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Slavic traditions of fortune telling in January - fun, informative, and sometimes scary

Many are asked as a reasonable question when they begin to guess in January 2018 and do it right. Everyone knows that Christmas Eve is Night on the eve of Christmas, ideal for gadas. This can even be read in many literary works, for example, Gogol.

But, not all modern girls guess that with this night the right time, when they begin to guess in January, it does not end, but only begins. A favorable period for gadas in Russia has always been considered. This is two weeks between Merry Christmas and baptism, that is, if you look at the dates, then January 6-18. During this period, you can guess at any time.

Interesting! The people believed that the souls of the dead were dead to the earth and, if they correct to them and ask them, they will open the veil over the future and will even be so favorable to show the truth.

In Orthodoxy, the fortune telling is considered not an awry business, but in Russia, the tradition of guessing during the period was important and did not argue about it. Historians associate it with a period of paganism in our territories. As you know, the dates of many holidays coincided, only received a different meaning. So the fortune telling on the calenda, perhaps, became relevant due to such a coating of traditions.

What fortune tells you can spend

We decided when they start guessing in January. You can begin to spend various rituals in the evening or at night January 6, and then continue at least every night for two weeks. The last night, which is suitable for the saccharges is a Christmas Eve Epiphany, January 18th.

With the help of passers-by

An interesting and busy option of fortune telling, which can be conducted by unmarried girls. It will be necessary for a favorable period for the ritual at midnight to go outdoors. Then the first person who meets, ask any time. So will call the narrowed.

It is important to note that it is not necessary to look for a man. If the first woman met, then approach her and ask just to name any male name. By the way, you can still pay attention to the clothes of the man who met you. If the clothes are good and neat, then the husband will be financially secured. If a person is dressed poorly, then it may not be much money. But, it should always be remembered that with a cute and beloved person, even in the chaolache paradise. You can cook for a holiday.

On church

Girl is a fortune telling one. It is necessary to go out of the house at midnight and go to the nearest church. Then it is 12 times around the church. If the lady is looking for love, then such a ritual will help help. Also, such a fortune telling can be carried out by those who do not calmly in the soul who wants them to have a new fan.

With Valenkom

A simple and interesting way, as you can guess the shiny in January to find out which side will appear narrowed. You can use not only boots for this divination, as it was taken from our ancestors, but any modern shoes.

From the porch, a person who guess must throw the boots on the road. In the direction of socks, you should see: a future husband will come to you and come to you.

For future life

Another interesting way to divination for young girls who are not yet married. You need to get together, turn off the light and light the candles. Now in a bowl, pour a millet and lay out sugar, ashes, a silver ring, a golden, bulb and wineglass. Now every girl in turn should pull the thing from the millet.

Silver ring points to a rapid marriage, the gold ring says that the girl will live his life in prosperity with a rich man. The ash is promoting unhappy life, the bulb symbolizes constant tears. But sugar indicates a sweet life, while a glass says about the future life of fun and rampant. Please note that every time you need, before the new girl pulls the object, all the listed things return to the millet.

By dog \u200b\u200bdogs

Traditionally, in Russia, the age of the future was narrowed simply along the dogs of dogs. It should be sitting at the window and listen to how the dogs are nailed. If it is a fucking hoarse, then the groom will be old, but but we have a wealthy. Calling dog Lai prophesies a young groom. If the Lai is not heard at all, then the girl in the current year will not marry.

With sometimes when starting

Hello, dear readers. To learn at least the slightest detail from your future, for sure, everyone wants. Many consider fortune-telling to sin, but this "fact" stops little, as everyone wants to learn anything interesting from the future. The most favorable time for fortunes is the Christmas Christmas Eve, because it is on this night predictions will be accurate. Especially waiting for the onset of time for fortunes of young girls who want to know the name of their narrowed. Do not doubt, it is this magical night that will help you learn his name, and believe me, it will be truthful. There are many ghostas that can, how to tell you the name of your future husband, and show his face. Therefore, try not to miss this opportunity.

It is a Christmas tree start for fortune telling, so it is from this time that you can begin to guess different areas of life. Want to know what the future is waiting for you financially? Choose a suitable fortune telling, which will help you get the answer to this question.

In 2018, Christmas Night January 6, this is Saturday, and 7 - Resurrection. But do not forget that the future may vary depending on your actions, so it follows to the near future. Perhaps some pleasant details from the soon future will become an excellent motivation for you for the intended.

What is the number to guess for christmas 6 or 7 January

We all know that you can begin to guess about Christmas, but no one knows the exact time. Someone begins to guess in the Christmas evening, well, for someone, the beginning of traditional fortunes comes only on January 7. So what period can you get the most accurate prediction about the future?

Remember that you can start guessing on the night from 6 to 7 January, and this is not dependent, whether it is 2018 or another. After all, this time is considered the most magical, and therefore, these days, the fortune telling will be the most truthful.

The people believe that all the prohibitions are removed on this night, in connection with which, every person will be able to learn its future, if he can move this mysterious veil a little.

