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Unstressed drilling of concrete. What and how best to drill concrete? Cost of professional services

The need for laying holes in concrete walls and overlaps occurs when laying communications, firefare and engineering systems (sewage, ventilation, gas and water supply), installation of railings, installation of anchors and similar situations requiring partial or completely end-to-end construction of structures. The process of their preparation refers to labor-intensive and dirty, achievable effect and drilling costs are largely dependent on the correctness of the choice of the working tool. If you doubt your abilities or, if necessary, the embedding of a large number of channels trust professionals.

Powerful equipment is used to create holes: shock and unstressed drills, perforator and drill plants with hydraulic or electrical drive. Their nozzles are drills, and round crowns with winning or diamond spraying. The latter are valued for the minimum dust formation, the possibility of drilling to a depth to 3 m with diameter within 1, high speed of work and the admission of their execution on curvilinear surfaces.

The shock perforators allow you to quickly lay cavity with a cross section of up to 3 cm (with a maximum of 5) in the structures without reinforcement. The recommended minimum power in this case is 1 kW, this is sufficient to drill the righteous marks. The minuses include the impossibility of attaching a crown with a diameter of more than 25 cm and restrictions when working with ZBB. The direct hit of the reinforcement rigs is fraught with stopping or breakdown of the perforator, as a result, its use is allowed only in confidence in the absence of metal on the path of the nozzle.

Drills with a power of 250 W and above are used in the processing of aerated concrete and monoliths using shock spiral drills and crowns. In the selection of nozzles, the brand and type of concrete is taken into account: for porous materials, a rather collet cartridge, for monoliths, a two-handed tool with SDS + shank with a cross section of 10 mm is required, for drilling solid composites from M400 and above - SDS Max is not less than 18 mm . Drilling of a drill of holes with a large diameter and a depth of more than 0.5 m is difficult, motobra are involved.

Specialized and professional equipment includes drilling installations, in turn divided on the model of a pistol type (for quickly creating holes with a diameter of up to 10 mm), one-handed machines for the attachment of through and deaf cavities within 15 and two-handed, suitable for large channels. The latter are represented by water-cooled fiberglass with a power of 5-8 kW connected to a three-phase network or hydraulic. They allow without problems to drill a hole with a depth of 1-1.5 m and a diameter of 250 mm.

Types of drilling nozzles

As consumables are used:

1. Impact spiral drills from solid alloys with frequency of revolutions from 400 to 1200, used when laying channels from 4 to 13 mm, installed on a drill when preparing deaf holes for anchor.

2. Boers with a caliber from 6 to 76 mm and length in the limits of 1 m. The frequency of their revolutions depends on the diameter (than it is more, the slower rotates the nozzle) and varies from 60 to 400. Their advantages: small dust formation and silentness, minus - the impossibility of drilling reinforcement.

3. Coronated rotational drills that operate with rotating drilling are optimal if necessary. The recognized advantages of these consumables relate to high accuracy and obtaining neat edges.

4. Crowded borants with centering drill and carbide attacks used in domestic purposes on structures without reinforcement. The resource is inferior to varieties with diamond spraying, but it allows you to lay at least 100 holes with a diameter of 5 to 45 cm. Advantages: the possibility of insignificant care to the side and work with pressure.

5. Segmented tubular drills with diamond attacks related to professional consumables and used when processing concrete with any degree of reinforcement and hardness.

6. Nozzles for Motobur with a caliber up to 300 mm and up to 1500 long, selected when drilling industrial structures.

Carbide crowns cost cheaper, but with the slightest doubt in the density or the presence of metal in the monolith, consumables are selected with spraying from synthetic diamonds. The maximum performance when applying them is achieved when providing significant axial efforts, working with water cooling and excluding distortions during drilling.

The unambiguous advantages of diamond cutting include low dust formation, preserving the bearing ability of walls due to the lack of vibrational effects, obtaining neat edges without chipping and cracks within the specified size up to 1 mm, high speed and silent.

