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Tablets from herpes last generation and their analogues. What is the difference between Famvir and Valvir? Acyclovir or Famvir what is better

The drug may contain 125, 250 or 500 mg of Famciclovir, as well as additional components. For example, sodium starch is glycol in the amount of 8.26, 16.52, 27.35 mg and hydroxylized cellulose - 3.86, 7.73, 15, 48 bind components of the main substance and thus attach Tablet shape. But the anhydrous lactose (26.85, 53.69) contributes to the supply of material to generate energy even before the start of splitting of the main substance.

Thus, all the necessary processes are activated for better absorption of the drug. Magnia Stearat also participates in many oxidative processes, therefore its amount is 1.24, 2, 48 and 4.1 mg in a tablet. The drug of the drug is made of gimphrosis (from 2.42 to 8.01 mg), titanium Dioxide (from 1 to 3.28 g), as well as the composition includes polyethylene glycol 4000 to 1.

2 mg and polyethylene glycol 6000.Famcyclovir refers to the group of antiviral drugs. When entering the body quickly turns into a penciclovir. This metabolite is very active in relation to all viral particles, including VARICELLA ZOSTER, causing the development of a liner, as well as herpes 1 and 2 types (labile and genital herpes).

It is necessary to emphasize that the Famciclovir has a positive therapeutic effect in the presence of a cytomegalovirus infection, as well as when infected with the epstein virus bar. Viral thymidicinase helps the Penciclikovir in the cell infected with the virus, pass a series of transforms to monophosphate. Under the action of cell enzymes, monophosphate quickly turns into an active metabolite - trifhosphate, which "works" in a cell about 12 hours.

Throughout this time, the trifhosphate suppresses replication (division) of viral DNA, which in turn blocks the development of new symptoms of the disease, as well as contributes to the gradual extinction of existing ones. Famciclovir does not have a destructive effect on healthy cells of the body. The fact is that the maximum penetration of the drug contributes to the virus particles, respectively, in uninfected cells, the amount of penciclovir does not exceed the minimum allowable, which does not have a negative effect on the cell.

Some time ago, scientists found out that there are herpes virus strains 1 and 2 types with a modified DNA structure that are insensitive to antiviral drugs such as acyclovir. So, the Famvir "calculates" even the modified viral DNA, thereby eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Carefulness of patients with herpes infection is sooner or later with the problem of resistance (sustainability) to antiviral bands.

It should be noted that the new generation (Famvir) allows the possibility of resistance only in 0.3% of patients with an active immune system and 0.19% of people with depressed immunity. It should be noted that all patients participating in clinical trials, insensitivity to Famvira developed at the beginning of treatment, but the data on the development of resistance after therapy or during it was not received.

Famvir: Pharmacokinetics

When taking inside, the Famvir quickly splits and absorbed into the blood. The maximum bioavailability of the drug after receiving Famvira is 77%. 45 minutes after receiving a drug, the amount of blood in the blood is 0.8 mg / ml when taking 125 mg of Famciclovir, and 1.6mg and 3.3 mg / ml when taking 250 and 500 mg, respectively. These indicators indicate that after 45 minutes, the medicine begins to have a positive effect on the body.

Rules for treating herpes pills

Herpes is a chronic disease. It is not amenable to complete curable. Therefore, preparations during herpes are selected in such a way as to achieve several goals at once:

  • suppress the activity of the gerpervirus;
  • restore the immune system;
  • eliminate symptoms of the disease, including skin manifestations.

The reception of all antichetic drugs is necessarily combined with medicines, the action of which is aimed at restoring immunity. In addition, it is necessary to use preparations for the treatment of herpes at the first manifestations of pathology. This approach allows you to quickly cope with this problem, avoiding the development of complications. Antiviral treatment at the initial stages of herpes warns the spread of infection on healthy cells. As a result, the rash is localized in a strictly defined zone and quickly disappears.

All drugs that are produced in tablets cannot be taken longer than the deadline and over the prescribed dosage. The course of treatment is an average of 1-2 weeks. If necessary, the duration of therapy with tablets can be increased.

For severe cases of herpes (if recurrences occur more than six times a year, there is a lot of ulcers and they affect other parts of the body, in addition to the lips), the doctor can prescribe antiviral drugs in tablets.


Acyclovir works well against herpes, but the virus itself does not destroy. Tablets are prescribed in the case of severe stomatitis caused by herpes virus. True, over time, many herpes strains have become resistant to acyclovir.


Valcyclovir is an acyclovir ester, it is used if bubbles and ulcers appeared on mucous membranes and with herpes slouching.


The Famciclovir is a derivative of Penciclovir, however, unlike his "parent", it is better absorbed by the body. Famvir from other anticheric drugs is distinguished by a prolonged action - its molecules are delayed in a cell to 12 hours.

These funds will not help with herpes on the lips, but are able to reduce discomfort for the disease.


Ensure pain, lowers the temperature, has a weak anti-inflammatory effect.


Removes inflammation, reduces pain, has a weak antipyretic effect.


It has an antiseptic effect. This means the mouth with a herpes gingivostomatite caused by herpes.


Facilities for external use based on lidocaine have a local anesthetic effect.

Alginic acid salts, xylitol, guanin connections. This gel removes inflammation, helps fabric regenerate, relieves pain and itching.

Active substance Name of the drug Dosage form Manufacturer Price
Paracetamol Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferoralgan Pills Germany, Russia, Switzerland From 17 rubles.
Ibuprofen. Nurofen, MiG-400, Ibuprofen-Hemofarm, Faspik Pills Russia, Italy, Serbia, Germany From 100 rubles.
Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine, Curasept, Dentide Liquid Russia, Spain, Switzerland From 100 rubles.
Lidocaine Camistad. Gel Germany 254 rub.
Alginic acid salts, xylitol, Guanin connections Herpenox Gel Russia 171 rub.

Or you can use the domestic tool - ice cube. Wrap the ice cube into the napkin and attach to the affected place. After use, the napkin needs to immediately throw out.

Modern pharmaceuticals includes a wide selection of anticheric drugs. However, not all of them are popular - there are several most common and well-known means.


Antiviral tablets manufactured by 10 and 20 pieces of dosage 200 and 400 mg under the names of acyclovir, acrycovir acry, zovirax, cyclovir, vivorax and others. Approximate price for the drug 200 mg - 35-60 r., 400 mg - 150-200 p.

It is used against herpes virus 1 and 2 types of 5-10 days as standard dosage (800-1000 mg / day) and with an increase in dose with a zoster infection (2000 mg / day) and Epstein-Barra. Take tablets need after eating with plenty of water for picking.

The drug is available only in this form - ointments, ampoules and other similar means with valaciclovir. The testimony for use is the same infections as in ordinary acyclovir: according to the properties of Valtares, it is not different from it. However, there are several advantages in comparison with the effectiveness and speed of the first drug:

Tablets Famvir are produced in the three dosages of Famciclovir - 125, 25 and 500 mg. Packaging may be 7, 10, 14, 20, 21, 28, 30 and 40 pieces. In the body, the drug is not transformed into acyclovir as Valtarex, but in the Penciclovir. However, its action is aimed at combating the same herpes viruses.

To the advantages of this antiviral agent:

  • electoral activity (no healthy cells act);
  • suppression of acyclovir resistant strains of herpes;
  • improving the state with postherpetic neuralgia (after linguing);

The lack of Famvira is a high price. Behind the packaging of the drug will have to give from 1200 to 4500 p., Depending on the number of tablets and the manufacturer's brand.

The Famciclovir is most often prescribed with herpes 3 types and ophthalmokerpes, since it is most effective against him. The dosage is 250 mg 3 times a day or 500-750 - 2 times during the week or 10 days. With a simple herpes (labial or genital), it is enough to receive 250 mg three times 5 days. Recurrements are treated with 125 mg dosage.


These tablets consist of a low-dimuar inductor interferon - that is, they contribute to greater activity of the immune system. How does the drug differ from the above?

  1. This is not a separate antiviral agent, but an immunomodulator.
  2. The action of cycloferon is aimed at improving the work of natural protection of the body so that it herself struggles with herpes infection.
  3. The properties of tablets include anti-inflammatory.
  4. In the treatment of herpes, the drug must be taken according to a special scheme: 4 tablets per day 2 days in a row, then 3 times a day and finally, another 5 times every 3 days.
  5. The drug can be appointed for children from 4 years.

A drug is produced at 10 and 50 pieces in the package. The estimated cost of 10 tablets - 160-200 p. , 50 - 750-900 p.

It is important to remember that in case of thyroid disease, the reception of cycloferon can cause complications. The course of treatment in such cases should be carried out under the control of the attending physician.


AMICSIN tablets act similarly to the cycloferon - stimulate the work of immunity. However, the active ingredient in them is other - Tilaxin. The drug is produced in the dosage of 60 and 125 mg, in packing 6, 10 or 20 pieces. On average, 10 tablets 60 mg need to pay 450-600 p., 125 mg - 800-900 p.

The drug of domestic production is very popular in Russian clinics. Effectively suppresses the activity of herpes virus, enhances the production of antibodies to it.

Take the drug you need to eat. Treatment diagram for adults: 2 days in a row 1 tablet 125 mg, then 8-18 tablets every other day. Children are prescribed only to achieve 7 years of age, but pregnant AMICSIN is contraindicated completely.

Traditionally, cycloferon, and amosix are prescribed in a complex with antiviral tablets acyclovir, phambyclovir and others. Combined treatment gives a much better result and reliably prevents recurrences.


Almost any medicine against herpes on the lips is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. An important role is also played by the individual intolerance to individual components of drugs. Independent treatment is not recommended, before starting the course of reception, the tablets should contact the appropriate specialist.

For herpes prophylaxis on the lips of the tablet from the antiviral group are taken in reduced dosages. Such preventive measures are particularly recommended by people with weakened immunity, as well as during the treatment of colds.


- The lesion of the herpes virus 1 and 2 types (labial manifestations, genital rashes, damage to internal organs and conjunctivities of the eye) - cytomegalovirus infection of the urinary tract - separation of the ebestein virus of the bar-papilloma of an anogenital region- for prophylaxis for various cosmetic interventions with skin damage (such like contour plastic, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, micronidling, permanent makeup, laser grinding, median chemical peeling) - Herpes Zoster - as a means of preventing herpes infection during remission - in complex therapy in HIV infection, as well as The presence of a combined lesion of the urinary tract (chlamydia ureaplasmosis, micoloplasmosis trichomoniasis).

The intolerance of the Famciclovir (its metabolites) or any other component of the drug. The best does not take the drug during pregnancy, because In this group, research patients were not conducted.


These effective pills from herpes have a narrow-controlled effect on the virus. "Acyclovir" does not affect internal organs, tissues and cells. It is prescribed for various forms of pathology. "Acyclovir" during herpes in tablets is the cheapest and affordable drug that can quickly eliminate rashes on the body and genitalia. The substance in them, penetrating into the human body, is embedded in the structure of the DNA of the virus and prevents its replication.

In addition to the specified Acyclovir, the drug allows us to achieve the following results:

  • prevent the development of rash on the body;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • reduce the likelihood of the development of complications (including damage to internal organs);
  • remove pain.

