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Gregory Kotovsky: Legend of "Bessarabian Robin Gude. Feet on the table! Incredible adventures of Mummy Kotovsky Gregory Kotovsky Auction

In the heart of the Moldavian capital , opposite the "Cosmos" in Chisinau, it is somewhat dilapidated over the past decades and neglected, but still beautiful bronze horse sculpture is a monument to the legendary red commander, the Hero of the Civil War Gregory Ivanovich Kotovsky born June 24, 1881 In the village of Ganchesty, Bessarabian province (now the city of Hinchests, the Republic of Moldova), who died from the hands of the killer - his subordinate Meer Zaidera - August 6, 1925 At the age of 44, in the state farm Chabanka, Kominternovsky district, Odessa region (Ukraine).

Unhappy But extremely saturated with bright events, life path and heroic exploits Gregory Kotovsky Always attracted to themselves attention both serious domestic historians and writers and journalists, but, above all, the communist party propagandists and agitators, so at different times they shot movies, set the performances, wrote poems and songs, printed books despised to raise the young generation on his glorious example Soviet people.

But, who became famous after decay in 1991. USSR and the discovery of a new, democratic power in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova for researchers archives Various, previously hidden, documentary materials quite convincingly indicate that the real, much more complex and multifaceted, the image of Grigoria Kotovsky It was very controversial and far-ambiguous.

Anyway , he is far enough from that lacquered, well known to all Moldovan citizens of older and middle age, the canonical image of the Hero of the Civil War, the commander of the Cavalry Corps of the Red Army, "Knight without fear and reproach" Grigory Kotovsky, created in popular movies and books About him in the Soviet Union.

Acquired during royal mode , in the Russian Empire, acting on the field of the criminal ramp, wide fame as the "noble robber", "Bessarabian Robin Hood", Gregory Kotovsky Only after the October Revolution of 1917 joined to Bolsheviks , deciding that only they can give him everything that he always sought and what could not get earlier - official power, passing a complex and winding path From the criminal offense to a member of the Union, Ukrainian and Moldavian Central Executive Committee, a member of the UssR Revoensuit, the legendary hero of the Soviet folklore and fiction

Gregory Kotovsky Born in the family trashman City of Balta Podolsk Province. Besides him, the parents had more five Children. Father Gregory Kotovsky was the Russified Orthodox Pole, mother - Russian. According to the Father's line, Grigory Kotovsky took place from the old Polish aristocratic clan, which heed by the estate in the Podolsk province. Grandfather Kotovsky for communication with the participants of the Polish National Movement was ahead of schedule dismissed. He later broke, and therefore Father Grigory Kotovsky, a mechanical engineer for education, was forced to go to the Meshchansky class and to go to Bessarabia to earn money.

In two years, Gregory Kotovsky lost his mother, and in sixteen - father. Caring for his upbringing took over his shaft mother - Sofia Shalle , the young widow, the daughter of the engineer, the Belgian subject, who worked next door and was his father's friend, and a god-rich landowner Manuk Bay who helped him enter the Cukukruzensky agronomic school and paid it to study and content. Here Gregory Kotovsky met a local circle eCEROV But soon they were disappointed.

After graduation agricultural school, in 1900 year, Grigory Kotovsky worked as an assistant manager in various landlord estates in Bessarabia But nowhere delayed for a long time, constantly entering acute conflicts for various reasons with the owners. TO 1904 The year, leading such a "free" lifestyle, he was periodically arrested by the police and came to prison on charges of small criminal offenses, gradually becoming a recognized authority of the Bessarabian criminal world.

During the Russian-Japanese war, in 1904 year, Grigory Kotovsky did not appear on the draft point and in 1905 The year was arrested "for evasion of military service", after which it is directed to serve in the 19th Kostroma Infantry Regiment, quartered in the city Zhytomyr .

However, he deserted , I got into running and organized a detachment, at the head of which I made raids on the landlord of the estates, where he captured and destroyed the debt receipts of the peasants who provided him with a detachment, she was covered with gendarmes, equipped with products, clothing, weapons.

Thereby The detachment of Gregory Kotovsky for a long time remained eligible, and legends went to the keenness of the attacks. January 18, 1906 Gregory Kotovsky was, however, was deprived by the police and arrested, but he was able to escape from Chisinau prison in six months.

Known attacks Gregory Kotovsky's squad - "Ataman hello" or "Ataman Hell", as he called himself, at the police convoy and the liberation of twenty peasants who were arrested for agrarian riots; The attack on the correction, which was driving 30 rifles; Fight with thirty guards in the Orgeaevsky Forest. For his capture, the police announced a prize in early 1906 two thousand rubles.

Gregory Kotovsky According to his contemporaries, it was very artistic and proud, zinic, prone to posterity and theatrical gestures. He widespread about himself legends , rumors, Nesbylitsy , during his raids, always shouted: "I am Kotovsky!", Therefore, many not only in the Bessarabian and Kherson provinces were known about him, but also far beyond their limits, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in Romania.

After the liberation of the arrested peasants, Gregory Kotovsky always left receipt The older patrol team: "I freed the arrested Grigory Kotovsky!" In response to a landowner statement Krusensky that he is caught by "Ataman Hell", Gregory Kotovsky left one day in the headboard his bed (enjoying the bedroom when the landowner slept) note : "I didn't think of going to the ruins, and I poured out of Rati."

September 24, 1906 He was arrested again. In Chisinau prison, Grigory Kotovsky, who received a nickname in the criminal world "Cat", He became a recognized authority. He changed the orders of the inhabitants of the prison, steeply straightened with objections, tried to organize the Escape of seventeen criminal and anarchists from prison. They have already disarmed three warders, took the keys to the gate, but decided to release all criminal. In prison Panic began, and the soldiers and horse guardians arrived by the company's 13 fugitives (including Kotovsky) in the chamber. After that, Grigory Kotovsky tried to run twice twice, but unsuccessfully.

In 1907 Gregory Kotovsky was sentenced to 12 years KORGS AND POSTED AT THE STAP TO Siberia through Elizavetgrad and Smolensk prison. IN 1910 year Grigoria Kotovsky was taken to the Oryol Central, and then his 1911 year steaded to the place of serving the sentence - in Nerchinsky Katorgua . Departing a catguard, Gregory Kotovsky collaborated with the authorities, even became a declare on the construction of the railway, which made him a candidate for amnesty on the occasion 300th anniversary Romanov's houses.

Amnesty, However, did not apply to "Bandits", According to the column of which Gregory Kotovsky was held, and therefore he was not released from the cortical. Then ON. February 27, 1913 Fight from Nerchinsk. On the snow-covered Taiga Grigory Kotovsky went about seventy kilometers and almost froze, but still came to Blagoveshchensk. According to the sublayer passport, in the name of Rudkovsky, he worked for some time for a long time on the Volga, a fireman on a mill, black-worker, Kucher, a hammerman. IN Syzran His someone identified him, and on his denunciation of Kotovsky arrested.

But from the local prison He also flew easily and returned to Bessarabia, where he was hiding, working as a loader, black-worker, and then collected again and headed the group whippers . Especially audacious nature of his group acquired from the beginning 1915 The year, when the militants moved from the robbery of private individuals to the offices and banks. In particular, they had a major robbery Bendery Treasury , raised the entire Police of Bessarabia and Odessa to his feet.

Here's as described Gregory Kotovsky secret Depend obtained by the county corrections and the heads of the rampants: "speaks Russian perfectly in Russian, Romanian, and Jewish, and can be expressed in German and in French. It seems the impression of a completely intelligent person, smart and energetic. In appeal tries to be with all elegant, the easily attracts the sympathy of all those with communication with him.

He can give himself For the estate manager, and the landowner, a driver, a gardener, an employee of any company or enterprise, a representative of the procurement of products for the army and so on. Trying to get acquainted and intercourse in the appropriate circle. Left-handed. In the conversation noticeably stutters. Dress up decently and can play a real gentleman. Loves well and sophisticated ... "

Police reports Reproduce I. portrait Gregory Kotovsky: "The growth of 174 centimeters, dense physique, a few narrowed, has a fearful gait, while walking. Winner of a round head, brown eyes, small mustache. The hair on the head is rare and black, the forehead "decorate" the gangs, under the eyes of strange little black dots - tattoo Blunt authority, "Pakhana".

From these salaf. Kotovsky tried for a long time get rid of After the revolution, burning and encroaching them, but did not bring it until the end. In police reports, it was indicated that Kotovsky, because he leftless , usually, having two guns, starts shooting from the left hand.

In early June 1916 Grigory Kotovsky appeared on Kaynar farm, in Bessarabia. Soon it turned out that he was hiding under the name Romashkna and works supervised over agricultural workers on the landlord farmhouse Stamatova.

June 25, 1916 police officer Haji Khai which has already arrested the famous Bessarabian "Guyduk," three times, began operations on his detention. The farm was surrounded by thirty police and gendarmes. With arrest, Cottovsky had resistance, tried to flee, 12 miles chased him, he was hiding in high bread, but was wounded in chest with two bullets , captured and shaped into manual and foot shackles.

It turned out, That for six months before his arrest, Cottovsky to legalize, hired by the supervision of the estate, but often left the farm for a few weeks. In these "vacation" he and led by flying His squad. When searching the room in the estate where Kotovsky lived, was found brownuny mr. with the only cartridge in the trunk, there was a note: "This bullet, with a difficult position, belonged to me personally. I did not shoot people and I will not shoot. C. Kotovsky. "

In Arrest Kotovsky His former comrade participation took part, who became an assistant to the bailiff, Peter Chengan . It is interesting to note that in twenty-four years, when the troops of the Red Army entered the Bessarabia, the old man was arrested, he was judged by the Military Tribunal and sentenced Gregory Kotovsky for participation in Arrest.

