Repair Design Furniture

How to check the horizontal ridge of the roof. Roof ridge device made of corrugated board. Ridge bar and its functions

The roof is a complex structure, consisting of many different elements, for example, a ridge. It performs many functions, without which the operation of the roof can be significantly difficult. And which ridge on the roof made of corrugated board can you use? How to mount it correctly, and how to operate it?

What is a skate for?

The ridge is installed on the roof of any house. The only exception is the flat roof. This concept has two meanings. The ridge is the top of the roof where the slopes converge. In this case, we mean either a run in the form of a wooden beam, or the connection of rafter legs. A ridge is also called an additional element installed at the top of the roof.

In the first case, we are talking about part of the roof truss system. In this article, we will focus specifically on the skate as an additional element. In this case, it is a bar that can be made of different materials and have different shapes.

The ridge for corrugated board or any other roofing material performs the following functions:

  • Protection of the space under the roof. When laying corrugated board or other material on the roof slopes, it is difficult to ensure that the upper joint is tight enough. A gap will necessarily form in this place. In order to prevent moisture from getting under the roof, a ridge bar should be installed. The protective function is essential for this additional element;
  • Provides air circulation. When installing the ridge strip, a gap is created, which plays the role of an exhaust hole. The result is created. Ensuring air circulation in the under-roof space is very important, especially if the roof is covered with corrugated sheet or metal tiles. These materials have high thermal conductivity and quickly heat up and cool down. As a result, condensation forms on the underside of the profiled sheet. If the ridge bar does not provide ventilation, then the insulation will quickly fail;
  • Aesthetic function. The ridge at the top of the roof gives the whole structure a finished look. It is difficult to imagine any roof without this element.

For all these reasons, it is imperative to install a ridge on a roof made of corrugated board or any other material. Only in this case, long and trouble-free operation of the roof, and the whole house, will be ensured.

Shapes and sizes

Decking is often used in modern construction. This material is strong, durable, easy to install and inexpensive. Profiled sheet is produced by many manufacturers, therefore, a lot of additional elements are offered. They differ both in appearance and in characteristics.

The ridge element for corrugated board can be purchased in the following forms:

What materials are used? What is the described additional element made of? The ridge used for roofs covered with corrugated sheets is made of the same material. This is a galvanized steel sheet. The ridge, like the corrugated board, can have a protective layer of paint, polymers, or even do without it. The latter option is rarely used. The ridge without additional protection will quickly begin to rust. It is best to choose options with a polymer coating, in the color of the corrugated board used. In this case, the ridge will serve for a long time and reliably protect the roof from snow and rain.

For correct calculations, you should know the dimensions of the ridge for the corrugated board. There is a very large selection. As a rule, the length of the ridge strip is 2-3 meters. But in other sizes there are practically no standards. The width of the ridge shelves can range from 150 to 300 millimeters. The most popular option is 200 millimeters. A "larger" ridge in size will look too massive, and if the shelves are smaller, the roof protection made of corrugated board may suffer.

How to improve protection

The ridge covers the gap at the joints of the corrugated board at the top of the slope. At the same time, it provides ventilation of the air under the roof. But the installation of a ridge strip does not guarantee complete sealing. Snow or raindrops will still blow under it. To prevent this from happening, you need to install a seal.

Similar products are available in several versions:

Which option to choose is up to the owners of the house. Universal insulation for a ridge is inexpensive, but its protective function among professional builders is in great doubt. The most expensive, but also the most reliable option is self-expanding tape. In this case, the entire space between the corrugated board and the ridge will be reliably closed.

How to install a skate

Any product, even with high quality, will work poorly if the installation is made with errors. And how to install a ridge on a roof with a roofing made of corrugated board? What are the nuances and possible difficulties?

First of all, you need to know that the installation of the skate begins after the complete one. In this case, the roofing material should not reach the line of intersection of the slopes by 5-10 centimeters. If the sheets of corrugated board are joined without such free space, then the ventilation of the under-roof space will be difficult.

