Repairs Design Furniture

The frame of the endo roof do it yourself. The rafting roof system with endoise: characteristic features and difficulties of installation. Slinge system with Yandhov M-shaped roofing

At first glance, the roof end device seems quite complicated and problematic process. Therefore, many consumers prefer to pay builders than to deal with this case on their own. In the article Next, we describe in more detail what Endow is, and also give detailed instructions for its construction.

Purpose of Radiabck

On the roofs of complex configurations that include several slopes at once, internal joints are inevitably. Snow precipitation, rainwater, as well as all sorts of garbage, are most often accumulated in such places. In addition, they are quite difficult to maintain.

UNDOVA, or Speeding - this is an element that is stacked along the inner corner of the roof under skates. It is intended to protect the design from the waterfront of water under roofing and provides free evacuation of precipitation from the roof surface.

The amount of funds will depend on such factors:

  1. Roof configuration - Cross-shaped, in the form of the letter T or G.
  2. The presence of additional elements, in particular, attic and auditory winds.

The structure of internal endanda

As a rule, an endander device from the professional flooring assumes the presence of two planks that are bent at an angle coinciding with the angle formed by the adjacent angular angle. At the same time, the lower element serves as a drain, and the top - is rather decorative.

In some cases, the upper piece of it is not installed. It depends on the type of roofing, as well as the features of the roof. Be that as it may, the competent implementation of the UNDOD compound ensures reliability and waterproofing of the roofing structure.

There are some rules of development of the suspension:

  1. The lower element of the end is laid before the roofing material fastening, and the upper one is completed.
  2. Nails are not applied to the installation of the suspension.
  3. Gather from the bottom upwards, sealing the seams of the bitumen-polymer mastic brand TEGOLA, bitumen-based sealants (TYTAN) or ICOPAL glue.
  4. Internal endow for the professional flooring is made of galvanized steel or copper, and external - from the roofing material. It is preferable to use a galvanized sheet with a polymer coating, which is capable of withstanding the temperature differences from -60 to 120.
  5. To ensure additional roof warming and prevent watering of water under the roofing material, along the ribs of the endanda, the foam foam sealing gasket is glued.
  6. You can fix the suspension either with the help of beasts per flights or by means of self-tales at the edges.
  7. Bursts are made at least 2 cm in height so that water is not overflowed with a strong rain.
  8. Shadowing is in contact with the end parts of the cable cutters.
  9. In cases where Endow for a professional flooring is collected from several segments, they are placed with the allen from 10 cm.
  10. On roofs with flat rods, reinforced waterproofing is necessary.

Varieties of rapid goods and their compounds

There are several types of roofs of the roof of the roof of the roof from the corrugated base based on the configuration of the junctions between the skates:

  • Outdoor suspension - occurs on low-tone roofs. In this case, additional waterproofing is necessary.
  • The closed type of Indo is inherent in the roofs that have steep slots almost touch, layering on the chute.
  • Ondov's intertwined - like a form reminds closed, however, in the joints of the joints, the roofing fragments are crossed, forming a single surface.

Consider the features of each type of endanda.

Outdoor suspension is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • The garbage does not accumulate on it.
  • The precipitates are quickly evacuated from the surface.
  • Installation work is performed quickly and easily.

If we talk about disadvantages, then such an endow looks not too beautiful.

Among the advantages of the discrepancies of a closed or intertwined type can be called:

But the disadvantages of such a design are significantly more:

  1. The intertwined ended is quite difficult to lay.
  2. The process takes a lot more time.
  3. Such a roof needs regular cleaning from garbage.
  4. During the thaws between the ramps, the appearance of ice traffic jams.

Schemes and types of crate on the rafter system

Depending on the intended roofing material and the scheme of the rafter system, the Undo device will be performed in different ways. In this case, refers to the type of crate. Recommendations on this account are usually indicated by manufacturers in the instructions for roofing.

The lamp under the laying of the suspension may be such species:

  1. The solid doome is performed for subsequent laying of soft roofing. In this case, the end roofing carpet is performed from the waterproofing material. Such a laying method is the most simple.
  2. A two-screw roof with an endau, in which slate, professional flooring or tile is used as a roofing cover, made of 2-3 boards of 10 cm in width, putting them along the junctions. The wider it is assumed by Endow, the greater the shave of the crate.
  3. For laying metal tile between the main shells of the crates are mounted auxiliary.
  4. Ondulin is laid on two boards of 10 cm wide with a step of 15 cm, thus the suspension will not be saved.

Features of the installation for professional flooring and other roofing materials

As already mentioned, the house with the endo roof is subjected to loads from rain and snow precipitation, which should be removed on time from its surface. In this regard, the arrangement of high-quality waterproofing is a paramount task. Consequently, when installing the discrepancy should be paid attention to such subtleties as: the correct trimming of the roofing material, adherence to the step between the supporting elements and fasteners, seamlessness of the seams, the size of the adhesive. Several difference will be only the technology of installing undersome from a soft roofing coating, which is placed on a solid basis.

