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Interview in English. Job Interview


The search expert is divided into a secret, how not to fail in English. If the level of proficiency is not particularly good and afraid of interviews in English, then the courts.

Many applicants are attracted to work in the international company. The prospect of obtaining such a job proposal is very attractive not only because of the high level of salary, good social package and stability. Thanks to the built-in business processes, training opportunities and career growth, work in the international company becomes a competent step in the development of their career. Therefore, the position in the international company makes sense to compete.

Many people think that in order to work in an international company, it is required to own English freely. This belief becomes a stumbling block for many applicants.

Despite the fact that by the time of the search for even the very first work, many teach English for 10-15 years, the oral interview can scare. If at school, in high school and additional language courses, it is possible to master the grammar, reading and translation, with oral communication, many people arise. Even if you know English well, the language barrier for a long time can stay for you irresistible.

Recruiters of international companies are striving to choose the best, and chip candidates, including on the principle of English proficiency. Even if the position does not imply the use of a foreign language in work, in the description of most vacancies of international companies, the language knowledge requirement most often sounds like "FLUENT ENGLISH". Some candidates, such a wording scares, forcing them to look for work and build a career only in Russian companies. Other makes it overding the response to the vacancy for an indefinite time, convincing previously for several months to chase at a difficult farm level "Advanced" in language courses.

You may be surprised that for the successful passage of the interview to the majority of vacancies of the international company, as well as for further work in it, sufficiently level Upper Intermediate and even intermediate. On some positions, the language is used so rarely, which is quite enough and less.

The exceptions are only positions that suggest daily oral and written communication with English-speaking clients and partners, or your future expatriate leader. For them, you really need a high level of English. However, enough ambitious candidates can try their strength in conquering and such positions. If you satisfy all other requirements, and the level of language proficiency is the only stumbling block - why not. Just be prepared that in the event of a successful passage of selection, it will be difficult at first, and in parallel to master the new work will have to tighten the language very quickly. But you will have not only a serious stimulus to improve it, but also an excellent environment for practice.

How to hack the system of recruitment of the international company staff and to create the impression that you have "almost FLUENT English"? Very simple. Use instructions for preparing for interviews in English, as well as 7 additional keywords.

Instructions for preparing for an interview in English

Interview in English is built according to the scheme of the usual interview, and therefore it is possible to prepare it. The interview scheme in most cases is classic - you first answer the questions of a potential employer, then you can set your own. As part of the preparation, do the following:

1. Make a list of all possible issues that you may ask. Starting from simple concerning your experience and education, ending with tricks, for example, about your advantages and disadvantages, motivation and "why you should hire you." The more questions you write, the better. Strive to 50, but at least no less than 10. Make it right in English, or in Russian with a consistent translation.

2. Write the capacious, beautiful, convincing answers in English to the prepared questions. You can first write the answers in Russian, then translate. Do not be seized when transferring, we use simple words and short sentences.

3. Check the literacy of the answers. Find surrounded by someone who knows English decently, and ask to help. "Decent knowledge of language" does not have to look for among teachers or native speakers. Enough the "Intermediate" level from any of your familiar and its fresh look at your work.

4. Learn the adjusted responses in the bundle with questions. Focus on your abilities - if you need to send to memorize, do it.

5. Training. Lot. With mom, spouse (s), girlfriend, colleague or every one in turn. By the way, they do not need to know English at all. Hand questions ask them, ask for an arbitrary order and "imitate" the interview. Repeat as many times as necessary. Until you stop prying into the crib and do not feel, your speech is natural and relaxed that the phrases became relatives, and there was not a single hint that you memorized by heart.

6. Everything, you are ready. Go and conquer your future employer.

To the attention of the most meticulous those who read the instructions, I propose 7 Bonus Soviets-KeysSuppose to increase your chances when passing an interview in English:

1. So that you are invited to an interview, the level of English, which is specified in the description of the vacancy, or higher should be specified in your resume.

2. When a recruiter calls you, be prepared not only to convincingly answer that your language proficiency is sufficient to pass interviews, but also to prove it by telephone, answering a few questions in English if they are asked.

3. If you directly ask you about the level of your language or suspected in inconsistency in the level specified in the summary, you can elegantly exit this situation. Explain your current level in that now your work does not involve the use of the language fully, but as soon as you get into this excellent corporation, where knowledge of the language is more in demand, your level of knowledge level will automatically restore. You can not blush in this case, without regular practice, the level of proficiency is really falling. Add that you just recorded courses to restore your level, and that in a month (maximum half a year), you will again be flu.

4. Prepare 2-3 trick responses in advance. Write a few common phrases that are suitable as an answer to any question and will switch the attention of the interviewer to something else if you suddenly be confused and you will not find what to answer. Something like: "Thinking the answer to your question, I remembered ..", "Before answering your question, I would like to tell you about ..", "Well, that you asked, I was just going to tell Oh .. "then briefly tell about some achievement, solving a challenging task, an interesting fact from your work experience. Of course, the interviewer can notice your "Fint ears." But it is better if you continue to talk about what to confuse, silence and forget all other answers to questions.

5. Prepare 2-3 questions in English, which you can ask an interviewer at the end of the interview, if this part of the conversation is supposed to and will still have time.

6. As part of the interview in English, it is possible to check other skills (reading, translation, letter, grammar test). If there is an opportunity to practice in these skills - take strain. If not, relate to such a check and do what you can. Previously ask whether it is possible to use the dictionary or other additional materials, in some cases it is permitted.

7. Use ready-made examples of questions to start your list:

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

Why Shld We Hire You?

What is your Greatest Strength?

Howl Long Would You EXPECT TO Work for us if Hired?

What Motivates You to Do Your Best On The Job?

The last and most important advice. In order not to resort to such tricks and get out - learn the language, friends! In any way - in the group, on courses, individually with the teacher, independently.

And better - do not just learn, but embelling it in your life. Read Books, watch movies, listen to music, make friends with foreigners, change the language of your phone and other devices, etc. Create an environment yourself and immerse them to achieve and save the desired Fluent or decent "Intermediate", even if you are not Use it in work.

Purpose interviews in English Maybe not only to find out whether you are in a professional plan, but also evaluate your level of English language.

After you made up excellent and yours turned out to be so convincing that you were invited to interview (Job Interview)To it, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare, because this is the last test on the way to the work of your dreams and it is necessary to overcome it with dignity.

What you need to know before interviewing English

Careful preparation for the interview is the key to your success. Make sure that you can clearly briefly and logically explain everything that is written in your resume and, as well as bring specific examples of the tasks and achievements (especially related to the requirements of the vacancy).

