Repairs Design Furniture

Hand circular do it yourself. How to make the machine from a circular saw? From the nodes will be needed

Many dacms and owners of private houses faced the need to process and saw boards, plywood and other lumber. For such a work, a circular will be required, which is not difficult to perform from undergraduate funds. Such homemade equipment will not give way to buying in the functionality and quality of execution, allowing you to save several tens of thousand rubles on the acquisition of already ready-made aggregates.

Description of equipment

Circular saws made with their own hands can be stationary or portable. The design of the simplest circular will turn on the metal or wooden carrier frame, inside of which the electromotor is fixed, the electricity supply control unit, the countertop and the working saw itself, which is attached to the circular shaft or installed through the gears and trimmed mechanism. The saw is located in the slots in the worktop, which makes it easy to cut the sawn timber, performing high-quality wood processing.

The table top can be made from sawn timber or use for this ready-made metal blanks. Machine tables are manufactured from wood, from above such a countertop will need to be covered with a durable metal sheet. Otherwise, without metallic protection, the tree will begin to wear quickly, and equipment for active operation will last for several years, after which the complex and expensive repair will be required.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the main tasks of the sawing machine. If you want to cut boards or firewood for the winter, it is enough to be the simplest installation of a strong table with a slot for a disk.

Separate models involve the presence of an additional shaft to which knives, fugal and plans are attached. Such universal machines are equipped with powerful electric motors, which makes it possible to perform a wide range of wood processing. Machining multifunction machine, you must be guided by high-quality drawings schemes that will allow you to perform universal and reliable equipment.

If various kinds of carpentry work is required, then equip the coordinate table with guides. The available limiters and guides can be fixed at different angles, which makes it possible not only to ensure the safety of work on the machine, but also to perform high-quality wood processing, easily changing discs on saws of different diameters.

Advantages of self-made equipment

Highly popular, homemade circularities use the simplicity of their manufacturer, durability and reliability. Today, many dacms use self-made units, and do not buy expensive equipment in specialized stores.

The main advantages of such equipment include the following:

  • Universality tool.
  • Simplicity of its manufacture.
  • The possibility of substantial savings.
  • Reliability and durability of equipment.

The schemes of execution of stationary and mobile circulars available on the Internet and thematic prints allow you to make equipment for processing both fine billets and thick sawn timber. You can choose the simplest options that perfectly cope with the processing of lining, thin lamellas and plywood.

Characteristics and power

It is from the correctness of the choice of parameters, including indicators of revolutions and drive power, will depend on the functionality of the use of technology. The maximum permissible diameter of the toothed saw is affected on the power indicator. It is believed that for processing sawn timber with a thickness of about 10 millimeters, an electric motor with a capacity of 1 kW will be required. Based on the thickness of the treated and sawn timber and the power of the electric motor should be selected.

The transmission from the drive in the independently manufactured circular is best to perform a clinorem. This allows you to ensure the necessary safety of the use of technology. Clinoremable transmission when foreign items come under the saw will slip on the pulleys, which eliminates injuries and jamming the working disk.

Circular production

Before you begin directly to the manufacture of a circular machine, it is necessary to think through its device and design, and ideally choose a drawing scheme, which will later be performed by all work. Planning the fabrication of the bed, it is necessary to remember that such a design should be stable and reliable. For production powerful saw, the base is performed from reinforced welded metal structures. For household models, it is possible to use wooden bars for the bed with plywood or weld the base of the metal corner.

The choice of the electromotor used will depend on which works and what wood is planned to be processed on the machine. The drive can operate from single-phase electrical power network or use powerful industrial motors that work from a three-phase electrical network.

You can make a powerful and easy-to-use circular from the motor from the washing machine. This will not be much difficult. Such engines have compact dimensions, operate from a single-phase network with a voltage of 220 volts, are distinguished by reliability and are able to operate at high speeds.

One of the most important assemblies electric saws is the shaft on which the working saw is attached. You can use the finished shaft from similar hardware or make it on the molder from the metal of the round. Pull out the shaft on the lathe, checking the perfect accurate centering. Even the minimum shaft beating is not allowed, since later it will be impossible to work on such an incorrectly-centered circular machine and unsafe. On the shaft, run the seats under the pulleys and the disk saw.

