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Compatibility: Lion and Aquarius - Similar and different. Lion compatibility (woman) - Aquarius (man)

At first glance, it may seems that Lion and Aquarius have a lot in common: they look at the future with optimism, easy to communicate and love to spend a lot of time outside the house. On the case, only these qualities are combined. There are a lot of contradictions between these people, but the floor of each of them plays a big role. The union in which Lv is a stronger and stronger.

Man Leo and Woman Aquarius

The lion is dominated in the relationship of this couple, and the woman Aquarius is only glad. Nevertheless, this Union cannot be called smoothly, because the desire of these people to live in their pleasure is in the first place. Nevertheless, it matters, who exactly they are coming to each other.

♌ + ♒: in love

Unwanted Soyuz - The initiator of these relations is always the lion. At first, he will be fascinated with his beautiful companion, he appreciates calm and femininity in girls, and it will seem to him that he found what he was looking for.

After some time, he will begin to notice that decision making and the whole responsibility for the development of relations fell entirely on his shoulders, and then the quality of his beloved, which he regarded as moderation and calmness, will appear in front of him in a different light. He will understand that the girl completely relaxed and inactive, the guy has the impression that she agrees with him, but at the same time he does not even listen. As soon as he expresses out loud his dissatisfaction with what is happening, will be accused of tyranny and unwillingness to be a man ...

Very rarely, these relationships are moving from a candy-bought period into something more, most often such pairs fall apart, and quite quickly.

♌ + ♒: married

Unwanted Soyuz - The level of compatibility of this pair is slightly higher than zero. The creation of a family implies the union of shared forces to strengthen relations, joint decision-making and much more. In the case of this marriage, the spouses can not be alone.

From the side of the man's lion effort will be more. In fact, he does not claim that his wife earned along with him, and indeed, it does not require it. He wants his contribution to relationships and comfortable life of the family at least appreciated.

The wife of the Aquarius of the husband is valued, but in its own way. It is not too emotional and does not consider it necessary to thank him often and praise, while she prefers to remain on the second roles, and from making decisions and participation in difficulties is removed. As a result, the lion will decide that he just sat on her neck. He will express his dissatisfaction, follows the analysis of flights, the most likely, a large swelling, resentment of spouses and her care.

♌ + ♒: in friendship

Average compatibility - In this case, under the big question. In relations of this kind, there are no mutual obligations, joint life and other gaging moments, so the guy lion and the girl of the Aquarius can completely communicate peacefully and even be friends. Nevertheless, intimate connections are not excluded between these people, which will not affect their communication. If one of this couple is a family man, then for his marriage this friendship can become a real threat.

Male Aquarius and Woman Lion

The relations of Men Aquarius and Women Lion can be quite normal if they do not associate common problems or obligations. For more accurate characteristics of their relationship, it is important to know the level of intimacy of these people and the degree of their interest in each other.

♒ + ♌: In love relationships

Unwanted Soyuz - The girl of the lioness is almost always achieved as desired, and if she is like a guy Aquarius, she will not be difficult to charm. Bright and relaxed in society, the girl must attract his attention, the guy wants to be near, and he will do everything for this.

As long as they are young, energetic and do not plan to marry, nothing threatens relationships and lovers can enjoy each other's society. So will continue until the first common difficulties and before the need to make serious decisions. As soon as this happens, loving and attentive aquarius can be completely removed at one moment, and to overcome the obstacles to the girl will have alone. Such a turn of events did not enter her plans - it is hard for her, but still she was waiting for some participation from her beloved.

For Aquarius everything will remain in their places, and the girl will be disappointed in it, and it will not be able to fix my opinion about yourself in her eyes.

♒ + ♌: married

Average compatibility - Such families are often created on the basis of passionate love, and at the time of the marriage of marriage there are no clear plans for the future. The first time the couple continues to live in his pleasure without worrying about tomorrow, both love to have fun, rest in the campaigns of friends, do not refuse themselves.

In the intimate life of the complete coincidence of the desires, this couple will not be, but mutual interest is allowed for a long time. The lioness is passionate, Aquarius - inventive, in bed both spouses are attentive to each other's desires. Very often it is sexual compatibility and is the factor that holds these people together.

Upon the occurrence of any difficulties and problems requiring an urgent solution, the lion's wife at the moment becomes serious and successfully copes with them. Her husband at this time or is located near and his help is insignificant, or even disappears somewhere. The spouse is quite capable of take all the responsibility for what is happening in marriage on himself, but she also wants to feel a strong male shoulder, and the Aquarius does not like to burden himself. If the lioness raises this topic and takes from her husband to be responsible on a par with her, it is likely that he will think about the search for another woman who will be afraid of losing him and will provide freedom of action.

♒ + ♌: in friendship

Average compatibility - Strong here is unlikely possible. The Lion girl refers to friendly relations more responsible than the Aquarius Guy, in addition, she is an open person, and the inner world of Aquarius will always be incomprehensible to her. If these people communicate, the girl will observe a certain distance, as it realizes that if you bring a rapprochement, the relationship can be spoiled. The general business or work of this pair is better not to do for the same reason.

Video: Lion ♌ Zodiac sign

Video: Aquarius ♒ Zodiac sign

And the Male Aquarius can not be called perfect. However, if these two people decided to legalize their relationships, then you can be practically confident in their durability. After all, these two freedom-loving people are not used to rushing.

Power of mutual attraction

Speaking about the compatibility of Women Lion and Male Aquarius, it should be noted by the attention of these people - practically part of one whole. They are united by a lot, despite the fact that much annoying in each other.

These personalities are noble beauty connoisseurs. They have a great feeling. Aquarius will tirelessly admire the sophistication of his chosen lioness. And she, in turn, loves the unpredictability of his partner, as well as his habit to surprise her regularly. From what could be the cause of their contradictions, almost in the first place is money. And Lions, and the Aquarius like them equally, and if someone has financial problems, there will be conflicts in a pair. Ideally, if they do not need to think about money at all. And as a whole, this pair has a prospect. They do not pay attention to small quarrels - they are very easily smoothed by their incredible power of bodily attraction.

Story Passion

The compatibility of Women Lion and Aquarius Men in Relationships will bring this pair a whole fireworks of bright emotions, fantasies, new ideas and original proposals (most often - intimate). That is their union. Aquarius does not recognize prohibitions, he adores freedom and independence. The jealous name-lion is, of course, do not like it, but the thing is that it is an ideal and for her. So somewhere in the depths of the soul, she realizes that some truth is present here. Therefore, nothing else, except to make a compromise, does not remain. And, I must say, it is favorable on the development of their relationship.

