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Beauty in the country with their own hands (57 photos): landscape design in country style, minimalism, scandinavian, exotic style and high-tech. Create beauty with your own hands Let your home reflect your identity

Winter classics. Bleached pine cones and other ideas with bumps

All that is connected with pine cones, for me now more than relevant) Sister of Melissa made them a whole bag for me, knowing how I crushed them in the past year about their absence. Here I found the idea that I was very interested in: whitening of cones in a liquid domestic bleach or chlorine. Be sure the other day I will try and share the impression) In the meantime, I suggest you see a few ideas to use cones for decorating the autumn and winter interior. Below you will find two photos of the master class to create Christmas trees from the cones. Happy viewing)

First, I want to show you this fabulous house, I really liked him. The house is made of cardboard, with a decoupage that imitates the tree, and the roofs of the pitched roofs are here made of pine cones

And these cones are not whitched, and covered with gold spray-paint. A very stylish option is suitable for any interior, under any furniture, it will be great to look great, both in the living room and in the office, even on the safe) by the way, buy a safe and any metal furniture you can in the store "Promethe". Here you will find a wide range of safes, which are divided into several categories: burglar-resistant, fire-resistant and so on. For your convenience, on the website of the online store there is a unique search system for specified parameters, of which: price, size, weight, lock type, key type, presence or absence of cash cell, warranty and manufacturer ... in how!)

But I will definitely do such deer!

White cones have a more aesthetic appearance, but not so rich as in the version with gold. And although ... looking at what interior in the house

And here it looks like bleached cones, before and after. And also ... it turns out to be a closed cone can be placed in the oven, and it will open. I somehow did not think about it ...)

Each owner wants to make his country plot special and unique. But there are no unlimited material opportunities for expensive landscape design. It does not mean at all that it is impossible to stylish, modern and original dacha beauty with their own hands. With a minimum of costs it is quite possible to create a paradise to rest and get a maximum of pleasure not only from the result, but also from the creative process.

Getting Started, it is desirable to immediately decide on the style of the alleged decor. To be in line with the last fashionable directions of landscape design, and choose the original and unusual garden decor, pay attention to the options of the most recent popular styles of the decor of country sites.

Popular Landscape Design Styles

How to make the cottage beautiful with your own hands, without the services of expensive specialists and is it possible? Popular garden design trends allow minimally to create a miracle even having special construction skills.

Rustic style can be found in almost any dacha, but I want something original and modern. And if you try to refresh the knowledge of geography and arrange a plot in the style of the corner of our planet, in which you dreamed of visiting, but unfortunately there was no possibility?

Variations on the topic "Country" or travel without leaving home

Depending on the architecture of the country house and the area relief, you can choose a rustic style in a spirit of a particular country.

What features are characteristic of the most popular and fashionable:

  • Exquisite "Provence" - differs in the sophisticated simplicity and characteristic lavender, blue gamut with all the shades of white. The use of natural materials is welcomed - wood, stone, sandstone.

Council. For the French village, it is characterized by the use of a wide variety of antiques.
What is not creative in the country with your own hands - an old buffet, re-equipped under the flowerbed and painted in white and blue tones?

  • Cowboy ranch - the features of the decor will emphasize attributes from the life of the wild west shepherds (horse charging, old wooden wheel, bright flowerbed in an old wooden cart or barrel). All South America farmers have preferred with white and brown flowers, beaten in contrast. Features of the style - deliberate simplicity and functionality;

  • The warm breath of the Adriatic - Mediterranean style is inherent in the landscaping decoration of natural light stone or warm sandstone. They can be laid out tracks and bases of arbors. As a main accent, you can use a statue or decorative stone fountain "Under the Starin". The abundance of tropical greenery or the stylization of "under the palm trees" and evergreen cypresses is welcome;

  • Dacha registration with their own hands in the Slavic style does not present any difficulty. It is enough to build a woven from the vine, decorated with bright sunflowers and inexpensive ceramics and smash several round flower beds with bright summer flowers.

Council. For a beautiful decor, any old utensils are suitable, painted in bright, funny colors, which can serve as a universal flower.

Registration in the style of minimalism of Asian countries

Landscaping in recent years, landscape is very popular in a very symbolic, distinguished restrained simplicity and deep content of Japanese and Chinese style. Interestingly, with all its simplicity and simpleness, this decor requires a thorough thoughtfulness of every detail.

