The essence of this non-standard, but no less effective than the previous one, methodology lies in the theory of blood renewal. It is believed that over the course of a person's life, several cycles occur, during which the "old" blood completely changes to the "new" one.

The "new" blood is stronger. Depending on which of the parents at the time of conception will have the closest blood composition to the renewed one, the child will be of the same sex.

Interesting! Eighth month of pregnancy

Traditionally, the blood change scheme is as follows: for women, the cycle takes 3 years, for men - 4 years.

This is where the drawback of this method manifests itself: it is based on averaged data, but in practice the rhythm of blood renewal can be completely different. Cyclicity is influenced by blood loss (operations, donation, childbirth), blood transfusions, diseases of the circulatory system. If conception was preceded by significant blood loss (from 1 liter), then the records will be kept not from the date of birth, but from the date of the last transfusion (operation).

So, for the calculation, we divide the indicators of the age of the father (for example, 31 years old) and mother (25 years old) by the cycle of renewal:

Dad: 31/4 = 7,7

Mama: 25/3 = 8,3

In the results obtained, we will be interested only in the digits after the decimal point. We look at the remainder: the dad will have a larger value (7). This means that his blood was renewed earlier, and a greater probability appears at the birth of a girl.

Also, the result can be like this:

Dad: 28/4 = 7,0

Mama: 24/3 = 8,0

If the remainder is the same, the chances of conceiving a boy and a girl are equal. And it is also believed that such a test result indicates a greater possibility of developing multiple pregnancies.

Determining the sex of the child by the Rh factor and blood group of the parents

According to this method, it is possible to calculate the degree of probability that a couple will have a child of a certain gender.

The theory is that:

  • if a woman has group l blood, a man has l or lll - they will most likely have a daughter;
  • a woman has an ll group, a man - ll or lV - more chances of conceiving a girl;
  • a woman has a lll group, a man - ll, lll or lV - a high probability of having a boy;
  • a woman has a lV group, and a man - ll - this combination is ideal for the birth of a baby.

As for the Rh factor of the parents, the algorithm will be as follows:

  • mom and dad have the same rhesus - a girl will be born;
  • rhesus are different - a boy will be born.

The truthfulness of the calculations for blood groups is not so high: the results very often do not coincide with reality.

Indicators of blood group and Rh factor remain the same for life, and in large families there are almost always different-sex babies.

The Rh factor during conception is of more serious importance: mothers with a negative value have a high risk of developing. Such a pregnancy should take place under the mandatory supervision of a doctor.

Chinese table for determining the sex of the future baby

The gender of the future heir, who is under the heart of a woman, was of particular interest to the inhabitants of Ancient China. To resolve this issue, a table was used containing data on the age of the mother and the specific month in which the fetus was conceived. The intersection of vertical and horizontal lines should provide the information you need.

For the result to be more accurate, some nuances must be taken into account. Firstly, in China it was customary to keep records of age not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception.

That is, when choosing a line, mom needs to add another 9 months to her real age.

Secondly, a woman must know exactly in what month the conception took place. If sexual intercourse took place at the end of the month, then fertilization took place, most likely, as early as the next, since the sperm can "get" to the target for about a week.

Interesting! 36 weeks pregnant - very little left!

Using the Chinese table is easy: select your age in the vertical column and the month of conception in the horizontal row.

It is not known what the Chinese were guided by when compiling this table. But for more than one century she has been helping curious mothers and fathers find out who their long-awaited baby will be. Perhaps today she will help you too.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the child

The decoding of this Japanese table is similar to the previous method. Only vertically, you will need to look not for the age of the mother, but for a special secret number. To calculate the secret number, you will have to use the first part of the table. It is located at the intersection of the month of birth of the mother and father.

When the coveted number is found, little remains to be done. Everything is quick and simple: we are looking for a color designation of the sex of the crumbs, corresponding to your secret number and month of conception.

Finding out the gender of the child according to folk signs

What beliefs our ancestors did not use to predict the sex of the baby in the womb. Consider the most interesting of the folk signs:

1 Mom's tummy is sharp, protrudes forward, and the waist has retained its shape - get ready for the birth of a son. If the belly is round and slightly diverges to the sides, it will most likely be a girl.

2 It is said that girls usually "take the beauty" of their mothers. If during gestation a woman has severe toxicosis, acne and acne appeared, and her hair and nails began to break often - expect a baby.