Further work will look like this:

  • The construction of a private house is completed with the construction of a roof. This is an especially important stage, since the reliability of the structure depends on the competent implementation of this process. The construction process itself can be conditionally divided into several stages, from the installation of the Mauerlat to the installation of the roofing.

    When installing the roofing material on the slopes at the point of their convergence in the uppermost part of the roof, as a rule, gaps are formed. Therefore, an element is needed that, on the one hand, will protect the under-roof space from the penetration of precipitation and melt water, and on the other hand, it will provide ventilation of the roof. This is the so-called ridge on the roof (photo below).

    This element is defined as follows. The ridge of the roof of the house is the upper edge located horizontally at the junction of the slopes. It also includes those associated with this rib. Thus, it is a prefabricated structure consisting of a collection of several fragments. Installing a ridge on a roof requires a little theoretical training and the simplest construction skills, that is, in fact, everyone can cope with this task.

    Types of ridge construction

    The ridge on the roof is formed by closing the planes of the slopes. It has two versions and depends on.

    • A beam that is installed on vertical posts, resting on puffs either on the ceiling beams, or fixed on the gables. It supports the top of the rafters.
    • A run (base of the ridge), laid at the top of rigid triangular trusses set one after another, made of rafter legs connected in pairs, which are interconnected by jumpers. A roof ridge log with a wide cross-section or two 5 cm thick boards sewn at an angle can act as a run.

    From all this it follows that first of all we are dealing with a gable roof component. However, it can also be found in structures with a more complex configuration. For example, or, in which it is biased.

    Relatively recently, asbestos cement was used to decorate the ridge, today manufacturers more often offer a galvanized roof ridge. Galvanized dimensions are usually standard: their length is about two meters, and the width of the shelves is 25-30 cm.

    At the place of installation, there are three main options for the ridge:

    • straight, which has become a gable roof. It is installed on the level strictly horizontally;
    • mortise, which cut into the internal mates of the roof slopes, below the main one;
    • intersected, suitable for installation on multi-slope structures in places where planes cut into the main roof intersect.

    How to calculate the height of the ridge of a gable roof

    The desired value depends on several factors, but, as a rule, the type of attic is considered the determining one.

    In the general case, the slope of the slope and the dimensions of the structure and, as a derivative, the type of material are taken into account. The calculations use data from a specially developed table, in which the width of the structure and the value of the slope are related through the coefficient.

    Let's say the width of the building is 8 m and the slope is 40 °. The height of the ridge of a gable roof is calculated according to the following scheme: half the width is multiplied by a coefficient, the value of which is found from the table. Thus, the height or distance between the top of the roof ridge and the ceiling is 4x 0.86 = 3.44.

    Chimney height relative to the roof ridge SNiP

    There is an opinion that regarding the ridge of the roof, it is determined solely by the desire of the homeowner and the exterior of the house. However, it is not. In fact, the efficiency of heating equipment, and the high-quality removal of combustion products, and the level of energy consumption depend on it.

    A competent calculation of this parameter is based on

    • at the location of the pipe in relation to the ridge;
    • slope of the slopes;
    • on the presence of objects or trees near the house that are higher than it;
    • intensity of wind and snow loads typical for a given area.

    Here are the optimal values ​​of the required quantity for some structures:

    • Flat roof. Regardless of the section, the height of the pipe must be more than half a meter.
    • Pitched roof. Let L = distance from the ridge bar. At
    • L = 1.50 m, the height of the pipe cannot be 50 cm of a purlin or a guardrail by more than 50 cm;
    • 1.5 < L< 3 м, труба предполагается выше этих элементов;
    • L> 3 m, then the parameter is determined by an imaginary line that is 10 ◦ with the horizon line.

    How to do it yourself

    The run is made of steel or wood. When building private houses, the second option is mainly used, since steel ones are rather heavy.