In Odessa prison Kotovsky fell asleep criminals. Special friendship has a good friendship with local "kings" - Tyratic ("Damn"), as well as Zharianov ("Yashai-Zheleznyak").

In October 1916 Passed the judgment "Ataman Hell". Knowing that he inevitably threaten execution Kotovsky completely repentable In his "confession" in court. In his excuse, he said that always most of the captured money gave the poor Or in the Red Cross, to the aid wounded in the war. However, no documentary evidence of these noble acts presented. Kotovsky was justified by the fact that he is not only did not kill people but never from weapons did not shoot And I wore it for the sake of Force, because "respected a man, his human dignity ... Without making any physical violence because he was always with love relating to human life." I asked to send it to the "Penalty" to the front, where he will "be happy to die for the king and the Fatherland" ...

Odessa Military District Court Gregory Kotovsky was sentenced to the death penalty via hanging. Being in the Summer Camera, Grigory Kotovsky wrote Revenge letters which so called himself: "... not a villain, an unborn dangerous criminal, but by chance the fallen man."

Odessa Military District Court was subordinate to the commander of the South-Western Front of the famous general A. A. Brousilov who had to approve the death sentence. So one of his letters Gregory Kotovsky sent spouse Brusilova - Nadezhda Brusilova-Zhelikhovskaya, which was very impressionable and dododovna and it produced need effect "First, General Brusilov, consistent with the beliefs of his wife, achieved a deferment of execution, and then feared the February revolution.

Learning about events in Petrograd , Grigory Kotovsky immediately declared his support to the temporary government, and also asked about liberation to "serve the cause of the revolution", and the minister was applied for him Guccov and admiral Kolchak, and freed him from prison with his personal order himself Kerensky In May 1917. True, and before that, Gregory Kotovsky has already raised several weeks at freedom , and on the day of the official pardon, the Odessa Opera Theater appeared to the Opera House, caused mad ovations there and uttered a revolutionary speech, after which the auction made a kandalov .

During auction In the Opera Poet Theater Vladimir Coral I read poems written on this occasion: "Hurray! Kotovsky here - today with us! His with love met our people. Met happily with flowers - he goes with the working class ", and popular already then Leonid Rockov Cadded him with reprise: "Cottovsky appeared, bourgeois got angry!"

In May 1917 Gregory Kotovsky was sent to the current army on the Romanian front, in October 1917 Decree of the Provisional Government was produced in the ensign and awarded the St. George Cross for courage in battle. At the front, he became a member of the Regimental Committee of the 136th Taganrog Infantry Regiment. In November 1917 Gregory Kotovsky joined the left eseramen and was elected a member of the Soldier Committee of the 6th Army. At the head of the devotee of the detachment soldier Bessaratsev he was then authorized Rumbler support the "revolutionary order" in Chisinau and its surroundings.

In January 1918 Kotovsky headed the Krasnogvardeisian detachment that covered the waste of the Bolsheviks from Chisinau . IN january-March 1918 He commanded the cavalry group in the Tiraspol detachment of the Armed Forces Odessa Soviet Republic, Fought with Romanian interventories occupied by Bessarabia. But in March 1918 The Odessa Soviet Republic was seized and eliminated by the Austro-German troops who were entering Ukraine after the separation world prisonered by the Ukrainian Central Rada. Krasnogvardeysian detachments left with battles to Donbass, then to Russia.

In July 1918 Grigory Kotovsky returned to Odessa and was there on an illegal position. Odessa in those months was a refuge of wealthy people, all sorts of entrepreneurs with the entire former Russian Empire. As flies on honey, extortionists and swells, fraudsters and raids, thieves and prostitutes flowed there.

Along with administrators hetman's Ukraine and the Austrian military command, Odessa rules "King of thieves" Bear japanese. With him, Kotovsky has improved close relations. Kotovsky organized terrorist, sabotage friend which having connections with bolshevik, Anarchist and Leftarean underground, In fact, no one obeyed and acted on his own risk. The number of this squad in different sources is different - from 20 to 100 people.

Druzhina He was engaged in identifying and murdering provocateurs, as well as mining money from large speculators and doubles, manufacturers, hotel owners and restaurants. Usually, Cottovsky sent them letter With the requirement to issue money "Kotovsky for the needs of the revolution." About the nras of some underground workers, Odessa can be judged by this fact: one of the commanders of Odessa anarchists-terrorists Samuel Zheter. , in the detachment of which as a commander of the subversive group at the end 1918 of the year some time was Grigory Kotovsky, in 1925 year was shot HCH-OGP For contact with bandits, wretched state money and the organization of raids.

One day Gregory Kotovsky helped workers which manufacturer owed salary. At first he sent the manufacturer a written requirement to issue money to workers. The owner of the factory decided not to pay and caused the company a soldier for his guard and the capture of Kotovsky. The factory was detained, but Kotovsky in the form of the White Guard captain penetrated the Cabinet of the manufacturer. Under the threat of revolver, he issued the whole amount to Kotovsky, and he returned the work salary.

The terrorist squad of Kotovsky helped Mishka Japanese establishing the "king" of Odessa bandits because he was considered revolutionary anarchist . Together with the "Japanese people", Kotovtsy attacked the Odessa prison and freed prisoners, their joint business - insurrection In the suburbs of Odessa, on Moldovka, at the end of March 1919 The year, which was vividly pronounced political color and was directed against the power in Odessa of the White Guardians and the Intervants of the Entente. But each of the "Union Parties" had its views on this uprising : Japanese people sought expropriating values, and revolutionaries hoped to create chaos and panic in the city to help the besieged Odessa forces of the Red Army.

Several thousand rebels Captured the outskirts of Odessa and committed armed raids to the city center. Before them, the White Guards sent troops and armored cars, but they were no longer able to restore their power on the outskirts of Odessa.

An eyewitness draws a picture of those events : "The lack of power gave freedom to criminal elements, the robbery struck by their audacity ... They broke the warehouses, the warehouses robbed, killed the peaceful inhabitants distraught from the horror. In the center of the city of Crow, 50-100 people, tried to penetrate the robbers ... The city center washing the front, followed by chaos. "

Odessa (underground) period The life of Gregory Kotovsky is extremely contradictory, deprived of reliable facts. He was remembered in Odessa only since November 1918 And not as a leader of the underground, but as an amazing agent-avenger. There were rumors about the 1918 crossing of the Cottovsky in detachments bati Mahno . In any case, in the documents of the Bolshevik underground the name Gregory Kotovsky no found , on the basis of which he was denied the restoration of party length since 1917 or since 1918 .

Party Commission In 1924, concluded that Kotovsky's cooperation with the party began only since spring 1919 although he himself argued that in December 1918 , with his detachment thoroughly, Petlyurovtsev, and in the fall of 1918, partitioned in Bessarabia, fighting against the Romanian policemen. According to one data, in the last month of the French occupation, the Odessa Kotovsky was located in the city, according to others, he was located in the 1st Ascension of the Partisan Regiment of Grigorievts, for hundreds of kilometers from Odessa. In the biography of Kotovsky Reality so closely intertwined with the fiction that researchers often have to state "complete darkness" for a number of important points.

In April 1919 , after the establishment of Soviet power in Odessa, Gregory Kotovsky received first Official Soviet position - military commissar Ovidiopol military commissariat, and at the same time he was offered to create group For underground work in Bessarabia . Soon he received the position of commander of the equestrian Pridnestrovsky squad of the 44th Rifle Regiment of the 3rd Ukrainian Soviet Army. This combat unit existed only on paper: there was no horse . Gregory Kotovsky in this regard proposed to lead his horses from the neighboring romanian territory. Forty Kotovtsev overwhelmed the Border River Dniester, 15 kilometers from the border attacked the Romanian equestrian plant and took the 90 best ride horses from it.

In the spring - in the summer of 1919 Some commanders of the Ukrainian Soviet Army: Comes Grigoriev, Green, Makhno, Gruditsky Changed Soviet power and declared themselves "free atamans." At the same time, the service for the Soviets came Bear japanese who has formed its "revolutionary Soviet Comrade Lenin's Revolutionary Soviet regiment" from Odessa Cross.

June 3, 1919 Gregory Kotovsky received the first major position - commander of the 2nd Infantry Brigade 45th Rifle Division. The brigade consisted of three regiments and a cavalry division. The first task for the Kotovsky brigade was in the suppression of the uprising Peasants-Old Believers village Flat, Odessa province. The rebels of the peasants defended their village for six days, but in the end, Kotovsky successfully coped with the task. Two weeks later, Cottovsky suppressed the uprising of the German peasants-colonists who actually acting in the villages close to Odessa and Iosfstal, as well as the Petlira village of Goryachevka.

Soon Cottovsky's connection was renamed the 12th Brigade of the 45th division. At first it was used as a cover from Romania along the Dniester River. But with the onset of troops Simon Petlisura From the end of July 1919, the Kotovsky Brigade kept the front in the Yampol district - Rakhna. This brigade consisted only three thousand fighters , Part of which (the Starf Sailor-Anarchist Regiment) was completely uncontrollable and refused to perform in position. After the sailor regiment came across, the intelligence of Petlisters attacked the sailors and interrupted those of them who did not have time to escape. The defeat of the Starodub shelf He led to the retreat of the entire brigade.

