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What is a thermostat in the heater. The principle of operation of the thermostat from the infrared heater. Principle of operation, pros and cons

Nowadays, an increasing amount of consumers are inclined to think that the only opportunity to improve the quality of housing heating with minimal expenditures is an electric thermostat. For most people, the topic is very relevant the topic of costs of heating apartments to a minimum, but this can be done either by road heating, which is not always possible and too expensive, or using special control devices.

Since the central heating system is imperfect, and rely only on it - this risk is frozen, it uses in great demand as an additional heat source electrical heater with a thermostat.

Principle of operation and function of the household thermostat

Even in houses with autonomous heating, there is a "stock" of some electrical heater, which is, to talk about apartments, depending on the "whims" of the city heating network. It can be an oil radiator, infrared lamp, electrocamine or their analogues. Their presence is quite justified, since during the periods of off-season, when suddenly colded, and the heating has not yet included, they are the only way to warm up.

The easiest way to create a comfortable atmosphere with similar devices and save on electricity is a thermostat into a socket for household heaters.

Purpose of any temperature controller is tracking the level of air heating in the room and maintain it in the specified range. Since it automatically turns off and turns on the heating device, it is additionally saving or electricity or fuel. The same actions perform an electric temperature regulator for calorifers.

The greatest advantage of such devices is that they do not need to be installed in the heater, but it is enough to insert into the outlet and configure the desired temperature parameters. In appearance, it is similar to the adapter, since on the one hand he has a fork, and the other is a socket in which the heater is connected to the electric. With the thermostat of such a plan, even a person will easily cope with a person who first took a similar device in hand. As a rule, from the front side it has a display on which the temperature settings are set.

The principle of operation of the device is very simple:

  • It is inserted with a plug into the outlet.
  • Calorifer is connected to it.

Choosing, for example, the thermostat for the oil heater, should examine the technical parameters of both devices so that their power indicators either coincide or the canifer is less.

  • Install the desired heating temperature and enjoy warm.

During operation, the temperature regulator for the electrical heater collects data on the level of air heating in the room. As soon as he reached the specified parameters, the relay works in the device, which overlaps the supply of electricity to the heater. When the air cooled to the lower values \u200b\u200bof the specified range, the reverse process occurs and the relay is turned off, the starting current of the caloric.

A similar device is used not only for wall or floor electrical heaters, but also for connecting other household appliances to them: table lamps, irons, electric kettles, air conditioners and a lot of others. Depending on the purpose, the desired type of thermostat is selected.

Types of thermostats for electrical heaters

Today, the market presents a huge number of thermostat models for all types of heaters, ranging from ordinary oil fireplaces or wall calorificates and ending with a "warm floor" system and heating boilers.

They differ in both color, shape and size and technical parameters and can be simple electromechanical thermostators or digital devices with programming functions, remote control and built-in Wi-Fi. As a rule, the cost of such devices is higher than the larger the settings and functions.

By the attachment method, they are divided into wall-mounted devices that are installed inpatient and connected to the power grid, and portable, such as thermostat, in the outlet. The latter can be installed in any room where it is.

By type of settings, thermostats are divided into:

  • Mechanical when all parameters are entered manually. Usually, they are limited to a small temperature range and do not have the settings in accordance with the day. In addition, they are mounted in the wall and connected to the power cable. The main advantage of such a device is low cost.
  • Electronic temperature controls have a remote control function and settings. They have a fairly large monitor, which can be both touch and equipped with buttons. The microprocessor processes all indicators of the change in air temperature and compares them with the specified parameters, and in the case of their inconsistency, includes a canorior or disconnects it from the power supply.
  • The thermostat control through the GSM program allows the owner to track the efficiency of the electrical heater or change the settings through the smartphone, being far from home. A SIM card is inserted into a similar device, associated with a mobile phone owner.
  • Programmers with built-in Wi-Fi are some of the most expensive models of thermostat. For electrical heaters, it is advisable to set them in the event that they are the main source of home or apartment heating. As a rule, their program allows not only to set temperature parameters, but also to tie them to the time of day and days of the week, configuring a week ahead. You can control such a device from a smartphone, a tablet or computer at any distance, if only there was access to the Internet.

If a wall heater with a thermostat is used as an additional heat source of heat, then it is usually either an electromechanical or electronic. It makes no sense to install expensive equipment for an ordinary canopy.

