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Fence from a flat slate with your own hands. Slate fence with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions. Video: Installation of slate

Slate fences for many years have been greatly popular. Especially among residents of private houses, since this material is considered very popular and wear-resistant, as well as not the most expensive. Each building material has its advantages and disadvantages, and slate is no exception. In addition, when choosing this material as a fence, you need to know some of the nuances with which you will get to know this article.


Slate is considered a very popular material that is used to erect fences. By itself, the material is simple, inexpensive and does not cause many questions when installing. The fence, fully made of slate, will look very carefully, and will not attract excessive attention.

Many domestic brands are engaged in the release of modern slate. Find and buy it will not be any difficulty. Such material is suitable for creating high-quality fence even in urban areas.

The slate fence is ideal for distinguishing neighboring sites. Its installation can be easily engaged in yourself.

Pros and cons

If you decide to choose a slate to build a fence, then it is necessary to know its main advantages and disadvantages:

  • Slate is considered a very durable and wear-resistant material. According to the calculations of many specialists, asbestos slate can serve up to thirty years.
  • The material of this type is considered completely safe and non-combustible. In addition, it is not toxic.
  • Slate is quite dense material, as a result of which it is very resistant to the different kind of chemical, thermal and other effects from the outside.
  • It is ideal for installation even in areas with a harsh climate, because it is not afraid of not only serious precipitation, but also a strong wind. In addition, Slate is very frost. Even during periods when strong winds on the street, Slate will not make unpleasant sounds and interfere with households in contrast, for example, from noisy professional flooring.
  • Slate is considered pretty lightweight material for installation and installation, it is easily cut and amenable to drilling. Many are engaged in installing a fence from slate on their own without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • In addition, the creation of a slate fence does not take much time and effort.

Slate on the pocket of many people, however, it can be a bit more expensive than some of the materials, of which fences are erected in dachas or in private possessions. Nevertheless, its positive parties are obvious, and the whole cost will pay off for many years of high-quality service.

To choose a decent building material, it is worth purchasing slate only with good characteristics and a top layer, which is covered with a special protective pigment. In addition to the fact that the slate with an additional coating looks more beautiful, this coating protects the material itself from temperature drops.

To the small minuses of slate can be attributed:

  • Despite the fact that the slate fence is not afraid of temperature drops, it is extremely recommended for installation in regions with excessively high humidity, which can significantly reduce the quality of the material with time.
  • Asbestos-cement slate cloths are considered very heavy, they should be installed as much as possible so that not only the wind could not dig them, but also for the fence does not fall under their own weight.
  • Some buyers refuse to acquire slate to create a fence because it is believed that it is suitable exclusively for installation in rural areas.


If you have already decided that you will build a fence from slate, then you should familiarize yourself with all its varieties.

Most people are familiar with only two types of slate coatings, which include flat and wave, however, it is not all.

Flat slate can be:

  • Pressed.
  • Unfastened.

The extruded slate is considered a bit more denser and harder than unfastened.

In all characteristics, it is most successful for the construction of a solid fence, which will serve for many years and will not collapse from regular temperature drops.

Wave slate sheets can also please the assortment of varieties. In addition, today there are more improved species that are especially in high demand. Asbesto-cement wave slate is considered tougher and more durable compared to other options.

Wave slate also happens the following varieties:

  • Standard or as it is called the usual.
  • Reinforced.
  • Unified.

The main differences consist in the height and size of the wave.

Fence do it yourself

In order to correct the fence correctly, first of all, it is very important to calculate the amount of material that you will need for construction. By itself, the calculation is simple, the main thing is to correctly measure the perimeter of the territory (plot), with the exception of those places where the gates and gate will be located, as well as other possible openings.

After the measurements made, it is recommended to draw up a drawing where it is necessary to place all the supports in the corners and along the lines of the future fence. More detailed calculations should be made on the fact of the acquisition of the material. If you are not sure that you can independently produce loyal calculations or build a fence, it is best to use the services of professionals who will probably meet all your expectations.


Do not forget to choose a complete set of tools that you will be useful when erecting the fence.

The main of those used in the preparation process include:

  • Level.
  • Shovel (most often bayonet).
  • Plumb.

Directly for the construction of the very fence from slate is necessary:

  • Melts for concrete.
  • Welding machine.
  • Drill, Bulgarian.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Spanners.

This list is approximate and can vary slightly, depending on the type of site and the type of slate. As for the acquisition of pillars for the fence, it is best to use metal options. They are considered the most reliable and sustainable. In addition, they will serve you for many years.

Operating procedure

Despite the fact that there are a lot of instructions and video tutorials on the Internet on the Internet about how to make a fence from slate, before proceeding with work, you should study the mass of the information on this occasion:

  • Before installing the fence, it is necessary to clear the territory on which it will be located.
  • It is very important to pull the thread correctly along the entire length of the fence so that the future slate fence is smooth. Do not forget about the markup, which is important to perform, for example, by pegs.
  • In order for the preparatory procedures to do not take a lot of time and you did not have many questions, focus on a pre-prepared drawing that must be performed on paper.
  • After you have marked with splies on the site, you need to start digging the holes for the supports.
  • Further, on the supports will need to be accepted the iron transverse staps for which the timber should be consolidated.
  • A trench that will serve as a base, between the columns can be posted using bricks.
  • In Brus, it is necessary to make special holes using drill. It is done to accommodate fasteners.
  • Slane sheets should be installed on a brick base in a vertical position. After that, the sheets should be fixed to the fence beams.

Currently, the market presents an incredible amount of various building materials. To build a fence there you can find hundreds of variations. Each of them has its advantages and their cons. Some options are beautiful, but expensive, some difficult are mounted, any material mimic. Top for the construction of fences with their own hands is slate. Here's it, we will consider in more detail.

