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Governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemyako. Dossier. "I started a lot of good. And left ": what I remember Sakhalin Oleg Kozhemyako

Oleg Kozhemyako Resigned from the post of governor of the Sakhalin region at his own accord and appointed VRIO heads of the Primorsky Territory, this is reported on the Kremlin website. The appropriate decree "On the executing responsibilities of the Governor of Primorsky Krai" signed the president Vladimir Putin On Wednesday, September 26th. The document is published on the Kremlin website.

"To appoint Oleg Nikolayevich Kozhemyako temporarily acting by the Governor of the Primorsky Territory before joining the position of the person chosen by the governor of the Primorsky Krai, having retired himself from the position of governor of the Sakhalin region at his own request," the decree says.

On September 16, the second round of the election of the governor was held in Primorsky Krai, it was attended by Andrei Tarasenko and Andrei Ischenko. As a result of massive disorders, the edge of the CEC recognized the results of the elections invalid. No later than December 16, repeated elections of the head of the Primorsky Territory will be held, in which Oleg Kozhemyako will take part.

We publish the text of President Putin's conversation with Oleg Kozhemyako, published by the Kremlin's press service.

V. Putin: Oleg Nikolaevich, the topic of our meeting is traditional - socio-economic situation on Sakhalin.

In general, the situation is known, everywhere there are questions that are subject to decision, special attention from the leadership and the country, and the subject of the federation. But in general, the situation on Sakhalin is good and even beneficially different from many other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including in the Far East.

Nevertheless, problematic questions still remain, let's talk about it today too.

O. Kozhemyako: Good.

That's right, Vladimir Vladimirovich, we have a demography, I have reported at the Presidium [State Council] in Vladivostok about the socio-economic situation.

I would like to briefly report on the federal target development program Kuril. As you know, it is re-approved for [the period] 2016-2025 in the amount of 72 billion [rubles], it is planned.

To date, 20.3 billion rubles have mastered: 8.7 - from the regional budget, 2.6 from the federal. This is a gasket of wholesale fiber: Rostelecom will finish the gasket at the end of this year, they have these commitments. And part of investors. There is a construction of fish processing plants on Shikotan: one surrenders in October, the other will be the next year to surrender. Accordingly, housing for workers is required, social infrastructure, kindergartens are required, roads are required.

In addition, at a meeting with you you supported the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring a mountain village on smoking and road construction to [villages] hot keys, construction of social infrastructure facilities.

Now you need to change the program, the FTP [development] smoked, to expand it in order to have the opportunity to fulfill all these wishes of the population and solve those questions that have now arose. Therefore, I would like to actualize it, and I would have improved after your order with the government.

I think that this would give the inhabitants additional opportunities to live in better conditions, to have guaranteed work, have social infrastructure - and for employees of the fishing industry, for state employees, for the military. It would have a positive impact on the development of all the Kuril Islands.

V. Putin: Good. Let's talk about it a little later in more detail.

O. Kozhemyako: Vladimir Vladimirovich, being in Vladivostok on the forum, I, as a person who was born in Primorye, grew there and began to work, of course, looked at the situation that arose there, she was not very good.

V. Putin: What do you mean?

O. Kozhemyako: I mean the situation associated with the elections.

V. Putin: Why bad? Normal situation.

O. Kozhemyako: Normal situation. But overall the potential that the Primorsky Territory is large, it is large enough, this is the most populous region in the Far East. That is, of course, there is a certain economy, and there is a fisheries complex, agriculture developed, the strategic location of the Far East to the countries of the APR.

V. Putin: Of course, this is a key territory.

O. Kozhemyako: Yes. And, of course, a lot was done in [Preparations for the APEC Forum] in 2012, especially Vladivostok and the nearest surroundings were transformed.

Of course, the population has big expectations, waiting for change for the better. And, seeing this situation, understanding the economic component, having a certain experience in the subjects, of course, would like to agree with you, due to the fact that I am now the current governor of Sakhalin, the possibility of participating in the election of the governor of the Primorsky Krai - in order to justify and expects to residents And really make sure that the dynamics of development correspond to the tasks that today stand in front of the Far East.

This is definitely the fulfillment of decrees that affect all areas of activity. Here, of course, we need to work together: and the bodies of the federal government, of course, and your support, and the very desire of the population live better, changes for the better. Therefore, I would like to agree with such decisions.