Be sure to prepare and practice the speech in which you need to briefly tell:

  • about your education, and how it is connected with the requirements of the vacancy;
  • previous experiences (where internships can enter, volunteer work, employment in student unions, etc.).
  • build your speech so that it is clear how you can effectively use your previous experience, performing the work to which you apply;
  • why do you want to work in this company and in this position.

Remember that your time will be very limited (mostly interview lasts from 30 minutes to an hour), you will be worried and can be confused, to forget something or start repeated.


The best expression is well-prepared imprompt.

Therefore, the preparation and practice of your speech are very important. We recommend to work out the answers to the most likely questions in the form of rehearsal interviews with your parents, friends or classmates.

You can also relete the answers to the most common questions using a video simulator.


Dedicate enough time to search for information about the organization in which you have an interview. Check out the information on their website, read the materials about them in the press, check their profiles on social networks, find out who their main competitors, try finding information about people who will be present at the interview.

Story about yourself in English interview

"Tell Me About Yourself" - This simple, but important question may induce candidates to tell their life stories. But would potential employers want to hear it?

Tell about yourself at the interview Employers are asked to understand how well you prepared and come to this position.

You need to unobtrusively show yourself an interviewer from the best side - "sell yourself", briefly tell about yourself - "present yourself", while not going into unnecessary details.

Templates for a story about yourself in English

When preparing for a story about yourself, you can use ready-made templates. Selected phrases can be taken as the basis for any vacancy.

Offer in English Translation into English
I Graduated From. THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. and i have a degree in Information Systems and Technologies. I graduated Technical University, and i have a degree in the field of information systems and technologies.
I Have Been Working As A System Administrator. for Five. years.. I am working system administrator during five years.
My Professional EXPERIENCE INCLUDES LAN (Local Area Network) Administration, Equipment Maintenance and Negotiation with Suppliers. My professional experience includes Local Network Administration (LAN), Maintenance of equipment and negotiation with suppliers.
I am Currently Working For The It Company. which Specializes In. WebSite Creation And. provides. Hosting for its clients. I am currently working in IT companies which specializes in creating sites I. provides Hosting for its customers.
Now I Am Ready For A New Challenge, That "S Why I AppLied for This Position in Your Company. Now I am ready for new challenges, so I apply for this position in your company.
Your company Develops. Outstanding Products. and Uses. Progressive Technologies. Your company is developing Outstanding products and uses Progressive technologies.
I THINK THAT I WILL BE ABLE TO Support and Improve The Work of Your Computer Systems bECAUSE I AM. Organized and Enthusiastic. I think I can maintain and improve the work of your computer systems, because I. Organized and working with enthusiasm.
I'm a perfectionist. I. pay Attention to all the details, and lIKE TO BE SURE That Everything is Just Right. I am a perfectionist. Paying attention on all the details and me like to be surethat everything goes according to plan.
I'm Efficient and Highly Organized. This Enables Me. To Be As Productive AS Possible On The Job. I am productive and disciplined. It helps To achieve the highest results at work.
I'm a Creative Thinker. I. like to Explore. Alternative Solutions To Problems and Have An Open Mind About What Will Work Best. I am inventive. To me like Find Alternative, more efficient, solutions to tasks.
I. enjoy Solving Problems., Troubleshooting Issues, And coming Up with Solutions in a Timely Manner. To me like to solve tasks and offer decisions.
I'd Describe MySelf AS A GOAL-ORIENTED AND HARDWORKING PERSON WITH GOOD ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS AND STRATEGIC THINKING. Furthermore, I'm a Good Speaker and Even a Better Listener - That's Why i'Ve Always Been Able to Get Along with Different Types of People. I would describe myself as Clearance and hardworking person with good organizational abilities and strategic thinking. Moreover, I am a good speaker and a wonderful listener, so I have always been able to easily get along with different types of people.
I Have Over Six. yEARS OF EXPERIENCE In Sales. After Working The Past Four Years As A Sales Manager, I'Ve Developed A Number of Important Skills, Including Decision-Making and Multitasking. I have more six years of experience In sales. The last four years of work as a sales manager developed many important qualities in me, including the ability to make decisions and multitasking.
That Background Will Help Me Achieve All Goals You Have Set For This Position. This experience will help me achieve all the goals you put for this post.
In My Free Time i Enjoy Reading and bicycling. IT Provides Me With A Good Balance in My Life. I love free time Read and ride a bike. This allows me to achieve Proper balance in life.

Useful phrases for a story about yourself at the interview

When selecting phrases for a story about himself at the interview, you can also read our article. After all, pursuing common goals, these phrases are largely repeated.

Offer in English Translation into English
My Name (First Name) is Pavel. My name is Pavel.
I am Pavel Petrov. I am Pavel Petrov.
My Surname (Last Name) is Petrov. My surname Petrov.
I graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relass In 2003. I graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2003.
I Graduated from the University with a Specialty in Computer Science. I graduated from university with a specialty in computer science.
I Received My Master's Degree in Economics In 2001. I received a master's degree in economics in 2001.
I Am Currently Studying At The Southern Federal University Currently, I study at the Southern Federal University.
I Received An International Certificate in Teaching In 2005 I received an international teaching certificate in 2005.
I studied at college in the usa I studied at college in the USA.
While I Studied At University, I Worked AS An Intern. After I Graduated, I Worked in the Same Place Full-Time. When I studied at the university, I worked in an intern. After graduation, I worked in the same company at the full rate.
My ... Years of Experience and Work in The Field of (Field Name) Have Helped Me Developes Such Professional Qualities and Skills As ... My ...-years old experience and work in the field (sphere name) helped me develop such professional qualities and skills ...
The Key Aspect of My Job Was Providing Technical Data. The main aspect of my work was the provision of technical data.
I ALWAYS Do My Best to Achieve Professional Goals. I always do everything possible to achieve professional goals.
I Am Currently Working AS (Position Title) at (Company Name) ... At the moment I work in (company name), where I ranked position (position name) ...
I Am Interested In The Position of (Position Title) At Your Company, as ... I was interested in the vacancy (position name) in your company, because ...
I Believe The Combination of My Education and Experiences Have Prepared Me ... I believe that the relationship of my education and experience prepared me ...
I am an Experienceed Specialist with Extensive Knowledge. I am an experienced specialist with extensive knowledge.
My Major Strength Is The Ability to Work Under Pressure. My main strong side is the ability to work under pressure.

