Repairs Design Furniture

Fashionable decoration of the bathroom tiled. Tile for the bathroom: tips on choosing, species, shapes, colors, design, decoration places. Brown tile for the bathroom

Initially, you should decide on the palette of color. Often, the bathroom is a room without windows, and its space is not so big as I would like, so the design options for tiles in the bathroom in the dark color scheme disappear first. Dark shades are visually narrowing the room, and the lack of sunlight can make an atmosphere of the bathroom with inhospitable and unagreering. This is perhaps the only warning, and otherwise it is worth relying on your favorite colors. I want ease - choose an alliance of a sea wave with a pink or purple tone. The comfort will help create warm saturated tones. Cool and freshness - white with aquamarine colors.

classic tile design in bathroom

Now the use of two types of tiles with different shades or ornaments in the interior design of the room for water procedures is very common. Trendy the alliances of green and red, orange and blue, as well as yellow and purple flowers are considered trendy.

Tile: Qualitative characteristics

The bathroom is a room where constant temperature differences occur, increased humidity, constant water ingress. Due to such difficult conditions, the material for decoration should choose the corresponding - durable and moisture resistant.

multicolored tile design will help create a bright and unique interior.

There are several indicators, thanks to which, when buying, you can easily define quality tile abilities:

  1. Susceptibility to a wet environment. The material that will absorb the smallest amount of moisture and has a small-scale structure, is optimal for the design of the bathroom. By moisture-resistant, the tiles divide it into 8 groups, the ideal option for the design of tiles in the bathroom, there will be a tile from 1, 2 and 3 groups.
  2. Purpose. Tile is used to decorate the premises of various purposes. For the design of the bathroom, you should choose a tile for wall coating. It is indicated by the icon "Silhouette of the Palm". Such material is rather soft, it is suitable for walls only. For floor coverage, a special tile is used. It is indicated by the "Silhouette of the Foot" icon. Tile for floor coatings are divided into several strength classes. The most expensive and sustainable option is a tile that is intended for public premises. For the design of the floor covering in a private house or in the apartment perfectly suitable tile with hardness 2 and 3 class. It will last long enough and will cost much cheaper.
  3. Resistance to the effects of household chemicals. The bathroom is a place where it accounts for quite often to wash surfaces using chemicals and disinfect. In such cases, as a rule, household chemicals are used. The tile for the bathroom should be selected with this impact. The optimal choice of material will be a tile, a labeled "AA". Choosing the design of the tile in the bathroom, should not be focused on minor performance properties, such as resistance to sunlight, if the bathroom without window openings and frost resistance.

square shape tile design

What do you understand under the design of the tile in the bathroom

For the trim, the bathroom requires certain knowledge and skills. But even professional specialists, the repair passes very difficult, because the room, as a rule, is small, the space is limited and have to look for compromises to ensure that personal preferences are optimally combined with room planning and visual effects. For those who decide to make a bathroom design on their own first, it should be examined in detail all questions.

For example, first of all it is worth shifting the current mode of fashion and the offer on the tile market. Then to decide how much such proposals are suitable in your individual case, what qualities should have a tile, how much tiles will need, and which color gamans will help achieve certain visual effects.

floor Tile Design with Natural Stone Imitation

Do not forget that in the bathroom, the tile will be in constant exposure to heat and moisture, so it is necessary to determine the appropriate class of coating resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures. Now the design of the tile in the bathroom has a very wide range, so the more carefully the desired option will be determined initially, the easier it will select from the proposed set.

The most important point when buying is the correct calculation of the required amount of the tile. In case of subsequent bad, the likelihood of mismatch shades is large enough, so you should take immediately with a small margin in case of errors in the process of designing the room.

Next, we consider what is needed to accurately calculate the surface of the wall cover and the number of necessary tiles, as well as we will talk about the general requirements that should be considered when choosing a tile for coating the surfaces of the bathroom.

wall tile design imitating brickwork

Technical features of design tiles in the bathroom

Tiled floors for the floor and walls of the bathroom should be different in its technical characteristics. Moreover, the option when the floor tile is used to cover the walls, is an exception. In this case, nothing terrible will happen, just this option is unprofitable in the financial plan - the floor tile is worth more than the wall tiles due to increased strength. But to apply for floor covering the tile, which is intended for the walls, is absolutely unacceptable. The material for the walls is softer and fragile, so the floor covering the wall for the walls is unprofitable in any way.

