Repair Design Furniture

How to use avent manual breast pump correctly. What is a breast pump for - an overview of the models and the purpose of the device. How to use a manual breast pump with a pear

Not a single newly minted mom is safe from the fact that she does not have to express. There are many situations when you have to express yourself, and any of them can arise completely suddenly. For example, it is necessary to express the breast if the mother drinks medications that are not compatible with breastfeeding, if the baby does not breastfeed, if there is a threat of stagnation due to excess milk, or if the mother has to leave, but she does not plan to curtail breastfeeding.

To make life easier for a nursing mother who needs to express breast milk, there are special devices - breast pumps. Just as a baby sucks on to the breast and produces milk for itself, a breast pump uses the vacuum around the nipple to draw valuable nutrition into the bottle. To express milk efficiently and painlessly, a young mother should figure out how to use a breast pump.

Currently, the choice of breast pumps is so great that every mother can choose a “helper” who will suit her in terms of price and quality. The principle of operation of any breast pump is that a special funnel is applied to the breast, inside of which a vacuum is created. It is this vacuum that makes milk flow from the mammary gland in streams according to the principle of movement from an area of ​​higher pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure.

The difference between breast pumps is only in the way in which a vacuum is created. On this basis, breast pumps are divided into mechanical and electrical.

  • Mechanical breast pumps. A manual breast pump is synonymous with a mechanical breast pump, as a vacuum is created by manually activating the mechanism. This mechanism can be a conventional pump (pear) or a lever. In the first case, the mother needs to rhythmically squeeze the pear, in the second - to press a special lever. Piston breast pumps also belong to mechanical ones.
  • Electric breast pumps. In this case, the vacuum around the nipple is created not by "manual" efforts, but by the efforts of an electric motor. A more "advanced" version of an electric breast pump is an electronic device, the control of which resembles working with a mini-computer. To express milk using such a device, you just need to press one or several buttons, select a comfortable expression mode and relax.

A manual breast pump is cheaper than an electric one, but expressing breast milk with such a device requires more effort and time from the mother. Many women who have used a manual breast pump complain of rapid arm fatigue. In this sense, an electric breast pump is much more convenient, and due to its higher power, it makes the pumping process 2 times faster than using a manual device.

How to Express Breast Milk Using a Breast Pump

Regardless of the model of the apparatus, the pumping process will proceed in approximately the same scenario. The first thing to start with is getting ready to pump. Not only the "success" of pumping depends on how thoroughly it will be carried out, but also the health of the baby.

Preparing for breast pumping

  • Read the instructions for the device inside and out, familiarize yourself with the principles and rules of its use.
  • Make sure that the device itself is completely ready for use. If the breast pump is used for the first time, all its parts must be disinfected by boiling. To do this, you need to put them in an enamel container with water and boil for 3-5 minutes. Actually, it is necessary to sterilize the breast pump after each use so that pathogenic microorganisms do not begin to multiply on its parts.
  • In addition to the breast pump itself, you need to sterilize the container into which the milk will be expressed in the same way. Towel off neither the pump parts nor the bottle - let them dry naturally.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water and rinse your chest with warm water. All these measures are also needed so that nothing superfluous gets into the expressed milk.
  • If your breast pump has multiple attachments, select the size of the attachment. In the selection process, you need to be guided by the correspondence of the size of the nipple to the diameter of the hole: the nipple should be located there freely. Otherwise, he may be injured during the pumping process or significantly complicate the process.
  • 5-10 minutes before expressing, it will not be superfluous to drink a cup of warm tea or water - a warm drink relaxes the ducts of the mammary gland, and milk will flow out more easily. For the same purposes, you can do a light breast massage and take time to tenderness with your baby: all this causes a hot flush and makes it easier to express.
  • Choose a comfortable place for pumping: a recliner or a high-backed chair. In any case, you need to sit in a comfortable, relaxed position. If the room is cool, it makes sense to dress warmer so that the cold does not cause vasospasm, which can make it difficult to express.
  • In order for the funnel to better "stick" to the skin and create a good vacuum, the breast skin around the nipple can be slightly moistened.