Drilling, Risks and Possible Errors Technology

Works begin with inspection and evaluation of structures, performing accurate markup, excluding or minimizing the risk of fittings (for these purposes it is worth using the metal detector). When choosing the right tool and consumage, the diamond cutting takes a few seconds, control over the depth of the boome or crown is required. In order to protect people and furniture, it is recommended to protect the drilling areas by 2-2.5 m on both sides of the wall. Ignoring this requirement leads to the formation of end-to-end cavities that violate integrity in unnecessary places or hazards for others. Regardless of the intended purpose of the Channel paved, the diamond drilling is not carried out at the joints and seams. Particular attention also requires areas near gas pipelines, ventilation passes and electrical communications, following the construction standards for them.

Marking is carried out using a drill with standard sharpening, it helps to maintain perpendicular direction of nozzles. Punch a hole of a large diameter is the easiest way when the core with a centering axis is involved. Drills shock mode are disconnected to ensure the exit of concrete crumbs from the channels or make return movements by 2-3 cm with the engine. With the proximity of the nozzle to the fittings, it should be replaced with special drills for the metal, after passing the dangerous area it returns to the place. If you need to knock out particularly solid large fractions and the absence of the possibility of exposure to diamond crowns with segments, a manual displacement or perforator borants is used.

At all stages, the operator puts on protective clothing, gloves and glasses. Work begins with small revolutions, with gradual buildings. Performance control is carried out continuously, when signs of clogging of the nozzle or slowing the speed of diamond drilling, the process is suspended. To return the segments of segments, the crown is cooled in water or drive in a dry mode through a brick or a similar high-abrasive composite. No more than 30 s is given to the last operation, since the diamond coating consumables are in principle are not intended for processing such materials.

Almost all professional tools work with water cooling, the estimated water consumption is 3 l / s. Liquids with open sources for diamond drilling are not suitable, the optimal characteristics are achieved when in the zone of conventional tap water (or filtered by filters). In the absence of such a possibility, it is worth the concern about its bridge. The same applies to forests, drilling structures at a height of more than 2 m without support forbidden.

Cost of professional services

Approximate rates for diamond drilling of concrete and w / w see Table:

The diameter of the prepared hole, mm Price per 1 cm passage, rubles
For concrete For w / b
25-52 18 20
62-72 22 24
82-102 24 26
112-122 26 32
132-142 30 34
152-162 34 36
172-202 40 44
225-252 52 58
302-325 58 68
352 74 96
402 94 124
452 116 138
502 132 156

When punching holes with a diameter of over 502 mm or a tab in the monoliths of a large niche is composed of a separate estimate. The presented rates are minimal, the total cost of works depends on a number of factors:

  • When the reinforcement content in the railway, more than 100 kg / m3, costs increase by 20%, when working with high-quality brands of concrete - by 50.
  • Upon exceeding the drilling depth of more than 50 cm, the presented rates are multiplied by a correction coefficient increasing in increments of 0.5 m.
  • When working in the winter or night, the amount of estimates increases by 10-20%.
  • When drilling at an altitude, the magnitude of the correction coefficient depends on the presence or absence on the forest site and varies from 1.1 to 1.7. The same for hard-to-reach plots - 1.15.
  • If you need to drill holes in the ceiling or at an angle, the price in the table is multiplied by 4.1.
  • In the absence of a fixed minimum price, a fixed minimum price (from 2000 rubles in shift and above for each employee) stipulates on a water site or conducting work on a remote object.

These coefficients are necessarily taken into account when drawing up the estimate, the final value is indicated after the object examination and assessment of the status of structures. Additionally, factors such as restrictions in timing, safety requirements, costs for the preparation of concrete surfaces and drilling areas, the need for cleaning of sludge or construction waste has been trained.

Many people live in homes with, and when there is a need to make a hole in them, they are encountered with serious difficulties.

You should not despair and get upset if you immediately failed to hang the shelf, lamp or locker, read our recommendations and everything will work out.

There are several options with which you can independently drill a concrete wall.

Concrete structures are highly durable, so it is quite difficult to drill them.

It is connected with the fact that crushed stone is used to create concrete products and when during the execution of drilling, you fall on it, the process is greatly hampered.

The need to drill a concrete wall occurs quite often, it is necessary for mounting shelves, lockers, air conditioning, fixing the lamp, when or during the fastening of beacons.