Installation under the soft roof is done like this:

  1. A lining carpet is placed on a solid crate over the entire surface of the roof. At the joints of individual sheets, it stacked with the overtrib.
  2. Along the inner corner of the roof, the end carpet is covered. Its edges are fixed by bitumen mastic, and then nails are nails every 10-20 cm. From under the roofing material it should look at about 20 cm of the carpet.
  3. If the rash length exceeds 10 m, it is made from several parts, fixed in 15 cm. The edges of the planks are fixed by mastic.

Mounting technology of endanda under the professional flooring, ceramic or metal tile is:

  1. A layer of waterproofing is used on top of the base, which is nailed every 20 cm.
  2. Next, laying the lower element of the undersome with a small overlap of the cornice board, fixing it with self-draws every 30 cm.
  3. Along the edges, the lower gutter strips lays sealing tapes.
  4. The roofing material is trimmed along the suspension and fastened so that it does not reach the bend by 10 cm.
  5. The upper element of the end is mounted with an adhesive in 10-12 cm.

You can use the Karpo, Irwin, Interpool MT-2507 or Stayer to markup the cut line.

Installing a suspension for ondulin:

  1. Separate pieces of material for endhouse are mounted with overlapping at 15 cm with self-tapping screws in the upper corners of each fragment.
  2. The edges of the suspension are sampled by a sealing ribbon.
  3. The roofing coating along the angular element is cut and then naked into each wave as remotely from the middle of the gutter.

Features of the Endament device near the attic windows

Such roof designs, like an attic door or mansard windows, must also be hydroizing. The Endament device in such places involves the removal of its lower element to the correct coating.

The work scheme looks like this:

  1. Near the attic window is stuffed.
  2. Calculate the length of the suspension, given the possible adhesion, if it consists of several fragments.
  3. Place the place of bending at the bottom of the gutter.
  4. Feed off the closed areas in the opposite side of the side.
  5. Endaho slightly raise the level of the roof, bringing the bars under it.
  6. The edges are tape.
  7. The lower segment of the roofing coat is cut and applied under end planks.

Thus, UNDOVA is an extremely important and necessary element of the roof, which can be equipped with their own hands. It is important only to arm yourself with some knowledge and tools.

Endament device: Scheme of the rafter system, internal endow for professional flooring, connecting the roof of the house

Endament device: Scheme of the rafter system, internal endow for professional flooring, connecting the roof of the house

How to make endand on the roof

Increasingly, the roof has not only functional purpose. Often this particular element is a highlight of the building. Such roofs have many planes that are connected at different angles. Part of the compounds - with positive angles - is drawn up in the form of a skate, part - with negative - in the form of funds. So that in the attic it is always dry, the end of the roof must be done correctly.

Endowed roofs

On the roofs of complex forms, sharp corners are formed during the device of the protruding auditory windows. They are obtained in places connecting two slopes. The place of conjugation is called Endow, and roofs are rto.

What is Endowa

The roofs of complex forms look very decorative and are decoration of the building, but their design and device is not easy - the pairing of the planes is not easy. Due to the design features on these parts, the roof accounts for a large load: there are always a lot of snow and water. Therefore, the crate is made reinforced, and waterproofing measures are much more serious than on the rest of the surface.

Features of the rafter systems

Scrolls from different rods in endand can be connected under different angles (depends on the shape of the roof). At the connection site, a rafter foot is installed, to which rafters from the rods are attached. With a small length (up to 2 m), they are sufficiently fixed on nails (2 on each side), with a significant length of the connection, the compound is amplified by metal lining.

In the places of the greatest load (in the widest place), the rafter foot of the endand from the bottom is supported by dosy.

The bottom in the widest place is put a backup

At the junction of two rocks, the roof is a reinforced, and its device depends on the type of roofing material:

  • Under the metal tile in Undova, intermediate strips are installed - in the middle between the main. That is, in this place a step is two times less. The length of the additional slats should be greater than the width of the bottom of the fundament.

The doomle is twice as often

Under the straightener, slate and ceramic tile need two or three boards on each side

Under Ondulin between two boards should be a gap of 15 cm

We have led typical requirements and sizes, but some manufacturers may have specific requests. When buying a roofing material, you will be given the instructions in which the entire installation process and the requirements for the crate, other technical moments will be described. A clear case, you need to adhere to their recommendations.

Entradian device

There is no particular sense to talk about the device, since each roofing material has its own characteristics. Therefore, we consider the most popular separately.

On the roof of the metal tile

As already spoke, under metal tile at the place of pairing the skates, the crate is twice as often. The bottom plank is stacked at this crate - this is a galvanized sheet with a fold line in the center and sides along the edges. This element relates to dogs, painted into tone with the main material. It goes with two-meter slices.

Endow Roofs from metal tile

Installation of the strip of endanda begins below. The edge of the element is slightly started behind the sink of the roof, clipped at 20-30 mm below the sink, from this "residue" is formed by flaming (side). Please note that the fundamental bar must end beyond the Sve, if there is a drain chute, then above it. If it is shorter than sink, the water will fall in the roof.

The next sheet is stacked on top, with an occasion of 20-30 cm, the joke is scruffled with a sealant (you can miss the whole back with bitumen mastics). Stay as many sheets as needed, it is cut and secured near the skate.