This design is ideal for sites located in the southern regions or for gardens with poor sandy or clay soils. Japanese gardens perfectly positioned on uneven, hilly landscape, which can be interesting to beat in the original composition of the primed materials, the price of which is minimal.

Filled with the meaning and peace. Beautiful cottage with their own hands in Japanese style necessarily implies the following elements of the landscape:

  • Dry stream - water, one of the four main elements of Eastern philosophy, so it must be present in the garden design. But if it is not possible to organize a small pond or fountain, then the output is a dry stream. This composition is performed on the surface with river sand, imitating ripples on the surface of the water with the help of wavy lines.

Council. It is very interesting to look dry stream or pond in combination with evergreen trees, decorated in the spirit of "Bonsai".

  • Garden stones - exciting creative occupation in hot summer days. The stones in the garden are located from left to right, according to the principle of any art composition, and the garden architecture depends only on the author's imagination;
  • The basic principle of Japanese style is asymmetry and winding lines that merge into a single harmonious composition;

  • Catering houses from the container unit can be easily stylized under the eastern pagoda of discreet brown-white tones;
  • Hedge or arch for curly colors from bamboo emphasize style features;
  • All lines in the design of fences, tracks, flower and lawns are distinguished by the lack of strict symmetry and rectangular forms. Welcome, ovals, circles, fancy curved lines.

Council. Plants for the Eastern Garden do not require special care, as it is basically coniferous rocks of trees and shrubs, ideally - evergreen (pine, spruce, cypress, juniper).
Herbs - Air, Rosemary, all plants with small white-blue or light pink flowers.

Simplicity and naturalness of harsh Scandinavia

If the landlord is preferred by the strict simplicity of the classics, appreciates comfort with minimal application of the decor, then the style of harsh Scandinavia is suitable as it is impossible. Especially this design will like people who do not have the opportunity and time to take care of the site for a long time.

Scandinavian giving landscaping with their own hands:

  • Strict proper geometry of flower beds and lawns, rigid distinction of recreation area and garden;
  • Minimum plastic, metal modern decor attributes;
  • , mostly coniferous;
  • Capped smooth tracks, covered with gravel or decorated with natural stone of gray tones;
  • As the main accent, you can use alpine slide of stones or one large boulder stone;

  • Instead of wooden fences and stakenists, live green hedges from evergreen shrubs are used, which are drawn up in rigid geometric proportions with sharp corners;
  • As you can decorate the cottage with your own hands in Scandinavian style - smash a small garden from an unpretentious heather with one square or rectangular flower.

Council. For northern latitudes, the planting of flower beds is not on the flower beds, but in pots or vases, which is due to a harsh climate.
Such landings can be easily incurred in a warm place with the onset of cold weather, and it is much easier to care for them.

Original exotic

Transfer to distant hot countries for the weekend really in the suburbs and on Sakhalin. It is enough to create a paradise garden at the country area in an exotic key.

It is quite easy to make it yourself:

  • Materials that are always at hand - stone, crushed stone, sand, dark tree (you can darken by the veneer), fancy curved roots and branches covered with varnish, African dolls for giving with their own hands or totems of wild African tribes;
  • Vegetation and flower beds should be placed by tiers, as in the real jungle, giving preference to the climbing Lianam and bright exotams, for whom they still need to rent a diesel generator for cottage;
  • Fences and metallic hedges are excluded, only lively, buoyful flowering thickets, which are formed chaotic;
  • Homemade figures of bright southern birds and unusual animals are welcome, which can be created from ordinary wood or even straw;
  • Color combinations are bright and contrasting.

Important. The exotic style of the decor does not accept strict lines and "traces of indulging" nature.
Only the natural habitat of the jungle.

Uncontrollable, Bunlet High-Tech

Modern, rapid and technological decor style, which will like people not older than thirty, and children will just be delighted. This design also does not recognize any rules and restrictions, but has its own nuances.

How to decorate the cottage with your own hands in a modern fashionable and outrageous style:

  • The combination of the incompatible is the combination of the most unexpected materials (plastic - wood - wood, metal - stone - old case from a computer, tin - glass);
  • As the main accent, you can invent your own metal architectural composition from trimming your own metal architectural composition, and a fantastic lunar landscape is built around it;

  • Plants must also correspond to the spirit of modern. The unusual form of leaves, bent trunks, preferably cold blue and white colors shades;
  • Experimental limit in this direction is practically no.

Important. It is impossible to combine the modern direction in the decor with rustic accessories or romantic carved decors.
Only unexpected asymmetric lines and original designs.