    • The installation is carried out after completing the main stages of the roofing device. The basic principle of laying the ridge trim elements is in laying the edge fragments from the side of the gables, through which the mounting cord is pulled. The lace is leveled and temporarily fixed to opposite gables. It will serve as a guide for the rest of the fragments.
    • It is recommended to carry out the work together. After installing and fixing the first structural element, proceed to the next one. Fragments are laid with a spade of about 20 cm, which allows for better waterproofing of the structure. In the same way, all elements are laid and fixed along the slope.


    Particular attention must be paid to the fastening of the edge elements, since they are under the influence of maximum wind loads.

    • However, just one fit, even if the shelf width is more than 20 cm, is not enough to provide sufficient waterproofing. In any case, there will be cracks through which drops of rain or snow blown by the wind can get under the roof. You can put a layer of glass wool in the groove, but try not to seal it too much, as this may interfere with ventilation.
    • There is another way: instead of glass wool, use a self-adhesive foam tape (filler), which is laid along the edge of the shelf from the bottom side. But this material is quite expensive, and the result obtained is similar to the option using glass wool.
    • A ventilation compartment must be provided without fail. Otherwise, the accumulation of condensation cannot be avoided, even if the roof has been reliably protected from moisture.

    On a note

    If, due to the peculiarities of the roofing structure, it is not possible to equip it or at least provide the required gap, then to combat attic dampness, windows are installed in the end parts.

    How to fix the ridge to the roof: from corrugated board, on slate

    The fastening method depends entirely on the material of the protective strip. Curly elements are often made of the same.

    A mandatory procedure is the waterproofing of wooden roofing elements. Before starting the installation of finishing elements, the girder is covered with roofing tape.

    • ... Let's take a closer look at how to install a ridge on a corrugated roof.
    • The roofing device assumes that there is a gap of about 5 cm between the covering and the top in the area of ​​the ridge, which provides ventilation. In the same section parallel to the axis on both sides of the roof, lathing bars are additionally mounted.

Metal corrugated board is a popular material for roofing, which is characterized by an affordable price, ease of installation and high wear resistance. Such a wide popularity of this material today is due to the fact that the corrugated board does not require additional processing, has a small mass and is easy to cut. To carry out the installation of a roof from corrugated board with your own hands, you do not need special construction skills or expensive tools.

In general, a do-it-yourself roofing made of corrugated board is done quite quickly. This material is supplied in the form of steel profiled sheets with zinc galvanized and polymer coating. If the protective layer is violated (deep scratches, open cut lines), the future roof will be subject to corrosion and premature wear. That is why, when installing the roof, you should be careful, work in shoes with soft soles and do not leave cutting lines open to natural precipitation.

Corrugated roof sheeting is attached to a wooden crate. For this, well-dried boards with antiseptic treatment are used. Steel purlins can also be used. In this case, the height of the corrugation of the sheet should be at least 4 cm. If the roof slope is small, it is advisable to buy a corrugated board, the length of which exceeds the dimensions of the slope. In this case, the transverse joints of the sheets will be excluded, and the moisture resistance of the roof will increase.

Rice. 1 - Installation of corrugated board with an overlap

  • Ng - the size of the horizontal overlap;
  • Ks - the size of the eaves overhang.

When the length of the roof slope exceeds the maximum dimensions of the corrugated sheet, the material must be mounted from the bottom corner in the horizontal direction. Thus, the top sheet will overlap the bottom sheet, eliminating leakage during rain. The size of the horizontal overlap is selected taking into account the slope of the slope (see table 1).

In the case when the roof slope has an atypical shape (triangular, trapezoidal), it is advisable to calculate the layout of sheets and cutting on paper before installation. The dimensions of the overhang of the sheet are calculated depending on the type of profile (see table 2). If a drainage system will be installed on the house, the overhang should be about 4 - 5 cm.

How to fix corrugated board: selection of hardware, installation technology.

