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Report Extract. Requirement of banking discharge at a report for a business trip. How to get an extract from the card in Sberbank online

And conducting transactions on it, has the right to receive an extract from the account, or bank statement. However, if individuals do not have the urgent need to track their own funds, then this procedure is mandatory for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. So, today, we will learn how much what does the account appear (Credit Card Ave), and how to get it.

What is an extract from the account

Extract from the account is a bank document formed automatically for a certain period of time, which reflects the monetary movement of the Bank's customer.

Extract from the account as an important document is considered in this video:

Mandatory details

The extract is a document of a strictly established form, which indicates the following mandatory details:

  • client account number;
  • the date of the previous discharge with an indication of an outgoing residue. He is also an incoming balance of existing statement;
  • details of the documents, according to which funds were made;
  • number of correspondent account;
  • cash balance that will be an incoming balance for the next extract;
  • the amount of account debit operations and loan.

Reference with discharge from the account


And should be on a regular basis to receive extracts in the bank. This is necessary because this document allows you to solve a number of questions:

  • Reporting. It is necessary, first of all, for its own use, to competently assess the movement of funds in the account. It will take an extract for the preparation and presentation of reports in third-party organizations (partners, banks, tax service) to confirm the actual state of affairs.
  • Proof in court. If any conflict situation occurs, about confirming the doubtful operation, a document, a document, certified by the Bank serves proof or not holding a payment.
  • Accounting automation.
  • Comparison of informationcontained in the discharge, with the data of primary documents - profitable and expenditure orders.
  • Proof of erroneously written off funds from the account. In this case, the Bank's client within 10 days after receiving a certificate should notify the Bank's this situation. Otherwise, it will be considered that the client agrees with the balance of the account.

As a result, the main purpose of the statement is to organize regular monitoring of the Motion of the Client's fund.


  • Extracts should not be just kept in the accounting department of the organization, but also to be treated in a timely manner. This means that the information contained in them should be immediately entered into a special accounting base in its admission.
  • The Bank is obliged to provide extracts to customers on the basis of "Regulations on accounting rules in credit organizations located in the territory of the Russian Federation". This regulatory act establishes that the deadlines and procedure for providing an account of statements from client accounts are governed by the Account Agreement.

Obtaining a document

Based on this legislative act, the Bank has the right to provide statements to the Client in the following forms:

  • electronic;
  • in paper: via subscriber boxes or directly from the operating officer, the leading account.


When providing an extract in electronic form, documents are signed by an electronic digital signature (EDS), which is a confirmation that the certificate is obtained from the credit institution specified in it.

The advantage for the client in obtaining an extract in electronic form lies in the absence of the need to appear in the bank. In this case, the client can always unschedule to check the account balance on the current date. In addition, he has the right to change the service settings that will allow him to receive extracts at a time-friendly period.

To be able to receive online statements, the client must connect a client-bank or Internet bank.

The reflection of the money received from buyers in a bank statement in 1CPO in this video:

In paper

However, many customers still prefer to receive discharge in the bank branch. This is explained by a greater degree of clientele confidence in paper documents certified by the personnel of a credit institution.

In addition, there are no risks inherent in the receipt of the online statement when the channels of the junction with the bank can be intercepted by third-party persons. When contacting the Bank, the client can also ask an employee exciting questions. Therefore, this method is considered the most reliable.

However, when receiving an extract in the bank's office, it should be submitted to certain documents that the bank make sure that the client has it right. These documents, as a rule, are a passport and, if necessary, power of attorney.

Important information

  • Based on the information provided, the Bank's employee will check the authority of the person applied to him. In most cases, the chief accountant of the enterprise or IP is drawn to receive statements to the bank.
  • As a rule, extracts are stored in a special card file and are sorted at the end of the client's account number. An extract formed by the Bank is stored in the department for four months, after which it is subject to destruction.
  • When you receive an extract, the client must make sure that all the necessary financial documents confirming the conduct of transactions are applied to it. They are such payment documents as, for example, payment orders or requirements. These documents must be certified by the "Redempted" stamp.

If you have opened this page, most likely, you are conducting economic activities in tandem with foreign partners, and you need a report to the English language. Maybe you need competent and accurate translation of medical extracts or certificates from the bank?

Employees of Blitz Translation Bureau can fulfill your order.