Conduct therapy of the symptoms of the "acyclovir" manufacturers recommended during the period that determines the attending physician. Despite the fact that this drug is considered one of the best tablets, with time the virus produces resistance (resistance) to it. Therefore, the subsequent reception of antiviral drugs will not have a proper impact on the body.

"Acyclovir" in the dosage of 800-1000 mg day is prescribed with a simple herpes, with a zoster infection 2000 mg of a day. For the prevention of the disease, take the drug 3 tablets per day for one week.

Acyclovir in tablets is contraindicated:

  • persons with individual intolerances;
  • pregnant and women during lactation.

Instead of "aciclovir" appoint "Valtareks". It is recommended:

  • with all types of gerpervirus;
  • when recurring the disease;
  • for the prevention of herpetic rashes.

Valtrex tablets in the treatment of diseases, unlike the "acyclovir", less aggressively affects the body. However, both drugs allow us to achieve similar results. The composition of Valtxix includes valacyclovir. After penetration, the component is transformed into acyclovir. Therefore, the effect of the action of this drug is similar to the results, which can achieve the Acyclovir tablets.


The newest medicine helps when the virus mutated and gained resistance to the action of traditional anticheric drugs. "Foscarnet" is prescribed in severe cases, with complications in patients with weakened immunity.

"Foscarnet" is a drug that affects the disease at the DNA level.

The strongest substance in the composition (sodium phoscar) penetrates into an infected cell and binds the pathogen DNA polymerase, which disrupts the viral breeding chain. The most complete action applies to type II and II, which mutated species. The drug is treated herpes on the lips, in the nose, on the genitals, hailing.

Produced in the form of local 3% oats and solutions for droppers. Contraindicated pregnant, nursing mothers, newborn, allergies, patients with renal failure.


This best drug is effective against the VSP I type virus, Zoster, Viocella and Combinations. Before appointment, a test test is performed to the main component. Produced in the form of tablets.


  • the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • selectivity;
  • appointed to children.


Allomyzza creates a protective film from the secondary infection and further spread of the virus.

Available in the form of a gel for local treatment of skin and mucous membranes. Acts directly in the focus of inflammation, creating a protective film from the penetration of secondary infection and to block the spread of the virus. The most fast effect is achieved when used with the advent of the first symptoms. With regular application on rashes, recovery occurs after 3-6 days.

  • knips inflammation;
  • removes swelling;
  • eliminates itching and burning.


  • selectivity to the labial, genital, guessing herpes;
  • minimizing the number of relapses to a minimum.


Inhavirin struggles with skin inflammation and blocks the spread of the virus.

The effectiveness of the drug is manifested:

  • suppressing the ability of the virus to reproduce at the stage of the nuclear phase;
  • activation of interferon synthesis;
  • fight with inflammation.

It is proposed in the form of capsuated tablets in two dosages - 90 and 60 mg of the active component (vitaglutam). It is recommended for receiving with the advent of the first signs of illness, but better - no later than 36 hours.

After admission, allergic reactions may occur, which is rare. This is a strong agent contraindicated pregnant, children under 18, with hypersensitivity. When lactation, treatment is possible only after the cessation of breastfeeding.

The assortment of tablet money is very large, and choose from several criteria. Preparations that include valacyclovir as an inactive form relate to the means of a new generation and are considered safer for humans (although their cost is much more expensive). Regardless of the selected drug, it is worth remembering only one thing - it should be accepted in accordance with those recommendations, which gave the attending physician.

Tablets are not always appointed, the specialist can register them in such situations:

  • primary infection flowing in severe form, or cases of frequent recurrences of viral activity (more often than 3-4 times during the year);
  • prevention of herpetic ailments in patients with immunodeficial patients;
  • non-standard localization of herpetic rashes.

On average, the treatment lasts for 5 days, and during the day the patient is about 1000-1200 mg of the active drug component, broken into several techniques. In certain situations, the dosage can be doubled. But it is worth noting that each of the drugs has its own features of the reception. For example, valciclovir-based funds are usually recommended only 125 mg twice a day for 5 days. Tablets swallowed entirely, just floating with clean water, usually regardless of meals.

Any medicine against herpes in pills should be taken in the doses specified by the doctor. The specifics of the tablets are precisely the fact that it is a means for the treatment of heavy forms of herpes. If herpes is not as dangerous to show his doctor, then the pills to appoint themselves and then do not need to drink them.

So, the pills from herpes are sometimes assigned in the following situations:

  1. Primary infection or recurrence of genital herpes, including in the maternity hospital;
  2. Treatment of herpes skewers;
  3. Prevention of herpes virus infections in patients with immunodeficials;
  4. Herpes heavy leakage on the face with the damage to large areas of the skin;
  5. Non-standard localization of rashes with a simple herpes - herpetic stomatitis, panarium, sicosis;
  6. As well as too frequent recurrences of infections caused by a variety of herpes, more often than 3-4 times a year.

Herpes treatment with acyclovir usually lasts 5 days. During this time, the patient takes a drug for 200 mg 5-6 times every day. It is possible to increase the one-time dose to 400-500 mg with a reduction in the number of receptions. In severe cases and in primary infections, the doctor can extend the course of treatment.

  • Tablets Valtarex and Vairova are accepted with infections caused by a variece virus, 2 times a day for 5 days. Dosage tablets - 500 mg. With a hay herpes, the dosage rises to 1000 mg, and the multiplicity is up to three times a day, the duration of treatment is up to the week.
  • Famciclovir-based tablets are prescribed to receive 500 mg 3 times a day for a week with a shingle of delay and 125 mg twice a day for 5 days - during the viruses of simple herpes.
  • In cases of pregnancy, the presence in patient disorders of the kidney function, immunodeficiency states or complicated herpesvirus dose infections, a chart and duration of reception of tablets, the doctor appoints individually.

Children pills against herpes are prescribed only in cases where the disease threatens life or with a high probability can lead to disability. Such cases refers to the treatment of herpes in HIV-positive children, as well as after organ transplantation and upon receipt of immunosuppressors. In other cases, the use of these funds in children is not justified.

The use of interferon inductors and means of this protein is justified only in cases of severe herpetic infections. The course of antiviral therapy in such situations is sometimes complemented by cycloferon, neovir and some other drugs. Only a doctor should appoint them.

A course of treatment

When herpes, two types of tablets are used on the lip: antiviral and immunotherapeutic action.

Antiviral drugs:

  • Acyclovir (plates of 10 and 20 pieces dosage 200 or 400 mg). The drug acyclovir during herpes on the lips is one of the most popular, efficient and well-proven in the market. Apply the drug within 10 days 5 times a day. The drug has such strengths:
    • low cost at sufficiently high efficiency;
    • there is no contraindications when taking pregnant and children;
    • very well tolerated by the body and rarely causes side effects.
  • Valtrex (plates of 10 and 42 pieces of 500 mg dosage). This drug is produced only in the form of tablets. The reception rate is designed for 5 days, apply the drug 2 times a day. From its disadvantages, it is possible to allocate a very high cost, however, the list of advantages compensates for this fact:
    • smaller frequency of use;
    • the effect is twice as fast;
    • valtarex tablets for herpes - a great way to prevent the disease to a healthy person.
  • Famvir (the amount in the package varies from 7 to 40 pieces, dosage: 125, 250 and 500 mg). The course of treatment with the drug - 7 days, twice a day at 500 mg. Expensive antiviral remedy with a number of noticeable advantages:
    • the effect of the drug does not apply to healthy cells;
    • suppresses herpesvirus strains, which are resistant to acyclovir;
    • maximum prevents recurrence (when receiving 125 mg of the drug per day).
  • Alpizarine (10 and 30 tablets of 100 mg). The drug for the rapid treatment of herpes on the lips of plant origin:
    • quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • the overdose of this drug was not fixed;
    • inhibit the reproduction of the virus.
  • Zovirax (plates of 5 tablets of 200 mg). Effective tool for treating herpes on lips, especially at the first stages of this disease. This drug is also often used as prophylactic.
  • Vivorax (10 tablets of 200 mg). The drug, which previously proven itself in the form of ointments, is currently produced in tablets.
  • Prajevran (dosage 200, 400 and 800 mg of 25 and 35 pieces per pack). Good prophylactic agent and antiviral on the initial stages of herpes on the lips.
  • Valvir (10 tablets of 500 mg). The action applies to 6 types of herpesvirus of a person at all stages of the disease. The price of these pills from herpes on the lips is acceptable for all segments of the population.
  • Remantadine (20 tablets of 50 mg per pack). A cheap drug is well absorbed and easily portable. In addition to adults, recommended for children from 7 years of age.
  • Minker (dosage tablets 125, 250 and 500 mg). In the body is transformed into the Penciclovir, stops the spread of the virus in the body. Contraindicated people with renal failure.
  • Acylostad (dosage 200, 400 and 800 mg). Acyclovir derivative means that can be used from 2 years of age without the risk of side effects and severe complications.


  • Cycloferon (10 or 50 tablets of 150 mg per pack). Before drinking acyclovir during herpes on the lip, it is recommended to strengthen the protective functions of the body. It is this drug that gives the best result in this process. Also, the medicine has both an antiviral effect. The method of application is specific: the first two days - 4 tablets, then 3 - after a day, after which every 3 day 5 tablets.
  • Amixin (Packaging 6, 10 and 20 pieces, dosage 60 and 125 mg). This drug accelerates the production of antibodies to the virus, and also well suppresses it.
  • Isoprosine (package of 10 tablets of 500 mg). Powerful tool when receiving which you can abandon antiviral drugs. The component of the tablets - InosinePranobex - perfectly copes with painful sensations at any stage of the disease.
  • Galavit (5 bottles of 100 mg). Effective remedy for the first manifestations of herpes on the lips. Removes swelling, reduces itching and prevents the inflammatory process.
  • Lavomax (10 tablets of 125 mg). Expensive effective means. It has a high degree of binding with proteins and a short period of output from the human body with feces and urine.

The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the complexity of the situation and how early therapy has begun. So, with proper use, starting from the very first symptoms of illness, you can get rid of signs of recurrence in one day.

If bubbles have already been formed, you will have to undergo the therapy longer until their disappearance.

The dosing mode of the drug is divided into 2 groups. Patients with active and a weakened immune system should receive different amounts of the drug posutochno.Zabolevanie patients with a normal immune system, patients with impaired immunitetomInfektsii caused by the virus Varicella zoster 250 mg dose 3 times a day or 500 mg 2 times a day, morning and evening for 7 days.

With eye damage, the necessary daily dose of the drug is 1500 mg, which should be divided into 3 receptions. It is necessary to take the drug for 10 days at 500 mg 3 times a day. Infections caused by the Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2 virus in the first 2-3 days after the start of manifestations, it is necessary to start receiving a means of 250 mg 3 times a day for 5 days.

If this is a relapse of infection, then it is necessary to take 125 mg of the drug 2 times a day for 5 days. Within 7 days, 500 mg 2 times a day. It is enough to take a medicine for 250 mg 2 times a day for 10 days. After carrying out suppressive therapy 250 mg 2 times a day long, it is recommended to take a break. Such a course of treatment must be discussed with the attending physician.