And this can be done only with the help of certain fortunes, each of which will be able to tell you how one or another sphere of your life will change.

Saty fortune telling begins in Christmas night, and continue up to baptism, which, as we all know, falls on January 19. In fact, you have enough time in order to discover a part of your own future.

As a rule, the fact that we "have risen" forgotten with time, but we remember about it only when the predicted event actually happens. If you learned something interesting from your bright future, you should not too much to dwell on it.

It will definitely happen if you really believe in yourself and your future, and try not to disturb the sequence of events.

Christmas night is considered the most magical time in the whole year, which means that on this night all the mysterious forces cease to be mysterious for us. They can, how to benefit to person and harm. Therefore, with some fortune tells you should be extremely careful, as they can only catch up on you.

Please note that the second best time for gadas is the period from January 8 to 18. It is these days that are most favorable for fortunes on the narrowed, as well as for the future with him.

The divination for Christmas will help us learn about the future husband almost all: from the color of the eyes and to the smallest details of the character. Young girls, for sure, it will be very interesting to know what the future is treated with her, and who will become her chosen one.

Do you think the most accurate information can be obtained in Christmas night? But no, there is another magic day that will help get one hundred percent prediction for any sphere of your life.

But before guessing, you need to prepare yourself to this unusual ritual. Yes, any fortune-telling requires a certain preparation, and the soda divisions will not bring any result if you are not prepared.

How to guess the shints - we are preparing for fortune telling

The shints are a period of time from Christmas to baptism, which is successfully guessing for children, to her husband or narrowed, for money.

The fortune telling is a ritual, the execution of which will be impossible without performing certain conditions. Let many of us come to guess only for entertainment, but if you really want to learn the truth, it is better to take into account the following requirements:

Take yourself seriously to perform the following actions.

Run hair, because nothing should prevent information from entering.

For the same reasons, all the nodes should be dissolved and remove all the belts that make your energy.

Remove bracelets and rings.

Try to forget about everything that happens around you. There are only you, and nothing more around.

Word a question in such a way that you can get an accurate answer on it.

Divination for christmas to make money

Everything in our life flows and changing, including money. We do not notice how they come, but their departure leaves the emptiness in our pockets, which always spoils the mood. But we will not be about sad, because we still have to fulfill certain rituals that will help attract a rather large amount into our lives.

Many do not believe that the fulfillment of certain actions can bring a positive result in such a magical night. Actually, without faith there is no way to do, so you really want to want it. We remember the requirements for each fortune investment that must be fulfilled.

Therefore, it's time to tune in to a monetary wave, and ask for good spirits that will visit the land on this night, about receiving funds in the near future.

Improve your financial position will help certain rituals that should be performed exclusively in Christmas night. After all, only this way, you will be paid in the near future.

1. Coins in the pot

As you already understood, we will need a clay pot for the ritual, as well as minor money in the form of coins that should be in your pocket from each of the ritual participants. It is known that the symbol of next year will be a dog, so in this case we need to ask for help from her.

At the bottom of the pot, you must put a note in which the following must be said: "Coins to coins. Money arrives. We give all the money to the dog, which will bring us even more money. May it be so". On the note there is a figurine of a yellow dog that will guard the pot with coins.

Each participating in the ritual must say everything that is written on a piece of paper placed in a pot. At the same time, everyone starts to throw all the coins available to the vessel.

After all actions were produced, you need to cover the pot with a tissue that is tied up. Please note that it is best to use green cloth and thread. The neck of the pot is tied to the thread on eight knots, while all the same words should be repeated by each of the participants.

Spree the bandaged pot of several drops of water, each of which will mean one of the family members. The pot needs to be stored all year round, for which you will get the desired amount of money. Thus, the probability of income into your life is a round sum increase significantly.

2. Monetary full moon

It is held a ritual in any of the days permissible for divination, because the new moon can please us only in one of the nights. To determine a particular day, you need to contact the lunar calendar, which will indicate us on the exact number.

Pour in a glass of ordinary clean water and put it on the window sill, where the light moonlight will fall. At the time of the full moon, it is necessary to wash with water impregnated with cold lunar light. At the same time, you need to speak words that would really reflect the desire for the emergence of money in your life.

If you really believe in a favorable course of events, you can easily get the desired funds. You will not have time to look back, as all doors will start opening in front of you, allowing you to earn more money, without applying titanic efforts.

The holding of these rituals will help you to find the desired, what we always do not have enough money. Why not try to attract money in your life in this way? Think about it now, because such a magical night is only once a year.

Divination for christmas on her husband, narrowed, happy marital

Any young girl dreams of great love in the future, so it is so interesting to know how soon she will meet his soul mate.

How it will look, and what traits characteristic of him. For this, in fact, there are divorities that will help us look into our lucky future.

To learn how your future husband will help certain divordations, which should be carried out exclusively within the specified period.

Probably, this particular ritual is the most common among all ghosts to a future meeting with his second half. In addition, this fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical, and at the same time frightening.

We'll have to stay in a dark room in absolute loneliness with the mirror delivered opposite. It is necessary to light the candle and put near the mirror, because its soft light is just helped you see the silhouette of your narrowed.