There are two ways of fastening of fundamental sheet

  • special self-drawing closer to the edge;
  • kleimers per side.


Under the Undov device, the main task is to ensure tightness. From this point of view, the second embodiment is more correct - after it does not remain holes, albeit closed with rubber gasket.

Another point. The bottom plank should be on both sides of the sides, the height is preferably more than 2 cm. They are needed to flow from the skate water could not get under metal tile.

On the fixed bar, at a distance of about 20 cm from the location of the inflection, the sealing tape passes. She goes on self-adhesive ribbon. Before installation, the protective coating is removed and the tape is pasted. Then the metal tile is stacked, which is cut off so that 60-100 mm were 60-100 mm. Closer to have sections to the center manufacturers do not recommend.

Fasten sheets to the crate in regular places - at the bottom of the oxen by 20-30 mm below the step. The distance from fasteners to the inflection is at least 250 mm.

After fixing the metal tile of Endes, the roof is ready and can remain in this form. But the appearance of the cropped sheets is not satisfied. In order to close them, there is a decorative lining, which is called the upper endow. It performs a decorative function - closes sections, it is often not used quite enough.

Features of the output of the endand over the auditory window, see the following video.

From professional flooring and slate

Under these materials in Undova, several boards are laid along. The waterproofing band is fixed on them, which is then connected to the waterproofing membrane fixed on the rods. The backstage must be at least 10-15 cm, the joints are connected using double-sided adhesive.

Endament device on the roof of the corrugated

In this case, you can supplement the sealing tape. The strip of sealant is applied from two sides from the place of inflection of the roof. After installing the roofing material in the wavepastes there is a large free space. There can be water, snow, garbage. That this does not take place to be filled with sealant, imposing it in layers.

In the case of a straightened, there are several options for the design of endanda:

  • Open. This is when the sheets of professional flooring are cut off at a distance of 60-100 mm from the inflection line. In this case, the plank and cuts are visible. To close this "economy", a decorative chute is stacked over the roofing material, which closes the cutting line. It is attached to the crate of nails.

Open endow from professional flooring

Open or Closed Type of Skate Connection You select, the device of the whole cake remains the same. Only the method of the subsidement of the profile varies.

UNDOVA roofing from the tile structure has exactly the same as in the case of a straightener. The difference is that the solid doome must be larger - width of at least 35 cm on both sides of the joint. Features It has a tile fastening in Endeway - some fragments are sustained so much that it does not work with the help of a standard lock. Then in the upper part of the tile, the hole is drilled, a soft acid-resistant wire is in it. Rob the nail into the crate, wielding the wire to it fix the tile in the required position.

In the case of an Ondulin, the cuttack under Undova is not solid, and two boards located at a distance of 15 cm is one of the other, symmetrically relative to the center of Enda. A special chute is stacked between them.

A special chute is laid between the paved boards

Installation starts from below, move up. The first sheet of omendomic gutter is stacked with the edge of the roofing material, correlate the form. Nail to the crate of nails from the upper side. The next sheet is placed with the allen at least 15 cm.

The top fragment of the gutter overlaps the lower no less than 15 cm

After the whole gutter is laid, the installation of roofing sheets begin. First, it is cut with a marker - the mark is 5-6 cm further than necessary. Cut along the planned line (pubescom or grinder). They put in place, mark the exact line of the cut - on the protrusion on the groove. Cut off the second time and again put in place. Since the sheet of Ondulina weighs a little, all operations are easy to do.

Cut ondulin twice: first rudely, then

The laid sheet is fixed with special roofing nails with a stained coating with a hat. It is necessary to attach to each wave, retreating as far as possible from the middle line of Enda.

Fasten special nails

Endowa Roof: device, installation with your own hands, photo, video

How correctly it should be made by the roof from metal tile, Pofnastil, Ontulin and ceramic tiles. Rules of Undov device, work order.

UNDOVA roofing from corrugated

The roof design plays a very large role in creating an appearance of the house. Fantasy architects sometimes simply affects the imagination with intricate forms of roofs of individual residential buildings. The set of planes intersecting at different angles from the colored professional flooring looks unusual and original.

But the complexity of the roof has a reverse side. Choosing the roof design, you should always remember that the main task is to protect the building from the rain and snow. At the same time, any junction of the roof slot among themselves bears the potential danger of the disruption of the tightness of the roofing coating and the occurrence of leaks.

One of the most responsible places in the roof of a complex form is an internal angle at the place of intersection of two rocks. It is called this element of the roofing coating of the end. It is Endow for a professional flooring takes precipitation from the planes of intersecting rods. During the rain on the end, the flow of water collected from a large area flows, and the snow always accumulates in it, increasing the load on the rapid system.

Therefore, you need to know how to make it right and pay the design of this roofing node special attention.

Endament device roofs from corrugated

As mentioned above, UNDOVA is the place of connecting two ropes, forming a chute. Endow for professional flooring can be three main types:

In an open endand, the lower parts of the roofing of the skates ends with a special gutter, the role of which is performed by the bottom plank of the funds for professional flooring. It is she who serves to remove water into the drain chute.