How to choose a filling thermostat

It is necessary to approach the choice of control device, because if you do not consider the technical parameters of the instruments, you can at best get a burned calorifer, and in the worst - fire in the apartment.

Regardless of whether the electric overhead thermostat is needed for heating or portable, it should be determined that it will be fixed. Currently, there are devices that track air temperature in the room and those that control the heating of the heater itself. As a rule, the first create the necessary microclimate, while the latter follows that the device does not exceed the maximum specified parameter, regardless of how much in the room is comfortable and warm.

Be sure to learn the thermostat power and relate it to the technical parameters of the heater. Ideally, if the capacity of the carrier is 30% lower than that of the temperature controller.

It is also necessary to establish what the temperature range of the device should be. For household heaters, as a rule, there is enough runs from + 5 ° C to + 35 ° C.

Not all socket thermostators are suitable for rooms with high humidity, so you need to check the degree of protection of the device.

The price of such devices directly depends on their "filling", therefore it is not necessary to focus on this parameter when choosing a thermostat for electrical heater. It is important what functions he must have people to feel comfortable while at home.

The thermostat into the outlet is a great opportunity to save money when paying for electricity bills when domestic heaters need to be connected. Also, they extend the "life" by the caloricist, including and disconnecting it if necessary, while observing the set temperature of the room heating.

Oil radiators are in great demand, so you can meet them in almost every home. And it is not surprising, because the oil heater is compact and very convenient to use.

However, despite all its advantages, one explicit deficiency in the functioning of an oil radiator is: high energy consumption. In order for electrical energy to be less consumed, the thermostat is intended. It monitors the operation of the heater, turning off heated to the desired temperature and including when it is cooled.

KST401 16A / 250V Oil Radiator Thermostat / 250V / 70 ° C

The thermostat is designed to automatically adjust the temperature. The heater without a thermostat is inconvenient to use, because On and turning off the device, depending on the room temperature, you will have to manually implement. If you want the room to warm during your absence, then it will not be possible to do this manual way. Moreover, heaters that are not equipped with thermostators are fireless, if they do not turn them off for a long time.


There are 3 types of thermostators for oil radiators:

  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • electronic.

The main difference lies in the device for the oil radiator. In other words, the method with which the thermal sensor fixes the temperature and opens the chain, each view is different.

Consider the characteristics of each type.

Electronic thermostat Based on the three main components:

  • temperature sensor;
  • microprocessor that processes and transmits information;
  • termasale.

Electronic regulators are distinguished by the high accuracy of determining the temperature in the room, as well as they are easy to control.

Electromechanical thermostators divided into several groups:

  1. The first group includes contacts and a dual metal plate. When the device is heated, the plate is strung out and opens the contact group. As a result - electricity ceases to be supplied to the heating plate. When the radiator cools, the plate returns to the starting point and begins to function in the same mode.
  2. The second group is appliances equipped with relays. The relay is represented by a cylindrical pipe in which the substance is responsive to heating. The pipe is placed in water tank. When the temperature of the oil heater rises, the substance is expanding. When the temperature reaches the desired level, the extended substance has an effect on the electrical circuit by means of the drive. As a result, it is closed or opening the contacts and eliminates the overheating of the device.

Mechanical thermostat Look like ordinary shut -ling fittings. The device is designed from a cylinder with a rod in which a sensitive substance is located. When heated, the substance expands, the rod overlaps the coolant flow in the system.

By choosing the thermostat, give preference to proven brands that have positive user feedback.

The thermostat is an extremely popular device that meets us quite often. Without it, no water heater or boiler is heating. It participates in the heating of floors, the work of household appliances, engines and various kinds of heaters.

The task of the thermostat - control and maintenance in the automatic mode of the user-mounted temperatures (that is, thermostatting).

The principle of operation of the thermostat is cycled, including and turning off under the influence of a temperature sensor or biomechanical plate.

Connecting an infrared heater through a thermostat is carried out in order to control its operation: The thermostat uses the closure and opening of the electrical network - acts on the principle of the switch responding to the sensor.

Different types of thermostats work in the same principle. They differ only in the element base ("filling") and, accordingly, the "price price". The harder the device, the more it will have to pay for it. This issue should soberly assess your needs. Whether the thermostat will be used for all 100% or you can buy a cheaper model - the question is far from idle.

