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Children's Bible in Belarusian. Belarusian Bible translations. Biblical parables for children

Biblical parables are very important for a believer. They are especially needed for when the formation of morality, relationships, values \u200b\u200band perception of the world goes. Of course, an adult can learn a lot of useful for himself.

What is parables and what is their value?

Biblical parables are in some kind of fairy tale and narration, which give reason to think about life and their actions, carry an edification point. In each of them there is a grain of wisdom, which slowly germinates and gives its positive shoots. Permanent reading of such narches has a comprehensive impact on the inner world of man.

The value of parables from the Bible is that it considers human relations and actions from the point of view of spirituality, divinity. Other similar stories are more humane, there is no mysteriousness in them, although they may be no less ancient and instructive.

For the younger generation, it is biblical parables that can be the first acquaintance with faith, God, Christ. In the future, this can help them in spiritual life, will teach the way to build his way as the Lord tells, to act on conscience, think about his soul and her next time.

Biblical parables. What do they teach?

What do biblical parables teach us? They are forced to think about their actions, understand their consequences. As a result of all this awareness, there is a formation of positive qualities, such as mercy, kindness, compassion, love for people. It comes to understanding that everything is God's will.

For an adult person, the parable can become a guiding star at a certain moment of life, as well as a sign and answer to the question. In addition, they are quite simple, there are no more nimble, which is not clear to everyone. You can really talk about the wisdom of these editing stories.

Biblical parables for children

If we talk about small fans of biblical stories, it should be noted that not all of them will be able to comprehend the truth of divine scriptures. And, of course, they will need a good interpretation and explanation of the read. Biblical parables for children must be read with parents or educators who are available to explain what the baby could not understand because of its age.

Almost every child, matured, applies in life what was transmitted to him with love in childhood. Therefore, it is not necessary for the power to push him into him, in order not to dismiss it from the Lord at all.

You should try different topics of stories, to see what more like. For example, there is a group of parable about the mercy of God to the sincerely repentant to the person (about the prodigal son, Outar and Fariser, etc.). There are also several stories telling about the kingdom of God (about the grain mustard, about the pelevisions, etc.).

Biblical parable about wise and unreasonable virgin

If we consider some biblical parables, then among them you can allocate a few most instructive. For example, the one that tells about ten devies, five wise and five unreasonable. The meaning of this parable is that it is necessary to be vigilant constantly, as it is not known when the last test comes (death or a terrible court).

This symbolic history depicted a wedding rite, which was at the time of the Jews. Such a ritual took place at night when it was dark and artificial light was required. The groom could come for the bride at any time, and she had to wait him with his friends. Therefore, the girls were covered with oil if suddenly he had to wait long.

In Christianity, the marriage feast has always symbolized the kingdom of God, and the bride and the Lord, with whom they join after death. Citation of parables is that every moment in your life needs to be listed consciously, to know that every action will be appreciated on God's court. Remember that when the groom comes and get the pane (death will come), then nothing will be changed.

Of course, such biblical parables are needed for the child with an interpretation of an adult and knowledgeable person. Also gradually should be about the deep spiritual sense of this story, about building your life in God.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

This is perhaps the most famous and teesting of all biblical parables. A truly repentant sinner can hope for mercy to be farewell, even after committing bad acts.

The biblical parables about the prodigal son is a classic example of returning to the path of human spirituality, who has lost in a slutty and meaningless life. It is also an example of the behavior of modern youth, which does not know the path of true, and is looking for freedom, leaving the parental home and from its roots. As a result of all this, more and more young people appear who are not interested in their past, and their future also does not care. All this affects the general development, both one particular person and society as a whole.

The prodigal son from parables is almost every one of us, torn away from God, from his defense, who wondered his condition not only physically, but also spiritually.

However, God is not only punishable, but also gives the Milosts. As a father who has gone to his repentant Son, so the Lord behaves in relation to sinners. Everyone can return to the path to God. It is this parable that allows you to hope for a more meaningful and complete life.

Proverbs about mustard grain

This parable is mentioned in the three Gospels, which indicates its undoubted importance. Of course, writing a little varies, but the general meaning is preserved.