Expressing with a breast pump

  • Assemble and install the breast pump as shown in the instructions. You can start pumping!
  • Do not be surprised if the rate of milk flow changes: at the beginning of expression, milk comes out drop by drop, but then it begins to spray in trickles or evenly flow out of the breast.
  • Do not forget about the purpose of expressing: if it is lactostasis, you need to express only until the condition is relieved (until the breast becomes soft), if you are preparing milk for future use, it is better to express milk as much as possible.
  • While expressing, you can lightly massage your breasts.
  • For better milk flow, lean forward slightly.
  • When expressing, you can take breaks or alternate breasts.
  • At the end of pumping, close the bottle of milk and sign the date and time on it, wipe the breast with a towel, and disassemble the breast pump and rinse all the parts.

Even if the mother figured out how to use a breast pump, pumping may not work and then it is better to stop it. This can happen for the following reasons.

  • The chest is not full enough. This can happen if you try to express. milk soon after... It is quite easy to understand that the breast is "empty": it is soft to the touch, and milk does not flow from it, but drips even when manually expressing. In this situation, you need to wait a while (about 2-3 hours) and try again.
  • If the breast is reliably full, but you cannot express with the breast pump, check how correctly the attachment is attached to the breast. It is possible that there is a violation of the tightness and the vacuum necessary for decanting is not formed.
  • Problems with pumping occur with lactostasis: the breast is full, but all the ducts are spasmodic and it is possible to express only drop by drop. In this situation, a gentle massage under a warm shower, a compress on the chest and hand pumping will help.

And a few more words in the end. Expressing shouldn't be painful! Unpleasant sensations are permissible only in the first minutes, until the delicate skin adapts to the action of the device. If pain is felt while expressing and it does not go away, it is most likely that the attachment is not properly attached to the breast. You must stop pumping immediately and install the device correctly.

If cracks are visible on the nipples, to eliminate pain, they should be lubricated with vegetable oil before expressing. Otherwise, breast pumps are absolutely safe and help the mother to express breast milk efficiently in 15-20 minutes.

This topic will focus on the correct use of a manual breast pump.

Every mother and expectant mother needs to know all the nuances associated with the birth and upbringing of a baby. No one argues with the fact that having a child is a great and long-awaited happiness. But you need to clearly understand that motherhood sometimes entails some difficulties, for example, such as expressing breast milk.

Learning to use a manual breast pump: how to express breast milk correctly?

The problem of expressing milk by nursing mothers, in order to prevent milk stagnation, is a fairly common and natural need. However, not all mothers face these difficulties. According to experts, when organizing normal feeding, such needs may not arise. Still, there is a need for pumping, especially in the first month after giving birth. And so today we want to tell you all about the use of a special device and about the rules for using a manual breast pump.

From the very beginning, we want to note that in general there are two types of breast pumps:

  • electric, which are much more convenient to use. But they are also much more expensive and can also run on batteries. There are that work from the network;
  • and there are hand-held devices. This type is more affordable in comparison with electronics. They come in a piston, syringe and pump type, as well as with the presence of an additional bulb.
The manual breast pump has a comparatively pleasant price

Beforehand, we would also like to draw your attention to cases when you still need to express breast milk. The most common cases include:

  • the baby was born prematurely;
  • the mother is taking medications that are undesirable for the child;
  • the amount of milk overflows the mammary gland;
  • the child, due to birth defects, cannot feed on his own breast milk;
  • after feeding, there was a feeling that not all the milk came out;
  • with a lack of milk. Indeed, with constant expression, the lactation process is stimulated;
  • diseases associated with milk stagnation (mastitis or lactose) began to develop;
  • the child has stopped feeding on breast milk, but it continues to gain;
  • there is no way to breastfeed.