Much less often use mechanical thermostators for infrared heaters. Such a mechanism can also be found in the kitchen cooker or oven. It is not connected to power supply. Temperature control occurs due to heating and cooling the working membrane.

All thermostats are also divided into models for: open or and attaching a DIN rail.
On the working fluid, they are: liquid, solid and air.
Another division into groups concerns the temperature mode of operation. According to this feature there are the following types of thermostators:

  • for high temperatures - from 300 to 1200 degrees;
  • average temperatures - from 60 to 500 degrees;
  • low temperatures - below 60 degrees.

Rules for connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater

Installation of ceiling infrared heaters is an excellent way to enhance comfort in the house and reduce gas consumption by boiler heating. But simultaneously with the installation of such equipment there is a question about saving electricity and security. The heater must be equipped with a thermostat!

On a note. For private houses and urban apartments, the heater capacity should not be more than 3 kW. The external thermostat is also purchased to the same power.
Basic installation rules:
  • the height is not more than one and a half meters;
  • place of installation - wall;
  • under the thermostat for the IR heater, a heater is placed to prevent the device's sensor response to the low temperature of the wall;
  • only one thermostat is used for one room;
  • all the nuances of safe use are envisaged (it is impossible to close or cover anything like curtains).

Features of different installation schemes

IR Heater is connected standard, as well as all electrical appliances. It can be a connection through a socket or a separate line, conducted from a separate electrical protection. That is, there are two wires: neutral and phase.

The thermostat is mounted on the network between the machine and the heating device.
Simple scheme for one or two heaters:

The thermostat in the presence of four terminals: two input (phase and neutral) and two weekends (also "+" and "-").

If the heater is one:

  • from two veins are laid, which are connected to the corresponding terminals of the thermostat;
  • two wires are attached to the output terminals of the latter, taking into account polarity - they are connected to the IR heater. This is a sequential connection.

If the heater is two:

  1. From the thermostat, you need to withdraw four wires (two phases and two neutrals) and breed wiring to heaters. This is the so-called parallel connection.
  2. From the thermostat you need to withdraw two wires, bring them to one heater, and then to the second. This will be a sequential connection of two heaters.

In some cases, the phase is connected directly (from the automaton to the heater), and neutral through the thermostat. The disadvantage of this method is not exactly the correct operation of the thermostat.
Complete connection diagram for multiple heaters:

  • the thermostat connects to the power supply machine;
  • the output terminals are connected to the magnetic starter;
  • the emerging contacts of the starter are connected to the heater.

This type of compound is suitable for industrial heaters or several IR heaters. Ensures work in automatic mode.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that any powerful electrical appliances and the more heating or heating, require increased attention to safety measures. First of all, it concerns grounding. The heater must be equipped with sufficient thickness conductor with low resistance. In fact, the defense is obliged to remove the excess current of any unthinkable value. Human life depends on this!

The thermostat connection is not the simplest task. Even if you easily figured out in all the intricacies of the process, may not be enough toolkit skills. By mounted everything according to the schemes yourself, you need to ask for a specialist to check your work again.

We make the connection of the IR heater through the video thermal regulator

In your residential room or office there is not enough warmth and you decide to purchase a heater, but do not know which one to choose? This article will help you decide on the selection of the heater. Here you will find information about what heaters are, their main principle of work, their pros and cons, as well as some recommendations.

The most important characteristic of any thermal heater is power.

It depends on the area to which the heater is calculated. For not heated premises with good thermal insulation, about 1 kW is needed at 25-27 m 3 (for model apartments - 1 kW to 10m 3 with a standard ceiling height of 2.50 m).

For residential premises, having central heating, a sufficient electrical heater with a capacity of 1.0-1.5 kW per room with an area of \u200b\u200b20-25 m 3.

Square of heating, sq.m. The power of the device, W
5 - 6 500
7 - 9 750
10 - 12 1000
12 - 14 1250
15 - 17 1500
18 - 19 1750
20 - 23 2000
24 - 27 2500

Most modern air heaters have built-in thermostats that allow you to automatically maintain the specified temperature. As a rule, thermostats do not have a degree scale, they work according to the principle more - less. An important characteristic of heaters is their type.


