Repairs Design Furniture

Clothes rack do it yourself: types, designs, drawings, manufacture. Clothes hangers Outdoor main types and features Mobile hanger for clothes do it yourself

The corridor of the cozy residential premises begins with an important attribute - hangers. Thanks to her, it is possible to clean up the hallway. This indispensable piece of furniture can be bought, and you can get a hanger with your own hands for clothes. If there are elementary skills, desire and sketch of the finished attribute, then you should not stop, you need to make it yourself.

To the hallway was cozy, It is necessary that all the furniture in it be perfectly chosen in color and style. It's troublesome business, it is necessary to approach him with full responsibility.

The hallway in the standard apartment has very small sizes, so put there a wardrobe or chest of drawers there is not possible. But the clothes hanger must necessarily be, it will be the only subject attracting attention.

So that your entrance hall is different from others, you need to make the main attribute of its own hands. This will not only increase the rating of the owner, but also create a unique atmosphere in the entire apartment.

Many models. They are used for clothing and for small accessories. Wall and floor structures are found, which are equally well "performing their work." Any of two options can be made independently, the main thing is to be accurately represented as it should look in the finished form.

Advantages and disadvantages

If there is no place in a small corridor, then you can make a small, unusual hanger. It will serve both clothes and umbrellas or bags. Wall-mounted hanger for clothes with their own hands make it easy. From the materials will suit:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

The advantage of the design is:

  • compactness;
  • functionality;
  • a variety of forms.

Such a model is suitable for a small hallway. In addition to hooks, it can make shelves for storing hats, gloves and other accessories. Under it you can put shoes, and bags and umbrellas can be hung on extra hooks.

For the manufacture of such an indispensable item, you can use various materials, combine them, thanks to your fantasy.

The disadvantage of it is stationarity and the installation itself, in the process of which you have to drill holes in the wall. In case of incorrect or fragile installation, there may be problems in subsequent operation. And if during the permutation you want to transfer it to a new place, then you will need to remove the hanger and repair the wall.

The simplest model of such an accessory in the hallway is Planckon which hooks are nailed. The description was not colorful, but if for its manufacture, take the exclusive material, then the product will turn out exclusive.

If a wooden plank is taken for the product, it can be treated with different methods: grinding, colorful, etc. Hooks for hangers can be from real wooden hooks, metal hooks, from door handles and other material. They can be all the same or different, which looks very unusual.

So that the child always undressed himself, he needs a fun hanger. In this case, you can look after children's hooks in the form of cartoon characters or beloved animals. Because children's things are not so heavy, hooks for the product can serve any interesting plastic toys, for example: balls, cups, etc.

Small size rubber animals can be attached to the bar using a superclone or special glue for rubber.

To the hallway in the house looked original, you can kill different hooks in chaotic order to the wall, where there will be hooks for a child.

Old forks or spoons You should not throw out, you can make excellent hooks for the hanger, if you slightly bend the end. If the storage room occupies a place for old anyone not the necessary skis, they can be used as a plank for hangers. It is necessary to refresh them a little with paint, and nail decorative elements that are hooks. Seeing such beauty made by yourself, your guests will envy you.

For those who do not know how to work with a tree, but wishes to have an original product, there is a way out. In the store you need to buy a special decorative self-adhesive film, imitating a wall hanger, and glue it onto the wall. It remains only to choose the material for hooks and attach them to the wall.

Find a lot of fresh ideas, as well as master classes on the manufacture of wall structures, can be on the Internet.

Outdoor designs are different, so not all of them will be suitable for residential premises. Consider their options in Read more:

Pros and cons

This item is not only functional, but also stylish. Showing fantasy, you can give the product the most unusual forms. The advantage of hangers is:

  • mobility;
  • lack of installation work;
  • large selection of forms.

Mobility - An important feature of the design that becomes more noticeable during the repair, when permuting and even with a complete change of the style of the room.

During the installation of the outdoor accessory, it is not necessary to make holes in the wall and spoil the decorative coating. If the hanger is not needed in the summer, then it can be simply transferred to another place or hide into the storage room.

Models of floor hangers are distinguished by sizes, material and forms. The product made by your own hands will fully fit your tastes and the selected room style.