To solve this problem there are several ways:

  • with the help of a perforator or powerful drill;
  • conventional electric drill or screwdriver;
  • diamond drilling.

An ordinary drill will not fit the specified work, it is necessary to acquire the tools attacked by the winning alloy.

It should be remembered that for walls of relatively soft materials, it is impossible to use winner drills, since the holes will turn out uneven, and the wall will collapse. It is also impossible to work with the metal with such a tool.

To create a large diameter holes or, annular drills with diamond spraying are used.
To use such a tool, it is necessary to use special installations, they allow you to make holes with a diameter of up to 250 mm.

Since the cost of such equipment is high, it is easier to hire specialists or you can rent it.

The better drilling

As already mentioned, drill a concrete wall in several ways, consider each of them in more detail.


When using a perforator or shock drill, they need to be switched to the shock mode, the working tool with a winning tip is inserted and it should be directed perpendicular to the wall surface.

If the drilling of the holes is performed for a long time, then periodically you need to make the drillso that it does not overheat strongly.

After you drilled on the necessary depth, pull the work tool back before turning off the perforator. To clean the finished hole from dust, it is necessary to block several times and pull the drill.

Ordinary drill or screwdriver

If you do not have the tools described above, you can perform this work with a conventional electric train or a powerful screwdriver.

To perform drilling, you will need more time than when using a perforator, but you can do everything with your own hands.

In this case, except drill and drill, you will also need a breakdown. At first, at the site of drilling with the help of a bandier and the hammer make a small recess.

After that, insert the work tool into it and begin to drill. If the drill stops, again split the solid plots with a disorder and continue to work.

Although the usual electric drill or a screwdriver is not suitable for working with concrete, but if you do not have a perforator, you can make some small holes you can and these tools, but you need to use a spear drill with a carbide tip, usually used for a tile.

Diamond drilling

This is the most effective way, with which you can simply and quickly make a hole in the concrete wall of the required diameter.

To perform these works, special equipment will be required, consisting of these elements:

  1. electric motor;
  2. rack, which is securely fixed on the basis;
  3. drill crown.

While cooling, the drill is not necessary, so water is supplied to it, which not only cools the tool, but does not allow dust to form.

If specialists work, together with the specified equipment, they use a vacuum cleaner, with which dust and water are removed.

As the price of such equipment is very large, I am inappropriate to buy it for domestic use. If necessary, make a hole of a large diameter, for this you can always invite specialists.

So that you can reverse the concrete wall correctly, you need to have the necessary equipment, all work performed carefully and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • without a perforator, work can be performed by a shock drill or drill a screwdriver;
  • do not buy cheap drills, as they very quickly disappears a winning tip, and they fail;
  • instead of a breakfast, you can use a winvest tool, one you will break the crusp, and the second, inserted into the usual electric drill, drill;
  • to work with concrete, the perforator must be the SDS-Plus cartridge;
  • consider the placement of the valve to determine where it is located, you can use the metal detector, if the reinforcement is denied, it is necessary, to prevent rust;
  • you can use universal drills with diamond spraying to work with concrete, but it is necessary to insert them only in a regular drill, or you need to turn off the shock mode.


During the execution of these works, it is necessary to adhere to the developed technologies and safety rules, then you can not only make a hole independently without attracting experts, but also avoid injury.

Useful video:

As a screwdriver drill concrete and brick, video:

In contact with

The holes in the concrete are necessary for the installation of communications. Works are distinguished by the abundance of dust, noise, high labor costs, require high-quality power tools. To drill a hole in this material, it should be noted that every hole in the power frame of the building reduces its strength, is fraught with damage to the engineering systems (mainly wiring, ventilation), is traumatic.

Through holes with low quality of the tool cause swelling of the adjacent sections of the walls at the output of the drill / crown from their back side. Additional finishes are required, the timing of work is increasing.