In the list of key activities of the company, translation:

  • financial reports;
  • extracts from medical records and personal cases, statutory documents and orders, registries and diplomas;
  • certificates issued by official institutions.

We cooperate with individuals, provide services to business representatives.


  • Operatively. For example, the transfer of discharge from the bank into English, French or Italian is performed by experts with economic education. Small orders are performed throughout the working day. Taking a multi-page profit and loss statement to work, we make the command under the guidance of the editor, which organizes the process and is responsible for quality.
  • Competently, with compliance with standards and regulations. For example, the transfer of extract from Sberbank performs a specialist who clearly understand the terminological specifics of the document, knows the requirements of the law and regulations.
  • Inexpensive. In many cases, the translation costs customers below standard rates.

The cost of translation and notarial services is calculated in accordance with the rates of the Bureau and the certifier. In certain situations, small charges for work are possible. Their size manager defines even during the adoption and design of the order.

Procedure for posting reports and translation issues:

Why should you contact us?

Performing a transfer of an extract from Sberbank for a visa or medical certificate, a report or other document, pay special attention to the transfer of personal and statistical data, terms, seals and stamps. This is important, since each document is someone's well-being, the opportunity to start a business or improve health. Our employees understand this, therefore are always extremely attentive, neat and ensure the impeccable result of translations of any orientation and complexity.

How to make a translation to Blitz Bureau?

If you need a translation of the advance report, account statements or any reference, you can get them without leaving home or office.
  • Apply for value definition. Call us, write to the mail or in the OS form. Specify the translation language and the desired timing of the order. At the letter, attach a copy of the document. You can also bring them personally.
  • Pay for the order. Details for the selected method of calculations and step-by-step instructions for payment by the manager will send you to the mail.
  • Get translation. As a rule, the help, extract (translation into English or other language) is sent to the customer with an attached file to the letter. Such a document as a report on financial results (translation into English is the most popular view), most often asked to deliver by courier services. You can also pick up documents personally.

Frequently asked Questions

I want to order on your annual report to English. It has about 100 pages. How long will the translation occupy and can I count on a discount if there are many tables in it?

The translation of the report into English is performed quite quickly (for example, for a week, but the deadlines are negotiated individually). For complex formatting there are charges, and for the volume - discounts, the size of which the manager will calculate during the design of the order. He will call the amount for payment.

There is a bank statement, the translation must be made to Chinese, and then assure it notarially. Is it possible to make this work, for example, in a week?

Sure. Translation of bank statements ordered often, because difficulties are unlikely to arise. Summary refer to the notary, which cooperates with Blitz on an ongoing basis. So the deadlines you specified are quite real. Contact.

Do you have translators who are engaged in the translation of extracts from Eggryul (read that we translate from the bank)?. Need a translation: an extract for a visa and Egrull to English.

Employees of the Blitz Translation Bureau, who fulfill similar orders, have economic education, are familiar with the peculiarities and nuances of this sphere, meet the most stringent requirements, therefore cope with the tasks of any complexity. Transfer and extract from the registry.

How do you order a translation into the English statement of Sberbank if it needs me urgently, and I live in another city?

If you have an extract from the account on your hands and you need a translation into English, send us a clear copy of the document by e-mail, make a turn time and nuances, check whether it is necessary to assign, and we will fulfill your order to the specified period. On the same mail we will send a ready state.

I myself made a translation into English, (bank accounting by the movement of money for 6 months). Is it possible to contact your specialist for advice and adjustments, maybe there are errors?

We, as a rule, do not edit a finished translation for an extract from the bank. But you contact, I think we find the opportunity to solve your problem.

Obviously, in state institutions one of the most important aspects of accounting is reporting on the use of funds. At the same time, the main report for the accountant is the report "Extract from the Facial Account", which comes from the Treasury. In order to check the correctness of accounting in the program regarding this report, in 1C: BSU 8 ed. 1.0 provides a similar option: "Help for cash transactions". It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

There is a report in the "Treasury / Bank" section

We set the period for which we want to see the report, choose the institution and the personal account. After that, click "form".

The report is formed separately for each personal account, and if it is not specified, then data will be reflected on all accounts. Also in the settings you can install additional selection by the parameters you need. To do this, go to the "Settings", in the "Selection" field, click the right mouse button and select "Add a new element".

And choose the parameter to be selected.

For example, we install the selection on the KEK 211

You can also decipher any amount and see what document data is formed. To do this, on the cell with the sum click on the right mouse button and click "decrypt".

