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Situational business form of communication. Situational and situational and business forms of child communication

Throughout preschool age, chatting children with each other varies significantly in all respects: the content of the needs of the motive and means of communication is changing. These changes can flow smoothly, gradually, however, they observe high-quality shifts, as if fractures. Two such fractures are noted from two to seven years; The first takes about four years, the second is about six years. These critical moments can be considered as the temporary boundaries of three stages in the development of children's communication. These stages, by analogy with the sphere of communication with adults, were named forms of communication of preschoolers with peers.

First form -Emotional-practical communication with peers (the second-fourth years of life). A special place in such cooperation is the imitation. Children, as if infecting each other with general movements, shared mood and through it they feel mutual community. Emotional-practical communication is extremely situationally both in its content and by means. It depends entirely on the specific situation in which the interaction occurs, and on the partner's practical actions. It is characteristic that the introduction of an attractive subject can destroy the interaction of children; They switch attention to the peer on the subject or fight because of it. At this stage, the communication of children is not yet associated with their subject actions and separated from them. Basic means of communication - locomotion or expressive movements. After three years, communication is increasingly mediated by a speech, but it is still extremely situational and can be a means of communication only if there is visual contact and expressive movements. The following form of peer communication - situational business. It adds about four years to six years old. After four years in children (especially those who visit the kindergarten), the peers in its attractiveness begins to overtake the adult and occupy an increasing place in life. Recall that this age is a period of flourishing role game. The plot role-playing game becomes collective - the children prefer to play together, and not alone.

Communication in the role-playing game is unfolding on two levels: at the level of role relationships (i.e. on behalf of the roles taken - a patient, the seller-buyer, mother-daughter) and at the level of real relationships, i.e. existing outside the playful plot (children distribute roles, agree on the conditions of the game, evaluate and control the actions of others).

preschoolers clearly share role-playing and real relationships, and these real relationships are aimed at the common thing for them - the game. Thus, the main content of communication of children in the middle of preschool age becomes business cooperation. Along with the need for cooperation, the need for recognition and respect for peers is distinguished. The child seeks to attract the attention of others, it is sensitive in their views and facial expressions of attitudes towards himself, demonstrating insult in response to the inattention or reproaches of partners. The preschooler begins to refer to himself through another child. The peers becomes a subject of constant comparison with him. This comparison is directed not to the detection of community (like three-year olders), but to oppose itself and the other. Only through a comparison of its specific advantages (skills, skills), the child can appreciate and approve himself as the owner of certain qualities that are not important in themselves, but only in comparison with others and in the eyes of another. The child begins to look at himself "the eyes of the peer". So, in situational business communication appears competitive, competitive start.

Among the means of communication at this stage, speech is beginning to prevail. Children talk a lot with each other (about one and a half times more than with adults), but their speech continues to be situational. If in general, with adults in this period, incoming contacts are already arising, then communicating with peers remains mainly situational: children interact mainly about objects, actions or impressions presented in cash.

Forms of communication of a child with adults. The ratio of children of different ages to different forms of communication.

Any child before starting communication with their peers, comes into communicating with adults. It is this communication and becomes the starting point in the acquisition of the skills of communication.

Depending on what motivates the child to communicate, you can allocate the main forms of communication of the child with adults:
- situationally personality,
- situationally business,
- Intoitatively personal.
- incoming - informative

Development of child communication with adults throughout their childhood. Forms of communication according to M.I. Lisina

The development of a child's communication with adults from birth to 7 years old M. I. Lisin was represented as a change of several holistic forms of communication.

First form - situational personality the form of communication is characteristic of infancy. Communication at this time depends on the features of the momentary interaction of the child and adult, it is limited to a narrow framework of the situation in which the needs of the child is satisfied. Immediately emotional contacts are the main content of communication, since the main thing that attracts the child is the identity of an adult, and everything else, including toys and other interesting items, remains in the second plan. At an early age, the child masters the world of objects. He is still needed warm emotional contacts with her mother, but this is no longer enough. He has a need to cooperate, which, together with the needs in new impressions and activity, can be implemented in joint actions with adults. The child and adult, acting as the organizer and assistant, together manipulates objects, perform more and more complex actions with them. An adult shows that you can do with different things, how to use them, revealing the child of their quality, which he himself is not able to detect. Communication, deploying in a situation of joint activity, is called. With the advent of the first questions of the child: "Why?", "Why?", "Where?", "How?", "Where?", "How?", - The new stage begins in the development of the child and adult.

it Impochetically - informative Communication, encouraged by cognitive motifs. The child breaks out beyond the visual situation in which all his interests were focused before. Now he is interested in much more: how does the world of natural phenomena and human relations opened for him? And the main source of information, the erudite, who knows everything in the world, becomes all the same adult for him. In the middle or at the end of the preschool age, another form should arise -putting the Personal Communication . An adult for a child is the highest authority, whose instructions, requirements, comments are made in a business, without offense, without whims and refusal of difficult tasks. This form of communication is important when preparing for school, and if it does not work out to 6-7 years, the child will be psychologically not ready for school learning. Note that later, in the younger school age, the authority of an adult will continue and will strengthen the authority of the child and the teacher in terms of formalized school education. Keeping old forms of communication with adult family members, the youngest schoolboy learns to business cooperation in training activities. In adolescence, authorities are not allowed, the desire for independence from adults, the tendency to the fence of some sides of their lives from their control and influence. Communication of a teenager with adults and in the family, and in school is fraught with conflicts. At the same time, high school students are interested in the experience of the older generation and, identifying their future life path, need trusting relationships with close adults. Communication with other children, originally practically does not affect the development of the child / if there are no twins or children of close age in the family. Even younger preschoolers at 3-4 years old do not know how to truly communicate with each other. As D. B. Elkonin writes, they "play near, and not together." You can talk about the full communication of the child with peers, only starting from the middle preschool age. Communication, woven into a complex role-playing game, contributes to the development of arbitrary behavior of the child, the ability to take into account someone else's point of view. Definitely the impact on development provides the inclusion in collective training activities - group work, mutual evaluation of the results, etc. And for adolescents trying to free themselves from the assessment of adults, communicating with peers becomes leading activities. In relations with close friends, they / as well as high school students / are capable of deep intimate-personal, "confessional" communication.

Situational business communication At the end of the first year of life, the social situation of the baby's fusion and an adult explodes from the inside. It appears two opposite, but interrelated poles - a child and an adult. By early early, the child, acquiring the desire for independence and independence from the adult, remains associated with it and objectively (since he needs practical assistance to an adult), and subjectively (since it needs to evaluate adult, his attention and attitude). This contradiction finds its permission in the new social situation of the child's development, which is a cooperation, or joint activity of a child and an adult.

Communication of a child with adults loses its immediacy already in the 2nd half of infancy: it begins to mediate items. In the second year of life, the content of the subject cooperation of the child with adults becomes special. The content of their joint activities is the assimilation of socio-developed methods of consumption of items. The peculiarity of the new social development situation, according to D. B. Elkonin, is that now the child "... does not live with adults, but through an adult, with his help. Adult does not instead of him, but with him. " The adult becomes for a child not only the source of attention and goodwill, not only the "supplier" of the items themselves, but also a model of human, specific subject action. And although throughout the whole early age, the form of communication with adults is still situationally business, the nature of business communication varies significantly. Such cooperation is no longer reduced to direct aid or to demonstrate objects. Now it is necessary for the adult complicity, simultaneous practical activities with it, the fulfillment of the same thing. In the course of such cooperation, the child simultaneously receives the attention of an adult, and its participation in the actions of the child, and the main thing - new, adequate ways of action with objects. An adult now not only gives the child to the objects, but together with the subject transmits a method of action with him.

Achievements of the child in subject activity and recognition of them from adults become a measure of their measure for him and a way to approve their own dignity. Children appear a distinct desire to achieve the result, the product of its activities. The end of this period is marked with the crisis of 3 years, which expresses itself the increased independence of the child and the focus of its actions.

The child is not born with the finished need for communication. In the first two or three weeks he does not see and does not perceive the adult. But despite this, parents constantly talk to him, caress him, catch his wandering look. It is thanks to the love of close adults, which is expressed in these, at first glance, useless, actions, at the end of the first month of life, babies begin to see an adult, and then communicate with him.

At first, this communication looks like an answer to the impact of an adult: the mother looks at the child, smiles, talks to him, and he smiles in the answer, waving his handles and legs. Then (in three or four months), at the sight of a familiar person, the child rejoices, begins to actively move, walk, attract the attention of an adult, and if he does not pay any attention or goes on his affairs, loudly and offended. The need for an adult is the first and basic need for communication - the child remains for life. But later, other needs of which will be told on to it.

Some parents consider all these impacts unnecessary and even harmful. In an effort not to indulge your child, do not teach it to unnecessarily attention, they are dry and formally fulfill their parental duties: they feed on the clock, ripen, walk, etc., without expressing any parental feelings. Such strict formal education in infancy is very harmful. The fact is that in positive emotional contacts with adults there is not only the satisfaction of the already existing need of the baby in the attention and goodwill, but also laid the foundation of the child's personality development - its active, active attitude towards the surrounding, interest in subjects, the ability to see, hear, Perceive the world, self-confidence. The embryos of all these most important qualities appear in the easiest and most primitive at first glance to communicate the mother with a baby.

If, in the first year of life, the child, due to some reasons, does not receive sufficient attention and heat from close adults (for example, the conclusion from the mother or employment of the parents), this is somehow it makes itself felt in the future. Such children become compound, passive, unsure or, opposite, very cruel and aggressive. Compensate their unsatisfied need for the attention and goodwill adults at a later age is very difficult. Therefore, parents need to be understood as important for the baby a simple attention and good adults are good.