Safety in the manufacture of holes in concrete

The power frame of the building from reinforced concrete is a durable inhomogeneous material. Inside it is metal fittings, gravel or crushed stone of various fractions. Therefore, drill a hole without compliance with TB - it means to expose yourself surrounding colleagues at risk of injury. Experts recommend compliance with the following requirements for drilling / drilling w / w designs:

  • the use of protective equipment - overalls in combination with glasses / mask, petal respirator, kakaya;
  • installation of fences: with end-to-end drilling when a worker does not see the opposite side of the wall, the risk of shaking pieces on passersby or his colleagues is possible;
  • the use of reliable forests: Without them, work at an altitude of more than one and a half meters is prohibited, since the stability of the operator is not ensured, when using the stepladder, it is necessary to strengthen them with the stops.

To drill a hole in concrete, you need to change the turnover of a drill, a perforator, a special diamond machine smoothly, apply only a two-handed tool. The presence of plaster sharply increases the risk of destruction of internal communications. Therefore, before drilling a hole in the supporting structure of the building, it is necessary to make sure that they are absent.

Drilling to the perforator in the impact mode is allowed only when used as a working body of the drill, drill. If the crown is immersed in concrete, rotation is applied without impact.The tool is able to drill a hole, read the inner reinforcement, stones.

Unlike a conventional bora, which destroys rubble spots by hitting, unable to drill fittings. To drill a monolithic wall, you need to explore the location of the seams. It is in them that the inner layout of the power cable, gas, sewer pipes is hidden.

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Technologies manufacturing holes in concrete with their own hands

In the construction process, the decoration of buildings arises the need for the manufacture of deaf or through holes of different diameters. The deaf holes are created for fasteners, their diameter is limited to 2-16 mm. In this case, an important factor is the correspondence of the declared diameter. Otherwise, plastic dowels for self-tapping screws are broken in the broken holes, nails will break out over time, reducing the strength of fixing wall cabinets, curtains, pipelines, decor elements.

For the drilling of the deaf holes of a large diameter or end-to-end penetration of walls for entering communications, crowns are used. They are a cylinder, one side of which is attached to the shank in the cartridge drill, perforator, the second has a winner or diamond crowns welded to it. In the middle part of the design, a winning drill is established to give direction.

Drilling a brown or a drill leads to the destruction of the entire volume of concrete at the point of contact of the tool with structural material. If there is inside the construction of the reinforcement, it is impossible to pass it with a brown, the hole is transferred to the side.

Drilling holes in concrete crown differs from the previous method:

  • concrete is destroyed only around the perimeter of the hole;
  • inside the crown remains a concrete cylinder.

Therefore, after reaching the desired depth of the deaf hole, the inner concrete cylinder remains associated with the wall with the back end. To remove it from the hole, destroying methods are used: chisel with a hammer or perforator. Concrete cylinders with end-to-end drilling are removed from the tool with light blows of the Cyan

Drilling holes in concrete is made by the following tools:

  • drill drill spiral - more often used for deaf holes, the diameter of the carbide liner of the tip is always greater than the spiral body of the instrument, the shank is round, not intended for work in the concrete perforator with SDS cartridges;
  • spiral drone - instead of winning a zirconium or tungsten tip (spraying), a shank with rollers is suitable only for SDS cartridges (MAX, + modifications), is provided with malicious, low noise drilling;
  • diamond crown is a large-diameter tool exclusively for high-speed rotary drilling.

In the labeling of the shock-helix drill, the caliber is indicated, and not the diameter. This is the distance between the protruding edges of the attack / liners. Drilling holes with this tool is made in the following modes:

  • 800-1200 revolutions for diameters in the range of 4 mm;
  • 300-500 revolutions for diameters 5-13 mm.

Even the presence of a red marking of the tip of this tool does not guarantee the correspondence of the tip material declared metal manufacturer. Cheap non-Adoption At the first use is folded into an incomprehensible configuration, it becomes unsuitable for work.

Zirconium, tungsten borants are suitable for the following work modes:

  • 60-100 revolutions with a diameter of 42-76 mm;
  • 150-400 revolutions for diameters of 4-60 mm.

The length of the borax can reach 1 m, a slight amount of dust when working this tool allows not to carry out furniture from the room. The destroyable concrete "leaks" from the hole in the stitching of the spiral channels, is going to the unplaced film, paper.