As soon as mom sees two cherished strips on the test, she really wants to know who settled in the tummy. The safest and most reliable method for determining the sex of a child is ultrasound.

However, pregnant women are sent for ultrasound only after 15 weeks of pregnancy. What should the expectant mother do when curiosity haunts? Consider a number of other ways to determine the sex of your unborn baby.

Folk methods: according to the external data of a pregnant woman

Finding out the sex of a child without ultrasound in the early stages can be helped by the experience of grandmothers, which was previously passed down from generation to generation. Previously, there was no such medicine as it is now, and they tried to determine the sex of the child using characteristic changes in the appearance of the expectant mother and her behavior during pregnancy.

Outline of a pregnant belly

Pay attention to the shape of the belly. If the tummy sticks out forward and has a pointed shape, if the pregnancy is invisible from the back and there are no changes in gait, then you have a boy.

If your belly is almost evenly spread over the entire abdominal cavity, and your gait resembles a duck (swaying in different directions), then the belly is most likely a girl.

Changes in the face of the expectant mother

If every time, looking at yourself in the mirror, you hardly recognize yourself - the blush was replaced by swelling, acne and age spots appeared ... Do not be alarmed, just a little lady also wants to be born beautiful and borrows a little of her mother's beauty. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.

The boy, on the contrary, usually adds charm and attractiveness to the expectant mother.

What happens to the breast?

- "We will have a girl!" - Masha screamed from the bathroom, looking at her darkened nipples. And, indeed, gave birth to a daughter! Although the fact that changes in the areola around the nipple already in early pregnancy affects the sex of the baby has not been scientifically proven, it has a large number of coincidences.

Boys, as a rule, do not touch their mother's nipples, and the areoles remain light until delivery.

What to eat?

Son will demand meat, but sharper and saltier! Daughter - prefer cakes, pastries, ice cream and other other sweets, which in large quantities are harmful to both.

However, it often happens that everything happens exactly the opposite. Therefore, watch your appetite and do not let the little pranksters manipulate you. Everything should be in moderation.

Now cry, then laugh!

It's not a secret for anyone that the emotional state of the mother can jump at a breakneck speed already in the early stages. This is because she carries her daughter under her heart. Two women in one body is a hurricane of emotions!

The son, on the other hand, usually takes care of the mother's nervous system and tries not to disturb her once again over all sorts of trifles. However, sometimes it happens again that the opposite is true.

The heart will tell

The fact is that intuition in women is better developed than in men. And for expectant mothers, it increases several times. Listen to yourself. It is possible that you already guess who settled there inside. You can't fool mom's heart!

Calculation methods: calendars and tables

The line of leaders among the calculation methods for determining the sex of a child without ultrasound includes

  • calculation methods for Chinese and Japanese tables;
  • determination by the Rh factor, group, as well as renewal of the blood of future mothers and fathers;
  • the difference between the day of conception and the last ovulation of a pregnant woman.

Chinese calendar

The calculations are based on data on the age of the expectant mother and the month in which conception itself took place. The intersection of these data in the table is the estimated sex of the unborn child.

So, for example, if a woman is 24 years old and the baby was conceived in April, then there is a high probability of the birth of a boy because the letter M is indicated at the intersection of 24 and IV, and if in December - girls, since the letter D is indicated at the intersection of 24 and XII.

Incidentally, this is the first calculation method that the Chinese sages invented over 700 years ago. If he is still popular, then there is definitely some truth in him.

Japanese table

The Japanese sages decided to keep up and developed their own method of planning and determining the sex of future children. For a long time, this method has determined its right to exist.

The principle of its work is to compare the months of birth of both parents and determine the probability of the birth of a particular sex, conceived in a given month.

In the first table, we find the number that is at the intersection of the months of birth, future mothers and fathers.

Now we are looking for a column with this number in the second table. The number of characters "X" means a fraction of the likelihood.

For example, you get the number 6. A girl and a boy, conceived in January in the column of number 6, have the same chances of being born, because the same number of "X" characters. But in February, boys significantly dominate girls.

The percentage of hits is not as high as we would like, but who knows, maybe this method will give the correct results to you. It's safe, so you can spend a couple of minutes calculating.

