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The city where she studied Shota Rustaveli 6 letters. Tamar Tamar and Rustaveli Shota: Romantic Mystery of Georgian history. About "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure"

Who want to be a millionaire? 10/14/17. Questions and answers

The program "Who wants to become a millionaire?"

All questions and answers:

Leonid Yakubovich and Alexander Rosenbaum

Failed amount:200 000 rubles.

1. What is the driver moving long distances call?

· Arrows · scorer · trucker · Sniper

2. What effect, as they say, makes the purchase of an expensive thing?

· Picks on the bass

· beats on his pocket

· Shoots on the wallet

· Slaps on a credit card

3. What is the name of the pig, the hero of the popular cartoon?

· France · Phintik · Fantik · Funtik 4. How ended the slogan of the era of socialism: "The current generation of Soviet people will live ..."?

· Do not trust

· happily ever after

· under communism

· on Mars

5. What, according to the laws of physics, is the lifting force?

· Tower crane hook

· wing of the aircraft

· Wake up alarm clock

· Production growth

6. What is the name of the property warehouse in the military unit?

· Brazier

· Steam

· cappon

· Dryer

7. What part of the ginger is most often used in cooking?

· root

· Stem

8. How many millimeters in a kilometer?

· ten thousand

· one hundred thousand

· million

· ten millions

9. What "broke out" in the bus tickets from the film "Funny Guys"?

· iron

· Paparios

10. Where is the ashes of the American astronomer of Yujina Sumyker?

· on Mars

· Jupiter

· on the moon

· on the ground

11. What pain compared the love of the poet Gerich Heine?

· C header

· Happy lumbar

· with dental

· With phantom

12. What position at the court of Tsaritsa Tamara occupied Shota Rustaveli?

· treasurer

· Court poet

· Chief Vizier

Player win amounted to 200,000 rubles.

Alexander Revva and Vera Brezhnev

Failed amount:200 000 rubles.

1. Where during tea drinking usually put jam?

· in a rosette

· In the plug

· To extension

· In Tee.

2. What are they saying: "Neither the light is nearing"?

· About extinct fire

· about Early Ure.

· About the ending fireworks

· About distilled traffic jams

3. What kind of card suit is often called "hearts"?

· hearts

4. What are the data storage on the Internet?

· clouds

· Fat

· Rainy

· Rainbow

5, the site reports. What was the housing of the heroes of the famous song "Beatles"?

· Blue trolleybus

· yellow Submarine

· Green train

· Last train

6. What was not used for writing in the past?

· Papyrus

· paper

· Parchment

· clay tablets

7. What spider-silver fills his underwater socket?

· Wings of Muh

· Algae

· air bubbles

· Pearls

8. What liquid is usually not poured?

· In retort

· In Burdyuk

· In anchorok

· in tubus

9. What could be able to make a cloak of Dr. Strange - the Hero of Cinema and Comics?

· talk

· Shoot

· Do the owner invisible

· to fly

10. Which of these poems is the smallest of the number of lines?

· katren

· Onegin Stanfa

11. Who is not depicted on the coat of arms of Iceland?

· polar bear

Winning players amounted to 0 rubles.

(End of the XII-beginning of the XIII century) georgian poet and politician

Now it seems incredible that, until the end of the XVIII century, few people knew about the existence of the famous poem "Vepichistkasani" ("Vityaz in Tiger Shkure"). And nevertheless it is. The first negrousine who read the poem was Russian historian and bibliographer Metropolitan Evgeny (Bolchovitinov).

He was so shocked read that he immediately put Rustaveli in one row with Ossian, Roland and the author of the "Words about the regiment of Igor". At the same time, the text readed by them did not resemble the modern publications and translations. He was heavy in style and was only a very approximate translation of the set.

Shota Rustaveli lived and worked in the era, which is rightly called the "golden age" of Georgian culture. At this time, the country was not attacked from the outside and for almost a whole century could calmly develop. In Georgia, monasteries and cities were built, writers and poets created their works, two philosophical academies were opened - Gelati in Colchide and Ikalto in Iberia.