The tile for the bathroom should have the following technical features: thermal resistance, moisture resistance, stability of the external coating tiles to fading, resistance to vapor and chemicals contained in household chemicals. And the outdoor tile should still have an excerpt to deflection, abrasion, as well as abrasive influences.

wall and floor bathroom in one color

By purchasing a bathroom repair, it is necessary to immediately buy by 15% more than the estimated decoration area. Such a stock is made at the rate of breaking during the repair work and in case of the need to saw tile.

Calculate the amount of the desired material is very simple - elementary mathematics. You must first calculate the floor area and walls and find out the size of the tile that is planned to be purchased. Calculate the number of curb in this way: the perimeter of the room is divided into the length of the border element.

mosaic with ornament in the interior of the bathroom

Bathroom tile design: aesthetic moments

The aesthetic side of the design of the tile design in the bathroom is as follows - how to harmoniously arrange wall and floor coverings.

There are only two options - either do everything in one color solution: ornament, texture, gamma, or arrange the walls and floor in contrasting colors. Moreover, sometimes the contrast divides the bottom of the wall and the floor from the top.

Traditional is the option when everything is performed in one color scheme. In this case, the design itself of the tile looks like a complete composition, and further design can be completely any. But the contrast design requires a thorough approach in everything - it will be necessary to think through the details and carry this contrast and through the furniture headset.

floor tile design under laminate

There are several nuances in the arrangement of the bathroom. For example, when the room is very small, you should stay on the tile of light tones. The contrast version will visually make the room even less. Also worth avoiding saturated shades, choosing one gamut for the design of the room. The glossy coating tile is capable of visually increasing the space of the bathroom. It is unacceptable to use in a small label of a large scale of a large size, he will look ridiculous. Also worth paying attention to ornaments. You should try to avoid tiles containing large patterns and drawings, and you should not use the composite picture of the tile on the entire wall.

The size of the room matters

Tile design in a spacious bathroom can incarnate any ideas - all sorts of design options are suitable. It is much more difficult to calm the fantasy fantasy when the bathroom is very small. For example, in the old building in many homes, the bathroom room is so limited that absolutely not up to the flight of creative thoughts.

combination of mosaic and elongated tiles in the bathroom

And now professional designers skillfully expand such spaces at the expense of competently selected finishing materials. There are several rules for design of small bathrooms:

  • For registration, the best options will be a small tile. A large-scale tile looks very spectacular only in large rooms, and 2 or 3 whole tiles can be configured in a small bathroom in one row, not more. A large tile will look ridiculous, and often it will have to cut a lot to cut a wall to the end.
  • Competently chosen color gamma will help to visually increase the space. The optimal option for repairing a small bathroom will use tiles of light tones and cold shades.
  • It is necessary to give preference to the tile with a glossy coating. The gloss reflects the light and due to this room it seems much more spacious.

great solution - Tile design under natural stone

The design of the tile depends on the selected common style.

Planning the repair, you must first decide on the shared design style, select the direction of the tile design in the bathroom. Now fashionable are considered several directions.

Classic style. He never comes out of fashion, concludes several directions; Of these, you can choose the classic option that is closer in spirit - French, English or Venetian classicism. There is also a concept as neoclassicism, antique traditions and modern solutions are closely intertwined. A classic bathroom trim tile is a glossy tile, weathered in a blue, beige or white color scheme. An excellent finish will serve the elements of golden or bronze shades.

wide rectangular tile in the bathroom

Mediterranean style. Bathrooms performed in this style look amazing and luxurious. The color gamut of this style is the natural colors of the Mediterranean coast, such as green, blue, terracotta and sandy. The interior of the bathroom in such a style is usually highlighted by the decor - mosaic or panel.

Modern styles and high-tech. The main advantage of such styles is convenience, practicality and functionality. As a rule, for the design of floor and wall coatings, a high-quality stylish tile is used, usually white, silver or gray shade. An excellent addition will be a tile with decorative inserts or graphic patterns, a mirror tile or metal inserts.

outdoor golden mosaic of unusual shape, as if painting gold coins

Modern style. This style involves a luxurious room. An elegant design of such a room will be clearance with a large panel, plumbing cladding and mirrors using mosaic. Pastel shades are used for the background, and accents are packed with bright saturated colors.

Naturally, for the design of tiles in the bathroom, you can choose other styles. Now Egyptian, Japanese, oriental styles are increasingly gaining popularity. For those who want romance, it is preferable to choose a country style or retro, and for those who want to demonstrate their wealth perfectly suitable Baroque style or Art Deco.

design narrow mosaic gray in the interior

Tile view and shared bathroom style

"An excellent design of the tile design in the bathroom will be the choice of a maritime theme, where one of the walls with 3D.- Effect will go to the ocean expanses »

A variety of ceramic tiles will allow you to choose design for every taste, color and financial security.