Choose a "recorder".

A list of documents with sums appears on the screen. Each of the documents can be opened and see.

Regularly use this report in your work, this will help avoid a number of problems in the formation of regulated reporting.

If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments.
And if you need more information about 1C: BSU 8, then you can get our collection of articles for free.

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The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy reviewed a letter on the procedure for accounting for the purpose of taxation of coming expenses for business trips and reports the following.
According to paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), for the purpose of taxation of profits, expenses are recognized and documented costs (and in the cases provided for in Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, losses) made (incurred) by the taxpayer. At the same time, the costs confirmed by documents issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or documents issued in accordance with the customs of the business turnover used in a foreign state in which the relevant expenses were made, and (or) documents, Indirectly confirming the costs produced, including a travel order, travel documents, a report on the work performed in accordance with the Treaty.
Any costs are recognized as expenses, provided that they are made to carry out activities aimed at receiving income.
Based on subparagraph 12 of paragraph 1 of Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the costs associated with production and (or) implementation include business expenses.
According to subparagraph 5 of paragraph 7 of Article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the date of the expenditures on a business trip is recognized as the date of approval of the advance report.
Thus, travel costs are taken into account on the basis of an approved advance payment and other documents approved in the prescribed manner, testifying to the actual costs and confirming the actual stay of the employee in the service business trip decorated in accordance with the criteria


... As an integral app to the advance report, it provides for the following acquittal documents:

- about hiring residential premises;
- on actual expenses on the passage (including the insurance premium for compulsory personal insurance of passengers in transport, payment for services for the design of travel documents and the provision of bedding in trains);
- On other expenses associated with a business trip.
These acquittable documents that are the necessary annex to the advance report must be properly decorated, i.e. Compiled by unified forms, if such are established, and in other cases - should be filled in forms provided by the seller's organization (performer) and containing details marked in paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-ФЗ "On Accounting". At the same time, according to the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of 24.03.1999 N 20, the unified forms of documents approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the organization can make additional details, as well as change formats of forms. The elimination of individual details from unified forms or their change is not allowed.

Similarly, in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 03-03-05 / 169 of September 14, 2009, the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. MN-22-3 / 890 of November 25, 2009

No statement about the movement of money from the bank is not required. It is absolutely superfluous. Employer travels stick.

Good time Alexey!

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.10.2008 N 749 (Ed. From 29.07.2015)
"On the features of the directions of employees in office business trips" (together
with "Regulations on the features of the direction of workers in official
business trips ") (consultant)

In case of travel
employee on the basis of a written decision of the employer to the community location
and (or) back to the place of work on official transport, in transport,
owned by an employee or owned by third parties (by
power of attorney), the actual period of stay at the site of the community is indicated in the service note, which is represented by the employee upon returning from
business trips to the employer with the application of documents confirming
using the specified transport to travel to the community location and
back (Travel sheet, route list, accounts, receipts, cash checks and other documents confirming the route of transportation).

In case of absence
travel documents The actual stay of the employee's stay on a business trip
the employee confirms documents for hiring residential premises in place
communations. For accommodation in the hotel, the specified period of stay
confirmed by receipt (coupon) or other document confirming
conclusion of a contract for the provision of hotel services at the place of community,
containing information provided for by the rules
providing hotel services in the Russian Federation approved
decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 N 490
"On approval of the rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian
Federation. "

With absence
travel documents, documents for hiring residential premises or other
documents confirming the conclusion of a contract for the provision of hotel services on
the place of community, in order to confirm the actual period of staying in place
communations by the employee are a service note and (or) other
a document on the actual distribution date of the employee on a business trip containing
confirmation of host employee (organization or official
persons) about the term of arrival (loss) of the employee to the community location (from the place
business trips).

(p. 7 as amended by Resolution
Government of the Russian Federation of 29.07.2015 N 771)

Upon returning from a business trip, the employee is obliged for three working days to submit to the employer an advanced report on the amount spent due to a business trip and make a final settlement on the cash advances issued to him before leaving for travel expenses (paragraph 26 of the provisions on official business trips).

Since due to para. 5 h. 1 Art. 168 TC RF employee must be reimbursed by all expenses in connection with the business trip made by him from the knowledge or permission of the employer, the list of confirmation documents is not closed. For example, such documents may be accounts.