Most outdoor structures have one drawback - dubious stability. Before proceeding with its manufacture, you need to provide maximum safety and stability. To the reverse side of the legs, the supports should be attached, the so-called, sole, so that the material does not scratch and did not spoil the floor. On the hanger there should be no pointed components that can damage clothes.

This model will differ from the wallSince it will take some place on the floor for its location. It will be more difficult to make a product, but it will not be able to stop a person who tries to decorate the interior of his home exclusive things.

From the old tree

The easiest option is to use an old tree painted paint. Of course, there should be durable branches on his trunk, which will serve as hooks. The stand for such a hanger can be any heavy flat object, the form of which does not matter.

If you have wooden stairs after repair, you will have a wonderful hanger. The length of the bar is selected, which will fasten the stairs. It is nailed from above so that one staircase is on the one hand, and the other on the other. At the height of the first or second stage, the shelf from the board is made from below. Its edges are also fixed with nails.

Depending on how many stairs at the stairsAnd what clothes will hang on this hanger, you can make another shelf. Things on such a model hang on hangers, which makes them always straightened, well-groomed. By the way, it can be painted in any color. The main advantage of such a design is that it can accommodate a significant amount of clothing.

For making at home, flooring-floor-laborers, you can use round or profile metal or plastic pipes. To get a steady product, 1.7 meters high, it is better to take sewer pipes 60 mm. The reason is better to make square. A detailed master class on the manufacture of such a design can be found on the Internet.

If there is an old floor lamp in stockYou can use it as a basis for the product. You need to remove the old lampshade and remove the wire. Come on the hooks, or use the wire frame of the lamp. If the floor of the lamp requires painting, then you need to prepare work, but only after them - paint the product.

Very nice and original will look at the product made with your own hands with forged metal elements. The design models can be found on the Internet, wrought-iron elements from artwork masters. To assemble a hanger from the details obtained, a welding machine will be required. After connecting parts into a single design, it is necessary to degrease it with a solvent, and then paint.

Worn hangers always look stylish. They can be added to the interior in the classic style. Openwork wrought iron elements are perfectly combined with attributes of various styles.

Relieved hanger with her own hands - the idea is fruitful. The theater begins with hangers; House too. In the sense of spirit, atmosphere, "energy". The reason is simple: the first thing that looks out the guest - where to hang up the upper clothes. And if the hanger is clearly self-made, but convenient, stable and durable, positive renome owner is provided.

The second argument for making a hanger with your own hands, is prosecated: purchased prices are clearly disproportionate with production costs. A homemade clothes hanger will save quite visible in the budget amount. It is easy to make it, the material will take a bit, go into business and waste from repair. In most cases, you can do the tool.

These factors are especially felt, if the floor hanger is placed in the hallway. In addition, it can be a dryer, if its frame design, see further, because On such hangers, clothing is comfortable to hang on her shoulders, and the hanger moves away from the wall. If the house managed to harvest the dressing room, then the outdoor hanger is the optimal option. The cost of floor hangers is significantly higher than wall mounted, but there is nothing in the design, which would not allow to make an outdoor hanger on their own.

On the floor or on the wall?

The said is already enough to make a choice, just if the floor area was enough. However, the approach is completely attractive than an attractive hanger in a floor-type hallway:

  • Clothes raving on her shoulders will dry faster, not stretching; The collar and lining do not rush.
  • On a hanger width approx. 1.5 m is placed a seasonal set of clothing of the whole family, which will save on the closet and square under it.
  • The blatus is naturally attached to the outdoor hanger, which simplifies the work on the equipment of the hallway and saves its area.
  • With properly calculated sizes of the hanger, neither the wall from the clothes or clothes about the wall is not damaged.
  • The mobility of the hanger does not prevent the rearrangement of furniture; After moving the hangers, you do not need to close the mounting holes in the wall.

However, outdoor hangers are different, and not all of them are most suitable for residential premises. For example, to orders (from Star. Russian. "Order" - office, office, office) Hanger-lands, pos. 1-4 in Fig., Wash clothes on the shoulders are inconvenient. Because of the small area of \u200b\u200bthe support, they are twisted, especially loaded with winter wet clothing. To emphasize the functional damage to the product, such hangers call the lishes, and they often go to this name.

