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In what cases is not an alarm button. Application areas and features of using the alarm button. Installation and connection of alarm button - Price

Anxiety alarm is one of the simple and cheap types of security systems. It is used for timely signal to organs that will be able to ensure the safety of the object if attackers or hooligans are attacked. The power on and off manually is performed by the company's employees or the head of protection. This is used in financial institutions where continuous monitoring of employees and a cash register is required. It is worth noting that controlling visitors is quite difficult.


The Alarm Alarm button should be located away from the eye of the clients, since its location can remember the criminals and take advantage of this information for mercenary purposes. At the same time, its location should not prevent the use of company employees if necessary. After pressing the alarm button, the signal comes directly to the security service, where experts follow this around the clock. In place immediately leaving operatives. The alarm button is used as a security system in small organizations that have only opened and have no opportunity to take advantage of more serious protection methods from criminals.

Main species

Alarm alarm system is divided into such types:

  • Compact devices for classic hidden installation.
  • Devices installed in free access, while hiding behind other elements of the interior. This type is divided into two subspecies: simple devices that are masked under public items, and exclusive devices manufactured in accordance with the personal preferences of the client. On exclusive buttons, the company's branded emblem is applied.
  • Alarm button - a security alarm of a new sample (attached to jewelry, clocks or key rings).
  • Combined models - designed to prevent false call. In such devices, the signal on the security console will be received in the case of pressing both buttons.

Important! When using wireless devices, it is important to take into account its radius of action. You should also think about the placement place in advance, since some structural materials can drown out the signal.

Where applies?

The market is widely represented various models of alarm buttons. The principle of operation is based on the transmission of the signal by switching mechanism - this concerns mobile devices. If a regular wired system is used, the alarm first perceives the alarm module, after which the information enters the dispatch remote control. A few minutes later, special services arrive at the scene.

CCC has a transmitter in its configuration, the functioning of which depends on the GSM band. They were widespread due to the coverage area, as well as easy installation and maintenance. Of the negative sides, it is worth highlighting the dependence on the mobile operator and the ability of the block of the signal to criminals, which use special devices. Additional devices are connected to enhance the signal and radius.

The security alarm system may have a different structure that depends on the object where its installation is required:

  1. Financial organizations (banks and pawnshops) - CTS establishes compulsory and affects the overall security of the institution. In some cases, the button is supplied with additional features, such as closing windows and doors.
  2. Hangar or warehouse - depending on the goods in the warehouse. CCC can function with the evacuation or video surveillance system.
  3. House or apartment - this system is not appropriate. It is used in the case when the communication line is associated with the security service.
  4. Cottage or garage - alarm alarm functions with the GSM modem.

Security alarm and alarming alarm - Main differences

The security system is based on performing actions that were programmed premediated. When hacking the room or other violations, the signal comes to the remote control.

Alarm alarm allows a person to independently send a signal to help. These systems are installed in almost all small stores, which allows you to cause assistance in the attack.

Advantages of application

Finished devices are much cheaper than security or fire alarm. Standard alarm alarm can be installed without problems with its own. For the installation of a more serious system will be required for several days.

These instruments show high efficiency in the protection of a large quadrature object and with a complex location of the rooms.

The most popular species

EP-6216 alarm alarm performs alert function when evacuating the population. For its operation, it is necessary to purchase an additional controller having 5 line inputs.

The unit performs the following functions:

  • when a fire is detected, a video started from the fire location and a text or audio notification is published;
  • when connected to the digital tape recorder unit, you can play alarm messages;
  • the presence of an independent check function.

HS-R1 alarm alarm is used to protect the room. Due to high frequency, the range of action is about 150 m. The package includes several keyfobs. The first fulfills the function of the radio, and the second is directly connected to the alarm. HS-R1 can perform the switching of various electrical appliances: lighting, opening gates and doors, heating systems, etc.

Alarm alarm NFP1 is used to transmit a signal to the control panel of the security. The signal passes through the cables. It works after a violation of the contacts of the loop.

CCC (alarm alarm) is used as a security tool that can be controlled. She will help prevent fire, attack of criminals and other unpleasant situations. After pressing the button, a quick response squad arrives. Therefore, its installation is extremely necessary in many objects.

Stationary devices

Stationary alarm means are an electrical device that is in free access for staff, away from the eyes of visitors and criminals. As a rule, they are mounted behind the welcome, near the cash register or exit. The signal is transmitted to the control panel by a special communication line. Stationary CCC may relate to the fire system, while it is installed in a prominent place.