The saw blade must rise above the surface of the working table with a maximum of a third of its diameter. Otherwise, with a greater height of the saw to handle wood, it will be difficult, and the work on such a machine will be simply dangerous. If you need to work with the bar, the diameter of the saw disk will be approximately 350 millimeters. For processing boards, you should choose small discs, the diameter of which is 250-300 millimeters. The quality of the saws used is necessary to pay due attention, as subsequent to the miniatricular will have a significant load, poor-quality disks are quickly blot and require substitutions.

Materials and tools

Making a circular machine with their own hands will not be a special complexity. For such work, the following materials and tools will be required:

In each case, the circular design will be different, so you need to choose some components, which will make it possible to make a functional and reliable technique. When using lumber for the manufacture of base and desktop, wood will need to be covered with impregnations that protect the material from rotting and exposure to moisture.

Step-by-step assembly

You can make a stationary circular saw from a grinder and a hand cutter without making any changes to the design of the working tool. The base is made of sawn timber, which allows you to significantly simplify the manufacture, eliminating the need to use complex welding equipment. Step-by-step instruction:

This embodiment of the circular saw will be an excellent choice if necessary tool for cutting boards with a thickness of up to 3 centimeters. If you need to make a powerful and multifunctional apparatus for the house, then electric motors with a capacity of 5 kW and more, which allow processing and sawing boards with a thickness of 5-8 centimeters.

The manufacture of a homemade circular saw does not represent a special complexity. You can use grinder or hand saws that are mounted inside the wooden base of the machine.

Some masters make a more complex tool that implies the use of powerful electric motors, clinorem and high-diameter saws. If there are any difficulties in the network, you can find thematic videos, telling about how to make a circular with your own hands.

For any homemade master, the presence of its own stationary sawing machine is the time savings and safety.

You can buy a finished stationary circular. The cost of small machines begins from 9000 rubles, more or less decent stationary saws are sold in the price range from 30 to 100 thousand.

Despite the seeming complexity of the design, make a self-made circular saw can any master having elementary locksmith skills. Moreover, in the design process, it is possible to add functions that are not provided for by the manufacturer.

What is needed circular saw

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the basic tasks of the sawing machine. If you just need to eat firewood for the winter, or to produce elementary carpentry works like manufacturing a fence - a fairly strong table with a slot for a saw disk. Such options are popular in rural areas.

Circular for work with logs

Of course, no security and functionality, when using such a device, cannot be speech.

In some similar "models" there is a shaft for fastening the knives Rubbank or Fuganka. As a rule, the bed is boiled from a corner or channel, the electric motor is fixed on the recorded factory ventilation, and with the help of pulley, the torque is transmitted to the disk. To describe in detail the technology of manufacturing such a machine does not make sense.

Another thing, if you want to produce joinery work. In this case, a coordinate table with guides are needed, which are fixed at different angles.

Since on such a stationary saw you can work with small workpieces - you need to take care of the safety of the operator. It is advisable to provide for adjusting the speed of rotation and the possibility of easy switches with different diameters.

Be sure to install the protective casing, and the rotating parts of the drive close the lids. The starting device is equipped with an emergency switch, and the "STOP" button is accommodated in an affordable place and a large size is made.

Do not miss when accident

How to make a circular, observing the balance between savings, functionality and safety

Consider the main nodes from which the home circular saw consists. It is possible to make them yourself, but with certain skills and tools.

The frame can be made from a metal corner (channel) purchased from scrap collectors. If you have facilities - consult a warehouse of metal rolling. The legs are permissible to do from old water pipes by connecting them with corners.

A good option of homemade bed from metal

IMPORTANT! The use of bolted compounds is prohibited, because due to the vibration, this mount will be promoted.

It is necessary to use electric welding. Be sure to strengthen the angular compounds of the dash. The top part of the bed (to which the table will be based on) and the podium for the electric motor are made from the side of the side at least 50 mm.

If the machine is equipped with wheels for movement - they should be with steel rims and have retainers. The higher the mass of the bed - the stable the machine will be, and the safer will be work.

Manual circular electroly saw is a powerful mechanism with significant performance. One of the key advantages of the circular is excellent maneuverability. But there are disadvantages, especially if it is necessary to cut the large sizes of the tree. In order to facilitate the process, you can simply make a table for a circular saw yourself.

Requirements for construction

Experienced craftsmen are ready to create a circular table with their own hands without any techniques or drawings. However, certain conditions still need to be considered.