Sounds of slate sheets (table)

Name Description Photo
Slate from AsbestocertOften the fence from this material is used to create animal feed. Select flat and wave. In the composition of both options are almost identical. The differences consist only in different thickness and size. 10% asbestos add to 85% of concrete. Everything is kneaded with water and some modifying components. After that, the mixture comes under the press and goes into the drying of a certain mode.
Advantages: an acceptable price, the material is quite durable, the high service life, non-combustible, is not subject to corrosion, the ultraviolet rays are not fascinated, it is frostable.
Disadvantages: not environmental, it is forbidden to inhale dust if you work with a grinder, etc.; When contacting with high temperatures may explode; heavy weight requiring the reliable basis under it, if you build a fence from it; fragile to directional mechanical damage
WaveAsbesto-concrete sheet with waves. The main advantages are non-combustible, it is not afraid of moisture, the surface of the ultraviolet sun rays is not heated, it is not subject to deformation, it can be carried out to measure a strong load and the price of it can be considered acceptable. Weighs from 22 to 26 kilogram

Classic wave slate

FlatThicker and slightly stronger wave, it is more convenient to mount it, so it is more often used to create a fence. Weigh from 78 to 350 kilograms

Sheets of flat slate

Slate from metalIn essence, it is a professional flooring, which contains galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4-1 millimeter. The steel sheet is treated with an anti-corrosion agent, ground and coated with a polymer. Thus, the material is unsturbed corrosion. It is used as roofing material, with its help, fences are erected, and it is also used as a finishing material for facades.
Advantages: Easy mounted; low weight up to five kilograms, which makes it possible to do not build a foundation at all; refractory; much stronger to mechanical damage, in comparison with asbestos; Oxide and polymer coating protect metal from carrolosia; wide color gamut; acceptable price; durability; Ecology.
Disadvantages: as such drawbacks for a metal slate fence not marked.
FROMThe best option for erecting the fence. It is called still wall. Slate waves from 8 millimeters to 4.5 centimeters

Metal slate

N.This species is used to cover the roofs. Equipped with grooves for which the flow of water is running. Waves from 5.7 Sanitmeters up to 11.5 centimeters
SNUniversal option. They also put Zobora and put on the roof. Wave height from 3.5 to 4.5 centimeters


For normal intimidate work on the installation of the fence, you need to get a grinder, a drill, a welding machine, a set of wrench keys, a construction level, a plumbing, a building hammer and a cord.

Materials Barely take care of the presence of the desired type of slate, steel corners of 5x8,5 centimeters, steel pipes from which there will be columns, wooden bars 5x13 centimeters, wooden round logs, bolts, nuts, fasteners, hexagon, tanks, concrete, oil paint, bitumen and anti-corrosion compositions.

Base of fence

Plastic installation scheme

Allocate two types of base under the fence from slate:

  • Columnar. Publishes are installed with a doom with some distance from each other. They are not combined with each other.
  • Ribbon base. This is the basis that concrete is done on the entire perimeter of the future fence and the pillars are wounded into it.

To choose the right base, you need to clearly understand which of them for what type of most suitable. For example, to build a fence using a metal slate, it will be more economical to use a bar base. For this light design, a powerful basis is not needed. But asbesto-concrete fence requires a tape foundation. Moreover, if the fence is made of a flat slate, then in addition to a concrete base, each of the sheets usually conclude into metal frames.

Sometimes asbestos-cement fence is installed without a powerful concrete foundation, but then the supporting structures should be massive and well shuffled. And it happens that the flat plates of the fence are buried directly into the ground and fasten between themselves all the same support pillars.

Ribbon base

Ribbon foundation with support pillars

This is a reinforced concrete band, some of which goes into the ground, and the part towers above its surface. The more severe design you collect to hoist on the ground, the one should be wider and deep.

Marking of the territory: schemes and drawings

Scheme Marking of the territory

  1. In order to properly place the territory, you need to carefully examine the plan of the site in the cadastral passport.
  2. Start posting from any angle using pegs and rings.
  3. Install 2 kolas, at the distance of the base width and connect them with a wooden rail.
  4. Measure the distance for the fence and put more pegs connected by the rail.
  5. Thus, mark all the angles.
  6. Tension rings between waists. Thus, the markup of the future foundation is obtained.

From how far the markup will be made, the evenness of the entire design in the future depends. No need to chealing at this stage.

Copy trench

Trench in which a sand-chick pillow fall asleep

Fill the foundation

Installation of columnar foundation

Installation of support pillars

Install the pillars that will play the role of the frame - this is the first thing to be done when you start working on the erection of light on the weight of the slate from slate. To do this, dig the pits around the perimeter of the future fence in a step of 300 centimeters. The depth of the holes should be approximately 500 millimeters. In these pans, insert pipes having the same length. In advance in these pipes, you need to drill several holes where the fasteners will be inserted. Metal lags are attached to these elements, and they are already steel slate. A portion of the pipe flowing into the ground is processed by an anti-corrosion agent and molten bitumen, which was added a little solvent.

Ready support pillars

Put pipes into the dumped recesses and fill in the pits concrete. In order for the solution evenly filled the space of the deepening and the emptiness did not appear, switch to a sharp rod several times in different places the flooded cement. Building levels Check strictly vertically stand pillars. If everything is in order, fix them with temporary backups. After drying the concrete, the backups can be removed. Between the support pillars, build 2-3 vertical lags.