Now we know that Rustaveli came from the genus of the rulers of the Meskhetian settlement Rustavi. In those years, the rule of the ruler The city of Rustavi was a big and well fortified settlement. Apparently, like many other young men of noble families, Shota was educated outside his homeland. Most likely, he went to Constantinople, and then into one of Palestinian monasteries. Currently, it has been proven that Shota Rustaveli has repeatedly visited Palestine and worked for a long time over Greek manuscripts. He spent the big part of his life at the court of Tsaritsa Tamar, which he devoted his poem.

In the time of Shota Rustaveli, the Georgian capital was a real cultural Mecca, where talented people from the whole Christian East were flown. Rustaveli occupied an important government post and for many years accompanied the queen during travels in Georgia. Some scientists even suggest that he was in love with an excellent lady and enjoyed her mutual location.

It was exactly the last circumstance, apparently, and was the reason for the sudden removal of Rustaveli from the court circles, after which he moved to his estate, and then left Georgia at all, heading again to Palestine.

Shota Rustaveli settled in a cross monastery, based on Georgia, in the V century of our era. In his walls, Shota spent quite a long time. It is known that he made significant donations to restore the monastery destroyed after the invasion. When he died, the grateful monks captured his image on the fresco, written on one of the columns of the monastery cathedral. Already in our time, the expedition of Georgian scientists has discovered this fresco and an extensive signature to it. They made a copy from the frescoes and delivered it to Georgia, from where she finally became known how the Rustaveli actually looked. It was a handsome tall man with a clear, open look.

At the heart of his poem lies an ancient-year-old legend of the feats and the adventures of the Knight of Tariela. It fights for the possession of the beautiful princess Nestan-Daredzhan.

Shota Rustaveli knew not only the Georgian folklore well, and therefore his poem is a kind of mosaic from Georgian, Greek and oriental motives. The heartfelt romantic scenes alternate in it with majestic descriptions of battles, and the titanic feats of the heroes are with very realistic descriptions of everyday life. Rustaveli builds a dynamic romantic story, which supports the interest of the reader to the last page of the poem.

The whole world of medieval person is represented in the work. From the magnificently decorated tsarist palace, we transfer to the streets of the Primorsky city, and from the harsh fortress basements, we go out to the expanses of the fields, where hunters are worn with a whistle and guikan.

The poet was much ahead of his time. Shota Rustaveli was cool about the Christian ideology, he even dared to criticize her. Heroes make the phenomena with the planets and worship the Greek gods. But the main thing - no character does not show humility and submission to fate. On the contrary, all heroes are actively fighting with difficulties, overcome them and achieve the goal. Therefore, the circulation of the first printed publication of the poem, which appeared in 1712, was officially recessed in Kura on the decree of the Georgian Patriarch. Nevertheless, today the text of the poem Rustaveli knows almost every resident of Georgia. Immediately after writing, it was distributed not only in the form of handwritten lists, but also in numerous oral retools called Tarieliani.

It should also be emphasized that it was Rustaveli that became a height of the new Georgian literary language, which later became commonplace.

Rustaveli Schot Book is more than just reading. The attitude to her Georgian people is rather reminiscent of the worship of the sacred text. Like the Sacred Scripture, she was given by the young at the wedding and passed the descendants as the most expensive inheritance. The case is known when the Father, displeasing his son, in the sign of the censure, selected the text of the poem donated in childhood.

The poem of Schot Rustaveli is interesting in our days, because it tells about the beautiful, bright and pure love, for which the hero overcomes various difficulties and makes inconceivable feats. It is translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including Russian. Excellent translations belonging

What position at the court of Tsaritsa Tamara occupied Shota Rustaveli?

5 (100%) 1 voice [s]

Today, the third January 2019, on the weekend, we are waiting for another release of the television game "Who wants to become a millionaire."

But since the release is repeated, we decided to publish only the most difficult questions for you for 3.01.2019.