Conclusion: If there is no other documents confirming your expenses, the requirements of the employer are quite legitimate.

fee 33%

Hello, Alexey!

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each organization should have a local regulatory act, which determines the procedure for the direction of employees on a business trip, payment procedure and other activities. Therefore, for the giving the most complete answer to your question, you need to see the local act acting in your organization. At the same time by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 N 749
"On the features of the directions of employees in office business trips"
approved the general procedure for directions on a business trip. Local legal acts should not contradict this act. In particular, it says:

7. The actual period of stay of the employee on a business trip is determined by travel documents submitted by the employee upon returning from a business trip. In the event of the passage of the employee, on the basis of the written decision of the employer to the place of community and (or) back to the place of work on official transport, on the property owned by the employee or owned by third parties (by proxy), the actual stay at the destination place is indicated in the service note , which is represented by the employee upon returning from a business trip to the employer with the application of documents confirming the use of the specified transport to the place of community and back (travel sheet, route list, accounts, receipts, cash checks and other documents confirming the route of transportation).
In the absence of travel documents The actual period of stay of the employee on a business trip the employee confirms documents for hiring residential premises at the site of the community. For stays in the hotel, the specified tenure is confirmed by the receipt (Coupon) or other document confirming the conclusion of the contract for the provision of hotel services at the community location containing information provided for by the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 N 490 "On approval of the rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation". In the absence of travel documents, Documents for hiring residential premises or other documents confirming the conclusion of a contract for the provision of hotel services at the community location, in order to confirm the actual period of staying at the expense of the employee submitted service note and (or) other document on the actual period of stay of the employee on a business trip, which contains the confirmation of the host of the employee (organization or an official) on the term of arrival (loss) of the employee to the community location (from a business trip).

As for travel expenses, it is mentioned

26. An employee upon returning from a business trip is obliged to submit to the employer within 3 working days: advance report About the amount spent due to a business trip and make a final settlement on a cash advance payment issued to him before leaving for travel expenses. At the advance report, documents for hiring residential premises, actual expenses on the passage (including payment for services for the design of travel documents and providing bedding in trains) and other expenses related to a business trip;

According to this, the employer's requirements for writing off the accountable funds are legitimate.

fee 33%

On this issue there are 2 letters of the Ministry of Finance. The provision of bank statements do not provide, but to require the provision of personal data without your consent, the employer is not entitled, incl. And in the case of their contents in extracts.

Article 13.11. Violation of the procedure established by law
storage, use or distribution of information about citizens
(personal data)
Violation of the procedure for collecting, storage established by law
use or dissemination of information about citizens (personal data)
- entails a warning or imposition of an administrative fine on
citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles; on officials - from five hundred
up to one thousand rubles; on legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand
(as amended by federal law
from 22.06.2007 N 116-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ
(ed. from 04.06.2014)
"On personal data"
Article 9.
The consent of the subject of personal data on the processing of its personal data
(as amended.
Federal Law of 25.07.2011 N 261-FZ)
(see text in
previous edition)
1. Subject
personal data decides on providing its personal data
and gives consent to their processing freely, by their will and in its interest.
Consent to the processing of personal data should be concrete,
informed and conscious. Consent to the processing of personal data can
be given by the subject of personal data or his representative in any
allowing you to confirm the fact of its preparation, unless otherwise installed
federal law. In case of obtaining consent to handling personal
data from a representative of the subject of personal data powers of this
representative to the country of consent on behalf of the subject of personal data
checked by the operator.

2. Consent by
processing of personal data may be withdrawn by the personal subject
data. In the event of a review by the subject of personal data consent to processing
personal data Operator has the right to continue processing personal data
without the consent of the subject of personal data if there are grounds specified in
paragraphs 2 - 11 of Part 1 of Article 6, Part 2 of Article 10 and Part 2 of Article 11
of this Federal Law.

At the same time in 1 case

if you purchased in a non-documentary ticket
form (electronic ticket), then justifications confirming
the cost of purchasing a ticket for tax purposes are
formed by the automated aircraft information system
transportation Route / receipt of an electronic document (ticket) on paper
the carrier in which the cost of the flight, boarding pass,
confirming the reporting person by the indicated in the electronic flight
Considering that the boarding pass is issued
air carrier, in case of its loss, a certificate containing the necessary for
flight confirmation Information issued by air carrier or its
representative, according to the Department, can be adopted as
a document confirming the cost of the airfare implemented for purposes

As for the cost of the hotel, it is entitled to receive a document in the hotel with dates of stay and an indication of how services were paid.