Frame frame with support pillars and lags

Installation of fence from slate with your own hands

Here is ready for our foundation. An hour came to mount slate sheets, which you chose. If these are metal sheets, then work with them is the easiest. They are recorded by special self-drawing with press-washers and rubber gaskets. The heads of such self-tapping screws are painted in different colors, so they can be selected in the color of slate.

Self-tapping screws, which are attached to the obsesska metallic slate

The slate from the metal is screwed to the lags with these self-pressing in the lower parts of the wave.

Metal slate mounting scheme

Asbesto-concrete wave slate is fixed in the upper part of the wave with slate nails or self-pressing, which is necessary to make holes with a special drill in advance. When the fasteners are driven or screwed into slate, they wear special rubber pads on them.

Asbestos-cement wave slate mounting scheme

The first row of slate is controlled by the level. It must be strictly vertical, since it gives the direction of the whole wall of the fence.

Flat slate in the frame

For reliable fastening of a flat slate, it is not necessary to build vertical logs between the support pillars. As mentioned earlier, they can be fixed in a metal frame. It is made on the size of slate sheets from metal corners. First make this frame, then it is welded to the supporting structures and the flat sheet of slate is installed in it. So that slate kept in place, special metal stoppers are welded to the back of the frame.

Flat slate can be mounted on the principle of previous species, to lags. But then it will be necessary to make additional holes for fasteners, which will strongly weaken it before mechanical effects.

Finishing and decoration of slate from slate + examples in photo

To the fence of a metal profile for a complete common type, you can add special accessories, for example, to add the corners of various sizes, P-shaped straps, etc. They are different colors. You can buy them in the color of the slate or make contrast.

Furniture elements on metallic fence

For the transformation of a flat slate, you need to take paint brushes. Of course, you can paint it into one color. And you can connect fantasy and depict some masterpiece on it.

Painting on a flat fence

By the way, the staining of the asbesto concrete slate has not only a decorative function. The paint prevents moisture from entering the porous structure of the material, which can be frozen and deformed in the cold.

The slate fence, as it becomes clear is a simple building process that does not require large financial costs and a lot of time. He can cope with his immediate tasks and give the plot of a complete neat appearance. If you choose the fence from slate, then the above instruction to help you. Good luck!

It is unlikely that someone today will come to mind specifically buy slate for the construction of the fence. Against the background of the diversity of modern building materials, slate looks frankly poor, although at a price it is not the cheapest option. But if there is an opportunity to put into the case and give a second life to the sector, which was removed, for example, with a roof, then you can build a deaf fence around the cottage, farm, a small industrial enterprise. The fence from the slate is quite possible to build on its own.

Question price

Many remember the time when slate on the construction market was in excess, and this building material has no competition. That is why slate fences occurred more often than others. And not because it is cheap or beautiful, but because other options either be in a penny, or simply did not fit to the standard design of simple buildings.

To date, the fence from slate is not the cheapest option. This is if the material has to be purchased. Among the budget types of fences, competition can be made up, a welded grid, a typical wooden fence. The price of slate for the price can be correlated with the cost of the professionalist. A completely budget version of slate will look on the background of the value of brick, metal or natural stone.

Benefits of slate fence

Despite the huge number of options, the fence from the slate with their own hands is simply, quickly, quite inexpensive, neatly. So, it makes sense to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of slate. Already many decades have been successfully used in construction. During this time, many advantages of this material revealed:

  • The average price category of the material speaks of its availability to the buyer with different financial capabilities. However, do not forget that additional costs will have to be incurred for the purchase of support pillars, framework material, fasteners.

For your information! According to the cost fence from a flat slate will be a bit more expensive than from the wave.

  • Slane fence in the regions with a moderate and dry climate will serve for a very long time. But mechanical damage will immediately lead to the end of the service life of such a structure.
  • Slate - non-flammable material. But at very high temperatures it cracks. Therefore, during the fire, the fence is unlikely to stand, but there will not be harmful burning products.
  • This building material was resistant to temperature differences inherent in moderate climate. This gives him advantages over another popular material - a professional flooring.
  • Caring for slate fence is very simple. In case of damage, individual sections are changed. It can be cleaned, wash, painted. Although in the latter there is no particular need, because on sale today you can find color slate.
  • The fence from slate is unlikely to save from street noise. But during a hail or strong shower of noise, it will be much smaller compared to a straightener, stainless steel, tin or metal.
  • The material is resistant to aggressive influences of chemicals, corrosion, and also does not conduct the current. The fence from it does not miss light and is a reliable protection against prying eyes.

Disadvantages of slate fence

Slate, like any other material, has some drawbacks:

  • The disputed disadvantage is the presence of asbestos slate. Asbesta is harmful to human health if his dust has to breathe during a cutting or while working in a warehouse or in the manufacturing workshop. During operation, slate does not distinguish any harmful substances, therefore it is considered safe material.
  • The heavy weight of the material requires special attention during installation. To avoid inclination of the fence during operation, take care of the reliability of the frame.
  • In regions with a wet climate, the slate fence is not the best option. Under the influence of moisture, it will be covered with moss, will darken and cracks.
  • This building material is not resistant to mechanical exposure. Any damage will require replacement sections. Over time, if the fence begins to be cloning, slate sheets can begin to crack from the contact with the base, as well as in the places of fastening with the support pillars.
  • Attractive slate fence you won't call. Made of wave slate, it looks completely cheap. A more attractive option - to upset the territory of the flat slate.

What slate to choose for the fence

Thinking over how to make a fence from slate with your own hands, you need to decide on the view and features of the installation.