Rhesus - factor of future parents

Here the situation is as follows:

  • the same rhesus is a factor in the parents (plus and plus or minus and minus) - it means there will be a boy;
  • the parents have different rhesus (it does not matter who has a plus and who has a minus) - a girl.

Blood groups of future parents

The principle of operation is very simple - compare the blood groups of both parents and see what happens at their intersection.

If you believe the data in the table, then parents with a second blood group have a very high chance of conceiving a girl. But the owners of such a rare group as the fourth can count on the appearance of a son. But again, this table is not 100% guaranteed.

Dates of conception and last ovulation

If you have information about when there was ovulation and sexual intercourse, which led to conception, then the sex of the child in this case can be determined with a probability of 80%. And on an ultrasound scan, it is easy to confirm the result.

It has been scientifically proven that male chromosomes (XY) are quite nimble and if sex was at the time or after ovulation, then a boy is provided for you. If everything was a few days before ovulation, then a girl will be born. It is slower but more resilient and takes longer to reach its destination.

Renewal of blood in the body of both parents

The one whose blood was refreshed later will determine the sex of the unborn baby. Female blood is renewed every 3 years, male blood - every 4 years.

Do not forget about the fact that if there were operations, childbirth, donation of blood as a donation or other blood loss, then it is necessary to count not from birth, but from the moment of the last blood loss, because in such cases the blood is renewed automatically, even if 3 or 4 years.

Now you can independently calculate, taking into account all the factors, which of you dominates. Let's say mom and dad are 27 years old. It turns out that my mother is now renewing her blood, and my father's next renewal will only be at the age of 28. Thus, according to this method, the couple will have a girl.

Laboratory research: tests and analyzes

Chorionic biopsy

This is the name of a procedure in which doctors pierce the amniotic sac and take part of the chorionic tissue for analysis to find out the sex of the child. This is a kind of surgery with anesthesia.

It is done mainly when one of the parents has a genetic disease and there is a high probability of its transmission and you need to know exactly who will be born. Just like that, to determine the sex of the unborn child, it is not advised to do it, because unpleasant consequences are possible, up to a miscarriage.


This procedure is very similar to a biopsy, only the amniotic fluid is tested. The procedure is performed after 16 weeks to determine the sex and the risk of various pathologies.

Blood test from a vein

The circulatory system of the baby and the mother is one whole. After blood sampling, an external examination of the fetus takes place using fetal DNA studies. Thus, a few days after the test, the expectant mother can find out the sex of the child.

Pharmacy sex test

In America, scientists have developed a test that is similar to the one that shows the two cherished stripes. This test will help determine the gender of your baby at home. True, it is expensive and is not sold in every pharmacy. Often delivered to order.

Of course, the fastest, safest and most reliable way is to examine a woman for an ultrasound scan. But there are many other options to satisfy curiosity, and they have a right to exist. Believe it or not - it's up to you, dear parents!


Chorion biopsy is the most accurate such method today with almost 100% guarantee. It is possible to determine from 7 weeks of pregnancy. But this method is mainly resorted to only for medical reasons, in some cases it can lead to the development of serious complications, even termination of pregnancy.
Another very reliable method that allows you to determine the sex of the baby already at 12-14 weeks is to determine the sex by the frequency of his heartbeat. Many gynecologists use this method and rarely make mistakes. Usually, a fetal heart rate of more than 140 beats per minute corresponds. If less, then the boy.
Perhaps the most common and official method for determining the sex of a child is ultrasound. In any case, this is possible no earlier than 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. The child may exhibit peculiar false signs. More data can be obtained for a period of 23-25 ​​weeks. But ultrasound, unfortunately, does not give you a 100% guarantee.

However, there are cases when, for example, an ultrasound scan is not possible for medical reasons. In such a situation, you can turn to folk methods, one of which is sex determination by.
A woman can only become pregnant during ovulation. Sperm can be stored in the female genital organs for up to 96 hours. Because the life expectancy of male spermatozoa, carriers of the Y chromosome is less than carriers of only the X chromosome (female), the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases sharply on the days of ovulation. But this is also not a 100% method.
A very common method for determining the sex of a child at an early stage for blood renewal. The blood in women is renewed every 3 years, in women - every 4 years. If a woman has a negative Rh factor, then vice versa. Whose blood will be "younger", of that sex and the baby will be born.