It is necessary to look at the mirror within a few minutes until it hits. It is at this point that you can see your future husband. It is believed that this devil took the appearance of your narrowed. Therefore, as soon as you saw the face of this person, you need to repeat the "Chur me" in order for the evil disappear.

As you already understood, from all the four kings we need to be a tambourine. We put the card under the pillow on which you sleep. But before you, you should imagine an approximate image of a man whom you would like to see next to you. Try to think only about him, falling asleep with the same thought in my head.

This night you will definitely dream the image of your future husband. Is it possible to believe it? Everything that dreams of you on the night before Merry Christmas will definitely embody, so be careful with your desires.

3. divination at wax

A simple wax candle will help prompt the first letter of your future lover. First you need to prepare a deep plate that we will need to fill with water. At the same time we light the candle and tilting it under the angle so that the wax is slowly dried into the vessel with water.

At this time, you must concentrate as much as possible on the image of your second half. Therefore, try to focus to get a clear wax letter that can indicate you on a certain person.

4. Comb under the pillow

It is important here that you use this racial long time, this means that it should be yours. So, before bedtime you need to comb your hair, while you do not need to hurry anywhere. Do it slowly, at the same time coming up with an image of a future husband.

After the ritual is completed, it is necessary to put the scallop under the pillow and just go to bed. Actually, in a dream you will see your soul mate. Here the main thing is to try not to forget your dream.

Fortune telling on her husband. To do this, you need to take a smooth ring to turn your hair in the ring (or thread) and hold off between your fingers to a glass with water (preferably a spring) and ask a question. Will I marry this year? Or will I have a wedding this year? Or do I know with my future husband?

If the ring goes in a circle - the answer "yes" if it swings back and forth - no answer. Frozen on the spot - the pendulum does not give the answer.

How to guess christmas on children

Probably, for each woman, real happiness lies in the birth of her child, which will be one of the main people in her life. Any woman wants to know when she is waiting for the addition of gradation, so there are certain divination that help us understand this issue.

1. Divination on the floor and the number of children

On the Christmas Eve, pour out a simple purified water in a glass and lower the ring on its bottom. Send a glass to the frost, and wait until the water is freezing in it, and before bedtime, take it back to the house.

The resulting icy crust will help determine the sex of the child: the number of tubercles on it will talk about how many sons you will be born, and the formed pits will help determine the number of girls in your family. Do not think that there will be too many similar flaws on the ice.

2. fortune telling with a needle

We will need a simple needle and a white thread that you need to immediately go to the eye needle. We raise the needle for the thread and send the palm center. In fact, we have such a pendulum.

If the needle shake across the palm, then wait for the appearance of my daughter, well, if the needle is swinging along, you will probably have a son.

It happens so that the needle begins to shatter again, and it can say that you do not limit one child. So, you will learn about what children you will have in the future.

The divination for Christmas is far from all is a reliable source of information, because many simply do not believe in them. Perhaps on the most ordinary day, the divination will not be able to provide you with accurate information.

But the soda divisions are the most accurate, so if you are really configured, learn any details from your future, then choose a few ghosts for the upcoming holidays.

Want to see the future husband or determine the floor of the future child? Do not be lazy to Christmas night, but spend some rituals that will help you learn about what awaits you in the future.

The fortune telling is a ritual, known to our ancestors, thanks to the fortune telling you can get answers to many questions, find out the fate, to see the feelings of your loved one. When you can guessWhat days you can guess whether the time is to divine, you will learn from this article.

What days can you guess?

If you all decided to pay yourself, you must choose favorable days For divination. So which days it can be guess, and in which it is impossible under any circumstances.

It is impossible to guess during menstruation. Women's energy is very vulnerable during menstruation, it is not recommended to resort to fortunate on such days so as not to get a magical impact on yourself.
It is not recommended to guess if you are in alcoholic or narcotic intoxication. You can also assume negative impacts from divination.

Favorable days when you can guess.

Exact predictions can be obtained in certain lunar days. Gadlocks say that favorable days for divination are coming in 12, 14 and 18 lunar days.
Recommend to guess on a loved one and love relationship in the evening on Friday. This is the best time for divination, the Planet of Love Venus, has a favorite person to find out what feelings is experiencing a favorite person. Fortune telling on Friday night Good and because at this time the heart chakra functions the most active, and the love predictions are perceived more sensitly.

Favorable days for fortune telling the lunar calendar.

  • 2 Lunar day - this time you can make a magic ritual and use any kind of ghosts for love, relationship, the future.
  • 6 lunar day - a favorable day when you can find out what awaits you in the near future (for a month);
  • 10 Lunar day - it is not the best time to guess this day, but look into the past and find it possible to understand the reasons for incorrect solutions.
  • 20 Lunar Day is a good opportunity to pay for love relationships and get signs from fate.
  • 22 Lunar day - approach for fortune telling, business. At lunch will indicate future events in your career and affairs.
  • 27 Moonful days - at this time it is better to pay on water or milk, ask questions you can any character on any topic.
  • 28 Lunar day - a good time when you need to include your intuition and hear yourself. Most of us on this day opens the "third eye" and we can see the future very accurately.

