Repair Design Furniture

We ventilate and spray new aromas: how to get rid of the smell of burning in an apartment. How to get rid of the smell of smoke How to remove the smell of burning from the apartment

As soon as you sat down at the computer for a minute to look at your mail, the dinner on the stove instantly burnt, and the cake in the oven took on the color and taste of smoldering coals? The suffocating smell has managed to seep into the holy of holies - the bedroom, and now it gets on your nerves even when you sleep? Or, God forbid, the children played with matches, and as a result, they could not avoid the fire? Thank God, no one was hurt, but this terrible stench, which managed to soak the whole house, does not disappear in any way! How to get rid of the burning smell in the apartment so that your home ceases to resemble a smokehouse?


Begin the operation to evict the odor by ventilating. Immediately, you need to remove visible smoke from the room - the cause of the stench. Open doors and windows to let in as much fresh air as possible. If there is an air conditioner or an air purifier, on the contrary, close everything, turn on the device.

Another option is to fill the room with moisture. It absorbs the stench well enough. To do this, open hot water and open the bathroom door, put pots of water on the stove: let it simmer over low heat for several hours. You can add aromatic herbs and spices to the water: lavender, mint, lemon balm, cumin, cloves. Collect condensation from all surfaces from time to time. Hang wet towels and sheets wherever possible. A damp cloth absorbs the smell of smoke very well. After drying, the fabric rinse and hang again. This method, in tandem with airing, will help you get rid of the pseudo-aroma much faster.

To remove stubborn smoke stench, use the following tip. Pour three quarters of the water into a large saucepan, add 500 ml of vinegar. When the "explosive mixture" boils, reduce the heat. Open windows and balcony doors and go for a walk. After a couple of hours, the boiling vinegar solution will literally eat away the stench, all that remains is to ventilate the house.


How to remove the burning smell from the apartment if the above methods do not help? After a fire, of course, more drastic measures are needed. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of ammonia to five liters of warm water. Thoroughly wash the place where the fire was located with this mixture. Then, wipe the floors, windows, doors, and washable surfaces thoroughly with a mild solution of vinegar or ammonia. If you have a steam cleaner, use it.

Remember to remove odors from walls and ceilings: wipe gently with a damp cloth if the covering allows. After cleaning, throw away all the rags with which you scrubbed and washed the contaminated surfaces.

The smell of burning has a very unpleasant feature - it literally eats into things. Therefore, wet the carpets and try to remove the specific aroma from them in the fresh air. Be sure to wash curtains, curtains and things that have absorbed fire smoke.

To blow away the heavy spirit from blankets, bedspreads, pillows, cushions, take them to a balcony or yard. If possible, take it to the dry cleaner.

Neutralization of the smell of burning and aromatization of the apartment

It happens that general cleaning cannot completely eliminate the stench. In this situation, scented candles and oils can help out. Also, periodically burn dry orange or lemon peels. Spray a special air freshener around the apartment, just do not overdo it! Wet sand with fragrant Provencal herbs or placed containers with salt water, the aroma of ground coffee brewed in a Turk will help to eliminate the unpleasant smell.

After a fire, it will not be possible to quickly eliminate the problem of amber. Therefore, in secluded places, sprinkle starch and ammonia in small heaps on the newspaper (a few drops will be enough), soda, activated carbon, freshly ground coffee, salt. These products are excellent air purifiers. Just remember to change them from time to time if you want to get rid of the problem faster.

The easiest way is to resort to the help of a professional odor neutralizer. It is a liquid neutral agent specially formulated to combat heavy odors such as the burning smell after a fire. The first thing to do is to ventilate the area and get rid of completely damaged items. We proceed to general cleaning: we wash all surfaces from soot. To do this, you can use a special kit after a fire. The concentration of unpleasant odors is reduced.