Successful self-sustaining that you need to know

It is no secret that during the interview your goal is not only to get a job, but also beneficial to "sell", i.e. Get such a financial offer that will fully suit you.

The secret for a successful answer to the question of herself free form is to focus, think over the script and practicing.

You cannot afford to carelessly answer this question, as it will affect the further course of the interview. Think about what you would like the interviewer to know about you.

Secrets of successful self-testing

Several following prompts will help you make a selling self-sustaining that any recruiter will appreciate.

1. Focus

List five of your strengths that refer to this position (experience, features, skills, etc.). What do you want the interviewer to remember about you when you leave?

2. Think your script

Prepare the script that includes the information you want to convey.

  • Start with the discussion of past experience and the achieved success.
Offer in English Translation into English
"I Have Been In The Customer Service Industry for the Past Five Years. My Most Recent Experience Has Been Handling Incoming Calls in The High Tech Industry. One Reason I Particularly Enjoy This Business and The Challenges That Go Along With IT, Is The Opportunity to Connect with People. In My Last Job, I Formed Some Significant Customer Relationships Resulting In A 30 Percent Increase in Sales In A Matter of Months. " "I work in customer service the last five years. My last experience was the processing of incoming calls in the high-tech industry. One of the reasons why I especially like this business, and the problems that go along with him is the ability to communicate with people. At my last work, I formed some important relationship with customers, which led to a 30 percent increase in sales in a few months. "
  • Specify your strengths and abilities.
  • Complete the story about your current plans:


Train your script until you feel confident that you want to emphasize in your story. Your script should help you stay afloat during, but do not juggle it so as not to sound hard and tight. Your story about yourself Must sound naturally.

How to imagine yourself to recruit

Unfortunately to the question "CAN You Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself?" It is impossible to answer simple "I'm Amazing and You Should Totally Hire Me". Although such an answer would undoubtedly be very original.

It is better to show some kind of distinctive qualities in a bit veiled and interesting form.

For example:

This answer shows that the candidate is smart and has leadership qualities. Both are excellent attributes of a potential employee.

Your strengths and weaknesses at the interview

Try to be as frank and truthful as possible, because any lie will open sooner or later.

How to answer slaughter questions at the interview We have already written in the article. But now we will consider questions that the recruiter can ask you during story about me.

Negative human qualities at interview

Question 1: What Is Your Greatest Weakness? (Rus. What are your biggest weaknesses / disadvantages)?

Of course, the ideal people do not happen, and your potential employer knows about it. But still try to mention only those negative qualities inherent in you, which are not particularly important for the selected vacancy.


Answering this question should not be told about what "bad" you are, but to try to show that you know how to fight your weaknesses.

Offer in English Translation into English
I Tend to Spend Too Much Time Making Sure The Customer Is Satisfied. However, I Began Setting Time-Limits for MySelf If I Noticed This Happening. I have a tendency to spend too much time to satisfy the client. However, I began to establish for myself the limits of time, if noting what it happens.
WHEN I'm Working On A Project, I don't Want Just to Meet Deadlines. Rather, I Prefer to Complete The Project Well Ahead Of Schedule. Working on the project, it is not enough for me to meet on time. I prefer to task ahead of schedule.
Being Organized WASN'T My Strongest Point, But I Implemented a Time Management System That Really Helped My Organization Skills. I was not always so well organized, so I mastered the time control system, which really helped me with my discipline.
I Have Always Had Difficult Time Prioritizing and Planning My WorkLoad. Yet, I Have Taken Measures to Solve This by Starting to Use a Planning Calendar Tool and A Diary System on My Computer and Smartphone. I always had difficulty establishing priorities and planning my workload. To solve this problem, I began using a planning calendar program and keep the diary of events on my computer and smartphone.

Positive qualities of a person at interview

Question 2: What is your Greatest Strength? (Rus. What are your stronger qualities?)

Try not to overdo yourself with the praise yourself. Describe only qualities related to this company and representing you as the most suitable candidate.

An example of an answer in English Translation into English
I Work Well Under Pressure. WHEN THERE IS A DEADLINE, I CAN FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND (CURRENT PROJECT) AND STRUCTURE MY WORK SCHEDULE WELL. I REMEMBER ONE WEEK WHEN I HAD TO GET 6 NEW CUSTOMER REPORTS OUT BY FRIDAY AT 5. I FINISHED ALL THE REPORTS AHEAD OF TIME WITHOUT HAVING TO WORK OVERTIME. I work well in stressful situations (under pressure). If an deadline is set to perform the task, I am well organized your work plan. I remember one week when I had to issue 6 reports on new customers by 17-00 Fridays. I finished all reports ahead of schedule, and I did not have to work overtime.
I Am An Excellent Communicator. People Trust Me and Come to Me for Advice. One Afternoon, My Colleague Was Involved With A Troublesome (DiffiCult) Customer Who Felt He Was Not Being Served Well. I Made The Customer A Cup of Coffee and Invited Both My Desk Where We Solved The Problem Together. I'm fine with people. People trust me and come to consult. One afternoon, my colleague was faced with a problematic (difficult) client, which believed that he was poorly served. I prepared a client a cup of coffee, and invited the client and a colleague to my table, where we jointly solved the problem.
I am a Trouble-Shooter. WHEN THERE WAS A PROBLEM AT MY LAST JOB, THE MANAGER WOULD ALWAYS ASK ME TO SOLVE IT. Last Summer, The Server At Work Crashed. The Manager Was Desperate and Called Me In (Requested My Help) to Get The Server Back Online. After Taking A Look At The Daily Backup, I Detected The Problem And The Server Was Up and Running (Working) Within the Hour. I can settle problems. When problems happened on my previous work, the head always asked me to solve them. Last summer, a server fails occurred. The head was desperate and called me (asked for my help) to restore the server. After viewing the daily backup, I found the problem, and the server was restored and run for an hour.
My Time Management Skills Are Excellent. I'm Organized and Efficient. I have excellent time management skills. I disciplined and effective.
I Pride MySelf on My Customer Service Skills and My Ability to Resolve What Could Be Difficult Situations. I am proud of my customer service skills and my ability to solve complex situations.
When I "M Working On A Project, I DON" T Want Just to Meet Deadlines. Rather, I Prefer to Complete The Project Well Ahead Of Schedule. I Have Exceeded My Sales Goals Every Quarter and I "Ve Earned A Bonus Each Year Since I Started with My Current Employer. When I work on the project, I do not want to simply follow the time frame. Rather, I prefer to complete the project long before the scheduled period. Each quarter I exceeded the sales plan, and every year I received bonuses since I started working with my current employer.