Bathroom mosaic tile

Mosaic tile suggests an end up with a delightful bathroom with excellent repair. This design is quite expensive, but respectable. Pick up a mosaic in style and color scheme can professional designer. However, if you have certain skills, the trimming of the bathroom will become double pleasure for you - from the work process and on its result. Mosaic tile is the most appropriate design option for the bathroom.

mosaic and tile design in one color

Panel from tile in the bathroom

Panno is another type of tile, which will always cause delightful emotions and will remain in memory of the guests for a long time. The panel will perfectly fit into the bathroom with large or middle square. The style of panels and the ornament should be carefully thought out and gently pick up. Facing such a tile is absolutely not difficult - it is necessary to initially set the correct vector and comply with it throughout the work process. Panno is practicality and originality at the same time: it looks luxurious, and you can choose an option on any budget.

3D and photo shirt in the bathroom

Photos and 3D require a competent approach, but you can enter them absolutely to any bathroom. With a successful combination of drawing and color range, it is possible to significantly increase the space of a small bathroom with the help of this type of tile. For example, an excellent design of the tile design in the bathroom will be the choice of a marine theme, where one of the walls with the help of a 3D effect will go into the ocean expanses. And such options are a huge set, the main thing is to choose.

tile with 3D effect: tropical waterfall in the bathroom

Color gamut tiles in the bathroom

"White and bright tones in the design of tiles in the bathroom are impractical, so some still give preference to darker and deep tones"

The perfectly selected paint palette in the bathroom can create the desired mood. It is important to remember that floor coverings should be harmonized with walls. Often to achieve an optimal combination, these surfaces are decorated in one color scheme. Acquire a tile for the bathroom stands on the basis of your personal preferences, picking it up under the overall style and plumbing.

tile design in bathroom under chrome metal

Good color in the bathroom - a guarantee of a good mood

Snow-white tile in the bathroom is the perfect option, almost a classic. More than 70% of water procedures are decorated in this way. White color has an indisputable advantage - visually expands the borders of the room. However, white and light tones in the design of the tile in the bathroom are impractical, so some still prefer to darker and deep tones.

red wide tile always looks stylish

Blue and blue tiles became the first substitutes of light gamps. That is exactly the color palette is considered successful, classical. The maritime theme is of great popularity today.

Red tile is a very stylish and trendy color for the bathroom. It is indispensable for such styles as East, Art Deco and High Tech. For a competent combination with accessories and decor, you should turn to a professional designer so that such a color becomes dignity and looked organically.

Green tile will bring freshness, mood and life in the bathroom. The main thing is that such a tile is one of the whole with a common bathroom style.

classic Bathroom Options in Blue Color


The mood of the bathroom will depend on the competent selection of tile design. In order to get the original luxury bathroom, you should not be afraid of experiments, you need to safely embody your ideas and completely surrender to creativity!

Photo gallery - Tile design in the bathroom:

Tile in the bathroom, due to the huge variety of color solutions, shapes and designer capabilities, allows you to form a truly unique and practical interior.

Bathroom facing features

Several important nuances:

  • In the first place, the bathroom finishes attention to the size of the room, its degree of illumination and the shade decision of the plumbing.
  • For a small bath, facing in light colors will be appropriate, which has not too large dimensions of the modules.
  • With the help of a specific layout option, you can not only achieve interesting design, but also visually adjust the dimensions of the space.
  • Also of unusual effects, it turns out to be achieved due to the grouting of interputric seams, which may have a contrast or monophonic combination with trim.
  • Since water constantly falls to the decoration, it is necessary to give preference to the tile with a fine-resistant structure.
  • In order to, the outdoor facing had higher anti-slip properties, relief models choose for the coating.
  • It is necessary to select products that are characterized by good mechanical stability, durability and thickness.
  • Finishing tile should be particularly resistant to temperature drops.

Tile varieties

There are several options that have certain manufacturing techniques and practical properties:

  • Tile. Contains in the composition of sand, clay and minerals, is made by firing, and then covered with icing. Ceramic tile has a lot of varied colors and is a fairly cheap material.
  • Porcelain stoneware. Durable and durable porcelain stonewares, especially often found in the floor finish. It has a non-sliding surface and easily transfers mechanical effects.
  • Quartzinyl. It is a resistant scratch, moisture and the appearance of mold. In addition, this cladding has good sound-absorbing properties.
  • Glass. Such a finishing material is glass, characterized by increased strength, which always looks stylish enough and unusual.