Signal transmission is carried out by pressing the button with hand or foot. Due to various constructive features, the alarm is manufactured with fixation and without it.

To return the button to the original position, you must enter a special code. His authorized employees of the company should know, in most cases these are representatives of the protection.

Mobile devices

Such compact devices are popular, as you can use an alarm from any place. This is due to the radio signal and cellular communication. The radius of the alarm is less than 100 meters. In the second case, it is limited to the network operator coverage. Mobile CTS should be at the head of the security or other authorized person.

Thanks to these buttons, you can transmit a signal to the remote control remotely. Now, when incident, you do not need to run to the destination and press the button.


Alarm service does not take too much time and a large number of professionals. The only ones "attach" to it are installers, a person who monitors the receipt of the signal, and a group of guards. They are already engaged in directly the protection of the facility and the capture of criminals or hooligans, which attempted an attack on the enterprise.


To prevent various incidents and crimes, the alarm button is set. When you turn on the CCC, the signal is fed to the control panel. Next within a few minutes, the Operative Group arrives at the object. This device is installed in stores, financial institutions, warehouses, etc. It should not come across the eye to the visitor. Only employees of the organization should know about his existence.

To the alarm button really become useful, you must correctly make a choice and adjust to a specific room. The most popular instrument is a mobile alarm button. Thanks to her, you can give an alarm signal regardless of location. Service alarm service does not take much time and effort. It can easily perform a company that specializes in this industry. The main advantages of the CCC: ease of installation, a large radius of action, easy maintenance, protection against accidents.

If there are doubts about the organization of the organization to allocate the amount of money for a good security system, then it is better to find any alarming alarm buttons. The most important thing is that at any time of the day the object will be protected.

The standard range of services for the protection of commercial and commercial premises, cafes, restaurants and other such institutions, necessarily includes the installation of a set of signaling equipment for feeding alarm when the danger is detected. The signaling equipment is calculated to the signaling code system, as well as hardware and hardware to call a quick response group (GBD) using an alarm button.

Alarm button - what is it?

Many inexperienced entrepreneurs immediately wonder - alarming button: what is it and why install it? Often the alarm button is a key hidden from an extraneous key for instantaneous hazard signal, which can be pressed at any time, a waiter, or any other employee of the enterprise in the occurrence of unlawful actions in the protected area.

By type and configuration, the alarming buttons are divided into two main types:

  • stationary alarm buttons - are made in the form of a round button, pedals or block with pressing. Stationary buttons are mounted in a certain place of the room - usually, directly under the counter, cash register, near the workplace of the manager or guarded institution employees;
  • mobile-type alarm buttons can also have a different look, however, equipped with a free move function within the room, which simplifies the challenge of protection in case of danger.

An alarm button is included in the overall integrated system for the protection of the room. Installation of an alarm button helps ensure the full safety of employees and visitors to the institution.

Why do you need an alarm button?

About what an alarm button is needed is clear from its very name. Experienced entrepreneurs understand the importance and need to install such a button that allows you to perform an operational challenge of the security service to the room. In turn, for employees of a security department, which are around the clock are behind the console control system of enterprises, an alarm button is a way of alerts on the occurrence of an incident that requires their immediate arrival to the object.

When the call signal is received, when an employee of a protected institution presses an alarm button, a group of operational employees immediately leaves to eliminate the danger and detention of criminals. The security agency that performs round-the-clock observation of the room, guarantees the arrival of a rapid response group to the shortest possible time.

Installation of an alarm button can be produced separately, as well as in a complex with a modern alarm system to improve security, both the employees themselves and visitors to public institutions.


Equipment and installation with warranty - price 13 900 ** rub.

*** Cost of consumables upon making installation

Business "Alarm Button"

18 000 ** rub

Complete composition:

Equipment and installation with warranty - price 18 000 ** rub. The price includes annual service alarm service. Our specialist travels to an object within 72 hours, in case of detection of a malfunction of the security system.

** If the object is located outside the administrative borders of Moscow, the connection cost increases by 1000 rubles.
*** Cost of consumables upon making installation

Wired KTS

The alarm button is designed for use as part of security and alarm systems.
Forms a manual way to notify alarm (for departure of a rapid response or police group) when any anxious situation occurs, an attack on the object

Connect the alarm button to any operator of the pulp protection on your choice. The advantage of our security systems is the ability to preproduce and reconnect to any of the operators, without changing the equipment. Monthly service see tariffs on operators pages rub. / month

Gulf Stream security systems
Group of Companies Delta

Caesar Satellit
PCN Raduga Coupling
Group of Companies "Krona"

Installing an alarm button to obtain a license to trade alcoholic and jewelry

For trading institutions selling alcohol products, installation of alarm button directly requires the legislation of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the license for alcohol is not issued.

