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With your loved one, do not part the history of creation. "Do not part with your loved ones!": The mystical history of one of the most piercing poems of love. "Love has saved us"

There are few people who are unfamiliar to the lines from the poem "Do not part with your loved ones!"especially after the release of the film "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath". In fact, the poem is called otherwise - And the author is it. During the creative life, most poets originate lines that become apotheosis, and lines from "Ballads about the jammed car" became such for Alexander Kochetkov.

This poem has an interesting history of the creation, which the poet's wife, Nina Grigorievna Poetteleva told about in their records. Summer 1932 spouses spent from relatives, and Alexander Kochetkov had to leave before his wife. The ticket was bought to the Caucasian station, after which it was necessary to transfer to the train Sochi - Moscow.

According to the memoirs of Nina Grigorievna, the spouses could not part and, already during the landing, when the conductor asked the defendants to leave the train, Nina Grigorievna literally rescued her husband from the car. It was decided to pass the ticket and postpone departure for three days.

After three days, Kochetkov left and, arriving in Moscow, discovered that friends had already considered him dead in the crash, which happened to the train Sochi - Moscow. It turned out that those three days of delay saved the poet from an imminent death. In the first letter from her husband, who received Nina Grigorievna, was a poem "Ballad of the joined car".

All what happened forced the poet to think about the role of accidents in the life of a person and about the great strength of love that could protect a person from the tragic peripetics of fate. Despite the fact that the poem was written in 1932, it was printed only 34 years later In the collection "Day of Poetry".

However, before the publication, these penetrated lines did not leave anyone indifferent and passed literally from the mouth of mouth, as well as the history of its creation itself. After entering the poem, the poem "Ballade on the Swimming Car" began to be included in numerous poems collections as one of the best lyrical works of that time.

Alexander Kochetkov wrote a lot of wonderful poems, but he remained in memory thanks to his "ballad ...". Not one ten years from the date of writing "Ballads ...", and the lines of this poem continue to remain anthem in all lovers. And in any life of the Peripetias, the most important thing is to always follow the punishment of the poet: "Do not part with your loved ones!", And then even inevitable will retreat.

Ballad about the jammed car (A. Kochetkov)

How hurts, honey, as strange,
Ringed in the ground, wearing branches, -
How hurts, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound
Swells clean tears,
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound -
Sweep the flame resin.

While alive, I will be with you -
The soul and blood are nepolacomes -
While alive, I will be with you -
Love and death always together.

You will carry with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, Favorite, -
You will carry with you everywhere
Native land, cute house.

But if I have nothing to hide
From pity insecite
But if I have nothing to hide
From the cold and darkness?

For the breakdown there will be a meeting,
Do not forget me, loved,
For the breakdown there will be a meeting,
Return both - I and you.

But if I miss the kana -
Short light of the beam day, -
But if I am noticeless
For the star belt, in the Milky Smoke?
I will pray for you
So as not to forget the paths of the earth
I will pray for you
So that you returned to be unharmed.

Shaking in a punched car
He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a punched car
He is a half-chip, hasty,

Suddenly bent a terrible roll,
When the composition is on a slippery slope
From the rail wheel tearned.

Inhuman force
In one davilena of all Calace,
Inhuman power
The earthly dropped from the ground.
And no one has not protected
In the distance promised meeting,
And no one has not protected
Hand calling away.

Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!

Greate all blood in them, -

And every time forever, say goodbye!
And every time forever, say goodbye!
When you go for a moment!

"Do not part with your loved ones!"

Alexander Kochetkov dedicated the famous poem of his wife - the daughter of the Stavropol Region of Grigory Prenzteleva. Your attention # The story about how the poet took over the pen, shocked by the catastrophe of the train, in which he should have ride.

Inna (in the center) persuaded Alexander (left below) to pass tickets than and saved his life.

In the seventies, when Eldar Ryazanov's film was released, the irony of fate, or with a light steam, the audience, among other things, was struck by the poems read in the film finals with the voices of heroes: "Do not part with your loved ones ..." Few people know that the story that served The reason for these lines, occurred 85 years ago, when the author and his wife spent the summer of 1932 from their relatives in Stavropol.

Many believed that their author is a contemporary film creators. In fact, it turned out that the "ballad of a punched car" (the author's name of the poem) was written in 1932, she went to the lists among Frontovikov during the Great Patriotic War and was first published only in 1966. And the first and only poetic collection of Kochetkov by the efforts of friends was published only in 1985, thirty years after the death of the author. Now this is a bibliographic rarity.

The daughter of Rada Liurev, Inna, was the wife of the Moscow poet and translator Alexander Kochetkov. It was in Stavropol that an amazing story occurred, which served as a reason for the creation of "ballads about the smoked car" and in connection with which Inna later wrote: "Love saved us."