And just now, we start processing with the SmellOff tool. We completely close the room, heat the air up to 25 ° C! Spray the finished solution evenly on the surface from top to bottom. We pay attention to the areas where there was a hearth, abundantly spray and moisten the surfaces. We close the room for 24 hours, after which we ventilate - the smell is gone.


After a fairly serious fire, action must be taken radically. Only general cleaning and ordinary aromatization are indispensable here. Remember, burnt things will constantly saturate the room with a heavy spirit, and nothing will be able to interrupt it. Therefore, urgently remove all sources of the spread of the stench:

  • it is necessary to replace or restore burnt furniture,
  • remove damaged interior parts,
  • re-grout the burnt floor covering,
  • re-paint the windows, the floor,
  • re-glue the wallpaper (even if they did not suffer from a fire, but were saturated with smoke),
  • change the upholstery on the furniture.

Can't completely remove the peculiar smell from the wardrobes? After repair, put linen bags with aromatic herbs, dry peels of citrus fruits, coffee beans on shelves and in drawers.

Do not be lazy: to return to a comfortable life in an apartment damaged by burning, you will have to work hard!

Burn is instantly absorbed into clothes, upholstered furniture, curtains, wallpaper, then settles in a thick layer on the floor and ceiling. Even a small burning of food on the stove is enough, not to mention a large fire, to fill the whole house with a pungent stench. At the same time, it will not be possible to quickly remove the burning smell. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort. We will look at methods to solve this problem as efficiently as possible.

Step-by-step instructions for removing odor after a small fire in a room or kitchen:

1. Ventilate the area. The reason for burning is acrid smoke, get rid of it as quickly as possible so that the soot does not have time to absorb into things and walls. Open all doors and windows, making the maximum draft. You can turn on a fan, extractor hood or air conditioner with ionization function. Move all clothing, fabrics, and other loose items to another room, or better yet, outside.

2. Carry out wet cleaning. If possible, remove the source of fire to fresh air (at least to the balcony), then wash or wipe the trail of fire with vinegar-ammonia solution (for 5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of ammonia).

Wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth (if the covering allows). Vacuum upholstered furniture, walls and carpets, or use a steam cleaner. Wipe tables, cupboards, sideboards and wooden parts of beds with a furniture care product (preferably scented). Wash the floor, windows and blinds thoroughly in water and detergent. Wash tulle, curtains, curtains and bedspreads. All clothes and other fabrics that were in the room should be dry-cleaned.

Act as quickly as possible so that the burning smell is not absorbed! Use an air freshener only after wet cleaning, otherwise the burning smell will become even more disgusting.

3. Evaporate as much liquid as possible in the room. Hang old wet sheets around the perimeter of the room; after soaking in the burning, they will have to be thrown away.

Fill one or more of the largest pots with water three quarters, bring to a boil, add 100 ml of vinegar or a sachet of citric acid per 1 liter of water, stir, reduce the heating power to a minimum. Let the water in the pot evaporate slowly for several hours. At this time, no one should be in the room. Remove condensation accumulated on surfaces with a damp cloth, then wipe dry.

If the room does not have the ability to constantly maintain heat, just bring in pots of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours.

4. Use fragrances and absorbents. Depending on the duration of the fire and the ignited material, even after following all the previous recommendations, a burning smell can be felt for up to 20 days. You can speed up the process by the following methods:

  • pour soda or salt in the corners of the room;
  • bring live needles into the room;
  • spread activated charcoal, coffee beans or citrus peels on the table, windowsill and furniture: oranges, lemons or tangerines;
    use ozonizers;
  • in household stores special means against burning are sold, for example, "Usta", "Odorgon" and others, which work better than folk methods.

How to remove the burning smell after a severe fire

Unpleasant smells of burning paper (cardboard) base, wood and plastic cannot be quickly removed. All damaged things will have to be thrown away, those that have survived will have to be transported to another place or left on the street so that they do not become saturated with fumes.