The baby still does not allocate individual qualities of the adult. He is completely indifferent to the level of knowledge and skills of the older man, his social or property situation, he even doesn't care, as he looks and what is dressed. The baby attracts only an adult personality and his attitude towards him. Therefore, despite the primitiveness of such communication, it is encouraged by personal motives when the adult does not act as a means for something (games, knowledge, self-affirmation), but as a holistic and self-concrete personality. With regard to the means of communication, they are at this stage are exclusively expressive-mimic. Externally, such communication looks like an exchange of views, smiles, screeching and the roaking of a child and a tender conversation of an adult, from which the baby catches only what he needs, attention and goodwill.

Situational personality form of communication It remains the main and only of birth to six months of life. During this period, the communication of the infant with adults flows out of any other activity and itself is the leading activity of the child.

Situational business form of communicationIn the second half of life, with the normal development of the child, the adult is not enough. The kid begins to attract to himself not so much an adult person as items, with it related. At this age, a new form of a child's communication with adults is a situational and affiliated need for business cooperation. This form of communication differs from the previous one that adult is needed and interesting to the child is not in itself, not his attention and a friendly attitude, but by what he has different subjects and he knows how to do something with them. "Business" qualities of an adult and, therefore, business motives of communication overlook the fore.

Means of communication at this stage are also significantly enriched. The child can already walk on their own, manipulate objects, take various poses. All this leads to the fact that subject-effective means of communication are added to expressive-mimic - children are actively using gestures, poses, expressive movements.

First, children are drawn only to those subjects and toys that adults show them. There may be many interesting toys in the room, but children will not pay any attention to them and start bored among this abundance. But as soon as an adult (or the elder child) takes one of them and will show how you can play with it: moving the car, how can a dog jump, as you can combat a doll, etc. - All children will pull out to this toy, it will become the most necessary And interesting. This happens for two reasons.

First, an adult remains for a child the center of his preferences, because of this, he gives the attractiveness to those subjects to which touches. These items become necessary and preferred because they are in the hands of an adult.

Secondly, the adult shows children how to play these toys. Toys themselves (like any items in general) will never tell me how you can play or use. Only another, the elder person can show that the pyramid needs to wear rings that the doll can be fed and laying sleeping, and you can build a tower from cubes. Without such a show, the child simply does not know what to do with these objects, and therefore does not stretch to them. So that the children began to play with toys, adult must first show what you can do with them and how to play. Only after that the game of children becomes meaningful and meaningful. Moreover, showing certain actions with objects, it is important not just to make them, but constantly turn to the child, talking to him, look into his eyes, maintain and encourage its correct independent actions. Such joint games with objects and are business communication or cooperation of the child with adults. The need to cooperate is the main for situational business communication.

The value of such communication for the mental development of the child is huge. It consists next. First, in such communicationthe child masters subject actions , learns to use household objects: a spoon, comb, pot, play with toys, dress, washed, etc. Secondly, it starts heremanifest activity and independence of the child . Manipulating objects, he first feels independent of the adult and free in his actions. It becomes a subject of his activity and an independent partner for communication. Thirdly, in situational business communication with adultsthe first words of the child appear . After all, in order to ask an adult item, the child needs to be called it, that is, to say the word. Moreover, this task is to say this or that word - again puts only adult to the child. The child himself, without prompting and supporting an adult, will never start talking. In a situational business communication, an adult constantly puts a speech task before the baby: showing the child a new item, he invites him to call this subject, that is, to say a new word after him. So, in collaboration with adults about items, the main specifically, the human means of communication, thinking and self-regulation is developing - speech.

The emergence and development of speech makes it possible the next stage in the development of a child's communication with adults, which is significantly different from the two previous ones. The two first forms of communication were situational, because the main content of this communication was directly present in a specific situation. And the good attitude of an adult, expressed in his smile and affectionate gestures (situationally personality communication), and the items in the hands of an adult, which can be seen, touch, consider (situationally business communication) were near the child, before his eyes.

The content of the following forms of communication is no longer limited to a visual situation, but goes beyond its limits. The subject of the child's communication with adults can become such phenomena and events that cannot be seen in the specific interaction situation. For example, they can talk about the rain, that the sun shines, about the birds that flew into distant countries, about the device of the machine, etc. On the other hand, their own experiences, goals and plans, relationships, memories, etc. . All this can also be seen through your eyes and feel hands, but through communication with adults, all this becomes quite real, meaningful for the child. Obviously, the appearance of incoming communication significantly spreads the horizons of the vital world of the preschooler.

The incoming communication becomes possible only due to the fact that the child takes on an active speech. After all, it is a single universal tool that allows a person to create sustainable images and ideas about the subjects that are currently missing before the eyes of the child and act with these images and ideas that there are no interaction in this situation. Such communication, the content of which goes beyond the perceived situation is calledincoming.

There are two forms of incoming communication -cognitive and personal .

Cognitive form of communication

With a normal course of development, cognitive communities adds to about four or five years. An explicit testimony of the emergence of such communication is his questions addressed to an adult. These issues are mainly aimed at clarifying the laws of living and inanimate nature. Children of this age are interested in everything: why the proteins from people run away why the fish are not drowning, and the birds do not fall from the sky, from which they make the paper, etc. Answers to all these questions can only be given to an adult. The adult becomes for preschoolers the main source of new knowledge about events, objects and phenomena occurring around.

Interestingly, children at this age satisfy any adult answers. They are not at all necessary to give scientific justifies of their questions that are interested in, and it is impossible to do, since the kids are far from everyone. It is enough just to tie the phenomenon that interests with what they already know and understand. For example: butterflies winter under the snow, they are warmer there; Proteins are afraid of hunters; Paper is made of wood, etc. Such very surface responses are quite satisfying children and contribute to what they have their own, let them still be primitive, the picture of the world.

At the same time, children's ideas about the world remain in memory of a person. Therefore, an adult's answers should not distort the reality and allow all the explanatory forces into the child's consciousness. Despite the simplicity and accessibility, these responses should reflect the real state of affairs. The main thing is that an adult answers the questions of children so that their interests are not unnoticed. The fact is that in preschool age there is a new need - the need for respect from the adult. The child is not enough easy attention and cooperation with adults. He needs a serious, respectful attitude to his issues, interests and action. The need for respect, in recognition of adults becomes the main need that encourages the child to communicate.

In the behavior of children, this is expressed in the fact that they begin to be offended when an adult negatively appreciates their actions, scolds, often makes comments. If children under three or four years, as a rule, do not react to adult comments, then at an older age they are already waiting for evaluation. It is important for them that the adult does not just notice, but it was sure to praise their actions, answered their questions. If the child is too often comments, constantly emphasize his inability or inability to some lesson, he disappears any interest in this case and he seeks to avoid him.

The best way to teach something a preschooler, to instill an interest in some lesson - to encourage his successes, praise his actions. For example, what to do if the child of five years does not know how to draw?

Of course, you can objectively assess the possibilities of a child, constantly make him comments, comparing bad drawings with good drawings of other children and calling it to learn to draw. But from this he disappears any interest in drawing, he will abandon the lesson that causes continuous comments and complaints from the teacher. And of course, so he will not only do not learn to draw better, but will avoid this classes and not to love him.

And it is possible, on the contrary, to form and support the child's faith in your abilities of the praise of its most minor success. Even if the figure is far from perfection, it is better to emphasize its minimum (even if not even existing) advantages, show the child's ability to draw than giving it a negative assessment. Encouraging an adult not only inspires confidence in his abilities, but also makes an important and beloved activity for which he praised him. The child seeking to support and strengthen the positive attitude and respect for an adult, will try to draw better and more. And this, of course, will bring more benefits than the fear of adult comments and the consciousness of their inability.

So, for cognitive communication, the child with adults is characteristic:

    good speech possession, which allows you to talk with adults about things that are not in a specific situation;

    cognitive motifs of communication, curiosity of children, the desire to explain the world, which manifests itself in children's issues;

    the need for adult respected, which is expressed in resentment for comments and negative assessments of the educator.

Personal form of communication

Over time, the attention of preschoolers increasingly attract events that occur among those around people. Human relations, norms of behavior, the quality of individuals begin to interest the child even more than the life of animals or the phenomena of nature. What is possible, and what is impossible, who is good, and who are greedy, which is good, and what is bad - these and other similar questions are already worried by senior preschoolers. And the answers to them can only give an adult. Of course, earlier parents were constantly told the children, as needed to behave, and what it is impossible, but the younger children only obeyed (or did not obey) the requirements of an adult. Now, in six to seven years, the rules of behavior, human relations, quality, actions are interested in children themselves. It is important for them to understand the requirements of adults, to establish yourself in their right. Therefore, in the senior preschool age, children prefer to talk with adults not to informative topics, but on personal people relating to people's lives. So the most complex and higher education form in the preschool age occurs.

An adult is still for children a source of new knowledge, and children still need his respect and recognition. But for the child it becomes very important to evaluate certain qualities and actions (and their own and other children) and it is important that its attitude to one or another events coincided with an adult attitude. The community of views and ratings is an indicator of their correctness for the child. The child in the older preschool age is very important to be good, to do everything correctly: to behave correctly, correctly evaluate the actions and qualities of their peers, correctly build their relationship with adults and peers.

This desire, of course, should support parents. To do this, it is necessary to talk more often with children about their actions and relationships among themselves, to assess their actions. Senior preschoolers still need encouragement and approval of an adult. But they are already more concerned about not an assessment of their specific skills, but an assessment of their moral qualities and individuals in general. If the child is confident that an adult relates well to him and respects his personality, he can relate to his comments relating to his individual actions or skills. Now the negative assessment of his drawing is not so strongly offended by the child. The main thing is that it is generally good for adult to understand and share its assessment.