After mounting the professional flooring on the rods of the roof, the top plank of it is installed on their place. This element performs more decorative function, closing the edges of the roofing coating. The figure shows the Endament device from the corrugated floor.

The closed endow for the professional flooring differs from the open because the shears of roofing in the place of the joint are adjusted close to each other. In this case, the upper bar is not installed.

The intertwined roof end design is even more complicated. In such a design, the shelves of roofing in the connection site are becoming at each other in a checker order.

For the roofs of the professional flooring, the open end device of the roofing is most often used.

The device of the rafter system with end

Considering the increased load on the roof at the site of the end of the end, the reliability of the rafting system on the inner junction of the skates needs to be paid special attention. The rafting system of the roof with the end is quite complicated. It is better to entrust the development of the drawings of the frame of such a roof by specialists, but there are several basic rules, when performing which the roof with it can be built with its own hands.

Before the construction of a multi-communion roof with several examples, it is necessary to preliminarily draw up the plan of the rafter system. To understand how to properly put Undov, it is necessary to conditionally smash the house into several rectangles. The largest of them is considered the main, and the frame of the roof of smaller rectangles will be attached to its rafter system.

In the place of the joint of the main premises with the annexes and the endline will begin. At the opening points of ended rafters, additional riggers are mounted, which, in turn, rest on the racks or spacers. Approximately the diagonal rafting legs of a holm roof are installed. The most complex is the device of the rafted roof roof.

The rafters under Undova are mounted as well as any other rafters of the pitched roof. The main thing before to do Indovu, to properly connect the rods and securely bore them with each other.

If for a professional flooring with a small concrete profile on the roofing rods, it is enough to perform a crate with a step of 300 mm, then the shap must be necessarily solid.

How to install endanda on the roof of the corrugated floor?

When the assembly of the rafter system is completed and the reliability of the attachment of all its elements among themselves, the endow is mounted without much difficulty.

At first, the installation of additional bars is installed at the installation site in order to make a solid crate. Before I put it, in this place it is necessary to perform additional waterproofing.

On top of the roofing membrane in the end, the waterproofing tape is paved, which should be 5-10 cm wide of the lower strip of the end. Sometimes special self-adhesive waterproofing tapes are used, but most often they are simply fixed with nails to a solid roof crate.

4. Planck of endanda; 5. Sheet of professional flooring.

After laying additional waterproofing, the bottom plank of the roof is mounted at the junction of the roof. When the corner of the roof of the roof from the corrugated floor is small, it is better to use an enlarged bar. If the usual Randow Plank has a width of each side of about 300 mm, then increased more than 2 times.

Before installing Undova, measure the length of the internal junction of the skates. Bottom strips of endanders need to be cut in such a way that they overlap each other at least than 150-200 mm. If the slope of the roof is small, the fineness of the allen can be done even more.

Start mounting from the bottom site, and each next strap overlaps the previous one. The bottom plan of it is installed before the roofing coating is mounted. At the same time, the sheets of professional flooring are launching inwards, not reaching its axis by approximately 50 mm.

After mounting the sheets of the coating, the installation of Endament is performed on the professional flooring. The top planka of the endanda performs, mostly decorative function. She closes the edges of the sheets of professional flooring at the place of their trimming along the axis of Endov.

Special attention should be paid to how to fix it on top of the proflist. Considering the fact that the upper plank of the end is much already the bottom, the end-to-end mounting of it to the crate can disrupt the tightness of the lower plank. To avoid this, the upper strip of the endand can be fixed to sheets of coating using rivets.

How to make an endless roof from a professional flooring?

Do you have a complicated roof? Then you need to know how to make endanda. Go to the site and find out how to make an end for the roof from the corrugated floor, what is your device and how to take it.

The tightness of the roof from the professional flooring is the main indicator of high-quality coverage. Therefore, it is so important to correctly mount all the joints and edges. When the roof has internal angles, they are subject to the most serious effects of precipitation, so it is necessary to give the closest attention to the correct installation of the Endament - a challenge element that protects the inner corner.

Types of endanda

Two roof slides form a chute, connecting in different ways, and forming endry of such three types:

1) Open endow for a professional flooring - the lower part of the roofing coating in this case ends with a special gutter (more precisely - the Endament plank, which serves as a drainage), and after installing sheets of professional flooring on the skates, the upper part of the end of the end of the roof is put into the joint place;

2) closed - here the sheets are searched very tightly to each other and do not need an upper bar;

3) Twisted or combined version is the most complex, because there are sheets of sheets on each other in a checker order, that is, the rows of material are intertwined, which means additional waterproofing is necessary.

The first, that is, open, most often is the optimal option when building the roof from the corrugated floor.

It is necessary to look at least as much as possible to how relieving the rafter system on the inner junction. Its project is recommended to give specialists under development.

What does an open endower roofing from a professional flooring look like?

The Endament device from the professional flooring includes the upper and lower planks made of galvanized steel sheets. At first, it is necessary to provide wooden flooring under the grooves, and then, before stuffing the crate, put the grooves itself and nail his edge to the flooring.