Types of floor hangers

The best option is the same theatrical dressing frame hanger, pos. five. Performed for residential premises it is complemented by shelves for hats, shoes and gloves / scarves; Perhaps an additional barbell for ties, pos. 6. The lack of "legs" of the hangers are confused under their feet. In trying to get rid of it came up with hangers - frames on the stand, pos. 7, but generally speaking, they roll even more than ordinarians hung. Another option is a hanger frame without legs, leaning against the wall; We still remember this. There are still frame hangers of a folding structure, but in everyday life they have almost no advantages.

If in the hallway with a place in general tight, then more suitable is still a wall hanger. Simple wall hanger-scab, pos. 1 in fig., Maximum compact, but it is not more convenient as possible, except that the next jacket does not fall from the next jacket. Hanger-shelf, pos. 2, it will not fall, if attached as it should, and hats / caps from it, too, but the wall and clothing rub each other.

Types of wall hangers

Wall hanger-panel, pos. 3, saves the wall, but not clothes. Most of all replete leather things on such hangers. Kozhevniki in a joke advise: how, they say, distinguish a sheep of face leather from her the knuckles? The first on everyday use the hanger-panel loses the view of 2 winter, and the second is for clauses. Given the cost of products from genuine leather, it is not good anywhere. Therefore, the hanger-panel on the wall for expensive things is often equipped with a soft upholstery, pos. 4. What is up to wall hangers with openwork shield, pos. 5, then in this case its value is only decorative: neither things, nor the walls he protects.

Floor hangers with lanam and a banquette

There are still floor-panel hangers with a stand, for example. in the form of a handy, chest or varnish, pos. 1 in fig. on right. This option is not from the best: someone once will be put on the lid, and the clothes removed from the hanger it will wake on the floor. Much more practical outdoor hangers-panel with a banquette, pos. 2. The flower under the seat is the matter of taste of the owners, if only he survives there, but a shoe or a flasher for her care accommodation in a box of a banquet place.

Clothes and keys

Regarding the hawk-panel at the amateur mastery, an additional opportunity appears, namely: to supply such a sidewall to the far from the entrance door of the edge. Perhaps not reaching up to bottom, with a force or a notch. Factory do not do this: the hanger must be designed for drinking clothes on the side. One sidewall does not interfere with this, but it is not known how the hanger will stand at the buyer, but to make the right and left hangers.

What gives such an add-on? Place for a key, invisible from the threshold. In the same place, on the side, it can stand in a trumulous or a cabinet, but the main thing is to be a random visitor to the eyes of the eye, and they are in sight, according to criminologists, a serious factor of spontaneous unlawful actions, without which, i.e. The temptation, the visit is not quite a trusty subject would be safely for both the owners, and for him. You can, of course, make the key luxuriously decorated and with secret constipation, but it is a considerable work and the cost of materials. And so - there will be a simple handus with hooks. Or only hooks, screwed to the sidewall outside the clothing section.

We assume that the suitable design is already selected, and we will do how to make a hanger. Preferably wooden: the material is noble, natural, easily processed. Do not forget other versions; In some cases, more comfortable. Let's start with outdoor hangers as the most functional.


Lovers embrace from the soul, which have a milling tool on wood, can immediately take up the floor frame hanger with legs. Completed from the tree of fine-layer hardwood (oak, beech, rhine, walnut, birch), it looks gorgeous, and in the width takes only 360 mm floor.

As a prototype, a costume hanger is well suited, you just need to make it higher and move up the trouser crossbar so that the shoulders can be hung on it. Instead of a tongue rod and handles, you can install the shelf, and the shoe shelf is mounted at the bottom. The drawings of such a hanger are shown in Fig.:

Wooden floor hanger drawings

With the specified other sizes, the structural and overall width (dimensions 430 and 460 compound) without compromising strength and stability can be increased by 1-1.4 m, i.e. The hanger will be already a family width to more than 1.8 m. self-orienting wheels, if complete mobility needs, are installed without problems.

About hooks and trempels

Bags, umbrellas, scarves are also left on the hanger, and the bachelor can also be a skirt with women's linen. It happens, life is life. Clothes are also more convenient to hang on the hooks. Therefore, in frame hangers, sometimes on the main rod (the former trouser in the figure; height 1360) put on the hooks-slings. Their or shoulders, depending on the need, shifted the side of the Skop. But the hooks-runners under the fingers turn into the most inopportune moment. In the hanger of this design and similar to it, the problem is solved simply: the main rod for the shoulders, and still hooks are attached to the top board.