The interesting point here is the frequency of having sex. If a man had prolonged abstinence until the moment of conception, most likely there will be a girl. This theory has found its scientific explanation: the more mobile "male" spermatozoa do not live long, so in the sperm of a man who has not had sex for a long time, the number of tenacious "female" spermatozoa is increased.
There are many formulas among the people for determining the sex of an unborn child. One of them looks like this: 49 - X + 1 + Y + 3, where X is the father's age, and Y is the month of conception. If the answer here is an even number - expect a boy, an odd number - a girl.

In general, ultrasound, as a way to determine the sex of a child at an early date, is the most reliable of the safest methods. Scientists continue to search for new approaches to solving this problem. One of these areas is innovative tests to determine the sex of the unborn child. They have not yet received widespread practical application, and their accuracy is also not 100%.
Of course, today there are many methods for determining the sex of a child at an early stage. Which one to use is your legal right. But so that you do not choose the main thing, that the baby is welcome, healthy and beloved.

What was so expected has happened, or vice versa, this event was a complete surprise, but you have a pregnancy test in your hands, and 2 stripes are clearly visible on it. We hope all the same that pregnancy is desired and now you are happy, because in the near future a baby will be born.

Ahead are exciting months of waiting that will bring a lot of new things into your life: the first ultrasound scan, the first nausea in the morning, the first timid tremors. And with them the questions: is everything all right with the child, and who will be born a son or daughter? Can parents determine the sex of the child without an ultrasound scan?

Ancestral experience

People have always sought to unravel the mystery of nature and find out what gender a child will be born with. Nowadays, this can be done using ultrasound. And how was the sex of the future baby determined without this miracle of our time? In the old days, everything was simple: people carefully observed pregnant women, analyzed and as a result these signs appeared:

  • The woman has become prettier - a boy will be born. Acne on the face, oily skin or vice versa, dry, and the expectant mother looks bad - there will be a girl.
  • The expectant mother lays on meat, fish or poultry, but cannot look at sweets - there will be a boy. She began to eat a lot of sweets - a girl will be born. A sign is more effective if, before pregnancy, a woman did not observe such addictions.
  • A pregnant woman with a round tummy will have a girl, with a sharp one - a boy.
  • A woman in the position of the stomach is located at the top - wait for a girl, below - there will be a boy.
  • If a pregnant woman has hair on a pigment strip - for the birth of a boy, they are not - a girl will be born.
  • The expectant mother behaves more calmly than before pregnancy - there will be a boy, on the contrary, she has become irritable and whiny - wait for a girl.

Even people determine the sex of the unborn child without ultrasound in a very simple way. You just need a gold ring, a glass of water and frost outside. We take a glass of water, put the ring there and put it in the frost (As you already understood, the method can be used only in the cold season). In the morning, we carefully examine the frozen surface: bumps are visible on it - for the birth of a son, hollows - wait for a daughter.

And another popular method is using a wedding ring. Sitting comfortably on the couch, concentrate your attention on your belly and imagine who might be in it. Then take the ring to which your hair is tied (if the pregnant woman has a short haircut, then you can take a regular thread) and hold it over the belly. Does the ring swing from side to side? It means that you will have a son. Describes circles? Wait for my daughter. Those who have used this method of determining the sex of a child without an ultrasound claim that it is very accurate.

Ancient Chinese method for determining the sex of a child

Imagine this method is already 700 years old! And this means that it works. It is quite simple to use. In the table below, look vertically for your age at the time of conception, horizontally for the month in which you were conceived
child. At the point of their intersection, the result. (M - boy, D - girl). To be sure of the accuracy of the method, you can check by your date of conception. To do this, you need to remember how old your mother was, when she and dad conceived you and in what month the conception took place (do not be confused with the date of birth). And as a result? Coincided?

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child

This table is one of the most accurate methods for determining the sex of a child, judging by the reviews that can be read on the forums for pregnant women. So we look closely and figure out who will be born.