Before laying the coating at the joints, between which negative angles are formed, the bottom plan is set, and after the roofing work is completed, the upper one is installed. The first does not let moisture, and therefore it is mounted before the coating, the outstanding a passage of the passage. The second provides the aesthetics of the whole structure, and put after the installation of the professional flooring above his sheets.

What is it necessary for Endow?

Here you need to divide the functions, depending on the parts of the Undova:

  • the lower protects the joints, without allowing water to fall under the roof, and therefore it includes beggars that protect against water overflow;
  • the top actually performs only a decorative function.

In general, the endow of the roof of the corrugated floor protects from the rain, and from snow, which is especially inclined to pour into the spikes of the rods. Because of this, it accounts for the largest load.

Calculation of the length and width of endanda

When the waterproofing is laid, you can begin to install, but it is pre-identifying several parameters.

  1. It is important to take into account how big the corner of the roof is. If he is small, then it is better to put an enlarged bar, that is, two times greater than usual. The width of each side of it is 300 mm.
  2. The length of the inner joint of the roofing rods is measured and then the lower strips of endanders are leaving so as to ensure the overlap of at least 150 mm, and better than 200 - the smaller the slope, the greater the bar and the flap itself.
  3. Wood flooring under the groove is made from the board with a width of at least 30 cm from its axis, and the thickness must match the thickness of the counterbuilding.
  4. Even in Undova, a waterproofing tape is needed with a width of 5-10 cm more lower than the lower sheet.

Fasteners and tools for installation of endanda

The following materials will be required to carry out all work:

  • upper and lower galvanized steel strips;
  • antiseptic board;
  • waterproofing tape (better self-adhesive lock);
  • brackets or nails (2, 8x25 mm) to feed the groove;
  • glue-sealant;
  • sheet of professional.

So that the roofing of the roofing of the professional flooring looked in the best way and performed its function, it is necessary to fully calculate the calculations, and therefore it will take a centimeter for measurements. Also need a hammer and scissors for metal to cut the planks.

Installation instructions Schedule for endhouse

Installing endanders under the professional flooring occurs in the following sequence:

  1. It is equipped with wooden flooring with a wide range of at least 30 cm from the axis of a groove and a thickness with a controlling. Wooden bars are needed to obtain a solid doomba, plus here later before installing it is necessary to pave a hirosezing layer.
  2. Before packing the roasters, the groove is stacked. It is installed on the flooring, and then his edge is nailed to the latter.
  3. The lateral edges of the groove are rejected at an angle of 90 ° and shared on the bar.
  4. The grooves bends on the angle of slightly more angle of all of the Ondov (you can do this without additional tools).
  5. The grooves begin to lay down the direction from top to bottom so that each top plank overlap its previous down. In this case, the professional knotted structures of Endovy, but not reaching its axis approximately 50 mm.
  6. When the groove was already fully laid on the flooring or other selected surface, then it should be trimmed as you need, but in any case, you still need to retreat three or four centimeters for drainage gutters. Plus, it is important to ensure the sweep of the sweep on the grooves from the edge. It can be equal to 8-10 centimeters - it is so much necessary for the reliability of fixed edges. But the flaming is now bend inside completely.
  7. The groove is fixed to the flooring with nails / brackets and in the presence of an incidence of 2 cm from the edge. So that in the future no extra offsets, the grooves are nourished, and the next backstage is at least 10 cm. It should be combined with transverse ribs to ensure the necessary hermetic structure.
  8. The protective strip is glued to the edge of the groove - it is impregnated with a moisture-repellent means, thanks to which you can easily prevent the end of the garbage on the roofing coating.

When the coating sheets are installed, take the top bar, simply necessary for aesthetic. And also, it is this detail that closes the edges of the sheets where they are cut and most vulnerable. It will not suit the through reinforcement, but you can consolidate the upper bar on the roof using rivets.

The process of installing Undova is clearly shown in the video:

  • The roof belongs to the main functional elements of any structure. At the same time, this is a rather complicated structural element, and the more difficult than the more thorough approach, it requires. A complex configuration, on the one hand, makes the roof outwardly more beautiful and more interesting, and on the other, it makes it more vulnerable due to the formation of bends.
    The roof belongs to the main functional elements of any structure. At the same time, this is a rather complicated structural element, and the more difficult than the more thorough approach, it requires. A complex configuration, on the one hand, makes the roof outwardly more beautiful and more interesting, and on the other, it makes it more vulnerable due to the formation of bends.

    UNDOVA is practically not visible, but they can hit the view of the facade and emphasize his dignity. The rafting roof system with the endo, thus not only allows you to allow functional tasks, but also provides a unique design.

    Endow call the place of convergence of the roof of the roof forming the inner corner. It is a mandatory element of buildings having a T-, g- or cruciform form, or having pronounced rocks. To this list, you also need to add bends formed on or speakers.

    It provides a uniform flow of collected on the corner of precipitation, a certain analogue of the waste gutter, that is, are under significant exposure to moisture. That is why the rafting system of a complex roof requires special attention.

