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How to open a clothing manufacturing business. Shop food production how to open a business


The range of directions of mini-productions is quite wide.

This may be the production of building materials: silicate brick, foam blocks, paving, marble tiles, polystyrene foam and others.

Food industry: brewery, bakeries, mills, alcohol, growing, production of phyto-tea, dry breakfasts.

Service sphere: laundry, dry cleaning.

Other activities: production of plastic packaging, plastic windows, furniture.

Choose, what kind of small business you would like to do.

If you have a garage, you will be more profitable for building materials needed for this equipment has minimal dimensions, so it can be easy to accommodate.

You can also deal with the cultivation of mushrooms, with the condition for permanent maintaining a certain temperature.

Mini production in the food industry implies the presence of specially equipped workshops, in compliance with the norms of the SES.

For the production of windows and furniture requires special bulky equipment, so they need a large area for them.

Develop a business plan, decide on the sum of the initial capital. Check out business plans for small businesses that are offered on the Internet. Measure with experienced people experienced in this matter, they can know about some pitfalls that you may not take into account when making a business plan.

Find funds for opening production. If the required amount is already available - this is a huge plus, and the solution to the issue of financing disappears.

When there is no initial capital, take money in duty from familiar, relatives or credit in the bank.

Banks are very reluctant to give loans to open a new business, so if you take money in a bank, do not voicate the fact that they are needed on the opening of mini-production. Better take several consumer loans - it will be more realistic. Adequately appreciate your solvency for further repayment of these loans.

Register your enterprise as an IP (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). Evaluate how safer and more profitable to you to register the organization, which taxation system is more suitable how it will be more convenient to keep accounting.

Purchase the necessary equipment, raw materials and materials for the selected business. Organize production in accordance with the requirements of fire and technical security.

Get the coordination of the SES (SanEpidemstation), fire services.

Hire employees of the relevant qualifications (preferably experienced) and proceed to work.

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The organization of its own production for the production of any product is in several stages and implies the complication of the opening and registration process. To create your production you need to have manufacturing equipment and room. The process of organization of production can be conventionally indicated by several stages.


Search for the desired idea. Not every idea turns out to be successful in the process of its implementation. The choice of ideas is huge - from, to the business of nails. It is best to choose the branch in which you are well understanding - I had to deal with the kind of activity, there is a positive or this cherished dream.

Search for premises. If you are planning work, then the requirements for the choice of the room are presented with a strict - production workshop must be inspected by SanEpidemstancy and meet all the requirements of relevant legislation. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room also has the minimum necessary dimensions that are calculated for each type.

Many people, mostly young people dream of how to get away from the performance of daily, already boring work, not see more than their boss. But, in most cases, such dreams are so dreams and remain due to uncertainty in their power and laziness. Some do not have the necessary initial capital, others are afraid of responsibility, and the third does not have any business idea at all.

What is better to start and what to do? It would seem, for a long time ago, everything is disassembled, in business there is a constant and big competition, and it is not necessary to stick out if there is no need for tie and big money. In fact, there are a large number of different options how to open a small production. With the right approach, it will be able to give its owner independence, money, as well as the opportunity to enjoy his work.

1. Find a suitable idea and choose the appropriate direction for your activities. The most suitable for small production are directions for the manufacture of food or building materials.

2. Find the necessary initial capital. If there is a completely all starting amount or part of it, then it is very good. If not, then you need to lend from relatives, friends familiar. No need to fully count on banks. After all, get a loan under good interest, a novice individual entrepreneur is very difficult. In addition, there are still some government programs aimed at assisting in the development of small and medium-sized businesses, but they provide small amounts.

3. Create a business plan. This can be done independently, order or purchase from specialists, as well as consult with specialists in this matter, learning the carefully the issue of fine production using appropriate literature or the Internet for this. Here is the main requirement - the plan must be realistic. Analyze the carefully sales market and the availability of competition.

4. If you have not yet made entrepreneurial activities, you need to register your IP or LLC, but it is previously necessary to study all the positive and negative sides of each of the forms of activity. When making documents, you need to be patient. You need to find out what you need to get permissions, licenses, documents.