The need for an understanding of an adult is a distinctive feature of the personal form of communication. But if an adult often tells the child that he is greedy, lazy, cowardly, etc., it can hurt and injure the child, and will not lead to the correction of negative character traits. Here, again, to maintain the desire to be good, much more useful will be encouraged by its correct actions and positive qualities than the condemnation of the shortcomings of the child.

In the older preschool age, incoming personal communication exists independently and represents "pure communication", not included in any other activity. It encourages personal motives when another person attracts the child by itself. All this brings together this form of communication with the primitive personality (but situational) communication, which is observed in babies. However, the personality of an adult is perceived by the preschooler completely differently than a baby. The senior partner is a child no longer an abstract source of attention and goodwill, but a specific person with certain qualities (marital status, age, profession, etc.). All these qualities are very important for the child. In addition, an adult is a competent judge who knows, "what is good and what is bad", and a role model.

Thus, for incoming personality communication, which consists by the end of preschool age, are characteristic:

    need for mutual understanding and empathy;

    personal motives;

    speech tools for communication.

Putting-personal communications is important for the development of the identity of the child. This value is as follows. Firstly, the child consciously assumes the norms and rules of behavior and begins to consciously follow them in their actions and actions. Secondly, through personal communication, children learn to see themselves as it were from, which is a prerequisite for conscious management of their behavior. Thirdly, in personal communication, children learn to distinguish between different adults: teacher, doctor, teachers, etc. - and in accordance with this, in different ways to build their relationship with them.

The right course of communication

These are the main forms of communication of the child with adults in preschool age. With the normal development of the child, each of these forms of communication develops at a certain age. So, the first, the situational personality form of communication arises in the second month of life and remains the only to six-seven months. In the second half of life, situational business communication with adults is being formed, in which the main thing for the child is a joint game with objects. This communication remains the main thing about four years. At the age of four or five, when the child already has a speech well and can talk with adults to abstract topics, it becomes possible to incoming and informative communication. And at six, that is, by the end of the preschool age, there is a speech communication with adults to personal topics.

But this is only a common, averaged age consistency, reflecting the normal course of the development of the child. Deviations from it for minor time (six months or year) should not impose concerns. However, in real life, it is often possible to observe significant deviations from the specified terms of the occurrence of certain forms of communication. It happens that children until the end of preschool age remain at the level of situationally business communication. Quite often, preschoolers do not form speech communication on personal topics at all. And in some cases, preschoolers of five years prevailing situationally personality communication, which is characteristic of infants of the first half of the year. Of course, the behavior of preschoolers at the same time is not at all like infant, but in essence their attitude to adult and communication with him with a very large child can be the same as in the infant.

Development of the Personality of Preschooler in Communication with Adults

Speaking of person's personality, we always mean His leading life motives submitting to themselves others. Every person always has something most importantly, for which you can donate to everyone else. And the brighter a person realizes that for him the main thing is that more persistently seeks to this, the more His behavior is volveev. We are talking about the volitional qualities of the person in cases where a person not only knows what he wants, but stubbornly and persistently seeks his goal when his behavior is not chaotic, but aims to something.

If there is no such an orientation, if individual motives are called and enter into simple interaction, human behavior will not be determined by themselves, but by external circumstances. In this case, we have a picture of the collapse of the personality, returning to purely situational behavior, which is normal for a child of two or three years, but should be alarming in older ages. That is why the period is so important in the development of the child, when the transition from situational behavior, dependent on external circumstances, to the volitional, which is determined by the person himself. This period falls on preschool childhood (from three to seven years).

Thus, if the relationship between the action and the result of the action is clear and relies on his life experience, it is even before the start of action represents the significance of its future product and is emotionally configured to the process of its manufacture. In cases where this connection is not established, the action is meaningless for the child and he either makes it badly, or avoids at all to help him understand (realize) his desires and keep them contrary to situational circumstances. But the child should do it myself. Not under your pressure or pressure, but at your own accord and decision. Only such assistance can contribute to the formation of his own personal qualities.

2. Consider the communication of children with adults at different age stages.

Communication is an important condition for human existence. At all times, satisfaction with the person of his needs happened, as a rule, using communication. Already, communication is related to the problem of motivation, being elected and planned, means of meeting the needs, deposits, desires.

Age Features Motivation Communication

In infancy, the need to communicate with parents is pronounced, especially with the mother. Therefore, the deficit of such communication for 5-6 months leads to irreversible negative shifts in the psyche of the child, violates emotional, mental and physical development, leads to neurosis.

By the end of the first year of life, children appear a rather sustainable desire for communicating with peers: they love to be among other children, although not yet playing with them. From the second year, communicating with peers expands, and 4-year-olds it becomes one of the leading needs. At the same time, they increase independence and initiative, i.e., behavior is becoming increasingly internally deterministic.

As M. I. Lisin notes, the content of communication needs (and more precisely, it would be a motive of communication) at different stages of ontogenesis may be different (whether it is better evidence that the specific primary, basic need for communication is not and that the need for communicating - Is this a need for a way to meet other needs?). In the first 7 years of the child's life, the content of this need is: children 2-6 months from birth - in friendly attention, in children from 6 months to 3 years - in collaboration, in children 3-5 years old - in respect of adult, in children 5-7 years - in mutual understanding and experience.

Thus, with age, the content of the need for communication (and more precisely, it would be said the content of the motive of communication) becomes richer, more diverse. In this case, the value of an adult as an object of communication is changing. For children up to 6 months, an adult is a source of affection and attention, and communication itself has a personal meaning for a child. For children from 6 months to 3 years old, an adult is a game partner, a sample to imitate, an appraiser of the child's knowledge and skills; Communication with him has a business sense. For a child from 3 to 5 years old, an adult is a source of knowledge, erudite, and communicating with him has a cognitive meaning. For children, 5-7 years old, an adult is a senior friend, and communication again takes a personal meaning.

3. Develop a method for creating a success situation in the pedagogical process.

One of the most important tasks of training is that in the process of mastering knowledge every child experienced human dignity, a sense of pride. The teacher not only opens the world before pupils, but also approves the child in the world around the world as an active creator, creator, who has a sense of pride for his progress.

The situation is a combination of conditions that ensure success, and the success itself is a result of a similar situation.

Success situation is an experienced by the subject of his personal achievements.

Creating success situations is the creative admission of pedagogical impact, because The practical organization of these situations has a positive impact on the development of a child. It is important to keep in mind that even one-time experience of success can fundamentally change the psychological well-being of the child, dramatically change the style and rhythm of its activities, relationships with others.

The situation of success can become a trigger mechanism of further personality movement.

Success is the concept of ambiguous, complex, has different interpretation.

Point of view

Characteristic of success

1.Social psychological

The ratio between the expectations of the surrounding, personality and the results of its activities. When the person's expectations coincide or exceed the expectations of others.

2. Psychological

The experience of the state of joy, satisfying because the result coincided with expectations, the hopes of the person, or surpassed them.

3. Pedagogical

This is the result of a well-thought-out, prepared strategy, teacher tactics, families.

The child not only recognizes something, assimilates the material, but also worries his work, expresses a deep personal attitude towards what he managed and fails. The younger schoolboy is not so much aware of how much it worries.

Waiting for success becomes gradually sustainable need. On the one hand, the state of confidence, on the other, is the danger to overestimate its capabilities.

The preschooler fixes the achievement, rejoices to him.

Success could be expected, unexpected, prepared, unprepared

The child is waiting for him, hopes for him. There may be reasonable hopes and hope for a miracle




Does not raise the storms of feelings, but nevertheless more stable and deeper

Slisses the identity of the child, significantly leaves a deep mark

According to the expectations of the person

In the degree of depth of joy


(Terms taken in the book of Vilyunas "Psychology of emotional phenomena")

Knowledge of these types of success makes it possible to really imagine their pedagogical potential and navigate the choice of ways, the organization's funds. The soil on which our pedagogical skill is being built is in the child itself, in its attitude to knowledge, to the teacher. This is a desire, inspiration, willingness to overcome difficulties.

At the basis of the expectation of success at the preschooler - the desire to earn the approval of the elders. Does this mean that the teacher should play the child to adapt to his interests and moods?

Success is a phenomenon of painstaking efforts in professional, creative, intellectual activity. Without the feeling of success, the child disappears interest in classes, but the achievement of success in its activities is difficult to be a number of circumstances, among which you can call the lack of knowledge and skills, mental and physiological features of development and others.

Therefore, pedagogically justified the creation for a preschooler - a situation of success - subjective experiences of satisfaction from the process and the result of independently performed activities. Technologically, this assistance is provided by a number of operations, which are carried out in a psychological atmosphere of joy and approval created by verbal and non-verbal means.

Capturing words and soft intonations, the melodiousness of speech and the correctness of the appeals, as well as the open posture and friendly facial expressions, create a favorable psychological background, which helps the child will cope with the task set before him. Offering a child to perform any task, it should be at first"Remove fear" Before the upcoming activity, so that the preschooler managed to overcome uncertainty in their own strength, timidity and fear of the delicate of the case, assessing others.

In order to enhance the pedagogical impact, the operation "Removing Fear" is complemented by the operation"Advancement" Successful result: "In your abilities ...", "You will definitely cope ...". Implementing "advancement" it is necessary to express its strong conviction that the preschooler will definitely cope with the task, overcomes the difficulties with which he will face towards progress towards the goal. Such a position inspires the confidence of the child in himself, his strength and opportunities.

The situation of success is particularly important in working with children, the behavior of which is complicated by a number of external and internal reasons, since it allows you to sow aggression, overcome isolation and passivity. Quite often come across a problem - when a successive child ceases to make efforts in classes. In this case, the situation of success created by the teacher acquires the shape of a puff cake, where the situation of failure is located between two situations of success.

The pedagogical purpose of the situation of success is to create conditions for the individual development of the child.