There are the most important days a year, at this time you can get an accurate prediction for the future.

In 2017, from February 20 to February 26, there will be prompt when there is a marriage and perhaps fortune-telling on the pancakes will show who will be a future husband.

Favorable days for accurate divination: from March 15 to March 20, from June 23 to June 28, from 15 to 21 November.

It is an important day for forecasts for the future, it takes place on July 6th.
It is not recommended to guess in church holidays and on Sunday.
If you are not satisfied with the result of divination, it is impossible to re-set the same question.

When can you guess and how to guess?

If you love and predict the events, this is your hobby, there are days and a certain time of day when the ritual of the forecast of events can be predicted most accurately.
To make layouts on the maps to familiar friends and relatives, make unusual gatherings on holidays, with a note of the sacrament with the help of Gothic Tarot, it is not yet rebeling, it will deliver you joy to entertain and will hesitate, making your celebration unusual. But if we talk about serious fortune, but what about the necessary help, when you add to the real fortuneteller. When it comes to very important things, urgently requires the answer to the question, be it dividing inheritance, health problems, heavy, and sometimes hopeless relationships with your loved one, love triangles, total lack of money or trouble with relatives, a lot of things happen Our life and sometimes it seems that the situation is completely irreparable, when other specialists are not esoteric profiles will not be able to do anything, here are people to fortune telling.

When you need to hear that everything is not so bad when the yield is already near, just need to point to it. And the acquisition of happiness is possible and everything is not so gloomy, but of course you can contact a lawyer or psychologist, but sometimes the question is so emotionally extinguishes that a person needs to receive an answer here and now, then they are treated for advice to the fortuneteller or a terrologist, there are two possible Bad moments, you can not believe the prediction and you can try to predict not pay, it is more difficult with this, unpaid predictions rarely come true, such are the laws of karma.

And it is a desire to get answers immediately and is the most motivation, to appeal to the fortuneteller. After all, the desire to quickly establish everything, again feel the harmony in the shower and the world in the heart, as well as get an accurate hint and solutions, even if it happened, then you don't fix it, we divorced with my husband, a relationship with non-free people, then you can ask, And not a karmic lesson, it may be given to gain internal force. It is very important to man in a severe life situation, just hear the words of consolation and encouraging news, it is simply necessary.

What is fortune telling?

What is the fortune telling, let's figure it out, fortune telling is nothing more than communication with the highest forces, addressing them during gadas people get the answers you need, prompts and explanations about the situation that tormented them. Now the divination has become closer to scientific acts than to the ritual and fortune holders are now called tomatorals, numerologists, runologists and chiromarts, now this is a substantiated esoteric science.

Now let's try to answer the question when you can guess if the fortune tells it as a way to spend time to distracted to satisfy the need to look into the future or quite justified and necessary, in order to exit the difficult situation. Most restrictions in divination are nothing more than superstition, you can guess at any time day and month.

Such superstitions as something can be guessing only on the shints from 7 to 19 or Ivan Khapov.
It is impossible to guess on Sunday and Monday, as well as on church holidays.
The fact that it is better for fortunes in the morning, or night, and the days or the 13th day of the month or the birthdays, it was also considered that it is impossible to guess the eve of these days.

In contact with

Winter fortune tells are known since the times of ancient Russia, when paganism was widespread. You can begin to guess from the evening on December 31, on the eve of the New Year. The time of the most accurate predictions is traditionally considered the period from the Christmas Christmas Eve (January 6) to Baptism (January 19). These two weeks are called Christmas Eve. It is believed that, the farther from the Christmas Eve, fortune telling, the less true of its results will be.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

During the January gadas in predictions, it is necessary to look for only positive, good meaning. Negative results should not be given great importance.

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    Rules of fortunes

    There are many ghosting options in winter. The best numbers and time each chooses independently. Most often to look into the future want a female representative. The girls have long been interested to know what fate prepared them.

    Conducting fortune telling on Christmas holidays and baptism, gadgetting should:

    • Dissolve the hair.Long female hair has long been considered a magnet for unclean power. And if they are dissolved, the shiny will certainly turn their attention to the gadget.
    • Remove all theules and decorations: Native cross, earrings, rings and bracelets.
    • Conduct fortune telling only in an empty house, room. The most successful place in the old days was Seni.

    To protect yourself from the action of unclean strength, you need to turn around the circle with a candle or a poker. If a group of girls is gazing, everyone takes each other for the little men.

    Candle color plays an important role:

    • When you fortunate love, it is better to light red and white candles.
    • On fate - blue and purple.
    • The success in affairs and finances are lit green and gold.

    For the new year and old new year

    On the eve of the new year, divination is most often carried out in the company. They can be truthful and comic. With the help of simple actions, you can find out what is waiting for everyone next year.

    Based on the book

    Everyone takes any book that you liked. Before starting the process, you should mentally ask a question. The main thing is to formulate it Emko.