Pipes and profiles

Original hangers are obtained from round or profile metal or plastic pipes, see fig. Nevertheless, despite all the tricks of the design, their organic vices are not going anywhere. The same as the ordinal hung. But high labor intensity is added: to hide the connecting nodes, it is necessary to strain both hands and heads.

Hangers from pipes

From the pipes it is better to make a square base of the flooring-lamps. With the same withdrawable area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, the distance between the points of the support increases 1.4 times. If you still take the base, then weighing up to 1.7 m, it turns into a full-fledged hanger. Most suitable sewer pipes 60 mm.

A brief master class in pictures on the manufacture of the base of the floor hanger from the pipes is shown on the trail. Fig. Cut pipes - 150-300 mm, depending on how much gender you can give the hanger. In addition to them, you will need 3 straight tees, 4 straight angle and 4 plugs. Connections - on a glue for propylene or PVC, depending on the material of the pipe. Weighing - sand or small rubble.

Production of the base of the hangers of pipes

One of the comments to the original design begins with the question of about this: "Why was it possible to just solder?". Judging by the fact that then in the same comment, the angles of 90 with an obvious claim to professionalism are called discharges (plumbing taps are oblique tees), 2-3 more and as much exclamation are asked to an intercom.

Nevertheless, the author of the product, even if not knowing the sanitary terminology, decided the task quite in engineering. Hermetic junctions of a hanger for nothing, and the glue tube will cost much cheaper the rental chapter for propylene. Which, besides, you need to learn how to use, rewriting the material to the material. For a lot of reliability, you can reinforce with phosphatized (black) screws: on black their heads are not visible, and the hanger strength will not lose.

Note: Vfed in the original design, too, from the pipes, but the design of it, to be honest, not ... It would be better to drill oblique holes in the rack and insert some durable pins in the same glue; Wooden, metal.

Simple Rama

Scheme of simple wall-wall hangers from pipes

The frame hanger from the pipes can be without legs, just leaning against the wall with a slope. However, the slope should be negative. Between the wall and clothing on the shoulder should be at least 350 mm. If the tilt of the frame is positive (the upper crossbar is adjacent to the wall), then the lower "leaves" from the plinth by 500-600 mm. In a small hallway, this is a serious inconvenience. In addition, behind the lower crossbar or will be cling to the legs and it will beat the floor, or it will have to be attached to the floor, and this is very bad: any violation of the flooring is fraught with complex and expensive emergency repairs. Have you seen on sale furniture you need to screw up? Is that special purpose, for example. rack. And that, there, too, try to do fasteners to the walls and, in the extreme case, the ceiling.

The scheme of frame hanger with a negative slope from the pipes is shown in Fig. Materials are the same: segments of direct sewer pipes 60 mm, angles 90 and direct tees. The withdrawn of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is zero. Below can be a shoe or a banquette. For mounting to the wall, so as not to bury a lot and do without expensive collet anchors, it is better to take a couple more tees: with their help holding beams - stretch marks are attached to the wall of the pair of self-tales in dowels each.

Wall mounted

Simple hangers - Panels do not require a special parsing. How made a wooden wall hanger, see eg video.

Here we remember, firstly, about the hanger-sconce. Foldable, it can be very useful if a large company or a child gathered returned from the courtyard at least lick.

An example of a design of this kind is shown on the right in Fig. However, its creators were clearly guided by the principle: "Consumption is the basis of money turnover." The outer (folded form) side of the folding plate is inactive, and the locking mechanism is needed. And another single hanger for every day.

Compact folding wall hanger

Meanwhile, folding wall hangers are known since the time of Ancient Egypt. In the local climate, the upper clothes were abandoned by occasionally, in bad weather, but after socks it was necessary to dry. To keep a separate hanger in the edges where the rain and cold times a year not every year, there was no point, so they came up with such as on the right in Fig.

