Repairs Design Furniture

Sizes and characteristics of claying blocks. Ceramzit concrete blocks and their real characteristics Ceramzite Blocks Heat engineering characteristics

The choice of building material is carried out at the initial stage of designing the construction and is one of its most important tasks. Having made this choice correctly, it is possible to ensure not only the preparation of a warm, comfortable and reliable home, but also to save both the time requested to achieve the final result and the number of financial investments.

It should be borne in mind that the correctness of the choice of material for construction depends on many factors, starting on the type of soil, on which the structure will be erected and ending with the required temperature inside. Some of the universal types of building materials for the construction of walls of low-rise buildings are ceramzite concrete blocks. The pros and cons of this is the development material today we will consider.

Ceramzit concrete blocks

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of ceramzite concrete blocks is the absence of chemically harmful substances and compounds. Building material is manufactured only from environmentally friendly components, which explains their safety of application for the construction of residential and public buildings. In addition, the advantages of ceramzite-concrete blocks can be called:

    low weight;

    increased bending strength and crown;

    high vaporizolation properties;

    low thermal conductivity;

    resistance to the effects of microorganisms, mold and fungus;

    resistance to temperature drops;


The use of wall ceramic concrete blocks allows us to build buildings for a short period of time, since the technology of working with this material is quite simple and professionals will cope with it at times faster than, for example, when using bricks. The size of the house is also affected by the size of the ceramzite concrete unit. And using in the aggregate, other types of building and finishing materials can be attached to the appearance of the building individuality and uniqueness, without spending a large number of finance.

Construction of a house of ceramzite concrete blocks and bricks

Ceramzit concrete blocks are poorly transferred even the most important values \u200b\u200bof shock and dynamic loads - this is the most significant lack of building material. Another minus - the ceramzite-concrete blocks are poorly perfectly smooth cutting.

Cutting process of a ceramzite concrete block

In the process of sawing or cutting on the edges of the block, chips and cracks are easily formed, which ultimately can affect the appearance of the structure. In particular, it must be considered when working with facial elements that will not be additionally facing. This is an essential argument so that when building a house from ceramzite-concrete blocks to contact only those specialists who have sufficient experience in such a form of work.

Construction of a house of ceramzite concrete blocks

Main characteristics

The main components of the ceramzite concrete blocks is cement, crushed clay and sand. Depending on which fraction is a clamzite in the composition, that is, the strength characteristics of the blocks change from its size. The greater the clamzite fraction, the strength of the block and its thermal conductivity is less.

Four different clay fractions

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from ceramzite concrete blocks. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

The existing dimensions of the ceramzite concrete blocks are provided for by GOST 613399 standards, in which they are divided into two main groups, namely:

    188x190x390 mm - elements intended for the construction of bearing wall structures;

    188x90x390 mm - elements intended for the construction of partitions.

Ceramzite concrete unit Sat - 12 (188x90x390)

Considering as a building material for partitions or bearing walls of the house, claymzit concrete blocks, dimensions need to be selected appropriate.

Ceramzit concrete blocks are divided into facial and ordinary, full and with the presence of emptiness. Facials are designed to create structures that do not need additional finishes, while the ordinary are additionally faced with a finishing material.

The separation of ceramzite concrete blocks on the hollow and full-scale is performed according to the presence of cavities in their design, the assignment of which is to reduce the weight of individual elements. In addition, the holes in hollow blocks increase its thermal insulation properties, but reduce strength and reliability when exposed to loads. Full-time block does not have holes.

Full-tempered ceramzite concrete blocks

Hollow ceramzite concrete blocks (3 vigilant)

8 Empty Ceramzite Block

It should be borne in mind that the clamping unit dimensions may not be accurate. A permissible deviation in width, height and length is the value of 10 to 20 mm equal to 10 to 20 mm.

Density and durability

When choosing a building material for the construction of bearing walls, it is necessary to pay attention to such characteristics as density and durability. The reliability of the finished design depends on the latter, and its heat-saving and acoustic properties density. The density of the blocks is in the range from 500 to 1800 kg / m³, while the ceramzite-concrete blocks will be changed accordingly from 10 to 23 kg.

In turn, the strength varies from 3.5 to 20, which corresponds to the values \u200b\u200bof the static load located in the range from 35 to 250 kg / cm². These parameters ensure the duration of the operating period for at least 60 years.