On the photo a bathroom in an English style, with a tiled outdoor and wall burgundy tiled.

Finishing options Tile

Several popular solutions.

Shower cabin

Tile cladding, a certain size and shape, can decorate and turn the shower cabin into an incredibly stylish part of the room.


With a niche, it turns out to be fantasized in the design of the bathroom. For example, due to the decorative tile or mosaic, you can create an interesting accent on the deepening and visually allocate it on a general background.


Color ceramics, glass or mirror products in the cladding of the shelves will undoubtedly become a sophisticated addition of the interior, harmonize the space and give it some kind of chosen.

In the photo interior of the bathroom with shelves, lined with brown shade mosaic.

Table top

This decision is very unusual and original. The countertop is often performed in mosaic techniques, decorated with ceramics, tile with imitation for marble or other stone rocks.


Such decoration is always featured by special strength, reliability and durability. In the design of the floor is popular, both ordinary color tiled trim and products under stone or tree.


Modern wall models are distinguished by any sample decisions and imitation of a wide variety of textures. This cladding may have a glossy, matte, embossed or smooth surface and due to this create different optical illusions in the room.


For decorating the ceiling plane, products are suitable in the form of large-sized plates, square and rectangular models or mosaics. Also, the ceiling is often found seamless products suitable for creating design of any complexity.

Around the door

Door slopes and thresholds, lined with ordinary tiles or mosaic, acquire a very neat and beautiful appearance, and also differ in particular durability.

Tile shapes and sizes

Modules in small squares, represent the most convenient and classic option that does not represent difficulties in laying. A fairly trend solution is figured models made by cells or diamonds. They can enjoy both bright glossy and more restrained matte performance.

In the photo, multicolored hexagon tiles in the form of honeycombs on the wall in the bathroom.

No less beautiful in the interior looks a mosaic, allowing you to express accents in the room or tile Cabanchik, which is also featured by various types of surface, flat, or convex form.

Coloring tile

The most universal solution is a tile in a gray tonality, which looks relevant in any room, regardless of its dimensions. To give a bathroom of additional airiness, freshness and sensations of lightness, use the finish of white color, which is a strong reflector of artificial and natural light. A fairly fashionable and stylish design is obtained using dark purple or black models that have some mysteriousness and mystical.

On the photo a bathroom with walls and floors, decorated with a rectangular tiled pink color.

It is especially expensive and the golden color looks luxuriously, which is mainly used to create accent sections in the room. You can set a positive attitudes of the setting due to salad, yellow or orange shades, and achieve a peaceful and deep design, due to lilac, blue and blue tones.

On the photo brown tile under the bamboo in the interior of the bathroom made in the eco-style.

Facing in turquoise or green gamma is quite easily perceived, forming an incredibly spectacular interior. A beige finish is particularly popular, facilitating the most comfortable atmosphere in a room having any stylistic direction.

On the photo shower in the bathroom, decorated with turquoise tiles in the form of scales.

Stock Foto Tile design in bathroom

Designer solutions used for tile products.

Under the tree

It is aesthetically attractive, practical and, unlike natural wood, has higher operational performance. Due to its authentic appearance, the tree modules are in demand in rustic or ecological styles.

Under marble

The surfaces decorated with the articles with the simulation of marble acquire an incredibly luxurious and elegant look. Such a finish, perfectly fits not only in classic, but also in modern interiors, hanging them by special chic and glosk.

Under a stone

It has the most natural and at the same time an exquisite appearance. The most popular is the tile with imitation onyx, travertine, granite and other breeds.

In the photo of the design of a modern bathroom with a tiled facing, imitating stone.

Under concrete

Due to such a cladding material, the situation acquires a more powerful, weighty look and creates a sense of reliability.

Panel from tile

A similar decor is whole compositions that are used for emphasis. Panel may differ not only with a variety of drawings, but even have a bulk texture.

Matte tile

It is less slippery, has a softer and muted gloss and is perfect for finishing any plane.


It is aesthetic solution, a significantly transforming room and adding style and gloss. In addition, the mirror tile, visually expands the boundaries of the space.


It has a multidimensional effect that attachs a living look. Data 3D models create an impression of volume, and also visually change the geometry of the room.

On photo White embossed 3d tile waves on the wall in a small bathroom.

Tile with drawings, patterns and ornaments

Patterned finish, empowering interesting color transitions and forms an original and unique room design. Often, such a facing is used as accents.

In the photo interior bathroom with a wall, lined with a mosaic with drawings in Gzhel style.