In folded form, the Compact wall hanger of the Egyptians was fixed by a cypress stick. Now, of course, you can put a ball retainer or just a hook. The main thing is the hooks of the hooks must be in 3/4 of the circle, then they will not fall off with them and with a folder. And without need, the whole hanger looks like a wand on the wall; On hooks you can hang bags, umbrellas, keys.

More about hooks

The original wooden hanger can be made at all without metal, not counting fasteners. Do not rush to throw out the New Year's pine or tree (only workpieces you need to turn upside down):

Video: Original tree hanger do it yourself

Best of all, such a hanger will look at the country, in a brusade or a skeleton house. Depending on the interior design - both in the urban apartment. It will greatly go into the bath: the touch of sparkling skin to the metal and unpleasant, and to some extent even is even attempting.

Hangers in children

Probably, all children scatter wear. It is not necessary to especially marry them for this: not known in the reasonable limits of chaos, they do not seek order. Who is against - answer the question of Friday to Robinzon Cruzo: "Why does God not kill the devil?"

Nevertheless, teach children to handle things as needed. Only a children's hanger so as not to cause explicit psychological rejection, it should look somewhat disordered. It is also very desirable that it is associated with a child with a favorite game or hobby. Examples of wall hangers in the children's type "Game / Hobby" are given to pos. 1 and 2 Fig.

Baby hangers

Universal method of this kind - hanger-tree, pos. 3. In the wood circuit, as in any fractal structure, order and chaos interact and complement each other, generating a harmonious whole. Do not forget to make a tree again, for example. From plywood from 12 mm, and as it should, with a step of no more than 250-300 mm, attach to the wall with screws from 6 mm in propylene dowels. Tree, it's climbing on it.

Outdoor hangers in the nursery for the same reason are undesirable: well, they will still get climb, and rumble. Therefore, if you already want a floor hanger in the nursery, you need to do this on which you can't fit, which is visible to pos. 4 and 5.

About Study Plywood

In any case, there are problems in front of the parents to which there are no small things: the consumption of material and labor intensity. Draw a complex contour on the grid on a whole piece of plywood is already not easy, then it needs to be exactly cut, which is even harder. And in the end it turns out that 60% or 80% of the material went into the departure, nothing more suitable. Needl, on the contrary, make a children's hanger tree from waste. Or uncoll down the one-piece sheet.

Build parts hanger-wood from plywood

The way for this has long been known: elemental cutting and assembly. If the wood is plywood, for the full strength of the finished product, every detail is gained from 2 layers, leaving acc. False and grooves, see fig. Fragments of billets are collected on PVA glue, a wood assembly or express (liquid nails). If the assembly on the PVA, fragments should be additionally copped with small nails with a snake with a step of 100-150 mm with an indent from the edges of 30-40 mm.

Collect a hanger-tree on the same glues, but now each connection must be made by the envelope tree screws. Then the gaps and fasteners heads (they need to drown them when assembling) are rubbed with a putty from sawdust of the same plywood on PVA. Such a tree and without painting, only under varnish, it will look solid.

Note: Just in case we will recall - all wooden parts of any wooden hanger before assembly need to be elapsed by the sandpaper of small numbers and treat the water-polymer emulsion or diluted water three-in-five PVA. After impregnation, before further work, they make a technological break until the details are completely drying (1-3 days, depending on its size).

And about the hooks - finally

Above on the illustrations, you most likely noticed the curved wooden hooks and others. Details of the hangers. They are quite possible to make at home. In production, dense small-layer, without defects, wood or water-resistant birch fane (BS varieties) bent heated with sprinkling or dry, but for homework, these methods are too complicated. More or less simply sprinkled only bamboo: the workpiece is boiled half an hour in a rapidly boiling water, after which it bends hands. In the case of bending on the template, the workpiece to it is needed quickly, until it has cooled, to climb a wide taper x / b or a strip of natural tarpaulin.

Raspil on wood

At home, it is easier to cut the blanks of the required configuration from the plywood sheet (any) or MDF of the desired thickness or twice the quadruple more by quantity, from a thin sheet material to dial it from the thickness. Cut the allowance for the first processing OK. 1 mm. The chopped blanks are tightly tightened with a package in joiner's visits or in a plug-in stripping from thick plywood and are processed by a rashpil on a tree in size, and then the skin is thoughtless. The rashpil is enough single, flat and semicircular working surfaces, see fig.