So, if you have a need to express milk, then you need to understand the process of work of each type. Since the process of operation of electric breast pumps is more or less clear, because a woman only needs to attach the device and press a button, then in order to use manual types, you need to clearly understand the methods of their use.

Basic rules for using a manual breast pump

  • be sure to read the instructions for using the device in detail;
  • clean all parts of the breast pump well. Sterilization is desirable;
  • wash your chest and hands with soap and water before each procedure;
  • for good milk suction, you can apply a warm compress to the chest;
  • control the force of pressing when using the device. Listen to your feelings, but over time you will develop this skill;
  • Prepare the milk collection vessel in advance. And also sterilize;
  • you need to sit down or become as comfortable as possible in order to prevent the painfulness of the process;
  • if pain occurs, you need to change the position of the suction cup. And remember - in no case should you endure pain;
  • the time for the procedure should be selected in such a way that it can be repeated in each subsequent procedure;
  • the breast needs to be massaged when solidified. And even before pumping, it will increase the flow of milk. Just do it without pressing hard and without effort, so as not to injure delicate muscles. Just a little rubbing with your palms on each side is enough;
  • if there are cracks on the surface of the breast, you need to moisten them with oil;
  • if during prolonged use of the device milk does not start to be released, you need to stop sucking;
  • if the pain during suction does not disappear, then the procedure cannot be continued!

These are simple and general rules for using milk suction devices, but they should not only be understood, but taken into account.

Important: For a better milk flow, it will not hurt to drink warm tea half an hour before the manipulation. Taking a warm shower is also helpful.

How to use a manual breast pump correctly: a step-by-step guide

The simplest device to use is a manual breast pump, since it has a price affordability. And if we take into account the manual method of pumping, then it significantly saves time and effort, which are so dear to every young mother.

Therefore, we want to dwell in more detail on the ways to use the manual view:

  • the first thing to do is to disassemble the device and sterilize it. To do this, you need to place all the parts in a container with cold water, completely covering the contents with it, and put it on the stove. Boil everything for 2-3 minutes;
  • choose a comfortable body position and relax;
  • firmly apply the breast pump to the breast so that the nipple is in the center;
  • press the pear several times to select a comfortable position. That is, you need to "try on" a comfortable position of the suction cup to avoid pain;
  • start expressing milk continuously but effortlessly. Keep in mind that milk draining from the breast is a long process. Therefore, there will not be a flow at once, but only a few drops will appear;
  • complete the procedure when milk stops flowing;
  • move the device to your other chest. And remember - the duration of suction should be equal for each breast. Carry out a similar manipulation;
  • dry your breasts with a damp towel;
  • be sure to disassemble and rinse the device. You can fold the breast pump after it is completely dry.

Important: The duration of the suction process should be started from the very minimum, only gradually increasing in the following days. Therefore, you should not try to express all the milk on the first day. Otherwise, you can injure your breasts.

We would also like to draw your attention to the main aspects of the pumping process:

  • if the body is slightly bent forward, then the procedure itself will be easier;
  • in the absence of a vacuum on the breast, it will be difficult to express milk;
  • the duration of the process lasts from 10 to 15 minutes;
  • closer to the end of pumping, the breast will begin to crumble;
  • in the process, and especially at the end, massage your breasts - this will improve the outflow of milk.

As you can see, using a manual breast pump is easy. But always read the instructions for the model. And also remember that health comes first, not fear of any device. And most importantly, you should not be afraid of the very process of draining milk. This is a natural need to prevent the onset of breast disease. After all, having a baby is a great happiness, so you should not be afraid of the difficulties that may arise in the process of upbringing and feeding. Everything passes and is forgotten. Take care of yourself and your kids and be healthy!

Video: How to use a manual breast pump?