    After that, the dividing sets the page number and string (from above or below). If the line fell out with an incomplete offer, you need to read it entirely. The fallen expression will be answered by the question. On the same book you can guess for no more than three times in the evening.

    By pillow

    This divination is usually carried out on the old new year. Before the departure to sleep, the wondering should wear a pillowcase inside out. He himself puts on pajamas, too inside out and falls on the bed heads where the legs usually look.

    In the morning you need to look at which side the man woke up. If the pillow was the right cheek, his desire will soon be fulfilled, if the left - time for execution has not yet come.

    On coffee

    Divination for coffee is spent on the old new year. Drinkit is necessary to drink insoluble and without sugar.After it is added, the cup must be turned on the saucer up-down three times. After the third time you need to wait a bit until the remnants of coffee are glad down by forming a figure.

    Their interpretation is presented in the table:

    Figure Interpretation
    LockGigging keeps someone secrets
    HouseWell-being in the family, idyll
    FlowerThe heyday of the soul, the formation of a person gadget
    GoalA quick arrival of guests
    SmokeJust, pleasant troubles on the house
    RiverTravel, long road
    MountainAdd vitality, success in affairs
    Bear, wolfInfluential patron
    FoxSunny Friend, Lyc
    FlyUnpleasant meetings, serious illness
    Hare rabbitVanity, anxiety
    DogTrue friend and comrade
    CatRight journey, rest abroad
    Figures of peoplePleasant meetings, dates with loved ones
    HeckSoon you will have to face the tricks of the unclean

    Using a TV or radio

    You need to mentally ask a question and turn on the TV (radio). The first thing he hears, and will be the answer. It may be an excerpt from the song, transmission, a monologue of the lead.

    The best include those channels on which you can hear something positive.

    Card reading

    Taking into the hands of the card to find out their future with their help, gadgets must remember:

    • You can not lie before the cards. The soda of the woman will entail the lies of the cards.
    • You can not use a deck that was previously used in games and solitaires.
    • Before fortunate, you need to set the maps a clearly formulated question without information.
    • In the process of the burning need all the time to keep it in the head. If there is a fortune telling on the lover, it is advisable to represent its image.
    • Before burning, turn off in the house or at least in the room all electronic items: TV, radio, computer and phone numbers.
    • You need to guess when candles.
    • You can not burn in church holidays.
    • The process must be started after sunset, it is best for midnight.
    • It is impossible to tell anyone about the results of divination - otherwise it will be comic.
    • Women should burn on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Men on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
    • It is necessary to refrain from divination on Sunday.

    Learn whether today will tell the truth or syrup, can be in two ways:

    1. 1. Carefully shook the deck and lay it on the piles in the form of a square - two stacks at the top and two below. Stacks are optional to do equal. After that, open the upper cards from each stack and see: if horizontally, verticals or diagonal cards coincide in rank, it means that the maps will answer the truth today.
    2. 2. Shuffle cards and start laying out them three pieces in the column. Stop when a bubnic lady falls (a map of gadget, if it is not married). Next to it will be two cards whose value needs to be viewed. If they talk about the events of the past week or month, today the cards are customized to speak the truth.

    Young unmarried man makes himself a bubnic king. Married - Chervov. If a man is much more fortunate or occupies an important position, then he is a trephic king. Unconscious guy - peak king.

    You can learn about the near future and events of the past with the help of simple gypsy divination.For him, it is necessary to take a deck, shuffle it and move some part to her left hand. Shifted cards lay down.

    Maps for nine pieces laid out in three columns, the rest are postponed. The first 3 rows personify the past, the second is the present, the third is the future. So you can guess not only yourself, but also to others, without possessing special skills.

    Card Interpretation:

    Rank / Maste Diamonds Peaks Hearts Clubs
    SixAmbulance forced roadEvening long roadMeeting of romantic characterBusiness trip, business trip
    SevenRomantic meetingDisorder, tears, sadnessWaiting for a dateConversation with serious people
    EightAn important conversation about the futureAmbulance large profitDispute, conflictImportant conversation with relatives
    NineDevelopment of a relationshipDisease, troubleDevelopment of love communicationsLight money, enhanced service
    TenStart of relationships, loveSneaking of plans, empty hopesDreams, future plansAffection for someone or something
    ValetAnxiety and troublesVain spending time and strengthChallengesProblems, the need to help
    LadyPleasant girl, girlfriendRival, jealousy, angerFavorite woman, sometimes motherLady who wants to harm
    KingSomeone's son, unmarried man, young manMan of noble bloodMarried manInfluential person
    AceImportant news, large-scale newsBooze, feast on an important occasionFamily focusImportant

    Christmas and Saty Divination

    Although the Church remains an opponent of any fortunes, the tradition of guessing from January 6 to January 7 has been preserved until now. Many believe that fortune-telling in Christmas holidays is a harmless stubborn, which is not considered a sin.

    Christmas divisions need to be held only on the holiday itself and in his eve - on any other days they lose their relevance and do not bring any results. It is allowed to guess in the shock, or the so-called fortune-old week - the period between Merry Christmas and baptism.