    The inner corner of the design forms two stripsAnd each of them performs an important function:

    • lower (Pen) It is a special plate, which bends in accordance with the angle of pairing of the roofing rods. It is fixed to the bottom side of the cornice boards by self-draws. The fighter protects and protects against the flipping of the precipitation into the place of pairing of the skates. Installation of endedlets of the bottom performed before and laying the roofing coating;
    • top (singe) - Carries the artistic and aesthetic load and is installed after laying the coating.

    On a note

    As a rule, for the manufacture use the same material as for the roof. It is often replaced with metal sheets, it is desirable, from galvanized steel, as it prolongs the operational period of the roof. And so that the finished roof does not lose its attractiveness, you need to correctly select the shade of the material.

    Types of endanda

    Any, even small, error in the calculation or error in the installation of the rafter system with structures is fraught with irreparable consequences, including the collapse of the structure. In winter, for a long time, they are under the influence of colossal loads.

    Depending on the installation method distinguish:

    • Closed and articulated structures - Characteristic for roofs with steep rods or for certain roofing coatings, where the elements of the roof are intertwined with each other, as, say ,. For these designs, an additional layer of waterproofing is required.
    • Open. Skates in this case are adjacent to each other. This is taken into account when the rafter system is installed. The gap between the skates is closed by a special gutter, in which precipitation is effectively dismissed. Additional waterproofing in this case is not required.

    Installation for a soft roof

    Let us dwell on the basic principles of the structure of the structure in the case of a soft roof.

    Preparatory work

    It is possible to arrange a negative break, at least in two versions:

    • open;
    • Method of the subside.

    The base is prepared depending on the selected option.

    • Open. Under the length of the end, the end carpet (KE) is placed on the lining barrier, shifting horizontally by 20-30 mm. From the inside throughout the perimeter, it is missing, say, a bitumen technonol strip 100 mm width. The layer thickness is selected in accordance with the rate of consumption. On the front side, the carpet is fixed using roofing nails with a step of 200-250 mm with an indent from the edges of 20-30 mm.

    If there is no possibility to put it with a solid web, which is very desirable, the laying is performed with a longitudinal overlay in 300 mm, smoking.

    • When using the "Sub-section" option is not needed.

    Installation open

    • ordinary tile laid on KE to the central axis;
    • All tiles that cover the inner corner between the skates are additionally fixed by the upper vertex using nails for this.
    • The distance from the axis to the fastener should be greater than 0.3 m;
    • Next, using a melted cord, two lines are twisted, an ordinary tile will cut on them;
    • The waterproofing carpet can be damaged during trimming, therefore, under each tile, a plank is put in the process;
    • Before the final fastening for seats without a self-adhesive layer, bituminous mastic is applied;
    • If the difference between the slopes of the skates is large and, accordingly, the water flow will noticeably vary, the chute is shifted to the direction of smaller water flow. Otherwise, water will focus on the junction between the rouring of the endanda and the ordinary tiles;
    • The width of the gutter ranges in the range of 50-150 mm. The selection depends on the features of the location of the object. If it is built in the forest more often, it is recommended to increase the width of the groa to increase so that the foliage can be easily flushed.

    Installation by the method of "Podris"

    • Stacking ordinary tiles start from a slope having a smaller angle of inclination. At the same time, it is assumed to enter the second slope, cooler. It should not be less than 300 mm.
    • Similar to the previous case, additional fixation of each panel in the upper corner is necessary.
    • After the first slope is covered, in which the angle of inclination is less, on the other at a distance of 70-80 mm from the axis "beat" the chalk line. This is the place of the future tile bottom.
    • It concerns each tile, and before they finally fasten, the places where there is no self-adhesive layer from the wrong side.

    On a note

    The intelligible method involves the performance of the same stages as under the "feeding" with the only difference that the ordinary tile when laying on the adjoining slope is intertwined.


    The rafter system of endhouses most often consists of a rafter. Moreover, since it is assumed that they have the same height, the covered rafters in the structural structures of the bottom will be restricted to Mauerlat, and the opposite - in the ski run.

    For the formation of various types of roofs:, and semi-haul, it is necessary to provide a different geometric shape and the height of the skate, and not only the main structure, but also secondary.

    Slinge system with Yandhov M-shaped roofing

    • The racks of the main construction of the main roof and the roofing runs are interconnected. At the same time, the support for the latter serve the saboins.
    • Roofing runs of secondary roofs are connected.
    • Whatever the height of the run from the main roof, the compound is performed through a nail battle.
    • According to the savory rafters in the chess position, these are installed, which are connected to each other in the skate node. They are similar to the hollow roof on the bars, which are pre-closed on rafters.

    Diagonal rafting legs depending on the device can work both spacer and faded. As noted, these narins are resting in diagonal rafylic. At the same time, they transmit significant compressive stress. Stropilin, in turn, resting by the lower end in

Endova is a constructive roof elementOne of the most important nodes in the entire roofing system. It is an internal angle formed at the junction site.

It is collected in it and in the future there are precipitation with the races of it, as a result of which it is subjected to significant loads. This roof assembly is more than others exposed to climatic factors: the accumulation of the snow mass, flowing the rain and melt water, when it is located on the sunny side - increased exposure to ultraviolet irradiation.

