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How to organize lighting in a house or apartment. Lighting in modern interior lighting in the interior of the apartment

I will immediately say that I do not do professional lighting design and I am not a specialist in this area. I was always more interested in technical issues in the lighting of premises (lighting calculations,). Although I love beautiful interiors and I can watch the thick glossy magazines on the design of premises, construction and repair with bright color pictures. I especially like magazines with photos of real projects. My favorite magazines of this type are "Majord" and "Beautiful Apartments".

Locking this type of magazines, first of all, I pay attention to how lighting is organized in one way or another. At the same time, somehow imperceptibly for yourself, you begin to notice and clearly realize general trends in the development of home lighting: what lamps and lamps are used, as they are placed, as the illuminated interior looks like in different angles and much more.

Recently, having come true with one young and pretty girl-designer, I came to the conclusion that with all that I enthusiastically outlined her agree, there are certain trends in the lighting of interiors and they have the right to be voiced. Well, and so, how to voice all your thoughts, I can through the site, now I will be engaged in it. I hope you will not stay indifferent, but leave your opinion on this material in the comments! It is very important for me!

So, in this article I want to share with the readers of the site with your observations. What are current trends in the lighting of interiors? How are new ideas implemented? What modern technical solutions apply? What useful we can get, implementing these modern Trends in practice?

Such lamps can be rotated in any direction, while changing the directions of light and getting a new version of the room lighting.

These new technical solutions allow significantly expanding the possibility of using room lighting, since using the same lamps can be obtained both both uniform, and if desired, directional lighting. In addition, track and cable lighting systems make it easy to place lamps without securing them on the ceiling, which is sometimes quite difficult to make indoors with complex ceilings.

During the construction or repair of the room, a small niche is specially organized. It contains vases with flowers, figurines or other decorative objects that are beautifully highlighted on top or bottom.

Due to this, the room appears an additional volume, the space expands, the highlighted niche becomes the focus point and the decoration of the entire room. In addition, with the help of such a niche indoors an additional tier of light appears.

6. Combining various light sources

In addition to all the lighting effects and ease of control of light sources, Dimmers have a few more advantages - they allow you to increase the life of the lamps and save electricity.

9. Using small portable lamps

Popular among the LEDs to use small lamps with a narrow bunch of light. Thanks to them, it is possible to change the atmosphere with the help of lighting in the room almost several times a day and get different light effects.

The main advantage of such lamps is their mobility. They allow you to change or add an existing lighting scheme in a room without global alterations and repairs.

Just making a new source of light and highlighting them, for example, a beautiful wall in the corner of the room, or a big vase, we not only create a new focus of light, but also an additional level of lighting.

True, for the full use of small portable lamps, it is desirable to have many outlets in different places in different places, which would be used as little as possible extension cords for such lamps. And then everything will be beautiful, but you have to constantly stumble about the twisted wires.

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The light is capable of being unrecognizable to transform the same room, creating a mood in it from a romantic soft dusk of the Ladiesky Bouire to spicy, like a surgeon scalpel, dazzling light operating. This phenomenon is actively used in the theater by artists of light, which by lighting change the atmosphere of the scene without replacing the scenery. Successful lighting of the apartment can turn it into a fabulous palace, and unsuccessful ruthlessly exposing her flaws. So, in the story of Zoshchenko, the residents of the communal at the same time, the municipality of their abode was found, which was always hiding dark corners. It took the past times when the choice of light sources began with a lonely chandelier on the ceiling and ended with the floor with a chair and a desk lamp on a desk, today everyone can turn an apartment in a wonderful theater of light and shadows. And if you intend to create an apartment lighting with your own hands, get acquainted with the secrets of design in this area that create miracles.

For lighting in modern interiors of residential premises, the following lighting devices are used:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • halogen and metal halide light sources;
  • lEDs;
  • light cords "Duralight";
  • optical fibers.

The spectrum of incandescent lamps is most comfortable for view, but they only spend about 10% of their power to create light, and the rest is transformed into thermal energy. Therefore, it will always be hot and stuffy both in a photo sealing or television studio to the room with a too large inclination light bulbs.

Fluorescent lamps are not heated, but until recently, they were reluctant to illuminate housing due to noncomfortable bluish-white light, an unpleasant hum and the need for additional launchers for connecting. The current generation of energy-saving fluorescent lamps are free from these shortcomings and they may well be used instead of incandescent lamps.

Halogen and metal halide lamps emit a rather narrow directional beam of light, and therefore are more suitable for illumination of individual zones or highlighting key elements of interior - paintings, sculptural groups, columns, niche, etc.