Where to start creative needlework for giving with your own hands, and what criteria for choosing the design style is to be guided in one way or another.

  • In order for the decor to look harmoniously, it is important to consider the entire concept of registration in the details, for this it is useful to preliminary plan - sketch. On the plan it is possible to optimally position all objects by portraying the whole picture as a whole;
  • When choosing a design option, it is important to take into account the terrain, the composition of the soil and the average temperature regime in the region. Depending primarily, the style of design is chosen from the relief. For even terrain, almost any design is suitable, but it is better to choose the decor in the Japanese or Mediterranean style for the plot on the hillock;

  • So that the garden look harmoniously, there is a reception "Choosing the main axis". We need to send the viewer's view to the object we need or the central element of the composition. To do this, the center of the composition is selected, such as a fountain or sculpture, and with the help of paved tracks, borders and fertilies we will direct attention to the center;

  • Symmetric tracks, flower beds and decor items allow you to streamline the total composition. Symmetry is most often used in the classic English version of the section;
  • Undesirable form of a plot, such as a narrow, can be visually adjusted. If along the straight track is planted the same in the form and color of the plant, the site will seem wider. If at the end of the alley put bright, colorful plants, then they will seem much closer and it will also expand the alley;

  • Do not fear experiments. Sometimes there is a lack of funds for the purchase of an expensive decor, it allows you to create true works of art from remedies, as can be seen in the photo;
  • When choosing a style, it is important to navigate the natural features that can be emphasized.. For example, a small pond can become the center of the entire composition. Even the cottage, located on the slope can be beaten as the Sicilian ranch, with spectacular terraces in the Mediterranean style.

Council. If a specific design style is selected, it is worth sticking to it without mixing the opposite differences in the sense.
For example, in the Japanese garden ridiculous woven with ceramic covers.


There is nothing more pleasant than becoming a real creator and the Creator on His six hundred. There would be a desire, and family vacation would be much more interesting if each of the households take part in the organization of living space in the country. Presented video in this article will introduce the reader with some original ideas in landscape design.

When decorating the house it is difficult to find the right balance between functionality, comfort and style. Regardless of how much money we spend on decent furniture, the rooms are always lacking something, and as a result they are not at all like the ideal apartments that we see in magazines.

Sometimes the situation can be solved using small tricks that take just a few minutes of your time and do not require cash costs at all. Read the following tips to find out how you can make your home more stylish and comfortable with minimal effort.

1. Take care of the entrance door

We should not forget about the entrance door, even if you live in an apartment building, since it is she who creates the first impression of your home. Take care of it as well as about interior doors. Put several pots with flowers, hang a seasonal wreath or decoration, update your license plate or paint the door in a bright color.

2. Set items according to the rule "Troika"

As in many areas and disciplines, the "Troika" rule is actively used in decorating and stylization. Trio objects looks visually more attractive and more balanced, especially when it concerns sizes, heights and materials.

Start with small and decorate a small corner in your living room or table. For example, put a vase with flowers, a basket with books and a clock. You will see how cute and comfortable such a composition. But do not overstep the room with such decorative trifles, otherwise the effect will be read incorrectly.

3. Disarm carpets in several layers

Put a small thick carpet over a large, more neutral rug. It is also a great way to check how you feel about bold experiments in the interior, and such a designer move will make a room more cozy and stylish. Thanks to this advice, you can divide the space on the zone or make accents at the necessary places.

4. Set books with alternative ways.

Vertical or slightly inclined stack of books is a canon for a classic interior. Alternative accommodation indicates a grade and modern style. Try alternate the shelves, arranging the books vertically, then horizontally. Horizontal lines will disturb the pattern from vertical lines and attract attention. You can lay out additional items on the shelves with books. Just make sure that the order of the arrangement is random, since the rigid scheme is very striking.

5. Expose things about which there is something to tell

This advice is a bit more difficult than sounds, because not everyone wants to demonstrate the expensive heart objects and realize that no one else besides them, they are not impressed.

In order to attract the attention of people, your favorite things should allocate from the environment and immediately rush into the eyes. Do not forget that you do not need to cross the ocean to find an item to tell others. As long as you have an expensive memory related to the thing, you can pass through this topic of your guest.