Features of a couple

Speaking about the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Lion - a woman and aquarius - a man, it should be noted that this couple is very different from the rest of all sorts of unions. They seemed to be well-being, idyll and love. They both often appear in humans, go to concerts and other cultural or sporting events. For them, any exit to light is a reason to shine with its beauty, impeccable taste and originality. They are interested in each other, they constantly learn from each other, adopt certain qualities. So, for example, a lioness with time gets used to looking at himself and think about their actions, becomes more adequate to criticism. Aquarius begins more carefully to words, ceases to throw them into the wind and shows more heat and friendliness to the people around him. They really complement each other. Such is the interesting couple - Aquarius - a man - a lion - a woman.

Compatibility of signs also shows that if these two people decide to make a common matter or open their own business, then they will succeed. The original ideas of the Aquarius will be successfully embodied in the life of hardworking and diligent lioness - it will be really fruitful tandem of two talents.

Problems and quarrels

Well, the harmonious compatibility of Women Lion and the Aquarius Men can be broken by only one - with the colossal difference in characters, temperaments and views on life. Despite the fact that they are united by such qualities as intelligence, mind, originality and magnificent taste, conflicts are unlikely to be avoided, especially at the initial stage of relationships.

Public opinion is absolutely not worried about the Guy Aquarius, which absolutely does not like the Lioness. He also rarely manifests her feelings to her - there is already a typical female resentment. The girl seems to be cooled to her. What about reality? In reality, Aquarius prefers not to voice what and so, in his opinion, it is clear. But the lioness need it. Because of such misunderstandings, she begins to reproach his chosen one, and he reacts too calmly. It is even more angry with her.

But everything is nothing compared to jealousy. The compatibility of Women Lion and the Aquarius Men due to this quality can be destroyed in the fluff and dust. After all, girls of this sign - inborn owners. Aquarius - lovers of freedom. Well, here it is worth talking about his feelings and suspicions to get rid of the quarrels once and forever, which may arise on the soil of jealousy.

Understand and take

How to make compatibility of signs of the zodiac Lion - Woman and Aquarius - a man is better? Well, the first thing they both need to understand that they are different and take this fact. You do not even need to try to re-educate your partner or block it under your desires - nothing good will fail. Instead, it is better to look for something positive in the character of your second half. Try to turn the shortcomings in dignity. And remember that in the difference and their magnificence and the raisin lies.

And to smooth out misunderstandings, it is more often to talk to each other. The lionesses are very frank and just love to talk, and Aquarius, in turn, love interesting stories and stories. It is worth using this and more often arrange cozy evenings for a cup of cocoa when there is a lot of time to learn something new about each other.

Compatibility: Woman Lion and Male Aquarius. Love horoscope

It is interesting to talk about how the relationship between these two people originate. Often, their initiator is in love with a lioness. Aquarius is able to show activity only in the case when the girl liked him very much. And that is not a fact. Not because he is timid and shy, but because he loves freedom very much. Even if he is crazy about his beloved - he will not hurry to lead it to the registry office.

How to conquer such an independent person? Not very simple, but still you can. Aquarius likes to learn something new, unknown and original. To enjoy such a guy, it is necessary to be unusual in everything - starting with clothes, ending with makeup. Aquarius is very attentive men, it is not necessary to think that they will not notice unevenly painted by the liner of the shooter or the fleeting knobs with the hairpin.

But even more important than the appearance, what the girl intends to speak with his potential chosen one. It is important to choose interesting topics, but do not touch on those in which it does not understand. Well, gradually everything will turn out. Often, such stunning couples are obtained from a lioness and aquarius that absolutely everyone surrounding their stormy novels.

Family life

It is worth talking about compatibility (Male-Aquarius - Woman Lion) in marriage. Usually, these two people are sent to the registry office after several years of relationship. They have already survived everything - quarrels, scandals, many pleasant moments, managed to live together, convert with friends and families. And now you can lend your relationship - after all, there is confidence in each other and in tomorrow. By the way, when a lot of time passed after the start of their love - Aquarius and the lioness stop swearing. They get used to each other, find compromises and live happily. Such a marriage - for a long time, if not forever.


Of these, they can get good friends. However, quarrels and rewriting will arise regularly - Aquarius perturbs the royal behavior of the lioness, and it, in turn, annoying a neutral attitude towards everything that is happening and, among other things. So that they remained buddies to the end of life, it is necessary to leave each other enough independence and freedom - then at meetings it will simply wishes to quarrel and swear.

Lions were born under the auspices of the sun. The planet symbolizes strength and power, gives light and heat, it is not surprising that the pets of the sun are always striving for leadership and are in the center of attention of others. Aquariuses patronate uranium, which is the embodiment of an ancient sky. The planet helps its ingenious pets to stand out from the crowd, and gives them a lot of talents.

The elements of Lviv - the fire, the engine of our world, the light of Lviv can be warm and destroy, but no in the light of such a force that can cope with this flame. Elements of water - air, it is stationary, impassten, strong and unshakable. The air of the uranium pets dreams of freedom, and always achieves the desired. The breeze of the Aquarius is useful to the Koster Lviv - he will come when he needs, and subsides, if there is a necessity. Some astrologers believe that Aquarius and Lviv can get the perfect union, these signs of the zodiac are compatible in many criteria.

But there is another opinion: the air-fiery guys are striving for the championship at any cost, and similar traits of nature can cause misunderstanding and grinding. But, until you check, you will not know, and the stars are looking forward to how the relationship of energetic pets of the Sun and independent uranium wards will develop.

Woman Leo and Male Aquarius

The lioness is the original and unpredictable. Pitomian Sun, barely appeared on the light, fascinated everyone - from the beauty of her eyes Ahali not only babies of the boy, but also the chief physician with midwives. Then it became even more interesting - all the people surrounding the ladies fell to the legs of the fire, and everyone in the depths of the soul dreamed that the lioness would choose him. But the fiery lady is elected - she is submitting at least a prince. The girl of the Lioness, despite the stunning appearance, is often unhappy with himself - the man must put it on the pedestal and admire the beauty of the fiery lady every minute. There are no shortcomings at the sun, although the future husband will get acquainted with one weakness of the lioness - she is unbearable jealous.

Aquarius - genius from birth, his ideas are crazy everyone around, barely got out of the womb of the mother, as the medical staff struck remarks about the adoption of childbirth. Air guy is the most peaceful among the other zodiac signs - any problem of Aquarius solves with the help of compromise and diplomacy. It would be strange if the Patoms of Uranan did not surround the fans - the girls roam him all their lives and dream to drag him into the registry office at any cost. Aquarius of the company's soul, he has friends and among the presidents, and among the work - if only a person was good. In the role of her husband, the air guy is beautiful - the wife on the first day of living together can boldly buy a diploma of the happiest woman in the world.


The lioness can not tolerate loneliness - she is always looking for adventures, and, as a rule, they find them. Fighter beauty is entertained in different ways: today the lioness lights up in the crowd of fans on the disco, and tomorrow, with an independent view, sit at the reception at the king. Aquarius boy is also not a lover to sit at home watching the series - if you offer a million million, if only he stayed at the TV, he will skeptically look and go, what was somewhere in the tundra, because there is so much unexplored there, and besides, You can make new acquaintances.
Uranus and sun all the sky asked schemes before invented where the perfect acquaintance of their pets could occur. And oddly enough, the best meeting place for Aquarius and the Lioness became the street.