5. Next, you need to determine which room you need. You can start a small production at home. Provided that you live not in the apartment, but in a private house. To do this, you can use your own garage as an industrial premises. You can also rent a suitable room, but it is necessary to proceed from the features of its activities.

6. When there is a room, you can proceed with the purchase of necessary equipment and raw materials. If staff is needed, then it is necessary to approach this process with full responsibility.

In principle, all, you can start working. While training is being prepared, you need to think about advertising. Outdoor advertising, Internet, radio, newspapers, and so on - you need to use all existing options.

Business Ideas Production of Building Materials

A good idea for small businesses is the opening of the production of foam concrete or aerated concrete. The process of their manufacture is simple, but these materials are in great demand. It is possible to start the production of such system materials even in a regular garage. All the necessary inventory does not take a lot of space, and it can be easily placed in a small room. Firms that make equipment for such small plants themselves are installed, set up and launch production lines, conduct personnel training. Such work does not require working high qualifications.

Foam concrete is a new, budget and has already managed to conquer the popularity material. It is harmless and durable, applied during the construction of walls, partitions in the house, roofs, and also with thermal insulation of the house. Due to its low cost and high consumer qualities (fire resistance, low density), foam concrete blocks changed the construction process. In terms of its characteristics, this material is close to the tree, such blocks can be processed (drill, saw, mill). Finish or other materials can be selected to them with nails.

To open its own production, it is necessary:

  • Installation for the manufacture of foam concrete, its average cost ranges from 5 to 10 thousand dollars.
  • Forms for blocks, ten-twenty pieces. Depending on the volume, one form costs 1 thousand dollars.
  • Raw materials: cement, foaming agent - several thousand dollars.

As a result, 30-35 thousand dollars can organize production, with a capacity of 20 cubes per shift. Profit from one cube is 30 dollars. The amount turns out quite impressive. If you suddenly do not have such a sum of money, but you have an insistent desire, skillful hands, then you do not need to immediately refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opening of its production of building materials.

To date, the necessary foam concrete equipment can be made independently with minimal cost. All the information you need: drawings, characteristics of material, equipment, production technology can be safely found on the Internet or on bookshelves in specialized stores.

In such a case, all the necessary costs of manufacturing equipment will be about $ 500, and payback period will be several days. The need to purchase expensive forms will disappear. They can also be made independently and the size you need. There is a technology of about 40 dollars. You can resort to an intermediate version: part of the equipment and machines purchase, and the part is made independently. Whether it will be necessary to save and on what materials - depends entirely on you.

Features of the production of aerated concrete

Open the workshop and to improve the production of aerated concrete is much more complicated. The technology of making aerated concrete has small differences from the manufacturing process of foam concrete. But, if it is necessary to take into account the possible danger of both for the employees themselves and for people living nearby. For example, there are cases of poisoning of people and animals. To open the production of aerated concrete, it is necessary to have a special permission to work with hazardous waste. We need to have special equipment and high-quality materials.

So, before opening your small production plant for the production of materials, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and everything is well calculated, including in the plan as the cost of equipment and the cost of materials. Only after all positive and negative sides are calculated, the most optimal option is selected. The workflow itself is not complicated and can be organized at home. Small production, whatever you discover, will serve for you a good opportunity to organize your way and small, but then an income business.

  • Realization of modular paintings
  • Coffins from chipboard
  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions for opening
        • Related business ideas:

We bring to your attention the ten best business ideas for mini-production, which can be organized in a small workshop or garage. Most of the products presented below can be carried out by one - two people.

Modular patterns - fashion trend in home and office interior decoration. This product is good in demand and is purchased as a gift and simply for the design of walls (for example, for family photo).

Technology production of modular paintings

Modular patterns are made of subframes and fabrics to which the image is applied. Production technology is not difficult and everyone can master it. Finished subframes are purchased from private wood masters (or purchased in stores), and the image on the fabric is printed using a conventional plotter.

Realization of modular paintings

Modular patterns are implemented through individual orders, specialized shops and hypermarkets, as well as in the format of live advertising (on lively streets). Retail price for modular patterns begins from 4 thousand rubles. Not a complex business that is organized in a small workshop. Read more ...

Wooden pallet - extremely popular goods in the logistics. Almost every industrial and commercial enterprise that sells products by large parties needs pallets that greatly facilitate the loading and unloading of goods.