The listed factors make it apparent to the need for high-quality installation of both endanda and roofing material. Errors can cause significant damage: at these points the maximum risk of leakage and accumulation of such a mass of snow, which can lead to the collapse of the entire roofing design.

Types of endands, their pros and cons

Distinguish three types of otev:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • twisted.

Closed or intertwined type In most cases, it is arranged in the presence of steep rods, with twisted adjacent panels and the use of a number of roofing materials.

With this design panel of contacting rods, one with another is intertwined or connected by the joint. Their use involves additional financial deposits for the waterproofing device, since water can be delayed.

When creating an endless type of precipitate on their own way down. There is no need for an additional layer of waterproofing material.

Before the start of work, it is necessary to prepare materials. The main roofing components for installing endanda are:

  • aluminum ribbed groove;
  • a strip of foam rubber;
  • tape for sealing joints.

Endova performs a double function: water is given to it and it takes on the greatest load on the roofing system. Therefore, the installation and sealing of this element must be carried out with all thoroughness.

Points for fastening rtands also need to choose very carefully.

Entradian device

If the presence of funds are provided in the roofing structure, it is required to install both the bottom and top.

The first step is the correct basic device. On two sides of the junction of the rods on solid flooring, waterproofing material is mounted. In the opposite case, the sealer is also placed between roofing material and falseland. Often, an electrical carpet is used for waterproofing, which consists of a polyester-impregnated polyester cloth, with sprinkles on both sides.

Enda Planck - This is the line intersection line that forms an internal angle.

Appointment of the lower end plank It is the removal of water and the prevention of moisture in the internal (subsecutive) space.

Top end plank Rather, it is an element of decor that covers the cut of the roofing material.

The end carpet from the upper side is covered with basalt rushing, and from the bottom - sandy. It features high strength and prevents the formation of leaks in the joints.

The mounting of the end carpet is made with the help of nails at a distance of 20 cm. Its use involves the presence of a gutter based on reliable solid material.

After fastening the carpet, the lowland of the bottom end is made: it is also called Falled.

It is a bent at an angle (in accordance with the corner of the roofing rod) wide plate. The fastening of this plate to the crate is carried out using self-tapping screws with a distance of 30 cm.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the lower end of the end of the end of the end of the end.

In the case when the lower endow is formed by several elements, their installation should be taken upwards. For better waterproofing, the filling joints are sealed.

The best material for installation of it is galvanized steel: it significantly prolongs the service life of the node and roofing design as a whole.

Having finished the device of the layer of waterproofing material and falsened, go to the installation of the upper end. The appointment of this element of the design is the removal of rain and melt water with roofing rods. Since the upper endow will be in sight, its device use the same material covered with all the roof.

If the roofing material is a metal tile or profiled sheet, it is mounted in compliance with a distance of 10 cm on both sides of the inner line (angle). Installation of the decorative insert or the upper end is made at the end. Installation of inserts is carried out with 10-12 centimeter adhesive from the bottom end to the top.

When the Undo device between the skate and auditory or mansard windows, another board is installed, which serves as a solid crate at the point of connecting the skates.

When installing, the funds use special brackets: they are necessary for fastening the groove.

Self-adhesive band is used to protect against water, snow and dust.

For high-quality work, half-tiled works.

Another structural element is used at the junction of the ribbon for the endhouse.

Open endowa

  • First lay the strip of rolled corrugated roofing 46-centimeter width in the very center of the node. Mineral surface should be directed down. The end carpet is tightly pressed against the ridge, after which it is nailed using nails. At the same time, a distance of 2.5 cm is observed. The mount starts from the outer end. The lower edges must be cut. On both sides of the roofing strip, a plastic cement is applied with a 10-centimeter strip (its thickness should be 1.5 mm).

If you need to connect the roof connection, the lower section should be overceded by 30 cm. The mount is made by plastic cement.

  • After that, the strip of the roll material is placed face up above the previous one. Cement and nails are used for attachment. Prior to the start of laying the roofing panels, chalk need to draw two lines on both sides along the endand. At the same time, the 10-centimeter distance from each side of the ridge should be kept.
  • Instead of a rolled corrugated roof, you can use non-corrosion metal. For the prevention of condensation and increasing protective properties for metal or rolled material, a waterproof membrane should be laid.
  • The waterproofing system of the open end is installed by the same technology as when the device is drunk.

Closed Endowa

The device of the closed ending is used when creating steep roofs, which are connected on or intertwined.

  • Prior to the installation of roofing tiles along the length of the node, it is necessary to put the 90-centimeter waterproofing strip from the rolled corrugated roof.
  • Laying rows of tiles is produced along the skates. The row should pass through Undov and go 30 cm on the adjacent scat. Blood roofs are fixed with nails, but nails should not be behind the chalk line. With negative corners of the joints of the joints to protect them, it is necessary to use UNDODN Ondulin.
  • A chalk line with a 5-centimeter indentation from the interghessing joint is carried out on the next skate. Laying the tiles on the adjacent slope is made to the chalk line, further it is cut off. To improve drainage, the upper corners of the panels are cut down diagonally. In this way, it is possible to increase the service life of the Undov.