The building materials market offers two types of slate - flat and wave. Flat slate more expensive. It is believed that the appearance of the fence from it is aesthetically. A variety of flat slate - pressed. It is much harder than usual, but also the load withstands serious. When mounting the fence, flat slate sheets are recommended to lay in a metal frame from the corners. Thus, two tasks are solved: the strength of the structure is enhanced and the appearance is improved.

Flat slate fence on a metal corner

Mount the fence from the wave slate is much simpler than flat. Sheets will have to lay a mustache, carefully combining the waves.

Ready fence from wave slate

Features of the installation of slate fence

It is quite possible to install a slate fence, without attracting specialists without having construction skills and complex tools. You just need to follow simple recommendations and consistently perform all stages of work.

How to make marking

The layout procedure for a slate fence is no different from the identical stage of work in the construction of other types of fences. The territory around the perimeter of the future design should be cleaned from garbage, branches, stones, and then dissolve. On the line not yet built fence pull the thread. You can fasten it on pieces of fittings, wooden pegs or steel rods.

Immediately you need to make tags in places where reference pillars will be installed. So that it does not have difficulty in installing the whole design, these labels must be made particularly carefully. It should be borne in mind that slate cannot be increasing or disordered. And in case of deviation of one slate sheet for several centimeters, you will have to move all subsequent sections with carrying supports. Accurate markup will facilitate all subsequent work.

How to install support pillars

Depending on which pillars and what width of the slate sheets you have chosen to fencing, pits are made for supports. Depth can vary from 50 to 80 centimeters. The deeper the pits, the less likely to displace the fence to the side, especially if the construction will be high.

Relieve the support pillars can be one of the ways:

  • Pour liquid mortar
  • Fall asleep gravel and shed concrete
  • Install with stone or metal struts

To protect the metal poles from corrosion, the part that deepen, you need to pay special attention: to wind up the ruberoid, to paint the oil paint or treat with solidol, or by spent engine oil.

Installation of sections

Mount the frame and install sections on the bolts in several ways:

  • Between the columns, consolidate two lines of horizontal base. These lines can serve as a corner or profile tube. At such a base slate is screwed by bolts and nuts. Considering the fragility of the material, it is necessary to reduce the load of fasteners on the slate sheets. To do this, on both sides of the attachment, washers, or silicone or rubber gaskets, are used.
  • Another way: besides metal crossing, to build a concrete base in the form of a border or pillar. Another option is a ribbon foundation. It will contribute to the best retention of the weight of the fence, and will also prevent the slate cracking in the fasteners.
  • The following option is to do without the foundation and leave the lumen between the land and the slate at 7 - 8 centimeters. The fence will not be in contact with the wet soil, and therefore will serve much longer. Between the nearby posts at the desired level from the Earth welded a metal cross. It should be wide enough to make it easily able to install a wave slate. Connection method - bolt.
  • The easiest option is to establish a fencing of flat asbestos-cement sheets. They are installed on two crossbars between the support pillars. Flat sheets can be opened around the perimeter to the corner. In this case, the base is welded to the support columns.

Methods for the scenery of slate fence

Usually, the fence from slate is left completely without finishing. Perhaps the fact that they do not know how to embellish it. The easiest way is to staining or drawing drawings using a stencil. It is worth considering that with the help of acrylic and alkyd paints, you can not only transform the fence, but also significantly increase its service life. In stores you can find a special paint for staining slate. If you apply it on top of the primer, then the quality of painting will be significantly higher.

Flat slate sheets can be given relief. This is done with cement mortar and stencils. The solution must be reminded by its consistency dough. The surface of the sheet is aligned with the prepared solution, and then different drawings are applied using stencils.

A unique embossed pattern can be applied using decorative plaster. It is applied by splashing on a pre-plastered surface.

A slate fence can be made simple and neat, but you can build a whole work of art. Before starting to work, you need to evaluate the features of the site, operating conditions, as well as their own requirements for functionality and appearance of the fence.

Build a fence from an inexpensive and reliable material simply. It is enough to deal with fasteners, markup and future buildings. For example, the slate fence will serve longer than from the untreated board. And in the private farm, they try to use even the old roofing material - from it you can make a fence of the back of the site. It turns out that the new one will come to work, and the slate has already been used.

Features of the use of slate for the construction of the fence

Slate is one of the simplest and inexpensive materials for the manufacture of fence. And any side of the fence will look neat. Modern slate will suit both rural areas and houses within the city.

Slate is made of asbestos cement, so you do not have to wait for maximum strength. It is easy to guess that even the most subtle iron is stable. However, there are developments in the use of slate. The front part of the fence is desirable to place away from the road so that the random garbage from under the wheels did not damage sheets. And the usual barriers between neighboring sites from the slate is the easiest way, even one person will cope with such work.

This material is known for a long time. Get it by mixing portland cement, asbestos and water. Uniformly distributed asbestos fibers form a solid grid that increases the shock viscosity and reliability of the material during tension.

Advantages and disadvantages of use of slate for fence


  • low cost;
  • average fire resistance;
  • the possibility of decorative processing of any paint;
  • simple installation.

From shortcomings:

  • asbestos - it is not an environmentally clean material;
  • when influencing explodes;
  • the service life depends on the specific place. And the lower the temperature in winter, the faster the cracks will appear. If you protect acrylic (paint), then the service life will increase;
  • in working with slate is required to protect. You need to wear construction respirators so that the dust does not get into the respiratory tract.

Slate species used for fences

Wave sheets created from asbestos cement have a curly shape. The material has the following advantages:

Flat slate sheets have the same composition, the difference is only in shape.

Both types of slate have shortcomings that can be smoothed. The appearance of the material over the years is somewhat spoiled, flickering, blinking. However, if you cover it with special substances, it can be warned.