If the fire has affected the walls, ceiling or floor, do not try to make only cosmetic repairs in the house: re-glue the wallpaper, whitewash the ceiling and clean the floor covering, otherwise the unpleasant smell will remain, it will simply become less obvious.

After a severe fire, it is imperative to make major repairs: rip off the plaster to the ground, tear off the baseboards, completely change the floor. Partially surviving finishing materials are soaked in smoke, therefore, even despite their external integrity, they need to be dismantled.

The unpleasant smell of burning after a dish forgotten in the oven permeates everything around and does not allow to live peacefully. Do not wait for the burnt smell to disappear on its own. At home, you can use the tools at hand to help remove it quickly. There are also ways to remove the smell of burning after a fire and strong smoke. But in such a situation, more serious measures will need to be taken.

If food is burnt in the house, you must immediately remove its remnants from the house. You shouldn't throw this food into the trash can. Throw it into a trash can outside.

Then you should thoroughly ventilate the room. To do this, you need to open all the windows and doors in the apartment, making a draft. If there is an air conditioner, then you can turn it on at full capacity. In addition, it is recommended to install fans to open windows.

You can hang towels soaked in water in the kitchen. Moisture will help remove the burning smell faster. A steam humidifier can be used for the same purpose.

How to remove the burning smell from a burnt dish?

After airing, you can get rid of the remaining burning smell in the apartment using folk remedies.

Some products absorb unwanted odors, while others interrupt with their aroma.

If a pie or meat is burnt in the oven, then you can use this method:

  • put foil on a baking sheet;
  • pour 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and sugar on top and add 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • remove the baking sheet in the oven;
  • heat it up to 100 degrees;
  • wait a couple of hours and turn off the device.

After that, the apartment will smell nice of freshly baked goodies.


Vinegar fumes are capable of absorbing the smell of burning and purifying the air.

Algorithm of actions:

  • mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • put the container with the solution on the stove;
  • bring the liquid to a boil;
  • leave the vinegar solution, simmering, for 2 hours.

After the vinegar boils, you need to leave the apartment, as the vapors of the vinegar are harmful to the human body.


You can find ammonia in almost any medicine cabinet. It will also help remove the burning smell. For this you need:

  • pour starch into a small saucer;
  • pour a little ammonia on it;
  • arrange plates with the resulting mixture throughout the apartment.

After a while, the ammonia will absorb unwanted aromas.


Copes with the unpleasant odor and lemon.


  • pour water into a saucepan;
  • bring it to a boil;
  • cut lemon into slices and toss them into boiling water;
  • wait 10 minutes and turn off the stove.

This method will help eliminate the smell of a burnt pot.


You can kill the burning smell with natural flavors. They are used as: fragrant herbs, coffee, citrus fruits, essential oils and scented candles.

How to use herbs:

  • pour mint, lemon balm or dried cloves into small bowls;
  • pour boiling water over the containers;
  • place bowls of herbs in different parts of the house.

Sometimes it is advised to hang dry spices around the apartment. But the effectiveness of this method is much lower.

You can brew coffee and pour it into small cups. Containers with a flavored drink are placed throughout the apartment.

If you have an orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits on hand, then you need to cut their peels and arrange the pieces around the house. In addition, you can dry the zest in the oven or microwave and set it on fire.

You can also use special air fresheners by choosing the scent you like.

Soda, coal, salt

Baking soda can be used to absorb the burnt odor. You will need:

  • pour soda into bowls;
  • arrange them in rooms.

You can use table salt instead of baking soda. To do this, you will need to prepare a concentrated saline solution and pour it into cups.

Activated carbon also has absorbing properties. All you need to do is grind 20 charcoal tablets into powder and spread it throughout the house.

How to remove the burning smell after a fire?