Examples of a successful story about themselves in English for interview

When making a story about himself in English, sketch first simple phrases that must be said during the interview. Then place them in order from the "weak point to a strong". And do not forget to check if you have built proposals.

We have prepared three examples of a successful story about yourself with translation and video story about yourself in English so that you can clearly imagine what to do in the interview:

  • A story about yourself who has no work experience at all.
  • Selling a story about yourself.
  • Video story about yourself in English.

Examples of successful self-testing with translation Will help you make your selling presentation correctly.

An example of a successful story about himself in English for an entry specialist

Story about yourself in English Translation into English
Thanks for Giving Me This Golden Opportunity to Introduce MySelf. My Name IS Andrew. I Am From Moscow. I Have Done My Schooling from Xyz School, Moscow, and Graduation from Xyz College, Moscow. WHEN I WAS IN THE ENGINEERING COLLEGE, I HAD MADE UP MY MIND TO BECOME A SOFTWARE TESTER. I Have Done ISTQB Certification. I am Good AT SDLC & STLC. As a Fresher, I Don't Have Any Work Experience, But I Am Very Passionate to Work for this Company As A Software Tester. My Goal Is to Build A Successful Career As A Software Tester, Which Can Help My Company and Me Personally. My Strengths Are My Positive Attitude, Punctuality, Interpersonal Skills and Strong in Management Skills. My Weakness Is My Emotional Nature Which Lands Me In Trouble Sometimes. This Is All About Me. Thanks for Giving Me The Wonderful Chance. Thank you for giving me this excellent opportunity to introduce yourself. My name is Andrey. I am from Moscow. I graduated from XYZ School in Moscow and graduated from XYZ College in Moscow. When I studied at an engineering college, I decided that I would study the software testing. I passed the ISTQB certification. I understand the SDLC and STLC well. Being a newcomer, I do not have experience, but I am very fascinated by the work in this company as a Software Tester. My goal is to create a successful career as a Software Tester, which can help my company and I personally. My strengths are my positive attitude, punctuality, interpersonal skills, and I can manage. My weakness is my emotionality, which sometimes nulls trouble. It's all about me. Thank you for giving me a wonderful chance.

Selling a story about himself during the interview in English

Story about yourself in English Translation into English
I am Highly Dedicated and Ambitious. Every time I start a New Campaign, I AIM TO WIN AN AWARD OR NOMINATION. Of Course, My Ultimate Goal Is To Please The Client. But The Fact That I Aim High Has Resulted in At Least 20 Industry Awards and Nominations. For example, I Once LED A Project for a Client Who Was Sure That He Didn't Want To Add Digital Media To His Campaign Budget. HE WASNT BEHIND THE TIMES, BUT HE WAS SURE THAT HIS CLIENT-BASE WAS. My Creative Director ASKED THAT I Get The Client On Board.
SO, I CREATED SOME SAMPLES, AND I PUT TOGETHER A PRESENTATION. I Set Out to Show The Client That He Was Missing An Entire DEMOGRAPHIC OF UNTAPPED CUSTOMERS. AND THIS PROJECT WAS SOLD. My Client Added Digital Media to His Campaign Budget Making My Boss Happy. The Work I Put Into The Digital Campaign to Impress The Client Was Above and Beyond What We Normally Do. The Result Was Two Cannes Lions Awards. While I enjoyed My Previous Work, IT Was Commercial. IT's a Dream of Mine to Do Work for nonprofit clients. Your company HAS DONE Some Amazing Work for nonprofit and ngo clients and i'd love to Switch Gears. That's Why I AppLied for This Position.
I am highly valuable and ambitious. Every time I start a new campaign, then I strive to win a reward or a nomination. Of course, my ultimate goal is to please the client. But the fact that I am aimed at a high level led to at least 20 sectoral awards and nominations. For example, I once led the project for the client who was confident that he did not want to add digital media to the budget of his company. He did not lag behind, but he was sure that he had a client base. My creative director asked me to get this client. So, I created several samples, and made a presentation. I decided to show the client that he does not have a whole demography of unauthorized customers.
And this project was sold. My client added digital media to the budget of his company, thanks to which my boss was happy. The work I introduced to the digital campaign made an impression on the client, was the above what we usually do. The result was two CANNES Lions. Although I liked my previous work, she was commercial. My dream is to do work for non-commercial customers. Your company has made a wonderful work for non-commercial and non-governmental clients, and I would like to change the situation. That is why I filed a request for this position.

Video story about yourself in English

Excellent answer to the Question Tell Me About Yourself You will find in this video from the channel Big Interview

Instead of imprisonment:

When preparing K. interview in English Remember that you will not have a second chance to make the first impression.

If you feel insecurity in your abilities, we recommend that you pass and our teachers will help you quickly and efficiently prepare for Job Interview.

In contact with

Are you waiting for an interview with the employer in English? In itself, the interview is stress, Moreover, on the tongue is not normal. Many questions arise immediately:

  • What are the most frequently asked questions in English?
  • What to answer?
  • What phrases to use to convince the employer to take you to work?
  • What to do in a situation where you do not understand the question or do not know how to answer?

We will consider these and other questions in today's article. In addition, you will learn:

  • How to prepare K. telephone interview in English
  • What are the most common mistakes And how to avoid them
  • Effective answers to questionswho work for you

Initial preparation for an interview in English

Preparation for an interview in English begins even before you direct the resume to the potential employer. It does not mean the study of the English language itself (although it is certainly important).

First, this is the resume itself. If you expect to work with the use of English, then take care that you have summary in English. By this you expand the range of proposals. Of course, the HR specialist, secretary or assistant manager, who, if necessary, translates resume for the head, is engaged in primary search and selection resume. Often you can do only with a Russian-speaking version of the resume. Nevertheless, foreign companies can independently search for candidates, and in this case the resume in English will help you get more offers.

Secondly, pay attention to how registered with you in the resume.

Always write your actual level of English level!

No need to overestimate, because Employer is easy to check. It will be enough to be 2-3 questions from his part to understand that you enter the employer to delusion about its language skills.

If you taught English at school, they subsequently had no practice to communicate in English, then specify a basic level of. True, in this case, you are unlikely to be offered to pass in English.

If you can express in simple phrases to household topics, you can, let it be primitive, to ask and understand what they are answered, you can specify speaking level. The conversational level from the basic is distinguished by the lack of fear of talking. You have a small vocabulary, but there is no linguistic barrier. It is already better than the base level, and some posts may be enough.