With decor

With the help of such elements, it turns out to significantly improve the indicators of the coating aesthetics, and thanks to contrasting inserts, to achieve a brighter two-color execution. Such a decor can be various drawings, crystals, shells or sparkles that allow you to create a unique design.

Combined finish

Due to different combinations of surfaces, it turns out to create a truly interesting interior of the room, as well as zonate space into separate sections. A special balance in the background design of the bathroom, you can achieve with the help of finishing the half wall with tiles in combination with paint.

Bathroom trim ideas in various styles

Options for using tiled cladding in popular interior stylists.

Shebbi-chic tile in bathroom interior

In this direction, the tile involves the imitation of various materials with a patroving, unobtrusive openwork patterns or floral patterns. Shebbi-chic is characterized by more gentle blue, pink, smoky-white, lilac, beige or cream shades. Frequently enough when cladding the floor, there is an uneven masonry to create an effect of the coating.

In the photo of a beige tile in a bathroom decor in Shebbi-Chic style.

Also, the plane of the floor is lined with a tile, imitating light wood species that form the most cozy interior.

Provence Tile

Here are appropriate models with abundance of plant patterns, made in the burnt shades. For a romantic, rustic and calm provence, choose white, blue, gentle olive, turquoise or beige color gamut. In the design of the floor apply simple textured models that will mimic a wooden coating.

On the photo tiled facing in the interior of a small bathroom in the style of Provence.

Sea topics

In this style, a very spectacular solution is pebbles, striped models, a photo shot with various thematic illustrations with sea fauna, a mosaic finish having a cold ocean gamut or a blue-blue, green or even sanding color.


The classic design is characterized by using tiled cladding with marble imitation, expensive wood or product designs in the form of a carriage. The interior is distinguished by the bright satellite palette and sometimes the presence of unobtrusive flower motifs.


For the bathroom, decorated in the Scandinavian style, prefer a tile, reproducing natural materials, such as a tree or stone. Also in the nordic design, cladding in white, dairy and cold light colors are used.


Exquisite and charming ethnic topics, suggests finishing materials with colorful, expressive patterns and oriental ornaments, which are a fairly extravagant solution that undoubtedly attract attention.

On the photo bathroom in Moroccan style with walls decorated with white and patterned tiles.


In the modern direction of High-tech, tiled glossy, mirror models, metal products that can create a different game of contrasts are used. The urban stylistics of the loft is characterized by trim in cold colors having a coarse texture or imitation of the skin or brick. For the bathroom, made in the direction of minimalism, choose cladding in one or a maximum of two colors, distinguished by simple and stringent forms.

Stock Foto Tile in bathroom interior

Quite often in the design of the bathroom there is a tile with marine motifs, vegetable ornaments, geometric patterns, abstraction and other fantasy patterns. To create a bright and unusual room interior, prefer the facing of an interesting form with an original color solution.

In the photo, a mirror rectangular tile of a brown shade on the wall in the bathroom.

In the design of a children's bathroom, a decoration is found with an expressive photo printing and drawings, in the form of cartoon characters or funny animals. Particularly original porcelain stonewares, stylized under safari with striped zebras and giraffes or tile, having inserts with flower, hearts or other decor.

In the photo, children's bathroom, decorated with multicolored white and yellow tiled with drawings.

Examples of finishing a combined bathroom

Here with the help of a tile of different colors, patterns or textures, it turns out to achieve visual zoning of the combined space into separate functional sections.

In the photo of the tile in the design of the design of a combined bathroom.

If this room is characterized by a small area, it should not be used too small tile fragments, and in a spacious bathroom, on the contrary, you can easily apply a mosaic that can form a truly unique design.

Photo Gallery

The tile is an exquisite view of the bathroom finish, which allows to achieve a comfortable interior and implement various investigative ideas.

To date, the own living area can have the most different sizes: from huge to the smallest. The tile for a small bathroom will be original and efficient to finish the room.

Typically, this space has an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 4 m2, and sometimes less. Therefore, the question of the planning and design of the shower stands as it is impossible. In addition, there is always a desire to save, but at the same time leave an external appearance at a high level. The main criteria on the basis of which the material should be chosen:

  • colors;
  • reliability;
  • texture;
  • quality;
  • universalism.


Small tile sizes require a solid miscalculation. Choose a large tile - not the best idea. First, the seams will be very visible on a general background, and secondly, they eclipse the entire image or pattern. Separately, it is worth noting that light products from the glazes not only visually will not increase the surrounding space, but also will make it noticeably already. Therefore, the most suitable tile is considered medium and small sizes.