Professionals are made of deaf holes for brutal diameters in a few seconds. A homemade master who has no regular work practices like a tool, most often risks damage the crown at the slightest distortion. Working modes when using crowns are 2,000-3,000 revolutions for any diameters. The advantage of the crown is the high-quality cut of the reinforcement of any diameter, granite, basalt rubble inside the concrete at high cutting rates.

  • the corner tubular segmented - complicated in operation, is used by specialists in areas with a high probability of the presence of thick reinforcement;
  • driven with a central man - a carbide modification, inside which the drill is located in the center, facilitating the direction of the direction, which reduces the sensitivity to the nan. These options are not suitable for cutting fittings.

The latest modifications of the crowns are operated at 600-1200 turns, during contact with the tooth reinforcement, bend instantly. Therefore, before drilling, the wall is carefully examined by a special tool for the presence of Armopleois.


How to drill concrete? This question often arises from the masters during the construction and repair of dwellings with. Drilling concrete has to install electrical outlets and switches, pave pipes, wires and other communications.

When drilling a concrete before a newcomer, a lot of problems arise, such as breakdown drill, or even drills.

Concrete is a very durable material. Drilling in conventional ways he is very bad. And if it is reinforced (reinforced concrete), this task becomes practically impossible with a normal drill. How to drill concrete? The problem of hardening the holes in this material is becoming increasingly popular.

How to drill concrete?

The main tools for drilling such structures today are a drill equipped with a shock mechanism and a perforator. Properly drill concrete perforator. It is intended for such a case. The holes done by the perforator can have quite large sizes as at their depth and in diameter. You can drill the wall using special operating tools having a carbide spraying or winning inserts. Multiple ways to use this tool are most common:

The most powerful tool for drilling concrete structures is the perforator.

  • use of a conventional tool with additional use of the displacement;
  • the use of perforator or shock drills, equipped with special tools;
  • drilling with diamond instruments.

In the usual way to do the hole in the wall is very difficult, and it takes a lot of time. The tool is quickly stupid and fails. How to drill the wall? The drilling point should constantly receive a rotational and impact effect. The rotational motion is achieved with a drill, and the shock - with the help of a displacement and a hammer. An old drill can be used as a platoon. Hammers are shifted by his end. In this case, the destruction of the layer of concrete occurs. Destroyed particles are removed using a drill. The hole is slow, but deepened. The most common method is to do the holes with a perforator and a special cutting tool. Work goes pretty quickly and efficiently. A small amount of work can be performed by a drum drill with a carbide tool.

Diamond drilling is used for quite large amounts of work. This method allows you to cope with the case very quickly and without a large amount of dust. How to get the holes of a large diameter? This is done using diamond spraying crowns or carbide inserts. In some cases, special installations with a water vacuum cleaner are used. But usually a perforator is fully coping with a similar task. The drill from the hole is recommended to be periodically removed and wedged with water.

Tools inserted into the cartridge drill are usually produced with a diameter of 4 mm. The largest diameter is 1.2 cm. The length of them can be 40 cm. A dowel from plastics is inserted into the finished hole, and the screw is screwed into it. Dowel diameter must coincide with the hole diameter. To hang cabinets and other furniture items, it is recommended to drill holes and use dowels with a diameter of 8 mm.

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Drills for perforator

Drills used in the perforator, it is customary to call the boots. The borants may have a diameter of 4 mm to 28 mm. At the same time, they have different lengths (diameter and length in millimeters):

  • 4 — 50;
  • 5 — 100;
  • 6 — 150;
  • 8 — 250;
  • 10 — 540;
  • 12 - more than 1000.

The bur for the perforator has a shank type SDS-Plus. Other shanks can be used in industrial installations. Putting holes with a diameter of 35 mm is carried out by tools that are called crowns in the people. The maximum diameter is 12 cm. On the perimeter of the crowns are attacked from winning or diamond spraying. Crowns work without turning on the shock mechanism. The hole is dried over several techniques so that the cutting tool and the engine are cooled. Crowns are well drilled tiles, so concrete walls lined with a tile can be drilled without changing the tool.

You can purchase special borants and crowns in numerous stores of tools and construction equipment.