To help Kotovsky The Soviet regiment named after Lenin was expelled, who was commanded by Bear Japanese. But this regiment was shamefully fled from the position after the first collision with Petlisters Vapnyarka . After the inglorious defeat of the heads of the Old Man and the Jap, they were reigned, and a part of the former Odessa gangsters of sailors-anarchists poured into the 402nd regiment of the Kotovsky Brigade. In mid-July 1919, Cottovsky fought against numerous peasant rebel detachments of Atamans Green, Lyakhovich, Volynz, Iron who captured the underground towns of Nemirov, Tulchin, Braclav and threatened the rear of the Red Army.

In the summer of 1919 Appeared another legend about Kotovsky, who allegedly gathered at the head of five thousand contesions to start a war against Romania "For Bessarabia", And after her capture come to the rescue Hungarian revolution . But there are no documentary evidence that would confirm the existence of such plans of the Soviet command.

In August 1919 Coming White Guard parts captured Kherson, Nikolaev and most of the left bank of Ukraine. Rapid Promotion white Troops Forced Soviet parts, squeezed under Odessa, seek the opportunity to escape from an imminent environment. Under Uman already stood petlyurovtsy , Elizavevegrad - white And between them makhnovtsy, Which were no less dangerous for red-mounted in continuous battles.

Therefore, commander South Group of the 12th Army Jonah Yakir I decided to withdraw the Soviet parts from the Black Sea region to Kiev, having passed on the reasons of Petlutur and Makhnovtsev. In the twenties of August, this raid began to the north, in which the Kotovsky commanded the left reserve column, which consisted of two brigades . On suggestions Mahno Join his rebel army of Ukraine, Grigory Kotovsky responded with refusal. When the commander of the 3rd Bessarabian regiment Kozhich tried to raise "Makhnovsky uprising", Kotovsky warned him near arrests and execution of trains and panickers.

At Kodyma Kotovsky's brigades surrounded Petlyurovsky troops, lost part of the coat from the treasury brigade and barely escaped from the ring. Together with other red parts, the Kotovsky group participated in a battle with Petlisters for Tsyblev, in the rest of Zhytomyr and Malin, in the seizure of the suburbs of Kiev, in the battles behind the capital of Ukraine in the new rowing. Cottovsky clutched with the Connection of Ataman Pipset. Only in October 1919, the southern group, having traveled a 400-kilometer raid, was connected to the Red Army north of Zhytomyr.

In November 1919 The critical situation has developed on the approaches to Petrograd. White Guard Troops General Yudenich approached close to the city. Kotovsky's equestrian group, together with other parts of the South Front, was sent against Yudenich, but when they arrived at Petrograd, it turned out that the White Guards were already crushed. It was quite by the way for Kotovtsev exhausted in battles, which were practically unable: 70% of them They were sick or injured, and besides, almost did not have winter uniforms.

In early 1920 Gregory Kotovsky was appointed head of the cavalry of the 45th division, and with this began his rapid cavalry career. In March of the same year, he is already the commander of the Cavalry Brigade, and in December 1920 - the commander of the 17th Cavalry Division - in fact, red General having no military education.

In January 1920 The Kotovsky Group fought against Denikintsev and Makhnovtsev in the area of \u200b\u200bEkaterinoslav - Aleksandrovsk. The logic of the struggle set Gregory Kotovsky and the fanatically devotee anarchist idea batka Makhno On different sides of the barricades. The plan of the environment of Makhnovtsev in Aleksandrovsk fell by the forces of the 45th division. Most of the Makhnovtsev broke out from the trap, but was soon destroyed brigade Parhomenko .

In the same period of 1920 Kotovsky combined with a marriage with Olga Shankina - Nurse, which was translated into his brigade. From the end of January 1920, he participated in the defeat of the White Guard Group general Shilling In the Odessa district. Stubborn battles unfolded at Voznesensk.

In the Soviet film "Kotovsky" (Director A. Finzimmer, 1943) shows a stubborn fight for Odessa and the sudden appearance of Cottovsky on the stage of the Odessa Opera House, when the entire population of the city believed that the red was still very far. In fact, February 7, 1920 Kotovtsy almost without battle entered the suburbs of Odessa - Perevas and I will save, because the general Sokira-Yakhontov Capitulized and passed the city of the Red Army.

Film A. Fintsimemer - Not the only film dedicated to the exploits of Grigory Kotovsky at the fronts of the Civil War. For the Odessa film studio, a scenario of the artistic film was written, in which the plot can be suppressed by Tambov uprising. Kotovsky played himself in a feature film that was called name "Pilsudski bought Petlyura" .

Passing the suburbs of Odessa, the Cottles began to pursue the receding in Romania White Guardians General Stesel and February 9-14, 1920 attacked the enemy from the village of Nikolaevka, captured Tiraspol , surrounded by white, pressed them to the Dniester.

Kotovsky managed to pinch a part of demoralized White Guards, whom romanian border guards refused to miss their territory. Romanians They met the fugitive machine-gun fire, but the red commander of Grigory Kotovsky took some officers and ordinary in his part, ordered to treat them humane. About the good ratio of the Cottmen to the prisoners of the White Guards writes, for example, V. Shulgin In his memoirs "1920".

February 20, 1920 Cottovsky in the battle at the village of Kanzel, which near Odessa, defeated the Black Sea equestrian guerrice regiment of White Guards, who consisted of the Germans-colonists (commander R.Keller ). In captivity to Kotovsky, then "evil genius" of his youth, baking Haji Khai whom he forgiven and soon let go home.

Soviet biographer Gregory Kotovsky M. Barsukov wrote that "in the middle of the Cottmen and in the Late Years of the Civil War continued to live partisan sentiments who threatened to captivate the battle detachment on the path of adventurism. Kotovsky had to bring his fighters to understanding common tasks, to educate the consciousness of common goals, strengthen the sprouts of revolutionary ideology. But, on the other hand, Kotovsky was to respond to those demands that the Molds of his fighters presented to him. Will or unilles Kotovsky touched by one edge with a partisan free hatch. "

February 22, 1920 Gregory Kotovsky received an order - to form a separate cavalry brigade and take commands over it. Two weeks later, this brigade, opposed by the rebel detachments, took the defense of Ananev and Balti. Already on March 18, he was forced to lead the brigade against polish troops who developed the offensive to Ukraine.

In the spring of 1920 Parts of the Red Army with battles retreated under the blows of Polish troops. The commander of the 45th division ordered to shoot commanders and commissars of parts that fled from the front. Under the Zhmerinka was completely defeated by the Kotovsky Brigade. In the area of \u200b\u200bTulchina Kotovsky had to defend themselves from Petlyurovsky troops under the leadership Tyutyunnik . Only in June, the brigade passed into counteroffensive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe White Church.

July 16, 1920 In one of the battles in Galicia, Cottovsky was seriously injured in his head and stomach, contuge and sent out of the order for two months. When he was again in the troops, the Polish army took the initiative by that time and knocked out red of Poland and Galicia. The Kotovsky Brigade was defeated and moved to the rear. In mid-November, she took part in the last battles against the UNR Army under Proskurov.

After injury and contusion, Grigory Kotovsky rested in Odessa, where he was granted a mansion on the French boulevard. In Odessa, he became famous for the liberation from the Chief of the Son of the Poet A. Fedorova, Which in 1916-1917 actively fought for the life and freedom of Cottovsky. Grigory Ivanovich appealed to his long-standing companion on Katorga Max Daughter which became the head of Odessa CC, and the son of the poet, officer, was immediately released, avoiding the execution. This story was based on a magnificent story. Valentina Kataeva "Waiter already written."

Only in April 1920 Gregory Kotovsky was adopted in the Communist Party - (RCP (b). Until 1919, he considered himself by Left Ester, an anatomist, and from April 1919 - sympathetic to the Bolsheviks. The Communists were in no hurry to take into a batch of the former "noble robber", in fact, the bandit, which was needed by him only as a "revolutionary ax." Interestingly, the wife of Kotovsky wrote in his diary: "... neither the Bolshevik, nor the more communist he (Cottovsky) has never been."

From December 1920 Gregory Kotovsky - commander of the 17th Cavalry Division of the Cervion Cossacks. In 1921. He commanded the cavalry parts, including the uprising of Makhnovtsev, Antonovtsev and Petlyurovtsev. September 1921 Kotovsky appointed commander of the 9th Cavalry Division, in October 1922 - commander of the 2nd Cavalry Corps. In Tiraspol in 1920-1921 in the building of the former Hotel Paris, Kotovsky's headquarters was located. In the summer of 1925. People's Commissar Frunze (In fact, the USSR Defense Minister) appointed Grigory Kotovsky his deputy However, it did not have time to join this high position.

Gregory Kotovsky Was killed (gunned down) August 6, 1925 During the rest in the state farm Chebanka (on the Black Sea coast 30 km from Odessa) Meyer Zander Nick "Majorchik" ("Major"), an adjutant of the Japanese bears in 1919, the former owner of the Odessa public house, where in 1918 Kotovsky hid from the police. All documents in the murder of Gregory Kotovsky were classified.

Still remains a mystery The reason for the murder of Gregory Ivanovich Kotovsky, unknown and its organizers. During the years of restructuring was a popular topic stalin's terror and secret murders. Some publicists believe that it was the first political murder in the USSR, and organized it Dzerzhinsky on the task of Stalin. People's Commissar and Maritime Affairs Mikhail Frunze Gregory Kotovsky was appointed with his deputy, but Dzerzhinsky, having an extensive compromising on Kotovsky, sought to prevent this. He wanted firm Kotovsky from the army and send to the restoration of factories. Frunze, on the contrary, argued with Dzerzhinsky, proving that Kotovsky needs to be preserved in the highest echelon of army commanders. By the way, two months after the death of Kotovsky and himself Mikhail Frunze Also during mysterious circumstances, died on the operating table. People's Commissar of Military and Maritime Klim Voroshilov Laid Stalin. But all this, of course, only assumptions, only versions.