Interlaced Endow

This type of end must be completely covered with roofing material. Rows of tiles are intertwined and stacked through Undov. The end carpet serves as an additional coating - therefore there is no need to cover with several layers of the intergreot joint.

For this purpose, a 91-centimeter end carpet is used. Waterproofing is stacked above the underlying layer. In the presence of intertwined interghess joints, first should be laid roofing tiles.

Endovy rafter system

The main difficulty in carrying out works is related to the rafter system of Endov. It primarily implies reliable waterproofing, since it is precisely the largest load of roofing rods. The system is arranged in accurately according to the drawings.

With particular care, it should be performed by the Undova, formed at the place of interface of the mezzanine and the main skate.

After the device is completed, the plane coating is made with an output to internal angles. It requires the use of two lining layers with an adhesive.

After mounting the coating, the installation of the upper end is carried out: it gives the roof aesthetic and completed view. When it is fastened, a 3-5-centimeter step at the top of the wave is observed. For the isolation of ended nodes, a sealing tape for joints is used.

The following rules must be followed by the Unders:

  • it is necessary to make sure that the sealing tape sealing tape is properly installed, in compliance with the passes for water and small garbage, the absence of mechanical damage to the material for waterproofing and supervisors;
  • it should be completed with the installation of endands of the crate;
  • the device of the ended slats is made on drippers, while Endova begins with a cornice;
  • you should prepare the required number of planks for endands and install them in the direction of bottom up with the adhesive;
  • the bottom plank is cut below the cornese line;
  • during the installation of Enda, it is necessary to install the planks along the flakes; bordering the ending roofing material is cut on the markup;
  • the mount is carried out using screws twisted in regular locations; When using them, the roofing coating turns out to be tightly pressed to the end plate;
  • fixing the screws at a distance less than 25 cm from the end axis is unacceptable;
  • alignment of the roaring in the installation process is made using a rubber image;
  • the installation of the upper end is made with an overlap at 10 cm.

Endov on the T-shaped roof

Multi-shapes of roofs greatly complicate the process of their installation. All joints that form rtandov should be clearly worked out. To increase strength at these points, the installation of additional bars is needed. For the location of the roofing skate, under the desired angle should be changed by the angle of the end of the end. The use of this technology makes it possible to arrange different in size and forms of the roof.

For additional strength, ended rafters are settled by the boards with a solid flooring.

Installation of the superdiffuse membrane is carried out on this flooring. Excessive moisture is weathered through the gap for ventilation. It is not necessary to arrange the clearance under the membrane.

Installation of the element of the endhouse is carried out below the roofing material.

Method "Double Weaving"

For installation of the end, a wooden board is necessary (its width should be 20-25 cm), waterproofing film: it is mounted on a moisture-resistant phaneer or chipboard, the mount is performed using fixing nails. The attachment points should be embedded with bitumen mastic.

The use of this method is advisable with equal slopes of the rods forming Undov.

With such a way, the installation of it is comparing an angle with the board.

The protective layer is the waterproofing membrane.


When installing endanda (starting from the skate and ending the cornice), the following works are manufactured:

  • Extra board is installed in each end. Installation of Indo Planks is made from bottom to top with an adhesive from 20 to 30 cm.
  • The bottom bar must be trimmed below the cornice line. The seal is mounted under olem flats and skate.
  • A 6-10-centimeter clearance should be maintained between the roofing coating and the axial line of rtanda on both sides.
  • In the case of circumcision of sheets in them, screws must be fixed in compliance with the distance of 1-1.5 cm.
  • When fastening a roofing sheet and endanda, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 25 centimeters from the end axis.

With the correct assembly of the roofing design at the point of attachment, the roofing material will contact the board on which it is installed.

In some cases, the peculiar features of the roofing design require the creation of endands, beginning and ending on the roofing rods - for example, during the device of auditory windows. In this case, the installation of an additional board under Undova is required.

The roofing sheet must be cut in such a way that the slice is higher than the end of the end of the end of the end of 2 cm. The sheet should make cuts for the side and front walls of the auditory windows. Along the walls, the installation of the seal is made. Curisa overlooks are closed using a plank.

  • After that, the strips of Endov are mounted. They must be trimmed on the eternity and out of the skat.

Low on the skat edge should be very tightly adjacent to the surface of the roofing coating. Since the angle of the slope should be at least 11%, the density of the adjunctive is achieved by the manual formation of the upper edge of the Undo.

If it is necessary to increase the length of the end, the 20-30 centimeter nest is made.

The adjoining of the funds is fixed with the help of self-tapping and sealant. The seal is mounted under the flavored. In this case, the sealing tape is used for the junction.


  • Endow is one of the most important elements of roofing design.
  • It is exposed to high loads - therefore its installation requires a particularly careful approach.
  • Distinguish open, closed and intertwined types of endands.
  • Mounting both upper and lower nodes.
  • The processes of the device open, closed and intertwined species have its own characteristics.
  • The main difficulty when installing is the device of the rafter system.
  • An important point is waterproofing.
  • Under the Unders devices, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules.

From the videos, you will learn how to correct the installation of rtands using the roofing of Ondulin.