Age The month in which the child is conceived
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct nov. Dec
18 d m d m m m m m m m m m
19 m d m d d m m d m m d d
20 d m d m m m m m m d m m
21 m d d d d d d d d d d d
22 d m m d m d d m d d d d
23 m m m d m m d d d m m d
24 m d d m m d m d m m d m
25 d m d m d m d m d m m m
26 m m m m m d m d d m d d
27 d d m m d m d d m d m m
28 m m m d d m d m d d m d
29 d m d d m d d m d m d d
30 m m d m d m m m m m m m
31 m m m m d d m d m d d d
32 m d d m d m m d m m d m
33 d m m d d m d m d m m d
34 m m d d m d m m d m d d
35 m d m d m d m d m m d m
36 m d m m m d m m d d d d
37 d d m d d d m d m m d m
38 m m d d m d d m d d m d
39 d d m d d d m d m m d m
40 m m m d m d m d m d d m
41 d d m d m m d d m d m d
42 m d d m m m m m d m d m
43 d m d d m m m d d d m m
44 m d d d m d m m d m d m
45 d m d m d d m d m d m d

What can the Rh factor say?

Let's talk about another simple method for determining the sex of the unborn child. Finding out who a son or daughter will be born is as easy as shelling pears if you know the Rh factor of your partners. For example, if a woman has a negative Rh factor and a man has a positive Rh factor, then most likely they will have a girl. The table below will help you draw conclusions.

Rhesus factor father
mothers +
+ girl

Determine the sex of the child by ovulation

The method is suitable for couples who know exactly when there was ovulation and intercourse. Doctors say:

  • if intimacy was a few days before ovulation, then the birth of a daughter should be expected;
  • sex happened during ovulation or immediately after it - a son will be born.

This method of determining the sex of a child without ultrasound is considered the most accurate. Matches up to 80%. As you can see, there are many ways to find out who will be born a boy or girl: some study ancient Chinese tables, others calculate the date of ovulation or check with folk signs. And there are parents who say: “Whom God will give, he will be born” and rejoice that their baby will be born soon.

But even at this stage of pregnancy, there is a possibility of error, and the doctor warns that the gestational age of 22-24 weeks (the second planned ultrasound) is the best in order to find out whether it will be a boy or a girl.

We will remind you of some folk signs that will give you an answer to the question of interest "Who will I have?"

An ultrasound scan of the fetus is performed within a strictly defined time frame. And once again, just out of curiosity to find out the gender, no one will assign you this study. As mentioned above, the accuracy of sex determination by ultrasound depends on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the experience of the specialist. At 15-17 weeks of gestation, errors in sex determination are still possible.

They are explained by the adoption of a loop of the umbilical cord or fingers of the fetus for the penis or the edematous labia for the scrotum. At 23-25 ​​weeks of gestation, the fetus is mobile and, upon examination, it can turn so that its gender is visible. From 37 weeks, due to the low mobility of the fetus, sex determination can be difficult.

How else can you determine the sex of a child?

It is possible to determine the sex in the early stages (7-10 weeks) with the help of a chorionic biopsy, but this manipulation is carried out only for medical reasons, when the birth of a male or female child is impossible in the family due to the inheritance of certain genetic diseases. As a result of this procedure, the sex of the embryo is established with a 100% guarantee, but its implementation is unsafe due to the threat of miscarriage.

How to find out the sex of the child by signs?

Therefore, those parents who want to know who they will have early can adopt folk signs. True, it is not always possible to determine with great accuracy whether there will be a boy or a girl. Most likely, you are familiar with many signs, and you will learn about some for the first time.

They may seem funny to you, but they exist and you need to know them. And, perhaps, together they will help you find out the gender for sure. At least many mothers claim that thanks to the signs, they managed to find out the sex of the unborn child.

Determining the sex of the child by the age of the mother at the time of conception

The method is based on the lunar calendar and was created in medieval China. Its peculiarity is the early determination of the sex of the child before conception. The Chinese horoscope was found during excavations near Beijing. In China, this issue was given great importance, since only a man has always been the heir to the family. Aristocratic families believed that using magic and the lunar calendar, you can determine the gender of the child and even change it in the womb. After adapting the horoscope to the Gregorian calendar, we can try to make a forecast.

Find your age in the first column, match it with the month of conception in the first row of the table, and find out who to expect at the intersection. D - girl, M - boy.

Sex determination by blood renewal

The method for renewing blood is based on a theory: the processes of replacing old cells with new ones are constantly taking place in the human body. The blood is also renewed: for men every four years, for women every three years. If at the time of conception the blood of a man is newer, a boy will be born, if the blood of a woman, then wait for a girl. It matters if the blood has undergone a renewal earlier than expected due to blood loss due to other childbirth, abortion, trauma or surgery. In this case, the countdown starts from these events. To simplify the calculation, you can take 15 years for women and from 16 for men as a starting point.