Ceramic tile


This tile is considered a fairly popular option for trimming a bathroom, regardless of color. The tile of this size is equally well suited to the shower room, in what kind of design it would be done. However, it is recommended to use light colors in a small space, for example, yellow. If you use dark shades, the room will seem noticeably less than its real size.

Tile 10x10

In addition, the atmosphere in the bathroom will look somewhat depressing. However, there is a third option - combined. For example, if you choose a brown tone and dilute it with light shades, then on the contrast you can make whole compositions that will look very harmonious. This method is distinguished, as a rule, dark floors, as well as light walls and ceiling.


What other tile size should be chosen? A 20 cm tile is 20 cm is one of the most common samples of a small shower finish. The quality of perception of products is practically independent of their color or design. Here, the first role comes to a visual perception. Although in this case, preference should be given to light tones. It is they allowing space visually seem more than it really is.

Tile 20x20

Separately, it is worth noting that there is an effect of color not only one by one, but also in combination with each other. The selected room design, as well as selected tones, often directly affect the overall shower finish. Why should be careful with the experiments, but at the same time do not bike on something one. The win-win version is a combination of black niza and white top.

20x50 and more

What kind of tile does not choose it should always have a special handwriting. The design of the room should remain recognizable, and the colors are pleasant eye. Depending on the size and colors, the tile can bring some effect into a small bathroom. The dimensions of 20 by 50 cm and more can be attributed to suitable in their visual qualities. According to visual support, they also prefer bright shades, like other small sizes.

Tile 20x50 in the bathroom

At the same time, their noticeable advantage is relative non-standard, which brings into a showerful impression. If you use the vertical strip, thus, the overall height of the room will seem noticeably higher. When using a horizontal line, the room will become visually longer. If you add a light background to this, the result will be very impressive.


What color is it better to choose a tile? For a small bath, choose a small tile of small sizes, for example, a mosaic type. In this case, the texture of the surface will differ in their individuality. Often, preference is given to light tones, since such a shade allows you to fill the space with pleasant warmth and comfort. In turn, dark colors are suitable for design as an outdoor coating.

Dark and light tile contrast

Why it is on the floor? This is due to the fact that the tone data on the walls or ceiling will look very sulphut, cumbersome and hard. However, at the same time, you should not rely only on white. There are various shades, for example, cream, coffee with milk light green tones and others. It should be understood that the darker tones do not hide lime, as well as other pollution.


In order for the shower visually looked extensive, you need to pick up a tile that will suit all parameters. Practical tile for bathroom design should be chosen based on its operational properties and an attractive appearance. Properly condated tile, design and coloring are able to give the original image to the whole interior. For example, you can lay out a light and dark tile in such a way that they divided the wall horizontally, and use a decorative pattern as a separation strip.

The combination of color tile

In addition, the selection of ceramics for a small shower directly depends on the size of the plumbing. If it is large, it is required to divide the space on the zones using various tones or tile colors. With small size plumbing, you can dilute the room with some accessories or decorate the same sink or bath. The unity of coloring has a beneficial effect on the overall composition.


To date, ceramics is so diverse products that it does not always have the opportunity to choose any single option. If you add small size of the bathroom, then the task is more complicated. By purchasing a mirror tile can be calculated not only for excellent performance, but also on the original design of the entire room.

Mirror tile

For a small shower, various inserts or patterns are best suited, which will dilute the room, but they will not clutch it. It can be as thematic or ethnic drawings, as well as modern images. In addition, for a small bathroom, you can use a glass surface, mirrors, complex convex elements. However, the rough surface is very complex in operation, so its choice is worth thinking about.

As for the glazed surface, here financial investments will be available for many levels. Separately, it is worth noting that it is practically no need to clean or wash. The easiest option for a small shower is a tile with small bulbs, while glazed in two layers. Such a surface is easy when leaving and looks very attractive.

Classification and nuances

Currently, there are several types of tiles, as well as ways to classify it. Moreover, each of them has its characteristics. For example, ceramic products for a small shower must meet high quality standards, be moisture-resistant, durable, as well as calmly endure the impact of cleaning agents.

  1. The first class is intended for the use of indoors where there is no big permeability. The small bathroom is answered by these parameters.
  2. The second class is also used when laying in more spacious shower, however, its abrasivity requirements are somewhat higher. It is great for the confrontation of moisture and steam, but at the same time weakly transfers the effects of household chemicals.

The remaining categories are not intended for use in bathrooms. In addition, there are varieties of tiles that fit as finishes on a wall or ceiling. Such products should be distinguished by strength and long service life. They must withstand the weight of plumbing, furniture and other interior items. At the same time, they should be washed and wipe strictly according to the instructions on the package.