The story itself is not too great, but it makes it huge and very important. The mustard seed is a belief of a person who grows into his heart due to a conversation with the Lord, prayer and other worthy acts. At first, the grain is small, but after certain actions and finding in the fertile soil it grows into a large tree.

Some wise men compare such a seed with Christ, who was also an ordinary person, but his faith was so great that he was able to give a great sacrifice for us, ordinary people. And now they come to the soul and find a consolation.

Cartoons on a biblical topic

For small kids who prefer to watch, and not to read biblical parables, the cartoons will come out of the position. Of course, even you need to look with adults so that difficult moments can be expanded. It is possible if in incomprehensible places there will be an appeal to the printed source, then the child wants to read it, as the cartoon may differ somewhat from the original.

Now almost all parables are broadcast on television in the form of cartoons. Here, every parent must choose suitable, which is more close to the original and contains instructive moments.

Of course, some may not agree with the use of the cartoon, but still it is worth considering the current growing generation. You can not always eliminate the viewing of the TV or computer, so it is better to choose a more suitable TV program for your baby from a small years.

Can you distinguish a young dog from old? Seeing the courtyard PSA, can you determine his age? Me not. Here is the Yorkshire Terrier Jack from the UK at the age of 26:

The newspaper "Telegraph" dedicated to him, which said that it was so much aspad and energy that many take it for a puppy. Can anyone accept grandfather for a child?

But how did one of the oldest cats in the world named, named Krim Puff, introduced into the Guinness Book of Records, in his respectable 29 years:

In my family there were three cats, and all their lives they looked equally. So almost with all animals, which neither take. Look at one-day butterfly in the morning and in the evening. The famous Galapagos Turtles in 150 years look just like at birth. And what do you say about "old" colors or trees?

In nature, as if there is no old age. The Creator is always faithful to his style - unfading youth and beauty.

And only a person changes in a strange way beyond recognition, begins to look unnatural. Only a person age urgent ...

Eurowood about Jehovah's Witnesses

In 2010, opponents of Jehovah's Witnesses had an excellent opportunity to prove their accusations in authoritative and unforeseen instance - the European Court of Strasbourg considered the business of the Moscow community. They did not succeed. In the decision of June 11, 2010, all popular myths about Jehovah's Witnesses are consistently debated, which in Russia are considered almost an axiom. Here are some points:

Do you obey Christ for Easter?

Only 50% of Russians know that the resurrection of Jesus Christ celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives VTsiom. 32% could not answer what holiday. 6% believe that Easter is Christmas.

And, apparently, the fading interests of the percent, who escaped the attention of sociologists, know that Jesus was not born in Easter, did not even be risen, but he died. On the day of the Jewish Passover, which according to the Jewish calendar always falls on the 14th day of the month of Nisan (as opposed to a floating schedule of the Gregorian calendar), Jesus gave his life for the redemption of mankind. That is why later the Apostle Paul wrote: "Our Easter, Christ, crushed for us" (1 Cr 5: 7).

Not Sunday, but the death of Christ contained a deep spiritual symbolism of Easter, passing from the outcome to the Gospel. Christ became a true Lamb, the prototype of which was the literal Easter Lamb, whom the Jews needed to eat, and his blood acknowledge the jambs of doors in order not to perish. As in the past, before leaving Egypt, the Jews survived due to the city ...


Easter (Peach) is an important Jewish holiday established by God himself (Ex. 12: 1-14). Translated from the Hebrew word means "pass": in the very first Passover angel passed over the houses where the posts were smeared with the blood of the lamb, and spared them the firstborn. Jewish holidays were part of Moses of the Law, which Christ put an end (Rome. 10: 4). This should be rejoiced, because Moses law condemned man as an incorrigible sinner, unable to justify before God (Rome 3:19, 20). Why come back to this law?

Day without victory

I read a couple of interesting quotes about the war. Victor Astafiev, famous Frontovik writer:

How many people lost in the war? You know, after all, remember. It is terrible to call a true figure, right? If called, instead of the front his cap should be put on the schema, to become the Day of Victory in the middle of Russia to her knees and beg forgiveness for his people mediocre win the war in which the enemy piled corpses, drowned in the Russian blood.
No less famous poet Bulat Okudzhava, also Frontovik:

These were two identical systems that were among themselves a competitive dispute. Two totalitarian systems. Well, a purely external difference was, over. There was a swastika, and here were the sickle and hammer. There was a demonic Führer, and here there was a brilliant leader of all nations. There he hated the Jews frankly, and here they shouted about their love for the Jews and quietly they destroyed them. This difference was. And in principle, two identical systems faced. I began to understand this, of course, after the war, much later. Therefore, I believe that I led ...