Flat or wave slate for a fence is weak, more precisely, fragile on bending material. Do not forget about the weight of such a construction unit, it is high enough compared to the same metal sheet.

If you decide to buy slate, and not to use the old with the roof of the house or the economic building, then it should be borne in mind that the flat sheets are mounted and ship.

Installation of fence from slate with your own hands

Make a fence from slate is easy. At a not very large plot, this work can be performed in a few days.

Preparation for the construction: territory marking

There is no important feature in the markup of a slate fence. This working time is the same type with a layout for any type of fence. To begin with, it is worth clearing that part of the territory where construction will be conducted. Next, you need to pull the thread and install it in such a way that it repeats the line of the future fence over the entire length. Marking is usually fixed on pegs, columns, steel reinforcement or any other residue of the building material. Accuracy in size and location of the thread along the entire length of the future fence from slate is the main requirement for the markup.

When calculating the building material, the required number of columns on the entire fence is found. In the process of marking, it is necessary to accurately put a landmark in their place. There is a specific distance between each pillar, with a negligence attitude to this stage, further work will only become more complicated. After all, all slate sheets have the same size. It is for him that the posts of the pillars are planning.

Material selection and its size

Good building market or supermarket can offer:

  • euroshimer, he is Ondulin;
  • slate from asbestos cement;
  • plastic slate.

All these materials are designed to mount the roof, but are great for the fence. When choosing, you need to focus on the characteristics:

  • plasticity;
  • rigidity;
  • hardness.

When buying a new material for the fence, many prefer flexible slate. It certainly does not break through the strong wind. Such a building material has a rectangular shape, its surface is either flat or wave-like. The minus is as follows: the declared life of only 15 years, and each 5 years it is necessary to replace the protective layer. The inside of the flexible slate is susceptible to burning.

Video: Polycarbonate flexible slate

Calculation of the required amount of material

The standard wave slate sizes are 1750 to 1135 millimeters.

The long side of the sheet is usually attached horizontally. The wave material is necessarily mounted on the fence of the brass, for which there is a stock of 125 mm. It is easier to consider the length of the fence. It is easy to guess that one sheet of the construction will be needed for 1 meter, the wave is horizontally.

What is interesting, it is when working with a wave slate should not be afraid of the wrong markup, because sheets can hide all the errors between the columns.

Flat material produced in four sizes:

  1. Length 3 meters, width 1.5 meters.
  2. Length 2 meters, width 1.5 meters.
  3. Length 1.75 meters, width 1.13 meters.
  4. Length is 1.5 meters, width 1 meter.

Most often try to buy the third option, paying attention to the thickness. This parameter must be equal to 10 mm, then the leaf itself will weigh 40 kg. For comparison: the thickness of 8 mm is already lighter - 30 kg.

Calculate the amount of material is very simple: you need to measure the overall length of the fence and divide on one sheet. More precisely, the magnitude that remains without a flaw. Having obtained the right number of units, it is necessary to purchase with a margin of 2 or 3 pieces.

An example of calculating the number of wave slate sheets

Suppose that the total length of the perimeter is equal to 40 meters. A wave slate 1750 is in operation in the amount of 40 units (the operating surface of one sheet is 1 m). Not 40 sheets are purchased with a margin, but 42-43, because marriage and errors in construction are inevitable.

Required tools for building a fence

When installing on its own work it is better to work in a pair, but without the next set of the tool, do not cope:

  • bulgarian or screwdriver with a nozzle for cutting;
  • drill;
  • welding machine;
  • spanners;
  • levels;
  • plumb;
  • building hammers;
  • fastening bolts.

Step-by-step guide for the production of slate

Work is performed by such a sequence:

  1. Hand brown around the perimeter of markup organize holes for pillars. When there is no such tool, they take a regular shovel to work and carefully dig deep, but not wide pit. They try to make it so that the further fill with the solution was economical. Pits make one third of the length of the poles.
  2. Install poles. Support can serve as a metal profile or pieces of pipes. These components, together with the post, need to be poured with concrete or cement. Distance between pillars no more than two and a half meters.
  3. Install stable. Between the columns you need to secure horizontal strips, which are usually performed from the bar, and in budget construction - from Prames. These elements need to be fixed with screws. If they are made from the profile pipe, they are mounted using a welding machine. For the absence of such a tool, you can drill holes in iron columns and fix any kind of toss to the bolts. When this part of the work is performed, the fence frame is desirable to protect with automotive mastic. Usually try to apply more than one layer, then the design of the framework will be completely protected from corrosion.
  4. Share the preparatory basis along the entire fence line. An old brick goes to work, less often pour a special platform.
  5. Install the slaughter of the fence. Schifer sheets are alternately fixed on the frame of nails or self-drawing.

Video: How to paint poles for fence

Finishing and decoration of fence from slate

Protect, decorate and maintain such a type of fence. It is enough to perform some devoted rules:

Any mechanical damage for slate is thought out in advance, otherwise its service life is reduced several times.

Video: Installation of slate

Slate is invented for the roof, create reliable fences or barriers from it not always. Stand on this material only if there is a large balance after construction or there is no suitable modern material in the store. Although on the backyard of the countryside, where the likelihood of the theft of good material is too high, to nail the old slate on the ride will be the optimal solution.

Perhaps one of the most affordable materials for the installation of the fence can be called slate. Under this title, by the way, not only the classic asbestos-cement slate, but also the profile wavy material from metal, rubber, plastic, bitumen and cellulose. For the fencing of the site or some parts it is not suitable for all kinds, but only those that have a rigid structure.

Slate fence with your own hands can be installed from a wave or flat material made of asbestoscent or metal. Sometimes, but it is quite rare, a bitumen-cellulose version, known as the name, is used for this purpose. ondulin or ereshorter.