Creating a Speech Situation in the Pedagogical Process

Success is the concept of ambiguous, complex, has different interpretation. From a socio-psychological point of view, this is the optimal ratio between the expectations of others, individuals and the results of its activities. In cases where the person's expectations coincide or exceed the expectations of the surrounding, most significant for the individual, we can talk about success.

From a pedagogical point of view, the situation of success is such a focused, organized combination of conditions under which the ability to achieve significant results in activities as a separate person and the team as a whole.

When trying to understand how the motivation of achieving success in children of preschool age is developing, it is important to keep in mind another circumstance. It was shown that a person with achieving success is not connected alone, but two different motifs: the motive of achieving success and the motive avoiding failure. Both of them, as oppositely directional tendencies, are formed in leading activities for children of this age: for preschoolers - in the game, and the younger schoolchildren - in training.

If adults who have great authority in children, are very encouraged by their success and are more punished for failures, then in the end, the motive of avoiding failure is formed and enshrines, which is not a stimulus to achieve success. If, on the contrary, attention from an adult and most of the incentives of the child falls on successes, then there is a motive of achieving success.



Speech paradigm

1. Removing fear

Helps to overcome uncertainty in their own power, timidity, fear of the degree and assessment of others.

"We are all trying and looking for, just that can happen something."

"People learn from their mistakes and find other ways to solve and everything will turn out."

2. Advancement

Helps the teacher to express his firm conviction that the child must cope with the task. This, in turn, inspires the child confidence in its strength and opportunities.

"You will definitely get."

"I do not even doubt the successful result."

3. High motivation

Shows a child for what, for whom this activity is performed, who will be good after execution

"Without your help, your comrades can not cope ..."

4.Created instructions

Helps the child to avoid defeat. It is achieved by hint, wishes.

"Perhaps it is best to start with ... .."

"Performing work, do not forget about ... .."

5. Associate exception.

Indicates the importance of the child's effort in the upcoming or accomplished activities.

"Only you could ...."

"Only I can trust you ..."

"To anyone, besides you, I can not contact this request ..."

6.Pedagogical suggestion.

Moves to fulfill specific actions.

"We are no longer wailing to get started ..."

"So you want to see if ..."

7. High score details.

It helps emotionally survive the success of not the result as a whole, but some of his separate item.

"You especially managed to explain."

"Most of all I liked you in your work ..."

"This part of your work deserves the highest praise."

The situation of success is particularly important in working with children, the behavior of which is complicated by a number of external and internal reasons, since it allows them to make aggression, overcome isolation and passivity. In a similar case, the situation of success created by the teacher acquires the shape of a peculiar puff cake, where the stuffing is located between the layers of the test (between the two situations of success).

The situation of failure is the subject emotional experience of dissatisfaction with itself in the course and result of the operation. It cannot be considered in the separation from the situation of success, but only as a stage when moving from one success to another. Technologically, creating a situation of failure, apparently, consists of the same operations as the creation of a situation of success, but having the opposite vector orientation. The implementation of the technological algorithm begins with the last operation - an assessment of activity details. The pedagogical purpose of the situation of failure, as well as the situation of success, is to create the conditions for personal individual development of the child. The question of its creation cannot raise the teacher if they are not taken into account by the prospect of its transition to the situation of success, if the teacher does not believe in his preschooler, does not feed optimism about its success. Satisfaction from personal achievements should accompany the child for a rather significant period, perhaps even become familiar to it.

A child who has developed quite successfully in the first five years of life, does not doubt that everything will be fine. Teachers know that this confidence can weaken, but not disappear for another five years, even if the doctrine does not bring satisfaction. Nevertheless, if the child also fails during the first five years of study, i.e. From five to ten years, there will be no trace of age from his self-confidence, the motivation disappears, and the child is bothering with failures. Now he is convinced that it is not capable of solving problems facing him. He is increasingly moving away from the search for love and self-esteem, to the touch, keeping his way the only ones, as it seems to him, remaining open to him with the ways - offenses and care. And although success in school is still possible, the chances of reaching their achievement every year becomes less likely.

In conclusion, it can be noted that communication is the main condition for the development of the child, one of the most important points that determine the development of the attitude of children to adults. Most of the whole child satisfies the content of communication in which he has already had a need.

In order for the child to understand others, communicate with adults, they should be humanely to the child, teach a child to actively join the contacts with the environment and with respect and love to relate to the child. However, not always adults pay the necessary attention to communication, as one of the specific means of targeted and active influence on children. But this influence should be carried out through suggestion and explanation, imitation and conviction, teaching and exercise, requirement and control, promotion and punishment. And if the use of listed methods does not give proper effect, then this is often associated with disadvantages and errors allowed by adults in communication and relationships with children, which often causes dissatisfaction and alienation from elder in the family.

At an early age, the social situation of development and the leading activities of the child are changing. Situational business communication with adults becomes a form and means of organizing the organization of the child.

A. S. Makarenko said, referring to the parents: "Do not think that you raise the child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise it at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How do you dress, talk to other people and about other people, as you enjoy or sadness, how you handle friends or enemies - all this has great importance to the child.


1. Merger L.A., Mukhina V.S. Psychology. - m., 1998.

2. Lisin M.I. Problems of ontogenesis of communication. -M., 1996.

3.News R.S. Psychology. Book 2. - M., 1995.

4. Mental development of pupils of the orphanage. // Ed. I.V. Dubrovina, AG. - M., 1990.

5 Psychology of preschool children // Ed. Zaporozhets A.V., Elkonina D.B. - M., 1964.

The specifics of communication of preschoolers with peers differs in many ways from communicating with adults. Contacts with peers are more vividly emotionally saturated, accompanied by sharp intonations, shouts, curves, laughter. In contacts with other children there are no stringent norms and rules that should be observed by communicating with adults. Talking with the elders, the child uses generally accepted statements and ways of behavior. In communication with peers, children are more relaxed, they say unexpected words, they are uninstalling each other, showing creativity and fantasy. "Hello, Elena Anatolyevna! Natasha, hello! I have a chewing cheer! Want? " - says Alyosha (4 years 11 months). Contacts with comrades are dominated by initiative statements over response. The child is much more important to express himself than listen to the other. And in the end, the conversation with the peer often does not work, because everyone speaks of his own, without listening and interrupting each other. At the same time, the initiative and proposals of the adult preschooler more often supports, tries to respond to his questions, to fulfill the task, listen carefully. Communication with peers is richer for appointment and functions. The actions of the child aimed at peer are more diverse. From an adult, he is waiting for an assessment of his actions or information. In an adult, the child learns and constantly turns to him with questions ("How to draw paws?", "And where to put a cloth?"). An adult acts as an arbiter permit arising between the children of controversial moments. Communicating with the comrades, the preschooler manages the actions of a partner, controls them, making comments, teaches, showing or imposing his own sample of behavior, activity and comparing other children with them. In the midst of the peers, the kid demonstrates its abilities and skills.

Through preschool age, replacing each other, three forms of communication with peers. Consider them.

The infant among diverse contacts with the peers most often occur immediately emotional, reflecting a wide range of experiences: the pleasure of new impressions delivered by another child, infection with shared fun, fear and annoyance from careless movements. The interest of children to each other encourages cognitive contacts, to the study of the other. By 12 months For the first time, business contacts in the form of joint subject-practical and gaming actions are formed. The basis of subsequent full-fledged communication with peers is laid here. The formation of such a need begins with 3 months. With the appearance of approximate activity on peer. At 5 months. The child appears bright emotions in the perception of a partner in the composition of the revival complex. In the second half of the first year of life there are complex forms of behavior (imitation, joint games), acting as the subsequent stages of the development of the need for communicating with the peers.

A significant part of contacts with comrades is aimed at acquaintance with them as an interesting object. Children look at each other, touch their face, clothes, sometimes even try to taste - they take the fingers of another. Infants are often not limited to the contemplation of the peer, and they tend to actually explore the object of interest. They behave with peers as with an interesting toy. At the same time, they address them the same actions as an adult: smile, offer a toy. However, initiative manifestations in the address of peers, the desire to attract attention is rarely observed, as well as response activity. Communication in the full sense is still missing, only its prerequisites are laid.

At the age of 1 to 1.5 years, the content of contacts with peers remains the same as the babies. In the peer of the baby attracts primarily objective qualities: appearance, behavior. Therefore, the joint actions of kids are very rare and quickly disintegrated. Children cannot agree on their desires and do not take into account each other's condition.

At 1.5 years, there is a fracture in relations with peers. Initiative actions develop in order to interest the same age. At the same time develops sensitivity to the ratio of comrades.

By 2 years, the first form of communication with peers -Emotional-practical new need for communicating with peers ranks fourth after the need for active functioning, communicating with adults and in new impressions. Its content is that the child is waiting for complication from the peer in his cants, fun and strives for self-expression. Communication comes down to running, cheerful cries, funny movements and is distinguished by freeness and immediacy.

Children attracts the process of joint actions: the construction of buildings, runaway, etc. It is during the process and lies for the baby the goal of the activity, and the result is not important. The motives of such communication are in the concentration of children at self-declaration. Although the baby seeks to imitate the peer and increases the interest of children to each other, the image of the peer for the child is very fuzzy, because their joint actions are superficial.

Communication with comrades is reduced to individual episodes. Children play alone long. And to establish contacts widely use all actions that captured in communication with adults - gestures, poses, facial expressions. The emotions of the guys are very deep and intense. Subjectual operations also contribute to the establishment of contacts. On the 4th year of life, there is an increasing place in communication.

At the age of 4 to 6 years old, preschoolers have a situational and business form of communication with peers. In 4 years, the need for communicating with peers is put forward at one of the first places. This change is due to the fact that the plugly role-playing game and other activities acquired, acquiring a collective nature. Preschoolers are trying to establish business cooperation, harmonize their actions to achieve the goal, which is the main content of the need for communication.