Finance of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2013 N 03-03-07 / 21187
The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy reviewed the letter and
the question belonging to its competence reports the following.
According to paragraph 1 of Art. 252 Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Codex)
expenses recognized substantiated and documented costs (and in
cases provided by Art. 265 Code, Losses), implemented (incurred)
Under reasonable expenses are the cost-effective costs, assessment
which are expressed in cash.
Under documented expenses are understood by the costs confirmed
documents issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian
Expenditures recognize any costs provided that they are produced for
implementation aimed at obtaining income.
According to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 08.11.2006 No. 134 "On the establishment
forms of the electronic passenger ticket and the luggage receipt in the civil
aviation »Route / receipt of the electronic passenger ticket and luggage
receipts (extract from the automated information system design
air traffic) is a document of strict reporting and applies to
implementation by organizations and individual cash entrepreneurs
cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards without use
cash register.
Thus, if the air ticket is purchased in a non-documentary form (electronic
ticket), then justifications confirming the costs of acquiring
flight for tax purposes, are formed
automated air traffic information system
route / receipt of electronic document (airline ticket) on paper, in
which indicates the cost of the flight, boarding pass confirming the flight
accountable person on the route indicated in an electronic flight.
At the same time, on the basis of paragraph 84 of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 28.06.2007 N 82
"On approval of federal aviation rules" General rules
air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for passenger service,
freight forwarders, consignees "when registering for a passenger flight
a boarding pass is issued, which indicates the initials and the name of the passenger,
flight number, departure date, landing time for flight, access number
landing and landing room on board aircraft. If necessary
in addition, other information may be indicated in the landing coupon.
Considering that the boarding pass is issued by the air carrier, in case of his loss
help containing the information required to confirm the information issued
air carrier or his representative, according to the Department, may be
adopted as a document confirming the costs of implemented
airline, for tax purposes.
Clause 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 21.08.2012 n
322 "On the establishment of electronic forms on
railway transport "It has been established that the control coupon
electronic Direct Document (ticket) (extract from the automated system
passenger traffic management on railway transport) is
strict reporting document and applies to the implementation of organizations and
individual cash settlements and (or) settlements with
using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment.
Control coupon (extract from the automated control system
passenger traffic on rail transport) is issued and
directed electronically by information and telecommunication network
passenger necessarily.
Given the outlined document confirming the tax purposes
profits made the costs of acquiring a railway ticket may
serve the control coupon of the electronic pass document (ticket) (extract
from an automated passenger traffic control system on
railway transport) obtained in electronic form
information and telecommunication network.
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
march 10, 2015 N 33N
On approval of the list