Billets are collected into the details described above. Face surfaces, if you need to hide the layered plywood structure, stick the film-self-keys with strips under the tree. After that, the part twice and three times lacquate acrylic varnish on a water basis; Nitrolac can spoil self-keys. It is not worth shaping (raging) with a plastic furniture edge: you need to accurately choose a groove under the anchor of the edge, for which the milling machine is required, but on curvilinear surfaces of the large curvature and the low-length edge still holds badly. And the details are saved by self-keys, under varnish, from whole wooden, not immediately differs from the master-chamber.

Space decoration creates a more cozy and organized residential premises. After the entrance door, the hallway can be called the first part of the apartment, which a man sees when returning home. This is the interior that presents the whole house. But too often an entrance hall becomes a "highway", where coats and shoes are discharged. But how beautiful when it is room, with love, decorated with your own hands!

People have a lot of excuses in order not to equip the entrance group. For example, they say that the room is small or narrow. But in this case, the more you need to develop furniture on individual sizes, and it is not necessary to order its production to those skilled in the art. With the creation of some designs, even women will be easy! There are many unique ways to make furniture items with their own hands so as to save time and money, just most people are not often thinking about them.

Trone or tree? Choose!

Incredible tree

By and large, the apartment should begin with a hanger, this item can be exclusive, made according to individual intent. As you know, hangers may look different. There are many designs from various materials, different colors, styles and sizes. Some of them are hiding behind the mirror in the closet, others hang on the wall, and the third stands on the floor. Outdoor hangers are beneficial to the fact that they can be easily moved, they occupy very little space.

Floor hangers in the form of birch are ideally suited for modern interior finishes. And you can make them from real thick branches. The new stand will bring unique accents and romantic feelings in the hall or hallway, decorate children's rooms in playful, interesting style, will become a certain divine island of nature.

Of course, the furniture in the form of a tree will be loved in the house. Our ancestors deified the trees that occupied not the last place in the rituals. Today there are oaks that lived more than one century, they are also considered special.

Outdoor hanger rack, repeating natural shapes, looks impressive, its design is ideal for small rooms. Elegant natural forms can be cut out of plywood.

Plywood consists of three or thinner layers of wood connected along with glue. Each layer is usually focused, it passes at a right angle in relation to the neighboring layer to reduce the shrinkage and improve the strength of the finished product. Parts of plywood can be formed in complex curves for use in the production of beautiful natural design:

  • A sketch is drawn before purchasing materials. After that, sizes are calculated.
  • Mastery in trifles - I need to saw, laying out plywood sheets on a completely even plane.
  • In order to protect the material from chips, the line on which sheets will be cut, sculpt the PVA glue.
  • The finished product is covered with varnish or paint.

And even the king will envy!

It is also interesting to design created by your own hands in the form of a chair. When it is produced, you can use boards. The original handmade furniture looks like a royal throne, in combination with any type of decoration, it will become not only a functional addition to the house, but also the central element of the hallway.

The design of such a chair is very simple for any person engaged in carpentry work. The most interesting, useful detail of this model is a square mirror, without which there is no one room at the entrance, it makes the furniture richer. The durable model has 5 hooks, children can get up to the chair to remove or hang their coat. The main condition is stability, it must be checked after the manufacture.

Three brilliant ideas

The idea of \u200b\u200bAlicia Prussakovskaya

Knowing that the most important detail of the tempting, beautiful hallway design or hall is a comfortable storage desk with a bench or a unique hanger, Krakow designer has developed outdoor furniture with a place to store shoes on which you can sit down. A separate item intended for flexible use in the corridor resembles a white box with a collection of thin wooden skis. It would probably look like a skis sticking out of the snow if the athletes turned over, making a known, and fell into a snowdrift. Curved hooks at the ends of pine boards are located at different heights to hang coats and accessories.

Ergonomic forms, roundings and bends in the plan emphasize the beauty, the nobility of the model. Place for storing shoes, playing the role of seating, made of four sections of white lacquered fibreboard of medium density (MDF) fiberboard bonded from pine details. Hook elements are formed from pine boards.