How to act anthernetic pills

For the treatment of herpes virus, Zovirax is often used. It is produced in the form:

  • ointments;
  • injectable solutions;
  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • rectal candles.

The latter by appointing children in the best way affect the child's body, suppressing gerpervirus. All the above preparations against herpes are based on an acyclovir substance. Zovirax recommended for treatment:

  • simple herpes;
  • linguing;
  • recurrent form of the disease;
  • complicated pathology.

Drugs like "Zovirax" are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency for the prevention of pathology. These effective drugs are accepted for one week. For the treatment of herpes of the first or second types of "Zovirax" is prescribed only in the form of ointments. During the day, the drug must be applied to a problem zone up to 5 times.


Tablets from herpes is a whole group of funds that are used for disease therapy in different localization. To date, their pharmacological market offers a great deal, although it is fair to note that none of the current tool is not able to completely eradicate the virus - this is due to the fact that the agent lives inside nerve cells.

Receiving tablets works according to such a scheme:

  • finding into the stomach, they dissolve, and the active component is quickly released, penetrating into the overall bloodstream;
  • next, the agent penetrates into the affected cells, where blocks the replication of the virus, that is, it disrupts its ability to multiply and spread through other cells.

The main group of drugs against herpes, which has proven effective, is relatively small, it provides four similar in its action nucleoside - acyclovir, penciclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir. The bulk of drugs of all forms has one of the listed substances as an active ingredient. At the same time, the latter for the component is inactive, that is, they are activated only when penetrating into the digestive tract, where they are transformed into an active form: the valacyclovir - to the acyclovir, and the Famciclovir in the pencionicovir. All of them block the synthesis of DNA at the breeding virus, but they do not affect the inactive pathogen.

Depending on the characteristics of the composition, the pills from herpes can be classified not only by active substance, but also by properties. So, drugs can be used:

  • the tool may be positioned as a narrow-controlled anti-chemical (this is an acyclovir, zovirax, valtarex);
  • means from herpes with immunomodulatory effect (Anaferon, Galavit, etc.);
  • interferon preparations can also be used, but their ability to suppress the activity of herpes virus in some experts causes serious doubts (Referon);
  • tablets that stimulate their own interferon products in the patient's body. Such an action allows to strengthen the intensity of the immune response of the body on the development of a herpetic pathogen (arbidol, lavelomax, cycloferon).

Preparations for combating the problem under consideration are diverse, although their groups on the active component can be distinguished, since this component is repeated. However, each remedy shows itself as an effective drug, so it deserves separate attention when choosing the actual situation in a particular situation. Therefore, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of the most effective pharmacological products used within the framework of herpes therapy.

The antiviral remedy based on valciclovir hydrochloride is realized in the form of tablets with a concentration of 500 mg active substance in each. This drug is used for therapy of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, including the genital and labal shape of herpes. After receiving the tablets, the active component is quickly sucks from the digestive tract, and is excreted from the body in 6 hours.

The drug is produced in a tablet form and has a substance as an active ingredient with a similar name. It is proposed to patients in various dosages - 125, 250 and 500 mg. After ingestion component transformed into penciclovir, which has a relative severity of herpes simplex virus first and second types, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr and herpes zoster, and against which is applied.

Means comes in a large variety of pharmaceutical forms: capsules, tablets, suspension, injectable solution, cream, ointment, eye ointment and separately, thus, can be used and for external application and for oral administration. The main component of all forms is the Acyclovir substance. The field of exposure to the drug: flattening, simple and genital herpes, and both primary and seriously flowing and recurrent. With this product, it is often carried out preventing the development of infection in patients who have impaired immune plan.


The influence of this component on the herpes virus is made due to the substance called the Valcyclovir. It is proposed to patients in different dosages in the form of tablets covered with a shell. The tool is used as a tool of herpes therapy, depriving, as well as a preventive product to prevent the development of herpes and cytomegalovirus. Depending on the situation with which a person faced, a certain dosage is assigned. So, with a simple herpes, it will be enough to take on one tablet (500 mg) twice a day for 5 days.

The preparation under consideration has an active active substance in its composition, which ensures its action. The acyclovir has a standard list of antiviral activity: herpes of the first and second type, cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr and deprive. The diagram of the influence on the cells is also standard - suppressing the replication of the DNA of the viral element. The reception scheme is determined by an existing problem.


This tool is analogous to the previously reviewed phambyclovir and has the same active substance, as well as similar dosages. After penetration into the body, the components of the composition of the funds are transformed and attacking the affected cells, suppressing the replication of the virus DNA. Dosages and the duration of the course are defined individually, however, there are general recommendations.


Anaferon is a very popular drug today, as it combines an antiviral, immunostimulating, immunomodulatory effect, as well as a good combination with other medicines. Use it for therapy of all types of herpetic virus. When activating, problems take 8 tablets per day for the first three days, and after another two weeks of 4 tablets per day. The prevention of relapses implies the use of only one tablet per day, but for 6 months.


Antiviral tablets produced by 10 and 20 dosage units 200 and 400 mg of acyclovir under the names, Acre acyclovir, Zovirax, Tsiklovir, Vivoraks and others. Approximate price for the drug 200 mg - 35-60 r., 400 mg - 150-200 p.

It is used against herpes virus 1 and 2 types of 5-10 days as standard dosage (800-1000 mg / day) and with an increase in dose with a zoster infection (2000 mg / day) and Epstein-Barra.

Take tablets need after eating with plenty of water for picking.

The main advantages of acyclovir:

  1. This is the only drug from this group of drugs whose tablets can be appointed pregnant and children.
  2. The most common and well-known - its effectiveness was confirmed by many years before the development of other means.
  3. Classic acyclovir (except for produced by individual firms) is the cheapest and affordable drug from all anti-chemicals.

The disadvantages of these tablets include only low efficiency during herpes 7 and 8 types and a weak impact on Epstein-Barra virus. For the treatment of these diseases, other drugs are prescribed.

Valtrex tablets consist of 500 mg of valacticlovir - another form of acyclovir, better as a digestible organism. Packaging can be 10 or 42 pieces.

  1. Valciclovir is more convenient to take - 500 mg twice a day, regardless of the time of food intake, while the acyclovir needs to drink 4-5 times daily.
  2. The drug is better absorbed by the body and gives faster results - up to 5 days when the aciclovir is up to 10.
  3. Daily reception 1 tablet serves as prevention of genetic herpes transfer to a healthy partner.

However, there are negative differences. The price of the drug is much higher - packaging of 10 tablets distribute 900-1300 p. A pack with 42 pieces can cost up to 3500 p. Pregnant and children, the drug is usually not prescribed due to the insufficient number of clinical studies.

Tablets Famvir are produced in the three dosages of Famciclovir - 125, 25 and 500 mg. Packaging may be 7, 10, 14, 20, 21, 28, 30 and 40 pieces. In the body, the drug is not transformed into acyclovir as Valtarex, but in the Penciclovir. However, its action is aimed at combating the same herpes viruses.

How to taking medicines in tablets?

"Famvir" is appointed when modern acyclovir-based drugs do not give the desired result. This new remedy is recommended during pregnancy and during lactation. In addition, "Famvir" effectively suppresses the activity of the gerpervirus in patients with immunodeficiency.

Regardless of herpes type, the drug quickly eliminates the external manifestations of the disease. Famvir is based on the Famciclovir, the substance that is transformed in the human body in Penciclovir. From the action of this component, healthy cells are not damaged.

With the help of Famvira, you can get rid of the symptoms of pathology. The tool provides a long antiviral effect, reducing the likelihood of repeated relapse by 80%. The newest substances included in the medication are accelerating wound healing on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

From the flaws of "Famvira" should be highlighted its high price. The cost of the drug varies within 1-4 thousand rubles. In addition, the medicine has such contraindications: individual intolerance, age under 18 years of age.

Tablets or ointment: What is better and more convenient?

Valcyclovir has high absorption, which is 5 times higher than at the acyclovir. Such effect is caused by the chemical properties of the drug.

The main advantage of valcyclovir is a compound of L-valillary ether and acyclovir with a special connection. The drug in the liver decomposes into 2 ingredients: valine and acyclovir. A new viral agent is better than a cheap preparation, since it has an extensive range of influence on the causative agent of the disease. The medicine affects HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV viruses.

Valcyclovir treats such infections as:

  • oropacial herpes;
  • genital form of viral infection;
  • cytomegalovirus inflammation.

Acyclovir has a weak effect on painful bubble rashes.

The bioavailability of the medication with the internal use of 20%, so the patient must take large doses of the drug.

The medicine is not prescribed with such severe manifestations of the disease as:

  • neonatal herpes;
  • herpety encephalitis.

Acyclovir can be used to treat herpetic keratitis.

In some cases, the stability of the causative agent to the active substance of the drug is developing, so the patient cannot count on the effect of treatment. Acyclovir does not help the patient if he does not comply with the treatment regimen appointed by the doctor.

The following causes of the absence of therapeutic effect are noted:

  • untimely diagnostics of the pathogen;
  • poor-quality agent used in herpes therapy;
  • later the beginning of treatment.

When the acyclovir is ineffective, the patient is prescribed Valcyclovir (Valtarex) in large doses. The body of each person is individual.

Many patients helps a cheap antiviral agent: the person decreases the temperature, the chills disappears, pain decreases. In some cases, the patient appears addictive to the drug, and it ceases to act.

Choosing between ointments and pills against herpes, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Tablets act systemically, on the whole organism. For this reason, they can cause side effects - allergies, poisoning, headaches. Mazi is safer, which is especially important for children and pregnant women;
  2. Tablets are more convenient to use - so to speak, swallowed, and forgot;
  3. Tableted drugs are generally more expensive to ointments.

In most cases, the use of tablets at home (especially to combat herpes on the lips) can be considered redundant and unjustified. In general, with ordinary herpes on the face - on the lips, on the nose, on the chin - at home, it is enough to use ointments and gels. Tablets are used in difficult situations when the danger from the disease is higher than the possible side effects of its treatment with pills.

All pills from herpes in individuals can cause allergies with characteristic symptoms - nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness. In rare cases, after receiving funds, anaphylaxis are noted.

It is noted that disorders of the kidney function increase the risk of nervous system disorders.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding tablets antiherpetic drugs only prescribed by a doctor and only in situations where the benefits of the use of these assets exceeds the possible risk to the fetus or infant.

Definitely useless in the treatment of herpes pills of the following types:

  1. Antibiotics - they are not active against viruses in general and herpes in particular;
  2. Homeopathic agents, including Anaferon - many experts believe that their effectiveness does not exceed placebo efficiency, and no research confirmed that they allow them to influence herpes;
  3. Any tablets based on vegetable raw materials - today it is not known to destroy herpes viruses in the body (with the exception of Panavir drugs, in which the active substance is extract from potato shoots, but these funds are not produced in the form of tablets).

The choice between antiviral pills and ointments, which is better, should do a doctor. Preparations manufactured for local treatment provide a relatively fast result. Such medicines against herpes eliminate the symptoms of the disease and allow to achieve a resistant effect for a long time.