Direct documents (tickets)
In order to
implementation of paragraph of the second paragraph 9 of the Procedure and the conditions for the community of federal
state civil servants approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian
Federation of July 18, 2005 N 813 (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian
Federation, 2005, N 30, Art. 3134; 2007, N 50, Art. 6255; 2013, N 3, Art. 179;
2014, N 50, Art. 7050), I order:
the attached list of documents confirming the actual period of stay
federal State Civil servant in a business trip
in the absence of travel documents (tickets).
order of the Ministry of Finance
Russian Federation
march 10, 2015 N 33N
Documents confirming the actual term
The stay of the federal state
Serving in a business trip with
Direct documents (tickets)
In the absence of travel
documents (tickets) the actual period of stay of the federal state
civil servant (hereinafter - civil servant) in service
a business trip is determined by the following documents:
1. Documents,
confirming the cost of hiring residential premises:
a) in case
civil servant in the hotel: receipt (coupon) or other
confirming the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services at the place of community
the document containing information provided for by the Rules for the provision of hotel
services in the Russian Federation approved by the Government Decree
Of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 N 490 (meeting of legislation
Of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 18, Art. 2153; 1999, N 41, Art. 4923; 2000, N 39,
art. 3871; 2005, N 7, Art. 560; 2011, N 42, Art. 5922; 2013, N 11, Art. 1132);
b) in case
living a civil servant not in the hotel: primary accounting documents,
formed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on
accounting and containing mandatory details established by
Instructions for applying a single account accounting account for organs
state power (state bodies), local authorities
self-government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, state
academies of Sciences, State (Municipal) institutions approved
order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2010 N 157n
(registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 30, 2010
g., registration number 19452; Russian newspaper, 2011, January 19)<*>
(hereinafter referred to as required documents).
- <*> FROM
changes made by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from
October 12, 2012 N 134N (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation December 10, 2012, registration number 26060; Russian newspaper,
2012, December 21) and on August 29, 2014 N 89N (registered in the Ministry
justice of the Russian Federation October 20, 2014, registration number 34361;
Russian newspaper, 2014, November 5).
2. Documents
confirming the expenses on the passage of civil servant to the place of service
business trips and back to the place of permanent operation:
a) in case
trains on official transport: the decision of the representative of the employer (manager
state body or its apparatus or persons replacing state
the position of the Russian Federation) or the person authorized by him (hereinafter - the representative of the employer or the person authorized by him) on the direction of civil
serving a business trip on official transport and documents confirming the use
service transport (travel sheet, route list, other documents,
determining the route of the service transport);
b) in case
travel by decision of the representative of the employer or the person authorized by him on
civil servant's personal transport: the decision of the representative of the employer or
authorized by his face about the direction of civil servant in the service
business trip on personal transport, office note (certificate, report,
statement and other) civil servant (hereinafter referred to as a service note)
the actual period of stay at the site of community and documents confirming
use of personal transport (travel sheet, route list, other documents defining route
following the personal transport of civil servant, as well as cash checks,
receipts, other documents confirming the route
following civil servant costs).
3. Ply
the absence of documents specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this list,
civil servants are a service note and (or) other
document established within
accounting policies of the federal state body, about actual
the term of stay of the civil servant in the service business trip containing
mandatory details, as well as a mark of the host civil servant on the dates of arrival and
departure of civil serving to the place of community and back.
providing hotel services in the Russian Federation
(appliance. Resolution
Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 N 490)
8. Treaty
for the provision of services consists in presenting a passport consumer or
military ticket, identity card, other document decorated in
prescribed manner and confirming the identity of the consumer.
hotel accommodation
the Contractor issues a receipt (coupon) or other document confirming
conclusion of a service agreement that must contain:
artist (for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic,
information on state registration);
name, patronymic of the consumer;
o. Information
provided with room (in the room);
price number
(place in the room);
required data at the discretion of the Contractor.

fee 33%

Hello, Alexey. For the purpose of tax, the printout of your account is not needed.

Thus, if the air ticket purchased in a non-documentary form (e-ticket), then the acquittal document confirming the cost of acquiring the airfall for tax purposes is, in our opinion, an automated air transportation information system, an automated information system for air transportation, route / receipt of an electronic document (airline ticket) on paper The carrier in which the cost of the flight is indicated, with the simultaneous submission of the landing coupon confirming the flight of the accountable person to the route specified in the electronic flight.

Thus, you have all the necessary documents available.

2. Hotel, a little more difficult. One voucher to recognize costs may not be enough, it is best to request from the Act of the Act of the Services rendered. But, again, the printout of the statement from the personal account is not required here.

Thus, expenditures on the commissioning of industrial nature, confirmed by orders (orders) on the direction of employees on business trips, travel certificates, service tasks for sending on business trips and reports on their implementation, advance reports, air tickets, accounts to travel agencies, in which the cost of each service provided is deciphered , and acts of work performed, signed with travel agencies, photocopies of pages of passports with marks of the border crossing, can be taken as primary documents for tax accounting purposes.

Good afternoon Alexey! According to the changes, namely the Government Decree of December 29, 2014 No. 1595, according to claim 7. The actual stay of the employee at the site of the community is determined by travel documents submitted by the employee upon returning from the service business trip. In the event of the passage of the employee to the place of community and (or) back to the place of work on personal transport (cars, motorcycle), the actual stay at the site of the community is indicated in the service note, which is represented by an employee upon returning from a service business trip to the employer simultaneously with acquittal documents confirming Using the specified transport to travel to the place of community and back (travel sheet, accounts, receipts, cash checks, etc.), therefore, your accounting requires you exclusive documents, according to the internal existing business provision. You can provide a service-explanatory note with your documents available in your accounting, on the basis of these documents to make a report. In the accounting, you can clarify that the next time they should explain what kind of documents from you are required and familiarized you with the regulations on business trips.