If there is a fire in the apartment, then the above means will be ineffective. After a local fire and strong smoke, soot and an unpleasant odor remain on all surfaces. To get rid of such consequences, you need:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning of the room. Use vinegar diluted with water to wash the affected surfaces. In this case, it is necessary to protect your hands with tight rubber gloves.
  2. If soot has accumulated on the walls, ceiling and floor, then the coverings will have to be replaced.
  3. You also need to buy new furniture if the old one is covered with smoke. Even if she was slightly damaged, it is worth contacting specialists who will replace the upholstery and filler. In another way, it is almost impossible to remove the smell of smoke after a fire.
  4. Toys, clothes and other items that are saturated with a burning smell will have to be thrown away or dry-cleaned.

It is worth preparing that wet cleaning with vinegar solution will have to be repeated several times.

After a fire in the apartment, major repairs will have to be carried out, replacing the damaged furniture and re-finishing the walls, floor and ceiling. This is not an easy method, but it will definitely get rid of the burning smell.

Getting rid of the burning smell is not an easy task. However, it is possible to do it yourself. Simple ventilation is usually not enough. Therefore, you can use proven tools at hand.

You will need

  • - ammonia or vinegar,
  • - terry towels or sheets,
  • - coffee beans,
  • - air ionizer.


In this situation, airing helps in most cases, but there is a significant drawback here - this is the duration of this procedure. Therefore, immediately proceed with general cleaning, before the smell has had time to be deeply absorbed into all surfaces. Take out all the remaining items and dispose of those items that may be a hotbed of unpleasant odor.

Wash the surviving curtains, bed linen and carpets thoroughly with prolonged airing in the fresh air or take them to the dry-cleaner, where they will definitely put your things in full order. Check the ventilation, if the draft is weak, then deal with the problem first. Thanks to good ventilation, the burning smell will evaporate faster. Ventilate rooms often or turn on the air conditioner.

If the fire was not very strong, then you can make cosmetic repairs to get rid of the smell of smoke and burning. After a strong fire, if the walls have turned black, you will have to clean the room down to the concrete box by removing the wallpaper from the walls and deeply cleaning it. Throw away the skirting boards and, if any, partitions.

Thoroughly wash the ceiling and doors with acetic acid or ammonia added to the water. With the help of this solution, you can not only wash away the fumes and soot, but also eliminate the unpleasant odor that the whole apartment has soaked in. A wonderful device - a steam cleaner - will help you get to hard-to-reach places and facilitate the cleaning process.

But a steam cleaner is not a cheap "pleasure", which is its undoubted disadvantage, and folk methods are not always able to get rid of the consequences of a fire completely.

There is one to help you cope with surface finishing.

It is very difficult to get rid of such consequences of a fire as soot and soot. This set includes all the necessary tools and tools. You can get rid of soot, soot and carbon deposits by applying a special product, and then cleaning the "gone" layers with special towels or napkins. In addition, the kit includes a special personal protective suit to help you keep your clothes and body from getting dirty.

After general cleaning, take a few sheets or sheets, moisten and hang on the interior doors and in the rooms. A damp cloth will absorb all unpleasant odors, so you should use this effective method. After the towels are dry, dampen them again and hang them up.

Place the roasted coffee beans in the bowls and arrange them among the rooms. If possible, use an air ionizer that can absorb and neutralize all unpleasant odors, even after a fire.

But even these methods are not always able to remove the burning smell completely.

Will help you. This neutralizer not only masks the smell, but completely breaks it down at the molecular level.

To destroy the "aroma", it is necessary to treat all surfaces with this solution, before removing soot and soot. First of all, you need to rinse the walls, ceiling, and it is also important to touch all hard-to-reach places. Then leave the product to dry completely and ventilate the room.

An important advantage of SmellOff is its natural composition, consisting of plant extracts, enzymes, which makes the product absolutely harmless and safe.

It would seem that it could be easier. He opened the window, made a draft, and all the smoke instantly disappeared. But when it comes to burning, then this method is not enough. It settles very quickly on any surface - furniture, textiles, wallpaper, floors. And even a few days after the "accident", objects and decor elements retain a pungent smell.