Using decorative light sources to highlight key elements of the interior - paintings

LEDs are durable, not heated, there are no harmful human infrared and ultraviolet radiation in their very wide spectrum. LED durability 80 times higher than the resource of incandescent lamps. But the LED light statement is not so great to use them in the role of independent light sources, and therefore they use them more often for decorative illumination or as a night light. Light cords "Duralight" are decorative light-based light sources, widely used for the light design of interior elements or in external street lighting.

Optical fibers emit light only from the ends, but removing them over long distances from the main light source and using special nozzles, you can create magic fantastic lighting effects.

Rules and Secrets of Lighting Design

Architects and designers have long used coverage in the interior of an apartment or house in the role of an effective tool for visual correction of unsuccessful geometry of premises.

One of the main rules of design is that the bright light visually expands the space if reflective materials are used in the walls and ceiling. If you need to visually reduce too much room, then the surface shades.

Thanks to the shading of the ceiling and the successful location of local lighting, too large living room looks compact and cozy

Luminaires with directed reflectors visually "lift" too low ceilings. Too high ceiling will seem below if it is sharpened with the direction of light sources directed down.

The competent design of the apartment lighting must necessarily harmoniously combine the source of general lighting, for example, the main chandelier on the ceiling, and lamps of point local lighting. It is very important that lighting management in the apartment in this case ensure independent work of each type or group of lamps.

The competent lighting design of the apartment should harmoniously combine the source of general lighting and dotted local

General lighting of the room may be a bit muted, because its goal is to provide free orientation in the room and the relaxed communication of the inhabitants. The role of local brighter light is coverage of workplaces to which the secretary is related or a desk, a working area in the kitchen, as well as a dining table in a dining room or a living room.

In the bedroom, the overall light is better to do scattered, slightly lowering the height of the ceiling, and the mirrors and bedside tables provide more bright lamps or lamps. If in the interior of the big house, the listed rules for the use of light are advisory, then the coverage of a one-room apartment is often the only tool for zoning is not too large, which simultaneously performs the functions of the living room, the working office, bedrooms, and even the dining room.

Competent lighting as a zoning tool and visual increase in a small studio apartment apartment

In the bathroom, the toilet mirror is typically with additional lamps, and point halogen lamps are performed by the role of overall illumination. But the lighting of the corridor in the apartment must be planned so that there is always the opportunity to include a bright overall light when it is necessary to dress, go, fix the makeup.

Thanks to the harmony of interior design and the correct lighting of a small corridor looks like a spacious Hall

In addition to the utilitarian role, the hallway still performs the presentable feature of the business card of the apartment and that the narrow corridor does not remind the dungeon of the medieval castle using the light, it can be visually expanded and increased. Finally, the coverage of the corridor should be harmonized with the lighting of adjacent rooms: if the living room is brightly lit, and in the hallway include bright upper light and muffle it, if in the next room twilight. All these tasks solve local lamps.

There are no universal recipes with light, everyone chooses the concept of design and illumination of its housing, but in order to avoid mistakes, no one will prevent the illustrated magazines and see how professionals create lighting in the apartment: photos, sketches, illustrations for projects.

In the interior design project, the apartment lighting project is usually carried out in the form of an independent section that takes into account the layout of the rooms, the configuration of the ceiling, the boundaries of floor and ceiling finishing materials, the location of furniture and stationary elements.

Based on plans for ceilings and floors, an apartment lighting plan is developed, noting the types and locations of lighting devices, sockets and switches, both ceiling and wall-mounted - the so-called lighting script.

Power standards and number of lamps

One of the main conditions for comfortable lighting of the residential premises is the correct ratio of power, the number of lighting devices and the illuminated area. Specialists in the field of lighting recommend use for every 5 sq.m. Lighting devices with a total capacity of 60-75 kW.

Thus, you can independently calculate the optimal number of lamps to illuminate each room of your apartment or take advantage of the following recommendations:

  • for one-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b30-40 square meters, no more than eight lamps are required, for example, three ceiling lamps, chandelier, two sconce, floor lamp, table lamp;
  • for a two-bedroom apartment, the optimal set of nine lamps can be represented by the following instruments: two chandeliers, three ceiling lamps, floor lamp, table lamp and two sheds;
  • for a three-room apartment, you will need eleven lamps - you can add chandeliers to a set of devices for a two-bedroom apartment;
  • eleven lamps are needed for a four-room apartment: the previous set can be supplemented with one ceiling lamp and another desktop lamp.