Ointments are usually prescribed with exacerbations of pathology. They speed up the healing process of open wounds and impede the connection of secondary infection. Mazi is more often used in the treatment of disease in pregnant women and children.

Any effective medicine penetrates blood. The active components of the drug on blood flow penetrate internal organs, and in pregnant women - through the placenta in the child's body. As a result, medicinal substances have a negative impact on the development of the fetus or state of the liver, kidneys. Therefore, the effectiveness of such treatment often does not justify the consequences that it causes.

Decide which medicines are more comfortable in the treatment of pathology, difficult. All means suppress the activity of the gerpervirus. But some of them are directly affected by the DNA of the virus, and other drugs will be stopped mainly symptoms.

There are a lot of drugs used in the treatment of gerperovirus infection. The selection of medicines should practice the doctor. So, with the manifestations of the virus on the lips, one medicine can cope, and the other will not create the desired effect. In addition, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Famvir: Reviews

The drug is widely used among patients. Almost everyone responds very well. Patients note the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect in the form of a decrease in the intensity of herpes symptoms against the background of receiving the drug. Also, many noticed that the remission period after receiving Famvira is significantly lengthened. A small group of people notes resistance to Famciclovir, which manifests itself in the absence of a therapeutic effect.

Tatiana, Dermatologist, 56 years old, Moscow: "The drug has a rapid effect after the start of treatment. The price is acceptable, subject to the recommendations of the doctor side effects. "

Gregory, Dermatologist, 51 years old, Voronezh: "Valacyclovir works well on the viruses of a simple and hay herpes. I define the correct dosage and multiplicity of reception, in the acute phase 2 times a day. Sometimes patients skip the reception medication. You always need to have a drug at home first aid kit. "

Yuri, Neurologist, 49 years old, Chelyabinsk: "Acyclovir has good quality and low cost. Effectively acts at the first signs of the disease. For the treatment of herpes on the lips, I advise the ointment that is applied to the affected area. "

Alexandra, 52 years old, Norilsk: "The spring appeared herpes on his lips. Acquired acyclovir tablets. Accepted during the entire period of rash. An unpleasant feeling disappeared in 2 days. After a complete course of treatment, the pain did not return. "

Alexey, 34 years old, Moscow: "In the offseason or at ARVI, herpes appears on the lips. The acyclovir of the rapid effect did not give, accepted the Valcyclovir. The effect was not forced to wait long. I am pleased with treatment, now I buy only this medicinal product, I use for prevention. "

To figure out what is more efficient - Famciclovir or acyclovir, the characteristics of medicines should be studied.

Characteristics of Famciclovir

The Famciclovir is prescribed for the treatment of infections caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus (including listened with eye complications); Infections caused by the Herpes Simplex virus.

You can not use a medicine in such cases:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • the period of intrauterine tooling the child and breastfeeding.

Therapy with the drug should be started immediately after the corresponding diagnosis was made.

When used inside, one-time dose is 250-500 mg. The frequency and duration of use depend on the indications, the state of immunity, renal functions, therapy efficiency.

Perhaps the following negative consequences:

  • weak and moderate headaches, nausea;
  • vomiting, dizziness, skin rash;
  • confusion of consciousness, hallucinations;
  • stomach ache;
  • fever;
  • granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia.

Caution should use pills to patients with impaired renal functions.

In the presence of manifestations of genital herpes, patients using this drug in therapy, sex contacts should be avoided for the treatment period.

Characteristic acyclovir

The tablet shape of the acyclovir is shown in the following cases:

  • treatment of infections of skin and mucous membranes caused by herpes viruses 2 types;
  • prevention of exacerbations and re-manifestation of infections caused by herpetic virus 2 types in patients with normal operation of the immune system and immunodeficiency;
  • as part of the complex therapy of patients with human immunodeficiency virus and those who suffered a bone marrow transplant;
  • therapy of primary infections caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus (chickenpox, as well as listened), and when repeated manifestation.
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 3 years.

Caution is used in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • age older than 65 years;
  • during the reception of large doses of acyclovir;
  • impairment of renal functions;
  • brain diseases or neurological reactions to the reception of cytotoxic drugs.

The drug is accepted during or immediately after eating, drinking with plenty of water. The dosage is set for each patient individually depending on the severity of the disease.

The drug is well tolerated. However, the following side effects are possible:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • hepatitis, jaundice;
  • abdominal pains;
  • a slight increase in the activity of hepatic enzymes;
  • a slight increase in urea and creatinine concentration;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • excitement, confusion;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • coma;
  • dyspnea;
  • skin rash, itching, urticaria, Layella syndrome;
  • fatigue, fever;
  • sweet tissue swelling, violation of vision.

No overdose facts are registered when taking a drug in tablet form.

5% ointment apply in such cases:

  • infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by herpetic infection, including primary genital herpes and its re-appearance;
  • prevention of herpes infections in patients with impaired immune system;
  • with primary and repeated infections caused by a virus of a shearing linguing in patients without impairment of immunity.

Do not prescribe a medication in individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Methods of application:

  1. Externally. Cream or ointment smear the zone of defeat 4-6 times a day (as early as possible after identifying the disease). It is important to begin treatment of a recurrent infection at the first manifestations of symptoms. The duration of therapy is at least 5 days, a maximum of 10 days.
  2. Locally. Issimate 1 cm eye ointment and lay it into the lower conjunctival bag 5 times a day (every 4 hours). Therapy continues to be 3 days after healing.

In isolated cases, the local irritation of the mucous membranes is possible, which quickly disappears after the abolition of the drug. With prolonged use of ointments, individual patients may have peeling of small areas of skin.

Overdose phenomena when using ointments were not fixed.

Comparison of Famciclovir with acyclovir

The mechanism of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms in drugs is identical, they are both, falling into the cells of the virus, do not give them to multiply. However, the acyclovir is less toxic, therefore it is allowed to apply in pediatrics. The difference also lies in the form of release and cost.

What is better: Famciclovir or acyclovir

Choose the best drug is difficult because they have a similar composition and possess the same efficiency. At the same time, the acyclovir is found in different issues, which makes it use more convenient and makes it possible to assign it in the form of ointments or cream even during the period of intrauterine tooling the child. Otherwise, the individual features of the body are influenced by the choice.

It is important to understand not only the differences between these two drugs, but also their similarity. It consists in the principle of action of drugs - they both refer to the number of antivirals, therefore help against the same diseases.

They can be used in therapeutic and preventive purposes, in a complex with other drugs and separately. You can call these means analog.

They differ in the following features:

  1. Edition form and features of the composition
    . In pharmacies occurs only in the form of tablets. Its operating component is a matter of valacyclovir. Each tablet contains 500 mg of this substance.
  2. Features assimilation
    . When orally consuming the drug, its current component is converted to acyclovir, having the same action. But it is absorbed faster, therefore valcyclove is inherent in great activity.
  3. Duration of treatment
    . The dosage and duration of the therapeutic course are determined based on the clinical picture. On average, the treatment of valaciclovir needs less time. This uses a higher dosage of the means.
  4. Contraindications
    . The differences here are a bit - only the fact that the Valacyclovir can not children under 12 years old (another drug is prohibited for those who have no 2 years). The remaining restrictions are the same - intolerance, tooling the child, lactation, etc.

Choose a more efficient drug from these two is difficult, as they are very similar. Valacyclovir has small advantages in the form of a lower duration of treatment and more rapid absorption of the medicinal substance. The acyclovir is good because it is produced in different forms, which makes it use comfortable and allows you to be treated with its help.

Acyclovir is a medicinal substance that prevents the proliferation of the virus to healthy cells. They produce it in different forms, but usually patients with herpes doctors prescribe ointment and tablets.

Ointment removes itching and pain and speeds up the healing of the affected area. Tablets are recommended to drink a 10-day course or more long, if the disease often recurrences.

To understand what the difference between valciclovir and acyclovir is consisted, it is necessary to study the features of the first funds formula. The Valcyclovir is considered to be a prodrug, since, after entering the body of an infected person, it is converted to another substance.

In this case, the form of the drug does not have. Under the influence of liver enzymes, the valacticlovir decays to acyclovir and provides a longer therapeutic effect, rather than a pure acyclovir.

Currency treatment of herpes acyclovir requires a patient with a patient 6 tablets per day with mandatory observance of frequency. This is necessary to maintain a uniform concentration of the medicinal substance in the body. Valciclovir in view of its pharmacological features can be used less often.

Thus, on the question of what the acyclovir differs from valcyclovir, it is possible to confidently answer - a decrease in the multiplicity of reception. For a sick with herpetic infection, it is useful to reducing the risk of passing the use of tablets - during the day they need to take only 2 pcs. And not 6, as in the case of acyclovir. In addition, the duration of treatment with valaciclovir does not exceed 7 days (minimum - 5 days).

The common features of the drugs under consideration are antiviral properties aimed at the suppression of various types of WSV - cytomegalovirus, windmill virus and a slimming damping VARICELLA ZOSTER, Epstein Barra virus and other strains. Both acyclovir, and valcyclovir effectively treat genital and labile herpes, as well as a lispiece that proceeds in sharp and chronic forms. Both drugs are suitable for episodic supervision therapy.

The antiviral drug of the Famciclovir, as well as its counterparts, is intended for the treatment of linguing and HVV 1 and 2 types.

Once inside the body, it is transformed into a penciclovir - a substance similar to aciclovir. But the penciclovir does not break the DNA DNA of the Malicious Virus and requires smaller dosing than the acyclovir.

After comparing three tools, it can be concluded that the acyclovir is inferior to valacyclovir and phambyclovir in the effectiveness and duration of exposure. However, the cost is much lower than that of the analogs, and this attracts the attention of patients.

How many popular antiviral agents are:

  • Acyclovir - the price depends on the number of tablets and volume of tubes with ointment. Tablets cost from 60 to 200 rubles, ointment - 25 - 50 rubles, the cream acyclovir hexal - 80 - 150 rubles, 1 ampoule with lyophilisate - 200 rubles.
  • Famciclovir - the price of one package is 600 - 900 rubles.
  • Valcyclovir - Packaging with 10 tablets has a mid-price of 600 rubles.

The dosage of the acyclovir tablets depends on the age of the patient and the species of herpetic infection. For example, when 4 tablets are loose, 4 tablets immediately need to take 5 times a day. If herpes is diagnosed with simplex, then 5 times a day are taken by 1 tablet.

For the prevention of recurrences, acyclovir drink 1 tablet 4 times a day. Children under 2 years old take half of the adult dosage.

For the elderly and patients with renal failure of the dosage of acyclovir can be understated. When appointed, the doctor takes into account the removal of creatine.

Tablets Valaciclovir Instructions for use recommends drinking as follows:

  • Viral diseases associated with the activity of a simple herpes are twice a day for 1 tablet (10 days).
  • Lishe-shiny - 2 tab. 3 r. per day for a week.
  • Herpes on the lips - on the first day of 4 tabs. In 2 reception, then break for 12 hours and the new portion of the medication.
  • Prevention of cytomegalovirus - 4 tab. 4 r. per day for 3 months.
  • Prevention of genital herpes - 1 tab. per day for 1 year.