Meyer Derete did not hide from the investigation and immediately announced a crime committed. In August 1926 The killer was convicted by 10 years of conclusion. Being in conclusion, almost immediately became the head of the prison club and received the right to easily enter the city. In 1928. The keeper was released with the wording "for exemplary behavior". Worked the Coupler on the railway. In the fall of 1930. The three veterans of the Kotowsky division was killed. Researchers have reason to believe that the competent authorities have information about the preparing the murder of the Zaide. Liquidators Zaidera were not convicted.

By that time legendary The Hero of the Civil War, Comcoor Gregory, Kotovsky Soviet authorities were arranged lush funeral Comparable on the scope only with Lenin's funeral. The coffin with the body of the Cottovsky arrived in the colors and wreaths of the coffin, surrounded by Honorary Karaul.

In the column hall to the coffin opened wide access to all workers. Odessa lowered mourning flags. In the cities of the quartering of the 2nd equestrian building gave salute from 20 guns. August 11, 1925 special mourning train delivered a coffin with the body of Kotovsky in Birzulu (now - Kotovsk). Kotovsky's bury on its territory was offered Odessa, Berdichev, Balta (then the capital of Massar).

On the funeral of Kotovsky The prominent Soviet military leaders - S. M. Budyannoye and A. I. Egorov, from Kiev, arrived by the commander of the Ukrainian military district I. E. Yakir and one of the leaders of the Ukrainian government - A. I. Busz Indo.

The day after the murder , August 7, 1925, a group was sent from Moscow to Odessa in Odessa balmmen led by professor Sparrow. Mausoleum Kotovsky was made according to the type of Mausoleum N. I. Pirogov in Vinnitsa and Lenin in Moscow.

August 6, 1941 , exactly 16 years after the murder of the Komko, capturing Birzulu (Kotovsk), romanians Gregory Kotovsky has been abarted over the memory. The reason not to love him they had the same as now: Kotovsky stood at the origins of the Moldavian Soviet Republic, all his life defended the originality and uniqueness of the Moldovan people, the originality of Moldovan. Because of this, he was and remains the worst ideological enemy of the Romanian unionists and their friends in Chisinau.

Romanian invaders They blew up the mausoleum, broke the sarcophagus, and the body of the Hero of the Civil War Gregory Kotovsky was thrown into the ditch with the shot by Jews. At the same time, according to the legend, the Romanian officer compartment with a head of the head of the commander. Three orders of a combat red banner and honorary revolutionary weapon were taken to Bucharest.

Some time later Railway workers from the nearest depot, among which there were many former Kotovtsev, was excavated by a trench and reburied the dead. The body of Kotowsky I identified and hid at my house in the attic, in a big barrel, the bay of his alcohol, the head of repair shops Ivan Volrubsky . There, the remains of Kotowsky waited for the onset of the Red Army in 1944.

After the liberation of Kotovsk Special Commission led by first secretary of the city Botvinov He conducted the examination of the remains and decided on their re-burial. The surviving dungeon of the Mausoleum after repair was turned into crypt. The body of Kotovsky was sealed into the zinc coffin. At the place of restoring the heroic commander, a plywood monument was put on which his portrait was secured.

In 1965. The solemn opening of the new Mausoleum Kotovsky took place. In the ground part there was a bust of the commerce. The dungeon of the memorial turned into a marble hall with a pedestal on which the coffin was covered with a red-black velvet bedspread. Memorial exists to this day, however, almost half a century lack of repair and systematic work of groundwater affects. The entrance to the running crypt is closed on the lock.

Unknown, however Is the Grigori Kotovsky be resting in the coffin under Kumachka, or this is someone nameless remains, because even after the collapse of the USSR, none of his heirs demanded to burn his dust or conduct DNA examination.

Gregory Kotovsky He was awarded the St. George Cross of the 4th degree, three orders of the Red Banner and the Honorary Revolutionary Weapon - an inlated Golden Cavalry Gush with an applied on Ephesus the Order of the Red Banner Order. Three orders The combat red banner and the honorary revolutionary weapon of Cottovsky were stolen Romanian troops from the Mausoleum during the occupation. After the war Romania officially transmitted Cottovsky USSR awards. Awards are kept in the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow.

Wife - Olga Petrovna - Kotovskaya first husband Shakina. (1894-1961) Rail from Syzran, a graduate of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University, was a student of the surgeon N. N. Burdenko; A member of the Bolshevik party, volunteer left for the South Front. Got acquainted with the future husband in the fall of 1918 In the train, when Cottovsky caught up with a brigade after suffering from Tifa, at the end of the same year got married. Served by a doctor in the Cavalry Brigade of Cottovsky. After the death of the husband worked in the Kiev District Hospital, Major Medical Service.

Grigory Kotovsky was two children . Son - Gregory Grigorievich Kotovsky (1923-2001), a well-known Soviet scientist, during the Great Patriotic War - Lieutenant, the commander of the zenith-machine-gun platoon. Daughter - Elena Grigorievna Kotovskaya (on the first husband Paschenko) was born five days after the death of the Father, August 11, 1925. Philologist, worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature at Kiev State University.

In 1939 in Romania Ion Vetrile created a revolutionary anarcho-communist organization " Gaiduki Kotovsky " When Soviet troops in 1940. occupied Bessarabia, was found, convicted and executed police officer, who in 1916 caught Grigory Kotovsky - the former abill Haji Khai who carried out his official debt in 1916 by the capture of Gregory Kotovsky.

The name Gregory Kotovsky It was assigned to plants and factories, collective farms and state farms, steamers, the cavalry division, the partisan detachment during the Great Patriotic War.

Spent many Soviet characters. One of them was Grigory Kotovsky. The biography of this person is full of cool turns: he was a criminal, front-line and revolutionary.


On June 24, 1881, in a small Moldavian village called Hanchesta, Kotovsky Grigory Ivanovich was born. A brief biography of this revolutionary cannot do without mentioning its origin. Although Kotovsky was born in the Moldovan village, he was Russian (his father was a russian Pole, and a mother-in-law). The child has lost his parents early and remained orphan at 16 years old.

The young man was taken to raising his godfather. This man was rich and influential. He helped Kotovsky to get an education by sending it to study at the Cormesen School on Agronom. The guardian also paid all the costs of accommodation and training.

In the criminal world

At the end of the XIX - early XX century. The revolutionary Russian movement experienced its next rise. Could not get into him and Grigory Kotovsky. The biography of his youth is full of episodes of meetings and cooperation with the ester. They pledged to Kotovsky love for adventures. In the environment of revolutionaries, a young man decided to abandon his philistine life.

At the same time, he was not a fanatic socialist. It is rather possible to be characterized as a very pragmatic person, not burdened by the principles. After graduating from studying, Kotovsky worked for a while worked by Amermer in Moldovan and Ukrainian provinces. However, a novice specialist has long been delayed anywhere. His dreams did not touch the thoughts about the brilliant career.

Since 1900, Gregory Kotovsky has been regularly arrested for minor criminal offenses. The biography of this person became all the most famous in the criminal world of Russia. When the Russian-Japanese war began, Cottovsky in the age and health state had to go to the front. However, at first he was hidden from the military registration and enlistment office, and when, finally, he was captured and sent to the Kostroma Infantry Regiment, which was safely deserted.

Famous stray

So the life of the Kotovsky-raeler began. He gathered a real gang around him and was engaged in robbery for several years. It is precisely at this time in the country the first revolution. Anarchy and weakness of state power were only on hand to criminals, among which Cottovsky Grigory Ivanovich was. The brief biography of the criminal was full of arrest episodes and links to Siberia. Every time he ran from the core and returned to Odessa or nearby provinces.

Similar biography of Kotovsky Grigoria Ivanovich is not surprising. Despite the fact that the criminals and revolutionaries contracted the royal regime and called it the "parliamentary", the penitentiary system of the empire was extremely humising. Exact and convicts easily ran out of locations. Many, like Kotovsky, were arrested several times, and still turned out to be at liberty before the deadline.

The last arrest of Cotovsky in Tsarist Russia occurred in 1916. For robbery and armed raids on banks he was sentenced to death. The biography of the Kotovsky Gregory Ivanovich shows the reader an example of a person, every time calmly leaving dry out of the water. But now his life was in the balance. The raid began to write repentant letters to the authorities.

At this time, the First World War was already. At the place of arrest of Kotovsky, the Odessa Tribunal tried. According to military legislation, he obeyed the commander of the nearby front of the famous General Brusilov. It was that the sentence of the death penalty was supposed to sign.

Kotovsky not in vain was known for its ability to get out of the front. With the help of tearful letters, Brusylova's wife persuaded his husband. General, obeying the spouse, for a time postponed the execution of the sentence.

At the front

In the meantime, 1917 has already come, and with him, and she began for the mass amnesty of the "victims of the regime" of the tsarist era. For the liberation of Kotovsky, even some ministers were made, including Gachkov. When Prime Minister Kerensky signed a decree on the amnesty of the famous raid, that for several days already arranged Ktendi in Odessa.