    To carry out the process of divination in the old days, various items were used. They, according to predictions, could protect the unclean power extinguishing from the trick. As such attributes performed:

    • needle;
    • mirror;
    • ring;
    • thimble;
    • crest;
    • candles.

    Previously, only church candles were used, but now any others are allowed.

    On beloved

    With the help of cards you can find out the true attitude of the beloved to the girl, as well as what he thinks, dreams.

    Vorozhba by name

    On the Christmas Eve after sunset, the unmarried girl should go outside and ask the name of the first counter-male. It is believed that this is how it will call it narrowed.

    If the stranger did not name his name, the girl this year is destined to stay alone. If the first came to be a woman who guessing could live all his life alone, without his second half.

    For 4 Valet

    Find out who exactly will become lover, you can with the help of four currencies. To do this, you must make a man in a man. If the workers are less than 4, the rest of the maps will remain mysterious strangers.

    Algorithm for conducting:

    1. 1. Vnet shirt up spread in random order into a horizontal line.
    2. 2. The remaining cards are taped and put it alternately under each currency of 8 pieces.
    3. 3. Then the cards open.
    4. 4. Steam cards (that is, with the same meaning) put on the valve. This action is performed with each currency.
    5. 5. The unpaired shuffling and lay out again.
    6. 6. This action is performed 3 times.
    7. 7. Then you can watch the result.

    If all 4 cards of one rank fell under the currency, then equally twice as well.

    Card Interpretation:

    On 4 kings

    Before the departure to sleep, the gadget puts all the four kings under the pillow and says: "Daughty-rude, dream of me." Interpretation of sleep depends on what the king had a girlfriend:

    • Bubne - A young man, rather sentimental, however, he will be fortunate as a stone wall.
    • Chervoy - Husband all life will wear a woman in her arms, but will be extremely jealous.
    • Peak - The future husband will be a physician or military. This is a middle-aged man.
    • Trephic - Mashed much older gadgetting.

    "Well and bridge"

    From matches or thin twigs you need to make a well yourself. It should be put next to him or under the bed. Looking to bed, you need to say: "Daughty-rude, come, I'm transferred through the bridge."

    In a dream, a man should appear, which will translate sleeping under hand through the bridge. If the hell appeared instead, the girl will remain alone for a long time.

    On water and crest

    Divination can be carried out in two ways:

    1. 1. Take a glass of simple water and put under the bed or next to it. Before the departure to sleep, you need to eat something salty, and then go to bed. Before that, it is impossible to talk to anyone. As soon as the gadgets fall into bed, she must say: "Daughty-rude, come, I drink." According to believing, in a dream comes the narrowed and will give a girl with water. If no one came in a dream, it is believed that this year she becomes early to become a bride.
    2. 2. In the second variant it is necessary to take the ridge. The main thing is that it is solicified only gadgetting. The subject must be put under the pillow and say: "Daughty-rude, come, I'm calculating", and then go to bed. In a dream, the beloved will come and leave the girl.

    Using a mirror

    One of the most dangerous and terriblegadani. Examples are considered to bemirrors . 2 red or white candles will be required, as well as 2 mirrors, the same in size. The room should remain only gadgetting. Strying people and animals should not be. The girl needs to remove all the decorations and the cross, dissolve the hair. First, the room turns off the light and only then they light the candles.

    Mirrors need to be placed one opposite the other, on both sides to install candles.

    It is necessary to make it so that, looking into one mirror, the girl saw the reflection of the other, that is, the illuminated mirror corridor, and not himself.

    The gadgetting sits in front of the mirror on his knees, says: "Daughty-dressed, come to me" and begins to peering into a mirror corridor. From this and the divination begins. Sometimes, before someone comes, it can pass a lot of time.

    In addition to the most narrowed in the mirror you can see an unclean strength or even a deceased person. Therefore, as soon as someone except for the mirror began to watch, the girl needs to quickly say: "Chur me! "And thump tight fabric on the mirrors. If you do not pronounce the words in time, a red trace for life can remain on the face of a gadget.

    On fate

    You can learn about your fate with the help of threads or a tambourine king.

    On the tambourine king

    The card will be able to answer any exciting question. To do this, before bedtime, you need to keep a map in your hands, ask her a question, and then put under the pillow.

    In a dream, the answer will come. It may not be direct, but a pronounced any symbol that is subsequently interpreted.

    With thread

    The saccine fortune telling is carried out like this: five threads are fixed on the back: white, black, red, green and blue colors. In what sequence they are attached, you should not mindful. Then she should remove one thread and see its meaning:

    • White - In the coming year, the girl will marry a loved one.
    • Black - It is worth paying attention to the urgent problems.
    • Red - All my life will be lucky enough to live with your loved one in full idyll.
    • Green - The future husband will be rich and noble origin.
    • Blue - Before achieving respect from the part and to fulfill your dreams, gadgetting shed a lot of tears and overcomes many life tests.