One of the most popular household heaters. They have a capacity from 1.0 to 2.5 kW and are used in apartments, offices, in dachas.

Principle of operation:

Inside the sealed metal case filled with mineral oil, there is an electric spiral. Heating, it transmits its warmth oil, and it in turn is a metal body, and then air. Its outer surface consists of several sections (ribs) - the more their number, the extensive heat transfer, with equal capacities. The heater supports the set temperature in the room and in the case of overheating automatically turns off. As soon as the temperature begins to fall - turns on.


  • the low temperature of the housing heating (about 60 ° C), due to which it does not "burn" the oxygen fireproof, Beshume due to the thermostat and timer, some models do not require a disconnection of high mobility (the presence of wheels makes it easy to move them from the room to the room)


  • relatively long warning of the room (however, they retain heat), the temperature of the radiator surface (does not allow you to freely touch it), relatively large dimensions

Electric convector

On operational characteristics, it looks like an oil radiator.

Used in apartments, offices, dachas, in houses, and can also be used as the main heating system. Suitable for any premises. All models of Noirot conversion models have the II class of electrical protection, do not require a special connection to the power grid and do not need to be grounded, which allows you to leave them on 24 hours a day, moisture is not afraid (the ability to install in the bathrooms and from / s). With accurate observance of the rules of operation, any possibility of ignition is excluded.

Principle of operation:

The heating of the room using the convector occurs due to the passage of air through the heating elements. The circulation occurs due to the different density of cold and warm air: cold air, heating, rises up, and the next game is lowered in its place. After that the process is repeated. The heating element has a large area and low heating temperature. Therefore, the lower the convector, the more efficient its work. There are outdoor and wall convectors. Convenient to use convectors if there is a timer, the function "ON delay"


The low heating temperature of the housing (about 60 ° C), due to which the oxygen does not "burn" due to the thermostat do not require a disconnection of high mobility (the presence of wheels makes it easy to move them from the room in the room) fireproof. Beshum. The possibility of fastening on any wall. High efficiency 99%. Quick heating of the room. Protected from overheating. The possibility of programming, convectors can be combined into an electrical heating system. Small dimensions. Smooth, flat housing.

Disadvantages: No.

What is the difference between the electronic thermostat from mechanical

The advantages of the electronic thermostat are obvious.

First, he is the most accurate today. The specified temperature is supported with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees. Heaters with a mechanical thermostat maintain a temperature with an accuracy of 1 to 3 degrees. Moreover, over time, the accuracy of the mechanical thermostat is reduced. The accuracy of the thermostat is dependent on the temperature of the temperature in the room and the human well-being, because our body catches the temperature changes even in 1 degrees.

Secondly, the electronic thermostat is absolutely silent.

Thirdly, the electronic thermostat serves much longer. So if you want the greatest comfort when using the heater, choose a model with an electronic thermostat.

And fourth in an electronic thermostat advantage in more accurate temperature maintenance. And its reliability is higher if the differences in the network are not more permissible by the passport. The differences in the network are often in Ukraine, and in the West they do not know anything about them.

They will also respond to some questions about convectors, frequently asked by our customers:

Question: Is there a difference in the effectiveness of high and low convectors?

Answer: Practically no. Thermal efficiency determines the power of the device.

Question: How safe are the convectors? Can I be left unattended?

Answer: Absolutely safe and are intended for autonomous work. Each device has an overheating sensor that will turn off the device in case of a fire-hazardous situation.

Question: I want to buy a device with a power of 1 kW. What temperature will it warm me the room?

Answer: The goal is incorrectly formulated. The convector will warm the room to the temperature that you need if it is correctly selected. Accordingly, you need to choose power, based on what you want to get. 1 kW is enough for the heating of a room of 10-12 sq.m. In this case, you can set any temperature in the range of 5 - 30s. The room is more - it means the power of the instruments should be greater.

Question: I have 50 sq.m. Highlighted 3 kW. How can I warm it up?

Answer: Taking into account the fact that there are still electrical appliances (kettle, TV, electric stove, etc. at any dacha, TV, electric stove, etc.) - the answer is not consolation: "You will be cool." By 50 sq.m. You need 4.5-5 kW of heating power. Otherwise it will not work. Consider additional heating sources.