Connecting the alarm call call button.

Connecting an alarm call call button (police) will allow you to be confident in the security of a particular object protected by this simple, but very useful device.

Installing KTS (alarm button) In stores, supermarkets, schools and apartments received the widest distribution in Russia, because, the more the influx of visitors is serviced by this trading point or object, the greater the likelihood of conflict or abnormal situations. Alarm alarm with the button helps to quickly solve these problems.

It is worth considering that the activation of the alarm buttons is possible only directly present in the room. Therefore, to ensure comprehensive safety solutions, an additional installation of a security alarm system is recommended, which is operating around the clock. Formula Protection LLC will develop a plan for the protection and protection of your premises for you and will produce high-quality installation of security systems and alarms of any complexity.

Alarm Button (CCC)

Press and survive

How long have you been talking to your car? And she with you? Especially in minutes when you are completely bad and lonely? If suddenly it happens, do not faint: already without a small two years in Russia, a new service has been introduced free and free of charge for drivers who have acquired new cars - a challenge of emergency services. Even if a person who fell into an accident is no longer able to reach his hand to the saving button installed on the control panel, the car will speak with him first, asks what happened and does not need help.

About how such a miracle (otherwise, some of the innovation is not perceived), it became possible how the process of addictive car enthusiasis is going on to the possibility of calling emergency services through the "Voice over", we learned by visiting FCC - the filtering contact center of the State Emergency Response System in Accidents " Era Glonass.

Noah-how was born back in 2009, when Russia formed in orbit his navigation satellite grouping of GLONASS - a sort of all-seeing space eye. First, 24 of the satellite flying around the Earth was used exclusively for navigation, but then the scientist occurred to the mind: and whether it does not use this feature and to save people who came across the road? After all, very often, especially in remote from the center of the regions, assistance at an accident comes not as fast as I would like, injured drivers often do not report exact data on their whereabouts, and sometimes they cannot report anything at all ... but it is known that quickly rendered Medical care can reduce mortality statistics on roads by 50 percent. Inventors decided to facilitate the process of informing emergency response services about accidents by rapidly detecting the location of the machine and the connection of rescuers with the driver or with its vehicle.

To do this, it was necessary to equip a car with a small box that combined and navigation device, and a mobile phone. The device is installed deep into the car, and the driver and passengers are seen in the cabin one-sole, but very necessary button.

"In essence, we are a universal cellular operator," explains the head of the filter contact center Roman Ruthel. - The SIM card that is built into the instrument, can provide a challenge for any of the cellular networks, which it automatically selects in a particular area of \u200b\u200bour immense homeland at the maximum signal level. The system works in two modes.

Button for all survival cases

The first launches at the initiative of the driver himself: if he is conscious, then presses the independent button. The car immediately connects it with an emergency response system operator, which should report what happened and what assistance is required. The location, as well as the brand and color of the machine, the operator sees immediately on the monitor of his computer (the latest data is recorded in the production or car registration stage).

Help "MK"

In the emergency operational service challenge, there is a navigation receiver that takes place of satellite grouping. The more they are, the more precisely the device will determine its coordinates. After that, in the case of the device (with an accident or pressing the SOS button), the modem transmits information about the location of the vehicle.

What cases did not record the operators of the ERA-GLONASS system for incomplete two years of work: and head-out clashes, and tremendous people, on the moose, fire, falling trees, flooded ... There were even challenges from cars that worn by ice floes or in the snow on the passes in Yakutia.

"A lot of challenges come from freezing on the tracks of passengers," Roman says. - I remember the case when a man drove a new car from Chita to the Far East by Greater Distille. Suddenly in the middle of the way the motor stalls. The driver is taking a saving button. "What kilometer of the track?" - The operator asks, and the driver did not have time to notice. Fortunately, the automatic determination of the coordinates helped, and the help came after 10 minutes. Our girls who were all the time in touch with the victims before the arrival of the "ambulance", recalled how the man told them then: "If the help came 15 minutes later, I would froze to death."

Sometimes drivers, in whose machines there is a saving button, help completely unfamiliar people. It tells one of the operators of Elizabeth Druschina: "From Bashkiria somehow took a challenge from a man who saw a woman lying on the road. He turned out to be a random witness, we quickly defined the scene and transferred a challenge to the duty part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "

The woman survived or not - the system no longer fixes; The task of it is to accelerate the transfer of information to the operational services.