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Several tips:

  1. Before fastening the tool in the punch chipper or drill, it is necessary to clean it from contaminants.
  2. The shank of the Bura must be in the cartridge until it stops.
  3. For household drills and perforators every 15 minutes you need to take a break for 10-15 minutes.
  4. The drill is recommended to be carried out periodically with water.
  5. Before typing holes in the wall, you must make sure there are no pipes and wiring in it.
  6. To find in the wall of the pipe and wires, you can use a metal detector.
  7. Starting the work follows when the shock mechanism is turned off and on small revolutions.
  8. The depth of the opening must slightly exceed the length of the dowel, which will be inserted into it.
  9. The depth of drilling can be noted by talked to the drill the cooler.
  10. When working, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment.
  11. It is better to buy borants of famous manufacturers. Excellent choice - BOSCH products.
  12. A diamond tool will help to drill many identical holes quickly and efficiently.
  13. Drills and boys on concrete cannot be used when drilling metal and wood.

The drilling of concrete walls is not a very simple lesson, but quite fulfilled even at home.

It is very difficult to drill in concrete, it will confirm you. Everyone who had to deal with a similar problem. To adequately overcome the resistance of persistent material, you need to know some features of concrete drilling plus to be able to apply knowledge in practice. So, let's find out how to get out of the position without any problems.

What drill drill concrete

In order to drill the wall of concrete, the wizard use drills with a winning tip.

A simple drill with such a task will not cope. If you want to do a small hole (less than 13 mm in diameter), then drill goes into the course, and in other cases - the perforator. It is much more productive drilled due to the presence of devices in it with a shock function and a higher drilling speed. When the perforator is not at hand, the usual drill with a solid alloy with asymmetric sharpening is suitable.

Before starting work, it is necessary to outline the location of Kern drilling. It is also desirable to minimize the distribution of dust on the room by planning the perforator of a simple device - the cap from the cans. Most of the dust will fall in it. In order for the plastic dowel to enter the hole done to the end, the specialists recommend to deepen on a centimeter longer than the size of the fastening element itself.

In the process of rotation in the concrete, the drill is heated due to friction, which leads to a decrease in its working properties, therefore the drill is periodically wetted in machine oil or ordinary water.

For high-quality drill, it is preferable to choose a tool equipped with a building level. If such a thing in the perforator is not provided - it does not matter, the ordinary small level, fixed on the housing with a tape, is also suitable.

It happens that it is necessary to drill a concrete through, and the drill on hand is too short. Then the deaf hole is drilled from the inside for the entire length of the existing drill, and the magnet is placed in the resulting nest. From the reverse side, another magnet determine the location of the first, and drilled in the intended point.

If metal reinforcement is interrupted, the metal fittings interfere, then change the drill on concrete on what is intended for working with the metal. After that, continue with the former drill.

Before driving a concrete wall, make sure that the introduction into the material does not hurt any communications.

Using the perforator to perform holes is already considered obsolete. However, with small amounts of work, it is indispensable due to its price availability. With it, drilling is performed by a shock or in the usual way. But this method has a significant disadvantage: in the process of vibration, the tool that emerges inevitably arise, lead to undesirable defects in the decoration. And if the perforator is very powerful, then the consequences of action for the design are simply unpredictable. To reduce vibrations, new modifications of modern perforators have been developed.

Now the equipment of diamond drilling is used more often, especially in large construction - holes in concrete are flattened, clear, while the drill machine almost does not create noise and almost does not form dust and garbage. An unstressed method does not make chips, it is also possible to avoid the formation of cracks in concrete. And the main plus of diamond drilling - in addition to the rapid drilling of concrete, it can easily cope with the reinforcement.

To produce holes in thin concrete partitions, a displacement is used: it is made of drill on 8 millimeters, the end of which is sharpened under the "tail of a swallow". The drill must be wrapped and beat the hammer on it.

When drilling in the ceiling overlap, so that the concrete crumbs do not fall asleep their eyes, it is recommended to push the protective funnel to the tool.

To secure in the concrete, the screw is clogged into the hole piece of Capron. Then slightly melted with hot metal (nail), after which the screw is screwed. Capron freezes and firmly holds the mount.

The dowel substitute can be a piece of copper or aluminum tube. It is crimped to the necessary sizes, insert into the hole and screw.