Question: What are the convectors for 1000 UAH. They differ from the convectors for 3000 UAH.

As in any household appliances: the main difference is the efficiency (for example, the Noirot Connector efficiency is 99%), differences in the country of production (and this is the reliability, the quality of the assembly and the components themselves), on the period of warranty, additional features (programming, communicativeness). In addition, the price of 3000 UAH. For the convector, not the limit. There are models of Campa heaters with an exclusive design, worth $ 1000 -3000.

Question: How to support in the house just a plus temperature with minimal electricity consumption?

Answer: In almost every electroconctor, there is an "anti-plating" mode. When it is turned on, the device will maintain a temperature of 5-7 s, which is sufficient to prevent the freezing of the house.

Question: Help me choose a heater for the bathroom.

The bathroom is the most "intimate" place in the house where a person commits sanitary and hygienic procedures, taking the invigorating, contrast shower in the morning and warm, soothing bath in the evening. Staying one on one with you, we put in order not only your body, but also our thoughts, tune in to the business field or, on the contrary, shaking the burden of accumulated problems. An important point in human perception is not only the design of the room, but also the microclimate in it. Therefore, the bathroom should be warm and comfortable, but the ordinary heater indoors cannot be installed with such high humidity. Noirot electrical heaters are the optimal solution of this problem - highly efficient, compact and safe heating devices. With them, the design of the bathroom will become even more attractive, and a soft and gentle warmth will create a feeling of complete harmony.

All Noirot heaters have the second class of electrical protection, do not require a special connection to the electrical outlet and do not need to be grounded, which allows you to leave it on 24 hours a day. With accurate observance of the rules of operation, any possibility of ignition is excluded.

All Noirot models are performed in splashing performance (IP 24) and can be used even in wet rooms.

The Noirot electronic automation withstands the voltage drops from 150 V to 242 V, which is most relevant with frequent "racing" voltage. In case of possible power supply interruptions in heaters, the autorenta function is provided, restoring the operation of the device in the same mode.

Electrical heaters (convectors) are used as the main and additional heating of country houses, urban apartments, glazed balconies, winter gardens, etc., as well as in pavilions, shopping tents and other places where electric heating is the only possible.

Question: Why don't you have oil heaters? This is also a convector!

Answer: once popular in the CIS, Ukraine oil heaters have another principle of operation and are not convectors. They have a number of significant flaws that electroconvectors are not. As we try to offer our customers only the best, we had to abandon the oil heaters. We advise you to consider this type of instrument only in the case of an extremely limited budget.


The easiest and affordable heating device. Used to quickly warm up small rooms. Have a power of 2.0-2.5 kW. Compared to the oil radiator and convector, there are small dimensions. The tracks are located on the floor, on the table, and can also be attached to the wall.

Principle of operation:

In the fan heater, the air heats up from the hot spiral and the fan is supplied to the heating zone. The temperature of the open electrical helix is \u200b\u200babout 80 ° C, and the air at the outlet of the fan heater is always up to 20 ° C. To improve the uniform of the heating of the room, the fan turns into the housing. The body of the fan heater is usually plastic.


Very quickly heats the air and distributed over the volume of the room. Turn off in case of falling. Protected from overheating. Thanks to the thermostat, adjust the set temperature and do not require shutdown. Compact and aesthetic.


The resulting noise during work at elevated circulation. Air pollution due to oxygen burning and dust particles. Crashing dust, burning on a split spiral can make an unpleasant smell


Infrared heaters are the most advanced and cost-effective heaters. The quartz emitter is more suitable for temporary heating in case you do not need to dampen the room entirely.

Principle of operation:

Infrared heater Unlike traditional heaters, heats no air, but nearby objects. It radiates thermal energy (like the Sun), which is absorbed by surrounding surfaces (floor, walls, furniture, etc.) and people. Infrared heaters allow you to create zones with local heating and save electricity. Heat items and do not heat the air. Infrared heaters are designed for suspended ceilings, heating residential and non-residential premises, as well as people in open areas. They are used for heating bathrooms and shower rooms, terraces, balconies, cafes and restaurants.

Advantages: Electricity saving, Beshum, when installing above the workplace, infrared radiation heating provides comfortable conditions for a working person without heating the entire premises.