Slate species suitable for installation

To determine the choice, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types of material, the possible complexity of the process of its installation.

Asbestobeton slate

Slate from asbestos is most often used to install the fencing of sites and places of pets of domestic animals. It is made in the form of smooth and wavy sheets. The composition of the material for their manufacture is approximately the same, but the sheets themselves may have different thickness and size.

The mixture for the manufacture of this material includes three components in different percentage ratios - asbestos (10%), cement (85%) and water. 5% can be discharged by various modifying additives. After kneading, the composition is pressed into sheets of the desired size and shape, and then enters drying in a certain mode.

Wave slate

"Classic" wavy slate

Asbesto-cement wave (in some sources - wavy) slate is used for the following works:

  • Wave slate having a normal profile is used to cover the roofs.
  • Wave slate with a reinforced profile is used to cover the roofs of industrial buildings, as it differs from the usual sheets of greater long.
  • Wave slate having a unified profile is used both to cover residential buildings and for industrial structures. It has medium sizes, that is, more than In the usual, but less than In reinforced.

The table shows the standard dimensions of the wave slate:

Dimensional parametersValue in mm
(depending on the type of profile)
Limit deviations
40/150 54/200
Length (L)1750 1750 ± 15.
Width (B):
6-wave sheet- 1125 ± 15.
7-wave sheet980 - +10; -5
8-wave sheet1130 -
Thickness (T)5.8 6,0; 7,5 +1,0; -0,3
Wave height:
Private (H)40 54 +4,0; -3,0
Overlapping (H ᶦ)32 54 +4,0; -5,0
Overlap (H ²)32 45 +4,0; -6,0
Width of the overlapping edge (B ᶦ)43 60 ± 7.
Width of the overlapping edge (B ²)37 65 -
Wave step (s)150 200 -

Flat slate

Flat asbestobeton Slate is used for fences more often than wave, as more convenient in the installation and has a greater thickness.

Flat slate sheet size in mmSheet weight in kg.
Flat Asbesto concrete reciprocal sheet (LDL)
Flat asbestos concreted sheet (LPP)

This material is used not only for the fencing of the site, but also for the installation of partitions in the local economic premises or for the sheeling of the walls.

General physical and operational characteristics asbesto concrete Slate - B. table:

Name of the indicatorThe value of the indicator
Wave slate 40/150Flat slateSlate flat for cooling gradies
Bending strength tensile, MPa (kgf / cm3), not less16(160) 18(180) 20(200)
1,5(150) - -
Shock viscosity KDM / M2 (kgf cm / cm2), not less1,5(1,5) 1,5(1,5) 2,0(2,0)
Density g / cm. Cube., Not less1.6 1.6 1.7
Waterproof. h. no less24 - -
Frost resistance: the number of freezing and thawing cycles25 25 25
- residual strength in% not less90 90 90.1
Weight of one sheet in kg26.1 30 27.1

Recently, the entire slate had a single light gray color. Today you can find the material painted in various shades.

Color slate not only has aesthetic appearance, but also more protected from external influences due to the protective paint layer. Sheets almost do not absorb moisture, and therefore become resistant to low temperatures. Practice shows that the service life of the painted slate sheets is about one and a half times more than that of the usual.

Any asbestos-cement sheets have their advantages and disadvantages that you also need to know by choosing this material to install the fence.

Positive traits

The advantages of the "classic" slate can be attributed to the following:

  • Available price compared to other materials used to erect fences.
  • Sufficient strength. Asbestobeton Sheet with ease withstands the weight of an adult, not deforming and not cracking.
  • Slate durability. Since mainly this material is intended for roof, manufacturers have established a minimum life of 30 years in the usual sector and 50 years old - painted. However, most often the quality is much longer. With proper installation in the design of the fence, the sheets will preserve no less if, of course, they will not be exposed to accented shock load.
  • Asbestos is not a fuel, which is very important for the fence of the country site.
  • Slate is not subject to corrosion, it will not have the devastating effect of moisture from the soil or in the form of precipitation.
  • The material is not late in the sun, which also increases its life.
  • In addition, asbestoseton can safely withstand any frosts, without losing their qualities. Usually the guaranteed laid resource of frost resistance - not mene 25 deep freezing and thawing cycles.

Disadvantages of asbestos-cement slate

First of all, it is necessary to name those of them that are most often manifested if slate is set as a fence:

  • Fragility material. With aimeddient impact or when the sheets of asbestos are easily cracking and split, especially in cases where they are made with violation of technology.
  • A sufficiently large weight of sheets, which is for a wave slate 22-26 kg, and flat and more - from 78 to 350 kg. To establish it in the form of a fence, you must prepare a reliable basis.
  • Asbestos, which is part of the slate sheets, highlights evaporation harmful to a person, so when cutting or drilling sheets, it is recommended to protect the respiratory tract and eyes from entering asbesto concrete dust. Near the fence of such slate, it is impossible to install a children's sandbox or pool, equipping a resting place to keep the health of loved ones.

By the way, in many countries, the use of asbestos in residential construction has long been prohibited. There are disputes, what material is safer - chrysotile asbestos (applied in production in Russia and other countries of the former USSR) or amphibole (European development). Conclusion - carcinogens are both substances. This is necessarily taken into account when choosing a material for the fence.

Metal slate

Metallic slate is often called professional flooring, which is most often produced from galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4 ÷ 1.0 mm. The surface of the sheet is processed by anti-corrosion compositions, ground, and from above are coated with a polymer - these materials create protective layers that retain metal from corrosion.

This is usually a multi-layered well-protected structure.