When installing the corrugated board with your own hands, it is initially necessary to align the first sheet along the end, leaving the calculated cornice overhang. The corrugated board is fastened with self-tapping screws with a sealing washer installed at the ridge. The next sheet is overlapped and aligned horizontally with the first. Further, the roofing sheets are fastened together with self-tapping screws with sealing strips. After fastening several sheets, the corrugated board is aligned along the eaves line, attached to the crate, after which the next horizontal row is mounted.

The roof sheathing is attached to the bottom of the corrugation, as shown in Figure 2, and the ridge is fixed through the upper ridge. The length of the self-tapping screw (L) varies depending on the height of the material ridge and is calculated using the following formula:

L = H + L1 + L2,

  • where L is the length of the hardware (self-tapping screw), mm;
  • L1 - the length of the part of the profile that cuts into the crate (approximately 25 - 30 mm), mm;
  • H is the height of the sheet profile, mm;
  • L2 - total thickness of the washer and seal (about 4 mm), mm.

Rice. 2 - Installation of corrugated board on the crate.

When installing several sheets of corrugated roofing, it is recommended to treat the overlaps with silicone or thiocon sealants to prevent roof leaks. The use of welding or flame cutting for working with corrugated board is prohibited. It is also not recommended to use nails for fastening, because in gusts of wind, the sheet of corrugated board may come off. Fastening one square of corrugated board usually requires 5 - 7 fasteners (self-tapping screws).

Waterproofing and vapor barrier of corrugated roofing.

To ensure the necessary tightness, installing a roof from corrugated board with your own hands provides for the implementation of waterproofing work. For this, a vapor barrier film is laid in horizontal rows from the bottom of the cornice towards the ridge. In general, the waterproofing of the roof made of corrugated board allows you to avoid the following problems: the appearance of condensation, premature wear of the battens, leaks, freezing and the appearance of mold.

Rice. 3 - Roof waterproofing from corrugated board.

When laying the vapor barrier film in several rows, allowance for sagging (about 20 mm) and sheet overlap (100 - 150 mm) must be taken into account. To ensure a tight connection of the rows, the joints are glued with a special mounting tape.

Rice. 4 - Installation of waterproofing under the crate.

  1. rafter leg;
  2. vapor-permeable waterproofing film;
  3. counter lattice;
  4. lathing.

In non-residential buildings, roofing felt, glassine or roofing felt can be used to waterproof the roof. When installing a roof made of corrugated board, there must be ventilation gaps between the batten or ridge and the waterproofing material, as well as between the sealant and the ridge (see Fig. 4). For residential buildings, insulated corrugated roofing is used.

Rice. 5 - Scheme of the insulated roof.

  1. lathing;
  2. corrugated board;
  3. sealant;
  4. roofing ridge;
  5. waterproofing material;
  6. rafter bar;
  7. rafter leg;
  8. insulation layer;
  9. vapor barrier material;
  10. ceiling rail;
  11. finishing material (lining, drywall);
  12. a - the gap for ventilation of the roofing;
  13. b - the gap between the waterproofing and the ventilation seal.

Installation of lathing and installation of corrugated board.

After laying the waterproofing, the rafter strips and sheathing boards are fixed. The step of the lathing and the type of corrugated board is selected taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof. The necessary data for the installation of corrugated board with your own hands, see below in table. 3.
To protect the roof from drafts and wind, it is necessary to install wind bars between the gable and the edge of the roof. The strips are fixed with self-tapping screws at intervals of 200 - 300 mm. On the pediment, the overlap of the plank is 100 - 150 mm.

Rice. 6 - Installation of a wind bar to protect the corrugated roof.

  1. wind bar;
  2. self-tapping screws with galvanic anti-corrosion coating.

To seal the joints between the slope and the wall, corner strips are installed. They are fastened with self-tapping screws at intervals of 200 - 300 mm. The minimum overlap of the plank on the roof covering is 200 mm, while the overlap on the wall is 150 mm. The fastening diagram of the corner and cross slope to the wall is shown in Figures 7 and 8.