An integral demands belong to:

The presence of different functions depends on the working conditions and wishes of the specialist. These belongs to the ability to carry out high quality longitudinal and transverse stood.

Standard products that are hundreds in shopping centers are made of stainless steel. This is a wonderful material But then the production of the table under the saw saw.

Design table. For the circular, manual type is so elementary that most of the specialists produce it without preparatory drawings and techniques. It is a dense workbench that is created from wood and plywood.

The most durable bases for the table are made of alloy. They are the most severe and require the presence of the skills of the welder. Therefore, often supports are performed from lumber residues. A circular saw is attached under the table top, the drive opposes it through a specially spent slot. The lumber is promoted along the table lid and cut the disc. For convenience and correct operation, the table is equipped with additional devices: angular and longitudinal focus.

The tabletop "absorbs" part of the working plane of the disk, the depth of the cut will decrease on the thickness of the table top. For this reason, it is preferable to choose a circular With the largest diameter of the disk, and the table cover is thin, but rigid.

If the electroly saw has not yet purchased, select modifications with high power (from 1200 W). They are controlled with the saw of wood of large sizes. Holes will be drilled for fastening the base. The solid base can burst. For this reason, it is desirable to pick up the mechanism of another type.

Selection of material

To make a circular table with your own hands, it is necessary to recall carpentry skills, stocking of great patience and a minor number of materials and appliances.



  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • line.

The volume of the table top will depend on the workshop site. At the same time, on a small table will be uncomfortable to cut large segments. If the item is completely Fixed on the working plane, the cut is performed evenly and carefully. The height of the legs are chosen depending on the growth of the wizard.

Work on a circular saw is very dangerousFor this reason, it is necessary to worry about the protection of the fingers. From a piece of skiing or furniture shield cut the pusher.

Supplements to the design made

Some wizards, collecting a table for a manual circular saw according to unique drawings, clean the factory safety casing, and the factory platform is replaced by self-made. If the cutting is not planned at an angle, you can remove all devices for adjusting the disc. Electro saw fixed directly on a new base, which makes it possible to win a pair of millimeters of the depth of the cut.

Without inner casing It is easier to remove the disk, the electric saw will not be so clogged with chips when working with wet planks. Dismantling will require an extra time, but the motor resource is preserved, overload is warned.

Installation of disk saw

The point is left for small. Circular electroly saw is located inside the cooked hole. Sole strengthened on the boltsAnd the gear drive should be freely enter the socket.

The table for a circular saw is almost ready. Now it is necessary to be treated with moisture-protecting material, then coat a varnish in several layers (to minimize slip).

The resulting system can be supplemented with something at the discretion of the user (safety case, a device for adjusting the disc, carriage and other).

A few words about electronics

Circular saw - electric special equipment operating from power supply 220 V. If the user has sufficient knowledge and skill in the electronics area, it is able to hide the launch keys and paus pause, and then transfer them to a comfortable place (as a rule, this is the outer side 1st from Röber rigidness).

If the model seems difficult, you need to pull the launch key with the wire, and include special equipment using a network cord. However, this method is bad because the rapid turning off of the device is excluded when an emergency occurs.

Safety Requirements

  1. One of the most common causes of injuries when using a circular saw is considered the workplace climb. In addition, it is important to observe the stability, the fortress of absolutely all components of the system, and when unbalanced, use measures to eliminate difficulties.
  2. Before connecting the saw, you must make sure that it is well fixed. If necessary, tighten the screws / bolts.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to hold the material close to the place of cutting! It is dangerous to bite the bitch, chips into the eyes or on open parts of the body. We certainly need to wear glasses before work and clothing with sleeves.

An independent manufacture of a table under the saw is not such a difficult task as it may seem. If there is a good material at hand, its characteristics are selected correctly, and the power of the device ranges from 500 to 1000 W, the instructions described above will be the basis of the work.

It is not necessary to release that at any stage of the design of the table, the accuracy of its own operations should be monitored. In a different way, when deviations in the sizes or strain of the legs appear during the screed, the Röber resume stability will be very difficult. Nevertheless, the production of the table for circular is their own hands is a completely real task for several hours.

Additional important information

Carpentry work require special attention. In case you want to make a high-quality and highly fashionable table with your own hands for a circular saw, then well prepare for work.