Unfortunately, such cases, when even the maximum acceleration does not help. Roman Roman Rushel says: "Challenge from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The driver, being obviously drunk, pressed the button and spoke only 12 seconds. Operator Through the cries of help, the mat, due to the entire purchased car, it was heard as the salon fills the water. It turns out, the car with the driver rolled into the water right on her "in front of". While the girl reconciled the rescuers, the last "boulev" rang in the tube ... they found the car only in two months, it was taken far from the river. "

Nevertheless, anyone who faced the work of virtual rescuers, the significance of a small invisible device hidden behind the trimming is highly appreciated.

Help "MK"

Moscow and the Moscow region are leading in terms of the number of emergency calls on the Era-Glonass system, which is explained by the large number of new cars. Most often, alarming challenges come from 13 to 22 hours Moscow time.

Emergency response service operator.

Now we will tell about the second rescue mode on the road, in which the machine automatically transmits data to rescuers when colliding with another vehicle or tipping. Such an independent communication of the car with ER services provide accelerometers that fix quite strong blows on all axes of the coordinates of the vehicle. In such cases, the operator instead of a manual call and voice message from the driver sees information about exceeding the threshold shock values \u200b\u200bon the computer screen.

- Such challenges require special attention, "says Roman, because they indicate that a person in a car that has served a signal is not able to call for help. I remember the case in which if not our system affected by the accident could not find. The dispatch remote control was received an automatic call from BMW. The operator who in this case still tries to contact people verbally, did not receive the answer. When the rescuers went to the place that we pointed them ... I did not find the car. It turned out that at the time we received a strike signal, it was still on the road, and then started sliding down the slope, moving out of 300 meters. Only after re-defining our location, we transferred the refined coordinates to operational services. The car was a man and a woman - both unconscious.

With an accident, not even too serious, a person is enough to get a little blow on the head, as it is immediately lost in space: it starts to panic, sometimes can not transfer to the operator, where and how many people in the car, and it is just turning off for a while, and " Era "In such cases, it turns out to be an indispensable satellite.

I am very memorable to employees the case occurred in Rostov-on-Don on January 21, 2016, when the system was only worked out. The dispatcher receives an automatic challenge, raises the tube and hears some incomprehensible sounds, apparently falling into a cuvette of a car, human wheezing, moans, then silence. As always, in such cases, it reads the information ... Now - the story from the victim: "I fly at night in a ditch, I hit a lot of head about the panel, the car is de-energized, I can not say anything from the resulting shock, I can not go, in the pitch darkness That deep ravine. And suddenly - like the thunder among the clear sky - from somewhere I hear the voice: "The operator of the Era-Glonass system is listening to you." After that, I'm starting to come back to myself, to realize where I, that I restore the picture of what happened, communicating with an invisible girl against the background of ringing silence ... Help came after 7-10 minutes. "

When governors become rescuers

Since the start of the work, the system operators worked 563,138 calls (at 9.00 21.12.2017). Of these, only 5936 calls required the attraction of emergency response services, that is, a little more than 1% (this is about 40-45 challenges per day). Such an explosion of "combat", as they are called operators, challenges from false - another explanation of the need for their service. This is helped by rescuers who have already a thousand challenges per day.

It can be said that people are still getting used to a new state service and do not always behave with it correctly, that is, they make challenges not in the case.

According to the operator Elizabeth, they take on several hundred calls from the owners of the car, which just get acquainted with the system and hise on the anxious button how much in vain, and when answering the duty officer, they are confused and whisper each other: "Oh, see, works ..." Often, Putting into the button with a finger, dump it on the children: they say, Chado jumped through the cabin and randomly pressed his head ... I apologize later, they promise no longer anyone to the cherished button.

And it happens that they cause the operator and specifically say that they are in Moscow at the Savelovsky railway station, although they themselves are somewhere in Cheryomushki, - test ...

- Of course, we treat such codes with understanding, "says Roman, it's natural, people need to get used to the system. But we very much hope that in the future people will begin to refer to the button on the ceiling more serious, not distracting operators on trifles. And then they call some and say: "Can you talk to me, something sad to me? .."

Sometimes sometimes funny situations in which even famous people fall.