  • Avoid entering the jet of water to the overall helix (fan heaters);
  • Avoid clogging the apparatus of dust;
  • The lower the convector, the more efficient its work;
  • Do not cover the working device;
  • Do not use laundry drying devices
  • Do not use the device in wet rooms (shower, bathroom, pool);
  • the device must be only vertical (oil radiator);
  • Do not place an oil radiator near the low-melting products and is not closer to 50 cm from the furniture.

Air-air thermal pumps or air conditioners inverter

Heating with the help of inverter air conditioners

The heating systems based on the use of the heat pump differ in environmental purity, as they work without burning fuel and do not produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, they are characterized by an efficiency: when applying to a heat pump, for example, 1 kW of electricity, depending on the mode of operation and operating conditions, it gives up to 3-5 kW of thermal energy. Among the advantages of the heat pump indicate a reduction in capital costs due to the absence of gas communications, an increase in dwelling safety due to the absence of explosive gas, the ability to simultaneously obtain from one installation of heating, hot water supply and air conditioning. Systems that carry heat in the opposite direction are often called thermal pumps.


Modern air conditioners are capable not only effectively cope with their historically the main task - cooling the air in the rooms, but also warm to warm. If over the past ten years on the Internet, hundreds of articles on the topic "Do not include air conditioning in winter" are written, today the situation changes. Manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin (Japan) taught their air conditioners to warmly warm even with external temperatures up to - 25 ° C.

What does this give to the buyer? We are like professional sellers of air conditioners finally hear such questions in a conversation with buyers:

"We need to warm up in winter, I want to put the air conditioner, what will you advise?" Let's figure it out in this matter.

Principle of operation of the heat pump:

The air conditioner works on the principle of the heat pump, which is radically different from the principle of operation of any electrical heater. The heat pump is capable of "pumping" heat outside inside. This means that even with minus outdoor temperatures it is possible to take heat from atmospheric air. How it works? Let's imagine such an effect: shed a little cologne or alcohol on the hand. What do we feel? Hand will immediately become cold. What happened? Alcohol evaporates very quickly, taking warmth. But there is a reverse process. If you make the liquid condense, it will bring warm with your parties. In nature, this process is almost not found in an obvious at least some noticeable without instruments. But experts recreated this process in the air conditioner. Freon under great pressure was forced to condense in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, which is why it is warm (up to 60-80 degrees). Then the liquid freon is sent to the outer block, where it should turn into gas in a strongly fallen pressure again, that is, evaporate. Make Freon boiled in the outer block, collecting heat from atmospheric air is quite difficult, but for modern scientists it turned out to be only a problem.

Why do you need air conditioning in winter and how to use it? What can the potential buyer of the "heating" split system can calculate today? It is not necessary to design an independent system of heating a country house based on air conditioners. Still, it is economically quite controversial and temperatures in winter can fall below minus twenty. But in the urban apartment is a completely different matter.

Inverter conditioners capable of warm today at very low temperatures. Now about the practical side of the case. Electricity consumption. Inverter air conditioners capable of warm today at very low temperatures have a very high EER coefficient showing the ratio of the selected heat to the electricity spent. Almost this is a more familiar efficiency (efficiency). So this indicator today exceeds 4. This means that spending just two hundred fifty watts, we get more kilowatt heat! This is more than four times more economical than any electrical heater! It's profitable? Yes!

Disadvantages: Only one is the high cost of equipment compared to other heating devices.

What to choose? Let's bring a brief summary

Oil radiators are ideal for heating apartments. Silentness, efficiency and security are very important here. One heater is sufficient for heating a hall or bedroom. Oil radiators are equipped with wheels, and they can be easily transferred from the room to the room. For the summer, the oil radiator can be simply taken out in the barn or put in the storage room.

Convectors low temperature of the housing heating (about 60 ° C), due to which it does not "burn" oxygen due to the thermostat do not require a disconnection of high mobility (the presence of wheels makes it easy to move them from the room in the room) fireproof. Beshum. The possibility of fastening on any wall. High efficiency 99%. Quick heating of the room. Protected from overheating. The possibility of programming, convectors can be combined into an electrical heating system. Small dimensions. Smooth, flat block. Disadvantages There are no high price.

The fan heaters provide the highest heating rate of the room, but create an increased noise at high speed, and the model with an open spiral has a different drawback: they burn oxygen and contaminate air combustion products.