What position at the court of Tsaritsa Tamara occupied Shota Rustaveli?

We are given four options:

  • treasurer
  • court poet
  • chief Vizier
  • ambassador

But let's not hurry and wonder the question in more detail and answer some questions that will be interesting for you.

Who is the Rustaveli Shota

Rustaveli shock (cargo. შოთა რუსთაველი, about 1172-1216) is a Georgian statesman and the poet of the XII century. It is considered the author of the shittomatic epic poem "Vityaz in Tiger Skur" (a transfer option - "Vityaz in the Barca Schur").

From his biography, it is known that he received a good education in Greece, and after training he was adopted in the "state" of Tamar Tamara (1166 - 1213), with which the Golden Age of Georgia is rightfully associated. In her palace, he was entrusted to establish a casal queen. This allowed him everywhere to accompany her and it was not surprising that he was in love with Tamaru, hesitated her (it was possible that it was that he had never been married).

Queen Tamara

Tamara (1166 year-1213) - the queen of Georgia, with the name of which is connected by one of the best periods in the history of Georgia - the "golden age of Georgian history".

There was from the Bagration dynasty and was a daughter George III and Queen Burduchan, the daughter of the Alan Tsar Khudan.

Queen Tamara continued the activities of the King David IV of the builder and contributed to the widespread dissemination of Christianity throughout Georgia, the construction of temples and monasteries.

In Orthodoxy, it is ranked in the saints, in Russian lives is sometimes referred to as Tamara Great.

Meeting Tamara and Rustaveli

The country of the Georgian queen flourished and in a short time became one of the richest powers of that time. About Tamar I francmed legends, they challenged her beauty, generosity and wisdom. Contemporaries called her king ("MEPE"), and not the queen ("Deadopali"). The government built a fortress, roads, ships and schools. She invited the best scientists, poets, philosophers, historians and theologians. So one day the Great Shota Rustaveli arrived in her palace.

Their history begins with this day, but in this article we will not retell it again.

Let's go back to the game issue and answer it.

The correct option is the treasurer. Rustaveli was treasurer.

Hello, dear site readers Sprint-answer. Today, we traditionally continue to replenish new materials to the heading of the responses from Teleigar. Today on the first channel there is another telephone "Who want to be a millionaire?" for October 14, 2017 . Text view of the game, as well as all questions and answers in today's game, you can learn by passing the link above.

In the meantime, we consider the twelfth question, which got the first part of the game: Alexander Rosenbaumu and Leonid Yakubovich. Unfortunately, the players could not give a faithful answer to this question, so he turned out to be the last in their today's game. But they still gone not with empty hands, because the non-governmental amount was won. Failed amount amounted to 200 thousand rubles.

The question was the position of the famous poet, whose name is Shota Rustaveli. The players needed to say what position was held by Shota Rustaveli at the court of Queen Tamara. This is how the question sounds in the original. And the right answer will traditionally be highlighted in blue.

What position at the court of Tsaritsa Tamara occupied Shota Rustaveli?

Shream Rustaveli (Cargo. შოთა რუსთაველი, about 1172-1216) - Georgian State Affairs and Poet of the XII century. It is considered the author of the shittomatic epic poem "Vityaz in Tiger Skur" (a transfer option - "Vityaz in the Barca Schur").

Tamara (1166 year-1213) - Queen of Georgia, with the name of which is connected by one of the best periods in the history of Georgia - the "golden age of Georgian history".

Shota Rustaveli He studied in Greece, then he was a cassener queen Tamara (Found his signature on an act of 1190). It was the time of the political relics of Georgia and the heyday of lyrical poetry with a lush yard of the young queen, with signs of medieval knightly ministry.

Thus, we are already clear which of the answer options is correct.