The desire to act jointly is so strongly expressed that the children go on a compromise, inferior to each other toy, the most attractive role in the game, etc.

Children pronounced the tendency to competition, competitiveness, irreconcilability in the assessment of comrades. At the 5th year of life, children constantly ask about the success of comrades, demand to recognize their own achievements, notice the failures of other children and are trying to hide their missions. The preschooler seeks to attract attention to himself. The child does not distinguish interests, the wishes of the comrade, does not understand the motives of his behavior. And at the same time shows a close interest in everything that makes the peers.

Thus, the content of communication needs is a desire to recognize and dust. Contacts are characterized by bright emotionality.

Children use a variety of means of communication, and despite the fact that they say a lot, speech remains still situational.

The incoming and business form of communication is observed quite rarely, a small number of children is 6-7 years old, but the senior preschoolers are clearly planned to develop a trend towards its development.

The complication of gaming activities puts the guys before the need to negotiate and plan their activities in advance. The main need for communication is to seek cooperation with comrades, which acquires an incoming nature. Changes the leading motive of communication. There is a steady image of peer. Therefore, attachment arises, friendship. There is becoming the formation of a subjective relationship to other children, that is, the ability to see in them an equal personality, take into account their interests, willingness to help. There is interest in the personality of the peer, not related to its concrete actions. Children talk about cognitive and personal topics, although business motives remain leading. The main means of communication is speech.

Features of communicating with peers are pronounced in the topics of conversations. What kind of preschoolers are talking about, allows you to trace that they appreciate in the peer and at the expense of which they assert themselves in his eyes.

Middle preschoolers more often demonstrate to peers what they know how to do and how it turns out. In 5-7 years, children tell a lot about themselves, about what they like or do not like. They are divided with their peers with their knowledge, "plans for the future" ("Who I will be when I grow up"). Despite the development of contacts with peers, in any time of childhood there are conflicts between children.
Consider their typical causes.

In infancy and early childhood, the most common cause of conflicts with peers is the appeal to another child as with an inanimate object and inability to play near even if there is enough toys. The toy for the baby is more attractive than the peer. She overshadows the partner and slows down the development of positive relationships. The preschooler is especially important
Demonstrate ourselves and even in something to surpass the comrade. He needs confidence that he is noticed, and feel that he is the best. Among children, the baby has to prove its right to uniqueness. He compares himself with a peer. But the comparison is very subjective, only in his favor. The child sees the peer as a matter of comparison with himself, so the peers and his personality itself
Notes. The interests of the peer are more often ignored. The kid notices the other when he starts to interfere. And then immediately the peers receives a harsh assessment corresponding to the characteristic. The child is waiting for an approval and praise from the peer, but since he does not understand what the same is needed the same thing, it is difficult for him to praise or approve the comrade. In addition, preschoolers are poorly aware of the causes of the behavior of others. They do not understand that the peers is the same person with his interests and needs.

By 5-6 years, the number of conflicts decreases. The child becomes more important to play together than to establish himself in the eyes of the peer. Children are more often talking about themselves from the position "We". It comes to understand that the comrade can have other classes, games, although preschoolers still quarrel, and often fighting.

The contribution of each form of communication into mental development is distinguished. Early, beginning in the first year of life Contacts with peers serve one of the most important sources of development of methods and motives of cognitive activity. Other children act as a source of imitation, joint activities, additional impressions, bright positive emotional experiences. With a lack of communication with adults, communication with the peers performs a compensatory function.

The emotional and practical form of communication encourages children to show the initiative, affects the expansion of the spectrum of emotional experiences. Situational and business creates favorable conditions for the development of the personality, self-consciousness, curiosity, courage, optimism, creativity. And the incoming business forms the ability to see in a partner to communicate self-concrete personality, to understand his thoughts and experiences. At the same time, it allows the child to clarify the ideas about oneself.

1. The situational personality form of communication.

It occurs in ontogenesis in 2-6 months. The basis of this form is the need for the child in the friendly attention of adults. This communication occupies a place of leading activities in infancy.

This first form is manifested in the form of a "recipient complex", i.e. Emotional-positive reaction of the child on an adult, accompanied by a smile, active movements, vocalization, fixing the view on an adult face and listening to his voice. All this indicates that the child moved to a new stage of development. Contact with adults is needed to him, and it actively requires communication.

By the end of the first half of life there is a situational and business form of communication with adults.

2. Sitaulo-making form of communication.

It manifests itself in ontogenesis of the second and exists in children from 6 months. Up to 3 years The main need is the need for cooperation within the framework of the main leading activity of the early age period - objective and instrument activities.

The main reasons for the contact of children with adults are now associated with their common matter - practical cooperation, and therefore a business motive is put forward to the central place among all the motives of communication. The child and adult, acting as the organizer and the assistant, together manipulate objects, perform increasingly complex actions with them. An adult shows that you can do with different things, how to use them, revealing the child of their quality, which he himself is not able to detect. Gradually, subject activity is converted. The child takes the speech.

With the advent of the first questions of the child: "Why?", "Why?", "Where?", "How?" - The new stage begins in the development of the child's communication and adult. This is an incoming cognitive communication.

3. Incoming-cognitive form of communication.

This form of communication exists in the younger and middle preschool age (from 3 to 5 years), it is based on the need for an adult respectfulness.

This communication is encouraged by cognitive motifs. This form of communication helps children expand the framework of the world accessible to their knowledge, allows them to open the relationship of phenomena, learn about the existence of causal relations between objects and phenomena. They are increasingly attracted by events taking place in the social sphere.

By the end of the preschool age, children appears the highest form of communication for this period.

4. The incoming personal form of communication arises on the basis of the need for mutual understanding and empathy.

The leading motive of communication is personal. As M.I. Lisin notes, this form of communication is closely connected with the highest levels of the game development, the child now pays more attention to the features of interpersonal relationships, the relationships that exist in his family, at the work of parents, etc.

The child learns to navigate the group, establishes a diverse relationship with the surrounding people. He assimilates the rules of communication, the concept of their rights and responsibilities. The child comes to the moral and moral values \u200b\u200bof the Company in which he lives.

In addition to communicating with parents and teachers, it is necessary to communicate with peers.

Let us dwell on the age dynamics of personal interaction in preschoolers groups

Interpersonal relationships in "Children's Society"

In groups of junior preschoolers, children are often observed in the type "nearby, but not together". This is the stage of prediability with peers in the process of subject displays (each "leads" its typewriter, "tells his doll"). Gradually, a joint action between children appears, but at first it is a mechanical merger, complicity in which mutual agreement has a minimal expression. Over time, the joint action acquires elements of cooperation, which are manifested in the establishment of emotional, electoral contacts with peers, in uniting children based on overall gaming interest ("Who will play in the" garage "?). A large role in the right organization of communication belongs to an adult.

A child is born to a subjective attitude to peer as a partner of joint activities, without which "playing uninteresting." Intensively develops awareness by a child of himself as a subject of joint activity, especially in plot games. In them, the preschooler begins to navigate not only on the plot, but also to peer, the sphere of his interests, the level of opportunities and skills. Children appear in the desire to establish cooperation to achieve a general result. The first gaming associations are created, but they have, in most cases, an unstable character. Diabands prevail, less often the triads, the "clean" microenius in the junior preschoolers prevail.

The main requirement for peers before accepting it in a joint game is the ownership of game operations. Children determine their attitude to peer rather emotionally than rational, evaluating the actions of another: shared a toy - good.

The source of estimated judgments, and in the end and appreciative relations are adults. These are often addressed by younger preschoolers in order to clarify the rules of interaction. At the end of the 4th year of life, the relationship between children becomes more stable. Some sympathies and antipathy are more noticeable.

The prevailing form of communication at the beginning of the younger preschool age is emotionally practical. The main reasons for communication with each other arise in the process of playing, classes, the fulfillment of household duties. Children want to attract attention to themselves, get an assessment of themselves. Nice selectivity of communication.

In the senior preschool age, the leading activity is the plot-role-playing game. In gaming associations there are community requirements, consistency of action, joint planning. The child begins to take into account the interest of partners. The ability to mutual support, a sense of partnership, empathizing success and failures. Children are able to conscious the effectiveness of jointly organized activities. At this age, sustainable Desides prevail and associations appear, including more than 3 people.

In groups of the 5th year of life, "clean" by the semi union of children is dominated.

The significant characteristics of the "stars" are: the ability to organize the game, the desire for justice, kindness, friendliness, external appeal, the breadth of the horizons.

"Incredited" children characterize defects of moral and volitional sphere, closure, unattractiveness. The relationship between preschoolers of the 5th year of life is determined mainly by the presence or absence of a child of moral qualities that are important for the whole group. Therefore, educators need to increase the sociometric status of children in the group, organize correctly communication so that children do not have negative emotional states.

In the 5th year, the plot role-playing game becomes truly collective, based on cooperation. The child seeks to attract attention. In communication there is a phenomenon of the "invisible mirror": in the peer, the child sees himself, and sees the space positively. Later, on the 6th year, he begins to see the peers, but above all the shortcomings of the latter. Such a peculiarity of perception is combined with a jealous interest in all its actions, actions.

An important motive of communication of senior preschoolers is the need for recognition and respect with peers.

Some children have 6-7 years of life affects a new form of communication with peers: incoming-business.

Y. Organization of communication in a kindergarten group in order to overcome negative emotional states

The ability to communicate is a gift or what can I learn? Psychologists define communicative abilities as individual-psychological features of the individual, ensuring the effectiveness of its communication and compatibility with other people.

The ability to communicate includes:

1. The desire to come into contact with others ("I want!");

2. The ability to organize communication ("I can"), including the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to emotionally empathize, the ability to solve conflict situations;

3. Knowledge of the norms and rules that need to be mastered when communicating with others ("I know!").

By 5-6 years, children should be able to coordinate their actions with peers, participants in joint games, relate their actions with social norms of behavior.