Often applicants who can communicate with English nankers and understand them indicate free level Language ownership. But the free level implies that you can also communicate with the native speaker, including professional topics. Therefore, in order not to put yourself in an awkward position, think carefully before specifying the free level.

Most specialists with work English level Intermediate and Upper-intermediate. And that and the other - sufficient to pass the interview levels.

If you apply for a vacancy using English, it is important that the level of proficiency in your resume is easily settled. Look, in which part of the resume the language skills are indicated. Is they just visible to the employer? How much time has the employer goes to see it?

Interview in English: Questions and Answers, examples

What questions in 98% of cases do you hear at the interview?

Tell Me About Yourself. (Tell us about yourself)

This is an open question that gives you the opportunity to tell the employer about yourself what you consider important and necessary. The answer to this question must be prepared in advance. Let it be a mini-presentation for 2-3 minutes. The employer wants to understand how appropriate you are looking for, and how much you will be able to solve his tasks.

As a basis for answering this question, take requirements for vacancies. If the compilation of the requirements approached not formally, and really tried to formulate the most significant professional competencies and experience for this vacancy, then you can go straight on the list. Highlight those moments of your professional biography that maximize the needs of the employer, and make an emphasis on them.

What the employer wants to hear:

  • What is your experience in its interests
  • What were your most important achievements in the professional sphere
  • What you beneficially different from other candidates

If the answer to the question "tell about yourself" gives to understand the employer that you are a suitable candidate, he wants to know you closer.

Possible answer:

I Have Been In The Event-Management for the Past Five Years. My Most Recent Experience Was Organization of Professional Workshops for Hvac Market. One Reason I Particularly Enjoy This Kind of Job, And The Challenges That Go Along With IT, Is The Opportunity to Help Engineers with Professional Networking. In My Last Job, I Managed to Organize A Workshop with Over 200 Participants from Over 150 Companies. I Would Like to Continue My Career in Event Management.

Other questions you can hear:

Where Would You Like To Be in Your Career in 5 Years from Now? (Who do you see yourself in 5 years?)

Why Shld We Hire You? (Why should we take you to work?)

Why do you want to work here? (Why do you want to work with us?)

These questions are aimed at understanding your motivation, your ambitions, your confidence in your skills. These are open questions that do not suggest a specific answer. In response to the first question you can help. In response to two other questions, try to repel from the needs of the employer. Speak about what is important to the employer, and what you can be useful in this.

Questions for testing stress resistance, reaction

This group of questions is aimed at seeing how you act in a non-standard situation, or when something went wrong.

For example:

Give Me An Example Of A Time You Did Something Wrong. How Did You Handle IT? (Give an example of the situation when you did something wrong. How did you fix the situation?)

The employer wants to know how you act in the situation when you committed a mistake. This is a question that you are asked to bring as an example of a case from practice. This is an open question, there is no ready answer to it.

What should not say:

  • Do not say that you have never committed mistakes. This is an unreal situation, and the employer will perceive such an answer as care from the question and an attempt to make a favorable impression.
  • Do not blame others. Instead of talking about who was to blame for the occurrence, and how the circumstances have developed, tell us about the conclusions that you have taken out of this case for yourself.

An example of a response:


Other questions - Interview in English

Could You Describe Your Ideal Work Environment? (Could you describe your perfect work?)

When the employer asks you about perfect work, he wants to understand if the style of the company's work will fit, whether you can fit into it. Your answers will definitely relate to what is accepted within the Company. Try to focus on the moments uniting you with the employer. Also consider the reason that the argued answer sounds always convincing. Notify that you would like to see in future work, and why.

An example of a response:

I Want To Work for a Small Company Because You Get Exposed to More Things Faster.

Common errors in the interview in English

You already imagine what questions you may be expected in an interview in English, and how to react to them. But this does not guarantee you a successful interview. What errors make applicants when passing an interview in English:

Transition to Russian

Even if you forgot some word, try to explain in English. Try to say in other words, but do not go to Russian. If the interview is held in English, the employer must be initiated by the transition to Russian.

You forgot some word In English and not even able to choose synonym.

Try to describe in English what you mean. For example, you forgot the word achevements. (achievements). Say differently using simple phrases:

The Things That I Am Most Proud of ...

The Best Things I Have Done ...

You did not understand some wordWhat is why the whole question is incomprehensible to you.

For example:

What Perks Would You EXPECT After Your Trial Period? (What kind of social package do you expect after the test term?)

You did not disassemble the words of Perks. Instead of moving into Russian and say "I do not understand," or worse, to answer a completely different question, better ask in English:

Excuse Me, I Am Not Sure If I Understood Your Question. Could You Rephrase IT, Please?

The employer will appreciate your reaction, control over the situation and the fact that you do not leave in case of difficulties. These are valuable qualities for any employee.

You have perpelledand and cannot say anything in English.

The employer asked you a question, and you have a blank sheet and complete confusion in your head. Tell me about the employer. Psychologists have long noticed that when we voicate our feelings, we calm and can control them. Tell me in English:

Excuse Me, I Am Feeling Really Stressed Because This Job Interview IS Very Important to Me. Would You Mind Repeating This Question Once Again, Please?

How are you question?

Be sure that if you pass the interview in English, then you will hear the question in 99% How Are you you? If we translate into Russian, then it will be How are you? In the usual form of the interview, the Russian-language interviewer is unlikely to ask this way, but a foreigner may well ask this question.

The main mistake in response to this question - it start telling how you are. This question does not imply a detailed answer. The expected answer will sound:

I am Fine, Thank You. And you?

Even if you communicate in English with the naughters of the language, you do not need to give detailed answers. It is especially attentive to be in case the position for which you apply, implies frequent communication with foreigners. Such a lap may be unforgivable.

Words that are not in English

There are a number of words that sound as if they came to us from English, but they mistaken them to use them in speech. You just do not understand.