Floor lighting scheme

In accordance with the plan, a detailed lighting scheme is developed, taking into account the schemes of connecting each instrument, their groups, as well as lighting control devices.

Diagram of the control system

In the drawing, take into account the view of each switch with an indication of the number of keys and arrows indicate for which lighting device or instrument group it is intended. For too large rooms, either long corridors can be provided with duplicate switches for the same device, setting them at different points of the room. All wall and ceiling lighting devices in the diagram should be tied with appropriate designations to the wall or the nearest way, door or window.

Similarly, with reference to the nearest walls or openings are placed on the scheme of placement of sockets, switches and other devices involved in the lighting system.

Video lesson about design rules

With the finished project in the hands, you can start the installation of wiring and lighting and lighting and embody, finally, in the material, the results of the designer labor of the designer. But as a reward, your Cinderella Apartment will turn into an excellent princess and life around will play with new fantastic paints.

Properly located light is the key to the fact that your interior will look modern and finished. For any rooms, the light is selected individually, it must complement the overall comfort for tenants. The factors that should be taken into account when creating lighting: the overall purpose of the room, the placement of working areas, the functions performed by the lighting devices. Combined and flexible lighting - the key to the fact that it will be comfortable and convenient for tenants, but the unsuccessful placement of lighting devices will cause discomfort and inconvenience.

Modern lighting of the hallway

Hallway - room, practically devoid of daylight. Here you can apply various light sources, varying their location, based on the planning and square area. You can use chandeliers, point and wall lamps, which can simultaneously serve as a bright decor element.

Mandatory view is only general lighting. It can be muted, because in the hallway, most are limited to minimum functions. If desired, the mirror is illuminated: local lighting, and models with an adjustable direction of light are used. Decorative lighting (illumination of pockets of duplex ceilings or open shelves) is not mandatory, but it is capable of making a room and cozy, and more attractive.

For visual expansion of a small hallway, point lights with a mirror effect can be used, thanks to which the illusion of the larger volume of the room and the height of the ceilings is created. Another spectacular intake will be the backlight on the perimeter of the floor when using suspended furniture.

Modern and extremely convenient admission of illumination of this room will be the use of motion sensors or presence. Adjusting the range of the sensor, you can ensure the automatic inclusion of general or local lighting only at the time of presence in the zone. If an entrance hall in form is a long or M-shaped corridor, then such sensors may be required by several. In the passing frequently used zone, the energy-efficient LED backlight can also be applied, which will allow conveniently moving in the evening.

Comfortable living room lighting

The living room is a room where we love and read lying on the sofa under the knight sound of the TV, and play with the child, and take guests. Usually there are several local areas of different purposes in this multifunction room. In addition to the mandatory and bright main source of lighting, additional lighting elements will be required. This will help you comfortably spend your time. After all, if we love, read, knit or engage in your loved one, then additional lighting is simply necessary.

In the modern living room, all three types of lighting are almost always used:

  • general lighting typically includes a bright central chandelier or spots or several built-in luminaires. Using directional light sources, you can simultaneously solve the task of local illumination of individual zones;
  • zonal lighting allows you to illuminate individual sectors of the room to use them even when the overall light is turned off. As a rule, it is additionally created soft lighting next to upholstered furniture, bright backlight in the occupational zone, scattered muffled backlighting behind the TV (to reduce the visual load), the backlight of the passage zone or arches;
  • decorative lighting is used to create additional effects, both purely aesthetic and psychological. For example, illumination with floor lamps in the corners of the room visually expanding it, bright ceiling lighting makes the room above.

Functional lighting bedroom

In the bedrooms it is necessary to create general lighting and, at a minimum, local backlight in the headboard. In this room, it is customary to use soft lighting. Additional zones can be covered in addition: reading chair, computer and dressing table. It is very convenient when the shelves are illuminated in the cabinets.

In addition to functional lighting, decorative light circuits play a considerable role in the bedroom, allowing you to create a necessary relaxing or romantic mood. You can even come up with several different similar schemes, choosing them by mood. Light decor - the best way to give the same room different style and energy, because At night and in the morning we need a different psychological setting. For decorative lighting, you can use light instruments with different filters, bringing new shades into the room.