When working, traditional wood processing methods were used, for example, garbage hooks were cut off manually, with a chisel. "My goal was to design an object that would be useful and visually attractive," the designer shares his idea. Holes designed to install pine boards are decorated with wood hoops.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGerman designers

Christine Gerold and Katharina Ganz developed outdoor furniture with unique hooks resembling birds, resting on power lines. Such a model will increasingly decorate any entrance hall. Hooks for clothing are picturesquely located on a metal guide, and directed up at an angle of 45 degrees. The legs of the furniture are made of birch, the metal pipe of the circular section is neatly inserted between them, which looks very elegant, it really resembles the electrical wire.

Removable fittings for clothing allow you to hang on them upper clothes on both sides, similar forms can also be used to store hats, umbrellas and bags.

In the same principle, but using other materials and decor, many unique models can be developed. For example, make a wooden design of 6 boards and 3-wooden sticks, round in diameter. Such furniture, 70 cm high, convenient to collect and disassemble, it will look good in the children's room.

Idea from Japan

Japanese designer Yasu Mifuna created a design from a steel rod curved back and forth and attached to a circular base. As a result, there are three horizontal stripes. The stand is compact, it does not take place at all. Flat wrappers from plywood neatly fit on the base of furniture when they are not required, and held with a short rod.

"Sometimes there are situations when furniture for clothes is not particularly needed, for example, if you need to hang only a scarf," says designer. This floor hanger is ideal for summer clothes and decorates the room.

From nothing - something

Do not rush to throw out the old door

Do not hurry to take the old one, but a strong door, if it had to be changed on a modern model. After all, you can make a gorgeous hanger for a country house in the style of Provence!

For the main design, there will be conventional boxes, 5-6 beautiful and reliable hooks for clothing, 2 parts from thick plywood and 2 decorative metal bracket. After assembly, the hanger is worth painting using crane techniques. Boxes that will play the role of the shelves for shoes and at the same time serve a bench (you can sit on it to go), you should decorate with decorative pillows.

How to make furniture for half an hour

In the production of its own hands stylish, comfortable furniture for clothing, you can use fittings for water pipes, connecting parts from wood or directly pipes. Multiple schemes create multiple structures.

Copper details of furniture made by their own hands look both vintage and very modern - it is still a beautiful home design trend. Details made of metal, appreciated by centuries, decorate space, make it elegant, stylish. Using copper plumbing accessories and wooden chopsticks, bought in a shopping store, you can create a chic hanger in just half an hour.

  • Purchase materials. The inner diameter of copper adapters must coincide with the diameter of wooden sticks.
  • Cut sticks. 2 pieces-1300 mm, 2 pieces-800 mm, 4 pieces-200 mm, 6 pieces-100 mm.
  • Connect sticks with copper details.
  • If the design is sustainable, the parts are fastened with glue.
  • Using universal drawings, racks can be projected to any size.

When the furniture is made with their own hands from metal pipes, you need to take into account that it will be sufficiently heavy. To easily move it easily, it is worth using wheels.

Applying a wooden box, the design is easy to complement the place for shoes.

One of the most interesting ideas of creating furniture from unusual materials is the use of pallets in its production. Pallets are extraordinary in the sense that you can make absolutely any furniture from them. If the apartment is overloaded with things, and a person faces certain problems, the production of places for storage of things from pallets will be a great help. Pallets turn ordinary apartment into fashionable and stylish space, which are decorated with unusual models, including those intended to hang bags, hats, scarves and more.

The special character of such furniture will give hooks for clothes, they are just as selected to the clothes of buttons, form the whole style.

This project can be made with your own hands with pretty simple tools:

  • pencil
  • pallets
  • hand saw
  • nails
  • a hammer
  • measuring tape
  • nail-holder
  • sandpaper
  • level

Brushes, paints and varnishes will be useful in order to make a hanger for clothes with their own hands even more unusual. Add an interesting color that will change the hallway or foyer is a wonderful idea. After the furniture is made, its surface is prepared and polished, paint can be used by any shades, in accordance with the individual taste and the rest of the decor. You can also apply the remains of the paints that the walls of the house painted. Enamel is applied in several layers.

The ideas of making hangers for clothes do it yourself: photos and drawings of hangers for an entrance hall. Diverse options for making homemade hangers for clothes.

The clothes hanger can be made with your own hands from practically the girlfriend who are lying at home without a case. Folk craftsmen do not cease to surprise their ingenuity, this is a clear example homemade hanger for clothes from ordinary forks.