Baryslaў Arapovіch І Vera Mazzölmyakі

Person Issued, 1992 Perseclades Z Rusya Mow

Issue: Іnstette Peraklada Bіblemi, Stakgolm

ІSBN 91-88394-05-0

Dzіtsychaya Bіbleya - B_Bleyskia Apavadnnі z Malunykamі - right-bіblіyu

Daragi friend! Tsi Vedesha you, the cost of Gate for the KNIGA - Bіbley?

Bіbleya - Bick of words. Yana opening the Tambaamnitz landlord light, Calaveka І SANS Cogoha Zhatsya. At Bіblem Sabra, Svyatya Pisannі. I ІХ Skladdannі on Pazyaga Pazyar Thousand Godducky pumped ўTzel Kalya Sarack AўTaraў at Nathnenni Svyatorn Spirit. Bіblel Padushatsztsz on Dzve Podkikі: Olders sprawler І new spots. Stars sprawler drinks yes Narajannye of the Chrysta, but the new turns - on the pratsya of Prshaga Strojduck, the Chrysta.

Stars sprawler are used on the workshopўReje, but the new turns - at the workshop of Mova, the Gate of the Value, on the Mova of Tag Pachatical Cultures. The old steplets of Apavydetsets, Yak God svarasu, Susvet, Yak Adzhenna Padzenne Chaveka. Im Apavyadetststsa Taxama Gorstoreu Izzrail, Bugghaga, AB Prachdami, Pra-Rotstva. On Iago staronkah nadrukavany Psalms -staradaўnіya pesnaspevy i malіtvy, Knіga Eklesіyasta, Knіga Іova i іnshyya. New spots are listed by our zbavіцель, Gospad IISus Cherysta. 3 Yago staronak mozhna davedatstsa, yak Іsus Hrystos naradzіўsya, yak zhyў i yak pamor for grahoўnae chalavetstva, i yak on tretsі Dzen uvaskres and potym padnyaўsya the sky. At the new Padsettsa Padhetsz I Framenediets Vuchenna Nashiga Gospada, Zameyscuyutsa Pasovnі Apostalaў, Apostatza-Detaqsa Pra Dzainastsy Samіh Apostalaў. In the most Kantsa Novaga, the ADKRYTSO, APISANNE Tago, Jascheta, is tagged with Abyssanne Tagi. Vuchenna Ishus Chrysta Zanetsa Pa-Gragchask "Evangella".

Gata Words of Jumping і ў Our Move, Khotsi at Perakladze Gucket Dasloўna, Yak "Good West." AB whim is Jana? Ab fifth INTO "so God palyubіў light INTO addaў Son Svaygo Adzіnarodnaga, room usyakі hto veryts Iago not zagіnuў, ale meў zhytstso vechnae" (Іaan.Z 16) .Bіblіya apavyadae not tolkі ab grahoўnym zanyapadze, adluchennі chalaveka Hell of God І AB Yago Aseudzhannі to the eternal Gili. APAVIDEY YANA І AB TYM, YAK GOD IMKNETSETS SPAUTCA CHAVALETVTVA, Yak Pasylaў at Zamlli Svaygo Son Ishus Chrysta. I Yak Yong staў, yak son Iago vyratavalnay ahvyaray, yak prynyaў smerts for lyudskіya grahі i pakazaў lyudzyam sapraўdny Way zhytstsya. IISUS Chrystos - Galo Tama Bіblіі. Bіblіya - Proter ў Svetsa Drukwannaya KNІGA "Gutenbergava Bіblіya" (1452 - 1455). Bіblіya was І Příi Drukavanay Knіgai Va Khodnіkh Slavyan. I nadrukavaў Yai, pachynayuchy of 1517, asobnymі knіgamі our suaychynnіk, sorts of Horad Polatska, Frantsysk Skaryna.