Optimal time to express:

  • after feeding, if the baby sucked milk from only one breast;
  • before or after the first morning feed, when there is a lot of milk in the breast;
  • if mom goes to work, pumping is possible during lunchtime.

Using a breast pump correctly takes some skill. This will probably take a few tries. But don't worry, it's easy and you will learn quickly.

  • Before using the breast pump for the first time, read the instructions and understand how it works.
  • Better to choose free time so that no one bothers.
  • Putting a photo of your baby in front of you will help the milk flow.
  • Heat stimulates milk flow: take a bath, shower or apply a warm compress to your chest.
  • Expressing is easier if done while breastfeeding from the other breast or immediately thereafter.

How to sterilize your breast pump at home

Recall that sterilization is the destruction of all types of microorganisms from the surface of an object.

You should clean and sterilize your breast pump before each pumping. This makes the collection of breast milk safe and your baby is not at risk of infection.

You can sterilize your breast pump at home.

How to clean your breast pump: before and after use

To clean the pump before use, you first need to disassemble it and rinse all parts under hot water.

Use a mild detergent for this, then rinse thoroughly with running water. Dishwasher safe.
Jars and bottles used for expressing should be washed in the same way.

After all parts and bottles are cleaned, you need to properly sterilize your breast pump. There are two ways: using a bottle sterilizer and boiling yourself.

Sterilizer for bottles and breast pump parts

Microwave sterilizer

There are two types of sterilizers: electric and microwave sterilizers. Their principle of operation is based on the conversion of water into steam. The resulting steam disinfects the parts of the device and the bottle.

In an electric sterilizer, steam is generated at the expense of electricity. In a microwave sterilizer, water is converted to steam using the microwave. Working with the sterilizer is extremely simple:

  • Disassemble bottles and device for details.
  • Pour water into the sterilizer.
  • Install the parts into the sterilizer body.
  • For an electric sterilizer - press the "start" button, for a microwave oven - install the sterilizer in the microwave and turn it on.

Sterilization of the breast pump in boiling water and steam

To boil a breast pump, we need a regular saucepan:

  • We fill the pot with water so that it hides all the details.
  • The device and bottles must be disassembled.
  • We place the parts of the device and the bottle in boiling water.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Philips AVENT recommends boiling for 5 minutes.

After boiling, the water must be drained. Be careful not to burn yourself.

30 minutes is the time during which sterilization is in effect.

You can disinfect it at home using steam. We will need the same saucepan and some kind of mesh surface, for example, a colander.

  • We boil water in a saucepan.
  • Take a colander and place the parts of the appliance and bottles in it.
  • We put the colander on the pan.
  • Cover the colander with a lid.
  • We are waiting for 10-20 minutes.

Rules for using a breast pump: duration and frequency

  1. Wash your hands and chest.
  2. Get into a comfortable position with pillows under your back. Pour in a glass of water.
  3. Place the device on your breast with the nipple in the center of the funnel.
  4. Press down gently on the handle or pear several times. Act without fanaticism. You should feel the suction. It is not necessary to press the handle or the pear all the way. The degree and frequency of pressing should be comfortable, there should be no discomfort or pain.
  5. Repeat pressing to make milk appear.
  6. Choose a comfortable pumping rhythm. The handle and bulb of the breast pump can be held for up to 3 seconds. Alternate your arms so as not to get tired.
  7. Do not press on your breasts to help the breast pump, it is not necessary.
  8. It takes about 10 minutes to express 100 ml of milk. Time is approximate and for each woman individually.
  9. After pumping, gently remove the device from your breast and twist it off the bottle. Clean the parts.


  • milk may not appear immediately. Don't worry, just keep pressing on the handle;
  • if pumping is unsuccessful, continue the process for no more than 5 minutes. If this happens, try expressing milk at a different time;
  • stop pumping immediately if you experience any discomfort.

Two words about milk storage

Only when using a sterile device. It must be immediately put into the refrigerator.

48 hours is the shelf life of expressed milk in the refrigerator.