Do the following:

Inspired by this article, you can make a sturdy stand for a circular saw in the form of a table.

Circular saw made by hand, an excellent tool that allows you to solve a large number of household and other tasks. In fact, to independently make this device is not difficult even in that situation if you have no special skills, most importantly, at least a little understand the principle of processing metal alloys.

Materials required for work can be found in a home workshop or in the garage. So, circular cut from disk saw with your own hands Made from the following elements:

  • corner of strong steel;
  • rectangular profile pipe;
  • engine.

The finished circular saw can be placed on the workbench. If you do not have it, you have to make the table yourself. The engine can be taken from the old motoblock or washing machine.

Circular Corner Grinding Machine

If you have your own "Bulgarian", it is very good. To create a "circular" you need to make an axial handle and sliding focusing to the aggregate. The design of the sliding stop includes a pair of segments of a steel corner, located on the sides of the disk. With the help of nuts and bolts, they are connected by a transverse bundle, and the gap between the working part and the sidewalls of the structure will be provided by wedges.

On the "Bulgarian" you need to pull the ribbon clamp from metal with a screw tie down. Then you need to attach the folded twice metal strip to the holes for the sliding stop. The rack and the clamp can be combined, but in this situation the metal strip will be too thick.

Then there will be several holes for the bolts in the future tool gear. For this purpose, the housing is disassembled, and the points where drilling will occur. With the help of the holes made, the axial handle is fixed, because the "regular" handle will not give to make a good cut, even if the masters have very strong hands.

The handle is created from a metal tube or rod. Constructions can be given the shape of horns or brackets. The ends of the element with which it will be attached to the gearbox, you need to equip holes to install fasteners.

You also need to make a bar, which will regulate the process. For this purpose, you need to take a piece of metal rod, from one end to make a loop, slightly roll it out and make a hole for the front stubborn bolt.

From the other end of the bar you need to make a threadthat will allow you to connect it with handle. In advance to this thread, you should turn one strong nut, and after the design is collected, the second. Updating and tightening them, you can adjust the depth of the cut. By the way, if instead of the Bulgarian to use the drill, you can make a similar tool.

In this way, you can independently make a good circular saw from an ordinary grinder, with which you can cut various materials.

Compact tabletop

It was mentioned above how to collect a manual circular. Now let's tell how to turn this device to stationary. This process involves the manufacture of the p-shaped frame from the pipe, as well as the installation of the transverse lever. The lower ends of the design should be bent horizontally in the direction of the cut. They are attached to the table with bolts. Stability is provided by additional supports.

Mobility lever Provided by cutting the horizontal segment into two identical parts, which are fixed with each other clamps. The disk for cutting is attached to the vertical element with the bed with clamps.

Stationary installation

The machine similar to the factory models needs a competent attitude in the assembly process, so you need to take care of all the trifles. The table version of the "Circular" differs from stationary only the height of the bed, which is determined by the peculiarities of the work and the size of future blanks. One-time treatment can be made and using an ordinary desktop saw, which, after work, can easily be removed into the pantry or shed. But the master who constantly deals with the wood, it will take a stationary installation. Consequently, he needs to make a table for a circular saw with his own hands.

The circular machine has the following advantages:

  • Such equipment allows you to make better and deep cuts.
  • The machine is much more convenient than manual equipment.

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that circular saws made by their own, have a completely understandable and simple design, and the drawings that can be found on the unstashes of the World Wide Web will significantly simplify the process of assembling the equipment. Before the independent production of "Circular" should separately consider all the necessary elements to understand the nuances of the functioning and installation of self-made equipment.

In the household, by the way, there is always a circular saw. Overhaul - cost and troublesome business. Not everyone can afford the purchase of an expensive tool for processing wooden materials. Circular saw made by its own hands allows you to make safe work and speed up the construction process. The hand-made saw has a number of advantages, such as reliability, efficiency and sharpening under direct needs.

A circular saw

Purpose of circular saw

Before you start assembling the machine, you need to clearly define its purpose. For the workpiece of wood and simply cutting large pieces of wood, there is enough tightly attached table with a slot for a saw. This species is distributed in villages and rural areas, the machines are not distinguished by safety and elevated functionality.