The value of relationships with the surrounding is huge, and their violation is a thin indicator of mental development deviations. Of course, the number of social contacts of the child depends on temperament, but most children are trying to establish friendly contacts with peers. A child who has a little communicating with peers and is not accepted, but also because of the inability to organize communication, may be uninteresting surrounding, and he feels vulnerable, rejected.

It is necessary to help the child to establish relationships with others so that this factor does not drive the brake on the path of personality development. How to do it?

First of all, teachers themselves need to learn to communicate correctly.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to use a personal-oriented model of communication with children to provide a child of feelings of psychological protection, confidence in the world, the joy of existence.

The teacher must build his communication with the child on the basis of understanding, acceptance, and recognition.

Understanding means the ability to see the child "from the inside", the ability to take a look at the world at the same time from two points of view: your own and child, "reading the motives of the child."

Adoption - means an unconditional positive attitude towards the child, his individuality, regardless of whether he pleases with adults at the moment whether there is no. This means: "I treat you well, regardless of whether you coped with this task or not!". The child should have a feeling that he is accepted and love, no matter what high or low indicators, he has achieved.

Recognition is primarily the right of a child in solving certain problems, essentially this right to be adults. The child can often be able to provide complete equality of rights, for example, if it comes to his health, however, the "advisory voice" the child must have. The child should have a feeling that it is he chooses.

Among the inadequate ways to evaluate children common is the manner of evaluating (both negatively and positively) the child's personality as a whole, and not the specific acts: "You are stupid"! "," You are a coward! ".

Therefore, specific acts of the child should evaluate: "You are distracted and do not think now!" (But not "stupid"), "You Stroxy!" (But not "coward"). It helps to avoid "programming to all bad and low."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky urged to start any business with the formation of a sense of success: it must be present not only at the end of the action, but also at the beginning.

Each teacher must independently solve the task - for what to praise the child, what parties of his behavior or maybe the results of the made them could give a reason for the positive assessment of the child's personality.

When adults want to stop those or other actions of the child, they resort to prohibitions. But the prohibitions are a call to action.

Along with the presentation of the prohibition, it should be specified on the need or the possibility of the existence of replacement actions alternatively forbidden ("This is what needs to be done").

This communication requires the teacher of the greatest pedagogical skill.

Communication "Child - Parent".

There are intentionally created situations when the teacher is "mistaken", and the children get better, it develops a sense of self-confidence in a child.

The teacher asks to tell him the chapter and says that it will fulfill the tasks on their team, which usually offers them himself. Such situations create conditions contributing to the establishment between the educator and a child of a favorable contact.

Communication "Child - Adult".

You can try to organize such a situation in which the child turns out to be competent adult. For example, children play, and an adult asks him to the game, but allegedly does not know her rules. An adult should be difficult to play. Helping a teacher, children master the support position of another.

Communication "adult parent."

This style of communication is not much disseminated in practice. We turn the child not just in the assistant caregiver, but in the defender of his interests. For example, the baby trust the clock and ask to ensure that the tutor does not cross the time of an important meeting or the beginning of classes. At the same time, the adult refers to the employment, which prevents him from follow the time. In this case, the teacher is important to withstand a certain tone of communication with the child, at which concern and interest in the help of this child: "I ask you, because you will not forget."

Communication "adult - adult."

This communication is serious, on equal. It is necessary to show sincerity in the perception of the child as an adult, the desire to act with it, to find out, open.

Communication "adult - child."

The rule that teacher should be adhered to, can be formulated as an understanding, acceptance and recognition.

Summing up the foregoing, we call the general directions of the educational process aimed at overcoming negative emotional states in communication.

1. Self-removal (self-improvement) of the personality of the teacher, as a condition for the development of the child's personality. ("Pedagogue, change myself!). Reducing its own internal conflict, the acquisition of skill becomes the point of view of the other.

2. The careful attitude towards the child "is not harmful! - Believe in the power of the child! ". An adult must exclude the risk of making a mental injury, emotionally taking a child, believe in the possibility of its growth. Such confidence causes the natural emotional response of the child, stimulates development in contrast to all sorts of threats and instructions.

4. It is important to be able to listen to the child. Each person has its own opinion, the child too. Adult task: convince if the child was wrong, agreed if you were wrong. We must be able to recognize your mistakes and apologize to the child.

5. Do not threaten and not promise rewards! Any conversation with children requires delicacy.

6. It is necessary to teach children to communicate, form ideas about the rules of interaction with another person: to be able to listen to a partner to communicate, do not interrupt it; To speak only after the interlocutor finished talking, to use words characteristic of polite communication, avoid gross expressions.

In order for the knowledge to go into behavior, they must be formed in activities, relevant to the child, that is, the game.

Above, we considered the most optimal styles of the organization of communication, the main directions of the development of the educational process.

Such an approach requires a very serious reorientation of pre-school education professionals. And, as a rule, it does not always work. And the result of incorrectly organized communication is negative emotional states in children.

Yi. Typical negative emotional states

Recently, the problem of emotional disadvantages of children associated with the emergence in the emotional sphere of negative experiences is of particular importance.

The child in preschool age carries the need for a positive assessment of the surrounding adults and peers, seeks to communicate with them, acceptance and understanding. But, if this need remains unsatisfied, the child can become irritable, conflict, with anger of anger, with the attacks of fear, insecure in itself and anxious.

Aggression is an individual or collective action aimed at applying physical and mental harm.

Aggressive child is always primarily an unhappy child. The causes of aggression may be the following:

The permanent aggressive behavior of parents to whom the child imites and is "infected" by their aggressiveness;

Manifestation of dislike for the child, the formation of his feeling of defenselessness, danger and hostility of the surrounding world;

Humiliation and insults of the child from parents;

Flares of rage with elements of aggressive behavior are first observed when the child's desire for some reason is not performed. An obstacle to the fulfillment of desire is usually a ban or restrictions on the part of the adult.

Often there are situations where the aggressiveness of the child is part of the protest of adults, forcing him to anything.

In most cases, the child wants to attract attention to himself in their aggressive behavior.

Without adequate means of communication, the child fists seeks to take a leadership in the group, but, alas, to no avail. Aggressive child is usually isolated having a very low sociometric status.

What exactly does this violation of behavior manifest itself?


Breaks toys, tear books, pushing peers, bites, spits, it is drunk;


It swears, says offensive words.


Pops up, says the words of the word when he sees adults

In the form of a threat:

Wares, but does not hit, scares others.

In Mimic:

Squeezes lips, blushes, pale, squeezes fists.

Aimed at:

Biting himself, pins himself, asks himself to knock

The conflict is the use of morally condemned methods of struggle, the desire to psychologically suppress the partner, discrediting and humiliating it in the eyes of others.

The causes of conflict can be somewhat - conflict, possibly a consequence of child's selfishness. The child does not take into account the desires and interests of peers.

If at home he is an unconditional center of universal attention and his slightest desire is immediately fulfilled, then, of course, the child is waiting for the same attitude towards himself and from other children and, of course, does not receive it. Then he begins to achieve this, provoking conflicts. The inverse situation is possible when the child in the family is "abandoned." He recesses the feelings accumulated in his little soul;

Conflict child, like aggressive, in most cases has low sociometric status. He has high or understated self-esteem, a high level of anxiety. All this very much deforms the person.

Another negative emotional state is fear.

Regulatory manifestations of fear in children from fear as evidence of emotional disadvantages should be distinguished. Fears of children, except for feasible loud sounds and falls, are not hostile. But over the preschool childhood, they can develop many fears. Some arise in response to real circumstances. In other cases, adults are to blame, who scare children with all sorts of punishment.

Fear is one of the most characteristic feelings of a child. The appearance of fear warns the child about his threatening danger, that is, performs a protective function.

At each age, the "regulatory" fears that appear gradually, as the result of the development of the intellectual sphere, imagination, etc.

A.I. Zakharov offers age norms of fears and their distribution by sex and years. Of the 29 fears in children are observed from 6 to 12 fears. Let's touch some age standards and fear of fears. (by A.I. Zakharov):

Junior preschool age - fears of fabulous characters, injections, pain, blood, height, unexpected sounds; Typical fears: loneliness, darkness, closed space.

Senior preschool age - fear of death, fear of death of parents, fears of animals, fears of fairy-tale characters, fear of depth, fear of terrible dreams, fear of fire, fear of fire, fear of attacks, fear of war.

Anxiety is a relatively soft form of manifestation of the emotional disadvantage of the child, for which the state of concern is characterized in the premonition of real or imaginary danger. The most commonly alarm manifests itself in anticipation of a event that is difficult to predict and which can threaten unpleasant consequences.

Psychologists allocate a number of characteristic features of disturbing children:

Frequent manifestations of concern and anxiety, a large number of fears arising in those situations where the child does not threaten anything;

Special impressionability, imperidity, sensitivity to failures and acute reaction to them;

Low self-esteem, and as a result, the waiting of the disadvantage from the outside;

A tendency to the harmful habits of a neurotic nature (nibble nails, suck your fingers, pull the hair).

The causes of children's anxiety can be: the adverse relationship of the child with parents, especially with the mother; the overestimated claims with which the child cannot cope; Excessive mother's guard, the so-called "symbiotic relationship" of a child with a mother; authoritarian style of interaction of the teacher of kindergarten with children; The inconsistency of the claims presented by the child adults.

These negative emotional states very much deform the identity of the child. The causes of their occurrence, as well as the situations in which they arise.

Teachers and parents are more often concerned about the appearance of aggressiveness and conflict in children. There is a large number of requests for working with these children, and therefore the need for the consciousness of the program appears, in order to correct the aggressiveness, conflict, the weakening of negative emotional states.