Palon production technology

In small "garage", the pallets are made in manual, with a pneumatic hammer. The main complexity is to produce the most thin planks that form the framework of the product. For cutting such boards, special multiple frame machines are used (for example, RM-50). The average price is 500 000 r. The approximate cost of one wooden pallet is 120 r., While retail is at least 200 rubles. "Navar" from 80 p. from one pallet. Production of 100 pallets per day will be proceeding about 8 000 r. How to quickly make a pallet:

Coffins from chipboard

You can say a 100% option is the business idea of \u200b\u200bproducing coffins from chipboard (or other cheap materials). Ritual services Always are in demand, regardless of the crisis. Dear Coffins may not go, but the budget (economy) in the conditions of the crisis will be accumulated only. A chipboard is used as a frame of economy-coffin, and bete velvet or cloth. The cost of production of a unit of products is 2 - 3 thousand rubles. By the customer, this option costs 4 - 6 thousand rubles.

Good demand in the spring-summer period enjoy gardening figures to decorate the nauded and summer sections. The manufacturing technology of such products is limited and reduces to the pouring of the pre-prepared mixture to the finished form. After drying the figure, it remains only to paint the pulverizer. The only difficulty in this case is to buy the same forms that are not cheap.

Garden figures made of plaster (cheaper option), concrete or polystone. The most common ways to implement: deliveries to large construction and hypermarkets, as well as sale near the tracks with a large stream of cars. Profitability of business at the production of garden figures is estimated at 35%. Read more ...

A good idea for small business is the production of reinforced concrete rings. This product is extremely in demand during the construction of wells, ventilation mines and bridges. In view of the fact that rings are sufficiently heavy and their delivery is extremely expensive pleasure, large producers of this product are not so much. And therefore, there is no vast competition and pressure from the federal players. This is one of the best products for small production.

What attracts in this idea is a relatively inexpensive start and understandable technology. The minimum set of equipment, including a concrete mixer, vibroform and vibrating, will cost approximately 150,000 p. All this "line" can fit on an open area at 100 - 200 square meters. m. The main thing to choose a flat horizontal surface. The main raw material for the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings is: reinforcement frame, cement, crushed stone, sand and plasticizing additives. Sewage GBB Ring with a diameter of 1 m at cost is 800 - 1300 p. The minimum implementation price is 2000 p. The markup is about 100%! Read more ...

One of the most suitable ideas for home mini-production is the manufacture of silicone or polyurethane forms. Such forms are most often used for the production of decorative stone. The technology is quite simple, and from the equipment, mostly requires only "hands" of the master. To begin with, a sample is bought, according to which there will be a future matrix (form). Everyone is easier to copy samples from natural stone. The first, where they start - cut the sample of stone with a thin layer and glue on a flat surface. Then the formwork is created for pouring polyurethane. Sealing joints. After the master model is ready, a separation agent is applied to the surface of the model. Next is preparing a polyurethane mixture. The most popular version is polyurethane ECARAST RT 45A. The resulting mixture is poured into the model and withstand 4 to 5 hours. The form is ready!

The retail price of silicone shape begins from 1800 p. Extra charge not less than 100%. You can sell such products (and necessary) via the Internet. So, according to the Vordstat (Yandex statistics), the phrase "buy a form for the production of stone" is looking for about 9000 times a month! At the same time, competition is practically absent. How the silicone form is manufactured visually shown in the following video:

The proven idea of \u200b\u200bhomemade mini production is the manufacture of cakes to order. The idea is not better suitable for homemade baking lovers.

With the advent of social networks, advertising such a business has become easier. Colorful cakes, some of which cost more than 6000 p. (Moscow, Peter), laid out in the photo albums that browse potential customers. Such cakes are most often ordered on birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and corporate events. It is worth considering that making cakes To order is seasonal. Most of the orders fall on the spring, while silence comes in the summer, since people travel around vacation. The profitability of this business is estimated at 70%.

Extremely fashionable recently is the decoration of children's rooms by the shelves. This mini-furniture combines two useful features in itself. Firstly, this thing looks cool, and secondly - you can put toys, flowers, different trifles, etc. At the same time, the house-shelf can not only be put on the floor, but also hang on the wall. Thus, he will not take place at all.