Video instruction

One of the most popular finishing materials for the bathroom and toilet room to date is a ceramic tile.

The optimal combination of practicality and aesthetics had to taste most of the connoisseurs of comfort and home comfort.

With the help of a competent combination of colors and elements of the tile decor, any bathroom can be made stylish, original and visually more spacious.

Ceramic tile will help to hide certain flaws in the room and contributes to full relaxation after a week day.

Ways to finish with ceramic tiles

Before you choose the layout of the tile, you should evaluate the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, the height of the ceiling and the presence of disadvantages that are advisable to adjust.

Among the existing methods of cladding it is worth highlighting the following:

Following the example of the wall panel. This is a traditional layout that illusively expands the space and reduces the ceiling.

The essence consists in the following: first the dark tiles are laid out of the floor, about 1/3 of the wall height, then the facing continues with a lighter shade.

The place of the junction of dark and light tiles is decorated with a ceramic border. The floors can be the same color with the bottom of the wall, or darker.

As an interpretation of this option, an example may appear when the dark tile is laid from above, and the light bottom.

Sometimes the contrasting tile is not laid out of the floor, and closer to the middle of the height of the wall, but this method will only fit the rooms with high ceilings.

Layout with horizontal lines. The method in which contrast strips are laid out on a light background. They can be narrow - from decor elements, or wide - from several tiles.

Illusory these lines make the room more voluminous and create a sense of coherence.

Facing vertical lines. This option visually narrows the bathroom, but creates a feeling of higher ceilings. As well as horizontal, bands can be narrow and wide, in a single or multiple version.

In modern design, multi-level lines are increasingly found.

Floor border. The elementary layout option, in which the floor tile, "comes" on the wall is approximately 1 to 2 pieces in height. Visually, this example increases the volume slightly, but takes the height.

Accent elements. One of the most popular folding methods. The essence is that on general, as a rule, light, the background focuses on the bright elements in certain functional areas.

It may be a tile of contrasting color, or with a decorative pattern, or a ceramic panel. But do not get involved in accents, even in the most spacious bathroom it is not recommended to use more than 3 fragments.

Use equal to the number of several colors. In this embodiment, the tile of different colors is not mixed, and each color decorates a certain zone. The floors in this case are allowed to decorate at once several used colors interspersed together (for example, by type of chessboard).

Facing in the style of "Kaleidoscope". Particularly suitable for creative people. Tile in this embodiment is used in different colors, which alternate in an arbitrary or definite order.

"Spray". The general background is formed from a monophonic, as a rule, light, tiles, then randomly located contrasting tiles are added. The method is suitable exclusively for spacious bathrooms.

Laying by ceramic tiles of geometric shapes or patterns. This option is not recommended to use in close rooms.

The combination of several options at the same time. For example, the "wall panel" method and accent elements or multi-level vertical stripes are well combined. The more spacious room, the more combination options can be applied.

Separate attention should be given the "screen" for the bathroom. It must be decorated in the same style as the whole room, or become an accent element.

The most important thing is that the resulting result of the facing made the room more cozy, stylish and attracting attention.

Photo of the ideas for laying tiles in the bathroom

The bathroom becomes not only a functional, but also a beautiful, trendy room of a modern apartment. This is the place of relax and rest after a busy working day. That is why the design of the bathroom should be unobtrusive, harmonious, cozy. As a rule, a tile or porcelain tile is used for finishing a modern bathroom. And from the selection of this finishing material depends, what will ultimately be your bathroom.

If you do not know what style to make your bathroom, what tile to do this for this, how to think about the combination of colors, then read this article. In it we will look at the latest tendencies of bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom Decor Tile: Latest Trends and New Design 2017 - 2018

Recently, the popularity of minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design is rapidly gaining popularity. These two directions in the interior design conquered the hearts of many owners of modern dwellings. Loft gradually moves out of the interiors of a cafe to our homes, and a discreet Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs, more and more often choose designers for the design of modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, it is better to resort to its design in a bright Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either a white tile or very light. Paul can be arranged in a black and white color scheme. To do this, choose a mosaic, hexagonal tile or a beautiful tile with an interesting black and white ornament. Often, a rectangular white tile, imitating brick masonry, is used in the design of the bathroom in Scandinavian style, and, and it is not put on the wall in dry zones, and finish on the middle of the wall, decoring the face with a beautiful curb. The remaining wall can be painted light blue, purple, gray, turquoise or other color that you like.