This city was close to the front. Finally, after a long age of flight from the military registration and enlistment offices, it turned out to be and Gregory Kotovsky. The biography of the former criminal was replenished with regular shootouts - this time with the Germans and Austrians. For the courage on the front of Cottovsky was made in the ensign and received in war, he again brought together with the ester and became a soldier deputy.

In the years of civil war

But Grigory Kotovsky was shortly in the army. The brief biography of this person in the Soviet era was most known exactly as a sample of revolutionary courage. When in October 1917 in Petrograd there was a revolution of Bolsheviks, the ensign was in the epicenter of the Civil War. Kotovsky was an ester, but those first were considered the allies of the new government.

At first, the former raid fought in the detachment, which belonged to the Odessa Soviet Republic. This state existed a few months, as it was soon captured by Romanian troops. Kotovsky flew to Russia for a long time, but after a year it turned out again in Odessa. This time he was here on an illegal position, as the city passed into the hands of the Ukrainian government, hostile Soviet power in Moscow.

Later, Cottovsky headed the equestrian group. He fought against Denikin's armies in the south and yudenich in the north. At the final, a former robber suppressed the peasant and Ukrainian uprisings on the territory fully owned by the Soviet government.


During the years of service with many of the highest Bolshevik leaders, Kotovsky Grigory Ivanovich became acquainted. The photo of the revolutionary often fell into communist newspapers. Despite the foggy past, he became a hero. Mikhail Frunze (People's Commissar of Military Affairs) offered to make him his deputy.

However, at that time to live Kotovsky was not long. He was shot at the rest of the Black Sea coast on August 6, 1925. The killer was a member of the criminal world Odessa Meyer Core.

The Heroes of the Civil War and the future marshals of the Soviet Union and Egorov were present at the Kotovsky's funeral. The dead made Mausoleum on the likeness of Leninsky (the leader of the world proletariat died a year before). Cottovsky became a well-known character of folk folklore. In Soviet times, his name was often called streets, settlements, etc.

Gregory Ivanovich Kotovsky ... Legendary personality in the USSR...
Few who knew then that the "fifteen revolutionary" was a gangster and only seven and a half years of revolutionary ...
Gregory Ivanovich Kotovsky was born on July 12, 1881 in the town of Hanchesta (Hinchesty), Chisinau County Bessarabia, in the family of the mechanic of a distinguished plant, which belonged to the Roobor's Bessarabian Prince Manuk-Bey.
Parents Gregory - Father Ivan Nikolaevich and the mother of Akulin Romanovna - raised six children.
The fact, but Kotovsky constantly falsifies his biography: it points out other years of birth - mostly 1887 or 1888, then it claims that "from the nobles", and in Soviet encyclopedia, read - "from the workers."
By the way, the fact of the "rejuvenation" of Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky for 6-7 years, that is, the fact that Kotovsky was born in 1881, it became known only after his death in 1925.
Even in the questionnaires to join the Communist Party, Grigory Ivanovich pointed out the imaginary age, thoroughly hiding the secrets of his youth.
Yes, and the nationality pointed out the non-existent - "Bessarats", although with Bessarabia was connected only to the place of birth and nor his father, nor mother or to Moldovans or the "Bessarabam" who did not belong to themselves. His father was apparently by the russian Orthodox Pole, perhaps, a Ukrainian, mother - Russian.
The extreme egocentrist and Narcissus, he could not utter his own life with the fact that his father was "from the bangs of the city of Balta", and not from the "counts". Even after the revolution, when belonging to the noble class was very harmed to people, Grigory Kotovsky pointed out in the questionnaires, which was from the nobles, and his grandfather was "Colonel Kamenets-Podolsk province."

Gregory Ivanovich remembered about his childhood that "was a weak boy, nervous and impressionable. Suffering to children's fears, often at night, having broken down from bed, fled to the mother (sharul Romanovna), pale and frightened, and went to her. Five years fell from the roof and since then became a bar. In the early years lost my mother ... "
Since then, Cottovsky has suffered epilepsy, psyche disorders, fears ....
After the death of Mother, Sofia Salle, a young widow, the daughter of the engineer, the Belgian subject, who worked in the neighborhood and was a friend of the boy, and the godfather of the boy, and the Great Father, a friend of Manuk-Bay, took care of gris.

Father Gregory died in 1895 from Chathek, as Kotovsky writes - "in poverty", but this is a lie again: the Cott's family lived well, no need experienced, had its own home.
In the same 1895, the owner of the Hanchesty estate and the godfather Grigory - Manuk Bay - arranges him in the Chisinau real school and pays for his training.
Manuk-Bay took an active part in the life of the Kotovsky family, for example, the teaching allowance was also given by one of the Cott's sisters, and during the one-year disease of Ivan Kotovsky Manuk-Bay paid a sorry for the patient and paid the visits of doctors.
Gregory Kotovsky, for the first time hitting such a major city as Chisinau, and remaining there completely unattended, began to walk the classes in the real school, to hooligan and after three months it was expelled from him.
Cottagemaker Kotovsky, Cheanna, who later became a policeman, recalls that Grisha guys called "Birch" - so in the villages the names of bold, fucking guys with leaders manners.
After Kotovsky kicked out from the real school, Manuk-Bay arranges him to the Cormere Agricultural School and pays the entire pension.
Cottovsky, recalling years of study, wrote that he "showed the traits of that turbulent, freedom-loving nature, which later unfolded in full swing ... without giving peace of school mentors."
In 1900, Grigory Ivanovich finished the Cormere School, where he especially studied agronomy and German, because his godfather Manuk-Bay promised him to continue learning to higher agricultural courses in Germany.

In some books, Kotovsky was indicated, apparently, from his words that he finishes the School in 1904. What did Kotovsky wanted to hide? Probably their first criminal cases and arrests.
In the autobiography, he wrote that in the school in 1903, he meets the circle of Social Democrats, for the first time he enters jail, but, nevertheless, no data on the participation of Gregory Ivanovich Kotovsky in a revolutionary movement in those years of historians could not find ...
In 1900, Gregory Kotovsky, as a trainee, worked as an assistant manager in the estate of Valya - Carbuna in the young landowner M. Skopovsky (in other documents - Knokovsky) in the Bendery county and was expelled from the estate after two months of his practice for the depolement of the landowner's wife .
There was no practice and at the Yakunin landowner in the estate of Maximovka Odessa County - in October of the same year, Gregory was abducted for the abduction of 200 rubles of master's money ...
Since the practice has not been completed, I did not receive documents on the end of the graduation.

In 1902, Manook Bay dies. Cottovsky again is hired by the assistant manager to the landlord of the Skopovsky, which by this time has already divorced his wife. This time, having learned that he threatens a quick call to the army, Gregory assigns 77 rubles received from the sale of landlord pigs, and hits the run, but was caught by Skopovsky. The landowner Nagaika swept the Kotovsky, and the landowner servants severely beat him and abandoned in the February steppe.
In March - April 1902, Kotovskin tries to get a manager to the landowner of Semigrad, but he agrees to provide him with work only if he has advisory letters from previous employers. Since no recommendations, and even more so positive, Cottovsky did not have, he fakes the documents about his "exemplary" work at the Yakunin landowner, but the "low" syllable and the illiteracy of this document forced the semigrad to double-check the authenticity of this recommendation.
Semigradov, contacting Yakunin, found out that a pretty young agronom is a thief and a fraudster, and Kotovsky for this flag received four months in prison ...
The period from December 1903 to February 1906 is the time when Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky becomes a recognized leader of the gangster world.
Cottovsky recalled that in 1904 he entered the "practitioner for agriculture" in Cantakuzino saving, where "the peasants worked on the landowner for 20 hours a day." He was there practically supervised, however, it argued that "hardly removed regime ... Turning threads contacted Battskaya Golutboy" 4.
The owner of the estate Prince Krannyzino learning that his wife was "fascinated by the young trainee," swung on Grisha Web, for which, supposedly, Gregory "decides to take revenge on the environment in which the prince burns."
And again a lie - at this time, Grigory worked as a forest coaster in the village of Meswehn at the Averbuch landowner, and in the future - workers on the brewing plant of Rappa ...
In January 1904, the Russian-Japanese war began, and Grigory hidden from mobilization in Odessa, Kiev and Kharkov. In these cities, he alone or as part of the Socialist terrorist groups takes part in raids on expropriation of values.
In the fall of 1904, Cottovsky becomes at the head of the Chisinau Speaker School, which was engaged in robbery and extortion.

In 1905, Gregory was arrested for evading the call, and the police did not guessed about his participation in raids and robbery. Despite the criminal record, Cottovsky was sent to the army, in the 19th Kostroma Infantry Regiment, which was then in Zhytomyr on a dowomplelection.
In May 1905, Cottovsky ran from the regiment and with the help of Zhytomyr Socialist Republics, who supplied him fake documents and money, goes to Odessa.
About your desertion in Soviet times, Gregory Kotovsky did not remember ...
For desertion then Katorga was relying, so since May 1905, the times of the "criminal underground" began.