What to choose?

So, what is better to take in herpes - acyclovir or valcyclovir?

Modern doctors prefer the Valcyclovir, since it refers to a modified antiviral agent. The drug is quickly absorbed by the body and has a prolonged impact.

Judging by the reviews of patients, while compliance with the dosages, the valantovir is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. Pregnant and lactating women can take tablets according to indications.

  1. The release form and features of the composition. Valcyclovir in pharmacies occurs only in the form of tablets. Its operating component is a matter of valacyclovir. Each tablet contains 500 mg of this substance.
  2. Features of assimilation. When orally consuming the drug, its current component is converted to acyclovir, having the same action. But it is absorbed faster, therefore valcyclove is inherent in great activity.
  3. Duration of treatment. The dosage and duration of the therapeutic course are determined based on the clinical picture. On average, the treatment of valaciclovir needs less time. This uses a higher dosage of the means.
  4. Contraindications. The differences here are a bit - only the fact that the Valacyclovir can not children under 12 years old (another drug is prohibited for those who have no 2 years). The remaining restrictions are the same - intolerance, tooling the child, lactation, etc.

The original drug "Valtarex" (instruction, analogs, dosage and special conditions of application are described above) has a tablet output. Acyclovir is produced in the form of tablets, cream and solution for intravenous administration.

Infusion, as a rule, is resorted only for heavy infection forms. The drug is introduced 5 mg / kg 3 times a day for 5 days. Under the standard conditions of the course of the disease, the synonym drug is prescribed in the form of a pill that must be taken in such a quantity:

  • five times a day on one unit (5-10 days) if a simple herpes is diagnosed;
  • five times a day four units (7 days), if suspicions were confirmed on a lisp.

Cream is applied to the affected area 5 times a day for 5-10 days.

Forms of the release of the medicinal product "Acyclovir" and recommended doses

The formulation of Famvir - tablets, which contain a specific antiviral substance - Famciclovir. Its specificity is determined by the electoral action. The Famciclovir penetrates the cells affected by the virus and does not touch healthy cell membranes.

Famvir is effective for the treatment of several types of herpes, as well as for therapy of mutating viruses resistant to acyclovir. Famciclovir rarely creates, so the drug retains efficiency during relapses and re-treatment. Doctors call the process of addictive resistance, it does not exceed 0.3% for Famvira.

Famciclovir is one of the most effective antheherpetics. It is more often used to treat the first types of three viruses (oral, sexual and sinking (windmill)). The description of Famvira indicates that the Famciclovir can be used for complex herpes infections (Epstein-Barra virus, cytomegalovirus), but does not make recommendations for the choice of dosage and timing of the drug. Traditionally, other herpetic viruses are treated with Famvira's analogues (ganciclovir, phoskart).

One of the most painful herpetic infections is a lispy (herpes). It differs from other diseases of severe pain. The slotting rash is successfully treated by Famvir, against the background of its use, the timing and extensity of rashes are reduced.

Also, the shelling herpes is accompanied by complications. After the disappearance of the rash, a person remains pain for one or two months. This complication received the name of postgerpetic neuralgia. Famvir Treatment allows you to cure a haying herpetic deprived without long-term pain. Along with the disappearance of the rash, pains are leaving.

A brief overview of other synonymous drugs

Sometimes due to contraindications, side effects or cost, the patient can not use any other drug. Then he needs to consult a doctor to pick another means. Medicines with antiviral action are very much, so there are options. But it is impossible to replace one drug on another, especially if the patient has allergic reactions.

These funds are characterized by a similar effect. They are produced in different forms, contain different components. It is necessary to take into account their features and rules of admission to achieve the maximum effect.

  1. Ribavirin. It refers to anti-virus medicines, the main forming substance is Ribavirin. We produce a tool in the form of tablets and capsules, as well as in the form of a powder. It is most often used in hepatitis and fever, virus respiratory disease diseases, but can recommend under herpetic infection.
  2. Valtarex. This agent is represented by valactovir-based tablets. It prevents the progression of viral diseases and contributes to the strengthening of general immunity. It is necessary to use the doctor with the permission of a doctor with various diseases - both separately and in a complex with other medicines.
  3. Famvir. Its main component is a phambyclovir that ensures the suppression of viral activity. A medicine is realized in the form of tablets effective in herpes, windmill, etc. Be sure to study the instructions before applying it in order to avoid complications and negative reactions.
  4. Arvron. This drug is represented by internal reception capsules. The main ingredient is Ribavirin. The main scope of use is the treatment of hepatitis C. But also this means is effectively to combat different pathologies of viral origin. The current component prevents their development and contributes to the removal of adverse symptoms.
  5. Valcitis. The main component of this antiviral drug is Vangancyclovir. On sale, it comes in the form of tablets that are used mainly to eliminate cytomegalovirus infection. But in the appointment of a specialist, it can be applied with other diseases.
  6. Valvir. This medicine is also represented by tablets. The active ingredient of them is valatcilovir. Valvire is highly efficient when dealing with herpes, windmill and other virus nature diseases.

The question of whether to choose - "Valtarex" or "Acyclovir" is not entirely correct and displays the situation not fully (although most votes are still fixed by the original). Today, the list of available analogues has several tens of positions, and only an experienced doctor is able to determine whether a specific "dubler" is suitable for the role of the main drug or not.

For example, the Pharmacological Duel "Valtex" and "Famvira" is unlikely to reveal the winner (due to metabolic nuances, the phambyclovir sometimes gives the result where other drugs are powerless, but often works in the most ordinary cases). But "Medovir" on the effectiveness of the preventive course has every chance of breaking forward.

Famvir: Application in treatment

it helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications and side effects were observed, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in annotations. Valvira Analogs in the presence of available structural analogues. Using for the treatment of labial and genital herpes, hailing losing in adults, children, as well as in pregnancy and breastfeeding. The composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

The acyclovir has a specific inhibitory activity against Herpes Simplex viruses of types 1 and 2 (Simple Herpes), VARICELLA ZOSTER (Lisha) and Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Herpes Herpes Virus Type 6. Acyclovir inhibits viral DNA synthesis immediately after phosphorylation and transformation into an active shape trifosphate acyclovir.

The first stage of phosphorylation occurs with the participation of virus-specific enzymes. For viruses Herpes Simplex, Varicella Zoster and Epstein-Barr, such an enzyme is a viral thymidicinase, which is present in the cells affected by the virus. The partial selectivity of phosphorylation is maintained in the CMV and is mediated through the product of the phosphotransferase gene UL 97. Activation of acyclovir by a specific viral enzyme explains its selectivity to a great extent.

The process of phosphorylation of acyclovir (transformation from the mono-in trifhosphate) is completed by cell kinases. The acyclovir trifosphate competitively inhibits the virus DNA polymerase and, being an analogue of the nucleoside, is embedded in viral DNA, which leads to a bond (full) break of the chain, stopping the synthesis of DNA and, consequently, to block the virus replication.

In patients with preserved immunity, Herpes Simplex and VARICELLA ZOSTER viruses with reduced sensitivity to valciclovir are extremely rare (less than 0.1%), but sometimes can be detected in patients with severe immunity disorders, for example, with bone marrow transplant, in receiving chemotherapy for malignant Tompetions and infected HIV.

Resistance is due to the deficiency of the thymidicinalinase of the virus, which leads to the excessive spread of the virus in the host body. Sometimes a decrease in sensitivity to acyclovir is due to the appearance of virus strains with a violation of the structure of viral thymidicinase or DNA polymerase. The virulence of these varieties of the virus resembles such a wild strain.

Valciclovir hydrochloride hydrogenation auxiliary substances.

Valciclovir and acyclovir have similar pharmacokinetic parameters after intake. After the intake of the valciclovir is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, quickly and almost completely turns into acyclovir and L-valine. This transformation is catalyzed by the enzyme valanticlovirhydrozese isolated from the human liver.

When taking valciclovir at a dose of 1 g, the bioavailability of acyclovir is 54% and does not depend on meals. Acyclovir binding degree with plasma proteins is very low - about 15%. The acyclovir is quickly distributed over the tissues of the body especially in the liver, kidneys, muscles, lungs. It also penetrates the secret of the vagina, the cerebrospinal fluid and the liquid of herpes bubbles.

  • treatment of herpes skewers;
  • treatment and prevention of recurrences of skin infections and mucous membranes caused by a variety of herpes virus (including for the first time identified and recurrent genital herpes);
  • treatment of labial herpes;
  • reducing the infection with genital herpes of a healthy partner if it is taken as supgrass therapy in combination with safe sex;
  • prevention of cytomegalovirus infection arising from organ transplantation (reduces the severity of the reaction of acute transplant rejection in patients with kidney transplants, the development of opportunistic infections and other viral infections caused by Herpes Simplex and Varicella Zoster viruses) in adults and children over 12 years old.

Tablets covered with a shell of 500 mg and 1000 mg.

Other dosage forms, be it capsules, ointment or cream, at the time of publishing the drug did not exist in the directory.

Instructions for use and dosing mode

The drug is prescribed to adults inside.

With a hay herpes - 1000 mg 3 times a day for 7 days.

With a simple herpes - 500 mg 2 times a day. In the case of relapses, the course must be 3 or 5 days. With the first episode with a severe course, the duration of treatment can be increased to 10 days (during relapses Ideally assign Valvira in the extended period or when the first symptoms of the disease appears, i.e. pinching, itching, burning).

For therapy of the labial herpes, it is effective for the drug in a dose of 2 g 2 times for 1 day: the second dose must be accepted in about 12 hours (but not earlier than 6 hours) after the first dose (not to use this dosing mode more than 1 day, Since, as shown, it does not give additional clinical advantages).

Prevention of relapses of infections caused by a variety of herpes virus: in patients with preserved immunity - 500 mg 1 time per day; with very frequent relapses (10 or more per year) - 250 mg 2 times a day; For adult patients with immunodeficiency mug 2 times a day. The duration of the course mixes.

The prevention of infection with genital herpes of a healthy partner: infected heterosexual adults with a preserved immunity and with the number of exacerbations up to 9 per year are appointed 500 mg 1 time per day for 1 year or more, every day with regular sexual life, with irregular sexual contacts, Valvira receives Start 3 days before the estimated sexual contact (data on the prevention of infection in other populations of patients are absent).

Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection: adults and adolescents over 12 years old - 2 g 4 times a day (as early as possible, after transplantation). The duration of the course is 90 days, but in patients with high risk, treatment may be longer.

Patients in dialysis should be prescribed Valvir after the end of the hemodialysis session.

It is often necessary to determine the clearance of creatinine (QC), especially during periods when the kidney function changes quickly, for example, immediately after transplantation or graft enrollment. At the same time, the dose of vavira is adjusted in accordance with the indicators of the QC.

With a weakly and moderately pronounced cirrhosis of the liver (the synthetic function of the liver is saved) dose correction is not required. Pharmacokinetic data in patients with severe liver cirrhosis (with a violation of the synthetic function of the liver and the presence of shunts between the portal system and the common vascular channel) also do not indicate the need to correct the dose of Valvira, but the experience of its clinical use under this pathology is limited.