What words are we talking about and what alternatives can be used:

  • CV. - Comes from Lat. Curicculum Vitae, erroneously use Resume
  • billion. - billion who wants to call Milliard
  • gross / Net. - In Russian, we use gross / net, but BRUTTO / NETTO says incorrect

Useful phrases for interview in English

As we noted above, there are no universal answers to questions. But there are useful expressions that you can use for a variety of your speech. Here are some of them:

  • in The Range Of ... - within
  • I Am Convinced That ... - I am convinced that ...
  • to set goals - Set goals
  • strenghts. - Strengths
  • weakneses. - weak sides
  • problem-Solving - solution of problems
  • competencies. - Competence
  • to Develop Skills. - develop skills
  • customer-Oriented - Customer-oriented
  • cAN-DO Attitude - "It is necessary - I'll do it"
  • rESULTS DRIVEN. - Focusing
  • to liaise with other departments - interact with other divisions
  • iN LINE WITH MY QUALIFICATIONS - In accordance with my qualifications
  • What Sets Me Apart from Other Candidates Is ... - What distinguishes me from other candidates, so it ...
  • I'M Very Attentive To Detail - I am very attentive to detail

In addition to the above phrases, the terminology used in your professional industry can be useful. Before the interview, prepare a list of words that will help you describe your experience and achievements.

A few more examples of phrases in English for interview in the field of Internet marketing:

  • conversion Rate. - Conversion coefficient
  • backlinks. - Reverse / External Links
  • anchor - Anchor
  • Roi. (RETURN ON INVESTMENT) - Profit on Interested capital
  • behavioral Targeting. - Behantic Targeting
  • bounce Rate. - Indicator failures
  • click Through Rate. - CTR, clog attitude to show

Telephone interview in English

An interview by phone is becoming more and more common practice. Such a format of the interview allows you to significantly save and your time, and the time of the employer, because Full-time interview can take 1-1.5 hours, and with expensive and more.

What is the difference between a telephone interview from the standard full-time interview in the office?

  1. It is shorter. The telephone interview lasts 15-20 minutes.
  2. Questions are more general. The interviewer, rather, will not evaluate the content of the answers, but how long and competently you communicate in English, what errors allow, how to react into an unusual situation.

The main complexity of the telephone interview is what you do not see the interlocutor. It will be harder for you to understand what he says. Plus, it may not affect the best quality of communication, as well as extraneous noises.

What can you do to successfully pass a telephone interview in English?

  • Choose a quiet calm place where no one distorts you. Make sure that the room is a steady cellular signal. If the bell of the employer found you in transport or on the street, let us know the calf that you are not very convenient to talk and that you are ready to call back later.
  • Release hands. Take advantage of the headset - so your hands will be free for records. Plus, in the headset, as a rule, it is better to hear.
  • Make sure the phone charging is enough for a conversation. Charge the phone in advance so that you do not have to look for a charger during a conversation.


  1. Make a list of your achievements and success at previous places of work.
  2. Practice the situation of the interview with relatives or friends. Try to record a video interview.
  3. Check out video interviews in English on YouTube.
  4. Learn useful phrases in English.
  5. Make a list of professional terms that will be useful to you at the interview.
  6. Before the interview, try to plunge into the atmosphere of English - practice to speak English, watch movies without translation, read the literature.
  7. Learn a few conversational expressions that will make your speech more relaxed.

Examples of phrases:

  • frankly Speaking - honestly
  • anyway. - anyway
  • wELL, AS A MATTER OF FACT - actually
  • firstly - Firstly
  • secondly - Secondly
  • after all. - eventually
  • aS FAR AS I Am Concerned - as for me
  • actually. - actually

If you are planning to get a job in an English-speaking country or in an international company, which is located in your city, you need to thoroughly prepare for an interview in English Today we suggest considering typical questions, and how to answer them to work for work.

The information provided here will help not only those who will have an interview in English, but also anyone who is looking for a job, and wants to know how to answer tricky questions.


tell me about you

Probably this is the first question you will hear. I think, every sensible person is clear that it is not necessary to present his full biography in response. The potential employer is interesting only by the information related to your professional experience. Tell me what you did at work earlier, why you are interested in your chosen field of activity. Show that you are not only a good specialist, but also a person with deep interest in the chosen profession.

If you only graduated from the university, and you have nothing to tell about your career, "tell me why they chose this particular profession, about the experience of passing practice, if it is connected with the work that you apply for. You can also tell you about your participation in student life. For example, if you consisted of a student organization - share it with an interviewer. It will show that you are able to work in a team, you have organizational abilities.


How did you hear about this post?

This question is also asked pretty often. Usually an employer or HR manager is simply wondering how effective their advertising was. But for you, this question is a chance to demonstrate that you are interested in this position, and it is in the work in this company.

In no case, do not say that it just flipped lists of vacancies and accidentally stumbled upon this, even if everything really was :). Tell me that you have long wanted to work in this company, and someone suggested you that they have opened a vacant place that suits you. Or tell me that you are interested in reading their website, and it was on it that we saw a vacancy, provided that they really posted a vacancy on the site. We can say that they found an advertisement on the site for the search for work, but then explain why you are interested in work in this company in this position. This is a great way to show what you know about the company, and why this is a good place of work for you.

Why Shld We Hire You?

Why should we hire you?

This is a very popular question among employers. So they want to find out what skills and advantages you own. Of course, every employee wants to have a good job and salary, but when you pass the interview, it is very important to show the companies, why do you approach how you can improve the company's work, what skills you own, perhaps, what advantages they will receive by honeying you. Tell us about your skills, you may have any additional knowledge or skills that other applicants are unlikely to eat, explain why you will be useful to the company.

What Are Your Greatest Strengths?

What are your strengths?

This is another question responsible for which, you need to discard modesty and appear in front of the employer in all its glory. And if, when answering the previous question, it was necessary to make focus on professional skills, then here you can also tell about any personal qualities that will help you in your work. For example, if you need to communicate a lot with customers or negotiate with other firms, you can say that you are very diplomatic, you know how to find a common language with people and smooth out any conflict situations.

It can be said that you are an excellent organizer by nature if organizational abilities use you. If you, for example, editor or corrector, say that you are very attentive to detail. In general, find in yourself the quality that helps you be a good specialist in the selected area. There will be a huge advantage if you call the quality that your competitors may not have. For example, you are a designer. Probably, its strong quality, each applicant to the position will call creativity. And you can still add to this quality and the fact that you are diplomatic and know how to find a common language with customers and understand that they need from you.

What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses?

What are your weaknesses?

This is a very tricky question. And of course, you should not answer him, what a bad worker you are, and what prevents you in the workflow. It is best to call the weak side that exactly in your field of activity is the strong side. For example, you want to be a sales manager. Then you can say that you are too sociable. Such quality may interfere with the accountant, as it will be distracted by a chat with colleagues, and allow a mistake, but for sales manager - this quality will be an advantage. If you apply for an accountant's position - you can answer that you are a perfectionist and it is extremely important for you to prevent an error. In life, perfectionism sometimes interferes, but in this profession it is very important. We can say that you used to have some weak side, but you managed to overcome it. Thus, you and the answer answer, but also emphasize that they got rid of this quality, but also demonstrate that they are able to develop and improve as a professional.