In his notes that Kotovsky led in 1916 in Odessa prison and called "confession," he wrote that the first robbery he was influenced by the revolution in the summer of 1905. It turns out that the revolution was to blame for the fact that he became a gangster ...
In his autobiography, he writes: "From the first moment of my conscious life, without having no idea about the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and generally revolutionaries, was a spontaneous communist ..." However, in fact, the gangster Career Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky began with participation in small Apartments for apartments, shops and landlord estates ...
From October 1905, Cottovsky declares that he is an anarchist communist or an anarchist- individualist and acts independently as an Ataman of the detachment of 7-10 militants (Z. Gross, P. Demyanishin, I. Golovko, I. Pushkarev and others).
The Kotovsky detachment was based in the Bandar Forest, which was located at the native Huchchet, and the model for imitating Ataman elected the legendary Moldovan Rogue of the XIX century Vasily Chumak.
From January 1906, there are already 18 well armed men in the Kotovsky gang, many of which act on the horses. Gang's headquarters moved to the Ivanchevsky Forest on the Okolic Chisinau. For Bessarabia, it was a major gangster formation, which could compete with the most influential gang of Buzhora, who had to forty gangsters.
In December 1905, the Cotttsians held twelve attacks on merchants, royal officials, landowners (including Chisinau Apartment Semigradov). January next year was especially "hot." He began to attack the first number for the merchant Gershkovich in Hanchchet. However, the Son of the merchant ran out of the house and raised the cry, which the police and neighbors escaped. Shot, Cottles barely able to carry her legs ...
January 6-7, the gang made 11 armed robbery. From January 1 to February 16, 28 robbery were committed. It happened that in one day three apartments or four crews were restored. The attack of Cottovsky is known for the estate of his benefactor, who owned after the death of Manuk-Bay landowner Nazarov.
In early 1906, the police announced the capture of the Kotovsky Prize in two thousand rubles.
Cottovsky was artistically and proud, Missed himself "Ataman Hell" or "Ataman Hell," distributed legends about himself, rumors, noby, and during their raids, he often shouted frighteningly: "I am Kotovsky!". He was a person by narcissistic and cynical, prone to posterity and theatrical gestures.
Many in Bessarabian and Kherson provinces knew about the robber Kotovsky!
In the cities, he always appeared in the image of a rich, elegant aristocrat, issued himself for the landowner, merchant, representative of the company, manager, driver, representative of the workpiece of products for the army ... He loved to attend theaters, loved to boast his brutal appetite (scramble from 25 eggs!) His weakness were thoroughbred horses, gambling and women.
Police reports reproduce the "portrait" of the criminal: height 174 centimeters (he was not at all "heroic, two-meter growth", as many wrote), dense physique, somewhat narrowed, has a "childish" gait, while walking. Kotovsky was the owner of a round head, brown eyes, small mustache. The hair on his head was rare and black, the forehead "decorated" the galshains, under the eyes there were strange little black dots - a tattoo of the thirty authority, "Pakhana". From these knacked cats tried to get rid of later.

In addition to Russian, Kotovsky owned Moldavian, Jewish, German languages. He impressed the intelligent, perplex man, easily caused sympathies of many.
Contemporaries and police reports point to Gregory. Since childhood, he began to engage in lifting weights, boxing, loved racing. In life, and especially in prisons, it was very useful for him. The power gave him independence, power, frightened enemies and sacrifices.
Kotovsky of this time is steel fists, mad temper and thrust for all sorts of joy. When he did not drive time on prison bars or on "big roads", hersing the sacrifice, he lived on races, in public houses, in luxury restaurants.
In February 1906, Cottovsky was recognized, arrested and placed in Chisinau prison, where he became a recognized authority. He changed the orders of prisoners, straightened with disadvantageous, and in May 1906 he tried to unsuccessfully organize the Escape of the Sevendental Criminals and Anarchists from Prison. Later, Gregory tried twice twice, but again unsuccessfully.
August 31, 1906, chained in the shackles, he was able to get out of a single camera for especially dangerous criminals, which was constantly guarded by the watch, get to the prison attic and, breaking the iron lattice, go down to the prison courtyard in the rope, prudently made from the cut blanket and Sheets. Thirty meters separated the attic from the ground!
After that, he moved through the fence and turned out to be in his pretended flirt, which his accomplices carefully awaited.
So masterfully executed escape leaves no doubt that security and, perhaps, the bosses were bribed.
On September 5, 1906, the abillion of the Chisinau city plot of Haji-Kolya with three detectives is trying to delay Kotovsky on one of the streets of Chisinau, but he managed to run, despite two bullets stuck in the leg.
Finally, on September 24, 1906, the bait of Hadji Kolya delays the robber, having spent the hardwood of the most cereal regions of Chisinau. But being in the chamber, Kotovsky again prepares escape, and a revolver, knife and a long rope are found in his constantly protected chamber during a search!
In April 1907, a trial of Kotovsky was held, which struck many relatively mild sentences - ten years cautious: then they were executed for smaller crimes ...
The Kotovsky himself on the court declared that he was engaged not with robbery, but "the struggle for the rights of the poor" and "fight against tyranny".
Higher courts were not agreed with a soft sentence and conducted a re-consideration of the case. The investigation revealed that Kotovsky's gang was "covered" police ranks, and one of the police officers even forged by Cotovites.
After seven months, with a re-examination of the case, Kotovsky received twelve years old ...

Until January 1911, Kotovsky visited the Nikolaev core prison, as well as in Smolensk and Orlovskaya prisons, and in February 1911 he falls on a real caviary to the Cossack prison (the Nedden County of the Trans-Baikal province), which was engraded with gold-bearing ore.
He deserved trust in the prison administration and appointed a brigadier on the construction of the Amur Railway, where in May 1912 transferred from the mine.
February 27, 1913 Kotovsky makes escape. In his "Soviet" autobiography, Kotovsky wrote that "when shooting, he killed two conversions guarding the mine": and again a lie ...
For a false passport, in the name of Rudkovsky, he worked for some time for a long time on the Volga, a fireman on the mill, a black-upper, Kucher, a hammerman. In Syzran, someone identified him, and the Kotovsky denunciation arrested, however, he flew from the local prison ...
In the fall of 1913, Cottovsky returns to Bessarabia, where by the end of the year he again gathered an armed gang in seven people, and in 1915, Kotovtsev had already 16 people.
The first falls Kotovsky made on the old offender, the landowner Nazarov from Ganchestt, S. Rubnaka, the Bandery Treasury and the cashier of the distillery plant. In March 1916, the Kotovtsy attacked the Arrest car, which stood on the replacement paths of the Bender station. Rejected into an officer's uniform, the bandits disarm the protection and liberate 60 criminals, several liberated remained in the Kotovsky gang.
In a summary of the police officer, it was noted that Kotovsky's gang acted, as a rule, one scenario. 5-7 people in black masks with eye slots took part in the apartments. Despite the fact that his girlfriend went to the "case" in masks, the cat mask did not put on, and sometimes even seemed to be his victim.
Bandits were in the evening and occupied their places, acted as directed by the leader. Interestingly, if the victim asked Kotovsky "not to take everything" or "leave something on bread", "Ataman Hell" willingly left the victim a certain amount.
As evidenced by criminal statistics, Grigory Ivanovich managed to take five robberies in Bessarabia, in 1914 he began to rob in Chisinau, Tiraspol, Bender, Balt (just ten armed raids), in 1915 - at the beginning of 1916, the Cottles committed more Twenty raids, including three in Odessa ...
Then Kotovsky dreamed of "personally collect 70 thousand rubles and wave forever in Romania" 4.
In September 1915, Cottovsky and his bandits made a raid on the Odessa apartment of a major scottleman Holstein, where Kotovsky, having reversed the revolver, offered a merchant to make ten thousand rubles to the "Foundation for the purchase of milk, since many Odessa old women and babies have no money for the purchase of milk " Arone Holstein offered "on milk" 500 rubles, but Cottokers doubted that in such a rich house there is such a small amount, seized from the safe and pockets of Holstein and his guest Baron Steiberg 8838 rubles "for milk". The humorist was Grigory Ivanovich, in 1915 for such money it was possible to drink all Odessa milk ...
1916 - the top of "thieves popularity" Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky. The newspaper "Odessa Mail" places an article titled "Legendary Robber". Kotovsky is called "Bessarabian Zelem Khan", "New Pugachev or Karl Moor", "Bandit-Romantic". He becomes the hero of the "yellow" press, the "lobby robber", about whose adventures he dreamed in childhood. Moreover, the "fair" hero, who avoided to kill during the raid, and robbed only rich ...
"Odessa News" wrote: "The farther, the more it turns out the peculiar identity of this person. It is necessary to recognize that the name "legendary" is quite well deserved. Kotovsky, as it were, fought with his selflessly delete, his amazing insension ... Living on a sublayed passport, he calmly raised through the streets of Chisinau, she squatted on the veranda of the local cafe "Robin", held a room in the most fashionable local hotel. "4.
At the end of February 1916, Kotovsky suffered its "activity" in Vinnitsa.