6. Make a cute thing from the old bottle

The next time you remain a beautiful bottle of alcohol, milk or perfumery, do not make her throw away. Save it and use as a vessel for liquid soap or vase. As an option, fill it with beads and tie a bow from the twine. But for starters, soak the bottle in warm soapy water until all labels are mad. The transparent vessel looks very stylish and futuristic.

7. Frequently wipe dust

Nothing kills the style like dust. Maybe you were removed only yesterday, but the dust will quickly find their way back. Consider and find the surfaces on which it is most noticeable in daylight, and be sure to wipe these places between the "general cleaning". Thus, you can enjoy clean air and do not worry when the guests suddenly come out.

8. Arrange the colors in random

When you get bouquets, put them somewhere in the corner of the room, and never in the central place. Bonus glasses, if you are field or garden flowers. Random accommodation creates the feeling that the flowers are an integral part of your home, and you are not trying to paint or make an impression on others.

9. Move furniture between rooms

We are accustomed to moving things within one closed space, and it is not natural to move furniture from the room into the room. In fact, things may look much better in a new space, or can serve more functionally. When you do not have time or budget to buy new interior items, the fastest way to refresh any room of your home is to rearrange the furniture.

10. Keep white towels in the bathroom

This is a personal choice of each, but the white color of the towel gives a feeling of freshness and purity. In addition, if you have more than one towel in the bathroom, it adds to the interior of casual hospitality and attention to detail.

11. Always keep several books on the coffee table.

The books instantly add style and serve as entertainment for guests. Be sure to put your favorite book and several works of different genres. You can put only books or mix them with magazines and photos. This is the perfect place to apply the Troika rule and combine books with decorative elements and small objects.

12. Serve water in a jug

It does not matter whether you drink water from under the tap or bottles, keep it in the jug. There is nothing nice than put it on the table during lunch with family or dinner with guests. If it is a transparent jug, you can add cucumber or lemon slices into the water.

Leave the jug on the bedside table, to simultaneously moisten the air and add some points for the style.

13. Paint some things in the color of walls or finishes

Most often things in the apartment are poorly combined with each other because of different style, colors and finishes. Color some furniture items in the same color as the walls, or pick up the curtains / carpet / pillows accurately in the tone. This will create a certain unity of space. Such items need to be scattered throughout the room, not too close to each other. There is no need to repaint everything - even a small dose will help to create a harmonious composition.

14. Keep napkins on the table, even if you don't eat anything

This may seem illogical, but in fact it creates the illusion of purity in the house and order in the family (especially if you have children). Napkins are also a great way to add colors and patterns in your kitchen interior. They can be inexpensive, plastic, rubber or paper. You can also make napkins with your own hands, cutting the cloth into small squares. The main thing is to take into account the color gamut.

15. Decorate the house with variations of one that element

Choose one type of product that you have enough. For example, fruits, and the brighter color, the better. You can also use some kind of vegetable or simple items that are found in nature, such as stones or wood.

Put them in a vase or bowl and put them in a prominent place, but not in the center. The goal is to attract attention, so the vase should be a simple shape and ordinary material.

16. Gouping Candles

Collect all the candles that you have, and place them in small groups all over the apartment. The living room is first place. Healing candles in groups is much more efficient than individually, as they give more light, which is ideal for the evening in the company of guests.

When buying candles, avoid cleaning designs and smells. Best are white classic candles that are ideal for grouping.

17. Add indoor plants

Plants not only bring freshness and colors into the room, but are an important decorative element. Place them near large furniture items or use to fill empty angles. Small plants can be mixed in the composition, guided by the Rule of Troika.

18. Delete some accessories

If you are a fan of small baubles, decorative items, works of art, carpets, pillows, your home, most likely resembles the museum of folk art. Minimalism in the home interior looks much better than an abundance of unnecessary things. Try to remove some accessories, replace them, add something else until you are satisfied with the result. It is best to decorate the house with one type of decorative items. It looks stylish and cozy.

19. Keep a small plaid on the sofa

Light blanket not only creates comfort, but also allows you to add textures and colors in a fairly flat or neutral room. If you want to add only one bright barcode, make sure that the plaid is not carefully folded, and carelessly moved through the back.

20. Establish the house basket

The basket is a rescue circle when you need to remove the mess before the arrival of guests or move things from the room into the room. They seem much more expensive and exotic than in fact. Baskets can be of different sizes and forms, but they must be made of one material or have a common color so as not to create too much chaos. They can be a completely unique and loud blot in the neutral space of your room. If the interior of your home is made in bright colors, pick up the baskets of darker shades, and vice versa.