Lioness, as a lady, modern, watching health, and tries to breathe fresh air. It is often in front of the disco runs into the park and admires the scenery. And the guy of Aquarius is always passionate about, and this time the gift of the photographer opens. Is it possible an artist or a photographer to pass by a charming woman who stared at the face of the caravel, or thoughtfully looks at the clarification in the pond? Aquarius will immediately be taken to take pictures of the lioness and will not even notice the snag under his feet, which he naturally turns into. When funny and disheveled Aquarius will rush to the legs of a lioness, she will only sigh - another worker could not stand and fell away from her beauty.


But the Aquarius is not confused, he will ask the lentil to measure, and start photographing it further, they say, the angle here is more interesting. Well, here the lioness will show the master class - even yawaks from the park will gather around and start applauding. The park is a great place to date, solved Aquarius and a lioness and did not begin to appoint a meeting the next day, why waste time?

Aquarius MiG merges to the store and scraps off all sorts of picnic, and a lioness, as a true mistress, has already found and covered, and napkins and arranged an improvised table. The guy of the Aquarius has not met such interesting women for a long time - he appreciated not only the beauty of the lioness, from the mind and witty lady's fire guy in general in full delight.

Lady Fire is also in admiration - she never felt comfortable in the company of one person, she, as you know, need a crowd of a dozen fans. But next to a cute aquermic lioness is good, because the Pet of Uranus is eloquent, cute and, immediately visible, not a poor guy - Won, how much did it bought for the first one!

The only person who decided to break the idyll of the air-fiery couple turned out to be a strange old man on a nearby bench. But we know that this is just a Cupid, who again started to reduce the restless guys and improve the statistics.


Next to the aquarified lioness will feel happy - the air guy can please the woman and deliver her a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure. From the charm of the lioness's head losing everything, and the Pet of Uranus will not be an exception - Aquarius and did not know that there are such tireless witch (there are no equal in bed in bed).

Aquarius is active and ingenious, during the love eephoria, his fantasy will be overwhelmed, he will pass the fiery passion with gifts, verses and songs (yes, yes, the air guy also sings). But the harmony is such a thing - today there is, and tomorrow it is no longer. In addition, a brilliant thought will come to mind: to live with a lioness. The guys will last a couple of days, and then the lion features jealousy - the poor thing will sympathize with only relatives of the fiery lady who know the habits of the Sun Pitomic, but also the stars and all the planets combined.

The impulsive fiery jealous revision first makes, but only then reflects. If an extraneous girl smiled to aquarian, it means that they had something, and it's necessary to finish it rather - so I think the lioness and rushes into battle. From the claws of the lioness will suffer all the neighbors of the Aquarius, and the saleswomen from neighboring stores will hide under the counters, only the fiery lady envy. Aquarius is a calm small, but even such a unperturbed boyfriend lioness will lead out of himself. And once the air guy will run away, throw off the phone and change appearance.


The lioness will be in a panic - again she did not restrain and spoiled everything. Lady Fire will throw a favorite psychologist, learn thousands of books, but learns to fight jealousy. What about the Aquarius? The guy is in love, and will not be able to be in the runs for a long time. After a week, Aquarius will begin to a lioness, asks for forgiveness, demonstratively removes all the girls from the phone and social networks, and a fiery lady in eternal love will swear.
Fire-air guys will decide that there is nothing to lock in four walls, and for a variety you need to get somewhere at the resort.
The guy Aquarius MiG will solve the problem - he has friends everywhere, including in travel agencies, and at the station.

While the pets of the Sun and Uranus will be lying on the beaches, and enjoy warm water, they will not come to mind. But even the oligarchs cannot afford eternal holidays - you will have to go home and make a living. Aquarius will not allow charming lionice to go to work - he is able to secure himself and beloved. But the lioness will not sit at home, waiting for the Aquarius, and cooking fragrant borschy. It is better to order sushi in the restaurant, or even dinner in the cafe, at the same time and have fun.

Uranus's pet did not imagine a civil marriage, a man of Aquarius will even think about how to carefully part, but the lioness will feel something wrong, and the moment will change its habit - she will even learn to clean, just be happy.


In general, everything will develop according to the scenario, one fine evening Aquarius, fed to the duck of fried potatoes, will pull out a velvet box out of his pocket and will offer his hand with a lion, and the heart is in addition. The lioness will throw to the phone, and in an hour in their apartment, Rodna, friends and completely unfamiliar people who will start measuring the waist of lioness and Aquarius and offer services for sewing wedding dresses. The pair of fire-air newlyweds will look perfectly, even Cupidon will appear to congratulate the Aquarius and the lioness and, now and the case will take out the handkerchiefs with embroidered hearts to losing the tears of happiness.

The husband of Aquarius will quickly adapt to the new status, there will be a feeling that he only did it all his life that he married. But a lioness woman will have to be not easy - girlfriends will disappear from her life, because who is interested to listen to endless conversations about the new recipe, or that bread cut by triangles is much more tastier.

But the fiery wife is immensely happy - Aquarius wears her in her arms, and pumped up with gifts, and in vain the lioness was afraid that in marriage all these nice little things would disappear. And when the fire-air family will visit Storks, the young people will be delighted - the future dad to the Aquarius will scrape a dozen wheelchairs to choose from, MiG hides the workers brigade so that they managed to make the perfect children's. Aquarius is an excellent father, he adores him, respect and trust all their secrets. Lioness is ready to rush with kids to deep old age - more loving and restless mother and you will not find. It can be said that the air-fiery marriage turned out perfect, and who doubts, let him get on a visit to aquarified and lioness - there is something to envy!


The lioness Girl is artistic and the kids are constantly around it, because with a fiery baby very interesting. Aquarius's guy is not like other kids - a little genius always knows more than the rest, he also surrounds the crowds of curious, the Pet of Uranus is forever thinks something and invents.

Lioness and Aquarius will look at each other for a long time, but one day it is decided to get acquainted closer. Friendship from fire-air guys can get strong, the guys never bounce, they will be fun and comfortable next to each other. But adults in panic - educators go on tiptoe, and parents run to family psychologists after the next pranks of the Aquarius and Lioness. With over the years, the relationship of Aquarius and lionesses become more interesting, fiery-air friends are not limited to banal fun, their tricks are all sophisticated, and the surrounding every day dream that they have come off and break out.

Talented Aquarius will pull out a frivolous girlfriend from complex alterations, and the lioness will begin to the air buddy, if he suddenly takes it, or Zahanrit. When the pets of the Sun and Uranus are made up, they will not sit on the bench at the entrance to move the bones of youth, Aquarius and Lioness will buy a plot of land, build a house, and, despite the persuasion of their relatives, will decide to live together - which is in vain torture legs, and run friend To a friend to visit, if you can make a good one to go out.