V. Putin: That is, I understood you correctly, Oleg Nikolaevich, what do you want to take part in the elections of the governor of Primorsky Krai?

O. Kozhemyako: Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

V. Putin: Good.

O. Kozhemyako: my own edge, so yes.

V. Putin: Have you been born there?

O. Kozhemyako: Born and grew, and studied, and worked. I did the first steps: I was a deputy, a member of the Federation Council from there, that is, the edge of me is familiar.

V. Putin: Have you been a member of the Federation Council from Primorye?

O. Kozhemyako: Yes.

V. Putin: Clear. That is your hometown.

O. Kozhemyako: I support relationships with classmates, with those who studied with whom he worked with whom he worked.

That is, this situation for me, of course, was somewhat, so let's say, not that alarming, but I think that all your experience, knowledge, forces I could apply - certainly with the support.

V. Putin: Want to go home?

O. Kozhemyako: In principle, yes.

V. Putin: Oleg Nikolaevich, you have a really great experience and very positive. After all, you were the head of the Koryak district in Kamchatka, then successfully worked as the governor in the Amur region, and for several years, three years old, you work on Sakhalin, and also ends with good performance every year.

Well, if you want to try your hand with a large workload ... Of course, Primorye is a bigger work, without any doubt, it is a very promising, strategically important region for Russia, Primorsky Krai.

You see how much we make efforts lately in order to support there the corresponding level of production, create comfortable conditions for people. This also applies to electricity tariffs in many subjects in the Far East, this concerns other key areas of activity: infrastructure, education, health care. Of course, there are still a lot of problems that we need to pay special attention, having in mind the significance of this territory.

I do not mind, please. But only there is one circumstance that we must consider: month after two elections should be ...

O. Kozhemyako: Short very gap.

V. Putin: Yes, but what is the question - the question is that such an important region, as Primorye, cannot remain without leadership. The Acting Tarasenko has already asked for another job - and it is clear why. Leave such a meaningful territory, such an important region for the country as the Primorsky Territory, without leadership, is impossible not only for two months - for one day it is impossible.

Therefore, it will be necessary to take administrative decisions related to both the management of Sakhalin, the Sakhalin region, and with the leadership of the Primorsky Territory. If you have finally accepted for yourself this decision, then I will have to appoint you to the acting head of the Primorsky Territory and, accordingly, to decide on Sakhalin. Is this a final decision?

O. Kozhemyako: I am ready, and this is a verified solution with understanding that there is a lot of work to have to justify the great desire of people to change for the better, but nevertheless I am ready.

V. Putin: Good. I wish you good luck.

O. Kozhemyako: Thank you.

Zhanna Artyomova
Photos from the site of the Kremlin

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Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako - Governor of Primorye (from 09/26/2018), before that - Governor of the Sakhalin Region (from 2015), earlier - Governor of the Amur Region (2008-2015). Candidate of Economic Sciences

Early years Oleg Kozhemyako. Education

Parents Oleg Kozhemyako come from the Amur region; They were the foreigners of the Primorskaya GRES, and their children - Oleg and Olga Kozhemyako - were born in the Primorsky district, in the village of Chernigovka. The future governor and his sisters have always had strong and warm relationships, which they managed to continue.

Governor Oleg Kozhemyako about his family

Oleg Nikolaevich studied in a regular rustic school. These years, he always recalled with a special warmth. After school, the young man entered the technical school Khabarovsk, after graduation (1982) who mastered the assembly business. After the technical school entered the Far Eastern Commercial Institute, which he graduated in 1992. In parallel with study, he worked as a master at the Primorskaya GRES, also at his shoulders place a service in the army.

Political career Oleg Kozhemyako

Following the footsteps of the parents at the very beginning of the work, already in 1987, Oleg Kozhemyako changed his decision and engaged in a flower business - created a cooperative called "Galatia". In 1989, Oleg Nikolaevich created the Primorsky Cooperative, which was later transformed into a production and food union. In 1997, Oleg Kozhemyako was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Transfiguration Base of the Trawl Fleet OJSC (PBTF), whose main shareholder became its co-op "Primorskoye".

Oleg Kozhemyako's political career officially began on December 9, 2001 with the election of an entrepreneur in the legislative assembly of the Primorsky Territory.

On November 27, 2002, having enlisted by the support of deputies and the former Governor Evgeny Nazdratko, contrary to the negative attitude of the head of the edge of Sergey Darkin, Oleg Kozhemyako became a representative of the Assembly of the Primorsky Territory in the Federation Council.