The Governor-General of the Kherson province M. Ebelov threw large police for the capture of Kotovtsev. World War continued, the Romanian front passed nearby, and the Kotovtsy undermined the reliability of the rear. Again, leaflets appeared in all settlements with a proposal of award in 2000 rubles for an indication of the place where the Bangit Kotovsky is hidden.
Since the end of January 1916, arrests of gang members began. The first were arrested: Ivchenko, Afanasyev and the famous leader of the criminal world Isaac Rutgizer. When departing from Tiraspol, the wagon in which these criminals rode, the police caught up, the shootout began, and the bandits were captured.
Assistant Chief of the Odessa Sud Dong Donets delayed 12 Kotovtsev, but Ataman himself disappeared ...
At the beginning of June 1916, Cottovsky appeared on Kaynar farm, in Bessarabia. Soon it turned out that he was hiding under the name of Romashkna and works as a supervisor over agricultural workers on the farmland of Stamatov.
On June 25, the police attractive Hadi-Kolya, who has already arrested Kotovsky three times, starts an operation for his detention. The farm was surrounded by thirty police and gendarmes. With arrest, Cottovsky had resistance, tried to flee, 12 miles were chased ...
As a suburban beast, he hid in high bread, but was wounded in the chest with two bullets, captured and chained in hand and foot shackles.
In arrest of Kotovsky, his comrade participated in his studies, which became an assistant to the bailiff, - Peter Chengansky. Interestingly, in twenty-four years, when the troops of the Red Army entered the Bessarabia, the old man was judged by a military tribunal and sentenced to shooting for participation in the arrest of Kotovsky ...
In October 1916, a trial took place over Gregory Kotovsky. Well realizing that he inevitably threatens the execution of the execution, Kotovsky completely repent and stated in his justification, that part of the captured money he gave the poor and in the Red Cross, to the aid wounded in the war. But with all that, no evidence of these noble acts presented ...
Cottovsky was justified by the fact that he not only did not kill people, but never shot out of weapons, but he wore it for the force, because "he respected a man, his human dignity ... Without making any physical violence because he always relate to human life. "
I asked Grigory to send it to the front on the front, where he would "be happy to die for the king" ...
However, in mid-October 1916, he was sentenced to the Odessa Military District Court for execution by hanging.
While the authorities were in no hurry to fulfill the sentence, Cottovsky threw the royal office for pardon. At the same time, he sent a request to the local administration to replace hanging execution.
For the robber, the popular then commander of the South-Western Front, General Brusilov and his wife Nadezhda Brusylov-Zhelikhovskaya, petitioned. Kotovsky, knowing that Madame Brusylov is engaged in charity and takes towards convicts, writing her a letter, begging to save him.
Here are a line of this letter: "... delivered by its crimes in the face of shameful death, shocked by consciousness, which, leaving this life, leave behind such a terrible moral baggage, such a shameful memory and experiencing passionate, burning need and thirst to fix and crate the deed evil ... Feeling the strength that will help me reborn and become again in full and absolute sense with an honest person and useful for your great fatherland, which I am always hot, passionately and selflessly loved, I dare to appeal to your Excellency and kneelingly begging to interfere with I will save me life "4.
In the letter, he called himself so: "... not a villain, not a born dangerous criminal, but by chance the fallen man."
Letter to the hope of Brusilova saved the life of the sentenced. Ms. Brusylov was very susceptible and faded, and most importantly - her husband, commander of the southwestern front, directly argued the death sentences. At the insistence of his wife, General Brusilov first requested the governor and the prosecutor to postpone the execution, and subsequently his order was replaced by the execution of a lifelong cata truck. Later, having met Madame Brusilova, Kotovsky thanked her for saving her life and stated that now "will live for others."
After the February Revolution of 1917, the gate of Pria was opened for revolutionaries, but Kotovsky decided not to be discussed to the will, and instead of a lifelong cortody, he was awarded 12 years old cowards with the prohibition of social and political activities ...
On March 8, 1917, a bounce of prisoners broke out in Odessa prison, during which the prisoner Cottovsky distinguished himself, who called for criminals to stop the riot. He hoped that such an act would start him. The result of this rebellion became new prison "revolutionary" orders, which, according to the newspaper, were expressed in the following: "All cameras are open. There is no wardriser inside the fence. The complete self-government of prisoners has been introduced. At the head of the prison, the Cottovsky and an assistant jury call. Kotovsky kindly leads the excursion prison "4.
At the end of March 1917, the newspapers reported that Kotovsky was released from prison for a while, and he appeared to the head of the Odessa Military District, General Marx, with a proposal for his release. Cottovsky urged general that it could bring great benefit to the new regime as an organizer of the "revolutionary militia".
He stated that he knew all the criminals of Odessa and could help in their arrest or re-education. The press appeared reports that Kotovsky managed to provide some services of the public security section in the capture of provocateurs and criminal. In particular, he went with the police for searches and arrests, while being concluded ...
Incredible handles and ability to sacrifice ... with their accomplices!
However, his proposal was rejected by the Odessa city authorities, but Kotovsky did not lose ...
He sent a telegram to the Minister of Justice A. Kerensky, who reported on "bullying over the old revolutionary", and asked him to send him to the front, but he, not deciding himself to free the robber, returned the petition "at the discretion of local authorities."
On May 5, 1917, on the order of the head of the headquarters of the Odessa district and the decision of the court, Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky was finally exemptentily released, and with the condition of immediate "expulsion" to the front. However, later Kotovsky argued that he was released "on the personal order of Kerensky." Even before that, Kotovsky had a "special status" of the prisoner, wore civilian clothes, often came to prison only for the night!
In March - May 1917, "All Odessa" wore Kotovsky literally in her arms. In the Odessa Opera House, Gregory Kotovsky offers its "revolutionary" shackles to the auction: footballs acquired a liberal lawyer K. Gomberg for a huge amount of 3,100 rubles and handed over them as a gift to the Museum of the theater, and hand shackles acquired the owner of Cafe Fanconi Cafe for 75 rubles And they served as an advertisement of a cafe for several months on the shop window. During the auction in the theater, the young Leonid of the Rocks has encouraged him by reprise: "Cottovsky appeared, bourgeois got angry!"
783 rubles, from the cooked for the shackles, Cottovsky handed over to the Assistance Fund of the Prisoner of the Odessa Prison ...
In the summer of 1917, Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky as a volunteer-rapid-defining 136th Taganrog infantry regiment of the 34th division (according to other data - the Life Guard of the Ulan Regiment) already at the Romanian front - "sheeps shame with blood."
In this hostilities, Kotovsky did not have to participate, but he told the world about hot battles, dangerous raids in the rear of the enemy ... and "rewarded" himself for the bravery by the St. George Cross and the rank of ensign, although in reality it was only in Unter-Officers! And again a lie ...
In early January 1918, Kotovsky, in the company of anarchists, helps the Bolsheviks to make the seizure of power in Odessa and Tiraspol. Although, for some reason, he did not like to remember the days of the revolution, and these days were the next "white spot" of his biography. It is known that Cottovsky becomes an authorized rucher and leaves to Bolgrad to prevent Jewish pogrom.
In Tiraspol in January 1918, Cottovsky gathers a detachment from the former criminals and anarchists to fight against the Romanian royal troops. On January 14, Cottovsky's detachment covers the waste of red troops from Chisinau, then he heads the Southern Defense section Bender from the Romanian troops, and on January 24, a cattle of Kotovsky in 400 fighters headed for Dubossars, breaking the Romanian advanced parts.
Later, Cottovsky becomes the commander of the "partisan revolutionary squad fighting against the Romanian oligarchy" in the Odessa Soviet Army.
In February 1918, the equestrian hundred Cottovsky was included in one of the parts of the special Soviet army - to the Tiraspol detachment. This hundred makes raids on the Moldavian territory, attacking the small Romanian units in the Bender area, but already on February 19, Cottovsky, disaglating his hundreds, comes out of submission to the command and begins to act independently. In essence, the gang remained a gang, and she was more interested in requisition than hostilities ...
In early March 1918, the troops of Germany and Austria-Hungary launched an offensive in Ukraine, Kiev was captured, the threat hung over Odessa ... While Commander Muravyev prepared the defense of Odessa, the "partisan-intelligence detachment" of Kotovsky fled from Transnistria through Separate and Berezovka On Elizavetgrad and further on Ekaterinoslav - in the rear.
Sometony, the fate and the cooler of Kotovsky with anarchists - Marusi Nikiforova and Nester Makhno. However, Grigory at that time had already made a choice, far from the romantic fantasies of anarchists. Traces of Kotovsky are lost in the confusion of the retreat of the Red Army from Ukraine. In April, he dismisses his squad and this is a fateful time for the revolution goes on vacation.
This has become the new desertion of the "Hero with stunned nerves" ...
Soon Kotovsky captures the White Guard-Drozdans, who were marching in red rear from Moldova to Don, but and from them Kotovsky ran to Mariupol, sprinkle from the next imminent execution.
It was rumored that at the beginning of 1919, the Kotovsky had a stormy novel with the star of the screen with faith cold. This charming woman was in the thick of political intrigues: exploration and counterintelligence of the Red and White tried to use its popularity and secular connections. But in February 1919, she suddenly died, and perhaps, was killed, and the mystery of her death remained unsolved ...
At that time, on a par with the administrators of the Hetman Ukraine and the Austrian military command, Odessa rules "King of Thieves" Bear Japanese. It is with him that Cottovsky has improved close "business" relationships. Cottovsky in those days organizes a terrorist, a sabotage squad, which, having connections with the Bolshevik, anarchist and left-board underground, was actually no one and acted on his own risk. The number of this squad in different sources is different - from 20 to 200 people. The first figure looks better ...
This squad "became famous for" murders of provocateurs, extortion of money from manufacturers, hosts of hotels and restaurants. Usually, Cottovsky sent a victim a letter demanding to issue the money "Kotovsky to the revolution".
Primitive racket alternated with large robbers ...
The terrorist squad of Kotovsky helped the Japanese to establish the "king" of Odessa bandits, because the Japane was considered a revolutionary anarchist. Then there was a big difference between the Japanese and Kotovsky: both recidivists are former religious people, anarchists. Together with the "Japanese People", Kotovtsy attack the Odessa prison and liberate prisoners, together rowing a Japanese competitors, "bombing" shops, warehouses, cash registers.
Their joint thing is the uprising of revolutionaries and bandits in the suburb of Odessa, on Moldovanka, at the end of March 1919. The armed performance of the Okrain wore a pronounced political color and was directed against the power in Odessa of the White Guards and the Intervants of the Entente.
Each of the "Union Parties" had its own views on the uprising: Japanese people drove into chaos and sought expropriating bourgeois and government values, and revolutionaries hoped to use a gangster free to create chaos and panic in the city, which, in turn, should have helped besieged Soviet troops.
Then several thousand rebels capture the outskirts of Odessa and commit armed raids to the city center. Against them, the White Guards send troops and armored cars, but to restore their power on the outskirts of Odessa whites were no longer ...
While the White Guard troops began to leave the city and tighten into the Odessa port, the squad of Kotovsky, using a panic, stopped on the streets of officers and killed them. Singing on the slopes above the port, the Kotovtsy fired the audience that loaded on the steamers, seeking to leave Odessa.
At the same time, some unknown gangsters ( maybe Kotovtsam?) I managed to fly to the State Odessa Bank and to take out of it on three trucks of money and values \u200b\u200bfor five million gold rubles. The fate of these values \u200b\u200bremained unknown. Only the people in the 1920s and 30s went rumors about the Kotovsky trees, allegedly buried somewhere near Odessa ...