In general, the goods use in high demand, it is ordered on the Internet and buy in furniture stores. The production of houses - shelves - a great option for a small family business, which can be organized in fact in the "garage conditions".

Technology production of shelves' houses

Materials for a house can be bought, in so to speak ready-made form. That is, you take the finished cabinet shelves, horizontal shelves, boards 10x3 cm, glue for wood, nails, etc., cut the desired dimensions and collect design. If you figure out for machines and produce the cabinet shelf yourself, the income will be even higher, since the cost of material is reduced. The lodge size of 600 * 400 mm will cost at least 3000 p. (prices can be found in online stores). While the cost of material is no more than 1000 p. "Navar" consider themselves. The main condition for the success of such business is the availability of good masters. In principle, collect the house-shelf with even beginners. On the next video, a similar housewife collects such a design:

Pillow for pregnant women - a specific product that is bought, as follows from the name only on a specific occasion. But it does not make it low cost-effective. On the contrary, the markup on the pillows for pregnant women is several times higher than on classic options. Thus, the price of an ordinary pillow of an artificial filler is an average of 500 p., Whereas for pregnant women - at least 1100 p. At the same time, the material and filler, in fact, the same.

From ordinary, cushions for pregnant women are distinguished by their unusual design, which can take the shape of a horseshoe or bagel to maintain head and abdomen. The main purpose of such pillows is the most convenient to adjust the human body and ensure comfort during the rest. For a small manufacturer, this product is interesting because it, unlike ordinary pillows, is very often buying on the Internet. Therefore, with a sale much less problems. Can make a small site, Place advertising on social networks, Avito, etc. There are many options in Officon. For example, rent products to specialized stores for future mothers. The cushion production shop can carry a majority function. That is, you buy nage of tick or microfiber fabric, cut the desired dimensions, make cotton covers, biazi, satin. As a filler, a holofiber or artificial swan fluff can be used.

The article will teach you to sell goods through the Internet:

How to make money on Avito - Tips and types of earnings.

Survived goods for private houses and baths are metal furnaces. A variety of fireplaces, burzhuyki even in garages. Not rare such furnaces require an individual approach (each client needs their own sizes and bulls). Therefore, in addition to generally accepted standards, you can perform furnaces under the order.

Making a small oven for one person in a mini shop. Materials will require metal sheets, pipes, and from tools - welding machine, protective mask, hammer, set of electrodes and Bulgarian. Earnings with one sold part will largely depend on the high cost of purchased material. Well, and the trade markup, respectively. So, 3,000 - 6,000 rubles can be used to produce an elementary bath furnace, while it is possible to implement it at a price of 10 000 r.

Step-by-step opening plan

  1. 1. Register the enterprise.
  2. Rent or buy premises for production.
  3. Purchase materials and equipment necessary for production.
  4. Hire employees.
  5. To do the sale of manufactured products.

How much money you can make money on mini-businesses

It all depends on the type of mini-business:

  1. If this is the production of modular paintings, then the implementation of one picture is from 4,000 rubles.
  2. 2. The cost of production of 1 pallet is 120 rubles, and it can be implemented for 200 rubles.
  3. The profitability of the production of coffins from the chipboard is 100%.
  4. The profitability of gardens figures from the gypsum is 35%.
  5. The production of the reinforced concrete ring will cost 800-1 300 rubles, it is possible to implement it for 2,000 rubles.
  6. The markup of the production of polyurethane forms is 100%.
  7. Profitability of cakes to order -70%.
  8. The production of houses - shelves will cost 1,000 rubles, and they can be implemented at a price of 3,000 rubles.
  9. The cost of the pillows for pregnant women is 2 times higher than the usual.
  10. 3,000-6,000 rubles will be spent on the production of a metal furnace - bourgearies, and it is possible to implement it for 10,000 rubles.

How much money is needed for the start of the business.

Again, it all depends on the type of mini production. For some types of mini-business, you can not rent a premises, but use your garage or room in the private sector, and the production of cakes to order can be established at home. For others, it is necessary to rent a production workshop. In some types of business, you need to use hired work, and, accordingly, expenses will increase. If you want to make well earn, and you have an initial capital for investing, read currency catalogSuppose to understand the intricacies of investment and offer you ready-made solutions.