Oleg Kozhemyako inspections courtyards

On September 29, 2004, the politician sought himself from office. During this period, he was approved for the post of advisor to the speaker of the Federation Council of Sergey Mironov. In the same year, he ran to the post of Governor of the Kamchatka region, but ranked third with 14.27% of the votes (Mikhail Mashkovtsev won from 38.37%).

On January 18, 2005, Kozhemyako took the post of Vice-Governor in the Koryak Autonomous District. His responsibilities included the control of the Northern Express and the provision of fuel.

On March 9, the head of the Koryak District, Vladimir Loginov, was left in resignation, and Oleg Kozhemyako was appointed His Virio. April 14, Oleg Nikolaevich took the post of governor. In the summer of 2007, Koryakiya and Kamchatka united. On July 1, Oleg Kozhemyako left the post, and already on July 27, he was submitted to the advisory commission of the State Council. At the same time he took the chair of the head of the head of the presidential administration.

In October 2008, Oleg Kozhemyako appointed the Governor of the Amur region. In 2012, after the end of the first term, he was again put forward to this position on behalf of the United Russia party.

In August 2011, politician took the first place in the primaries of United Russia to the place of the State Duma VI deputy. In the results of the elections of December 4, 2011, he was elected to the Duma, but the mandate refused.

In 2012, Kozhemyako made a provocative idea, offering to stop the unemployment payments to the unemployed men who have reached the 18th age: "Paying the allowance to young and healthy men, we just corrupt society." On March 25, 2015, Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako left the post of Governor of the Amur region and the decision of Vladimir Putin was appointed Vrio Governor of the Sakhalin Region, replacing the ex-governor Alexander Khorosavin, which has lost its authority in connection with the loss of confidence.

With the onset of 2016, Oleg Kozhemyako continued to work the governor of the Sakhalin region. Taking into account one of the most acute problems of the region - the retardation of the wages of the workers of the Sakhalin region, Kozhemyako took this issue under personal control, in particular, promised the managers of debtor organizations special attention from law enforcement agencies, without excluding criminal prosecution.

Oleg Kozhemyako: What land will be allocated on Sakhalin for free

Personal life Oleg Kozhemyako

With his wife, Irina Gerasimenko, Oleg Kozhemyakova is familiar with the times of the institute. The father of the Spouse of the Governor - Tanker, who passed the Great Patriotic War, the woman itself is a very successful entrepreneur.

Meeting Governor Oleg Kozhemyako with population

In marriage, Oleg Kozhemyako born two children. The eldest son is Nikita Kozhemyako - served in the marine infantry on the Pacific Fleet, from where he returned to the rank of ordinary. He graduated from the Moscow University Bakalawrome-economist. After that, Nikita Olegovich returned to the Far East, where he worked for a long time by the senior manager of the Transfiguration base of the trawl fleet. At the same time, he became a member of the board of this enterprise. Also in the family there is a daughter of Alice, a student of one of the metropolitan schools.

Among the hobbies of the governor, you can highlight a biker movement. Harley's governor first showed the residents in 2011 for the first time, after which it could not be riding his beloved iron horse on the discoveries and closures of the biker season.

Oleg Kozhemyako - politician today

Kozhemyako held the post of Governor of Sakhalin until September 26, 2018, after which the decree of Vladimir Putin was "overwhelmed" to the position of Vrio Governor of Primorye. Such a sudden solution was associated with a scandal in the second round of the election of the governor of Primorye. Local election commissions were accused of taking the results in favor of the candidate from United Russia Andrei Tarasenko - after processing 99% of the ballots, he broke forward, although shortly before that, when 95% of the votes were calculated, and the candidate of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party.

The victory of Oleg Kozhemyako in the election of the governor of Primorye

The scandal broke out forced the CEC to cancel the results of the second round. Tarasenko wrote a letter of dismissal at his own request. Kozhemyako, appointed by Virio, said that he would run into the governors of Primorye as a self-configuration - apparently, due to a decrease in confidence in United Russia in the region. Rebags took place in December 2018. According to the results of the voting, Kozhemyako became the new governor of Primorye. With a 39% turn, he received almost 62% of the vote.

Governor of the Sakhalin region, 2015-2018. Governor of the Amur Region, 2008-2015.