  • nausea;
  • discomfort in the stomach, incl. abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • reversible disorders of functional liver tests, which are sometimes regarded as manifestations of hepatitis;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • headache;
  • astemation, including aggressive behavior;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • hallucinations;
  • reduced mental abilities;
  • excitation;
  • tremor;
  • ataxia;
  • dysarthria;
  • psychotic symptoms, including mania;
  • depression;
  • convulsions;
  • encephalopathy;
  • coma;
  • rashes, including manifestations of photosensitivity;
  • hives;
  • angioedema edema;
  • hematuria (often associated with other kidney violations);
  • renal impairment;
  • acute renal failure;
  • renal colic (may be associated with impaired kidney function);
  • it is possible to precipitate acyclovir crystals in the lumen of the renal tubules;
  • vision impairment;
  • leukopenia (mainly in patients with reduced immunity), thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, aplastic anemia, leukoplastic vasculitis, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • multiform erythema;
  • reduced hemoglobin;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • arthralgia;
  • naphorgitis;
  • respiratory tract infection;
  • swelling of the face;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • fatigue;
  • fever;
  • dehydration;
  • rinorea.
  • clinically pronounced forms of HIV infection under the content of CD4 -LMFocytes are less than 100 / μl;
  • bone marrow transplantation;
  • kidney transplantation;
  • children's age (up to 12 years at CMV, up to 18 years old - for other indications);
  • increased sensitivity to valciclovir, acyclovir and other components of the drug.

In patients with renal failure; in patients with clinically pronounced forms of HIV infection; With the simultaneous reception of nephrotoxic drugs.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Application during pregnancy is possible if the expected effect of therapy for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus (not enough information for use in pregnancy).

The acyclovir is the main metabolite of valcyclovir, is excreted in breast milk. For therapy, Valvir breastfeeding is possible if the expected effect of therapy for the mother exceeds the potential risk for the child.

Contraindicated to children under 12 years old at CMV, up to 18 years old - for other indications. The experience of clinical use of the drug in children is absent.

Application in elderly patients

In elderly people, the dose correction is not required, with the exception of a significant impairment of the kidney function. It is necessary to maintain an adequate water-electrolyte balance.

Taking the drug in high doses for a long time under states accompanied by severe immunodeficiency (bone marrow transplantation, clinically pronounced forms of HIV infection, kidney transplantation), led to the development of thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic-uremic syndrome, up to death.

What is better Valtarex or Valvir

The first drug has greater efficiency, but the acyclovir has a wider range of output forms. Ointments and creams can be used by even pregnant and nursing women. In other cases, the doctor selects the drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Medicines are complete counterparts. To make the right choice, you must consult with your doctor.

Famvir, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir or Valtarex - How to choose among them and what is better in each case the doctor should tell. Universal medicines, effective for each patient, does not exist. The results affect the individual properties of the body. Therefore, when choosing drugs, many circumstances should be taken into account.

But even the doctor may be mistaken and appointed not the most effective drug. Therefore, the patient must also control the treatment process. If there are no improvements or additional negative symptoms appeared, it is worth talking to a specialist. Probably, another medicine will be recommended.

This means that it is possible to find out what drug from the considered and their analogues to eliminate viral diseases is possible only by experimentally.

To combat herpes virus, there are not many drugs that have proven its effectiveness and, unfortunately, among them there are no such that would have cured herpes once and for all. However, antiviral drugs acyclovir or valacticlovir can increase the duration of remission and reduce the number of relapses.

Below will look at what the acyclovir differs from valcyclovir, as well as less from the well-known Foscicovir.

Prevents the transmission of virus to healthy cells. It is used for the treatment and relief of the symptoms of herpes, chickenpox and slimming losing. Produced in various forms, most often assigned in the form of ointments and tablets. The ointment applied directly to the affected area reduces pain, itching, limits the distribution and accelerates healing. The doctor may appoint an acyclovir tablet with a 10-year course or long-term courses from half a year with frequent recurrences (6 or more times a year).

Produced in the form of cream, oral and intravenous forms and is a prodrug. This means that getting into the body, it goes into another substance. In this case, the valciclovir under the action of enzymes decays to acyclovir. What then is the Valcyclovir differs from acyclovir?

This formula of the substance provides a prolonged action. If the course treatment of ordinary acyclovir requires a reception of about 6 tablets (200 mg) per day with observance of periodicity to maintain uniform concentration in the body, then the valantovir should be applied less frequently.

Thus, the advantage of valcyclovir is to reduce multiplicity and, as a result, a smaller probability of receiving. Our pharmaceutical market is available under the trade name Valtarex made by Poland.

Preparation "Valtareks"

Designed for the treatment of herpes I and II types and sliding linguing. As well as the Valcyclovir, it has a prolonged effect and is rated less often, but in the body it is formed from it a penciclovir (according to the mechanism of action similar to the acyclovir, but unlike it does not break the chain of viral DNA).

In addition to the less frequent dosing, the benefits of the Famciclovir are:

  • higher bioavailability - 77% (against 30% at acyclovir);
  • higher cream efficiency in the treatment of herpes on the lips compared to the acyclovir cream;
  • in the genital herpes, he reduces the duration of the stage of formation of crust.

In our pharmacies are sold under the trade name Famvir Spanish production.

Preparation "Famvir"

Conclusion. Valcyclovir and Famciclovir are superior to acyclovir in aspects of the duration of action and / or efficiency, and their main disadvantage is higher cost.

Externally, aggressive behavior of the virus is expressed by bubble rashes on the body and lips. The task of antiviral drugs becomes a decrease in the frequency of relapses and an increase in the duration of remission.

Today we will talk about such medicines as acyclovir, Valacyclovir and Famciclovir and find out what is the difference between each other.

Today, doctors increasingly recommended the use of Valazklovir, as it enters the group of modified antiviral drugs and does not have drawbacks characteristic of the first LS generation. The main advantage is a high indicator of digestibility - 75% (at the acyclovir only 15%), such an effect is achieved due to the transformation of L-valine ether under the influence of hepatic enzymes (after absorption in the intestine) directly into the acyclovir, as well as the valine amino acid.

Valcyclovir is available in various dosages, which allows you to choose the optimal treatment regimen. Moreover, the reception of drugs is less common than analogue, which reduces the likelihood of drug skipping. At the same time, the risk of developing side symptoms in the form of a headache, as well as disruption of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Valcyclovir is not prescribed at:

  • Increased sensitivity to the main component
  • Childhood (child less than 12 years old)
  • Pregnancy and in the lactation period.

An acyclovir ointment can be appointed pregnant and children under 3 years old.

The main disadvantage of valacyclovir is its cost - 313 - 3840 rubles. And one dosage form - pills.

Famvir, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir or Valtarex - How to choose among them and what is better in each case the doctor should tell. Universal medicines, effective for each patient, does not exist. The results affect the individual properties of the body. Therefore, when choosing drugs, many circumstances should be taken into account.

1. I did not find information on Alloin Alpha on your site. How well he copes with herpes virus? Is it enough three injections? What is his difference from long-existing acyclovir or Famvira?

2. How can plasmoforesis help in this case? The doctor says he will clean the blood from the virus. But after all, the virus does not live in blood? It turns out that the antibody will disappear from the blood, then why is it necessary? And most importantly: can plasmophoresis cause exacerbation. The fact is that all immunomodulators only harm me - the virus is enhanced from them.

Thank you in advance.

You have tried a long-lasting reception (more than a year) by valaciclovir or the Famvir - the effectiveness of these drugs is higher, including during long-term reception than at the acyclovir. Panavir (potato cleaning) in "Fire".

Strange. Are you so inspired yourself?

When people begin to "live on drugs", with the exception of insulin and the like, it is worth contacting the psychologist, because the problem goes into another plane.

Rudeness, not forgiven, neither patients nor doctors. Dr. Anisimov has an excellent reputation as on the forum and in real life.

Why not immediately go to his site, or not make an appointment?

The only drug on which I at least somehow live is acyclovir-acry.

I apologize, but I would like to read the opinion of a specialist who has a longer medical experience and has established itself with competent consultations.

not all immunomodulators are all a fascinarian.

In particular, I wonder if there is some statistics for the success of Alloin Alpha.

How can plasmoforesis help in this case?

You understand what you call "statistics" is a clinical study on proven efficacy and safety. So, there are no such research on these methods in the world. If you are convinced only by the opinions of "experienced" and competent from your point of view, this is your right, money and your health, pay to you :)

So you choose. All the methods that you suggested as an alternative to the "Classic" treatment of herpes smokeless in world medicine can also confirm the other doctors of the forum if you do not trust me. You use them at your own risk. Even if you are shown in the "smart" journal of research, of course in our country, that they say, they say, everything is good, everything works, you will not understand everything, and those of these studies and that they were studied there, but spent Nobody will return money in the absence of effect to you, that's for sure.

I still do not dare to tire your illiterate bore :)

Just doctors stubbornly do not want to believe that Famvir and Waltrax do not help me. Apparently what is the feature of my body. I know that these are stronger drugs, and once tried to take them in the hope that it could be last time I acquired a fake. But if the acyclovir stops the symptoms fast enough to 1-2 pills, then I will not last on Valtex and three days.

What a long therapy is there. You can consider me a idiot and send to psychologists, but the facts remain facts. I'm already too tired of this endless struggle with health, and that medicine can only be treated with standard (classic) cases, so I sorry-a little broke down. It's a shame when no one wants to hear you.

Instructions for the use of valcyclovir (method and dosage)

Famvir-tablets produced in three types of dosages: Famvir 500 mg, 250 mg and 125 mg. The digit is designated on the package and duplicates on each tablet (on top of the shell, on one side of a flat tablet).

Treatment of herpes 1 and 2nd types (oral and genital) depends on whether this infection is primary or relapse. In case of primary infection, one-time dose is higher - 1 g, take 2 times a day. When recurring, one-time dose decreases to 500 mg of the drug (also 2 times a day). Treatment of treatment depend on the reaction of the body and can occupy 3 or 5 days.

The diagram of treatment is standard, its action is not always effective. Such a treatment scheme is used when the rashes have already appeared. If you begin treatment earlier (with the first signs of burning, itching and discomfort on the skin), then it is better to use another diagram of receipt of the drug. Then you can warn the rash completely.

Tip: The diagram of receipt of the drug at the first signs of the disease - the shock dose (2 g) in the first day of the disease, twice, with an interval at 12 o'clock.

Treatment of a zooming virus (WSV-3 or Zoster) requires greater dosage of the drug than the treatment of HPV-1 and 2. The standard diagram for a sliding linguing is 1000 mg (1 or 2 tablets, depending on the form of the release) of Valacyclovir three times a day in The course of the week (listened - always relapse, the acute form of infection of this type is called windmill).

For the prevention of recurrence of valatcilovir drink 500 mg per day. At the same time, it is possible to share a daily dose for two receptions, to use in the morning and in the evening in 250 mg tablet. Dates of preventive treatment - several months (three, four and more - up to year).

The remedy is taken inside, regardless of food.

With a silent dosage, a single dosage is 1000 mg (2 tablets), 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. The earlier after the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease, the reception was launched, the more effective the treatment.