Which OKVED indicate to register

OKVED 2 16.24- Production of wooden containers. OKVED 20.75 Manufacture of other finished metal products. OKVED 26.66 Production of other products made from concrete, plaster, cement. OKVED 2 13.92 Production of finished textiles, except clothing. OKVED 10.72.2 Production of cakes and pastry for long-term storage.

What are the documents for opening

This business will require a package of documents related to production. It is necessary to register a business entity: it can be an individual entrepreneur or limited Liability Company. The prepared documents should be submitted to state authorities or in multifunctional public services centers (MFC). It is also necessary to submit documents to the Tax Inspectorate, choose the form of taxation, to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

Taxation system

For IP, it is better to apply a simplified tax system (USN). There are two types of taxation: USN - "Revenues", with a rate of 6% of taxation and USN "Revenues minus costs", with a bet of 15% of taxation. You can apply a single tax on the sane income (UNVD). Enterprises that chose this type of tax pay a single tax, but are exempt from the payment of property tax, profits and VAT.

  • for men
  • for one person
  • for students and young people
  • Nowadays, a person who has led to the opening of its production, has not just to find an idea for its further implementation.

    To implement the conceived, it is necessary to analyze market demand and suggestions, evaluate competitive forces, calculate investments, risks, development prospects and profits.

    Production is always profitable

    Against the background of falling income of large and small firms, whose activities are related to stock markets and trade, the attractiveness of production is growing.

    It is clearly becoming more profitable to them than "buy-sell" in any manifestations.

    Especially attractive becomes the production of small and medium-sized businesses, the discovery of which does not require inbox capital investments, but it promises good profits.

    The stereotype "without starting capital to start a successful business is impossible," continues to be bought over many novice entrepreneurs.

    In the very same case, with good prospects and competent management, the opening of its production, not a simple, but the real goal.

    Each person is able to achieve success, opening its production and improving a faced business idea.

    If only 100% sure that:

    • The selected product it will produce with absolute knowledge and great pleasure.
    • A new producer will be able to offer consumers the product is not in the only name, but in the form of an assortment line.

    Ideas for business from scratch

    If you are going to start your business without investments, then, of course, it makes sense to give preference to a small production workshop.

    If we talk about the start of production from scratch, 10 options are presented with the most attractive.

    1. Semi-finished products. Frozen dumplings, cutlets, dumplings, spanners, pancakes - all this is happy to buy consumers who have no time to stand at the stove. Therefore, with a good value ratio - the quality of this type of product, good sales is guaranteed.
    2. Muesli bars. Tasty and healthy food with a variety of stuffing (here you have a rich assortment). The costs of raw materials and equipment will be about 300 thousand rubles, and they can be filled with a successful market for six months.
    3. Mini bakery. Also does not require special costs, however, this business has a disadvantage: in your area or city, the market may already be busy with fresh bakery products. If this is so - you can furnish especially delicious pies or produce sheet dough, surpass competitors with quality, assortment and uniqueness.
    4. Handmade soap. It is definitely possible to start production at home, and over time, when the profit will appear - to purchase equipment and rent a premises, spending about 500 thousand rubles.
    5. Furniture under the order. The demand for original cabinets, tables and chairs for individual sizes are considerable. The ability to make them according to the author's sketches, which can come with experience - a good way to successful.
    6. Nails. First you can purchase a wire-clove machine, used, or a new model of an old sample. Such proposals can be found on sale and their cost will be about 100 thousand rubles. Raw materials are also not expensive, and buyers for the construction product will always have.
    7. Slagoblocks and other building materials. Many types of building materials can be done without investments - at home, equipping a garage or a barn for these purposes. Many build a lot in Russia - it will not be to lie down.
    8. Paving tile. The thing is as desired and in demand. Equipment for its manufacture of vibrolying method will cost 200 thousand rubles.
    9. Tombstones made of concrete. No matter how sad, the demand for this type of product is always there will be. The investment in equipment is approximately 70 thousand rubles. Technology is not too difficult to master.
    10. Mini typography. The equipment is required for small batch of printing products, and therefore inexpensive. And you need such products to many firms and institutions - there are chances of occupying your niche.