  • treasurer
  • court poet
  • chief Vizier
  • ambassador

Rustaveli Schota Rustaveli Shota (years of birth and death are unknown), Georgian poet 12th century, author of the poem "Vityaz in Barce Schur" (another name - "Vityaz in Tiger Schucket"). Significant biographical information about R. has been preserved. The main source of information is the prologue of the poem dedicated to the Queen Tamara (Rules 1184-1213) and its co-husband David Soslands. T. about., Poem (not the first work of R.) was created no earlier than the end of the 80s. 12 V. And no later than the 1st decade of the 13th century. It can be assumed that R. was born at the turn of the 60-70s. 12 V. In the prologue, the author of the poem is mentioned twice - Rustaveli (killed), which means "the ruler of the Rustovsky estate" or "Lessa from Rustavi". The name of the poet - Shota is found in iconographic and literary monuments since the 13th century. It is believed that R. was a state treasurer of the queen, restored and painted the Georgian monastery of St. Cross in Jerusalem. On one of the columns of this monastery, fresco was found, on the assumption of scientists depicting R.

"Vityaz ..." is one of the greatest poems of world literature. Her characters are representatives of different peoples (including fictional). Skillfully using the Takes of Scene Masking, R. artistically truthfully depicts the current reality of Georgia. The poem combines two main narratives (Indian - Tariela Line and Nestan-Daredzhan, and Arabic - line of Avtandil and Tinatin). The deep psychological characteristic of heroes, the image of the inner entity of phenomena is the main features of the innovation of R. He created a gallery of living, full, plastic characters; His heroes are selfless, fearless fighters for the celebration of justice and happiness, generalized, typed images of advanced people of feudal Georgia 12 V. The main heroine of the poem, the virtuous and meek Nalatan-Daredzhan covers the spirit of protest when she learns that she is awaiting a marriage for coercion. Stalling tolerates the heroine sharpening in the Cagents fortress, which is a symbol of tyranny, isracy and earth gloom. The struggle of three Vityaze-twigs for liberation Nasal is crowned with victory. The optimistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of justice over arbitrariness, good over evil underlies the poem: a person must hold, he can achieve complete happiness on earth.

Poem R. - Enthusiastic hymn free, earthly, clean and sublime love. The poet rejects the love rudely sensual, carnal carnivorous. The poem pronounced the idea of \u200b\u200bworship before a woman, poetically substantiated the possibility of moral and intellectual equality of a man and a woman.

Some scientists believe that the topic of fraternity and friendship prevails in the poem over the theme of love. However, Rustavevian Vityazh was chosen in the name of the victory and rescue of love. T. about., You can talk about equality in the poem of the two topics.

The poem is penetrated by the idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism. The political ideal R. is the united, strong, unique state led by the enlightened and humane king. The poet condemns the feudal seizures and separatist aspirations of nobility, appreciates life a reasonable, worthy of a noble person. His heroes are not afraid of death. The poet is storming shame of lzhetsy, unwealted mountain-warriors, pile trips and traitors, oaths, lets and hypocrites. He extols the knightly valor and courage, courage and daring.

One of the first in world literature R. drew a colorful realistic picture of a merchant life, opposing it to the idealized life of the Kituzno-Knight's society.

"Vityaz ...", undoubtedly, has some similarity with the Western European knight's novels and with the eastern epics and romantic poems of the Middle Ages, but in general R. went on an independent way. The great humanist, he, in opposition to church-ascetic morality, proclaims the freedom of personality, freedom of thought and feelings, tasty for human life, not predetermined by Divine Providence, Rock. R. embodied the ideals and aspirations of his people, but he is alien to national limitations. The world of his ideas has a universal value. His fretsity of the poet anticipated the humanistic ideas of early revival.

Having absorbed the wealth of ancient-German written culture and at the same time following the best folklore traditions, R. developed and raised to a large height of Georgian poetry as a whole. The poem is written with elegant, easy, musical vehicles shairi.. R. - legislator and unsurpassed master of this verse. For poetic speech R. characteristic metaphoricity and aphoristic. Lyrical preludes, epistolia, without violating the dynamics of action, framely framed the plot and revitalize the story. R. - The Initial Border of the New Georgian Literary Language.