During herpes (including prophylactic intake), the daily dosage is 1000 mg. It is recommended to divide into 2 receptions, in the morning and in the evening, one tablet. Duration of treatment - from 5 to 10 days (severe course of the disease).

If the patient has disorders in the work of the kidneys, you should adjust the dose.

No data on overdose by the drug.

As a specific treatment of herpetic infection, Valvir is shown. The dosage is selected depending on the severity of the pathology. Tablets should be taken inside.

The east herpes virus is treated for 3-5 days. Standard dosage - 500 mg twice a day. In severe cases, therapy is prolonged up to 10 days. If you begin treatment at the stage of the first symptoms, it is possible to cope with the virus in the shortest possible time. In any case, before taking "Valvir", you need to get the recommendations of the specialist.

For the prevention of infection with a genital type of illness, 500 mg of valacyclovir per day should be taken over the year. Such a dosage suits people with good immunity. With frequent relapses, the drug is recommended to assign 250 mg twice a day. Partners with immunodeficiency dose of valcyclovir increase to 1000 mg per day.

When is it better to take anticherine pills "Valvir" - before or after meals? According to the instructions, food intake does not affect the bioavailability of the active component, so the tablets can be taken at any time. The most important condition for successful treatment is the observance of the time interval. The maximum concentration of valcyclovir is observed 1-2 hours after taking medication.

Tablets "Valtarex" (analogue mentioned above is represented in the market both in the form of tablets and in injection / cream form) should be swallowed entirely without disturbing the integrity of the shell. The frequency of reception, the duration of the course and the dosage of the drug is governed by a specific diagnosis.

For example, with a hay herpes, a daily rate should be six tablets: 3 times 2 units. The length of therapy recommended in this case is 7 days (the accurate time segment determines the attending physician). Prevention requires a patient much more serious effort. Here we are talking about four daily receptions, each of which implies the use of four pills.


  • when transplanting bone marrow and kidney;
  • with allergies to the active ingredient;
  • HIV-infected if CD4 -Limphocytes do not exceed 100 MK / l;
  • children under 18 years old (exclusion - transplantation of organs, then the drug is applied from 12 years).

The drug is well investigated. As a result of laboratory studies and observations of patients with hazing deprive and herpes virus (including with the accompanying immunodeficiency) of the hosting valantovir, almost all possible adverse reactions were identified.

Not only local drugs are used to treat herpetic rashes, but also medicines of systemic exposure, overwhelming the development of the virus. A powerful tool is "Valvir". Reviews confirm the presence of a strong therapeutic effect in tablets. Consider a Read more Composition, indications for the appointment and features of the use of the medication.

The main contraindications for the prescription of the drug is the intolerance of valciclovir and auxiliary components, age up to 12 years, HIV infection (clinical form), severe renal failure (with a dosage adjustment).

According to the instructions for use, Valvir is forbidden to take to persons who have suffered a bone marrow and kidney transplantation.

The appearance of unwanted organism reactions to the drug intake is possible in the presence of contraindications or in the case of non-compliance with the dosage. Most patients who have undergone treatment with an antiviral agent say that pills are well tolerated. Allergic reactions on the skin, pain in the abdomen, disorders of the intestinal tract occur in the case of intolerance of substances in the composition or with increased sensitivity to them.

Side effects from Valvira are presented in the form of headaches, nausea, reduced hemoglobin levels, increased fatigue. Multiform erythema, neurological disorders, acute renal failure, thrombocytopenic and thrombotic purple refers to the more severe consequences of admission.

In patients who have neurological disorders, the drug may cause depression, tremor, increased arousal, confusion of consciousness, reducing mental abilities. Other symptoms include:

  • dysmenorrhea;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • vision impairment;
  • naphorgitis;
  • rinorea;
  • dehydration;
  • arthralgia.

Despite the high cost and positive feedback, Valtarex, as, however, any other medication has a number of shortcomings manifested in the form of reversible side effects. The most common of them:

  • headaches replacing dizziness;
  • different disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.);
  • functional disorders of the kidneys and output channels;
  • down either, on the contrary, excessively elevated tone;
  • tremor, passing into convulsions;
  • skin allergies and swelling.

By the way, any analogue ("Valtrex" is most often compared with Acyclovir) is also imperfect: after its reception, in addition to the above negative reactions, in patients sometimes observed malicious fatigue against the background of the activation of hepatic enzymes. In addition, isolated cases were noted when the appointment of the drug "DUBER" led to an increase in urea and creatine concentration.

Since the drug is excreted with urine through the kidneys, complications are possible in patients with renal failure. Therefore, those who have the organs of allocating unhealthy, in the treatment of herpes, the dose of Famvira decreases.


The tablets include valaxyclovir hydrochloride (Valacyclovirum) and excipients - cellulose, starch, castor oil, chemical compounds - titanium dioxide, polysorbat, polyethylene glycol. Auxiliary components provide a drug tableted form, uniform consistency and color.

In the liver of a person, the valciclovir is converted into an acyclovir (a substance with a specific antiviral action against herpes of the 1st - 6th types). After transformation, it slows down and stops breeding viruses. Acyclovir action is specific, it does not touch healthy cells, and only those who are infected only.

Due to the introduction of living cells with viruses, it is difficult to fight, it is necessary to destroy the cells of their own organism. The specific action of aciclovir - it destroys only infectious cells. It is embedded in the DNA of the cell (in fact - already DNA of the virus) and stops the synthesis of new viruses. As a result, new rashes cease to appear, healing the wounds formed, crusts dry.

As part of one tablet, there are 556 mg of valciclovir hydrochloride (500 mg in terms of valacticlovir).

With violations of the liver function in patients with weakly or moderately pronounced cirrhosis of the liver (the synthetic function of the liver is preserved) the dose correction of the Valvir drug is not required. In the study of pharmacokinetics in patients with severe liver cirrhosis (with a violation of the synthetic function of the liver and the presence of shunts between the portal system and the common vascular channel), data indicating the need to correct the dosing regime are also not received;

Patients of elderly dose correction is not required, except in cases of a significant impairment of the kidney function. It is necessary to maintain an adequate water-electrolyte balance.

Special research on the study of the action of Valvir in patients during the liver transplantation was not conducted. However, it was shown that the prophylactic appointment of acyclovir in high doses reduces cytomegalovirus infection. Suppressive therapy with the preparation of Valvira reduces the risk of transmitting genital herpes, but does not exclude it completely and does not lead to complete cure. During therapy, the drug Valvir patient must take measures to ensure the security of a partner during sexual contacts.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Care should be taken in the case of the development of adverse reactions affecting the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Simultaneous use of vivira with nephrotoxic drugs, incl. Aminoglycosides, organic compounds of platinum, iodized contrasting substance, methotrexate, pentamidine, phoskartinet, cyclosporine and tacrolimus, should be carried out with caution, especially in patients with impaired kidney function, and requires regular monitoring of the kidney function.

It is forbidden to use the Valvir drug in conjunction with alcohol due to the potential hepatotoxicity and the negative impact of this combination on the liver.

Clinically significant interaction is not established

Cimetidine and probamicide after taking 1 g of valcyclovir increase AUC acyclovir, reducing its kidney clearance (however, the dose correction is not required due to the wide therapeutic range of aciclovir).

Care must be taken in the case of the simultaneous use of valcyclovir in high doses (4 g per day) and drugs that compete with acyclovir for the path of elimination (the latter is eliminated with urine unchanged as a result of active channel secretion), since there is a potential threat to the plasma increasing Concentration of one or both drugs or their metabolites.

With the simultaneous use of acyclovir with mikophenolate of mofetyl, an increase in acyclovir AUC and an inactive metabolite of mikophenolate mofetila was noted.

Analogs of the drug Valvir

The active anticherphetic component in the composition of the drug is the valaxyclovir. The substance when entering the body quickly turns into L-valine and acyclovir under the influence of valciclovirhydrolase enzyme. The active ingredient has inhibitory activity regarding the viruses of a simple herpes 1 and 2 types, Viocella Zoster, herpes 6 type, cytomegalovirus. Valcyclovir activity is manifested in the form of a disorder of the synthesis of DNA of the pathogen agent, which blocks the processes of further reproduction of the virus.

Tablets based on valaciclovir are considered the safest at present. Unlike preparations with aciclovir, they allow you to obtain the necessary concentration of the active component when receiving a smaller amount of tablets.

In one tablet may contain 500 or 1000 mg of valacticlovir. The tablet itself has an elongated oval shape and a film shell. Cellulose microcrystalline, hypronzes, povenesses, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, hypochlorose and picdrain are used as auxiliary components. Tablets are packaged at 7, 10 and 14 pieces in cardboard packaging.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active ingredient means inhibits the vital activity of the DNA polymerase of herpes viruses, does not allow viral DNA to synthesize and inhibits replication processes.

After entering the body, the valcyclovir is transformed into acyclovir and L-valine, then the phosphorylation reactions occur and the acyclovir turns into a trifhosphate acyclovir. The resulting compound is able to suppress the DNA polymerase of a malicious agent (virus) for a competitive mechanism.

Phosphorylation occurs, as a rule, in two stages. On the first reaction catalyzes the enzyme of thymidicinase. The drug shows a special activity in relation to Herpes Simplex, it is less sensitive to VARICELLA ZOSTER. The substance is excreted by the kidneys or with the feces, the half-life is approximately three hours.


  • for the treatment of diseases of the mucous membranes and skin, which causes the Herpes Simplex virus;
  • for the prevention of disease recurrences caused by the same virus;
  • with a lisp;
  • as prevention of cytomegalovirus infection after organ transplantation.

The use of "Vatreks" is advisable in the case of:

  • setting the diagnosis of "Herpes Sliding";
  • identifying symptoms of infectious irritation of mucous membranes;
  • argued suspicion of recurring genital or;
  • the need to prevent diseases of the skin diseases;
  • complications of a postoperative nature in transplantology.

It should be noted that the most effective and affordable analogue (Valtarex has dozens of "dublov") - the drug under the trade name "Acyclovir" - according to the nature of pharmacological reactions is almost identical to the elementary original and can be appointed as an alternative drug. The only nuance applies to the fight against relapses: it is believed that medication-synonym in this sense is less productive.

In adults:

Herpes ishing;

Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the Herpes Simplex virus (incl. Genital herpes);

Prevention of recurrence diseases caused by the Herpes Simplex virus.
In adults and children from 12 years old:

Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection during organ transplantation.

Famvir is a drug (pill), (pharmacological group - antiviral drugs for systemic use). The instructions for use allocate the following drug features:

  • For sale only by prescription doctor
  • During pregnancy: with caution
  • When breastfeeding: With caution
  • At childhood: contraindicated
  • With liver function violations: With caution
  • With a violation of the kidney function: with caution
  • In old age: you can



The active substance of the drug Famvir (Famvir) is a Famciclovir. Additional components: hydroxypropylcellulose, sodium starch glycolat, lactose anhydrous, magnesium stearate.

The shell consists of hypimlolose, polyethylene glycol 4000, dioxide titanium, polyethylene glycol 6000.