    And in this topic, consider business options without investments. You will find out where to draw ideas and which sphere to choose.

    New ideas

    Many novice businessmen are attracted to the search for a completely new and unique idea that would occupy a free niche in the market.

    Their logic "less competitors - more profit" understand it is not difficult. New ideas for their own production appear constantly.

    What makes the novelties attract attention today?

    Lego-bricks - The newest word in the production of building materials. Of these, the unprofessional builder can build the walls of the house, as children build houses from the constructor cubes.

    This type of sticing material from sand or lesions of rubble, by the method of vibratingressing.

    Everything you need is a vibropress that allows you to make bricks relevant GOST, and a small room with a suitable wiring. Profit can be obtained fast and considerable.

    Glowing balloons. Wonderful decoration of all sorts of holidays - weddings, corporate events, school evenings, opening new restaurants and nightclubs and MN. It is possible to start making manually, without significant costs. This production is quite profitable and quickly paid off.

    Heating gloves. The heater works on batteries or batteries, reacts to heating hands - if they are already warm, turns off. Heating equipment that has spent its resource can be removed, and the buyer's gloves will still serve. The minus of this production is not easy to purchase the necessary equipment, it is not enough, and profit from such an enterprise, only seasonal.

    Stages of the organization of own production

    1. Business plan. Mandatory for novice manufacturer Guide, briefly and accurately describing the estimated project - production and sales of goods, start-up capital (no matter how small) and its sources, planned income, expenses, forecasts, risks and MND. We note, the business planning is unreasonable to neglect, because if you "steer your business blind, you will not leave."
    2. Registration of a business entity. If necessary, it is also obtaining a number of permits, passing all the inspections and certifications provided for by the law.
    3. Search and renting the room. It is skipped if it is decided to start with the manufacture of products at home.
    4. Buying and installing equipment. In some cases, this should be technological preparation of production.
    5. Hiring staff. Not required if you decide to do everything on your own and really manage without subordinates.
    6. Supplying the production of raw materials and everything else necessary for uninterrupted production of products.

    Depending on the selected business, the stages of the organization may be greater.

    It should also be taken into account that everything happens smoothly on paper, and in reality, production, even in small business, the process is complex, requiring the ability to quickly and effectively solve many questions, sometimes completely unexpected.

    However, a person truly loving his work is or becoming a knowledgeable specialist, to whom everything is on the shoulder.

    In this article:

    Concrete is one of the most sought-after building materials used in repair and construction work. This material is used by everything from small private farms to large industrial enterprises. The demand for concrete is constant, and peak value reaches a period favorable for construction - from May to October. Therefore, the opening of a mini-plant for the production of this material is a profitable business that will bring regular income.

    On registration of the enterprise for the production of concrete

    1. To open the plant, you need to register a legal entity (LLC). This organizational and legal form should be chosen because it is safer and provides more opportunities for doing this business.

    In case of failure, the founders of LLC risk only by authorized capital.

    Before the start of production activities, it is also necessary to choose one of the tax systems: the total tax system) or the USN (simplified tax system).

    If the income from the commissioning of the plant for the production of concrete will not exceed 60 million rubles, then it is preferable to choose USN, as this system frees from payment of income tax, VAT, property tax.

    Otherwise, you should choose. With this tax system, it is necessary to maintain account. Accounting and paying all general taxes.

    2. In the process of registration of organizational and legal documents, it will be necessary to indicate the following oKVED code: 26.63 - "Production of commercial concrete".

    3. To organize a technological process, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the standards:

    • GOST 26633-91 - "Concretes are heavy and fine-grained. That ";
    • GOST 27006-86 - "Concretes. The rules for the selection of the composition ";
    • GOST 10060.0-95 - "Methods for determining frost resistance";
    • GOST 10181-2000 - "Concrete mixtures - test methods";
    • GOST 18105 - 86 - "Concretes - Rules of Strength Control".

    Technology of concrete production

    Applied in construction in accordance with the regulatory document - GOST 25192. Concrete is classified by brands, classes and its characteristics. In this business plan, we will consider only important and useful information necessary for the production of concrete mix.