What is your Greatest Professional Achievement?

What is your biggest professional achievement?

Responding to this question, it is important to show what you have achieved on a professional field than you are proud of. This question is a great way to demonstrate that you like your job, that you are a diligent worker who can achieve the goals. It would be good to carry out the association with what you talked before. For example, if you have allocated that your strong side is the ability to achieve your goals, tell us how you managed it in practice. If you said you are sociable and diplomatic - provide an example of how it helped you in work, for example, tell you how you successfully convinced the client to cooperate with you, concluding a deal favorable deal with him. This question should be prepared in advance. Think what an example you could lead to a potential employer.


Tell us about the situation when you were a difficult working task, and how did you cope with it?

This question may be a bit complicated. Here you need to show what skills you own that help you cope with pressure, stress, and how you solve problems. Obviously, it is not worth talking about how you do not like problems. After all, even at the very relaxing work, some difficulties can sometimes arise. Your answer should be shown that you have a way to help you remain calm and judicious in stressful situations, and that you are sure that you can cope with problems.

Why Did You Quit Your Last Job?

Why did you leave the previous job?

In response to this question, a person conducted by an interview, it is important to know that you left the previous place of work with a good goal, on a really worthy reason. Wrong will put your previous employer in negative light. After all, your new employer will ever become your former employer. Here we can say that you want to develop and grow, teach something new, facing new challenges. It is also a chance to respond well about your previous company. We can say that you helped to gain experience that you learned a lot, working there, but it's time to move forward. It will demonstrate that you can look at things positively that you have a goal, thanks to which you will look a good candidate for the position.

How Do You Deal With Disagrements?

How do you cope with disagreements?

This question is asked to learn how you work in a team, whether you can easily withdraw you as you cope with conflict situations. Tell us about your way to solve conflict situations as you react to criticism.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Another question that no one loves. Of course, no one knows how life begins, and where you really find yourself in 5 years. The chip in this question is not to really talk about your personal life or about the post you would like to get - it is worth showing how you plan to develop as a professional. Tell us what your goals in your career, and how do you plan to achieve them. You may already go to courses that will help you do your job better.

This is one of the most common questions that are asked for an interview in English. It would be best to think about their answers to them in advance, especially with the fact that you will have to answer in a non-standard. We wish you success and professional development!

The biggest mistake you can make, going to the interview, is not to prepare. Understand that most questions (and they are pretty typical, you can read about the entire process on the Internet) imply in advance the slave answers with small variations. That is, the process of interviewing is scheduled, and everything that you will ask HR manager, is not just asked for something from curiosity, but in order to get certain answers. An interview in English is a little more difficult, for you not only need to hit your experience, knowledge and irrigible desire to devote all your life enrichment of this company, but also to do it in a beautiful English to fall out of the jaw. I suggest you your thoughts about what direction you need to move, telling about yourself at the interview, as well as several examples of answers to the most frequently asked questions (allocating fatty beautiful words and expressions that you should remember and use in speech).

For an employee of the company, conducting an interview, insufficiently dry knowledge of the summary, he needs to submit you in this position, understand your conversation and how you are submitting yourself, whether you come to her or not.

The stupid question that most candidates will take. Prepare for this issue. This question rises almost always at the beginning of the interview. Between this issue and the question "Why Should We Hire You're?" You can put a sign of equality. Write two to three offers about yourself in the form of the so-called USP (Unique Selling Point) - a description of your strongest parties and the benefit that your experience and knowledge of this company will bring. For example: "I" M a Seasoned Retail Manager Strong in Developing Training Programs and Loss Prevention Techniques that Have Resulted in Revenue savings of over $ 2.3million for (Employer "S Name) During The Past 11 years."

2. What is your Greatest Strength?
Try not to overdo it. "I Work Too Hard" - a lousy response that promises trouble. Know the measures of our own praise, because the company wants to see you, not a picture that you draw. Describe only those qualities related to this company and representing you as the most suitable candidate.

  • WHEN I "M WORKING ON PROJECT, I DON" T WANT JUST TO meet Deadlines.. Rather, I Prefer to Complete The Project Well ahead of Schedule. I have exceeded My Sales Goals Every Quarter and I "Ve earned A Bonus Each Year Since I started with My Current Employer. My Time management Skills. Are Excellent and i "m organized, Efficient, and Take Pride in Excelling At My Work. I. pRIDE MYSELF ON MY CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS and my ability to rESOLVE WHAT COULD BE DIFFICULT SITUATIONS.
3. What is your greatest weakness?
Here you should highlight your weak side and tell about what you are doing to fix it. For example, if you are an accountant, no one will be surprised if you say that your strong side is numbers, but communication with people is weak. But the relationship with customers is one of the most important aspects of doing business, so you are working hard on it.
  • When I "M Working On A Project, I DON" T Want Just to Meet Deadlines. Rather, I Prefer to Complete The Project Well Ahead Of Schedule.
  • BEING ORGANIZED WASN "T my Strongest Point, But I. implemented. A TIME MANAGEM SYSTEM THAT REALLY HELPED MY organization Skills..
  • I Like to make sure That My Work Perfect, So I Tend to Perhaps Spend a Little Too Much Time Checking IT. HOWEVER, I "VE Come to a Good Balance By Setting Up A System to Ensure Everything is Done Correctly The First Time.
  • Ised to Wait Until The Last Minute to Set Appointments for the coming week, But I Realized That ScheduTuling in Advance Makes Much More Sense.
  • Sometimes, I Spend More Time Necessary On A Task, Or Take On Tasks Personally Than Could Easily Be dELEGATED To Someone Else. ALTHOUGH I "VE never Missed A DeadlineIT IS Still An Effort for Me to Know When Task and To be Confident WHEN ASSIGNING OTHERS WORK.
  • I "VE Learned to Make My Perfectionism Work to My Advantage At Work. I am Excellent at Meeting Deadlines and With My Attention to Detail, I know My Work is Correct.
  • I Use to Like to Work on One Project to Its Completion Before Starting On Another, But i "Ve Learned to Work on Many Projects at the Sam Time, and I Think It Allows ME to Be More Creative and Effective in Each One.
4. How do you Handle Stress / Pressure?
Examples from your experience will be appropriate here. So the company will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you function in stressful situations. More popular questions "What are the most differed decisions to make?" Or "Describe a DiffiCult Work Situation / Project and How You Overcame It." Be sure to tell about the real situations (Clear the case ended with Heppy And for you), about how you allowed certain problems. Prepare, then not to sit and convulsively remember right on the interview! Still in the same category refers to "Tell Me About A Time You Made A Mistake", which is rather aimed at find out how you feel about criticism. Speak that the criticism is important for you, because it helps to improve and correct mistakes, but it is also necessary to take into account that it comes from.
  • Stress Is Very Important To Me. With Stress, I Do The Best Possible Job. The Appropriate Way to Deal With Stress Is to Make Sure I Have the Correct Balance Between Good Stress and Bad Stress. I Need Good Stress To STAY MOTVATED AND PRODUTIVE.
  • I REACT to SITUATIONS, Rather Than to Stress. That Way, The situation is handled And DOESN "T Become Stressful.
  • I Actually Work Better under Pressure AND I "VE FOUND THAT I ENJOY WORKING IN A challenging Environment.
  • From A Personal Perspective, I Manage Stress by Visiting The Gym Every Evening. IT "S a Great Stress Reducer.
  • Prioritizing My Responsibilities SO I Have a Clear Idea of \u200b\u200bWhat Needs To Be Done When, Has Helped Me effectively Manage Pressure. ON THE JOB.
  • If The People I Am Managing Are Contributing to My Stress Level, I Discuss Options for Better Handling Difficult Situations with Them.
  • I Find That When I "M Under The Pressure Of A Deadline, I Can Do Some of My Most Creative Work.
  • I Find IT. exhilaration to be in a Dynamic Environment Where The Pressure Is On.
  • I Find A Past Pace to Be Invigorating, and thrive. When the Pressure Is On.
  • I "Ve Done Some of My Best Work Under Tight Deadlines, Where The Atmosphere Was Very Stressful.
  • I "The Kind of Person Who Stays Calm Under Pressure, and handles Stress. Fairly Easily.