The lioness is committed to power and always achieves success. Lady of Fire will never have someone in submission. Sun Pitomice give a cozy throne and a bunch of obedient servants, only then she will be happy and satisfied with life. Aquarius boy is independent and independent. He from his youth puts himself a goal and goes to her, not paying attention to obstacles. The money of the Aquarius is in principle not interested, he is ready to work for the idea, although the Pet of Uranus is not at all against wealth.

Together, the fire-air guys can reach the vertices, the main thing, immediately decide on the positions - the gallant Aquarius, naturally, will give way to the Lion's chair of the chief. The original lioness and brilliant Aquarius ride into the horror of competitors - all the ill-wishers are ready to change the activity, just not to face this stubborn with a fire-air border.

The man of Aquarius is always something inventing something, he is unlikely to work with his hands, why spend physical power if you have a smart head on my shoulders? The lionescent is also difficult to imagine outside the comfortable chair - in the role of the head the fiery lady is beautiful! The stars see the Fire-Air Union a great future - a lioness and aquarius are able to become rich in a short time, unless, of course, agree not to spend money for any nonsense.

Man Leo and Woman Aquarius

Paren Lion is a romantic and passionate, cute and attentive. A fiery guy since childhood is heard by the conqueror of female hearts - any lady melts from the smile of a lion, because he is able to make mankind one of his presence in this world. Man Lea Jealous, he would be glad to start a harem so that beautiful women belong only to Him. In front of the charm of the pet of the Sun, it is impossible to resist - behind the fiery lifting of the girl lined up. The guy Lion Falling on flattery, often women use it, and circle a fiery man's head. When the lion marries, he will become a great family man, and never offended the lady of the heart, but will be happy if the spouse is wrapped in a barge, so that no one dare to look at her.

Aquarius girl is an amazing and extraordinary person. Lady Aquarius never misses - barely born, she found entertainment and began to consider flowers on diapers. Uranus's petomice indifferently the opinion of other people, if the lady of the air fell in love, then for the sake of the one, she will be ready for everything. Fans have a mysterious air lady a lot - guys dream to be near the aquarity, at least as a friend. The girl of the Aquarius is often twisted in the clouds, but it does not prevent her from using intuition - air Madame never makes stupid actions, all its actions weighed and thought out. With the role of a spouse, Aquarius copes perfectly, but the girl of the air lacks freedom - she is unlikely to be happy to sit on the sofa in an embrace with her husband, it is better to go to visit or to a party.


The guy Lion wither a minute can stay alone, he is ready to make new friends every day, if only they admired them, an enthusiastic crowd of buddies and cute young crowds is always going around the fiery handsome. Aquarius girl loves to communicate, she is smart and charming, and never shy to express their opinions. If the air lady falls at a reception to the king, she immediately will lead a friendly relationship with all the princes, and charm their ease and ingenious ideas.

The air-fiery guys may be met anywhere - and at a party, and in the park, the main thing is that the planets at this moment are lined up as it should. The stars decided to reduce the pets of the Sun and Uranus in the usual traffic jam - well, and what, there is nothing to do, there is a free sea, and why not meet?

The lion of traffic jam hates, he immediately becomes nervous, and is ready to jump out of the car and run, where the eyes look. And the girl is an aquerity anyway - a plug, it means the plug, the air lady will get a notebook, and will begin to draw cartoons on all drivers. When the lion notices an unusual beauty, which, unlike the other motorists, is calm and serenely sitting in a wheelbarrow, and sings a song, he will immediately decide to take the initiative into his hands.

The conversation will start instantly - air-fiery guys never climb into a pocket of the word, they will enchant each other, and two hours will fly as an instant. Even it is a pity to part, and go through your affairs. But it is necessary to leave, because the drivers are now some nervous - already one chauffeur takes out the arrows from the ancient quiver, and look at the pallet.


The lion will not lag behind a new acquaintance - he will go to the car of the Aquarius, and even exit the city will not embarrass. The girl's breath is attentive, but it will not come to the head that he was surrounded by surveillance. The uranium petomica will calmly come out by his dacha, and as long as she unloads seedlings and other joys of the gardener, the guy lion prevents back to the city. The lion decided to act boldly and assertive - he invited buddies, and the girl of the Aquarius of Obomall, when a crowd of sleeper guys with chips and shovels came to her. Completed the led procession, dressed in a snow-white suit and loaded with chic bouquets of scarlet roses. The girl of the Aquarius came in full delight, although he was somewhat embarrassed - after all, it was not a date for her plans, and even a suitable outfit at the cottage was not lit. But prudent leva again surprised the air lady - he solemnly took out a box with a gorgeous dress. The uranium's pettomitian immediately rushed to change clothes (it was necessary, the new worker and guess with the size, and I got in style).

When the girl of the air left the country house, unfolded and refreshing, workers guys immediately disassembled their shovels, from somewhere they got violin and began to play easy-to-mole music. Even the Cupid was surprised, and he did not expect such events from the fence from the fence - he did not expect such events.


The lion is able to drive crazy any lady, it is ingenious and tacty, besides, Leva feels the mood of a woman and always guess her desire. With intimate proximity, fire-air guys did not pull - just if the acquaintance and a date happened in one day, then it should be acting quickly and rapidly. Aquarius girl can seem like a modest and cold, but the left knows that often behind the appearance of the Snow Queen can hide a mad temperament. The pet's pet was not mistaken - the lady of the Aquarius turned out to be extremely sensual special, and delivered a man with a lion's pleasure and incomparable pleasure.

Already tomatoes sucked, and cucumbers wishes, and the pets of uranium and the sun are not able to tear away from each other. The lion woke up first, he is still a man. The leva immediately spread the rapid activity, again called friends to build a crop, in the passage of the fiery guy made repairs at the dacha of the air passage, and after a week in the house of the Aquarius, everything shone and spurned - the renovation, which is what you say. Once idyll was broken - Aquarius had come to visit, and the lion was very good, jealous of his beloved to every man who threw her eyes.


Uranium's ward did not even notice the rest of the jealous lion (Fiery Othello volunteered to carry out friends of the Aquarius and spent a conversation with guys - pleasures fled like scared, Lev managed to find the necessary words). The lion hired a guard for the garden lounger's garden house, and transported Aquarius to his home. Aquarius girl even in a state of love will not allow it to locate it in a golden cell - freedom above all.

The air lady will show a lion, which should be the perfect civilian marriage. Entertainment - Yes, boredom and serness - no! That is, everything will remain still, except to dinner and sleep the fiery-air guys will be together. A couple of months, pets Sunny and uranium will live in peace and harmony. But one day, the lady of the Aquarius will decide to arrange a home party and, while Lion honestly work in the service, the crowd from his air lads will be brought to their cozy nest.

