Repairs Design Furniture

Equipment for the production of furniture facades. Equipment for the production of MDF facades and other accessories Equipment for the production of painted facades MDF

The external type of product depends on the furniture facade, and its final cost. At the same time, this fact is taken into account regardless of the fact that the details of the facade occupy a total of a quarter of the object itself. The production technology of the array itself is quite complicated and requires the use of many resources.


The drying of wood is always as the first stage of processing. To dry all lumber designed for the manufacture of a furniture frame and facade, you need to use special furniture facades from the massif.

This technological process is necessary in order to resolve the moisture content of the material, leading it to the optimal norm. If the moisture content of the tree is approximately 10 percent, it will remove the internal voltage. The use of a special chamber is extremely necessary, since the presence of cracks and other defects will depend on the quality of the drying.

  • After the material is properly prepared, the manufacture of a furniture shield begins.
  • The finished material must be cut (trace), taking into account the desired characteristics of length and width. If there are marriage sites, they immediately need to be removed. To implement this process, use machines for the production of facades from the massif.
  • After that, the workpiece must be combined along the length and perform their calibration.
  • The next step is gluing shields.

When the manufacture of the frame-pilot facade is scheduled, you need to cut the cloth to make the blanks for the main part of the facade. After this action, the entire perimeter of the canvas should be processed. Often, for this purpose is used technology of manufacturing bent facades from the array. This action is customary to be called profiling, it allows you to achieve an ideally smooth geometric shape of the product.


The next action will be the face of the facade. The beginning of this process is calibration, for the implementation of which is needed. If it is easier to speak, then the main task of this manipulation will be the achievement of one size of different slats and conducting profiling edges of blanks. They will need to turn crosswise and lead to the specified parameters.

For processing curvilinear surfaces, the millivity will be required machine for making furniture facades. Due to the development of modern technologies, it is currently possible to create cutters of any shapes and sizes, that is, any pattern that gives aesthetic look of the frame. To facilitate the subsequent assembly of the product using machines for furniture facades You need to cut counter profile.


After all the elements are prepared for further work, you need to collect the product. T.junction of the manufacture of facades from the massif It is quite simple, on the perimeter of the frame there are special grooves in which you need to insert a panel or other material. Customers often choose lattices or glass, also beautiful will look at the stained glass window. Now popular use facades created by type of blinds, as it allows you to create an optimal exchange of air flow in the closet.

This material appeared as a result of the development of a dry method of production of the Fiberboard and the improvement of the technologies used for this. The middle-density fibrous plates have a developed surface of wood fibers and a reduced pressing cycle. Due to the participation of binders in intervolonic interaction of MDF, high strength is characterized. Facades from MDF, which are manufactured by cutting fibrous plates, milling and film or paint, are widely used for the production of furniture, flooring, wall panels in the premises.

Although the materials from chipboard are significantly cheaper than the MDF, however, the latter use higher demand at the expense of certain advantages. First of all, the medium-density fibrous plates are moisture-resistant, retain the form at temperature fluctuations and resistant to mechanical effects. They are an environmentally friendly material. Thanks to these qualities, MDF is ideal for making furniture (first of all, kitchen). It is common that the MDF plates on moisture resistance and their mechanical characteristics even exceed a natural tree. In addition, in contrast to the last material, they are resistant to various fungi and microorganisms, which means that safe and hygienic. The cost of this material is important. Products from MDF are 60-70% cheaper than those similar to characteristics of solid wood products and almost two times cheaper than solid lumber. The MDF plates can be processed in almost any way and lined with MDF laminate, natural or synthetic veneer, a papermap film, PVC film. For all these reasons, they became the most common and demanded facade material.

Types of MDF plates differ in different bases: on the use (furniture, floor coverings, interior doors, suspended ceilings, wall panels, etc.), by type of coating (painting, PVC film, paper gramcreen, veneer, etc.), presence inserts (lattices, glass, etc.), in form (flat, bent, etc.).

So, for the organization of own production of facades MDF, a room is required of about 100 square meters. meters. It must be clean (with the ventilation system) and heated (the temperature in it should not be descended below 15 degrees Celsius). As a raw material for the manufacture of facades, MDF slabs, facing material (PVC film obtained the greatest distribution) and the glue composition.