In suvyazі of pavyshennem agulnay adukatsyі i paўsyudnym pashyrennem hrystsіyanstva Bіblіya nabyvae ўso great i greatly shmatlіkіh chytachoў. Yana Bezdiztsz Poss Knіgay Yak for Malap-jammed Lyudsey, so і for іntelіgenў. Asababiva ўZrasta Pashyranna Bіblіі on Pazyagu XX Strojduck. Paraclades on the Incey Move Bіbleya Zakhodzіzza on the french Monssets ў Svetsa. Calea pyatsіsot gadoў Tamu back yashche knіgadrukavannya yes, Bіblіya abo Re asobnyya knіgі (razdzely) bylі ўzho perakladzeny 33 narodnyya Language Society. Yes, 1804, Cali Watching ўznіkatsi B_Bleyskіya Tavarysts, Bіblіya Insnavala on 67-MIO. Ale on pratsyagu XIX stagoddzya Bіblіya tsі Yai asobnyya knіgі drukavalіsya great yak 400 movah, and pratsyagu nashaga XX stagoddzya Jana bylі perakladzeny yashche 1400 movah. Darchi Slat, not for Pad Kaison 1990, Kolkastsy Mova, on Yakiya Pedaladela Bіbleya, Dasyagay 1946-MI.

Suits AdornSyatstsa Perakladda Paraded Bіblіі at the 318 century Mova, Novaga Sparkling - at 726-civ Mova, Perseclades of Adna Central Tsi Nekalkіh Bіbleiskіh Knіzhak - at 902-ci movakh. On sonnyashnі Dzen tolkі kalya 2% naselnіtstva zyamnoga ball not May nіvodnay knіgі Bіblіі on svaoy rodnay outgrabe. In Tsypeshnі Hour Bіblіya Prangeladetse Taxam for thousands of Mova, small nations. Large frequency - Gat Mow, on the yakіx swopsuyutsuyuye, Skigo Nekalkі thousand, hundreds of one, and can, І Dzesyatka Calavek. Dadak Majutsz Yashchez Zapіsi Bіblіі at Plantsіnkah І Kaseta. ІMІ Karystayutsz Lyudzі without Adukatsyi і slyupya. To this Chynaam, Bіbley, Aprach Gataga, squeezed for slate sams of Braille. Yak Pa Perseclades, so І PE IMPACE, BIBLIA Siarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrian KNIG Loans Persian Messeta. For an eight lіchby paraўnannya: i Bіblіyaў New Zapavetaў was nadrukavana ¢ Godse 1900 5 i 7 million and 1980 Godse ¢ - 36 i 57 million yashche Au, aproch getaga, asobnyh knіzhak Bіblіі was nadrukavana nekalkі sotsen mіlonaў... At ў and Zhamlі Nelga Adshukats KNІGI, Yakaya was so drunk b, Yak Bіblіya.

Borislav Arapovich and Vera Mattemäki

Thirty-third edition. 1996.

Publisher: Bible Translation Institute. Stockholm

ISBN 91-88794-67-9

Children's Bible - Biblical Stories in Pictures - About Bible

Dear friend!

Do you know. What kind of book is the Bible? The Bible is the word of God. It reveals the secret of the origin of the world, man and the meaning of being. The Bible is a collection of scriptures, in the compilation of which about four dozen authors who inspired by the Holy Spirit took part for the semi-regulation period.

The Bible is divided into two parts - the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was written before the Nativity of Christ, and the New Testament - during the first century after the Nativity of Christ. Our summer is conducted from the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and the New Testament on the ancient Greek, i.e. In the languages \u200b\u200bof cultures of those times.

In the Old Testament it is described about. How God created the Universe, about the sin of a person, about the history of the God of the Chosen People of Israel, about the prophets and prophecies; There are psalms there - ancient chants and prayers to God, the book of Ecclesiast, the Book of Job and others.

The New Testament speaks of the birth and life of our Savior - Lord Jesus Christ, about his teaching, about his death in the name of the salvation of sinful humanity, about his resurrection, about the life of the first Christians. The new covenant also contains "Messages" of the Apostles, i.e. The Word of God, faithful to the first Christians and in general to all people on earth; And finally, "Revelation", i.e. A description of what will happen when the end of the world comes.