When the lion appears home, he will not believe her eyes - where is his faithful girlfriend? Why does Aquarius do not meet him with a smile and slippers? Instead, the insidious air lady Lycho dysplains with a brutal cavalier, who throws lustful looks on her. Further, the lion does not remember anything. Fiery Othell woke in about an hour - around anyone, and only crystal wine glasses are swinging on the chandelier, and there are alarmed neighbors in the door.


When was Leve told that he got up in a jealous fugure, the fiery guy grabbed his head - did he lose his tender and beautiful beloved? But, of course, the lady of Aquarius forgave her jealous and decided to take up the education of the unbridled lion.
First of all, you need to legitimize the relationship - maybe marriage ties will help to avoid many disagreements?

The wedding of fire-air guys was quiet and calm - the guests came a little, mostly the people gathered on the part of the lion, because the familiar ladies of Aquarius still did not come to themselves after that unforgettable parties. But the bride of the Aquarius and the groom lion still looked satisfied and happy. Cupid went to the Aistam and ordered not to delay with surprises - the kids in the fire and air family appeared pretty soon. The lion even stopped controlling his wife - all the attention of the careful dad paid for his beloved Chadam. And the mother of Aquarius is a dream of any child, she will tell you a fairy tale, and you will learn to read, and even the stitch will be allowed, if only a restless fiery daddy did not know about it.

It can be safely argued that the pets of uranium and the sun will achieve perfect compatibility, although not immediately - at least after a dozen years of marital life, Aquarius and Lion will cease to quarrel and learn to extinguish conflicts without unnecessary words and emotions.


Paren Lion is restless and naughty fidget. From the Zhta Lionca from the surrounding hysteria begins, and only the girl of Aquarius is watching and waiting for himself: what else will this cheerful fortune invent? The girl's girl immediately realized that it was necessary to make friends with the fiery chalub, they would not get bored with him, besides, the lion would always help to realize any ideas, only hints.

The friendly relations of air-fiery guys will develop rapidly - today, Lyenka and Girly Aquarius were removed from the birch, where they had already managed to build a slush, and tomorrow the couple pulled out from the train from the coupe, and did not give air-fiery ugly to take a world journey.

The lion and the girl of the Aquarius are never sad - if the air lady, for example, did not pass the exam at the institute, the fiery guy will personally appear to the teacher, and falls on his knees, or pay ten of his scholarships, if only his girlfriend was given to the top five. The lady of Aquarius will never leave the fiery buddy in trouble - the air girlfriend will always pull the lion from the most unthinkable alteration, and will figure it out with anyone who dares to harm the nice lion.

Fire-airborne conventions still in childhood were swore not to spoil the friendship with romantic - for this there will be half, and friendly relations should be built only on honesty and trust. The spouse of Leo and the husband of the Aquarius were not delighted with the friendship of the pets of the Sun and Uranus, and before the old age they complained each other for the next anticipation of fire friendlies.


Man Leo is a born king, at worst, prince. Level always lacks power, and he rushes through the career ladder, not noticing anything around. When a fiery guy is successful, he immediately hits the case, and is looking for where to still apply talents. Lady Aquarius is not a careerist, but somehow it reaches unprecedented heights in any activity. The air lady is a genius in a skirt, and any self-respecting manager, dreams of such a beautiful and working employee.

Naturally, the lion will see a rival in an air woman, and will try to "neutralize". However, the lady of Aquarius will not even pay attention to the lion and will persistently engage in a loved one. Stars advise Leve not to waste time in vain, and immediately relieve the Aquarius to their team.
The lion hates accounts, and follow the finances - spend, so to spend with pleasure. The air of the air is generally indifferent to the capital, but, nevertheless, the money is always found in her, and in large quantities.

The opposite location of the two constellations will bring a special interest in the relationship of the Men Leo and Women of Aquarius, whose compatibility stars are generally said like this: it is quite possible, but it will be expensive.

The man lion and the Aquarius woman is very unusual, and nevertheless, a very common union, which disintegrates quite rarely, unless of course it came to stable and serious relationships.

The first meeting of the guy Lion and the girl of the Aquarius will be remembered for a long time and the other. And if the lion is used to charming with his own power, impressiveness, good manners finally, so that the woman somehow influenced his mood - it is less likely. You see, the lion got used to shine and firmly believes that in the world he is one.

And here it comes across such an exotic fruit as a girl of Aquarius. Charming, sociable, mysterious and undoubtedly erudite. One can only imagine his surprise - it turns out that such rare specimens live not only in the Red Book, but sometimes come across in real life.

As for the Aquarius, the woman of this sign of the zodiac is important to see in his partner not so much a set of muscles as an interesting person. She will never fall in love with a beautiful athlete who drastically dispels with her in life views. The lion will quickly understand that in essence he is thrown challenge - the Aquarius is difficult to impress and even more difficult to conquer. Here and the guarantee of favorable compatibility in love relationships, which can develop with unpredictable speed.

From the side of a couple - a sample of youth: always funny, cheerful, rejoices of life and often come off in full, not seeking to go through anyone. Their novel is like a rapid flame flame, which will sometimes weaken because of the ice of Aquarius. And the ice is manifested in cases where interpersonal problems arise in the tandem.

The fact is that the girl does not arrange the name of the lion, his possible hypocrisy, when another hour ago he was seriously angry with her, and now heshes a bunch of affectionate and gentle. Most of all in the world she does not tolerate insincerity. And Leo can annoy the inconsistency of the companion, her desire to constantly prove his point of view, which does not always coincide with him, lion's position.

In these situations, the difference between partners manifests itself, and it is they who create the greatest threat to their compatibility in love. Well, in such cases should be especially closely followed in your own words. The fact is that the lion will not tolerate the slightest insult to its address. He really believes that he is the best and strong, real king of animals. Therefore, criticism and the more smaller assessments of his appearance and deeds is a painful blow to pride.

But Aquarius is unlikely to be able to keep his words if they, in his opinion, are relevant to the truth. It turns out that partners are very important to learn how to behave in conflicts. The lions are very emotional, they argue hotly, never change their position, although they can look outwardly, which agrees.

Another risk is that the guy Lev is a classic owner who perceives his girlfriend Aquarius, rather, like prey, the more so sweet - after all, usually conquer the stubborn expensive. But the lady of hotly disagree with the status of the slave. She does not impress even the image of the main wife in the harem. In his dreams, she is free, like a bird, and the slightest hint of a non-vulgar will seriously think about whether to continue the relationship.

Frequent flashes of lion of jealousy can make their own spoonful, and in a beautiful novel, there is a prose of life together with squabbles and constant clarification of relationships. In this sense, a couple should only wish to adapt to each other and appreciate the partner for the strengths, which are a lot of men, and the girl of Aquarius.

Just remember per minute of anger and resentment, what joy you give each other in peacetime, what kind of colors will be filled with when you are together. Not every couple can boast such love for life. And the lion and aquarius is an example of that tandem, which is infected with his enthusiasm even the environment. This is what it is worth appreciating and controversial, take care. The chances of compatibility in relationships in this pair are very large. If they can overcome the period of small misunderstandings, then there is a high probability to build a real, strong family.