Metal slate is used in construction for:

  • , technical, industrial and utility buildings.
  • Construction of permanent fences for private country sites and temporary fences - for construction sites.
  • The lifting of the walls of temporary or household buildings.

Metal slate can have a gentle (like the usual) wave or angular.

Professional flooring (metal slate) is divided into three types in height and profile structure:

  • Wall - marked with the letter "C". It is he who is more suitable for the installation of the fence. The height of the wave of this profile is from 8 to 45 mm.
  • The profile for the roof is denoted by the letter "H". The height of its wave ranges from 57 to 115 mm. It also differs in the fact that there are grooves for water drain on the surface.
  • The universal profile "NS" is suitable for both wall covering, and for mounting the fence, and as roofing material. The height of its wave can be 35 ÷ 45 mm.

This material has both positive qualities and disadvantages that need to be aware if it is selected to fence the site.

Prices for various types of slate

Positive traits

  • The ease of installation that can be produced by one person.
  • The small weight of the sheets, which is only 3.5 ÷ 5 kg per 1 sq. M., allows you to do without the construction of the foundation.
  • Resistance to fire, resistance to the effect of high and low temperatures.
  • Mechanical strength of the material - he is not t. T solutions and can not split, unlike asbesto concrete slate.
  • Due to the oxide and polymer coating, the sheets of metal slate are resistant to corrosion.
  • Very large selection of material colors
  • The low value of the metal slate can significantly save on the fencing of the site.
  • The life of the metal slate is 35 years or more.
  • Environmental safety material.
  • The smooth surface does not allow moisture and dust to linger on the surface.

Disadvantages of material

If the material is selected to install the fence, then we can say that it does not have flaws that could impede such use. There are not many disadvantages of a metal slate and when changing it for a roof flooring, but they still have:

  • If a slate is purchased, which does not have a protective coating, then its service life will be limited, since the corrosion is inevitably.
  • The material is very noisy with a strong rain or hail.

Installed metal slate braziness. For rigidity, you can make the overlap of two waves. Therefore, it is necessary to provide in advance in calculating the installation of columns between the spans.

Basis for fence

After the material for the fence is selected, you need to decide how it is better to install it.

Two options are used for the fence from slate - these are columns with the crate set at a certain distance from each other, without a combining concrete belt, or a ribbon foundation with the supports of it with supports.

When planning supports, we need to take into account the weight and structure of the material selected for the fence. So, when installing a metal slate (professional flooring), any of the presented options is suitable.

To install a fence from asbesto concrete Slate is recommended to choose the basis with the fill.

If a flat slate is selected for the fence, the most massive of all the materials represented, then it is better to put a concrete basis for it. And additionally - each of the sheets enter into a frame welded from a metal corner.

If the columns to fix this design are massive and have a great shower, it is sometimes costs without a ribbon foundation, installing only separate supports.

However, the flat slate is installed directly on the ground, fixing on concrete, asbestos-cement or metal columns.

Ribbon foundation with poles

The ribbon foundation AD is equipped with a reinforced concrete band, an in-depth in the soil and towering over it for a certain height. Its parameters directly depend on what material the fence will be erected, as the higher the weight, the wider and deeper should be the foundation.

For the device fence from slate a large foundation width is not needed. But if a fence from a flat heavy slate is installed, then the basis or support columns must be unborn well.

The process of preparation can be attributed to the placement of the territory, determining the line of the fence, digging trenches for the baseband of the foundation, drilling of the holes, the slope of the waterproofing and drainage layer, and the fixing on them is lag.

BUT. Marking

  • The marking of the territory is carried out according to plan in the cadastral passport of the site.
  • The process starts from the angle of future building. For marking are used rope, segments of reinforcement or wooden pegs.

First step - Marking
  • First, the binding point is defined on the corner or at the beginning of the site, from which the direction of the trench will be placed under the fill of the foundation.

From how accurately the markup is made, the flattening strip will depend on, and therefore - and all the fence.

After the markup, the area under tightened ropes can be additionally labeled with lime, pouring out the line from it.

B. Trenha

  • The trench is rotated along the marked lines, a depth of 300 ÷ 400 mm.

  • Next, at a certain distance, the holes are made to install the support columns. The maximum distance between them can be 2500 mm, and the diameter is 100 ÷ 120 mm larger than the diameter of the columns.

  • If the usual will be used for the fence asbestobeton Slate, then the columns should be installed on a width of two ÷ three sheets installed by the brass, subject to their fixing on two or three horizontal lags.
  • The depth of the holes for the columns should be about 1000 mm.
  • If the width between the columns is 2500 mm and more, then between them, the hole is drilled for the device in it of a concrete amplifier, which will give the necessary rigidity to the entire reinforced concrete ribbon.

B. Filling Fundament

Upon completion of the preparatory work, you can move to the arrangement of the foundation and installation of columns.

  • In the openings for the columns, 100 ÷ 150 mm layer of sand is falling asleep, and 80 ÷ 100 mm layer of rubble are stacked on top of it. They must be well sealing.
  • Next, columns are installed in the holes and aligned in terms of level (plumb).
  • The next step into the space around the columns is poured concrete solution made from cement and gravel. In the form of struts between the walls of the wells and columns, it is possible to embed chosen by the size of the stones.

A flooded concrete must be left to grasp at least one day.

  • After the concrete grabbies the columns to stood hard, they are binding to horizontal lags, which are welded or fastened at an equal distance from each other.

For metallic and flat asbesto concrete Slate are well suited with steel rolled (corner or rectangular profile tube), but for wavy asbesto concrete It is better to use wooden bars.