    Using tarot cards

    One of the easiest is the alignment of one map of Tarot.It can be used if the wondering sets the question, the answer to which can only be "yes / no", "good / badly", "be / not to be". From the deck should be removed older arcanes and shuffle them. Then remove one card and see its value. Direct knowledge of arcana is ignored in this case. Attention should be paid only to its direct or inverted position.

    Arcane Reply Answer in an inverted position
    JesterThe question remains unansweredYes, but there are obstacles
    PriestessNo clear answer to the questionYes
    JeropantNo on material issues, yes - on spiritualNo answer, you need to rephrase the question
    LoversYes, if we are talking about emotionsNot
    ChariotYes, if we are talking about trips, transport, movingNot
    HermitYes, if we are talking about learning and educationNot
    Wheel of FortuneYesYes
    TowerNotNo (except for real estate issues)
    StarYes, but you have to waitNot
    MoonThere is no accurate answer, the fate of man has not yet been solved or the question is defined incorrect
    The sunYesYes, but you have to overcome obstacles
    PeaceYes, if we are talking about trips, education, career, new work. No - if about loveOpposite values

    If the cards suddenly fell out of the hands, then the fortune telling should be postponed until the next day.

    For good luck with a candle

    Whether the year will be successful, will tell the flame of the candle. In the dark room you need to stay alone. Windows and doors must be tightly closed. Only subject to these rules, the candle is lit. For its flame, you can shock the events of the next year:

    • Bright - indicates damage to success and money.
    • Calm, quiet- Size life without serious shocks.
    • Tusk - Loss of luck for an indefinite period.
    • Quickly went out - A series of serious problems and life tests.
    • Candle does not ignite - To the disease.

    Epiphany fortune telling

    Epiphany divination is held from 19 to 20 January. You can also spend a burner and on the eve of baptism, on the night of January 18-12.

    On a loved one

    Strust on the beloved is allowed after baptism, January 21. Next, such rituals will be considered a sin.

    On towels

    On the evening of January 18, you need to hang out on the street a clean white towel and say: "Daughty-dressed, come, ferment." After that, go to bed, without talking to anyone.

    In the morning the girl looks at the state of the thing. If the towel is slightly wet or even wet, then this year it will become a bride.

    On a municipal

    You need to take your mittens (not a glove) and, having come into the courtyard, throw it up with the words: "To be bride to me this year? "

    If the mittens fell with a thumb up, this year the girl will marry.

    On Valenka

    For fortune telling, you need a boot or boot with the left leg of the girl. Walking should be at midnight for January 19 to enter the intersection and turn back to his home (or side, where she came from). Then you need to say: "Durable-rude, how can I wait for you? "Through the left shoulder you need to throw shoes. Wovenka's sock will indicate the side with which you should wait for the match.

    For this, the ritual will be needed:

    • pelvis with water;
    • half shell of walnut.

    At the edges of the pelvis fastening paper with inscriptions: "Wedding", "Children", "Money", "Good luck", "Health". In the shell of walnuts install a church candle. If so no, you can take a conventional white candle. The shell is lowered to the center of the pelvis and ask the question: "What awaits me this year? "What a piece of paper will flash the shear, and it is worth expecting next year.

    If a whole company gathered for fortune telling, it can be made somewhat different. Instead of predictions they write the names of the gathered. Walnut also lowers in the center and ask any question. For example: "Who is the first to marry / marry? "," Who is waiting for well-being this year? " "

    On the paper

    What will bring next year, you can learn using paper. You should take a shallow plate, put a crumpled sheet of paper on the bottom (you should not take a newspaper, because it quickly burns) and set fire to it.

    Running a plate to the wall and turning off the light, you can see the shadow replacing each other. There are interpretation on them.

    In wax

    In the deep plate you need to pour clean water and set fire to the candle. When she starts to melt, it should be tilted to wax drip in the water. In the water, he quickly freezes, forming different figures. It is for them to judge the nearest events:

    Figure Interpretation
    HumanPleasant meetings, new promising dating
    ChildPleasant troubles, anxiety
    CrossFuzzy contours are interpreted as a series of small events, clear - as a serious long disease
    StarGood luck in affairs and endeavors, fast thanks
    AnimalSurrounded has a detractor
    FlowerWedding During this year
    WoodAwarded Up Branch Sluts Success in Affairs, Down - Failures
    CirclesStability, moderation
    Geometric figuresDifficulties in life, new tests
    DamnLong Maidenhood

    On wealth

    To find out about the financial component of next year, you will need a living rooster and 4 sauces:

    • first need to pour grain;
    • to second pour water;
    • in the third pour salt;
    • in the quadruple put a ring.

    The saucer put on the table, and then produce a rooster. Clearing asks the question: "What awaits me this year? "Then you need to look at which a saucer I went to:

    • With grain - The woman will be able to get a big financial profit.
    • With water - Wealth is possible only if the girl will attach considerable efforts.
    • With salt - The year will be full of tears and financial losses.
    • With ring - The girl will be a bride of a rich man.

    Fortune telling on the lunar calendar

    Tarologists believe that fortune telling should be carried out on certain days along the lunar calendar, since this may depend on this. The best time for divination in January is considered to be the 28th lunar day.