A similar option of hangers from metal spoons.

Clothes rack from the pallet.

Here is a clothes hanger from the pallet, and again the old pallet was applied. The wooden pallet is cut into two parts from each half of the pallet can be made along the hanger, it is enough to paint the workpiece and attach screws to the hooks.

Another option of the pallet hangers, the whole wooden pallet is used here, it is grinding sandpaper, staining the boards in different colors and attach hooks.

Wood hanger.

Such a hanger is more suitable for the cottage or bath, as hooks here are used wooden swirls, fixed in a wooden structure.

Hanger of metal profile and bars.

The design consists of several bars and metal profiles of fastened.

Wooden hanger with your own hands.

Here used a wide board with imitation under a piece of old wood, clothing hooks are made of bars and fastened with screws screwed on the back side of the board.

Wood is burned with a soldering lamp than and the original product texture is achieved, the final stage of the coating of the hanger with a transparent varnish.

In this embodiment, it was not without carvings.

And in this design, door handles are used instead of hooks for clothing, which can also be covered with paint.

An interesting option of hangers from boards.

Original homemade hanger in the form of a tree.

For the manufacture, a thick plywood is used, the contour of the pattern of the tree is drawn and is muffled with electric jigsaw. The design is painted and attached to the wall of the dowels.

Hangers for children's clothing.

Details of the hangers are cut from plywich from plywood and paint bright colors, so you can make a hanger in the form of animal figures.

Outdoor clothes hanger do it yourself.

The easiest option of the floor hanger for clothes from pipes, for the manufacture you will need a thin pipe from aluminum 2 - 2.5 m. The pipe must be used, as shown in the picture and clothes hanger is ready.

Wall hanger from pipes.

And this hanger consists of a drawing on the wall, the hooks for clothes are attached to the dowels right into the wall.

It is necessary to store clothes so that it does not lose its attractiveness, and find the right outfit always easily. But what it will be - several nails driven into the wall, or stylish and elegant outdoor hanger? The floor hanger for clothing can be not only a functional subject, but also a significant element of the interior, making notes of a certain style and charm.

Pros and cons of outdoor hangers

The main disadvantage of the outdoor design is its dubious stability, especially for low-cost products. But if you think about it in advance, for which items there will be a future hanger, you can choose a high-quality, fairly stable and secure model.

Advantages of outdoor hangers:

  • Mobility. This item is easy to transfer to another place. If you have made a permutation, repairs, added a new element of the interior to the room or vice versa - they freed the space from unnecessary things, perhaps now the hanger will look more harmoniously look elsewhere.
  • Lack of installation work.When installing wall-mounted hangers, it often requires holes in the wall that damage the decorative coating. When dismantling the holes will be visible, and the wall fragment will have to be repaired. If the floor's floor holder is no longer needed, just hide it into the utility room in a matter of minutes.
  • Wide range. You can choose an outdoor hanger under any style of the interior, for any type of clothing, accessories, and even shoes. They differ in size, manufacturing material, external design.

Clothes rack outdoor wooden

Wood hanger - the most popular option. The tree is strong and durable, therefore, such a hanger will be stable and reliable. There are lacquered and painted products, carved models, as well as the most laconic, which, by the way, can be made independently. Wooden stand for clothes will be appropriate in many style directions - from traditional classics to fashionable loft. It will decorate such a hanger and a room in the style of country, as well as the room in modern ecostel.

Metal floor hanger

Such a hanger has an impressive weight, so in its stability you can not doubt. Most often, metal hangers are made of chromed aluminum, which can be painted in a variety of colors. Separately, it is worth saying forged outdoor hangers. These are products that are not inferior on the practical qualities of the usual metallic, but have increased aesthetic properties. Worn hanger is a unique and elegant decoration of your hallway or verandas.

Clothes rack Outdoor IKEA

Holders from a variety of materials can be found in IKEA. IKEA rack can be a combination of materials. For example, plastic hangers by virtue of their small weight is unstable, so manufacturers use a plastic hybrid with a metal. Also, metal and wooden hangers are supplied with rubber or plastic hook tips (in order not to spoil the clothes) and legs (to protect the floor covering).