    For the preparation of a classic solution, such raw materials are required:

    1. Cement is a binder that is the basis of a concrete mix. It is a gray powder crystallizing and frozen with moisture.
    2. Construction sand. According to GOST 8736-93, sand is a bulk material, the size of the grades of which should not exceed 0.5 mm.
    3. Crushed stone is a useful fossil with grains of more than 5 mm produced by crushing gravel, rocks or slags.
    4. Ballast is a mixture of gravel and sand. It is best for the production of concrete a mixture with a ratio of 1: 3 (one piece of river sand into three small gravel crumbs). This composition is sometimes referred to as the "shared mixture".
    5. Water. For the manufacture of concrete mixture, only clean water without foreign inclusions is used. There is no clearly established water consumption norms, since its costs are determined by the humidity of other raw materials.

    Concrete production includes the following steps:

    1. Preparation of raw materials

    Usually, operations for the preparation of raw materials are the removal of polluting impurities, crushing the aggregates, are carried out at the enterprises that they are delivered on sale. On a plant for the production of concrete, only special measures are performed (preparation of chemical additives, grinding cement, heated placeholders) when they need a need. Since the implementation of these operations entails additional costs of paying utilities and the purchase of special equipment. These operations include: the production of solutions of chemical additives, cement grinding, heated aggregates during the cold season.

    Consider each of the events:

    • preparation of chemical additives - the process of dissolving in clean water additives, followed by setting a certain concentration of the solution. To perform this procedure, containers with pipelines system, which are designed to mix the solutions of chemical additives by compressed air.
    • cement grinding can be made of wet and dry method. Thanks to this operation, you can speed up the process of solidification of the final material - concrete. However, the activation (grinding) of cement is not always carried out, as it requires additional energy costs and the availability of special equipment.
    • hepage of the aggregates is made in special bunkers or on covered warehouses.

    The steps of heating of aggregates can be carried out by one of two methods:

    1. Transmission of hot air, steam or gas through the aggregate. This method is more economical, but for its implementation, it is necessary to conduct activities aimed at reducing steam losses;
    2. Contact method of heating combs and steam tubes that are placed in bunkers.

    2. Dosing mixture

    Dosing - Measuring the flow rate of raw materials on a concrete mix.

    Typically, the plants use weight dispensers, thanks to which it is possible to measure the consumption of cement, water with a minimum error. If concrete production is carried out in field conditions, volumetric dispensers are applied to measure. During this operation, it is necessary to take into account the moisture content of the components, especially the sand.

    3. Stirring

    Cement and fillers are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Depending on the characteristics and type of concrete mixture, various mixing methods use. If the concrete mixture consists of coarse-grained moving mixtures with aggregate and dense breeds, it is advisable to apply gravitational concrete mixing plants.

    In such equipment, stirring is carried out as a result of multiple dropping and lifting materials from a given height during the rotation of the drum mixer.

    Stirring of light concrete and fine-grained mixtures is performed in concrete mixing equipment of forced action. In this equipment, a homogeneous mass is obtained as a result of mixing materials with blades and other devices. Sometimes the enterprises produced a vibrating process. This method ensures the activation of cement, which has a positive effect on concrete strength.

    The quality of this process directly depends on the duration. The insufficient duration of this operation can lead to a deterioration in the properties of the concrete mix.

    Equipment for a concrete mini plant

    Usually, automated lines are used on stationary and mobile mini-plants for concrete production. Such lines include the following equipment:

    1. Silos for cement. 40 m 3, 60 tons. Price - 477 900 rubles.
    2. Dispenser for aggregates (facial concrete - Fig. 5). Price - 260,000 rubles.
    3. Facility for facial concrete (Fig. 6). Price - 43,300 rubles.
    4. Mixer for the main concrete (Fig. 7). Price - 46,540 rubles.
    5. Auger (Fig. 8). Price - 135 000 rubles.
    6. Dispenser for aggregates (main concrete) (Fig. 9). Price - 320,000 rubles.
    7. Ribbon conveyor (Fig. 10). Productivity - 50 m 3 per hour. The diameter can be 200, 400, 500 mm. Price - 90 000 rubles.
    8. Decretent. The price is 100,000 rubles.
    9. Lift. Price - 50 000 rubles.
    10. Returnable exit conveyor. Price - 95 000 rubles.
    11. Rail loader. Price - 80 000 rubles.
    12. Plate conveyor. Price - 50 000 rubles.
    13. Dispensers of cement and water. Price - 150,000 rubles.
    14. Cabin control panel (Fig. 11). The price is 100,000 rubles.