Look at the video simple test for the strength of ceramzite concrete blocks:

Frost resistance and fire resistance

The frost resistance of the building material plays a small role in the durability of the design. It is determined by the experimental way, in the course of freezing and thawing, completely impregnated with water of the ceramzite concrete block. Currently, the GOST is set 4 main stamps, differing in frost resistance, namely: F25, F35, F50 and F75.

The greater the number after the letter, the greater the number of freezing and thawing cycles will be able to withstand the ceramzite-concrete block.

Fire resistance of blocks of ceramzitobetone has the highest class. If the impact of open fire on the ceramzite-concrete block does not exceed 7-10 hours, then nothing will happen to it.

For details on clay-concrete blocks, see the video:

Pros and cons of houses from ceramzite concrete blocks

Houses made of ceramzite-concrete blocks have their advantages and disadvantages. The main positive attitudes of construction and finished structures include:

    Financial benefit. Expenditures are significantly reduced due to the low value of the material and work with it, and since the design of the ceramzite concrete is not heavy, then the reinforced foundation is not required, this also saves cash resources.

The process of masonry of ceramzite concrete blocks

    Warm house. Thanks to the porous filler of the blocks - clamzit, the designs of them are well kept warm.

    The walls of the house of ceramzite-concrete blocks are distinguished by durability, freely maintain the load of the slabs of the overlap.

    The houses from high-quality clay blocks are practically not subject to shrinkage, which prevents the formation of microcracks in the walls.

    Building material is environmentally friendly, which means the walls of scrap do not distinguish any harmful substances.

    Good noise insulation in the house.

    The plaster is well located on the walls of the ceramicit concrete blocks.

It is worth noting that the porosity of clay blocks is both a plus and a minus. The building material absorbs water well, and when frosts occur, the moisture is crystallized and begins to destroy the structure of the block. Therefore, houses from the ceramzit concrete blocks should be protected from moisture ingress by facing materials.

The disadvantages can also be called the occurrence of cold bridges, reduce the likelihood of which only thermal insulation will help. Cold bridges occur in the seams between individual elements.

Also, it is also possible to include the size of the block of a ceramzite concrete, and rather a limited choice - there are only two of them and they differ only - there is no possibility to choose the thickness of the walls of the house.

Wall of ceramic concrete blocks, insulated with foam and lined with brick

It is also worth noting that due to the fragility of the blocks they are a fragile base for fixing dowels and other types of fasteners. Therefore, choosing materials for internal and external work on the decoration should be guided by this condition.

Ceramzito concrete house: new trend in modern construction

Low-rise houses made using blocks from a ceramzite concrete can be called a new trend in modern construction. Using this material as the main in the construction of external walls and internal partitions, the time of work is largely reduced largely, and the heat supply is also simplified by the heat supply of the finished structure.

House: First floor of facial grainzit concrete blocks and mansard from a bar

Thanks to all the advantages, construction from clay-concrete turnkey blocks is much more acceptable, which means that more families will be able to afford their own private house.

Thus, choosing ceramzite-concrete blocks as the main material for the construction of your home, it is possible to count not only for operational terms of work, but also for their fairly acceptable cost. And this can be called one of the most significant arguments for those who decided to move from the bustle of a noisy city closer to nature.

Large house with attic and garage from ceramzite concrete blocks


Ceramzit concrete blocks as building material every year becoming more and more popular. If you want to save a little, contact the construction company, where you will be offered ready-made projects of houses from ceramzite-concrete blocks or constitute a unique project based on your wishes.

Did you decide to build a country house, and as a material you want to use clay-concrete blocks? Then you probably interest questions about their cost, sizes and many other things.

Time does not stand still, the range of "Classic Material Right from the Sixties" has increased markedly in recent years. This happened due to the fact that manufacturers want to stand out against the background of their competitors.

The main problem when searching for information is that 70% of advertising messages on the sale of ceramzite-concrete blocks are published by so-called repayments. Most of them contain unreliable data and distorts all information about wall blocks.

To help you understand all aspects of the choice of this building material, we wrote this article. Today you will learn that there are ceramzite-concrete blocks. Pros and cons, reviews, projects, sizes and prices - We tried to highlight the topic from all sides and we hope that the information collected by us will be useful to you.