In connection with the available requests of teachers and parents, I assume to solve the following tasks through the implementation of the correctional work in the future:

1. Development of the ability to express interest and with understanding to treat the answers of children, encourage them sincerely and detail about their experiences or problems and at the same time respect to behave in relation to others

2. Help the children understand that they can control their behavior themselves.

3. Help the children understand that a person is a unique person who has not only strong, but also weaknesses.

4. Teach children to put yourself in place of another person.

5. To form the ability to empathize with others and take responsibility for their actions.

6. Consultatively - educational work with parents and teachers on this issue

To implement the tasks, I plan to apply the following methods and techniques for working with this category of children:

Personality research methods (tests, observations)

Method of analyzing specific situations;

The inclusion of aggressive action in the context of the game and giving it a new socially acceptable, emotionally filled sense;

Use of the game and fairy tales;

Free drawing;

Didactic game

Expected results.

The psychotherapeutic effect will be in confidence in the child to a psychologist, the desire for contact with it, openness and interest in classes, as well as in reducing emotional tensions, in psychological comfort and positive feelings, in reacting and dischargeing negative emotional experiences, in reducing the frequency of conflicts and quarrels with kids.

The developing effect of classes is manifested in interest and desire to continue these classes, in the desire to talk to a psychologist about heard outside the classes, in the fact that the behavior of children will improve, and they will notice these improvements themselves. Children will be able to use the resulting skills in other activities: in the game, in communication.

Remote results:

They will consist in:

Prevention of neurosis and neurotic reactions, behavioral disorders, school deadaption and other psychogenic problems;

Correction of emotional well-being, removal of emotional tensions, mitigating the effects of psychological injuries, reducing the index of aggressiveness and conflict.


Modern psychological knowledge testifies to the huge meaning of the full-fledged communication of the adult and the child, the style of such communication for the development of the child's personality.

The development of the personality of the preschooler, his attitude to the world, to people, to themselves, are largely determined by the forms of communication with adults who add up in preschool childhood. Analysis of the genesis forms of communication in childhood provides reason to assert that knowledge of their content, structures and methods is necessary as an educator not only for organizing work with children, but also in order to correct deviations in the personal development of preschoolers.

Special attention deserves the correction of negative emotional states of the child. The functions that perform an emotional sphere during mental development give reason to argue that its content largely depends on the nature of interpersonal relations in which a child comes in with adults and peers.

The unfavorable type of relationship leads to a number of negative manifestations in the emotional sphere. The abstract is given a general characteristic, the typical reactions of children prone to fears, alarming and aggressive are disclosed: the causes of these states are shown.

Work on the prevention and overcoming of negative emotional states requires the following conditions:

1. Knowledge of the right ways to organize communication, communication styles and the active use of their teachers in working with the aim of prevention and correction of negative emotional states.

2. Deep knowledge of the meaningful characteristics of those emotional states that require correction (manifestations, causes, receptions).

3. Possessing methods for diagnosing mentioned emotional states, adequate to the age characteristics of the child.

4. The presence of a clear system of corrective work, built in accordance with the logic of goals, objectives and means of forming the emotional sphere of the child and the nature of its relationship with others.


1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M, 1998

2. Vetrov V.V. Psychological health lessons. M., 1998.

3. Diagnosis and correction of the mental development of preschoolers (ed. Kolomensky Ya.L .; Panko E.A.) M., 1997.

4. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. Yar., 1997

5. Kryazheva M.L. Development of the emotional world of children Yar., 1997.

6. Kulagina I.Yu. Age psychology M., 1996.

7. Lisin M.I. Problems of ontogenesis of communication. M., 1986.

8. General psychology. (Sost. E.I. Rogov. M. 1997).

9. Panfilova MA Games of communication. M.1998.

10. Popular psychology for parents (ed. A.S.spirovakovskaya). M., 1997.

11. Psychology of upbringing (ed. Petrovsky V.A.). M., 1995

12. Psychology of the preschooler. Reader. (Sost. G.A. Uruntaeva). M., 1998.

13. Rogov E.I. Desktop book of a practical psychologist in education. M., 1996,

14. Learn to communicate with the child. V.A.Petrovsky et al. M., 1993

15. Shevandrin N.I. Social psychology in education. M., 1995

16. Sheldon Levis. Sheila Levis. Child and stress. M. 19997

The role in the formation of a childhood personality, in the development of its leading motifs, will allow more purposeful and effectively to raise the emotions and feelings of preschool children. Development of the motivational sphere of preschool children. The process of forming a childish personality is characterized not only by intellectual development, i.e. Acquisition of new knowledge and skills, but also an occurrence ...

The consequences of social deprivation and dezadapive behavior, first of all, is necessary to eliminate and compensate for its conditions. The purpose of the study: theoretically examine the features of the emotional sphere of children of preschool age, raising in the conditions of the orphanage. Object of research: Social dedication. Research Subject: Emotional Safety of Preschool Children, ...

Experienced, its intensity and depth, maturity of emotions and feelings as a whole. "Chapter II. Methods of diagnosis and correction, as a means of overcoming the emotional disadvantage of children of preschool age 2.1 Diagnostics of emotional disabilities of preschool children with a diagnostic examination, 11 children were covered - Pupils of Dow No. ... ... ". Age of children is 6 years old. In ...

Immediately emotional communication (D. B. Elkonin, M. I. Lisin) is gradually moving in the direction of "business cooperation" associated with the solution of the simplest tasks - together play with a rattle, push the ball and other partner (Fig. 5.5).

The baby begins to experience the need for an assessment of his participation in the "Common Business". Of course, he is waiting for a positive assessment, but it must be given for a concrete deal.

Fig. 5.5. Situational business communication (6 months - 2 years)

Situation. Mom and her son Zhenya (7 months) earlier emotionally communicated with the help of smiles, stroking, affectionate words, and now he began to resist, not to answer smiles, grab everything that

What happened to the boy?

Decision. Zhenya, matured, already ready to go to a new situational form for yourself with adults, In this connection, he began to manifest the need for business cooperation. Adult became interesting not in itself, but because he has different items and he knows how to do something with them.

Situation. An adult expands the range of objects with which the child will be able to produce more and more new actions. So he, for example, shows the child a machine. I am pleased to play with her, the child recalls the ring (although it is not as bright as a new toy), with whom he played before together with adults.

What can be connected with the memory of an unpleasant rod?

Decision. An adult should recall how long the baby was entertained by this rings and under what an emotional accompaniment (a tender conversation, gentle stroking on the head, etc.) it happened. An adult must understand that, remembering the old toy, the child seeks to return the event that was accompanied by so wonderful communication. For the baby, the ring embodies his own living emotional memories of communication with adults.

Question. How should an adult satisfy the need for a baby in communicating? How can it develop the ability to communicate about the items?

Answer. With the right methods of education, direct communication, which is characteristic of the start of infancy, is soon inferior to communicating about objects, toys, which will then develop into the joint activities of the adult and the child.

An adult introduces the child to the world around the world, attracts his attention to subjects, clearly demonstrates all sorts of ways to action with them, often directly helps the child perform actions, directing his movement. He teaches the kid to the rules of behavior and handling things, every time voicing his actions.

Up to 3 years for the situational business form of communication Characteristic needs in collaboration, business motives and objective means of communication.

In this form of communication:

  • the child takes on subject actions, learns to use household objects (spoon, comb, etc.), play with toys, dress, wash, etc.;
  • the child shows activity and independent, becomes an independent business entity and an independent partner for communication;
  • the child begins to pronounce the first words, and to get the desired object, he needs to call him, that is, to say the word. The child himself without incognizes from the side of the adult will not start talking. An adult proposes to call one or another thing, and the baby pronounces the new word after him. communication;

Table 5.1.
Speech development in infancy

The child reacts early to the speech of an adult: He subsides, listens when they talk to him (Table 5.1).

Situation. At first, the hug is observed even in deaf children. They will master the same way as children with good hearing. Therefore, such an organic damage for a long time can remain unnoticed. But later, many of children suffering from deafness cease to pronounce any sounds.

What can such phenomena be related to?

Decision. Deaf children simply lose interest in pronunciation of sounds, as they cannot hear either their own voice or those sounds that are published by others.

Question. Does all children go to the stage of the lepture? How long continues the stage of the shelter? What does it depend on?

Answer. All children pass the staging of the lepture, because it is necessary for the development of their speech. Therefore, it is not in the duration of the lepture period, but in its qualitative change. From the moment of independent use of the first words, the stupid usually ends, that is, about 1 year. However, in the case of a sharp change in living conditions, such as entering a kindergarten, falling into the hospital, etc., it is often noted that the child's refund to the brave speech.

Situation. Crying and missing kids make the same sounds regardless of which language to them will become native.

What does the main role in the assimilation of the child of the native language?

Decision. The main role should play the socio-cultural environment of the child. Imitating the speech of people from their socio-cultural environment, children again and again repeat many sounds in the game process, even if they do not understand their meanings. This is a repetitude that resembles an echo that children hear, scientists call Echolalia.

The complication stage of the poverty continues until children begin to use their first words independently, which usually takes place by the end of their first year of life. By this time, they master the sounds of the tongue and can reproduce them at their own discretion. Only then can be said that the basis of the language is laid and his assimilation begins.

Situation. Creek and tinted - the most important preliminary exercises in the language. The most diverse sounds are used in their process.

What is the role of these exercises to develop a child?

Decision. The child is preparing to master the speech, developing his re-foster apparatus, establishes associations between consonant moods and sound complexes.

Often, facial expansion and gestures (mimic language) replace the child still missing sound speech. The use of the Mimician of the human whom, talking to the child, contributes to the understanding of the kid of many unclear words to him. In addition, when communicating a child with an adult, gestures play a major role (Table 5.2).