Determination of gender by heartbeat or pulse

This method can be practiced from the middle to the end of the 2nd trimester. The method is popular with some obstetricians and gynecologists. The heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope through the mother's abdomen. It is believed that in boys, the heartbeat is faster and more rhythmic, in girls it is slightly slower, with an uneven rhythm.

Pulse diagnosis is a very developed method that is widely used in eastern countries. The basics of Tibetan and Chinese medicine pay great attention to the diagnosis of diseases by pulse. Healers and monks who practice this method can very accurately determine the gender of the child from the mother's pulse.

There are many other methods: the Japanese horoscope, sex determination by the blood type of parents, folk signs and beliefs.

Based on the theory of probability, the percentage of exact matches can be as high as 50% in the ideal case. At the same time, an error in determining the sex of a child is not critical, since common sense prevails in the minds of most expectant mothers, and they decide to do an ultrasound.

The only accurate test before birth is done in a complex and risky procedure called amniocentesis. This procedure is carried out according to strict medical indications, to diagnose possible hereditary diseases. Another test is possible with IVF, when pre-implantation diagnostics is performed before the transfer of embryos into the uterus for the same purpose as amniocentesis.

Determining "the old fashioned way"

For centuries, the experience of observing the behavior of pregnant women, their sensations has been accumulated, and this is how folk signs were formed and passed on from generation to generation. Finding out the sex of the child in those days when there was no ultrasound was suggested by the woman's appearance, her taste preferences.

Gender of the child according to signs - girl

Folk omens and observations suggest that daughters are born to parents over 30 years old. The intensity of sexual activity before conception also matters - with daily sexual activity there is a possibility of conceiving a girl.

It is possible to determine who the future parents are expecting by the external signs and changes of the pregnant woman. A woman expecting the birth of a girl has a rounded belly, vague, similar to a ball, however, to me, it is more displaced to the left. She retains the grace of movement. Outwardly, it does not change for the better: swelling of the lips, face, dark spots on the face, stretch marks on the abdomen. On these grounds, they conclude that a woman is expecting a girl and she "takes the beauty" from her mother.

It is possible to determine whether a boy or a girl is expected as follows: areolas around the nipple of a dark color indicate pregnancy with a girl. According to the signs, if a pregnant woman has toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, she can hardly bear it, feel bad and constantly has a bad mood, then there will certainly be a girl.

You can determine gender by changing her taste preferences. A pregnant girl has a pronounced craving for sweets, fruits, which was not observed before pregnancy.

Also, if the first movement is felt on the left side of the abdomen, then a girl will be born.

Gender of the child according to signs - boy

Signs suggest that the younger a woman is, the more likely she is to have a son. The frequency of sexual relations between spouses also matters. If before conception they were with a break of several days, then a boy will be born.

You can find out the gender by external signs: if the stomach resembles a cucumber (long and pointed), then there will be a boy. In this case, the stomach is more enlarged on the right. A pregnant woman retains her waist (rear view) even during a long period of pregnancy, but outwardly she blooms, prettier, people say - "pregnancy makes her beautiful."

If the hair on the legs of a pregnant woman grows more intensively and hairs appear on the belly, there will be a boy. If the areolas around the nipple are light in color, and the breasts have not changed their shape, then this indicates a pregnancy with a boy.

According to folklore, if a pregnant woman is constantly freezing and her feet are cold, then a boy will be born. All this also applies to the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. If a pregnant woman does not have toxicosis, and she easily tolerates pregnancy, then she carries a boy. According to observations, a woman expecting the birth of a boy is drawn to meat products, spicy and salty dishes, while the pregnant woman eats a lot and often.

You can find out the sex of the child by the first stir. If the movement is felt on the right, then there will be a boy. Boys also behave more actively and move harder. In addition, sex can be determined by signs such as heartbeat: the boy has a heartbeat of less than 140 per minute.

And also observations indicate that the shorter the time between the birth of children in a woman, the more likely it is that the second child will be of the opposite sex.

These are the most common signs of determining the sex of a child. But believe me, it is not so important to know this as early as possible, the main thing is to love the child who will very soon appear with you from the first days of conception. The very birth of a child is already a great joy and the most significant event in the life of loving parents.

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