Sizes and prices of ceramzite concrete blocks

Wall blocks are used for masonry wall, and their key indicator - strength, Since the main load accounts for them. Wall blocks are divided into:

  • quadsed (from 37 r. Puzzle);
  • forty (from 59 to 66 r. Puzzle);
  • two-frequency (from 40 to 45 r. Puzzle);
  • three-frequency (from 39 to 44 r. Puzzle);
  • multish (from 35 to 57 r. Puzzle);
  • (from 119 to 149 r. Puzzle);
  • through (from 119 to 270 r. Puzzle).

Ceramzit concrete blocks

Purpose vertical voids (or cracks) lies in the attachment of mass, density and thermal conductivity. IN full-length There is no ceramzitoblock of emptiness, so it is much harder and stronger than its analogues with through and non-separated holes. This type of material is used in the construction especially durable walls All types of buildings (multi-storey garage or at home).

Four-stranded hollows Wall blocks will become a good basis for the type of cottage and any other volumetric buildings.

Ceramzite concrete blocks, whose characteristics are appreciated by construction companies, asking houses of small floors not only in Russia, but also in European countries. They have a number of undeniable advantages: low weight, high strength, low heat transfer, good thermal insulation, sound insulation, refractory; resistance to low temperatures and chemical impacts; durability (up to 75 years), environmental safety and affordable price. Ceramzitobeton occupies a certain niche in the line of building materials - between bricks and blocks from aerated concrete and foam concrete.

What makes ceramzit concrete blocks

The manufacture of a ceramzitobetone consists in adding to a cement solution of clay gravel, having a fraction from 5 to 20 mm, and large clay sand. The size of the filler affects the strength and heat-saving characteristics of the unit: the larger the gravel, which is added to the molding ground, the less durable, but the house is warm. To increase the strength, frost resistance and fire safety, various chemical and mineral additives are also introduced into the mixture.

So that products from the ceramzite concrete correspond to technical specifications, the composition of the solution for the preparation of a particular brand is rigidly regulated by GOST. Before buying blocks, you need to make sure that the appropriate certificate and quality standard for this batch of goods are available. This will help you to avoid acquiring poor quality goods from the unfair manufacturer.

Classification of ceramzitobetone

Ceramzit concrete blocks are three types: heat-insulating, structural heat-insulating and structural.

In the production of thermal insulation blocks, large fractions of the ceramisite are used. When firing this type, a special technology is used, which ensures the bloody components, the pores of large sizes are formed. The panels of this species do not differ in high strength, but they have a low weight and high energy-saving indicators. Therefore, they are used as thermal insulation.

Constructive thermal insulation blocks have an increased density, which leads to an increase in their weight, but increase strength. Most often, the panel of this type is used to erect interroom partitions.

Constructive blocks are the hardest, but the most durable. Therefore, they are intended for the construction of carriers and other structures that are exposed to large loads (houses, bridges, overpass and so on).


Sizes of standard ceramzite-concrete blocks:

  • wall - 188 x 190 x 390 mm;
  • partition - 188 x 90 x 390 mm.

The dimensions of each surface of the block may have permissible deviations in the amount of 6-8 mm.

By the quality of the surface of the side faces, blocks are divided into:

  • private - are used to build walls requiring additional external finish;
  • facial - used to build buildings without subsequent finish of the facade.

Another detail, which is important - the presence of voids (from 0 to 40%). Blocks are hollow, which have through or uncork holes of different shapes. This reduces the weight of the material, but increases its thermal insulation properties. Full-time blocks, on the contrary heavier, but also more durable. It is from them that make a laying of capital walls that perceive high loads.

Density and durability

The strength of the ceramzitobetone is determined by the experimental way, that is, measurements of maximum loads are performed, in which the material begins to collapse. Strength varies from 25 to 300 kg / cm². The marking of this indicator looks like a letter M and a digital index denoting the maximum allowable load on the material in kg / cm². For example, M150: The figure 150 suggests that each square centimeter of the block can withstand the pressure of 150 kg, without subjected to the threat of destruction. Mark M300 is the most durable. The reliability and durability of buildings supporting structures depends on the strength.

The density of the ceramzite concrete varies depending on the filler (fractions size). The heat-saving and soundproof properties of blocks depend on this indicator.

Density and strength of various ceramzite concrete blocks:

Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity coefficient allows us to determine how well the material retains heat, and it is completely dependent on the density: the larger the gravel is added to the molding mass, the greater the structure becomes. That is, with an increase in density, the thermal conductivity of the blocks of ceramzite concrete increases and, as a result, energy-saving properties deteriorate.