Oleg Kozhemyako was born on March 17, 1962 in the village of Chernigov, Primorsky Krai. In his youth engaged in boxing. In 1982 he graduated from Khabarovsk Mounting Technical School, in 1992 - Far Eastern Pacific State Economic University with a degree in economist. Additionally, in 2003, graduated from the graduate school of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Candidate of Economic Sciences

Labor activity began in 1981 in the Primorsk hydroelectric station, GRES, where the path from the worker - locksmith 3 discharge to the master. In October 1989, the production cooperative "Primorsky" was created, transformed in 1992 to the production and food union "Primorskoye".

In 1995, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Transfiguration Base of the Trawl Fleet. And in 1998-2002 he was the chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Transfiguration Base of the Trawl Fleet".

In the elections on December 9, 2001, Oleg Kozhemyako was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the Third convocation, was a member of the Food Policy and Environmental Management Committee.

From November 2002 to September 2004, he was a representative of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory, a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

From October 2004 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Council of Federation Sergey Mironova.

From January 18, 2005 he held the post of vice-governor of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. Appointed on March 9, 2005, temporarily acting the governor of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. Approved for the position of the governor on April 14, 2005, the district legislative assembly. In connection with the combination of the Kamchatka region and the Koryak JSC, on July 1, 2007, Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako set himself off the authority of the governor.

In July 2007, he entered the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2007-2008, she worked as an assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

He joined the position of Governor of the Amur region on October 20, 2008, after approval by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Amur Region, Oleg Kozhemyako candidates.

In June 2012, the Amur Regional Office of the United Russia party, Kozhemyako was nominated as a candidate for the post of head of the Amur region. On October 14, 2012, he was elected by the Governor of the Amur Region, gaining 77.28% of the votes, in the position of October 20, 2012.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin on March 25, 2015, was appointed to the executive governor of the Sakhalin region after official renunciation from the post of Alexander Khoroshavin. The decree states, about the new appointment for the position, and the adoption by the President of the resignation of Oleg Nikolayevich Kozheyako from the post of governor of the Amur region.

According to the results of September 13, 2015, Oleg Kozhemyako elections were recognized as the winner. On September 21, 2015, he joined the governor of the Sakhalin region.

President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, September 26, 2018, was appointed temporarily acting governor of the Primorsky Territory.

According to the results of the elections of the past 16 December 2018, Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako elected governor of the Primorsky Territory, typing 62% of votes. Kozhemyako is a member of the United Russia, but participated in the elections as a self-confineler. His rivals were a candidate from LDPR Andrei Andreichenko, Rosa Chemeris from the Party "For Women of Russia", Alexey Timchenko from the "Party of Growth".

Oleg Kozhemyako is the only Russian governor who visited the head of more than two constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 3 class.

Married, two children - Son and daughter.

Oleg Kozhemyako won the election of the governor of Primorye. After counting 99.04% of the ballots, he received 61.88% of voters. Kozheyako, in September appointed executing head of the region after a spelling Andrei Tarasenkowho left after the scandal with previous elections.

Oleg Kozhemyako. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ramil Citdikov

Prior to this, Kozhemyako was the governor of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, the Amur region and Sakhalin. His political career began with the Primorsky Territory, in 2004-2006. He was a representative of the Region in the Federation Council.

Today Kozhemyako is the only governor in the entire history of the Russian Federation, who visited the head of more than two constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako was born on March 17, 1962 in the village of Chernigov Chernihiv district of Primorsky Krai. Father Nikolay Ivanovich and mother Zinaida Karpovna - Natives of the Amur region, worked on the construction of a seaside hydroelectric station (GRES). Subsequently, his father held the position of deputy head of personnel and everyday life of GRES. After retirement, he moved to the suburbs where he took up literary creativity. Since 2004, he published more than six books, among which - "truthful story", "Sailor pants: autobiographical stories", "My genealogy", "Parent Secrets: truthful stories", "Vanya and Masha Visiting Bees: Book about bees For children, "Sweet Summer.

Kozhemyako has a sister Olgain marriage - Kravchenko.


In 1982 he graduated from the Khabarovsk Mounting Technical School in the specialty "Master of Heating People", and in 1992 - the Far Eastern Institute of Soviet Trade in the specialty "economist".

In 2003 he graduated from the graduate school of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences. The thesis of thesis - "Economic security of the real sector of the country's economy."

Military service

From 1982 to 1984, he served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Professional activity

Since 1981, he began working at the Primorskaya GRES, passed the way from the mechanic of 3 categories to the master of the workshop of the hydraulic structures of the construction department of the Primorskaya GRES of Trust "Dalenergostroy".