  • After that, a frustration is made in the trench for the foundation, first from the sand, and then from the crushed stone, and is good tamper.
  • After that, it is established, while the reinforcement bars are not welded with each other, and fasten with a wire twist. The top of the reinforcement belt is approximately 30 mm below the future surface of the foundation.

  • A wooden formwork is roeing along the entire trench. If desired and the possibility of it can be installed from the segments of the flat slate of the desired height. Such a formwork in this case may be non-removable, and the foundation of the CP AZU will have even walls that do not require additional decorative finishes. Especially since the flat slate can then be painted in any color or apply a drawing on it, such as imitation of stone or brick. The height of the above-ground part of the foundation can have a height of 200 to 500 mm.
  • After the formwork is ready, a concrete solution is poured into it - this process is recommended to carry out in one reception, the gaps are not formed between the layers of fillings of concrete. Otherwise, moisture can be collected in the gaps, capable of damaging the monolith of the foundation tape during freezing.

From above, concrete is recomposed and left to dry. The process of drying and durability takes place for at least 8 ÷ 10 days. After the foundation is readily, it remains only to install slate sheets.

Cement prices and Basics of mixtures

Cement and Basics of Mixtures

Pillars without a ribbon foundation

  • If there is no opportunity or desire to arrange a foundation for a fence from slate, you can do and install only columns. In this case, the openings will be required to deepen them. Start work, as well as when the foundation is built, with the markup of the line of the future fence.

In this embodiment, one rope is sufficient for marking, which is stretched from the point of binding to the length of all the fencing in one or two sides.

  • Next, the location is measured and place the locations of the installation of columns. A peg or stretch of fittings is installed in the center of the future hole.
  • Then in the marked places are drilled by holes. In this case, they must be a depth of at least 1000 mm and have a size larger diameter or cross-section of pipes in two ÷ two and a half times.

This must be done because the pipe will not have such supporting walls that would provide its rigid verticality, which racks in the complex with a tape foundation. It means that its position will need to strengthen, welding several reinforcement segments to the bottom of the pillar, placing their crosswise.

This is especially important to do if round or square columns that have a small cross section are installed.

  • If for reference racks are used asbesto concrete Pipes that have a rather large diameter (150 ÷ \u200b\u200b200 mm), they themselves should stand steadily and do not require additional spacer items.
  • The bottom of the well is falling asleep sand and crushed stone, and then it's good to ram.

Then the column is installed, stones are covered around it, and then the remaining space is pouring the space with concrete solution. Immediately definitions the verticality of the installation immediately, and then all this is left alone by 8 to 10 days - to a good setting and frozen concrete.

The next step of the columns is supplied with horizontal lags, which will give the structures stiffness and will serve as the basis for fastening slate sheets.

The columns are connected with horizontal jumpers - lags

As a lag, you can use the square pipe or metal corner into which the wooden bar is enshrined - it will be easier to fasten slate sheets.

To secure horizontal lags on round pipes, they are welded special metal lining-ears having holes.

Video: One of the ways to install columns for the fence

Montage of slate sheets

After the basis is ready, go to, actually, the installation of fences from slate sheets.

  • Metal sheets to fasten easy - for them are used special tapes with heads, having a color of slate sheets, equipped with a press washer and rubber gasket

Metal slate is screwed to lags at the bottom of the wave.

  • Fastening wave asbesto concrete Slate is made through the top of the wave. Sheets can be fixed with slate nails or self-drawing. But before screwing the screws or score nails, it is necessary to drill holes for them with a drill and a special drill. When tightening or driven fasteners, rubber or silicone gaskets are put on them.

  • It is very important to set a strictly vertically first sheet of a number. It is installed in the construction level, fixed in two or three places, in addition to the edge to which the next slate sheet will be located (on one or two waves). The sheet is fixed on each crossbar of three - four self-tales.

  • A flat slate can be fixed not to lags, but in a frame from a metal corner, which is made by the size of the sheet. Rama is welded to the carrier pillars, and then installed in it asbestobeton Flat sheet. Then, from the back of the frame, metal stoppers are welded, which will hold slate inside. This method is the most optimal When installing a fence of a flat slate, since there is no need to drill holes that weaken the material - with even a non-mechanical mechanical effect on the sheet, a crack can go. The lack of such a method is only one - a large consumption of metal rolling.

If the Sheet of SCORT Slate will be installed on the foundation and bonded to lags or ears, welded to the supporting pipes, the holes are carefully measured and neatly dried. In this case, the mount is carried out by bolts, which rubber gaskets are put on both sides. And besides them, a wide metal washer is worn before spinning the nut.

Furniture or other decorative design

In order for a fence from a metal slate to have a finished look, it can be made by special fittings, which are produced for wall metal products - it is corners of different sizes, a P-shaped plank, which will close the upper and lower edge of the fence, the lower protective bar closing, if necessary, the gap Between the foundation and slate, as well as roofs of different types for support columns. All these details can be chosen in color to the main shade of slate or, on the contrary, to acquire their other coloring, which is well combined with most of the fence.

Flat slate can be covered with monophonic paint, and you can even show creativity and transfer an image of a corner of nature or another interesting drawing (graffiti), which will complement the overall view of the entire courtyard.

In addition to aesthetic transformation, slate, covered with paint, will also acquire additional protective qualities, as the hygroscopicity of the material will decrease.

The task for creative owners is an artistic painting (graffiti) on the fence

You can paint not only flat slate, but also wave, although the latter can be purchased as painted.

The fence from any slate is easy to install and affordably at a price, so it is installed both on between two neighboring sites and on the border with the street. This material will give the appearance of the territory accuracy and from the street, and from the inside of the yard, so suitable for any designer and color solving at home.

Video: An example of a slate collection