Frost resistance and refractory

Resistance to low temperatures and to fire are those two indicators that affect the durability of the material.

Marking of the frost-resistance indicator looks like a letter F and a digital index, denoting the number of freezing and defrosting cycles that can withstand the block soaked in water without loss of strength.

As for the light resistance, the ceramzite concrete blocks have characteristics with the highest class of fire safety A1, which means that the designs from this material are able to withstand the test of fire for 7-10 hours and not collapse.

Specific and bulk weight

Such an indicator as the proportion of ceramzitobetone is rarely used in practice. This parameter depends on the type of filler applied and its quality.

For calculations of loads on the foundation and overlap, experts use such an indicator as the volumetric weight of the ceramzite concrete, which shows how much one cubic meter of blocks weighs.

Depending on the density of the solution used for the manufacture of blocks, the presence or absence of emptiness, the weight of the ceramzite concrete volume of 1 m3 varies widely:

Parp permeability

Another important is an important parameter that shows how much a ceramzite concrete is a "breathable" building material. This indicator is in the range from 0.094 to 0.256 mg / m * h * pa at density, respectively, from 1400 to 500 kg / m³. In addition, KB blocks can remove excess moisture from the air and return it in the case of low humidity.


This is the ratio of pore volume to bulk weight, that is, the ceramzite concrete can be heavy, easy and especially easy.


All manufacturers of KB blocks are applied to their products:

  • To - means that the material refers to the type of artificial stone;
  • C - wall;
  • P - partitioner;
  • L - facial;
  • P - ordinary;
  • UG - corner, proc - deacon, PZ - for dressing of seams, PS - hollow;
  • block length in cm;
  • stupidity;
  • frost resistance parameter;
  • density indicator.

Armed with these knowledge, you can find out all the necessary information about the material. Let's look at the labeling of the next block - CPR-UG-PS-39-35-15-500. The decoding will look like this: a stone, a partition, ordinary, angular, hollow, 39 cm long, with an indicator of 35 kg / cm² strength, frost resistance 15 cycles and a density of 500 kg / m³.

Weight of one block

How much is weighted by a ceramzite-concrete block, depends on how the type of ceramzite concrete it refers, as well as on its dimensions, porosity and the amount of clay in its composition. The weight of one ceramzite-concrete block can be in the range from 5 to 29 kg.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded: the ceramzite-concrete blocks are not inferior to their technical characteristics, but in many respects and are superior to a worthy competitor as a brick, although it is much cheaper. When using blocks from a ceramic concrete instead of brick, the following happens:

  • the load on the foundation is reduced by 2 times;
  • the cost of heating at home is reduced by 3 times;
  • construction deadlines are reduced many times;
  • major costs are reduced 4 times (one block is equal to masonry of 6-8 bricks).

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Ceramzit concrete plates and blocks are a worthy alternative to concrete. They possess the same strength and frost resistance as a brick. For large sizes, low weight and low thermal conductivity is similar to porous materials from foam and aerated concrete.

The classification of the building material is made by several features:

  • weight and size;
  • qualitative level of surfaces of the side faces;
  • the presence of emptiness.

The standards provide such dimensions:

  • 188 × 190 × 390 mm - wall elements;
  • 188 × 90 × 390 mm - Partition blocks.

These dimensions are considered ideal for rapid construction. The rate of construction of constructions from a ceramzite concrete is 4-5 times higher than from the brick. For masonry required 2-2.2 times less solution. This reduces the weight of 1 m2 walls 1.5 times. The mass of wall blocks is 14-26 kg. Partition elements weigh from 8 to 23 kg.

According to the quality of surfaces of the side faces, they are divided into 2 groups:

  • Private - applied to masonry walls, followed by outdoor design.
  • Facial - construction ceramzitoblocks with one decorative surface.

According to the presence and location of voids, 2 types of ceramzite-concrete stones are distinguished:

1. Full-time - durable elements with elevated density structure.

2. Empty (slotted) - blocks with through holes or hermetic emptiness. They have low thermal conductivity, so they can be used in a cold climate. Empties reduce weight weight and improve the sound insulation of the walls. Less raw materials are consumed, respectively, their price is reduced. Due to weak strength, hollow elements are used primarily in low-rise construction, for example, for, cottage or bath.