In October 1989, he created the production cooperative "Primorsky", transformed in 1992 to the production and food association (PPO) "Primorskoye".

In 1995, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Transfiguration Base of the Fleet Fleet, and in 1998 he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Transfiguration Base of the Trawl Fleet.

Political activity

On December 9, 2001, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the Third convocation, was a member of the Committee for Food Policy and Environmental Management.

From November 2002 to September 2004, he was a representative of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory, a member of the Natural Resource Committee and Environmental Protection.

From October 2004 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council Sergey Mironova.

On January 18, 2005, he was appointed to the post of vice-governor of Koryaksky AO, supervised the questions of the Northern Express and the provision of the fuel district.

On July 1, 2007, there was a powers in connection with the combination of the Kamchatka region and the Koryak JSC.

In July 2007, he entered the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2007-2008, she worked as an assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

In July 2012, the Amur Regional Office of the United Russia party was nominated as a candidate for the post of governor of the Amur region.

October 14, 2012 was elected governor for a new term. The elections received 77.28% of voters.

March 25, 2015 was appointed temporarily acting by the head of the Sakhalin region. The former head of Sakhalin Alexander Khoroshavin was dismissed due to the loss of the confidence of the President of the Russian Federation.

September 13, 2015 was elected governor of the Sakhalin region. The elections received 67.80% of votes.

Titles and awards

Valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 3 class.

Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV (2007) and III (2012) degrees.

Honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation (2010).

Family status

Married. Spouse - Irina Gerasimenko. Two children. Family Oleg Kozhemyako lives in Moscow.

Quotes from interviews

"I am sure that you need to live at the expense of the budget and, if it is not enough, pull the pants and tighten the belt. And not so that from the reserve fund yourself to throw at a difficult time or hoping that someone will help us something. "

"Democracy also came to Iraq. Democratic means, by opposition, the president was overthrown. Therefore, if we admit democracy in the form in which everyone wants to see her, then we will not turn into a country, but in fragments. "

"I always advocated unemployment benefits only in need, and not those who came to the labor exchange and simply did not choose their own work on the shower."

"If nothing was done here for 20 years, it is difficult to reverse the situation in one year. Brains need to be changed. "

"If we provide ourselves with products, first, we will get quality, secondly, this is cultivating land standing for many years, and these are issues of ecology, thirdly, these are jobs, and fourth, these are food security . Therefore, for these directions, I see real results. "

"The centralization of power brings fruits and increases responsibility."

"Salary," communal "and social obligations are those items that will always be executed, regardless of the economic situation."

In the Kremlin, they did not expect that residents of Sakhalin will be happy with the resignation of Oleg Kozhemäkosite Kremlin

In the Sakhalin region, spontaneous mass festivities were held over the departure of the Governor Oleg Kozhemyako for the post of Virio heads of Primorsky Krai. Local media write that Tuesday, September 26, in the region was a "special day", when Sakhalin residents sent each other "greeting sms". A source close to the presidential administration told our publication that "seeing, what hate the residents of Sakhalin is calling Oleg Kozhemyako, the Kremlin is in shock." At the same time, political scientists are confident that the folk hatch train, which stretches for Kozhemyako from Sakhalin, is unlikely to play against him in the election of the governor of the Primorsky Territory, and he can become "his" in the Far East.

Today on the website of the Sakhalin.Info publication, a video survey of the inhabitants of the island about the care of the resignation of the Governor Oleg Kozhemyako and the appointment of His Virio Governor of the Primorsky Territory was published. Sakhalin residents surveyed by journalists are mostly disappointed with the fact that Kozhemyako, and without fulfilling the data in 2015, the promises rapidly left the region. Others in front of Rada, that Kozhemyako on Sakhalin will no longer appear.

"On September 26, officially recognized as the Day of Liberation of the Sakhalin Region from Amur Militarists.

So quickly the place turned up, immediately dumped. Of course, there is a feeling of "threshing and thrown." He told so much, planned that he wants to do.<…> Probably he did not cope with his authority, decided to "develop" further. He says that order [on Sakhalin] brought, now in Primorye. But there was no sense from him, nothing has changed that it was [Kozhemyako] that there was no it. It used to be better.<…> He promised so much, he did half, half no. The same as [Alexander] Khoroshavin. Promised the golden mountains, they had a little shy, and then go. I do not approve [Care Kozhemyako], because if I started, then be good to finish.<…> Governors - some river-field. In one region, business has done bad things, it is sent to another place, then in the third.<…> Very satisfied [Leather's departure], you need to choose from those who know Sakhalin, to whom is the island of native, "Sakhalin residents say in an interview. The inhabitants of the island advise their Far Eastern neighbors from Primorye to "look at Oleg Kozhemyakoy".