How to get rid of the smell of burning at home: first steps

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of burning in the house, whether it was burnt food, or an iron forgotten on linen, it is important to take the right measures. After all, the pungent smell absorbed into textiles and furniture will poison not only the air for a long time, but also undermine the health of households. So, if the room is filled with pungent smoke and odors such as wiring, plastic, the taste of burnt meat or other food, then the following step-by-step algorithm will help you understand how to remove the burning smell in the apartment and save the interior items.

We ventilate

If your sense of smell suggests that something is burning and smells bad in the apartment, then initially find the reason. The food may have burnt. Further actions depend on the scale of the accident. Of course, if we are talking about a fire, then immediately call the firefighters. And if a pungent smell is exuded by a burnt pan, then turn on the hood to maximum power. If unpleasant puffs of smoke accumulate in the room, a single hood is not enough to remove the smell. You need to thoroughly ventilate the apartment from the smell of burning and smoke, so do the following.

  • Arrange a draft. It is necessary to open the windows and open the doors wide. A draft should appear in the room. It is the air circulation that will ensure the removal of fumes and smoke from the room. If the apartment is built in such a way that it is impossible to create a draft in it, then you can resort to using a fan.
  • Eliminate the source of the burn. Burnt objects continue to saturate the air with fumes. Therefore, they must be collected and folded into a plastic bag. It is better to take out items that are not subject to resuscitation immediately into the trash on the street.
  • Increase circulation. To quickly erase the smell of burning from the apartment, it is necessary to increase the circulation of air masses. A fan, an air conditioner, an extractor hood will help in this.

If you have an air purifier or air conditioner and the scale of the accident is small, then you must completely close all windows and doors and turn on the device at full power.


To quickly and effectively eliminate the smell of burning in a living room, you can go for a little trick. The moisture absorbs the fetid odor qualitatively. Therefore, in the rooms most affected by the "accident", it is necessary to increase the humidity. This can be achieved in several ways.

  • Turn on the water. The easiest method to create humidity is to turn on the kitchen tap so that the water gradually runs down the sink. By the way, it is necessary to turn on the hot water. In case of heavy smoke, it is recommended to unscrew the tap not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. Condensation will occasionally accumulate on surfaces. Be sure to wipe it off.
  • Hang up wet towels. If there is little smoke, it is enough to hang wet towels in the kitchen. The damp cloth will absorb the unpleasant smell very quickly. If the smoke has "occupied" the entire apartment, then hang large wet towels or sheets in all rooms. In case of strong smoke, it is better to moisten with a vinegar solution (take two tablespoons of vinegar for five liters of water).
  • Arrange the basins of water. This is another method of simple room humidification. It is necessary to collect water in the basins and place it in the rooms affected by the burning.
  • Place a pot of herbs on the fire. Effectively absorbs and even if possible neutralizes the smell of burning boiling spices or herbs. It is necessary to put a container with water on a small fire. The following herbs are added to the pan: lavender, cumin, lemon balm, cloves, mint. It is these fragrant components that will provide the initial neutralization of burning. And in the case of insignificant smoke, they will completely eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Removing the stench

If your food is burnt, but the measures taken were not enough, and the smell of burning is clearly felt in the room, it is necessary to resort to more effective methods of control. Initially, it should be noted that conventional air fresheners in this case are ineffective. They temporarily replace unpleasant odors. But such a disguise quickly passes, and the same smoke that has not gone anywhere appears through the aroma of the freshener.

There are special products designed to eliminate burning, for example. This agent quickly and safely interacts with the stench and neutralizes it, rather than masking it. In the case of burnt food, without visible contamination on surfaces, furniture and other fittings, simply spray it into the air.


Peculiarities. Vinegar is one of those products that do not mask the smell, but break down and neutralize it. While the air purification procedure is going on, it is best to take a walk outside so as not to inhale harmful vapors. The vinegar solution will almost completely "eat" all the stench.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Pour three liters of water into a large saucepan.
  2. A liter of vinegar is added to the cold liquid.
  3. The container is put on fire. When the water boils, the fire is screwed on.
  4. This "brew" should be boiled for about two hours.