"In the summer of 1932, Inna and her husband came from Kislovodsk to Stavropol and stayed with his father in the house on Cathedral Street. From Stavropol, the poet planned to go to Moscow, and Inna wanted to stay in his relatives, "says Alexander Rodvostyanova. - tickets were bought to the Caucasian station, where Kochetkov was going to transfer to the train from Sochi, in which his friends returned to Moscow. And literally at the last moment Inna simplified her husband to pass tickets and stay for another three days. Only returning to Moscow, Kochetkov found out that on the approach to the capital the train in which he was going to go, crashed. Many passengers, including Kochetkov's friends, died. Alexander believed. The news of the catastrophe and unexpected salvation shook the poet. Then these lines were born, the spell strings were born: "Do not part with your loved ones!"

With the first letter to Stavropol, the poet sent his new writing his new essay - "Ballad about the smoked car."

Shaking in a punched car

He became homeless and humble,

Shaking in a punched car

He is a half-chip, hasty,

Suddenly bent a terrible roll,

When the composition is on a slippery slope

From the rail wheel tearned ...

House on Cathedral Street

Now in the heart of Stavropol, on the lawn, which is opposite the remnants of the fortress wall, there is a sign: "Square will be broken here." While unnamed.

"The former address of this pretty cleaner with young trees and flower beds is Cathedral Street, 3, once there was a manor place of the famous local history Grigory Prenztev, whose name carries a museum. Already under Soviet power, the street name changed several times, as well as the numbering of houses. Now it is Suvorov Street, a place between buildings 2 and 6. "

Printelev left life in 1933. And in the summer of 1932, the daughter of Inna and her husband Alexander Kochetkov were located in the house, which was on this clearing. In the archives of the museum, a photograph was preserved. That old house has not been preserved. There is no commemorative sign in its place.

Sometimes, the reader and listener will learn about the poet one poem, which is randomly or not accidentally, is placed in the chapter of all creativity. Such a poem for Alexander Kochetkov was the "ballad of a joined car." This is really a wonderful poem. Rare luck. On the history of the appearance of "ballads" says the wife of the poet Nina Grigorievna Poznitelleva in the remaining after her death and still not published notes: "Summer 1932 we spent in Stavropol at my father. In the fall, Alexander Sergeevich left before, I had to come to Moscow later . A ticket was already purchased - the Stavropol branch station to the Caucasian station, there was a direct train of Sochi - Moscow. It was difficult to part, and we were delayed as you could. On the eve of the departure, we decided to sell tickets and at least three days to delay the departure. These days - a gift for fate - Survive as a solid holiday. The delay ended, it was necessary to go. Again a ticket again, and Alexander Sergeevich left.

A letter from him from the Caucasian station illustrates the mood in which he drove. (In this letter, there is an expression "half-breeding, hasty". In the poem - "half-chipped, hasty".) In Moscow, with friends, whom he made about the first day of arrival, his appearance was made as a miracle of resurrection, since he was considered dead in A terrible crash that occurred with Sochi train at Moscow-Commodity station. Killed familiar who returned from the Sochi sanatorium. Alexander Sergeevich escaped death because he sold a ticket to this train and lingered in Stavropol. In the first letter I received from Alexandra Sergeyevich from Moscow, there was a poem "wagon" ("Ballada of the Driven Car") ... "The train slaughtered on the eve of the crash, the poet could not not think about the nature of the accident in human life , above the meaning of the meeting and separation, over the fate of two eating creatures. So we will learn the date of writing - 1932 - and filled with drama history of the poem, which was printed thirty-four years later.

On the external standards of Kochetkov there was a loser: as a poet, he knew only close friends. The first book of lyrics Alexander Kochetkova came out only in 1985, and he died in 1953.

The poetic creativity of Alexander Kochetkov little is known, but the nationwide glory brought him a poem of the "Ballad of the Swimming Car", the more famous on the line "Do not part with your loved ones." It became a walker of the second half of the 20th century due to the fact that he sounded in the film Eldar Ryazanov "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam!".
A string from "ballads" was named by the play of Alexander Volodin, on which the eponymous film was shot.

How hurts, honey, as strange,
Ringed in the ground, wearing branches, -
How hurts, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound
Swells clean tears,
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound -
Sweep the flame resin.

While alive, I will be with you -
The soul and blood are nepolacomes -
While alive, I will be with you -
Love and death always together.
You will carry with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, Favorite, -
You will carry with you everywhere
Native land, cute house.

But if I have nothing to hide
From pity insecite
But if I have nothing to hide
From the cold and darkness?
- The parting will be a meeting,
Do not forget me, loved,
For the breakdown there will be a meeting,
Return both - I and you.

But if I miss the kana -
Short light of the beam day, -
But if I am noticeless
For the star belt, in the Milky Smoke?
- I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the paths of the earth
I will pray for you
So that you returned to be unharmed.

He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a punched car
He is a half-chip, hasty,

Suddenly bent a terrible roll,
When the composition is on a slippery slope
From the rail wheel tearned.

Inhuman force
In one davilena of all Calace,
Inhuman power
The earthly dropped from the ground.
And no one has not protected
In the distance promised meeting,
And no one has not protected
Hand calling away.

Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Greate all blood in them, -
And every time forever, say goodbye

And every time forever, say goodbye!
When you go for a moment!

Do not part with your loved ones.
"Ballad about the joined car" know everything, the author - units.
Meanwhile, this is an amazing poet, with a stunning love lyrics, strong, painful. Its verses are more often short, very shaped, like Japanese poetry.

Alexander Kochetkov.
It is very often very unfairly called the poet of one poem. But what! -
Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Greate all blood in them, -

And every time forever, say goodbye!
And every time forever, say goodbye!
When you go for a moment!

Not words - spell. Written overnight, according to real events. In the summer of 1932, Alexander Sergeevich with his wife Nina rested in Stavropol at her father. He had to leave earlier, a ticket for a direct train Sochi-Moscow was already purchased, but at the very last moment of Kochetkov passed it so that at least three days to delay parting with her beloved.

Three days flashed like one, he returned to Moscow, where friends perceived his appearance as a miracle of resurrection. It turned out, the train on which the ticket was commissioned was in a terrible accident at the Moscow-Commodity station. Many familiar Kochetkov died, returned from the Sochi sanatorium ...
In the first letter that Nina received from the husband from Moscow, there was a poem "wagon" ("Ballad on the joined car") ... "

Published it for the first time in 1966, after the death of the poet. In life, this very kind and pathologically, a modest person did not receive any awards, nor recognition, although his famous poem thundered long before Ryazanov sounded in the "irony of fate" - during the war he was rewritten and sent him and sent in letters as well like "wait for me" Simonova. It walked on the fronts often shown by the author as folk ...

There are few people who are unfamiliar to the lines from the poem "do not part with loved ones!", Especially after the release of the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry". In fact, the poem is called otherwise - "Ballada about the smoked car", and the author is Alexander Kochetkov. During the creative life, most poets originate lines that become apotheosis, and lines from "Ballads about the jammed car" became such for Alexander Kochetkov.

This poem has an interesting history of the creation, which the wife of the poet Nina Grigorievna Poszaroveva told in their records.

Summer 1932 spouses spent from relatives, and Alexander Kochetkov had to leave before his wife. The ticket was bought to the Caucasian station, after which it was necessary to transfer to the train Sochi - Moscow. According to the memoirs of Nina Grigorievna, the spouses could not part and, already during the landing, when the conductor asked the defendants to leave the train, Nina Grigorievna literally rescued her husband from the car. It was decided to pass the ticket and postpone departure for three days. After three days, Kochetkov left and, arriving in Moscow, discovered that friends had already considered him dead in the crash, which happened to the train Sochi - Moscow. It turned out that those three days of delay saved the poet from an imminent death. In the first letter from her husband, which Nina Grigorievna received, was the poem of the "Ballad of the Drinking Car".

All what happened forced the poet to think about the role of accidents in the life of a person and about the great strength of love that could protect a person from the tragic peripetics of fate. Despite the fact that the poem was written in 1932, it was printed only 34 years later in the collection "Day of Poetry". However, before the publication, these penetrated lines did not leave anyone indifferent and passed literally from the mouth of mouth, as well as the history of its creation itself. After entering the poem, the poem "Ballade on the Swimming Car" began to be included in numerous poems collections as one of the best lyrical works of that time.

Alexander Kochetkov wrote a lot of wonderful poems, but he remained in memory thanks to his "ballad ...". Not one ten years from the date of writing "Ballads ...", and the lines of this poem continue to remain anthem in all lovers. And in any life of the Peripetias, the most important thing is to always follow the punishment of the poet: "Do not part with your loved ones!", And then even inevitable will retreat.

Ballad about the smoked car (A.Kochetkov)

How hurts, honey, as strange,
Ringed in the ground, wearing branches, -
How hurts, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound
Swells clean tears,
Does not tarnish the heart of the wound -
Sweep the flame resin.

While alive, I will be with you -
The soul and blood are nepolacomes -
While alive, I will be with you -
Love and death always together.
You will carry with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, Favorite, -
You will carry with you everywhere
Native land, cute house.

But if I have nothing to hide
From pity insecite
But if I have nothing to hide
From the cold and darkness?
- The parting will be a meeting,
Do not forget me, loved,
For the breakdown there will be a meeting,
Return both - I and you.

But if I miss the kana -
Short light of the beam day, -
But if I am noticeless
For the star belt, in the Milky Smoke?
- I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the paths of the earth
I will pray for you
So that you returned to be unharmed.

Shaking in a punched car
He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a punched car
He is a half-chip, hasty,

Suddenly bent a terrible roll,
When the composition is on a slippery slope
From the rail wheel tearned.

Inhuman force
In one davilena of all Calace,
Inhuman power
The earthly dropped from the ground.
And no one has not protected
In the distance promised meeting,
And no one has not protected
Hand calling away.
Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Do not part with your loved ones!
Greate all blood in them, -

And every time forever, say goodbye!
And every time forever, say goodbye!
When you go for a moment!