Competent lighting of the kitchen

The kitchen is a very important room, especially for women. This work area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment needs good and well-thought-out illumination:

  • the main light is preferably used soft. It is not bad for a lamp with an adjustable direction to illuminate the workplace and a dining table. If the exhaust is not used, then try to choose models that are easy to wash. General lighting can be created both built-in and ceiling lights;
  • separately illuminates the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen: a cutting table, sink, cooking stove. To do this, it is advisable to apply luminescent bright lamps. When choosing lamps, remember that modern energy-saving lamps can shine with cold or warm lights. Buy those that are comfortable for you;
  • it is convenient to use the built-in backlight in lockers, facilitating the search for the desired products or dishes;
  • decorative illumination is created for open shelves with beautiful dishes, in the design of the ceiling, built-in niches and walls;
  • at the same time, decorative function or convenient possibility of orientation in the kitchen in the dark is performed by modern glowing kitchen shelves or mixers with built-in LED backlight.

If you often dine in the living room or dining room, it is convenient to equip the kitchen with a movement sensor so as not to reach the switch when the hands are engaged in a tray with food or serving.

Convenient dining room lighting

More often, the dining room is a separate zone in the kitchen or in the living room than an isolated room, but the principles of illumination are the same for any occasion. In the food reception zone, the lighting is created bright, with a spectrum of sunlight, if you prefer to see incompanied food color. Bright lighting is also required for festive dinners. This goal is the main lighting of the room.

Over the table, it is customary to place the local backlight so that you can have dinner when the total light is disconnected. Try to find a beautiful lamp for this, as the elegant light decor will improve the mood of diners. Long hanging lamps above the table look extremely comfortable. It is also necessary to gently illuminate serving tables if they are in the room. Such a reception will allow the hostess conveniently change the dishes and dishes.

Correct children's lighting

When illuminating this room, you need to take into account many features, because in the children's child rests, actively plays and concentrates. If the child is intended for several children, then it will have to think through the lighting so that one's classes do not interfere with another child.

The main lighting is better to create a bright, but not cutting eyes. Try to create enough soft lighting, placing a ceiling lamp over the game zone. In children, it is convenient to use SPOT to use the light streams to illuminate the zone from different sides, without creating sharp shadow areas in the process of children's games.

The desktop must necessarily have a local backlight, preferably with the adjustable position of the instruments. During operation, the light should illuminate the tabletop on the left. If several children do simultaneously, it is better to buy a desk lamp for everyone.

Next to the bed necessarily the presence of local lamps that will allow you to read or light the room in the dark. In children's for several children, board lamps or sconces above the headboard are desirable to use with a narrow beam of light, so as not to interfere with others sleep.

In the rooms of kids necessarily the presence of night lights. The power of such lamps should be minimal. Most children will gladly perceive the style of the ceiling with a night sky design with luminous asterisks. An alternative to expensive ceiling will be glued fluorescent stickers that can glow several hours.

It is very important to select original lamps for children, special children's models are produced. For teenage rooms, you can find bright non-standard models of ultra-modern design.

Modern bathroom lighting

If the room is small, then you can do with one bright ceiling lamp. However, it is much more convenient to further highlight the mirror so that you can be comfortable to shave or apply makeup. The lighting of the mirror must be scattered, and, much more convenient, the backlight embedded behind the mirror or around it. Remember that all bathroom lamps must be intended for wet rooms, and glass plafones are fat and durable.

Modern bathrooms are very popular decorative lighting, a special style room and incredible comfort to water procedures. Such lighting can be built into a shower cabin or jacuzzi, but you can also create it yourself, using the shelves backlight, embedding the color water lamps in the bathroom, inventing alternative muted lighting for the room.

Built-in LED backlight can be found in the design of ceramic tiles, bath case, mixer or shower nozzle. Such models also contribute to the creation of a unique light decor of bathrooms. Remember that the electrical wiring here is mounted only hidden. It is even better that the cable when installing is laid in addition to protective corrugations. We recommend using wiring for wet rooms in double isolation.

Choosing lamps for a specific purpose, do not forget about the overall style of the room, otherwise even a beautiful model will look ridiculous in the interior. Energy-saving lamps will allow creating complex light circuits without high electricity costs. We also want to recall that there are lamps on batteries with remote control, which will help to quickly solve the issues of lighting the apartment without the need for electrical installation, for example, between repairs.

The very concept of the studio apartment implies a free layout of the room without pronounced partitions. Here, the separation of the zones is manifested rather conditionally. The most common zones are a kitchen and a living room. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, it is possible to release a bedroom and a working office.

When planning a system of lighting a studio apartment, a small area cannot be overloaded with an excessive number of lamps. This will emphasize the closeness of the premises. Light sources should give a sense of confidence that everything is in its places.