Natural coffe

Peculiarities. You can use unrefined coffee beans to eliminate the smell. This product is considered a natural and highly effective deodorant. But there is one important rule. Only a natural product absorbs smell. Instant coffee will not do the trick.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Whole grains or ground coffee are poured into saucers and placed around the apartment.
  2. If the grains are whole, then the smell goes away 10-12 hours.
  3. If the coffee is ground, it takes two to three hours to neutralize the "aroma".


Peculiarities. If the farm has orange or lemon zest in store, then you can use this stock. Dry peels or fresh citrus fruits will do. The dry crust is placed on a saucer and set on fire. This is not the case with whole fruits.

Algorithm of actions

  1. The lemon or orange is cut into thin slices and placed in a boiling pot of water.
  2. The citrus broth should boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Cloves or cinnamon

Peculiarities. To neutralize the smell of burning in the apartment, you can prepare a "freshener" with your own hands, which will not mask, but absorb the unpleasant "aroma".

Algorithm of actions

  1. Put 20 clove sticks in a pot of water (about one and a half liters). They can be replaced with cinnamon if desired.
  2. The spices are allowed to boil and boiled for about half an hour.


Peculiarities. Snow-white crystals can serve not only as a spice for dishes. They are able to save the house from unpleasant burning. Salt is considered a natural adsorbent that easily absorbs any odors. It can completely absorb the unpleasant bitter aroma of escaped milk and cleanse the oven of the effects of burnt food. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, simply pour a little salt into the plate and leave it overnight. But there is also another way.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Make a highly concentrated saline solution: about 10 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.
  2. A container with a solution is left overnight in the room where the emergency happened.
  3. In the morning, the liquid should become cloudy and dirty.


Peculiarities . To eliminate the smell of burning, you can use your favorite herbs at home. It is necessary to go to cut the fragrant plants. Wormwood, mint, sage will do. If the accident occurred in winter, then the herbs can be replaced with needles.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Lay out fresh herbs or needles on paper sheets.
  2. Distribute them throughout your home.
  3. Plants should dry out gradually, exuding a fragrant smell.

How to tidy up a house after a fire

If the accident was of a rather significant scale, then it will not work to get rid of the burnt smell from the room only with the help of the above measures. Thorough cleaning is required to overcome the bad smell. After all, an unpleasant smell settles on all interior items.

With a high level of smoke in the premises, after a fire, it is necessary to evacuate children, elderly and sick people, and pets from the apartment during cleaning.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals

To carry out a high-quality general cleaning, it is recommended to resort to the help of special household chemicals. These substances, in most cases, are very aggressive, therefore, they require strict adherence to safety rules. For self-cleaning of traces of fire, it will not be enough to buy one product, since you need to remove soot, carbon deposits, remove the smell, etc.

There is one, which includes all the necessary equipment, as well as special personal protective equipment and the necessary tools.

To remove soot, soot and soot, an alkaline agent is used, which is sufficient to apply ready-made or diluted (depending on the material and the degree of contamination).

The smell of burning is removed using the SmellOff neutralizer from the smell after a fire or smoke.

To achieve the effect, using this tool, you must:

  1. Clean all surfaces to be treated from soot, soot and carbon deposits using an alkaline product.
  2. Spray all surfaces with SmellOff. It is important to use the product on all hard-to-reach areas and to spill it on the most damaged surfaces.
  3. Leave the neutralizer to dry completely and ventilate.

The most popular are two types of remedies for the smell of burning.

  1. Liquid substances. These are detergents that will eliminate persistent "odors" emanating from the ceiling and walls. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the product. Some substances can discolor surfaces, others can burn hands. One of the means that effectively removes the consequences of a fire is MAZBIT + remover.
  2. Aerosols. Such fresheners, like the adsorbents described above, do not mask the smell, but affect the fumes at the molecular level. But these components can be quite harmful to humans. Therefore, the use of such substances is permissible only if you are going to leave the apartment for a few days.