Form release

The drug is sold in tablets. In one package can be 1-4 blisters. In one blister can be from 3 to 10 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

This drug has an antiviral action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After oral administration, the active substance of the drug is transformed into a penciclovir that has an impact on cytomegalovirus, as well as the Epstein-Barr virus and herpes viruses. It enters the infected areas of the body, where it turns into monophosphate, passing into trifhosphates. Being in infected cells for more than 12 hours, it prevents the replication of viral DNA. Its content in cells where there is no virus, minimally, therefore, the trifhosphate does not affect them.

Pencicloclovir acts in relation to sustainable acyclovir the strains of the Herpes Simplex virus with a modified DNA polymerase.

The drug reduces the manifestation and duration of postgerpetic neuralgia in people with a shelling herpes.

Its bioavailability is 77%. The maximum concentration of the medication is achieved by about 45 minutes. Penciclovir is characterized by a degree of connection with plasma proteins less than 20%. Plasma half-exploration time up to 2 hours. The active substance of the drug is removed mainly with urine.

Indications for use

This medicinal agent is appointed by the doctor at:

  • wind pump;
  • suppressive therapy of a recurrent infection associated with herpes;
  • primary infection with a variety of herpes simplex;
  • shooring;
  • ophthalmokerpes;
  • virus infections due to Herpes Simplex and Varicella Zoster;
  • postherpetic neuralgia;
  • the exacerbation of infections associated with herpes.


The drug cannot be applied at:

  • special sensitivity to penciclovir and drug components;
  • virus infectious diseases in children;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

Side effects

The adverse reactions when using the drug rarely appear. Sometimes patients complain of headache or nausea, but these manifestations are poorly pronounced. In addition, the following possible side manifestations are known:

  • blood-formation system - thrombocytopenia;
  • the digestive system is vomiting, jaundice;
  • allergy - urticaria, severe skin reactions;
  • central nervous system - confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, hallucinations;
  • skin covers - rash, itching.

Instructions for the use of Famvira (method and dosage)

The instruction on Famvir reports that the pills should be taken orally. The time of their reception does not depend on food, while they cannot be chewed, but you can drink water. Dosages depend on the pathological condition and other factors.

In case of infection by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus (in this case, the patient has a normal immunity), it is recommended to receive 3 times during the day 250 mg, 2 times during the day of 500 mg or 1 times during the day of 750 mg. With postgerpetic neuralgia give 3 times during the day 250-500 mg. With ophthalmogerpes, prescribed 3 times during the day of 500 mg. With infection, provoked by the Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 virus (at the same time, a patient has a reduced immunity), take 2 times during the day of 500 mg. Instructions for the use of Famvira reports that in all four cases, the application rate is designed for a week. It is advisable to start therapy immediately after the first symptoms of the disease.

In case of infections that are caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus, 500 mg of drugs 3 times / day are given to patients with reduced immunity for 10 days / day.

In case of infections provoked by the Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 virus (in this case, the patient has a normal immunity), give 3 times / day at 250 mg. With recurrence of chronic infection, patients in adulthood are prescribed a drug 2 times / day at 125 mg dosage. In both cases, it is desirable to begin therapy at the first symptoms of the disease, the medicine is used for five days.

In the case of a recurrent herpetic infection, 2 times / day are 250 mg. The course of therapy is assigned individually in each case, depending on the severity of the course of the disease.

Effective dosage for HIV-infected patients, as a rule, 2 times / day of 500 mg.

Day doses in accordance with CC (ml / min / 1.73 m2) may be as follows:

Infections provoked by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus, with QC indicators:

  • more than or equal to 40 - 3 times 250/500 mg;
  • from 30 to 39 - 2 or 3 times 250 mg;
  • 10 to 29 - 2 or 3 times 125 mg.

Infections provoked by the Herpes Simplex virus (in the patient a reduced immunity), with QC indicators:

  • more than or equal to 40 - 2 times 500 mg;
  • from 30 to 39 - 2 times 250 mg;

Infections provoked by the Herpes Simplex virus (with a patient a normal immunity):

  • the first episode - the QC indicators are greater than or equal to 30 - 3 times 250 mg; QC indicators from 10 to 29 - 3 times at 125 mg;
  • recurrent infection - QC indicators more or equal to 10 - 3 times 125 mg.

Suppressive therapy of a recurrent herpetic infection, with QC indicators:

  • more than or equal to 30 - 2 times 250 mg;
  • from 10 to 29 - 2 times at 125 mg.

People with renal failure, which are in hemodialysis, it is necessary to take medicine immediately after hemodialysis. 125 mg was recommended for genital herpes and 250 mg with a herpes gauge.


With increased dosage in the case of chronic renal failure, acute renal failure may develop.

In the event of an overdose, symptomatic and supportive treatment is carried out. The active substance of the drug can be deduced by hemodialysis. In this case, the content of phambyclovir decreases by 75% for four hours.


The clinically significant interaction of the Famciclovir with other drugs is not marked. Medicines that block the channel secretion can increase the plasma concentration of penciclovir.

Terms of sale

Sold by the recipe of a specialist.

Storage conditions

Optimal temperature up to 30 ° C. The medicine needs to be stored in place inaccessible for young children.

Shelf life

Three years.

Analogues of Famvira

Analogs of Famvira in pharmacies can be reached the following:

  • Proteflaseris;
  • Zovirax;
  • Gevian;
  • Ribavirin;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Imunofan;
  • Immunomax;
  • Erazan;
  • Isoprosine;
  • Ferrovir;
  • Drive;
  • Viferon;
  • Alloin Alpha;
  • Phenolic Penzivir;
  • Acycle;
  • Panavir;
  • Laveomax;
  • AGERP;
  • Laferon;
  • Valtarex.

The last drug is often prescribed if you need to replace Famvir.

The price of analogs can be different. Most of them are cheaper than Famvira, so many patients prefer these tools.

What is better - Valtares or Famvir?

Often, at a consultation by a doctor, people ask that better Valtarex or Famvir. Single response experts do not give. In fact, the effect of both drugs is similar. Nevertheless, the value of Famvira is higher. So patients who want to save, often choose Valtarex, as its price is much smaller.

The effectiveness of drug efficiency depends on the correctness of the choice of medicines. Therefore, it is very important to know the features of the action of the applied drugs and their advantages.

It is worth finding out what the similarities and the difference between such medicines, like acyclovir, and what is one better than the other - it will help to decide.


To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the drug Famvir. Optimally, if its use is recommended by the doctor, since this tool may cause an allergic reaction or complication.

General information and composition

This drug has an antiviral effect, preventing the reproduction of pathological organisms. This is due to the presence of substances in it with the title.

In addition to this main component, the funds are ingredients as:

The release of drugs is carried out in tablets with an active substance content of 200 and 250 mg. They are packaged in blursters of 3 and 10 pcs.

Indications for use

To achieve results, it is necessary to understand, in what cases this drug may be useful.

The following readings are specified in the instructions for its purpose:

  • (primary and);

In addition to the testimony, you need to know and contraindications, because because of them from the use of Famvira will have to abandon not provok deterioration. That is why it is important to appoint a doctor - it is difficult to assess the risks without his help.

It is prohibited to use this fund under the following circumstances:

  • intolerance of components;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast feeding;
  • childhood.

Drugs of similar action

In the presence of contraindications to the use of Famvira in the patient, the doctor must choose a remedy with a similar effect, but among the contraindications to which the patient has no particular feature.

Among the analogues of this drug are called:

These drugs also have their own characteristics that should be considered. Therefore, find out what can be replaced by Famvir, you need a doctor.


To find out what is better to use - Famvir or - it is necessary to consider the features of both drugs.

Composition, form of release

The medicine has an antiviral effect, preventing the further spread of pathological microorganisms. He also enhances immunity.

The active substance is acyclovir - it is he who plays a major role in the fight against viruses. The tool is produced in several forms: tablets, ointment, cream, lyophilisate.

The active substance is in each variety of drug. In the tablets of its 200 or 400 mg. In addition to it, the auxiliary components are included there - to give the appropriate form.

These include:

  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • lactose;
  • starch;
  • calcium stearinovascular.

In addition to acyclovir, sodium hydroxide is present in the lyophilisate. In ointments, the content of acyclovir is 30 mg per 1 g of composition. Its amount in 1 g of cream - 50 mg. Additional components can act water, alcohol, vaseline, etc.

Indications and contraindications

Using the drug should be carried out in the presence of indications for this.

  • chickenpox;
  • shingles;
  • herpes;
  • recovery after transplantation;

The tool can also be used for therapy, and to prevent these problems.

It is necessary that the use of acyclovir is appointed by a doctor. It will determine the optimal form of the drug for treatment and will give instructions on the schedule.

The presence of contraindications does therapy with the help of acyclovir dangerous - that is why self-medication is prohibited.

It should not be used this medicine with features such as:

  • increased sensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (not belong to local drug forms);
  • the age of the patient is less than 2 years (it is impossible to take tablets);
  • neurological disorders (caution requires the use of tablets and mortar).

Some of the listed contraindications are not strict - the doctor may assign an acyclovir, despite their presence, if it is necessary. But it should not be done independently - such actions often lead to complications.

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Lack of opportunity to apply acyclovir requires the use of funds with a similar effect.

They are supposed to choose among others to which include:

  1. . Its active substance is a valacticlovir. The medicine is implemented in tablets. It is used to treat and prevent infectious pathologies.
  2. Famil. The tool is intended to eliminate viral diseases. It is based on a substance of the Famciclovir. These are also a pill for oral administration, which should be taken to appoint a doctor.
  3. Arvron.. The active component of this drug is Ribavirin. This substance effectively opposes viruses, enhances immunity. Its production is carried out in capsules.

Sometimes it is necessary to select analogs due to contraindications, in other cases the patient does not suit the price, and the medicine is cheaper than the acyclovir.

What is better to choose?

Preparations Famvir and Acyclovir are much in common. They belong to one group and are characterized by a similar effect. They are prescribed with the same diseases. Their effectiveness is also different. These tools can replace each other.

The differences in them are concluded in the composition - they have a different actant. There is also a difference in the form of release. The acyclovir is found in different forms, which makes it use more convenient.

Due to the presence of ointments and cream with such a name, the drug can be used in cases where the use of Famvira is prohibited - for example, during pregnancy or lactation.

This requires caution, but in general, local medications are permissible at such periods. The tablets are forbidden to use - this may affect the development of the fetus and on the quality of breast milk. Therefore, Acyclovir has an advantage.

Those patients who are not suitable for expensive drugs will also prefer to be treated with acyclovir, since Famvir significantly exceeds it for the price.

Otherwise, the choice depends on the individual properties of the body. The presence of allergies to the Famciclovir requires its replacement by another medicine and vice versa. It is also necessary to take into account, for which substance the body reacts faster. In different patients, the same component can show both high, and low efficiency, and this does not mean that the drug is bad or good. Just someone is suitable, and someone - no.

Therefore, when a viral disease is found, it is recommended to see a doctor who will appoint a suitable drug. If the results when taking the drug, there are no negative symptoms for a long time or appeared, the patient should not be silent. You need to report this, and the doctor will appoint another tool.