    Division in the first decade of the month in the lunar days:

    • 1 - the future is not defined. Any fortune telling is deceptive.
    • 2 - Use only wax and paper is allowed. Questions should be asked only about the nearest events.
    • 3 - It is not recommended to guess so as not to confuse a worker of favorable events.
    • 4 - Strust can be on the water and ring. Complex rituals are not recommended.
    • 5 - Only mirrors can be used. You should only ask about love and your own experiences.
    • 6 - guess allowed on any items and at any time.
    • 7 - Do not ask questions about love. It is allowed to ask about relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues.
    • 8 - It is recommended to guess on a playing deck. You can ask questions about the past.
    • 9 - From the divination you need to refrain.
    • 10 - You can ask a question about the family - both your own and partner.

    Second decade of the month:

    • 11 - You can ask any questions. Guessing stands on fire.
    • 12 - You can use books in desperation. Ask for all.
    • 13 - Wax and paper will be able to tell about the events of the near future.
    • 14 - Crystal ball will tell about the true purpose, life path.
    • 15 - perhaps fortune telling on any question and with the help of any attribute.
    • 16 - Coins and bills will be able to tell about the material situation and the status of gadgetting.
    • 17 - On this day, the question of love and marriage is relevant.
    • 18 - You should refrain from burning and pay attention to the signs of fate.
    • 19 - Burning will be dangerous, it is worth abandoning her.
    • 20 - asked questions may concern the social situation of the gadgetting, its relationship with the authorities and colleagues.

    Third decade:

    • 21 - divination can be associated with the creative potential of a person.
    • 22 - You can ask questions about success, wealth, material situation.
    • 23 - not worth guessing.
    • 24 - You can ask questions about the property.
    • 25 - You should exist only in extreme cases. You don't need to disturb the highest strength on trifles.
    • 26 - It is not recommended to guess.
    • 27 - The highest strength should ask about travels and new endeavors.
    • 28 - The most successful day for any kind of fortunes. You can ask about anything. As an attribute, you need to choose the one with which the connection is stronger.
    • 29 - You can only ask about what is planned to get rid of - about illness, work, loving relationships.
    • 30 - only important questions should be asked. You can use complex rituals and multistage rites.

Nowadays, many people celebrate various pagan holidays, and are also engaged in fortunate and other mystical practitioners. Therefore, to know when the shints begin are simply necessary for those who also want to know their fate for the next year.

When are shtiks begin and end?

Traditionally, this period of time begins on Christmas Eve, that is, on the night of the night (from January 6 to January 7). It is this evening that you can begin to engage in various fortune tells, as well as hold rites and read conspiracy. This period ends before baptism, that is, January 19. If you want to understand, from which day the shints begin not by the current calendar, but according to the old style, you need to refer to the so-called, Julian Soulustee. According to him, the density of the density fell on December 24 and lasts until January 6.

From what date can you guess on the shit?

Many believe that it is on the collage week that the shinties are sometimes called, various rituals are particularly powerful, for example, you can learn your destiny with help. It is believed that the most truthful and accurate prediction can be obtained on the night of Christmas, that is, from January 6 to January 7, but also on other days of this period, the divination will be no less effective.

In order to find out the future, it is necessary not only to know when they begin to guess the shints, but also how to do it. To date, there are several simple ways, with which you can get a hint from the higher forces.

Take a sheet of paper, crush it, put it on a flat plate and adjust. When a lump lights up, you need to knock down the flame and put the dish so that the shadow from the short-cut paper appears on the wall. Look, what a shadow looks like and thus get a prompt about what awaits you ahead.

Pour cold water into the container, burn the candle and eat wax in a bowl with liquid. In the form of frozen paraffin, it can be understood which changes will be the coming year.

Write on 10 pieces of paper for 1 wishes. Roll down the leaflets, put them under the pillow and get the outflow 1 of them. What you pulled out and will come true in the coming year.

Such methods of fortune telling are quite safe, and most importantly, they will not require any serious training. Yes, and time you can spend enough fun, guessing what looked like a frozen wax or short-lived paper. It does not matter, with what date you began to guess the shields, most importantly, believe that good predictions will definitely come true.

Customs and traditions

As mentioned above, this period of time is also called the Collad Week. Our ancestors were entertained on the shields in this way - in the evening, people dressed in various masquerade costumes, knocked out their neighbors and spoke - "Host, hostess, treat, otherwise let's take a son or daughter." In response to this phrase, it was customary to give people dressed in costumes with various swelling or baking. Well, so that the action looks even more cheerful, the youth in the masquerade outfits performed various songs or danced.

The shints were considered a cheerful time when it was possible to shake, plenty of rolling on the sleigh from the snowy mountains, and also to pay. For example, many girls who wanted to meet a narrowed, at that time came out in the evening at the crossroad and threw a boot, closing her eyes. The further shoes fell, the more likely it was that in the coming year the woman will marry, well, and the side of the road spoke about how the directions will come the groom. You could also ask the first oncoming man's name, thus recognized how to call the future husband.