The process of production of facades from MDF consists of several key steps. First, the stove for the facade is reopted using a format-cutting machine. Billets should be highly accurate, not to have defects (chipping, cracks, etc.). At the next stage, the specified pattern and the volumetric profile, the creation of which occurs on the milling table using a milling machine is applied to the plane and ends of the blanks for the furniture facade. Modern equipment allows you to make profiles of almost any complexity. Then grinding parts using a vibratory grinding machine. Production waste is removed by a vacuum cleaner, and to blow the facades after grinding and before applying the compressor is used. Before lining the surface of the facade must be carefully prepared and cleaned.

There are several of the most common cladding technologies in the production of furniture facades. Lamination is the process of cladding MDF paper-resin films under the action of temperature and pressure. The porous surface of the paper contains a melamine resin, which is polymerized and penetrates into the MDF structure on the capillary level, resulting in a homogeneous surface layer, which has strength, waterproof and resistance to high temperatures. Kashing is called the process of facing MDF with fully cured paper-resin films with preliminary application on the base of the adhesive composition. In this case, the film is glued to the MDF, which simplifies the process of cladding (compared to example, with lamination). In the manufacture of facades, which should have the highest protective and wear properties, the post-deformation technology is used, which is the process of lining chipboard layered laminates or high-pressure plastics.

Also, the facades of MDF are covered with plastic, film or enamel, phane with natural veneer.

Most often, PVC film is used for facing facades, as it is simpler and allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the finished product. In this case, glue is also applied to the surface of the plate - in two layers when exposed to high temperatures (up to 80 degrees Celsius), and the material is allowed to dry for 30 minutes. Then the PVC film is applied to it, which is preheated. After cladding, the facade is sent under the press, and then excess is removed from it.

For the organization of production of facades MDF requires special equipment. It belongs to it: a format-cutting machine (depending on the model, its price can be 200-250 thousand rubles), a copy-milling table (30 thousand rubles), a milling machine (350 thousand rubles), a vibration grinder (1 , 5-2 thousand rubles), industrial vacuum cleaner (10 thousand rubles), piston compressor (5-7 thousand rubles), paintopult (5 thousand rubles), vacuum press (150-170 thousand rubles). The performance of this equipment is managed with which one specialist can be about 20-25 square meters. meters for shifts and about 100 square meters. meters of facades per week. Monthly generation can be 400-450 square meters. meters. With an increase in the number of manufacturing workers, up to three people increases significantly and performance. Since the process of production of facades MDF involves human participation, the quality of finished products directly depends on both the quality of the materials used for its production and the qualification of the employee.

The number of facade industries in our country increases every year. But most of them cannot boast quality products, as they use the cheapest MDF plates and base films for the manufacture of facades. In this case, the trends in this market indicate that buyers prefer high-quality products and ready to pay more for it. Therefore, experts advise to make a bet on the optimal value for money and do not strive to reduce the cost of production by the use of low-quality raw materials.

The total costs of opening the production of facades MDF are about 1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the acquisition of the main and additional equipment, its delivery and installation (in the amount of about 1 million rubles), rent and preparing the premises of production, the purchase of a batch of raw materials for the month of work (200 thousand rubles), business registration, other current expenses .

The market for such products is quite wide. This includes various construction and repair companies, furniture stores and even individuals who often order the facades of MDF directly from the manufacturer. Wholesale cost of one square facade of MDF is about 1000 rubles. The profitability of such production reaches 28%. The return on the project is estimated at 6-8 months.

From what kind of enterprise installed equipment for the production of MDF Facades depends on the quality and volume of products produced. However, the beginning of the enterprise should take into account that mass release should be mechanized, and individual orders require more manual labor. On the other hand, not all work can be performed without the use of technical means. Yes, and the cost of manual labor sometimes costs much more than one-time investment.

Cutting MDF plate is made, as a rule, on format-cutting circular circular machines. With small volumes, you can make it possible to place to order from other organizations. Such services often provides in places where you can buy MDF and LDSP.

If the company uses milling-engraving machines with CNC with wide working surfaces, then the pattern of parts of the desired size can be performed directly on them. In this case, the pattern will be successfully combined with the processing of the edges of the MDF facades, if you choose the corresponding milling cutter, or the cutter set.

Milling machines for facades MDF are better to purchase their own, as the creative beginning should be present here. And the set of standard templates available from the contractors can not always do.