Store milk inside the refrigerator, not in the door.

Possible difficulties: milk is not expressed, pain is felt, etc.

Questions or difficulties may arise while expressing. Let's talk about the most common ones:

  • Painful sensations while expressing. If painful sensations recur, you need to stop using the breast pump. See a doctor or breastfeeding instructor.
  • It is difficult for the breast pump to come off the breast. Insert your finger between the funnel and chest.
  • Suction is not felt. Most likely, the problem is in the assembly: somewhere there is a problem with the tightness. Check that the massage cushion is firmly attached to the rim of the appliance and to your chest. Check valve tightness.
  • Can I use a breast pump to express colostrum? It is better not to express colostrum at all. But if necessary, it is better to use hand pumping.
  • Can I use a breast pump to express hind milk? Many moms say that a breast pump does not express. This can only be done by a baby and partly by hand pumping.
  • Why isn't the breast pump pumping milk? Check the tightness of the funnel to the chest; suction should be created. Check the assembly, if everything is tight, without gaps.
    The chest should be full.
    Mom is relaxed: you can drink warm tea, take a warm bath, sit back and tune in to pumping.
    If you are having trouble expressing milk with a breast pump, try taking a photo of your baby and visualizing or watching him.
    Try different times for pumping.
    Breast massage is useful: in a circular motion from above - towards the sternum, from below - towards the armpit.
    It is easier to express the breast that your baby has sucked. In the morning, you give one breast to the baby for 3-4 minutes, and then feed the other.
  • Can I use a used breast pump? Can. Before use, it is imperative to disassemble and sterilize (boil). Many mothers use the devices of their friends or sisters.
  • How to remove yellowness from a breast pump. We put a pot of water so that the water hides the details completely. Add a teaspoon of citric acid. Bring to a boil. After the water boils, place the parts of the appliance and the bottle in the water. We boil for 5-10 minutes, after which we immediately rinse with running water.

Learning how to properly use a breast pump will make you think of hand pumping like a bad dream. The milk extraction process will no longer be a test. Progress does not stand still and humanity is doing everything to make motherhood not a test, but happiness.

In the market for products for newborns, you can find a variety of devices that make it easier for a woman to express. Manual breast pumps with a pear are very popular. This device is suitable both for a woman who is trying to establish the lactation process, and for a mother who does not always have the opportunity to attach a baby to her breast, and she does not want to stop breastfeeding. Many women are wondering how to properly use a manual pear-shaped breast pump so that pumping is quick and painless.


The manual breast pump with a pear is one of the simplest devices for expressing breast milk. It consists of several parts.

  • Chest attachment.
  • Valve. Located inside the breast pump, it helps control the pressure that builds up during pumping.
  • Pear. When a woman is expressing breast milk, she must squeeze the pear, thus creating a vacuum. This will allow the milk to be released from the breasts and flow into the pumping container.
  • A container for expressing milk (may not be available).

It is not uncommon for women to resort to manual pear pumps as they offer a number of advantages:

  • have a simple design and are quickly assembled;
  • they are easy to use without special knowledge and skills;
  • no power source is required to get started with them;
  • they do not create noise (as is the case with electric models) - this is very important when the mother carries out the pumping process while being next to the child;
  • all parts can be easily washed and sterilized;
  • you can choose the pace and rhythm of pumping that is comfortable for yourself.

Preparatory stage

When you start expressing milk with a manual breast pump, it is very important to prepare everything in advance so that the process goes quickly and, most importantly, painlessly.

  • Before expressing milk, read the instructions in detail, which must be included in the kit with the breast pump. Often, such instructions describe in detail and in pictures how to use one or another variation of this device correctly.
  • All components must be washed, it is better not to use conventional detergents in this case, since they contain aggressive chemicals that can get into the fragile child's body and harm it. It is recommended to use baby soap or baby detergent to clean the breast pump elements.
  • It is also recommended to sterilize the parts. The sterilization procedure must be carried out without fail if you plan to give expressed milk to the baby. The device can be sterilized both on a steam bath and using special devices - sterilizers.