So, months four years ago, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin arrived at a very important case to the Arkhangelsk region. His goal was just the verification of the work of emergency response services, rescuers. All local officials naturally mobilized to, as they say, the mosquito nose did not pumped up ... And at that time, one of the locals leaves for fishing, heated on the shore of the hottest and after a while he understands that he could not leave: the car was stuck. He hits the cherished button and reports the operator about the situation. What happened here! They said that the Zegombnator himself was told on the all-terrain vehicle, accompanied by journalists, rushed to seek the victim. When they found, he was heard: the culprit of the perebokh slept sweetly in anticipation of help.

However, it was an exception to the rules, because those who drank people driving most often do not agree to accept the help of "Era Glonass" for obvious reasons.

It happens that the help refuses just like that, as unnecessary. So, for example, it happened in Dagestan. Operators received information from the inverted Lada machine. It turned out, everyone who went to it, alive, healthy, say: "We turned over, but we are not required to help, the car themselves put on the wheels, now we will go back."

Help "MK"

Russia has 40 million vehicles, of which only 1 million 322 thousand are equipped with an emergency response device during accidents.

"Tell me the color of my car"

Return to the dispatcher girls. The signal is heard, the operator Elena Astrakhanseva responds: "The operator of the Era-Glonass system, listen to you."

- Why does she do it? - I ask the novel. - After all, Elena, this information was highlighted on a computer: "Lada-Kalina", the color of yellow ...

- Now you have witnessed a car shopping. Buyer thus checks the services of the service, whether the information is displayed correctly.

Another call. This time - an accident in Tatarstan. The girl sitting behind the wheel, all on emotions, shouts with annoyance for what happened: "New car, just bought! .." A young man sitting next to, soothes it: "This is just an iron. Thank God that we are alive, do not worry. " While this dialogue occurs, the "ambulance" and traffic police are already rushing exactly to the site of the track, from where the challenge came.

And yet, not always our citizens are ready to accept assistance in such unusual form for them.

"I always try to educate drivers," says Roman. - Sitting in a taxi, for example, and noticing our button upstairs, always ask the chauffeur: how does he think it is? Which options people do not give out! One says: "I was told when I was buying never to press it!", The second: "We all robbed them again - nothing works, and the money is fighting!", Three: "We are all under the hood! .." in general, I did not stand I somehow, without the permission of my friend, who was afraid to touch the button, took and pressed it. "What are you doing?!" - he shouted and straight with his fists rushed. But our operator, whose voice immediately sounded in the cabin, I saved me. The buddy attacked on me so and stopped after that: he pushed his eyes, opened his mouth and sat so for several minutes. And then he moved a little and asked: "What was it? Why is it necessary?! "

Portable service " Mobile alarm button» (alarm-call alarm) It is an outstanding solution for personal safety. Management of the service as convenient as possible and simple for an ordinary user, it is implemented with using the usual mobile phone with the SOS button, Make just one click on the button and in just 3-7 minutes the rapid response service (GBD) of Delta will be on the spot!

How the alarm GSM button works?

When the service is connected, there is no need to install any special equipment, it is enough to have a smartphone with a proprietary application installed on it. Depending on the necessary customer needs, the service " Mobile alarm button»It can work in 2 options: individual access and collective access.

Using individual access Just enter your username and password in the application, click the "Next" button, after which you will be available alarm button. In the event of an emergency, you press the alarm button, and at the same time, the alarm enters the remote control of Delta. The rapid response group will come to you within 5-7 minutes.

Collective access It is characterized by the fact that you give access to the alarming button by any third-party trustees (relatives, employees, friends). To do this, in the application on the "SOS" page, click the Add button and enter the data of the trusted persons. This action activates access to the service to the specified users. At any time you can close access to the service by deleting a user from the list.

How much is?

To buy an alarm GSM button to contact Delta. For those who are already our client, the cost of the service will be a total of 50-100 rubles. per month. In this case, the alarm button will be connected to the serviced client object.

New customers have the opportunity to connect the service for the monthly fee from 500-1000 rubles. per month. The service will be connected as soon as possible without mounting.

A feature of the service is free connection And an unlimited number of additional users for all our customers.

About Delta

The Federal Company Delta is engaged in a full range of security services in 30 cities of Russia. The scope of its activities includes the protection of real estate objects (apartments, private houses, companies' offices), as well as the installation of security alarms and related equipment. Daily company employees serve more than 140 thousand properties. The Support Technical Service works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, operators in the shortest possible time solve issues of any complexity. The company is fully liable for any damage caused by the fault of its employees. With Delta, any of your property will be in maximum security under the close observation of professionals!