The optimal option will be, if you purchase a milling-engraving center with CNC, which will ensure the execution of 90% of all milling works with billets for MDF facades and countertops.

If financial capabilities are limited, then you should buy a milling and copying machine for MDF facades. However, here actually all work is performed manually in templates, so the performance drops sharply compared to CNC machines.

Non-novice minor enterprises will not be difficult to make a primitive, but very useful milling machine for MDF facades independently. To do this, a manual milling machine is attached to the bottom of the table in the bottom of the table, and on top, opposite the hole for the working cutter, the movable stubborn strap or stop roller is mounted.

Excessively cumbersome and heavy parts MDF tabletops are easier to handle with manual milling machines. For rounding the corners, a small machine with a hawk-edge cutter with a radius of 2-3 mm may be needed.

In addition, the manufacture of complex curvilinear products will require a manual jigsaw and a ribbon grinding machine.

Workplaces of cutting, milling and grinding billets MDF should be equipped with hoods or powerful vacuum cleaners for air filtration from sawdust and dust.

To clean the parts from dust and dirt of the jet of compressed air and applying glue for PVC film to the surface of the MDF of the facade, it will take a compressor with a 50-80 liter receivers.

The accommodation room should be equipped with extractor. Here, parts for MDF facades are stacked on a special table. It should rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees and have a needle surface for flowing over glue. The work is made in the mask protecting against dust. In addition, this room should be well isolated, since the adhesive particles can sow on PVC film, usually stored near, and after cladding, they turn into unpleasant hardware on the surface of the facades of MDF.

Equipment for the production of MDF facades in the PVC film cannot be complete without a membrane-vacuum press. There are a variety of thermo-vacuum machines for MDF facades from various manufacturers. However, significant differences in the device and pressing technology, they do not have each other.

It should be known that a silicone membrane should always be supplied with a membrane-vacuum press, with which it becomes possible to partially use the surface of the working table of the machine for saving the PVC film, as well as the implementation of some other production processes, such as brazing (veneering, lamination), Making bent facades from MDF and other operations.

After the PVC film is seized, the MDF facades are trimmed on a special table, which must be covered with a foam rubber to protect against scratches of randomly falling sand.

If there is a penetration of the film, or somewhere will need to drag the corner, you will need a hairdryer with adjustable air supply and temperature, as well as a small electric iron, preferably with smooth, without holes for steam supply, surface.

With the inclusion of various power units in the power grid, unpleasant voltage jumps are possible, which can lead to the failure of expensive electrical equipment. Therefore, for connecting to the network, for example, Russian voltage stabilizers should be used.

In addition to the above, the production of facades MDF will require the use of a brush-absorption to clean the parts from the chips; various emery sponges and essay skins, including stuffed on bars, for grinding bends and smooth surfaces, respectively; knife for trimming the film; packaging film; Accessories for cleaning jobs, including wet.

The main used equipment for the production of MDF facades is often a strong dust source that enters the air and can harm health. Therefore, work on it should be carried out in special dust masks and glasses.

Case parts are an integral component of any furniture. Previously, only workpieces made of wooden boards were used for their manufacture. But the emergence of new materials has made significant adjustments. A set of stacks for processing a fibreboard can be the basis of profitable business. But for this it is necessary to correctly choose the equipment for the production of MDF facades.

Equipment line

At the first stage of planning a new line for the release of processed panels, it is necessary to determine important initial indicators. First of all, this is a common budget. Based on it, the optimal set of equipment is selected, the performance of the line is calculated.

There are additional factors that directly affect the purchase of equipment:

  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. After mounting the equipment, there should be free space for working personnel and move from one processing zone to another.
  • Place for storing the feedstock. In order for the machine for the production of facades from the MDF, it worked as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to reduce the time of the tray of workpieces for processing.
  • Provide a mechanism for testing product quality after the passage of each manufacturing stage. This also applies to the storage conditions of finished products.

By completing these conditions, you can proceed to the selection of equipment for the arrangement of the line.

Processing billets

After making sheets of MDF, their quality checks must be performed cutting. According to the drawings, the cutting card is drawn up, which will provide the minimum residue of cropping. Even high-tech equipment for the production of MDF facades without a professional program for the preparation of technical documentation will not be able to fulfill all its functions.