Rice. 7 - Fastening the corner slope to the wall.

Rice. 8 - Fastening the cross slope to the wall.

Installation of a ridge on a roof made of corrugated board.

In general, it is quite easy to install a roof made of corrugated board with your own hands. The final stage after installing the battens, laying waterproofing and roofing is the installation of the ridge. The roof ridge performs both aesthetic and protective functions, closing the gap at the junction of roofing materials in the upper part of the roof. For roofing made of corrugated board, you can choose a simple, figured or tiled ridge. It must be mounted on the leeward side, i.e. from the side of the roof, where there are less gusts of wind.

Installation of a ridge for a roof made of corrugated board is carried out on the upper edge of the roof into the upper ridge of the corrugated sheet. For this, galvanized self-tapping screws are used, the interval between which is about 200 - 300 mm. If several tiled skates are used, then the overlap of one on the other should be 150-200 mm.

Rice. 9 - Installation of the ridge on the roof made of corrugated board.

To increase the waterproofing performance of the roof and ensure the tightness of the joints, a sealing gasket must be placed between the ridge element and the roofing material. In this case, a small ventilation gap should remain between the ridge and the seal. The end parts of the ridge must also be closed with plugs (see Fig. 10).

Rice. 10 - Roof ridge made of corrugated board.

Profiled sheets are increasingly used for roofing. An important component of the gable structure is the ridge for the corrugated board. It is about him that will be discussed in the article. What is it used for and what role does the seal play? How to carry out assembly robots?

The ridge is the structural part of the roof - the edge, the intersection of the slopes at the highest point of the roof and a part made of corrugated board, another name for which is the ridge strip. This plank is in the form of a corner that bridges the gap between two roof slopes. The ridge element is often made from the same material as the roof covering. This allows it to blend in with the main color of the roof.

The ridge has several functions:

  • Roof space protection. Since at the junction two sheets of corrugated board form a gap, it must be closed in order to avoid rain and snow getting under the cover. Otherwise, the wooden truss system will rot and deform, and the metal elements will corrode. Without the ridge element, the service life of the roof and its heat-shielding properties will be significantly reduced.
  • Roof ventilation. Due to the small space between the ridge and the roof covering, air can circulate freely and the roof is constantly ventilated. Despite the use of a vapor barrier material in the roofing cake, warm air vapor from the room can still rise and reach the insulation. Especially such problems can arise in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe kitchen and bathroom. Since condensation has a negative effect on the mineral wool used to insulate the roof, ventilation is very important. In order for the vapors of warm air not to condense, and then rise and go out through the rib, a ridge is needed.
  • Decorative function. Together with the ridge for the corrugated board, the roof looks complete.

As you can see, the ridge on the roof made of corrugated board allows vapors from the room to escape into the atmosphere, and also protects the roof from precipitation and other things.

Skate types

Although the ridge strip is a small and simple roof element, it comes in several varieties depending on the shape.

Skate varieties

Skate types:

  • Triangular. This is a simple design, it is called angular. It looks like an ordinary corner.
  • U-shaped. The ridge at the top has folds that resemble the letter "P". It looks more interesting, but it costs more.
  • Semicircular. Used for a wave profiled sheet. They look like a gutter with side shelves for mounting a ridge.
  • Other decorative forms.

The length of the ridge element is 2-3 meters. When calculating the required number of ridge for the roof, it is important to take into account that they are installed with an overlap. The width of the ridge shelf is from 10 to 30 cm, but 15- or 20-cm elements are more often used. The choice of the flange width depends on the length of the roof slope.

With the help of a listogib, you can independently make a ridge for a roof from corrugated board, but buying ready-made elements is easier and not much more expensive.