21. Store products in containers

This is the best way to organize space in your kitchen and add stylish notch to the interior. Keep cereals, spices, cookies and other food in containers. Glass containers look beautiful, but they can do expensive. Use inexpensive options. The meaning is not to have the whole set. The main thing is that the containers are from one material and one color to create a clean and ordered view of your kitchen or in the pantry.

22. Collerate things on the walls

Many people avoid decorating the walls, because they do not have enough money on expensive works of art. But you do not need fancy paintings, because everything can be art while it awakens feelings in you. Hang magazine pages, photos, own pictures in chaotic order to add speakers on the wall. From time to time, change the images to update the interior slightly.

23. Place your hobby

Do not hesitate to openly demonstrate your hobby. First, it will become the topic for interesting discussions. Secondly, you can hang the results of your work on the walls, or randomly place on the shelves or just leave on the floor. This is guaranteed to add uniqueness to your home.

24. Use unnecessary things unexpectedly

Whether a fireplace, old piano, large furniture, equipment, empty angles ... Place the book, vases, plants, and unnecessary items will instantly turn into stylish interior elements.

25. Allow your home to reflect your identity

Most stylish houses are decorated with photographs of their tenants. But at home from real life, in which interesting personalities live, are filled with things that like the owners. Musical instruments, books, old cassettes ... After all, the easiest and most reliable way to make your home more stylish is to add more information about who you are, and what you like.

Take time and turn your home not only in stylish, but the most favorite place on Earth!

I want to present you my work on the design of the household plot, which brought me a great pleasure.

When the landscape project is ordered, the mutual understanding of the customer and the artist with a half-class is of great importance. In this case, such mutual understanding was almost at the level of the subconscious. Molding family, my neighbors, built a house. Once in winter, after a friendly tea party, as if joking, a neighbor suggested me. As if, I agreed, I only warned that I would require the strict implementation of all planned ideas. They hit the hands and diverged ... until spring.

Spring neighbor reminded me of our contract, I had to quickly take for work and make the project.

I have long noticed: when you do a job for a person who impresses you, work goes easily and quickly. A few days later the project was ready and agreed with a neighbor.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe site is 5 acres, the house of rather impressive sizes left not so much space for all sorts of designer pieces. Moreover, the hostess of the house categorically demanded to allocate a part of the territory under the garden.

We made part of the site in front of the house in a classic style, equipping the raised flower bed, in the design of which the stone was used. Scluts, roses and obstacles landed on the flowerbed. It will be necessary to work on the design of the flower beds, since I didn't really like her summer option. But this is already task for autumn and the following spring.

The material for the fence served as a stone. Neighbor, like me, feeds weakness to stones, and not only for precious. Near the house there was a collected such strategic stock that you can build not only the fence, but also the Great Worish Wall. The master took over the owner, he really like this work. He picks up a stone to the stone with such an ecstasy, which reminds me of a child collecting puzzles. Therefore, the completion of the construction of the fence can be expected in the distant future.

The territory at home was decided to arrange in the style of Country. This is where my designer imagination was raised!

The terrace has become a nail of the program and the main decoration of this part of the site. The material for it served a tree. The terrace is adjacent to the posterior wall of the house. It comes out the door and the kitchen window, which is very convenient for the hostess when guests are. A large oak table and beautiful comfortable benches were placed on the terrace.

The interior of the terrace in a rural style can be assessed by photo. For her decoration, many vintage things from rural life were used. They all occupied a worthy place, and sometimes even quite unexpected use.

Lush petunias in containers and unusual pots successfully complemented and decorated the terrace.

The terrace posted a beautiful, rather unusually connoissed flowerbed, which is guarded by the Gnome. In my opinion, it turned out wonderful.

For a little girl staged an unusual sandbox house where she plays a clock.

After righteous work in the garden, the hostess of the house can sit on the bench (which, by the way, also made the owner of the house with his own hands) and soak in the rays of the sunshine. The terrace turned out glorious. And how nice to sit on it warm summer evening!

On this, our joint work has not ended. The following year is scheduled:

a) construction of a street fireplace. It will be near the terrace, in the place where firewood is now;

b) a fence from birch poles, such as a bench. It will separate the garden from the rest of the territory. In the garden, his worthy place should take the scarecrow;

c) arrangement of lawn and artificial reservoir and alpine slide;

d) Arrangement of a flower garden at the input zone.

A lot of work. For such work that brings pleasure, you can do all my life.