There are more than 50 publications of the poem in Georgian. 1st ed. Edited and with comments Vakhtang VI entered Tbilisi in 1712. The poem was translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR and foreign languages. There are 5 full translations of the poem into Russian (K. D. Balmont, P. A. Petrenko, Tsagarel, S. Nutsubidze, N. A. Zabolotsky). The name R. was assigned to the Georgian Drama Theater, theatrical Institute in Tbilisi, the Research Institute of Georgian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.

Lit.: Marr N., Entrance and Final Stanza "Vityaz in Barce Skin" Schots from Rustava, St. Petersburg, 1910; His, about the origins of the creativity of Rustaveli and his poem, TB., 1964; Verkov P., Shota Rustaveli in Russian literature, "Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. UN, 1938, №3; Goltsev V., Shota Rustaveli, 2 ed., M., 1956; Nutsubidze Sh., Creativity Rustaveli, TB., 1958; Orbel I., Rustaveli Heroes and their subjects, election. Proceedings, EP., 1963: Baramidze A., Shota Rustaveli, M., 1966; Tsaishvili S., "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" Shota Rustaveli, M., 1966; Samarin R., Rustaveli poem and the world literary process of the XII-XIII centuries, "Literary Georgia", 1967, No. 3; Shishmarev V., Shota Rustaveli, in his book: Select. Art., L., 1972: Konrad N., "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" and the question of Renaissance romanticism, in his book: West and East. Articles, 2 ed., M., 1972.

A. G. Baramidze.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

Watch what is "Rustaveli Shota" in other dictionaries:

    Shota Rustaveli შოთა რუსთაველი "Shota Rustaveli", Fleier, Paris, 1852 Year Date of Birth: OK. 1172 Date of death: OK. 1216 Business: Georgian State Affairs and Poet of the XII century ... Wikipedia

    Rustaveli, Shota - Shota Rustaveli. Rustaveli Shota, Georgian poet 12 V. He was a state treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", which entered the treasury of world literature. Anticipated humanistic ideas of early revival. ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Rustaveli (Shota) Family Georgian poet of the XII century. Biographical information about it is scarce and legendary. His name, Shota, Abbreviated from Ashot, is not found in the Christian saints. Rustaveli's nickname Poet received at his place of birth in ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (OK. 1172 OK. 1216) Georgian poet. He held the position of state treasurer Queen Tamara. He was the attitude of the new Georgian literary language. Among the works of the poem, Vityaz in tiger skins. Aphorisms, quotes every mischief ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Georgian poet 12 V. He was a state treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem is Vityaz in Tiger Shkure, who entered the treasury of world literature. Anticipated the humanistic ideas of early revival. Proclaimed the freedom of personality, felt ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Georgian poet XII century. He was a state treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", which entered the treasury of world literature. Anticipated the humanistic ideas of early revival. Proclaimed the freedom of personality, felt ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Rustaveli Schota - Georgian poet 12 V. There was a state. Treasurer Tsaritsa Tamara, restored and painted the cargo. Monasteryers, Cross in Jerusalem. Poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure". First ed. (Ed. And with Comm, Vakhtanga VI) came out in 1712. ■ Per. K. D. Balmont (M., ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Name. The name of the unless.; born. And the death of unfortunately.) - Cargo. poet xi in. PS. Rustaveli indicates the place of birth of the poet - Rustavi. There was a state. Treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", which was in the Treasury of World Lithuan. ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary of pseudonyms

    Shota Rustaveli შოთა რუსთაველი "Shota Rustaveli", Fleier, Paris, 1852 Year Date of Birth: OK. 1172 Date of death: OK. 1216 Business: Georgian State Affairs and Poet of the XII century ... Wikipedia


  • Vepichistkasani. Vityaz in tiger skins. Genuine story, Rustaveli Shota. This publication contains prosaic substitution transfer of the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vepichistkasani" ("Vityaz in Tiger Skin"). It is such a flow of the famous text, but, in fact, not ...