    Total cost of equipment is 1,997,740 rubles.

    Business Plan for Concrete Factory

    The building material manufacturing plant must include the following units:

    1. Cement warehouse;
    2. Aggregate warehouse;
    3. Boiler room;
    4. Administrative and household combine;
    5. Auxiliary service unit.

    Premises for these divisions will be built. It is planned that the company will produce the following products:

    1. Heavy concrete (m 250) - annual production - 360,000 m 3;
    2. Heavy concrete (m 350) - annual production - 640 000 m 3.

    Total - 1,000,000 m 3.

    Capital expenditures

    Costs for CMR (construction and installation work) - 280,786,000 rubles;

    Equipment costs - 1,997,740 rubles;

    Other costs - 20,315,500 rubles;

    TOTAL: 303 099 240 rubles.

    Costs of raw materials and materials

    The need for raw materials and materials is established on the basis of the norms of consumption of these components per unit of production or annual production.

    For the manufacture of the annual volume of concrete M 250, the following raw materials costs:

    1. For the production of the annual volume of concrete M-250:

    • cement - 13860000 tons;
    • crushed stone - 28800 m 3;
    • sand - 16500 m 3.

    2. For the production of the annual volume of concrete M-350:

    • cement - 26880000 tons;
    • crushed stone - 48,000 m 3;
    • sand - 28,800 m 3.

    Calculate the cost of buying raw materials:

    1. For the production of concrete M-250:

    • cement: 138600 tons * 2800 rubles \u003d 388,080,000 rubles.
    • on crushed stone: 28800 m 3 * 900 rubles \u003d 25 920 000 rubles.
    • on the sand: 16500 m3 * 500 rubles \u003d 8,250,000 rubles.

    2. For the production of concrete M-350:

    • cement: 26880 tons * 3000 rubles \u003d 80,640,000 rubles.
    • on crushed stone: 48,000 m 3 * 700 rubles \u003d 33,600,000 rubles.
    • on the sand: 28800 m 3 * 600 rubles \u003d 17 280,000 rubles.

    Total: 553,770,000 rubles.

    Payroll costs

    To launch a concrete plant, the following personnel needed:

    • administrative and management staff - 5 people;
    • for a concrete mixing shop - 9 workers;
    • to the cement warehouse - 12 workers;
    • to the aggregate warehouse - 9 workers;
    • for the block of subsidiary services - 10 workers;
    • drivers - 4 workers;

    TOTAL in the plant - 49 workers.

    Annual wage fund includes such expenses:

    • s / n administrative and management personnel - 4,800,000 rubles;
    • s / n working concrete mixing shop - 4,320,000 rubles;
    • s / n workers in the warehouse of cement - 4,320,000 rubles;
    • s / n workers in the warehouse of aggregates - 3,240,000 rubles;
    • s / n workers for the block of subsidiary services - 2,400,000 rubles;
    • s / P for drivers - 960,000 rubles.

    Total: 20,040,000 rubles.

    Other costs

    Indirect costs (per year) - 250,000 rubles per year.

    The cost of maintenance and operation of equipment (per year) - 186,679,000 rubles;

    Workshop costs (per year) - 800,000,000 rubles.

    Mostlywater costs - 825,000,000 rubles.

    Total costs (per year) - 2,385,836,500 rubles per year.


    Revenue for the year (concrete sale):

    • heavy concrete (M-250) - 360,000 m 3 * 3900 rubles \u003d 1,404,000,000 rubles.
    • heavy concrete (M-350) - 640,000 m 3 * 4100 rubles \u003d 2,624,000,000 rubles.

    Total: 4,028,000,000 rubles.

    Annual revenue without VAT - 3,302,960,000 rubles.

    Calculation of technical and economic indicators:

    Net profit - 917 123 500 rubles.

    Profitability of production - 38%.

    Payback period - 303 099 240/917 123 500 \u003d 0, 33 years or about 4 months.


    Making calculations, we found that the payback period of the plant will be 4 months. This indicator shows that the sale of concrete is a profitable business and building material in demand in the market.