Marriage compatibility: Two family man

If the man Leo lived with his woman to an alarm before marriage, it in itself is a big victory. It turns out that they managed to find a certain balance of power - after all, in this union there is no hierarchy as such. And although the lion seeks to preserve the leadership positions in every way, the girl still often acts in his own way, trying, however, not to offend his faithful.

Finally, they come out of the registry office, completely satisfied with themselves. The wedding will certainly be chic - these are the ambitions of the lion. The event will be held with a large scale, and Aquarius will appreciate such an attachment as confirmation of serious intentions from the man.

The family life of the Union always hits the key - they clearly do not call the houses. Both, as a rule, an unimaginable number of friends, buddies and just good acquaintances, to whom they will definitely often walk and shine their charm and a sense of humor.

The main enemy is such a couple - perhaps boredom. What is a man lion that the girl of the Aquarius is used to when life is booming the key. They are not imagined happy behind the kitchen stove or while planting potatoes in the country. In order for life to continue to be interesting, they simply need to maintain activity and in parallel to acquire a couple of interesting family traditions like a campaign to the theater every second Saturday of the month or visiting the horror movie every third night of the week.

A gift from Aista brings into a pair of lion and aquarius that part that may have been so lacking during their previous relationship. The fact is that the lion becomes a real defender of his house and the resourceful agent, and the Aquarius turns into a gentle mother and self-afforded in his eyes.

When it seems to them that all the dreams have already come true, the children will grow up and acquire their families, these two will be real freedom. All earthly affairs are made by and large, and now you can safely live in your pleasure. As a rule, the lion in the mature period is narrowing already very decent capital, which allows him to indulge the belief very often.

At this stage, it is advisable to them to engage in some kind of superval public affair, so that the active gusts from the other side receive an adequate possibility of incarnation.

Sex compatibility: accurate hit

Since the lion of passion and hot, and Aquarius is incredibly ingenious, then the compatibility of these signs in bed is very harmonious. The lion is a real amateur pleasure, and for him to conquer such a mysterious girl like Aquarius, already in itself it seems incredibly exciting.

When the business comes to a pleasant night, the lion's nature will be revealed, and the fantasy of the girl Aquarius. And a similar combination will make a strong impression on both, which will undoubtedly bring the parties. By the way, it is often so they will put up - right under the blanket. After all, often in conflicts people look very sexy, did not notice?

Compatibility at work: fruitful combination

Since for any work it is desirable to have at least a droplet of inspiration, the influx of fresh, original ideas in the sphere, in which it would seem that everything has long been clear, it definitely does not hurt. Namely, it will be able to provide Aquarius, which is recognized by the stars the most original zodiac sign, a little eccentric, but with the richest imagination.

On the other hand, the lion will be able to organize everything well and charge the employee with personal sympathy and confidence that he will have, having assigned to an aquatic megazagna task. Personal relations of such a tandem at work will ensure their favorable compatibility in different projects. Especially successfully at Lion with Aquarius will be able to perform creative tasks, as well as to inspire a team for a difficult period in work. Just the fire burns in the air, and the air is heated from the fire. Probably you already guessed who there is someone.

Lion and Aquarius - an example of a good, albeit complex combination. Stars prophesy to them favorable opportunities to create a family, however it is very important to understand whether this person you are trying to.

Compatibility Horoscope: Aquarius Lion Compatibility Zodiac signs - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Lion 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Scales 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Fish 21.02 - 20.03

Compatibility of zodiac signs Lion - Aquarius

With a superficial look, the lion with aquiet is very similar to each other. There is a mutual attraction between them, but as soon as they converge closer, there are many unpleasant situations and even categorical disagreements. The lion is ready to take responsibility for everything that he does for the blessing or to harm this relationship, while Aquarius will try to avoid binding his obligations and whatever responsibility. He is alleged, he again turns out to be near, and this behavior surprises and annoying a lion. Without making each other anything bad, they often turn out to be mutual interference in each other's life. If it is also interested in success in society, they will not stay near long. The combining factors are their sociability and willingness to come to the aid partner, despite personal insults and ambitions, if he found himself in a difficult situation.

Lion and Aquarius - Love and Marriage Compatibility


Leo man - Aquarius woman

This pair is waiting for very interesting relationships, more similar to the game. How it will develop - depends on how much the efforts of the man-lion and the Woman Aquarius will make in order to be happy together.

Woman-aquarity lies with the attention of the impressive lion, although many shortcomings of his character will not eclip out from her attention at the first meeting. But she is much ready for him to forgive, because the kindness and generosity of this man are the main virtues in her eyes. This woman herself is tactical, friendly, and seeing these qualities, the lion is constrained in her presence, producing the impression of a softer and benevolent person. Work on yourself for your beloved, surround her care, love, arrange romantic surprises - all this gives him joy. Her immediacy and, at the same time, the unwillingness to stand out on a general background will always be in good wonder to surprise him.

These partners do nothing, so their life may well leak without scandals and reproaches. Aquarius spouse will enjoy all responsibility for their relationship and family life as a whole on a husband who will cope with this mission, choosing the best way to a happy life. But the aquarius in this case can and overdo it, thoroughly thoroughly from participating in family issues and relies on the man. And, despite the ambitiousness of the lion and his desire for a steering wheel of a joint life, he does not quite like it. If they consider it possible and necessary to reproach each other, then Aquarius will surely hear the accusation of inconsistency in their address, the absence of a clear position, and Lero will have to parry reproaches in unnecessary vanity and chosenas of Tirana.

The horoscope warns: if the Woman-Aquarius with a man-lion will not give way to each other, then conflicts threaten to take a protracted character, because both of these partners are not inclined to put up first. If the stability becomes a rapprix factor, then the Aquarius with Lv is starting in such an atmosphere "Slump", they need constant entertainment (perhaps not even devoid of adventurism), travel and active communication with acquaintances.


Aquarius man - lion woman

This couple produces a vivid impression, from the outside they seem very similar, but a cloudless life, alas, shines only if they will try very much for this and even go to certain sacrifices.

At the beginning of the relationship of Women Lion with a man-aquarity between them, there is a strong mutual attraction, but the period of blinding passion lasts long, because Differences in characters and worldviews are becoming obvious. Because of this, this union may be short-term, although the initiator of parting may later be regretted. However, if partners succeed in successfully overcome the complex period of ticking characters, their further joint future may well be happy.

Unlike representatives of many other signs of the zodiac, the Aquarius and Woman Lion adore all sorts of surprises and do not seek stability and clarity in everything. Together they never stay at home, constantly travel, try to be among people, but at the same time they pursue completely different goals. The lioness is committed to self-affirmation, trying to satisfy his vanity, while its satellite-aquarius, as a rule, seeks to ideals a higher order. In addition, the male Aquarius is less ambiguous and not so arrogant.