After sterilization, you do not need to wipe the parts of the breast pump; leave them for a few minutes to dry naturally.

  • You also need to prepare a container into which milk will be expressed (often it comes with a pear breast pump) and is a bottle. If you put a nipple on this bottle, then it can be used to feed the baby.
  • Pay attention to the material from which the container is made, it is very important that there is no harmful component bisphenol. You can also use glass bottles.
  • A woman needs to thoroughly wash her hands with soap and rinse her breasts to get rid of droplets of sweat and dirt. Ideally, it is better to use warm water, it stimulates the flow of milk to the mammary glands.
  • It is necessary to carry out a light massage of the breast. To do this, you need to slowly pull on the nipple and press with your fingers on the areola. Such actions stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk.

Many breastfeeding experts recommend drinking a warm cup of tea 30 minutes before expressing. This drink will also stimulate milk flow and help make expression easier.

Expression procedure

When the preparatory phase is completed, you can start directly with the pumping process using a pear breast pump. The procedure is quite simple, but at first you will need to adapt to it, over time everything will happen much easier.

  • The woman needs to get comfortable in a comfortable position. For example, sit on a chair with a back or a sofa. For convenience, you can put a pillow under your back. You need to install a manual breast pump with a pear in such a way that the nipple is located exactly in the middle of the funnel. The edges of the funnel should fit snugly against the chest.
  • Attaching the manual breast pump with a pear incorrectly can be uncomfortable for the mother. In addition, an improperly attached device can leave some of the milk in the mammary glands, thus provoking stagnation.
  • Next, you need to rhythmically squeeze the pear, starting the pumping process. It is not necessary to apply too much pressure on the pump. The applied force can be increased when the pumping process comes to an end.

Be prepared for the fact that at first the milk will be released quite a bit, in the form of droplets, but gradually the "pressure" will increase, forming a stream, and the pumping procedure will go much easier.

  • In the process of pumping, you can take a short pause, during which you can also additionally massage your breasts. The breast pump does not need to be removed at this time. When a woman has expressed milk from one breast, it is necessary to start this process with the other breast.
  • The entire pumping procedure is fairly quick, on average it will take no more than 15 minutes.
  • Please note that if 5 minutes have passed since the start of expressing, and milk has not appeared, you must stop this procedure.
  • When the pumping process has come to an end, and the milk has been completely removed from the mammary glands, it is necessary to carefully disconnect the pear breast pump, close the container with the milk with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Wipe your chest with a damp towel, and thoroughly wash and dry all parts of this device.
  • When putting breast milk in the refrigerator, remember that it can be stored there for no more than 2 days. It is better not to leave it on the refrigerator door, but place the container in the middle on the shelf. Milk can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.
  • When expressing, a woman should not experience painful sensations. If they appear, you need to take a break and give the mammary gland a little rest. At this time, you can start pumping from the other breast. An error in the assembly of the device can also cause painful sensations. If the device was assembled and attached correctly, and the painful sensations during pumping persist, you should consult a doctor for advice.

For an overview of the Chicco breast pump, see the following video.

It has been proven that children raised on breast milk have much fewer health problems, they have stronger immunity and a stable emotional state. Perhaps there is no stronger connection in the world than a mother and her newborn baby.

Despite such a rosy statement about the benefits of breast milk, there is a widespread opinion regarding the feeding process itself. For many women, it is given with great difficulty, because it is not so easy.

It is necessary to take care of your own breast, to worry about normal milk production. Many different tools help in this. One of the most popular is the breast pump. There is a lot of controversy regarding this device regarding its necessity.

There is simply no single consensus regarding pumping. Experts interpret this issue in different ways. Someone believes that this must be done, while others, on the contrary, are sure of a waste of time. Moreover, you will also add unnecessary problems to yourself.