Information sources:
1. Wikipedia website
2. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
3. "New Encyclopedic Dictionary" (Ripol Classic, 2006)
4. Savchenko V. "Civil War Affairs"

Page 7 of 18

In March, Mae Seventeenth "All Odessa" was "Ataman Hell" in his arms. Odessa "left", "brothers" honored their hero. In the Odessa Opera House, Cottovsky offers its "revolutionary" shackles on the auction. Foot shackles acquired a liberal lawyer K. Gomberg for a huge amount of 3,100 rubles and handed them as a gift to the theater museum. Manual shackles acquired the owner of the "Cafe Fanconi" for 75 rubles, and they served as an advertisement for a cafe for several months, rushing on the shop window. 783 rubles, from the driven by the shackles, Cottovsky handed over to the Assistance Fund of the Prisoner of the Odessa Prison.

During the auction in the theater, the young Vladimir Coral and read the poems written by "on occasion":

Hooray! Kotovsky here - today with us! His with love met our people. They met joyfully with flowers - he goes with the working class.

And the young Leonid of the Rocks pledged him with reprise: "Kotovsky appeared, bourgeois got angry!"

In the summer of 1917, Cottovsky was already at the Romanian front - "sheeps shame with blood." He is a volunteer-solid determining of the 136th Taganrog Infantry Regiment of the 34th Division, according to other data - the Life Guard of the Ulan Regiment. At the end of 1917, the detachment in which Cottovsky served is transferred to the Caumur Regiment. In real combat actions, Kotovsky never had to participate. But he told the world about the hot battles, dangerous raids in the rear of the enemy ... and "rewarded" himself for bravery by the St. George Cross and the rank of ensign, although in reality it was only in Unter-Officers!

In the summer - in the autumn of the 1917th Kotovsky Kotovsky was the head of the Interim Government Kerensky. Cottovsky fully approved the policies of the latter and forgot about his anarchism. But after the October Revolution, Kotovsky again recalls anarchists, realizing that it is possible to succeed only by the winners. In November 1917, His (according to the stories of Kotovsky himself) may be elected to the Presidium of the Army Committee of the 6th Army.

Obviously, in early January 1918, he, in the company of anarchists, helps the Bolsheviks to make the seizure of power in Odessa and Tiraspol. Although, for some reason, he did not like to remember the days of the revolution, and these days were the next "white spot" of his biography. It is known that Cottovsky becomes an authorized rucher and leaves to Bolgrad to prevent Jewish pogrom.

In Tiraspol in January 1918, Cottovsky collects a detachment of former criminals, anarchists to fight against the Romanian royal troops. At that time, Romanians, moving the prud, occupied the semi-standing Republic of Moldova, to which "originated": Odessa Soviet Republic, Soviet Ukraine and UNR. On January 14, the Kotovsky detachment covers the waste of "red" troops from Chisinau. Then he heads the Southern Defense section Bender from Romanian troops. On January 24, Kotovsky's squad at 400 fighters went under Dubossars, breaking the Romanian advanced parts.

Cottovsky becomes commander of the "partisan revolutionary squad, fighting against the Romanian oligarchy" in the Odessa Soviet Army. He is often seen simultaneously in different places: then at the head of the detachment in battles for Bender, they fight against the petturovtsev in the Odessa station or the precipitating Odessa School of Junkers. Truly the legendary life of Wovers from myths!

In February 1918, the equestrian hundred Cottovsky was included in one of the parts of the special Soviet army - to the Tiraspol detachment. This hundred makes raids to the Moldovan territory, attacking the minor Romanian units in the Bender area. But already on February 19, Cottovsky, disbanding his hundred, comes out of submission to the command and begins to act independently. In essence, Gang remained a gang, and she was more interested in requisition than hostilities.

In early March 1918, the troops of Germany and Austria-Hungary launched an offensive in Ukraine. Kiev was captured, the threat was hung over Odessa ... parts of the Red Army, incapable of resistance, while approaching "German" was spawned. While the teamar Muravyev prepared the defense of Odessa, the "partisan-intelligence detachment" of Kotovsky fled from Transnistria through separate and birching to Elizavetgrad and further on Ekaterinoslav - to the rear.

Sometony, the fate and the cooler of Kotovsky with anarchists - Marusi Nikiforova and Nester Makhno. However, Gregory did not go to their "way." He has already made a choice, far from the romantic fantasies of anarchists. Kotovsky roads are lost in the confusion of the red army retreat from Ukraine. In April, he dismisses his squad and this is a fateful time for the revolution goes on vacation. With the hitch of retreating, he lealed away from the front line. It was the new desertion of the "hero with broken nerves".

Soon Kotovsky is captured by the White Guardian- "Drozdovtsy", which marched for "red rear" passed from Moldova to Don. And from the White Guards in Mariupol Kotovsky fled, saved from the next imminent execution.

Interestingly, Kotovsky did not show himself at the most terrible months of civilians: in May - November 1918 (again "White Spot"). Perhaps in May he visits Moscow, where it meets with the leaders of anarchists and the Bolsheviks. In November, he appears in his native Odessa for him with the passport of the Kherson landowner Zolotarev. Future Kottovets A. Harry so describes his impressions of the first meeting with Kotovsky in Odessa: "It's not that circuscript in front of me, not the broker with a black stock exchange."

It was rumored that at the beginning of 1919, the Kotovsky had a stormy novel with the star of the screen with faith cold. This charming woman was in the thick of political intrigues. Intelligence and counterintelligence of "red" and "white" sought to use its popularity and secular connections. In February 1919, she died, and perhaps he was killed, but the mystery of her death remained unsolved.

Odessa in those months was a refuge of wealthy people, all sorts of entrepreneurs from the entire former empire. As flies on honey, extortionists and sweatshirts, fraudsters and ramps, thieves and prostitutes were flown.

Along with the administrators of the Hetman Ukrainian and Austrian military command, Odessa rules "King of Thieves" Bear Japanese. It is with him that Cottovsky has improved close "business" relationships. Cottovsky in those days organizes a terrorist, a sabotage squad, which, having connections with the Bolshevik, anarchist and left-board underground, was actually no one and acted on his own risk. The number of this squad in different sources is different - from 20 to 200 people. The first figure looks better ...

The squad "became famous for" murders of provocateurs, extortion of money from manufacturers, owners of hotels and restaurants. Usually, Cottovsky sent a victim a letter demanding to issue the money "Kotovsky to the revolution". Primitive racket alternated with large robbers. Odessa can be judged by the NRAWS "Undergrounds": one of the commanders of the then Odessa Anarchist-Terrorist-Terrorists Samuel Wedser has already been shot by the CC - OGPU for contact with the gangsters, wickets and the organization of raids. At the end of 1918, Cottovsky for some time was in the underground detachment of the Wow as a commander of the subversive group.

Today is May 20, 2017, Saturday and we decided to publish all the answers to a new game who wants to become a millionaire. Join us erudites.

Who wants to become a millionaire "Answers from May 20, 2017

What is the mixture of gasoline in the carburetor of the car?

Replies options:

A. With water

B. With nitrogen

C. With air

D. With oil

Correct answer with - with air

What is the difference between Holmes and Watson in the film "My gently favorite detective"?

Replies options:

A. These are children

B. These are women

C. These are animals

D. These are cities

The correct answer b is women

The only chess player from life in the rank of the current world champion?

Replies options:

A. Wilhelm Steight

B. Mikhaid Tal

C. José Raul Kapablanca

D. Alexander Alekhin

Correct answer d - Alexander Alekhin

What is the name of the wife of Andrei Sergeevich Prozorova in the play of Chekhov "Three sisters"?

Replies options:

A. Natalia.

Correct answer A - Natalia

What type of cheese includes Suluguni?

Replies options:

A. solid

C. Prayer

D. Melmed

Correct answer C - brine

What did Kotovsky arranged in the Odessa Opera Theater on the day of pardon from the death penalty?

Replies options:

A. banquet

C. Auction

D. Molanny.

The correct answer C - auction

What suit, according to Coco Chanel, will the most of all?

Replies options:

A. Too poor

B. Too rich

C. Too bright

D. Too dark

The correct answer B is too rich

What was depicted on the walls of the Moscow Kremlin during the war?

Replies options:

A. Tanks and Cannons

B. Facades of houses

C. Portraits of military managers

D. Caricatures on Hitler

Correct answer B - house facades

What kind of name was given by the author himself?

Replies options:

A. Lunny Sonata

B. Girl with peaches

C. Divine Comedy

D. Kiss

Correct answer B - Girl with peaches