To perform a more diverse spectrum of joinery, you will need the best option. Circularcular must be equipped with a coordinate table with special guides, it allows you to change degrees. Manufacture of small-sized products requires increased safety. Speed \u200b\u200badjustment is installed, disks change.

Construction features of a circular machine

Circular chambers of any fixed type consist of the main parts.

  1. Table for connecting mechanisms. The assembly combined with more power engines is preferable with a table fully made of metal. The surface of the table must be made with their own hands smooth, for better product at the exit.
  2. Engine in most cases is used from what is in stock. Electromotors, designed for a long time of operation, will be preferable to collector drives.
  3. The shaft is the most responsible circular hub. Finished products are used most often, with other cases the node is made on the lathe. It is important to calculate the seating holes, exclude the beating.

The table for the desktop circular saw made with your own hands can be used as a cutting machine. Propil cannot reach more than 8 cm, therefore, to perform larger work, the use of larger machine is required.

Stationary Machine with Own Hands

To perform everyday or disposable tasks, a circular was used, made with your own hands. The sewage works of small volumes do not imply strong loads on the drive drive. The compact tool has small dimensions, which makes it possible to remove it after the end of work in a certain place. For an experienced joiner, you will need to make a circular stationary type of large size.

The failed stationary circular saw with their own hands will require accuracy, literacy from the master. The drawings presented in many types of literature will help in manufacturing. It is advocated competent and tremble to each assembly of the unit, because the circular is used on high revs with a cutting tool.

Table for circulation


The design of the manufactured circular should contain a saw blade with their own hands. The working surface of the disk is mounted by a third of the total diameter. For example, with a diameter of 210 mm, the disk should perform from the table by 70 mm. Details with greater thickness will require a powerful engine, from 1 kW. Miniature circular saw will not cope with such tasks.

A splitting knife, installed on some models, is used to prevent closures and jamming when working. Located in the back of several millimeters from the teeth of the saw disk. The device may be needed and when making a circular with your own hands.

Side focus with the ability to adjust

Any types of work will require the existence of the stop. Side focus is made from the bruck of dense tree species. In other cases, it is possible to manufacture from a metal corner. The location should be a little longer table design. Installation of the stop is made with bolts. The template is installed between the table and the cutter, for the accurate installation, better setting.


Homemade shaft

The most responsible part of the design is the shaft installed on the circular. A hand shaft for a circular can spoil the design, inflict injury. The reason for this is the beating that cannot be avoided in the manufacture of shaft by handicrafts. The manufacture of the shaft should be entrusted to a specialist with good turning equipment. It should be remembered about the presence of a cutter that needs a landing place. Holes must be symmetrically made on the machine and processed.

Finished shafts are sold in specialized markets. It should be given preference to details with the presence of the component being installed. Otherwise, the usual mechanism may soon bring the circular to a disrepair.


There are several types of gears that can be used in circular designs made with your own hands:

  • clinorem transmission;
  • mechanism consisting of gear.

The preferred option is considered to use the belt. The use of the gear mechanism can lead to a jamming when a foreign body is hit and an employee injury. When choosing a pulley diameter, the maximum number of circular disk revolutions is taken into account.


Homemade machines are equipped in most cases by the engine from the old washing machine. The main features are an increased service life and efficiency. The turnover of such engines is not high, which makes work on a circular saw, assembled with their own hands more secure, long, has a positive effect on the result. The use of a special three-phase engine involves the presence of a network of 380 volts. If there is no one, you will have to use a start-up and working capacitor, which leads to additional costs.

Circular saw from a grinder or disk saw

When working with small blanks, it is enough to do with a circular small size. The circular is made with its own hands from the girlish power tool, they will need "Bulgarian" or a disk saw.

There are many options for stationary use of the explosive tool. It is enough to secure the device from the bottom of the table, to access the material to the disk. Height is adjustable depending on the parts being processed, the safety techniques should not exceed one third of the sized disk size. This option is unavailable the switch, you must remake the device for convenient operation.

A fairly common option is to use the bed on the guides. A simple design allows you to use a tool for working at any angle. It consists of two parallel installed metal pipes or corners to which the saws are installed.

Circular saw made with your own hands makes faster and economical work. Such a device is needed with overhaul and other actions associated with tree cutting. The simplicity of the design, the possibility of using sweater materials, make the cost of almost zero, and the manufacture of your own hands allows you to make the necessary functionality for work.

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