Summing up all the pros and cons, one can only say one thing. It is worth approaching the issue on an individual basis. Proven to be thanks to pumping.

However, if a child already eats all the milk that is in the female body, while he is recovering and does not suffer from weight deficiencies or health problems, then such a mother does not need to express.

The main criteria by which you can track the need for pumping:

  1. Breast milk can last several days in the refrigerator.
    Mom, pumping, can safely leave home, go about her business. The baby will only be offered a bottle with a nipple at the right time, from which the desired breast milk will pour.
  2. Periodically it is necessary to feel the breast.
    In the event that dense and hard lumps have formed, it is necessary. This will prevent lactostasis. At the same time, watch carefully for the presence of seals. It is much easier and better to break them up early on. Lactostasis itself can result in fever and a complete lack of breast milk.
  3. The body can not always produce the right amount of breast milk.
    In this case, the breast pump will become a kind of stimulating drug that will help to produce fluid in the right amount.

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Application of the hand-held device Avent

Using simple instructions for expressing, you can exclude development.

  1. It is imperative to boil all parts of the device before using the device.
    To do this, carefully disassemble into several parts and place in a pot of hot water. Boil for a few minutes and turn off heat.
  2. Before using the manual breast pump, wash your hands with soap and water.
    At the same time, the same cannot be done with the breast. Soap has a negative effect on the nipples, contributing to the appearance of cracks.
  3. Gently take the nipple in your hand and place it in the center of the device.
    At the same time, everything must be done extremely carefully so that there are no injuries and health problems. Try not to pinch your nipple. Do not rush to work with a manual breast pump.
  4. Press down on the plunger or use another type of mechanical device.
    At the same time, lightly massage your chest with your other hand. You can't put pressure on her. A gentle massage is required.
  5. There is no need to pump to an empty breast.
    As soon as you feel relief, you can stop this work. The stuffed chest already starts flowing on its own with the slightest movement, so you don't have to push the plunger too hard.
  6. After you have expressed milk, the entire appliance must be rinsed.
    To do this, take it apart and rinse it well using special products.

Not all milk can be drunk immediately by a child. You don't have to worry about this. Place the remaining liquid in a container. By the way, breast fluid can be frozen. Moreover, it is stored in the freezer for up to six months.

Using a breast pump with an electrical device

Be sure to read the instructions carefully before starting to work with the device.

The special silicone breast pump attachment should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. This can be done with ordinary boiled water. In fact, the minimum difficulties in working with the device cannot even arise, since this tool is the most convenient, accessible and understandable.

The advantages of the mechanical method are obvious:

  1. The comfortable silicone nozzle promotes more milk production.
  2. Mom does not have fatigue, because in a matter of minutes a bottle can fill, and at this time a woman will have to press only one button, while continuing to rest.
  3. Initially, set a special pressure and pumping rate - later the device will remember the whole range of actions and will repeat them every time.
  4. Manual Philips AVENT breast pump assembly

    To make the pumping process as fast and simple as possible, a young mother should bend forward slightly. That will allow the milk to flow much faster through the channels.

    As a rule, on average, each breast is pumped until completely empty for 15 minutes, but this should only be done in case of poor milk production.

    If a woman needs to stimulate breastfeeding and increase the available fluid several times, then she must necessarily express herself as much as possible. At the same time, both breasts are pumped at once.

    If you have difficulties with the process itself, then you need to think about what you are doing wrong. By the way, in this case, you can outsmart the body a little. Expression is assisted by the body's production of oxytocin. It can be artificially supported by a warm bath or hot milk tea.


    Do not despair in any case if the first time you did not succeed. Each organism is individual, perhaps you did not fit the features for yourself. Often it is only necessary to sit comfortably or look at the child.

    At this time, prolactin is produced, which, in turn, affects the quality and quantity of breast milk.