Table 5.2. Language of gestures in infancy

Situation. Mishe (1 year 3 months) is still difficult to give words, and he often resorts to gestures. Mother, rash, what he wants, immediately fulfills his desire.

Does the rapid satisfaction of the child's needs affect the development of his speech?

Decision. Fast satisfaction of the need to be understood without pronouncing words can slow down the development of the child's speech.

An adult should encourage the child to call her desires in words, in order for the kid to make his own active speech correctly.

Situation. It happens that up to 10 months, children already seize one or more meaningful words.

Should it be worried if the child is 1.5 years old exclusively gestures?

Decision. Although gestures are often very expressive and sufficient for understanding, but the child, in order to be properly understood, is still better to use speech tools.

After 6 months of life, the child alone is not enough. The baby is beginning to attract various items.

Means of communication at this stage are enriched. The child moves in space, manipulates with objects, takes various poses. Children actively enjoy gestures, expressive movements.

Situation. In the room Kolya surrounds a lot of interesting toys, but he does not pay attention to them and misses.

Why is this happening?

Decision. Interesting and necessary toy gets after an adult takes her hands and show that you can do with it: how can you move the typewriter, how a bunny can jump, etc. So it happens because the adult is the center of preferences, for what He gives the attractiveness to those subjects to which touches. It is important that the adult show the child, how can you play with these toys (as from cubes you can build a tower like a doll to put sleeping and so on.). The items themselves (toys) will never tell me how they can use or how to play with them.

If the child does not know what you can do with objects, he does not stretch to them. Only after an adult suggests a child a sample of their use, the game becomes for a small person meaningful and meaningful.

Question. How should an adult show certain actions with the subject?

Answer. Adult, showing actions with the subject, must contact the child, talk to him, look into his eyes, maintain and encourage its correct, independent actions. Such joint games with objects and are business communication or cooperation of the child with adults.

The situational business form of communicating with peers occurs in 4-6 years and is the most typical for preschool childhood.

The need for communicating with a peer becomes much more intense, going to the fore, there is and Arkin gives an example when a boy is 5 years old on the grandmother's proposal to play with her: \\ "I have a lot of ribno children \\" this is due to the fact that Communication with peers is a prerequisite for the organization of a plot-role-playing game that has a collective harakivny character.

The main content of the need for children in communicating with peers is the desire to establish business cooperation, coordinate their actions with a partner on the activities of cooperation differs from the complication of more tee by the interaction of children, the cooperative nature of their activities, the cooperation of children is predominantly gaming in nature and focused not on the result of activities, but on her process.

The desire to act jointly so much expressed that the children go on a compromise, yielding to each other toys, an attractive role in the game, etc.

\\ "Okay, you will be the captain, and I am your assistant \\", - Agrees Roman M (5 g 10 months) 5 p. 10 mіs.).

\\ "You take a bear, and I, so be, I will take a hare \\" - says Tanativa Tanya

\\ "Sasha, come first, you will pick up me, and then I'm you \\", "offers Dmitry d (6 g 11 months) 6 r. 11 mіs.).

The first joint gaming actions arise for the same plot combines multidirectional, weakly agreed actions for example, in the drawing of the plot \\ "Family \\" \\ "Mom \\" goes to work, and \\ "Father \\" prepares \\ "child \\" to sleep \\ " Mom \\ "Houses fed by \\" baby \\ ", and \\" tutor \\ "- again gives her breakfast, there is interest in the actions of a partner, their comparison with their own, speaking in matters, mocked replicas, evaluations of the actions of another to the vests, Scho Vistupy, Deprait of repliki, Otsіnkah DIY Іnche.

For example, Lena C (4 g 7 months) is preparing a crib to put his \\ "daughter \\" (doll) sleep Diana P (5 g) at a distance observes the actions of Lena when I saw that instead of the blanket Lena prepared a piece of paper, resolutely ran up

Diana: And your doll will freeze such a blanket needed ??

Lena: And now I have summer.

Diana: So what! .

Deerka: Here is your best dash, and I like it.

As noted by M and Lisin, and Mr. Ruzsky, oh of Smirnov, children are characterized by a special behavior manner, in which the tendency to competition and competition is pronounced, this indicates that in the sense of the need for communication with the peer in second place after the desire for joint There is such a component as a desire for respect and recognition, children demand to recognize their own achievements, and the actions of comrades are estimated prevailing, more clearly emphasizing their own Qaches of Yakosti.

Children use such means of communication as expressive, visual, iconic children and enthusiastically talk among themselves, but the broadcasting remains a situational oadammirnov in the situation of the free cooperation of children 3-7 years old, finding such basic topics: I-statements about yourself , The statements about another child, the world - the statements about items and phenomena, which goes beyond the situation; The game is the expression of children during their game.

Situationally business communication with peers contributes to the development of the foundation and self-consciousness, as well as the curiosity, courage, optimism, activity, the creative and original core of the personality, with the development of this form of communication with the peers in children, there is passivity, closure, ill-gratefulness.

23 Intoitatically - business form of communication preschool children

the incoming and business form of communication with peers begins to manifest themselves in some children 6-7 years old Trend towards its appearance, the elements of this form of communication consist in most senior preschool children.

The number of incoming contacts increases to 50% of all interactions of peers Communication with peers significantly goes beyond the overall objective activities. Significant changes occur in development from the plot-role-playing game, its convention is growing, the schematics of complexity in building the game makes the requirements for its preliminary planning.

The content of the communicative need is to desire to cooperate and create with the peer, the game has a truly common nature with a single rules, requirements, with the consistency of actions, accounting for the interior of sides of partners. The experience of previous joint games to children accumulates, leads to a certain generalization of the ideas of children about the game, The roles of each child in the Niy.

A clear image of the same age is formed, the relationship with it becomes more stable (there is a phenomenon as friendship), sympathies occur at the formation of a subjective attitude towards other children, t is the ability to see them equal to their own personality, take into account their interests, willingness to help.

Together with the knowledge of the same age, the children develop an understanding of I-image, especially its practical actions.

The main means of communication - speech features of communicating with peers are clearly manifested in the topics of conversations that are becoming increasingly incurred by the specific discussions of various broad tosh about the past and future, native nature and distant countries.

The contribution of incoming and business communication to the development is to form the child's ability to understand the other as a self-concrete personality, in the awakening of interest in his inner world, the motive to expand you.

Conclusion about the development of forms of communication of the preschooler with the peer:

The team of researchers under the leadership of AGRUZKOCI allocates three ontogenetically consecutive forms of communication with peers in preschool age; і;

The age dynamics of communication and joint activities of preschoolers consist in the growth of meaningality, selectivity, the stability of relations, the need for communication and cooperation, their intensity and oriented Ovnias of the interests of peers - the child from birth to 7 p consistently change such forms of its communication with the peers: emotional Practical (infant - early age) situational-business (4-6 g), P Ozasitative-no-business (6-7 gr.).

Situational personality communication [LAT. Situatio - position] - the first appearing in the ontogenesis form of the child's communication with adults (synonymous: directly emotional communication). It begins to develop in the second month of life as the recovery complex is developing. It has the following characteristics: satisfies the child's need for the attention and goodwill adult; prompted by personal motives; It is implemented using expressive-mimic means (components of the reciprocal complex); Its content is the exchange of positive emotions between the child and adults.

In the first half of the life of S.L. about. He is leading activities, providing a decisive influence on the development of all sides of the psyche of the child. The main products folding in the framework of S.L. Oh., Affective personal connections (genetically the first type of relationship between the child and adults) and the image of themselves in the infant. With the appearance of subsequent forms of communication S.L. about. He is inferior to them the dominant position, but does not disappear, but continues to play its role in the further development of the child, implementing mainly in contacts with loved ones. Formation S.L. about. In the first half of life, leads to the distortion of the further mental development of the child, and its deficit affects personal violations even in adults. Development Level S.L. about. - The most important criterion for the successful mental development of the child in the first half of life. The main indicators of the level of its development are signs of the severity of a complex of revitalization: the latent period, completeness of the composition, duration, variability, intensity of components, initiative.

In the psychological theory of activity, communication is considered as one of its species. It has the same structure as any other activity: arises on the basis of the relevant need and prompts the motive corresponding to it, includes actions aimed at having a semantic attitude towards the target's motive. In each age period, communication has its own specific features determined by the development of the motivational sphere.

The first years of human life is filled with communication with close adults. Born, the child cannot satisfy any of his needs - it is fed, bathe, shelted, shut up, transfer, he shows bright toys. Growing and becoming more and more independent, he continues to depend on an adult who teaches him to walk and hold a spoon, correctly pronounce the words and build a towers from cubes, answers all his "Why?".

The need for communication in the child appears early, about 1-2 months, after the crisis of the newborn. He begins to smile at mom and rapidly rejoice at her appearance. Mom (or other close man, causing a child), should satisfy this new need as fully as possible. Immediately emotional communication with adults creates a joyful mood in a child and increases its activity that becomes the necessary basis for the development of his movements, perception, thinking, speech.

What happens if the need for communication is not satisfied or is not satisfied enough? Children who were in the hospital or in a children's home are lagging behind mental development. Until 9-10 months, they retain a meaningless, indifferent look, striving up, move little, feel their body or clothes and do not seek to grab the toy eyes. They are sluggish, apathetic, do not have interest in the surrounding. The speech will appear very late. Moreover, even with good hygienic care, children are lagging behind in their physical development. These severe consequences of the lack of communication in infancy were called hospitalism.

Thus, in the first year of life, full-fledged communication with adults is vital. Insufficient or not corresponding to needs, communication negatively affects the development and later, and the manifestation of this negative impact in different age stages has its own specifics. Each age, bringing new features and new needs, requires special forms of communication.

M.I. Lisina studied how to communicate a child with an adult man through childhood. It highlighted four forms of communication (Table 1.1).