If you have a large bathroom room, then you can make it in the urban style. As a rule, the creation of such an interior requires walls that imitate the "naked" concrete, but you can perform finishing and textured tiles of dark shades, and it is better to use a natural stone or a plate of porcelain stoneware. Recently, the popularity of the matte tile is quite large with the texture of natural stone or wood. Examples, photo of the bathroom with tiles of dark shades are presented below.

Current shapes and design of ceramic tiles

Favorite among the materials for trimming the bathroom still is the tile. Only shape, color, ornaments and tile textures are changing. Recently, the bathroom finishes use a rectangular tile of size 60 x 30 cm. In fashion, it is also a natural stone and a porcelain stoneware, which has a different form, but the plate itself is sufficiently large. Such materials are good for clearance of large and spacious premises. The last trend in the design of bathrooms is the use of marble slabs, see examples of similar interiors.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to a bright or white tile of a small size or generally use fine mosaic to finish. Now fashionable has become a small tile, imitating brick. Also in the trend glass mosaic, it is used to design the zone near the washing or wall of the shower cabin. If you make up, in a Scandinavian style or with the motifs of the art deco, then the floor can be put on a stylish pixel tile with a geometric black and white ornament. At first glance, she reminds something mosaic, but this design of the tile looks much more interesting. Pixel tile you can find in the catalogs of online stores that implement Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with a combination of colors and textures, but also in constant search for new ideas and forms. Therefore, now, developing, increasingly use the tile of non-standard shapes and colors. Also experiment and with the options for calculating ceramic tiles. It is laying out a Christmas tree, narrow rectangular plates, combine in one interior different forms of tiles and mosaics. The tile in the shape of hexagons is returned again.

Photo interior bathroom with tiles: new look at classic hexagonal tile

Wet Wet Welding Zones Mosaic

Fashionable tel shades for bathroom

In 2017 - 2018, designs will be popular with the application for naturalness and naturalness. The fashion will be "natural" finishing materials, such as tree, stone, clay, etc. Therefore, for the design of modern bathrooms, matte tile beige, brown, gray shade with texture of a tree or stone will be used. If the tools allow, you can finish with a bathroom with a natural stone, while laying down the floor and walls with plates in one color scheme. Monophonic design is now very popular.

No less stylish bathrooms decorated in black and white colors. For large baths, the use of tiles of various shapes and different colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry zone in the bathroom.

In the catalogs with the Italian tiles, there are increasingly falling apartments with ornaments in Scandinavian style. Choosing such a color tile can be very easy to create interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Just divide the space on the zone, one part of the wall lay out the color tile with the ornament, and the remaining wall is a classic white tile. An example of such a tile design in the bathroom. Watch in the photo.

What bathroom tile to choose?

As already labeled above, when choosing a tile and generally finishing materials should be repeated primarily on the size of the room. The walls are easier to be tinted with a small tile, and the decoration of the large size will be less laborious if you stop your choice on a large rectangular or square tile.

The color of the tile will depend on the overall concept, which will be used when designing and decoring the room. If we talk about the combination of the color of furniture and tint tile, it is better to choose either very similar tones, or vice versa is very contrasting.

The most fashionable color this season, no doubt, will be gray. But do not think that the interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using a rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create in the gray bathroom atmosphere of luxury and relaxation. Given the tendency to use natural materials, the stone tile will be very relevant this year. Here is an example of the photo of the tile design in the bathroom, on which you can see how the nobility of the stone in combination with minimalism and other natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere for finishing, choose ceramic tiles duplicate texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. If furniture has glossy facades, then the tile should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture from a natural tree, then the tile must repeat its texture.

Lifehak: how to put a tile yourself?

If you have decided to make repairs and develop a bathroom design yourself, then you can help video - lessons that are dedicated to the bathroom styling and small bathroom design tricks.

Educational Video: Bathroom Facing Cafe

Educational video: how to make a hole in the tile

Beautiful tile for the bathroom: photo with design ideas

Create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which it is carefully all planned, it is possible and independently. Inspire a collection of photos with an interesting design tile in the bathroom and invent your interior solutions. After all, it is stylish and beautiful, you can make an absolutely any bathroom, it doesn't matter in Khrushchev, in a panel house or cottage.

Stylish tile tile

Bathroom interior solutions

Non-standard methods for laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hex tile for bathroom

Magnificent interiors with mosaic

Diverse bathroom facing solutions

In fashion, restraint and minimalism

Bathroom interior with hex tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with fashionable hex tiles

Color design options Tile

Orange tile in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Tile for Bathroom Alcor, Interior Design Photo

Bathroom tile Kerama Marazzi, interior design

Tile for bathroom Europa Ceramica, interior design

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Ceradim, interior design photo