For cutting sheets, a formatable rounded circular circular machine is needed. The sheet is installed on the movable frame and cuts on the blanks according to the cutting plan. Depending on the type of equipment, the procedure can be carried out in manual or automatic modes.

With small volumes of production, you can not acquire this machine. Currently, there are specialized companies that implement the MDF with the desired size.


After that, it is necessary to perform the processing of the surface of the workpiece. It includes the formation of drawings on the MDF plane by milling, the creation of mounting grooves on the edges of the sheet.

Often, the production of MDF facades is part of the assembly line for the manufacture of furniture or interior doors. Classic models of this product must have a volumetric pattern on the surface, which is formed by milling. If the budget does not allow you to purchase a CNC device, you can make equipment for processing yourself.

This will require a table, the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the largest blank. A movable frame with a milling unit is mounted on it. The pattern of patterns for which the sheet processing is performed on the MDF surface. It should be noted that the process will take much longer than when using CNC machine. However, with further upgrades, it is possible to replace the homemade device to a more perfect factory model.

At the end of the manufacture of the MDF pattern, the grinding machine is processed and sent to the final stage of production - painting or lamination.

Film pasting

Application of a specific shade on the surface of the product is an important stage of making decorative panels. To do this, you need to purchase a membrane-vacuum press for the production of MDF facades.

When choosing a specific model, you should pay attention to its functional characteristics. The simplest equipment is fixing the paint layer on the MDF surface by the method of thermal exposure. Machines with a more complex device are able to apply a decorative PVC film, as well as process curved facades.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of silicone membrane. It limits the scope of exposure to the desktop. This is necessary for the processing of small batches of blanks.

Professional equipment for the production of MDF facades should include a trimming machine that processes the edge. After that, the product enters the package.

Preparation for storage and transportation

According to the technological scheme, the full packaging of MDF panel is not recommended. The likely moisture ingred into may result in swelling and loss of geometric shape. For proper preparing for storage, it is necessary to purchase special equipment for the production of MDF facades.

The packing machine processes the edges of the product, leaving its middle open. In the future, cardboard panels protect against mechanical exposure are attached to it. Store MDF facades are best in a vertical position, as this eliminates the change in geometry.

When choosing a certain production line, it is recommended to purchase equipment from one manufacturer. This will make it possible to choose the optimal machine tools.

The relevance of the production of facades of MDF is substantiated by regular demand for this product. Despite the high price compared with the materials from the chipboard, the furniture facades of the average density are released less toxic substances and have greater durability, which makes them so popular in the market of high-quality construction goods. In Russia, the need for MDF is more than 200,000 cubic meters per year.

The facades of the MDF are the construction material of the middle density for finishing the furniture and panels, which is manufactured by cutting wood-fiber plates, milling and filming or painting.

From English MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - Middle Density Fibrous Plate.


  • for use (furniture,);
  • by type of coating (PVC film, painting, etc.);
  • by type of milling (embossed, 3D);
  • in the inserts (stained glass, grille, glass);
  • in shape (bent, curvilinear, flat).

In addition to facades, made of MDF:

  • floor coverings;
  • wall panels;
  • dropped ceilings;
  • handling goods;
  • decorative elements, etc.

Sales market

  • construction organizations;
  • repair companies;
  • individuals.

Organization of production

Production of facades MDF requires work 1-3 specialists. The area of \u200b\u200bthe required premises is 100 sq.m. The indoor for pressing should not be dust, and the temperature should be maintained at a level not lower than 15 degrees. Raw materials for production are MDF plates, PVC film and glue.

Necessary equipment

Cost: 230 850 p.

Cost: 30 000 r.

Productivity: 2 passages up to 10 m / min.
Cost: 390 000 r.

Productivity: 4000-11000 outer / min.
Cost: 1990 p.

Performance: 55 l / s
Cost: 9 800 p.

Cost: 7,770 p.

Cost: 5 848 p.

Productivity: 8 cubic meters / hour
Cost: 165 000 r.

Economic Justification

Capital expenditures

  • Equipment - 0.8 million rubles.
  • Extra equipment - 0.1 million rubles.
  • Delivery and installation - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Preparation of premises - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Commodity reserve for 2 months - 0.3 million rubles.
  • Registration of business and other expenses - 0.1 million rubles.

Total initial costs: 1 700 000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue when working 2 people

* Business profitability is indicated according to the expert opinion of the author of the article.