The teaching of Jesus Christ is called the Gospel. The word "Gospel" translated from Greek means "good news." What is this news? About. What "... so loved the world. What gave the son of his own ones, so that anyone who believes in him did not die, but had an eternal life "(John 3:16).

In the Bible, it is told not only about how the sin of a man happened, his excretion from God and condemnation to the eternal death, but also about God's plan of salvation of mankind. About how God sent his son to earth. Jesus Christ, so that he brought an atoning victim by taking death for the sins of people, pointing to them the true path of life.

The central topic of the Bible is the identity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and the Lord of the world.

The Bible is the world's first printed book ("Gutenberg Bible" - 1452-1455). Due to the increase in universal literacy and the widespread spread of Christianity, the Bible is read by a big and large number of people. The Bible becomes a desktop book both in the families of ordinary people and among the intelligentsia. The spread of the Bible has increased in our age.

The Bible on translations into other languages \u200b\u200branks first in the world. More than five hundred years ago, by the time of the invention of typography. The Bible or individual books (sections) were translated only in 33 languages. By 1804, the beginning of the origin of biblical societies, the translation of the Bible was already in 67 languages. But during the XIX century, the Bible books have already come out over than 400 languages, and during our XX century, the Bible or its separate books were translated on 1500 languages. Thus, by the end of 1995, the number of languages \u200b\u200bto which the Bible translated, reached 2123. Of these: the full Bible is translated into 349 languages. The new covenant - on 841 languages \u200b\u200band only one or more books of the Bible - on 933 languages. Today, only about 2% of the world's population does not have a single book of the Bible in his own language. Currently, the Bible is also translated by more than a thousand small peoples. Of them are labyrinous, these are languages \u200b\u200bon which only a few thousand, hundreds, or even several dozen people.

It should be added that parts of the Bible recorded on the plates and cassettes serve as a benefit for illiterate and blind. In addition, the Bible is published for the blind braille.

The Bible and Tirague "ranks first in the world. For comparison: in 1900, Bibles were published - 5 million and new covenants - 7 million, and in 1980, the Bibles are about 36 million, new covenants - 57 million, yes A few more hundred million individual books of the Bible.

The Bible is thus the most readable book in the world.

On the territory of modern Belarus, the lists of individual books of the Bible or their fragments appeared, most likely, immediately after the baptism of Russia in 986-988. The Bible of Cyril and Methodius on Church Slavonic language was publicly available in the language relations and perfect in theological sense. The number of manuscripts written in the Church Slavonic language during the XI-XV centuries is calculated with tens.

The Bible spread through rewriting in the scriputors of monasteries, churches and princely residences. It is likely that in the XII century, the daughter of Vitebsk Prince Evphrosinia Polotskaya was engaged in the rewriting of the sacred books. The permanent biblical tradition is evidenced by handwritten monuments: Lavrishevsk, Orsha, Drutskaya Gospel, Smolensk Psalrty and others.

First attempt

As the studies of Academician Eviefmy of Kara and other historians show research, already from the XI century, attempts are made to adapt the translation of Cyril and Methodius to the local characteristics of the language, its church-liturgical style, to clarify the text and correct the correspondencers' errors based on the Hebrew and the ancient Greek originals. There are several passages of transfers from the Hebrew language of unknown authors dating from the period to Francis Skorne: a song song (XIV-XV century), 8 Books of the Old Testament (2 Half XV - the beginning of the XVI century).

An important milestone is the creation of an independent full biblical arch, drawn up by Matvey, the tenth in Belarus. Decade", 1502-1507) and Fedor Yanushevich (historical books and" Pentateuch Moiseevo ", 1514). Unlike the so-called Gennadyevsky arch (Velikiy Novgorod, 1499), which was based mainly on the Bulgarian editorial office of Kirillo-Methodius translation and translated from Vulgates of missing books, the Belarusian arch came to an earlier and fairly complete Moravian translation editorial office.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania

The first unique scientific and popular print edition of the Bible in the Church Slavonic language, which had the undoubted influence of the Belarusian, Czech and Polish languages, was the Bible of the Belarusian primary primer of Francis Skorne. Its translation was made either from Vulgate Jerome, or from one of the Czech translations. On August 6, 1517, Skorgin published a psalrtyar, and after almost every month released on the new book of the Bible. Until 1521, there were 23 illustrated books of the Old Testament under the general name "Bіblel Ruska, laid out by Dr. Francis Skorino from the glorious Grade of Polotzka, God Ko Ch (E) and Lyudim complicated to good learning." The first Belarusian Bible Skaryna included almost fifty illustrations: numerous wallpapers and other decorative elements, which are in harmony with the blending of pages, font and title pages. The translation of Skaryna was canonically accurate in the transfer of the letter and spirit of the biblical text, did not allow liberty and translation add-ons. The books of Skorne laid the foundation for the formation of the norm of the Belarusian literary language, as well as became the first translation of the Bible on

Jesus, preaching the people, said: "Look, take care of love, because the life of a person does not depend on the abundance of his estates." Then he told them a parable: "One rich man had a good harvest in the field, and he argued himself with himself:" What should I do? Nowhere to collect my fruits. "And he said:" That's what I will do: I'll break my grandmother and build a big one, and I will collect my whole bread and all good, and I will say my soul: soul! A lot of good lies with you for many years: it's peaceful, eat, drink, have fun! "But God told him:" Mad! In this night, your soul will take you; Who will get what you did? "So it happens with those who collect treasures for themselves, and not in God is rich. Jesus is stilling:" So, do not look for what you have, or what to drink, and do not worry, because That all this is looking for people of this world; Your father knows that you have the need for; We also look for the kingdom of God, and it will be all applied to you. Do not be afraid, a small herd! For the father of yours fagged to give you the kingdom. Sell \u200b\u200byour estates and let's alms. Prepare the vagina is not choping, the treasure is inconsider in heaven, where the thief is not approaching and where the mole does not eat; For, where your treasure, there will be yours there. "
Luke 12: 15-21, 29-34

In this parable, Jesus refers to two people whose life varied. One person lived richly, but unjust, the other - in poverty, but righteous. "Some man was rich, dressed in Porphira and Vison and each day feasting. There was also some beggar, the name Lazar, who lay on his gate in the scabs and wanted to soak themselves with crumbs falling from the rich table, and dogs, coming, squeezed him . Died and attributed to the angels on Lono Abrahamovo; died and bored him. And in the hell, being in torment, he raised his eyes, he saws away Abraham and Lazari on his lacquer and, reopening, said: "Father Abraham! We need to be soaring me and went to the climb, so that I worked for my fingers in the water and slammed my tongue, for I suffer in the flame of Sem. "But Abraham said:" Chado! Remember that you have already got the good your life in your life, and Lazar - evil; Now he is comforting here, and you suffer; And in addition, the great abyss is approved between us and you, so that you don't have to go to you from here, you can also not pass to us. "Then he said:" So I ask you, for me, went to my father's house, For I have five brothers; Let him witness them so that they do not come to this place of torment. "Abraham said to him:" They have Moses and the Prophets; Let them listen to them. "He said:" No, Father Abraham! But if someone from the dead comes to them, "then Abraham told him:" If Moses and the Prophets do not listen, then if someone from the dead will not believe, "in this parable I wonder what the rich is put in it. Unnamed, and poorly named Lazarre. This, as it were, confirms that the names, once famous on Earth, are forgotten, and the righteous, unknown to the world, are glorified in heaven. From parables it is clear that death, interrupting the earthly existence of a person opens the beginning of life In eternity. The way we lived on earth will predetermine and our future eternal life.
Luke 16: 19-31

Parable about lost sheep.

Jesus was so loved the human genus that he left the fame of heaven and came to the ground to recover and save those who died in sins who had retreated from God and forgotten his people. He, as a good shepherd, is always looking for a misfortune sheep. In one of his parables, Jesus said: "Which of you, having a hundred sheep and lose one of them, will not leave ninety-nine in the wilderness and will not go for the missing until it finds her? And finding it, he will take her on his shoulders with his joy and Having come home, applies friends and neighbors and says to them: "Reveay with me: I found my missing sheep." I tell you that so in heaven more joy will be about one sinner who goes out, rather than ninety-nine righteous, who have no need for repentance ". Great joy will be in heaven, when someone from readers, who has not yet adopted Jesus in his heart, will turn to him with the heart prayer of repentance. Jesus will understand, hear, forgive, will give his soul peace and peace.
Luke 15: 3-7