5. Why Are You Leaving Your Job?
Do not water the mud of your previous employer. Emphasize the positive moments, the experience and knowledge that you made from the previous job. Concentrate more in the future.

  • I "M Relocating to this Area Due to Family Circumstances and Left My Previous Position in Order to make the move.
  • I "VE Decided That Is Not The Direction I Want to Go in My Career and My Current Employer hAS NO OPPORTUNITIES IN THE DIRECTION I "D LIKE TO HEAD.
  • After SEVERAL YEARS IN MY LAST POSITION, I "M LOOKING FOR AN COMPANY WHERE I CAN contribute and grow in a Team-Oriented Environment.
  • I am Interested in a New Challenge and An Opportunity to Use My Technical Skills and Experience in a Different Capacity Than I Have In The Past.
  • I am Interested in a Job with More Responsibility, and I Am Very Ready for a New Challenge.
  • To Be Honest, I Wasn "T Considering A Move, But, I Saw This Job Posting and Was Intrigued by The Position And The Company. IT Sounds Like An Exciting Opportunity and an Ideal Match with My Qualifications.
  • This Position Seemed Like An Excellent Match for My Skills and Experience and I Am Not Able To fully Utilize Them in My Present Job.
  • The Company Was Cutting Back and Unfortunately, My Job Was One of Those Eliminated.
6. How Do You Evaluate Success?
  • I Evaluate Success In Different Ways. At Work, IT IS Meeting The Goals Set by My Supervisors and My Felow Workers. IT IS My Understanding, From Talking to Other Employees, That The GGR Company IS Recognized for Not Only Rewarding Success., But Giving Employees Opportunity to Grow As Well.
7. Why do you want this job?
  • I Want This Job Because IT Seems tAILORED TO MY CompetenciesWhich Include Sales and Marketing. As I Said Earlier, in a Previous Position I Created An Annual Growth Rate of 22 Percent In A Flat Industry. Additionally, The Team I Would Work with Looks Terrific.
  • This Job Is. a good fit for What i "Ve Been Interested In Throughout My Career. IT OFFERS A NICE MIX OF SHORT- AND LONG-TERM Activities. My Short-Term Achievements Keep Me Cranked Up And The Long-Term Accomplishments Make Me Feel Like a Billion Bucks.
  • The Work I Find Most stimulating A.llows Me To Use Both My creative and Research Skills. Their buzz On this company is that it rewards PEPLE WHO deliver Solutions to Substantial Problems.
8. Why Shld We Hire You?
This question is necessary in order to understand if you understand all the responsibilities of a future position, as well as in order to find out that you can offer this company.
  • You have Explained That You are looking for a Sales Executive Who is Aless to Effectively Manage Over A Dozen Employees. In My Fifteen Years of Experience As A Sales Manager, I Have Developed strong Motivational and Team-Building Skills. I Was Twice Awarded Manager-of-The-Year for My innovative Strategies. For Motivating Employees to Meet and surpass Quarterly Deadlines.. IF Hired, I Will bring My Leadership Abilities and Strategies for Achieving Profit Gains To This Position.
9. What are your goals for the future?
One of the most important interview items. Do not talk about the family, the possibility of continuing education, etc. Speak only about what is connected with this company and work in it. Of course, maybe you can not imagine yourself working in this company in 5 or 10 years. But it is not necessary to mention it.
  • My Long-Term Goals Involve Growing With A Company Where I Can Continue to Learn, Take On Additional Responsibilities, and Contribute As Much of Value As I CAN.
  • I See MySelf AS A Top Performing Employee in a Well-Established Organization, Like This One. I Plan ON. enhancing My Skills. And Continuing My Involvement In (Related) Professional Associations.
  • ONCE I GAIN ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE, I Would Like To Move on From A Technical Position to Management.
10. What Are You Passionate About?
Again, the question is necessary in order for your employer to find out what is important for you in life. For example, sports is presenting you with a disciplined person. The most important thing is that your passion does not take away the time that can be used with the benefit for this company.
  • I "M Passionate About Painting. I Take An Evening Art Class Once A Week and Try to Find Time Each Weekend to Paint. Painting Is a Good Way for Me to Relax and Even Though I Don" T Have Much Talent, I Do It Enjoy IT.
  • I "M An Avid Skier and I Like to Spend Weekends and Vacations on the Ski Slopes.
. Thanks to English classes with our professional teachers in a special program of preparing for interview, their experience and knowledge you will be able to successfully pass the interview and get the desired position! Sign up for a free trial lesson!