On October 16, deputies of the seaside sembition will determine the date of repeated elections of the head of Primorye. Vrio Governor of the region Oleg Kozhemyako has already stated that he intends to go to the elections as a self-confinement, while hoping to "support parties". On the eve of Vedomosti, they were told to help Kozhemyako before the elections from the presidential administration, the "whole landing of employees and political schools" is used. Thus, according to the publication in Primorye, Boris Rapoport will be departed (whose candidacy is now being inspected for the position of deputy head of the President's Department to ensure the activities of the State Council (UGS)), and the UGS employee Maria Sergeeva. And for the very election campaign Kozhemyako will be responsible for the head of UGS Alexander Harichev. In addition, the Polittechnologists of Baxter Groups will be sent to Primorsky Krai, Oleg Matvechev and Dmitry Gusev, employees of the Ima Consulting PR and Polylog, and possibly political technologist Grigory Kazankov.

The source in the presidential administration told the site that "the chances of winning the Kozhemyko are there, but it will be extremely difficult to win."

"In Primorye, a very influential local elite. And if the Kozhemyako does not mind agree with her, then no matter how try, it will not work out anything. In each area of \u200b\u200bPrimorye, there is its own influential group of people with whom Kozhemyako need to have time to establish a dialogue. [Andrey] Tarasenko could not do this, the result was all seen, "says the source. According to his forecasts, to negotiate with the elite Oleg Kozhemyako, most likely can, because "he was a senator from Primorye, he has a business in the region, he understands the language of local elites, familiar with its representatives personally." "Oleg Kozhemyako over the years of absence in Primorye acquired great federal connections, became an influential person, whose opinions are considered. Kozhemyako is able to attract large projects and financing to the region, and at the same time he will be able to talk to the people in their language, "the source notes.

The head of the International Institute of Political Expertise Evgeny Minkchenko is confident that "Positive or negative Bacground Oleg Kozhemyako in the elections of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory will not matter." "For the regions of the Far East, a certain oceanity is characterized, the inhabitants are little interested in the situation in neighboring regions, it is only important for them that their own and native. And this is the fact that Kozhemyako Local (born and grew up in Primorye - approx. Znak) is a big plus. But at the same time, Kozhemyako was not long ago in Primorye, so he will have to go through the procedure of second dating and with elites, and with the population, "says Minchenko.

The political scientist believes that Kozhemyko "Chance to win, of course, is, but the elections will not be a light walk for him." "The Kozhemyako election campaign must be very financially provided. He will have a very serious job. It is worth considering that the significant part of the voters still considers Andrei Ischenko - the winner of the election of the governor, so the candidate from the Communists is now anyway, but the Favorite of the Campania, "Myschenko is sure.

With the fact that the hostility of Sakhalin residents to Oleg Kozhemyako on the results of the election of the governor in Primorye will not affect, and the head of the political expert group Konstantin Kalachev agrees. "When Oleg Kozhemyako came to Sakhalin with his team, it was perceived painfully. In island psychology, the division on "their" and "strangers" is of great importance. From Kozhemyako, it was waiting for that he would become a driver's driver and an effective defender of Sakhalin's interests, which did not happen. But at the same time, it is impossible to look at the seaside prospects of Kozhemyako through the prism of Sakhalin experience, because he had to break the system through his knee on Sakhalin, and he needs to negotiate in Primorye, "Kalachev is sure.

However, the political scientist warns, even the fact that "for Primorye Kozhemyako allegedly can become" its "illusion." "Any governor will act according to the general rules, focusing on the head of the federal center. When people think that the heads of the region have the opportunity to show independence, sail against the current, argue with Moscow, these are all the roots of the 90s, "says Kalachev.

The chances of winning Oleg Kozhemyako in the Kalachev elections also evaluated high: "Kozhemyako is a good politician, but it is important for him to solve the problem with Andrei Ishchenko. For this there are two ways: for example, Ishchenko will not pass a municipal filter, with which the seaside authorities have helped him, but this can provoke a wave of protest, the second option is to agree with the Communist Party. "