Technical characteristics of ceramzit concrete blocks

1. Density and durability.

These are the main qualities of products that affect energy saving, sound insulation and reliability of the bearing walls of the house. The density is in the range of 500-1800 kg / m3, it depends on the size of the filler.

To achieve the optimal ratio of thermal conductivity and strength, use grainzit of different fractions and fresh marking cement. Strength indicators are within 35-250 kg / cm2. The life of ceramzite concrete elements reaches 55-60 years.

2. Parry permeability.

Good throughput of the material prevents the formation of condensate. The ceramzitoblock is the perfect foundation for the construction of a bath, sauna, swimming pool or winter garden.

3. Heat resistance.

The combination of quality indicators determines the good resistance to the burning. Ceramzite concrete masonry blocks are actively used in the industrial and private construction of any category of complexity.

4. Frost resistance.

Up to 50 cycles of consistent freezing and thawing.

5. Energy saving.

The larger the size of the filler in the molding mass, the higher the heat-saving characteristics. The blocks have the ability to gradually accumulate solar energy, and then evenly give heat into the surrounding space. Thanks to this, the house in the winter is not cold, and in the summer heat comfortable.


The main technical parameters can be found out of the brand on the side surface. The first letter "K" means that it is an artificial stone. 2 and 3 letters contain information on the appointment and application field:

  • C - wall;
  • P - partitioner;
  • L - facial;
  • P - ordinary (with outdoor decoration).

The following 2 letters specify the location of the block in the masonry:

  • UG - corner;
  • Pr - derangess;
  • PZ - rebirth of seams;
  • PS - hollow.

Then there is a number 39 - length in cm. After the stamps of strength, frost resistance, density are indicated.

Material reviews

"Ceramzitoblock is an excellent option for private construction. I have repeatedly had to build country houses, garages, baths. Sizes are large, so the masonry is done quickly, vertical surfaces are obtained smooth and smooth. This is the main plus material. Ceramzit concrete walls are well preserved heat, but they are better to further insulate, for example, by extruded polystyrene foam. From above you can bind with brick or plaster. Of the minuses, I will note the increased fragility, which is why you have to buy blocks with a large stock. "

Alexander, Moscow.

"My many years of experience confirms that the fragility of the ceramzite concrete is really much higher than the slag blocks. But when building houses in 2 and even 3 floors, this deficiency does not create big problems. The stock of strength on such low buildings is quite enough. The characteristics of frost resistance and sound insulation correspond to the standards for exterior walls. For the foundation, the ceramzitobetone is never used. "

Evgeny, Moscow region.

Owners of owners houses

"Last year, built a bath from a ceramzite concrete in the country area. For a long time, it was not decided to buy this material, confused the reviews about the appearance of cracks from the cold or clogged dowels. However, positive characteristics and favorable prices pushed me to decisive actions. A bath with an assistant folded for 2 days. From the inside, the walls lined with ceramic tiles, from the outside heated with a sandwich panels. The steam room is perfectly holding a heat even in a strong frost. "

Vladislav, Nizhny Novgorod.

"I had to think much, from which to fold a country house. At first, I read different reviews, I studied the technical and operational characteristics of all modern building materials, then I made calculations of their quantity and cost. As a result, weighing all the pros and cons, made a choice in favor of the ceramzitobetone. Now after five years of stay I can say that I do not regret it at all. The outer walls built from wide blocks with 4 voids, for simpleness used narrow with two holes. Overlapping from wooden beams. To the advantages of the strength, good noise absorption, favorable price. From the shortcomings, I note the need for additional insulation. 2 years after construction, the facade was separated by a facing brick, the house was much warmer and more comfortable. "

Does the construction of the house do it yourself? In this case, it's time to think about the choice of high-quality and, importantly, inexpensive building materials. In this article we will tell about one of these materials - about concrete prepared with the addition of clay.

Scope of application

In the photo - the consistency of the building mortar

Instructions for the use of solutions with the addition of ceramisita involves the manufacture of monolithic walls and floor screed. In addition, liquid or semi-liquid mixtures are used everywhere for the production of wall blocks.

You can learn about the features of the Floor screed with you can find out in the relevant articles presented on our portal. In the same article, we will consider the technical characteristics of the ceramzite-concrete blocks and the properties of the material from which they are made.