For this couple, it is characteristic that they give each other a greater degree of freedom and the opportunity to behave outside the family at their discretion, and it is not based on indifference to each other, but on mutual respect. Mutual freedom does not interfere with the relationship - on the contrary, over time they are only stronger. The best prospects in such a pair of the horoscope promises marriage, in which a man is much older than a woman.

Aquarius and Lion - Sex compatibility

The novel between the representatives of these signs of the zodiac can very quickly go to the intimate sphere, their compatibility in bed is very high, which has a positive effect on the relationship in general. Lero impresses the ingenuity of the Aquarius, which makes a certain flavor in their intimate life. This is especially characteristic of young partners who are ready to arrange love dates in the most extreme setting. Both are not too needed in the romantic framing of sex.

Horoscope Compatibility of Aquarius and Lviv in work and business

Rodinitis representatives of these signs of the zodiac is a creative approach to work, passionateness with new ideas. But it is not always easy for them just, especially if we are talking about monotonous, boring activities. If a joint work is fond of both, then everyone is ready to invest in all strength and abilities, and this promises a great result. The problem in this relationship can be the desire of a lion to become the main thing at the officially equal position of colleagues or partners, as well as its external effects, impulsiveness and willingness to work only in those conditions that seem comfortable to him.

Aquarius pair - Lion: compatibility in friendship

Since in the case of a lion friendship with water, both are not burdened with such a number of liabilities as in the family or in work, in this case, their compatibility increases. They are going together to relax, it is interesting to spend time, both societies and are active. Aquarius tremendously relate to friendship, and the lions are happy when they value. At the occasion of the lion, which is usually available to all sorts of useful links, is always ready to draw up to his friend-aquate protection. But voluntary representatives of these signs are unlikely to become friends.

See the compatibility of Lviv with other zodiac signs:

Lion and aquarius compatibility

The union of this pair is quite contradictory. Compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Lion is based on two powerful streams of energy that they form. The first impression is that these partners are very similar, but the similarity is superficial. However, both signs have an active life position. The lion is achieved by success, because it is eager to get the best always and in everything, and Aquarius lives adventures, because it is not able to stop in place for longer than five minutes.

Differences of these signs make them opposite in the zodiacal circle. The lion is very hot and emotional, and Aquarius has a mad energy, but at the same time very superficial. The lion is more inclined to look into the inner world of others and especially itself, Aquarius is absolutely not interested. The compatibility of Aquarius and Lion is based on the fact that each of them has the set of positive qualities that are attractive to the partner. The lion radiates calm and stability, at the same time gracefully showing everything as much as he appreciates her beloved. Aquarius distinguishes humility in character and readiness to recognize their mistakes.

Compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Lion becomes the basis for interesting and prolonged relationships: their joint life will be filled with surprises, gifts, fantasies and small tricks. And what else do you need these two so vigorous signs? They will live a full life, rejoicing every moment. In such a union, it is possible to overcome any contradictions, parting occurs very rarely.

Table compatibility pair of lion and aquar

Lion and Aquarius - Love and Marriage Compatibility

At first glance, they are very similar, but this is a deceptive impression. Of course, the lion and aquarius go in one direction, but inspiring by different motifs. Basically, the lion lives for himself and by himself, and Aquarius - the flow of life in which it is located and which it generates.

They are very different psychologically. The lion is emotional and hot, Aquarius is very energetic, but at the same time superficial. After all, all the same two signs are opposite to each other on the astrological circle. One has something that is missing to another, but the other will not agree with what needs it.

What is the lion, and in Aquarius - no? Heat, aggravated self-esteem, stability and reliability. What is Aquarius and there is no lion? Humility, impartiality of criticism and willingness to recognize their drawbacks.

Most often, Aquarius act as supporters of free love and rarely hurry with the conclusion of marriage. For both partners it will be easier if, after making a marriage, the lifestyle pair will not change dramatically. The best option for this union, in our opinion, is the option in which a man is a lion, and a woman is aquarius.

At the first meeting, representatives of these opposite signs feel a great power of mutual attraction. It seems to them that they are very similar. But over time, it turns out that if the lion is wishing in the spotlight, it is ready to be responsible for this, then Aquarius behaves like a devil from tobacker - seeks to escape from responsibility by any ways, mainly hiding behind the depository employment.

So, the independence and the freedom of the Aquarius, and the hidden, and more often explicit, the leadership of the lion. But they are good lovers and friends, although mostly all the same partners. This marriage is very important common goal, joint business and constructive cooperation and successes. Failures and destructive approach is doubly destructive.

Quarrels may arise because of money: after all, each of the partners have their own absolutely loyal look at this topic. The reason for conflicts is also the fact that both do not like loneliness and mutually can in work forget that somewhere at home is sitting in sadness and sorrow their favorite person. But if one of them falls into trouble or sick - another will definitely be near.

Strong attraction in time will smooth the differences in their temperaments and characters, views and opinions, in beliefs and worldviews. But as far as the lion is jealous, it is almost completely devoid of this character trait.

This family has a lot of soreness and humor, fantasies and tricks. They creep each other insane surprises and generous gifts at the most unexpected moment. There are many contradictions between representatives of the signs of the zodiac, but they are almost always overcome. Divorces in this marriage union are extremely rare.

Man lion with other zodiac signs

Lion and Aquarius relations

There are no significant differences between these signs. They are combined sociable, willingness to help the partner. But the unwillingness of the Aquarius to take over the obligations and the increased desire of a lion is responsible for everything, leads to the cooling of partners.

As a result, the compatibility of Leo and Aquarius can not be called perfect. After all, they often simply interfere with each other in life.

Features of the sign of the zodiac lion. general characteristics

The originality of the character of lion

Lion is born with powerful and ambitious. Often these people are so confident in their exclusivity, which can break the relationship with a person if he starts criticizing. Vanity lion, love for praise makes him a toy in the hands of cunning people. After all, he himself is simple, naive and cannot figure out his life.

Choosing a partner, the lion shows selectivity. He is important to the external appeal, the status of a person so that he can shine in society next to such a satellite.

  • Positive qualities: nobility, generosity.
  • Negative qualities: Pulse, Padness in flattery.

Features of the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. general characteristics

Character and feature of water

Aquarius attracts people with their kindness, attention, the ability to help in a difficult moment. However, his real friends have a little, mostly - just familiar and sneakers. The problem is in its reluctance to make efforts to maintain relationships.

Build contacts with people, he focuses on independence, the absence of pressure from the side. He is for an equal relationship. Aquarius does not recognize prestiges, does not consider it necessary to follow the traditions. He calmly expresses his point of view, not paying attention to the opinion of the majority.

Regarding failures, these people are worried about long, but a huge stock of energy allows them to easily defend their interests. May contribute to close peace. Do not forget the resentment, but rarely take revenge on their enemies.

  • Positive qualities: prudence, friendliness.
  • Negative qualities: tension, stubbornness.