Infrared quartz emitters are used to heat certain sections of the room. It may well heat the workplace.

Thermal air-air pumps or air conditioners inverter provide a high heating rate of the room. Suitable for heating any premises. High efficiency when applying to a heat pump, for example, 1 kW of electricity, depending on the mode of operation and operating conditions, it gives up to 3-5 kW of thermal energy. To date, the thermal pump is the most economical type of heating of your room. He has only one disadvantage of the high cost of equipment compared to other heating devices.

Simple to use thermostators for infrared heaters make it possible to increase the efficiency of heating devices, reducing electricity consumption. Today, there are various modifications of control modules for heating infrared equipment, which differ in the principle of operation, functionality, the presence or absence of additional sensors and temperature meters.

Description of infrared heaters

The peculiarity of thermal equipment of this type is the property of infrared heaters to heat no air, but various objects and surfaces of the walls indoors. This allows you to provide the highest possible comfort of living in a private house, while optimizing the consumption of electricity and reducing utility payments.

To date, there are several varieties of infrared heaters that can work in fully offline mode, controlled by special thermostators and built-in automatic automatics. The homeowner has the ability to customize the work of heating equipment at will, by setting the temperature in the room necessary for it. Built-in automation will analyze data from external blocks, bringing appropriate adjustments to the operation of heat generators.

For infrared heaters, thermostators are performed in a separate block and can have different additional sensors and thermometers.

The presence of remote modules allows you to get the most accurate information about the room temperature and later the thermostat will make appropriate adjustments, reducing or increasing the intensity of heating.

Ballu BMT-1 Connection for heating and cooling + simplified thermostat scheme

Icolain infrared heaters, thermostat, installation

Purpose of thermostators

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you will need to turn on and off the infrared heater. This is not always convenient and significantly complicates accommodation in a private house.

When manually turning on the device is required to monitor the lack of overheating, which can lead to the failure of equipment and a fire in the room. To simplify the exploitation of infrared heaters use special thermostators that allow you to fully automate the heat generators.

The scope of application of such devices is extremely wide. They allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, follow the correctness of the heating element. If initially such automatic control units were used in industry, today you can find various household appliances on sale, which are characterized by functionality and have an affordable cost.

Varieties of devices and the principle of their work

Thermostators for infrared heaters are customary to distinguish with the features of their device and the principle of action. To date, the greatest popularity received two types of thermostats:

  • Electronic.
  • Mechanical.

The simplest mechanical thermostators are distinguished by a reliable design. The principle of operation of such devices is based on the property of the material when heating and cooled compress or expand.

Inside the thermostat is located bimetallic elementreacting to change temperature indicators. With an increase in the specified parameter, the circuit opens and the power supply of the heater stops. As soon as the temperature on the sensor falls below the set value, the power supply of the heater is restored, heating is turned on, which allows you to maintain the optimal temperature in the room.

Electronic models depending on their design can be divided into simple and complex. Cheap digital thermostators can monitor the room temperature, including and turning off infrared heaters. Complex electronic devices are distinguished by the universality of use and have numerous settings:

  • Can control the work of several heaters at once.
  • The function of anti-massagonia is implemented.
  • Managed remotely and remotely.
  • Work on a specified schedule.

Advanced electronic thermostats for an IR heater can provide fully autonomous heating of the room, while they can be integrated into the "Smart Home" system when the automation will fully monitor all the processes of life in a private house or apartment.

Connect the thermostat with your own hands.

Available in specialized stores a range of choice is so wide that the uninitiated homeowner is difficult to choose a high-quality and inexpensive thermostat.

As a result, people acquire the simplest thermostats that are not able to fully automate the heating of the room, or overpaid for unnecessary functionality.

The simplest mechanical thermostators will become an excellent choice for the cottage or country private house, where in the winter they do not regularly live, respectively, the full functionality of such control units will be not in demand. Connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater does not represent complexity, and the entire setting takes from force for a couple of minutes.

High-quality and inexpensive mechanical thermostats have an applied temperature range of a temperature range, separate models have built-in LEDs that allow you to easily determine whether the device is turned on or off. The advantage of the simplest mechanical devices is the convenience of their operation, easy installation and affordable cost. Disadvantages - this is a limited functionality and a high error.