Construction solutions with adding clay and their features

In the photo - the floor tie device with claying as a placeholder

  • Strength - This is one of the most important performance. Designs, cast from a ceramzite concrete, resistant to mechanical loads, despite the smaller weight and less density in.
    In accordance with the parameters of compressive strength, the material is assigned a certain brand. The selection of the solution based on braziness is one of the most important conditions for successful construction.
    The strength characteristics of structures made with the use of clamps are dependent on the fraction and density of the filler and on the cement brand applied in the production of the mixture.

Important: The characteristics of the ceramzite concrete are unique, as the strength of the structures produced on its basis, only grows over time.

  • Density The finished material and products produced with its use are determined by the ratio of mass to volume. In the case of a mixture of concrete and clamzite, this parameter is less than 100%.
    On the one hand, the higher the density, the material is stronger, and on the other hand, than this parameter below, the easier its mechanical processing is carried out and the less it weighs.
  • Porosity - This property is primarily associated with density. Independence on density density, in the thickness of the ceramzitobetone there will always be a certain amount of micropores.
  • Water resistance This is another property that should be taken into account by planning the use of concrete with clay aggregate. The higher this indicator, the higher the body's ability to withstand the destructive effects of water.
    The water resistance is determined by the ratio of the strength of the sample saturated with water to the strength of dry samples. This parameter for the ceramzite concrete is at least 0.8 units.
  • Degree of thermal conductivity - This is a property that depends on how much the temperature in the room will depend on the external temperature indicators.
    For example, the degree of thermal conductivity of cement-based solutions and ceramisitis are at times less than similar parameters inherent in heavy concrete. As a result, less thick walls can be built from solutions made with the addition of clamzite than usual, without prejudice to the energy efficiency of the object as a whole.
  • High temperatures resistance - This is the quality inherent in designs built with the use of ceramzite concrete. On the one hand, due to low thermal conductivity, and on the other hand, due to the features of the aggregate, structures and structures are able to withstand a long-term effect of critical temperatures up to 1000 ° C without cracking.
  • Low temperature resistance - This is a parameter that displays the body's ability to carry critical temperatures.
    All building materials have a certain limit of frost resistance and ceramzite concrete - no exception. Moisture, penetrating into the porous structure of the material, freezes and expands. For non-slip cycles of freezing / thawing, significant, sometimes irreversible changes in the structure of the material occur.
    As a rule, the dense solution, the greater frost resistance is characterized by the structures erected with its use.

Important: The parameters of the stability of the ceramzite concrete to the negative impact of environmental factors can be improved by applying protective plasters.

  • Complete weight of the solution - Characteristic, depending on the parameters of the aggregate.
    In accordance with this property, the ceramzitobeton is divided into three categories: especially light, lightweight and heavy. Usually, severe variation is characterized by a volumetric weight of up to 1400 kg / m² with a strength of 25 MPa. Light solutions and products with their use have a smaller volumetric mass, as a rule, no more than 1000 kg / m².
    Particularly lightweight materials made using more porous varieties of clay, are characterized by a bulk mass of 600-1800 kg / m² with strength indicators of 7.5-40 MPa.

Configuration and sizes of blocks

Ceramzit concrete blocks produced in accordance with modern technologies are characterized by a complex form and a number of standard sizes.

The complexity of the forms is explained by the presence of a set of slit voids providing optimal heat-saving properties. Again, due to the presence of emptiness, the walls built from such material are less external noise.

In addition to the availability of voids, the configuration of blocks involves the presence of ridges and grooves by which a reliable connection is provided. The sizes of blocks of mold from the ceramzitobetone are largely similar to the dimensions of wall blocks made from cellular and porous concrete.

Features of blocks made of ceramzite concrete

In the photo - SAT-4PR / 1 wall block

Ceramzit concrete blocks are analogue and competitor blocks made using autoclave cellular concrete.

The following advantages are inherent in the design material:

  • affordable price;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high bearing capacity, in comparison with autoclave cellular concrete;
  • high bending strength and, as a result, the small risk of cracking;
  • the accuracy of forms and sizes and, as a result, simplicity of construction work;
  • lack of shrinkage and, as a result, the possibility of finishing work immediately at the end of construction;
  • durability - Ceramzitobeton gains strength for a long time, so after several years, the house built by you will be even stronger.


Now you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the building solutions made with the addition of clay and how they can be applied by appointment. You can find more useful information, looking at the video in this article.