Lighting in the apartment of the studio, as well as in another room, is natural and artificial. To achieve the best result, you need to competently combine both of these light sources. At the same time, the lack of the first must be compensated for by the second.


If the windows of the apartment overlook the shadow side and the sun in the room is a rare guest, you should not close the windows with dense curtains. Better to hang a light organza or transparent veil. In addition, the use of dark colors in the interior should be avoided, limiting only in small enclosures in the form of individual accessories.


As for artificial lighting, it must be multi-level to fully cover all the functional zones. There are several unwashed rules for the use of artificial lighting.

  • If the apartment is small, but there is a lot of natural light in it, it should be illuminated evenly.
  • If the dominant tone of the apartment is dark, it is better to divide it into several zones with the help of additional lamps and lamps.
  • A neutral white light must be used as working light.
  • If you want to pay attention to some accents in the interior, use colored lamps and lamps for this.
  • The creation of deep shadow zones in the premises of the studio apartment is not desirable.

There are several types of illumination:

  1. General lighting. The chandelier is often used as the main source. Additional light sources are provided at the expense of ceiling lights, which can be located all over the perimeter of the room, or focused in the center of the ceiling. Luminaires embedded in stretch ceilings are very beautifully looking at the suspended designs from drywall.
  2. Zonal. Such lighting assumes that the group of luminaires is placed on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe room: food reception area, living room, office, recreation area and others. To strengthen the visual effect of separation, various combinations of lighting devices and other light sources are possible. For example, it is possible to effectively separate one zone from another with the help of LED cords. Such tapes can provide explicit or hidden backlight. Soften glow gives devices hidden in ceiling structures in the kitchen headset, under mounted lockers.


It is better not to use the same type of lighting for all zones. In this case, the interior is obtained boring and monotonous. You can designate their functional boundaries with the help of wall scaves, outdoor and desktop lamps. In addition to separation tools, they will also perform a decorative function.

If competently combine various types of lighting, then the apartment will not only be stylish, but also cozy. With successful alternation of various light sources and shadows, you can hide the existing shortcomings and highlight the strengths of the room.


Types of lighting devices

  • Incandescent lamps. Their light is accustomed and comfortable to human eye. But if there will be too many incandescent lamps in a small room, they will heat the air and in the apartment will be stuffy.
  • Fluorescent lamps. They are also called energy saving. The first generation of such lamps was characterized by a sharp bright light irritating vision. However, modern fluorescent lamps have many pleasant eyes of shades, so they may well make competition to incandescent lamps.
  • Halogen lamps. They are characterized by a lack of glow, so they are often used when designing individual elements of the interior. They can very well be placed in various niches, arches, decorative partitions. They are used for target illumination of paintings, photographs, sculptures.
  • LEDs. They are very durable, besides not heated and not harmful to health. However, the light output in such devices is extremely small, therefore it is not necessary to consider them as the main source. In the interior of the studio, they can play the role of the night light or auxiliary illumination of individual elements. Their inappropriate glow can remove the tension after a difficult day, and give vacation eyes.
  • Optical fiber. Light in such devices occurs only from the end side, so they are also used as an additional design. Chandeliers and lamps using multicolored optical fiber threads create a sense of holiday and magic.

The design of the apartment-studio space is somewhat different from the design of the rest of the apartments. Therefore, with a light division of such premises, it is necessary to pay special attention to trifles. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: how many people live in the apartment, what lifestyle they lead, what are the habits, the race of classes in each of them.

If this is a young couple that leads an active lifestyle and in the apartment appears only closer to the night, it is possible that the kitchen area should be made small, highlighting it with halogen lamps.

If this is a family with a child, you should take care of a sleeping space for a child. Near a baby cot you can hang a neur-night night light with a fabulous topics. And from the bedroom of the parents, it can be cut down by a translucent curtain, through which a soft lavety light will break through.

  1. Luminaires must cross the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior and combined in style, creating a common picture of the apartment. At the same time, each of the zones should differ from the rest.
  2. The sleeping area will be appropriate to designate one or more non-lamp luminaires.
  3. Even if the kitchen area is very small, necessarily good lighting of the dining table and cooking zones. At the same time, the luminaires themselves should be positioned so that they do not create a shadow on the working surface.
  4. Decorative backlight may be present at several different levels, ranging from the top lighting of the entire room and ending with point target luminaires in separate zones.
  5. In rooms with low ceiling it is better to use lamps with reflectors. If you send them up, they visually raise the hanging ceiling, giving the room a few additional centimeters of height. And vice versa, if the ceiling is too high, use the plaffones to go down.