Purpose of the seal

An important role in the installation of the ridge element is played by the use of a porous seal. It is not visible, like other elements of the roof, but it has the following functions:

  • Serves for sealing roofing elements at their joints. Since the surface of the roof is ribbed, a gap is formed between it and the ridge equal to the height of the metal, the seal seals such gaps.
  • The seal between the ridge and the profiled sheet prevents birds and insects from entering the under-roof space.
  • Protects against the penetration of precipitation in the form of rain or snow when accompanied by a strong crosswind.

Air passes freely through the seal, which means it does not interfere with the roof ventilation.

Seal types

There are different types of sealant:

  • Universal. Presented in the form of a tape of open-cell expanded polyurethane foam. One side of the tape is self-adhesive, so the film is simply removed during installation.
  • Profile. The seal is made in the form of a curly tape with closed pores. It is specially selected for the bend of the profiled sheet. This contributes to the complete filling of the gaps between the materials. In order not to completely block the ventilation of the roof space, the seal has holes.
  • Self-expanding. Presented in the form of a tape of polyurethane foam impregnated with acrylic. On one side there is an adhesive side covered with foil. The sealant after installation is capable of expanding 5 times, filling all the gaps between the ridge strip and the profiled sheet.

Profile seal

Tools and materials for installation

In order for the installation process to go as quickly and smoothly as possible, it is necessary to prepare all materials and tools. Some work can be done below on the ground, but having climbed to the roof, you need to be sure that all the elements are at hand and you will not need to go down for some trifle.

Ridge mounting materials:

  • Skate. It is necessary to cut off the required number and length of these elements even at the bottom, remembering the docking when fastening.
  • Sealant. It is also important to calculate its amount even before climbing the roof.
  • Roofing screws.

With regard to roofing screws, it is worth mentioning that they come in wood and metal carvings. The former are pointed at the ends, while the latter have a drill. To drill a profiled sheet and a ridge, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws for metal, however, they will not push through the tree, but will drill a hole of the appropriate diameter in it. Self-tapping screws for wood will not be able to drill through metal. That is why, in order to drill through metal (only a profiled sheet, not a crate), self-tapping screws for metal are used. Then they are unscrewed and roofing screws for wood are screwed in their place.

Roofing screws

Everything is with materials, but you need to stock up on a number of tools. Some of them will be needed only at the bottom, and some will need to be taken with you when installing the ridge.

Required tools:

  • Ladder with ledges at the edges that allow it to be fixed to the roof.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors for metal.
  • Screwdriver.

Having prepared all the necessary materials and tools, you can safely proceed with the installation of the skate.

To understand how the editing process takes place, we recommend watching this video:

Installation process

At the end of the work with covering the roof with a profiled sheet, you can start installing the ridge. It is worth mentioning that the edges of the metal sheets should not be in contact with each other, but should maintain a distance of 5-10 cm from the top point of the roof structure.

The scheme of attaching the ridge to the corrugated board

So that the skate can be well attached, additional sheathing bars are installed in advance on the upper edges of the slopes, it is in them that the roofing screws will be driven. But these nuances must be taken into account even before the installation of the ridge. You need to start installation work not on the side from which strong winds usually blow, but on the opposite side and move, so to speak, towards the wind

Skate installation process:

  • Installation of the seal. It can be glued both to the back of the ridge and to the roof itself. In any case, the seal should be located 3 cm from the outer edge of the plank.
  • Ridge laying. The elements overlap each other by 15-20 cm.
  • After leveling the ridge, it is finally fixed with roofing screws. They are driven through the metal into the crate. Self-tapping screws should be fastened with a step of 30-40 cm from each other and at a distance of several centimeters from the edges of the plank. For ease of installation, you can first fix the ridge from two edges and only then screw in all the remaining screws. For this it is worth using a screwdriver.

As you can see, the process of mounting the ridge is not at all complicated and even unskilled people can do it. However, when performing work at height, it is very important to remember about safety precautions. The work ladder must be securely fastened. The person performing the work must wear a safety harness. You should first think about how and for what to fix it. This will contribute to the safety and quality performance of all work on the installation of the ridge element on the roof.