Compatibility Women Aquarius and Men Leo

This is an interesting couple that can build misfortunes and enjoy them for a long time. A woman is delighted with the manner of the behavior of a lion, although some things in her character can cause rejection.

But she will not pay attention to the shortcomings while he is generous and generous. The girl will attract the attention of a man with its softness, goodwill. He will try to keep himself in his hands not to upset the beloved explosive temperament.

Compatibility between them is based on the fact that the lion is ready to work on himself, if only an aquari woman was happy.

Compatibility Women Lion and Male Aquarius

These people have a lot in common, but together they are difficult. In order for this pair, the compatibility of Leo and Aquarius in love relationships did not fail, everyone needs to be pretty hard. At first glance, there is a passion between them, but when she subsides, everyone seeks a lot of flaws in a partner who can destroy a couple. If they break up, then they will regret it more than once.

If they successfully oversail the launch stage, they can live in harmony all their life. The problem is in their different approach to life. The lioness chases self-affirmation, it needs success. Her husband needs spiritual self-improvement, he has no ambitious plans, and it is not clear to her. With youth, she will ask himself a question: why her boyfriend does not build a career?

It is good that in this union and husband and wife are ready to provide freedom of action to their chosen one, it will only strengthen their connection.

Lion + Aquarius - Compatibility - Astretipologist Dmitry Shi

Compatibility Lev-Man and Aquarius-Woman. In Sovme�.

Compatibility Aquarius-man and lev-woman. In Sovme�.

Not all signs of the zodiac are equally suitable in love one

00:06 - Characteristic Leo 01:46 - Lev - Aries 03:11 - Lion - Body

the likely course of the relationship of the signs of aquarius and scales,

love horoscope for a lion sign, will be happy

Sexy lion compatibility horoscope

  1. Since partners are difficult to go for reconciliation, they are better not to quarrel at all. Otherwise, their conflicts can grow into a cold war.
  2. You need to learn how to concentrate on the fact that they bring them closer: this is sex, love for traveling, rare ability to forgive.

How can the relationships of these signs?

Compatibility of Lviv and Aquarius in love can be optimal, but if both begin to strive for power, conflicts cannot be avoided. The mysterious behavior of Aquarius, which comes closer to the partner, then eludes him, can cause a perplexity of the lion on a par with the reluctance of Aquarius to take responsibility for what is happening in the family.

In bed, they are compatible, but for family life this is not enough. Here are lovers from them perfect. They surround their meetings with romantics, show ingenuity. Friendship between them is also developing very quickly, they are interested in to be together, the compatibility of same-sex Aquarius signs - the lion in friendship is built on the ability to help the friend, cheer him. In all-choice representatives of these signs, friendly communication quickly develops into a love alliance, because mutual attraction is very large.

Work brings together these people only if there is the possibility of creative self-realization.

Aquarius and Lion - compatibility of signs

The union of this pair is quite contradictory. Compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Lion Based on two powerful streams of energy that they form. The first impression is that these partners are very similar, but the similarity is superficial. However, both signs have an active life position. The lion is achieved by success, because it is eager to get the best always and in everything, and Aquarius lives adventures, because it is not able to stop in place for longer than five minutes.

Differences of these signs make them opposite in the zodiacal circle. The lion is very hot and emotional, and Aquarius has a mad energy, but at the same time very superficial. The lion is more inclined to look into the inner world of others and especially itself, Aquarius is absolutely not interested. The compatibility of Aquarius and Lion is based on the fact that each of them has the set of positive qualities that are attractive to the partner. The lion radiates calm and stability, at the same time gracefully showing everything as much as he appreciates her beloved. Aquarius distinguishes humility in character and readiness to recognize their mistakes.

The first meeting of Leo and Aquarius is accompanied by an increasing mutual imposition, which is based on the seeming similarity of partners. However, a little later, they understand that the lion is a responsible and deeper sign, and Aquarius uses any excuses to just not answer for their words and actions.

In a financial issue, partners will not be unanimous: lion, though it is waste, but makes purchases with the mind, acquiring all the highest quality and better or what in the future will save money. Aquarius can spend money on such a nonsense that his partner will be in deep shock.

Compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Lion becomes the basis for interesting and prolonged relationships: their joint life will be filled with surprises, gifts, fantasies and small tricks. And what else do you need these two so vigorous signs? They will live a full life, rejoicing every moment.

In such a union, it is possible to overcome any contradictions, parting occurs very rarely.

Sexual compatibility of lion and aquarius

The intimate life of these partners is decorated with insane acts, bright romantic surprises and constant heating of interest to each other. Sexual compatibility of Aquarius and Leo can smooth out many contradictions arising between them in everyday life. Lion hot and assertist, and Aquarius can diversify their relationship with its fantasies.

Compatibility: Male Leo - Woman Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius and Lion, when the lion is a man, a aquatic woman, is the most preferred option. Everything is explained by the fact that the lion, having a leader's obvious deposit, being a man, their full-way exhibits. And the Woman Aquarius is more prone to subordination than the male representative of this sign.

At first, the lion is slightly embarrassed by the eccentricity of the beautiful Aquarius, but in no case will this not show this. Her manner is communicating and not quite clearly express his thoughts leads to a royal man in full confusion, and he, without giving his predicament, will make every effort to solve her secrets, while making it a sneaking. So the woman of the Aquarius fills his man to Azart: learn it - now the main task is. At the same time, she herself is pleasantly surprised by the calm calm of his chosen one, she impresses the careless greatness of the lion. Such a game is interesting to both, and in the end leads to the formation of strong attachment and the emergence of feelings between them.

It is possible to appear certain problems when it turns out, the lion lacks tenderness and attention from the partner. Aquarius woman, in turn, will not be able to understand why Lerl needs to worship others and universal respect when she is enough to respect her. However, in general, it is just those signs that fill the life of each other with carefree happiness.

Compatibility: Woman Leo - Male Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius and Lion, intrigues from the very beginning. The first stage of relationship is full of pleasant emotions and desire to get together with each other.

The lioness dissolves in the mysterious depth of the eye of the Men-Aquarius, without noticing how his charm subdues her being. Aquarius is amazed by its royal grandeur and feels an insurmountable need to adherence to this delightful Virgin. Their emotionality acts as a magnet, and a couple of lovers plunges into the world of absolute harmony and happiness. But this is just first. As soon as the eye falls with the eye, which arose at the time of their acquaintance, everything becomes gray and depressing. The lion female in one moment becomes arrogant and cold, and he ceases to be so gallant and tactful, responding to the disregard of partners to frankly rudeness. These two signs come into confrontation, which ultimately leads to a breaking of relationships. Seeing each other as welcome qualities, they, instead of adopting them and exchange life experience, jealous, burning newly emerging feelings. In such an alliance, you need the ability to self-analysis from both partners, otherwise they can part enemies.

Business Compatibility Lion and Aquarius