General cleaning rules

Wet cleaning of the apartment should start as soon as possible. And, if the apartment is not very smoky, then it is necessary to combine it with the third step. Remember, the longer you postpone the general cleaning, the more the burnt "eats" into all coatings and surfaces. So what needs to be done.

  • "Evacuation" of things. After a strong fire or in case of impressive smoke, it is necessary to remove all things from the apartment. This applies to pillows, bedspreads, carpets, curtains. This will protect the products from additional absorption of unpleasant odors. In addition, in the fresh air, things will be ventilated faster and more efficiently.
  • Elimination of burnt-out elements. Assess the size of the disaster carefully. All burnt elements must be mercilessly said goodbye. Furniture can be restored if the frame is intact. Otherwise, it is better to get rid of it. With a spatula, you can remove all the soot from the walls. Do not leave a burnt floor covering. After all, it will constantly exude an unpleasant aroma.
  • Wet cleaning. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces (furniture, walls). Wipe the floor several times. To make cleaning better, it is recommended to use folk remedies. Add some vinegar to the surface cleaning water. Such a solution will qualitatively eliminate the unpleasant odor. Do not lose sight of cornices, lamps, chandeliers. They also need to be thoroughly washed.
  • Renovation work. After carefully removing all burnt-out elements and washing the room, you can proceed to the restoration of the room. It is advisable to re-paint the ceiling, re-glue the wallpaper and redecorate the floor covering. Such measures will almost completely eliminate the traces of the past fire.

Means for tiles, furniture, curtains

Not every fire ends in a full-blown fire, after which a complete repair has to be done. Sometimes we are talking about a little smoke. But even this is enough to make curtains, carpet or microwave soaked in a pungent smell. And every time this scent reminds of your "incident". To clean the various surfaces in the apartment from burning after a fire, use these tips.

  • Tile cleaning. To remove aroma from such surfaces, you must use bleach. But this substance can damage some types of tiles. Therefore, initially try on an inconspicuous area. You can use regular baking soda instead of bleach.
  • Cleaning windows. It is recommended to wash them with special wipers. Such substances can also be used for plastic frames. It is recommended to remove the blinds from the windows and rinse them in the bathroom under the shower using the same glass cleaner.
  • Washing curtains. Curtains, curtains, curtains must be removed and carefully washed. Sometimes it is not possible to eliminate the smell the first time. As the reviews show, it may be necessary to wash it again for the fumes to fade. By the way, it is necessary to dry the curtains only in the fresh air, with good wind blowing over them.
  • Carpets and upholstered furniture. Such coatings retain an unpleasant burning smell for the longest time. It is recommended to sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the surface to revive floor coverings and upholstered furniture. This tool, like a sponge, absorbs all unpleasant odors and will not damage the product. The soda is left overnight. In the morning, you just need to vacuum the coverings. If such activities were not enough, then the problem is much more serious. In this case, you need to contact a cleaning company or dry cleaner.
  • Oven or microwave. It is them that are easiest to bring to a normal state. To eliminate the burn in the microwave, it is necessary to put a glass of baking soda (one or two tablespoons) inside the unit. The door is tightly closed and left (off) for one day. Then the glass is removed, and the surface is wiped with a damp sponge. If the oven is damaged, then ammonia will help to revive it in a short time. The stove is heated to 90 ° C. Then the gas is turned off. A container with ammonia is placed inside. Two or three hours is enough, but if time permits, leave it overnight. Wipe off with a damp cloth in the morning and the oven can be used again.

To remove the smell of burning in the house, you can use ordinary scented candles or sticks. Such measures are quite enough when it comes to small burning of food. Saturation of the air with your favorite aromas will be a pleasant bonus to the elimination of burning.