Electronic thermostats Different with the highest possible accuracy of the device. Separate models allow you to adjust the heating temperature in increments of 0.1 degrees Celsius. Thermostats have a wide functionality, differ in compact dimensions, it is a reliable and durable technique. Their main drawback is high cost, as well as energy dependence, which complicates their use on farms and in country villages.

When choosing electronic models, you need to pay attention to whether the supplied delivery sensor is available. The presence of such external thermometers can significantly improve the accuracy of the device, expanding its functionality.

The best models can immediately have several thermal sensors who are made on a long wire or exchange data with the main unit using a wireless communication.

The presence of an electronic programmer allows you to configure the operation of the equipment for predetermined parameters. For example, a homeowner can turn off the device when there is no one at home, and in half an hour before returning from operation, the control unit will turn on the heater, which will solve problems with heat, while reducing the costs of utility needs. Thanks to the presence of such programmers, the functionality of both thermostators and infrared thermal devices is significantly expanded.

Description of the best models

Today, there are mechanical and electronic thermostators for the IR heater from various manufacturers. Products from domestic brands, which combines reliability, durability and has an affordable cost. Fully automated control systems for infrared heaters from Japanese, American and Western European manufacturers are also in demand. It is worth highlighting the following models:

  • Ballu BMT-1. Inexpensive mechanical thermostat for a heater, which was designed specifically to work with infrared heaters from the Ballu manufacturer. The advantages of this modification of the thermostat include the possibility of using it with single-phase heaters with a capacity of 2 kW, the presence of a wide range of temperature adjustment. The case of the device is made of superproof plastic. To date, the cost of the mechanical thermostat of Ballu BMT-1 is 600-700 rubles.
  • Neoclima RQ -1. Mechanical overhead thermostat for infrared heater, which can be used with heaters and thermal veins. This model is designed to monitor temperature indicators in air conditioning and autonomous heating systems. Thanks to the execution of the body with electrical and moisture protection, the device can be placed outdoors. The cost of the NEOCLIMA RQ-1 regulator is about 700 rubles today.
  • Easter RTC 70.26. This is a popular model of an electromechanical thermostat, which is used in warm floor systems and infrared heaters. The device is equipped with a remote sensor measuring the temperature and transmitting the signal to the main control unit. The electromechanical thermostat is characterized by ease of use. The advantage of this model is the versatility of use, as well as the possibility of connecting heating devices with a capacity of 3500 W. The cost of EASTER RTC 70.26 is 700 rubles to date.
  • Eberle RTT - E 6121. Overhead electromechanical thermostat having manual control. The temperature adjustment range is + 5-30 degrees. The device allows you to control the operation of several heaters at once with a total power of no more than 3.5 kW. It is possible to operate this overhead thermostat in rooms with a humidity indicator not higher than 95%. Due to the use of a bimetallic plate as a sensitive element, the maximum accuracy of the device, the reliability and functionality of the regulator is ensured. The cost of Eberle RTT - E 6121 is currently 1,200 rubles.
  • Bilyuch T08. Programmable thermostat from the domestic manufacturer of Bilyux. The device has a touchscreen display and convenient screen backlight. The device obtained a high class of moisture protection, it is made of a durable plastic case. The thermostat has a manual and programmable control mode, in the delivery kit there is a temperature sensor with a wire with a length of 3 meters. The device has an emergency shutdown option, remembers the last installed programs, is characterized by an extended functionality. The cost of biteuks T08 is to date 3 thousand rubles.
  • TERNEO PRO. The top model of a programmable electronic thermostator, which has a clear touchscreen display. All data on the settings and operation of the infrared heater can be stored in the cloud, which provides the ability to view the desired parameters from the tablet and smartphone. The manufacturer has developed a special application for remote control of the work of the thermostat. The device has advanced programming functions, and the memory has already contained 16 preset heating modes. The package includes a temperature sensor with high-quality network cable. The cost of this model is currently 3,500 rubles.

The use of mechanical and electronic regulators to control the work of infrared heaters is significantly expanding the functionality of thermal equipment. With the help of such devices, you can control the operation of IR heaters in a fully offline mode, providing maintaining the optimal temperature in the house. In specialized stores, you can pick up various models of regulators that will be distinguished by the principle of work, purpose, functionality and cost.