Repairs Design Furniture

Float from the syringe. Marker float do-it-yourself float from plastic tube

Homemade floats made by fisherman under their own needs that have become the result of the experience gained fishing practices, differ not only by their originality and uniqueness, but also deliver the indescribable pleasure to its owner with the direct process of manufacture. After all, the shower embedded in this, subsequently brings a lot of unforgettable and vivid impressions of the fishing session, in which homemade fishing floats play a paramount role, with the mysteriousness of the beat process in a visual show.

Make the float with your own hands, knowing the essence of the accessory's work and representing the conditions that will be in reality in reality are not so difficult and expensive. Fortunately, today in our daily life there are many materials suitable for the manufacture of high-quality product, and there is no specific tool for this work. Suitable technical equipment arsenal is found in every household.

On the processes of manufacturing the knockout signals under various conditions of fishing from all sorts of primary means and will be information that will help to solve the problem of obtaining an effective fishing accessory and delivers the fisherman with its rational solution.

Looking around, the inquisitive mind of the fisherman will immediately determine the mass of materials suitable for the work on the production of the float at home. For just starting their steps in fishing skills, it will also be no secret that the properties of suitable options for production should have highly floating qualities, low density of a substance and relatively low, better than its absence, water absorption.

Important! The main float materials include foam blanks, a pen from the wing of any waterfowl, reed and wood, including one of its varieties, which is most suitable for the role of the Balmit alarm.

From products used in domestic needs under the float, you can adapt all sorts of plastic tubes, for example, an empty rod of a ballpoint pen or a candy holder of a candy of a candy, a medical disposable syringe, a wine stopper and even a container from used polyethylene bohot.

To give the workpieces of a cluster type, you need to stock acrylic paints in bright colors, sometimes instead of paint, the input can go and nail polish. It is better to have a steel wire, better from alloyed stainless steel in diameter not more than 1.5 mm, and rapidly frustrating waterproof glue. We can not wear toothpicks or thin bamboo sticks, which can be used from the cast kitchen table napkin or rug.

Most of the above options for the workpiece do not even require a special purchase fisherman, because they are either a side auxiliary product when consuming the main product or tare packaging and a banal bottle cork. Consequently, the production of floats at home will not require large material costs, but will only need free time, fantasies and the desire of the fisherman to do this fascinating and interesting business.

How to make float

Deciding from the material component of the work, the fisherman should prepare and some kind of simple tool. To perform work, you will need:

  • electric drill or screwdriver;
  • the set of minor diameter rolled from 1 and finishing 3 mm;
  • acutely honed stationery and penny knives;
  • pliers;
  • set of nadfile;
  • small sandpaper;
  • hoven for metal;
  • vice;
  • awl;
  • a measuring tool, the best caliper;
  • small chisels;
  • the drawer, which can replace a pencil.

It would be useless, before going to make a homemade float, have a layout, a sample or sketch in the form of a sketch of the final product. After all, knowing a clearly supplied end goal is easier to achieve the desired parameters and performance characteristics of the simulated alarm and get exactly the product that the required catching conditions can be closed. Further, we will describe our article in more detail about the most popular areas of floats that can be independently made at home.

How to make a feather float

Feather version of the fishing alarm is one of the most ancient ways to provide a rod float. Under products you need to get feathers from the wings of a large waterfowl. Most often, homemade geese and ducks become reliable suppliers of these billets, but wildly of them will not make an exception.

Make a float from a goose pen, with accounting and painting operation, you can approximately in one hour. A large handy goose feather is cleaned from Opala, side fluff, leaving only the rod and odds for business, which will be the body of the future alarm.

Important! In no way, they do not open with their hands, but cut off with a razor or sharp knife against its growth direction. Otherwise, the hidden sprout will be filled with water, and the product will completely lose its buoyancy.

After circumcision of the fluff, his smallest patches are cleaned with fire, spending on the length of the feather lit by a match or lighter. Next, the workpiece is stained with a thick end of bright paint, which will be clearly highlighted on water, allay and lettuce the best satisfy this requirement. As a rule, the product itself, the length of which is usually remains in size from 12 to 15 cm, painted smoothly in half, leaving the bottom in the natural white color scheme.

Now, almost the finished product, it remains to be provided with two nipple rubber rugs for fasteners to the fishing line, weighing to determine the exact mass to mark, installing the digit on the body to the accessory, which will help it easier to navigate, making further launch in the installation.

Plastic tube float

The homemade float from the plastic tube can be constructed literally in twenty minutes. The easiest way to get a straw for drinking a cocktail with a diameter of about 5 mm. For the manufacture of not a cunning, but an effective float by type of stick, a piece of tube is 15 cm long. The main operation of the design is to sear the tips of the tube, which is made in several steps with heating, melting and subsequent compression of the fused plastic pliers.

The tube is searched from two ends, one of which is trimmed, making the end to smooth, like the cylinder, this part will be topping the accessory. The other tip of the tube is made flat and pierced in it the hole in the center, to make on the line from equipping, it will be the lower part of the alarm. If necessary, the tube is painted into the visual eye of coloring and equipped, as in the case of a goose pen, a fastener rubber ring.

How to make a foam float

This type of manufacturing more laboriousness and requires the skill of circulation and compliance with safety techniques when working with an electrical drill. Before you begin to make a foam float, a rectangular billet is cut out of a piece of material with a knife, which is riveted onto a wooden toothpick and fasten into an electric drill cartridge. Further, the drill is used as a lathe, clamping its housing in vice and, including rotation of the cartridge in automatic mode. With the help of a ribbon from grinding paper attached to a rotating piece of foam, form the form of the body of the alarm in the diameter and its configuration. The stratification of the material of the foam blank comes from increasing the force of pressed abrasive material or change the number of the stone fraction on the sandpaper.

Important! For finishing polishing, the paper is used as smaller in the magnitude of the abrasive, bringing the plane of the foam to a smooth surface.

Undermining the required form, the workpiece is removed from the mounting wooden axis and with the help of waterproof glue, an an anenne and a keel from pre-selected variants of materials that can serve as a tree and plastic tubes of various diameters are pasted. In particular, by applying a plastic tube as an antenna, a glowing float can be made, inserting from the top into the hole of the tube, a chemical fireflux that helps keep control of the equipment in the dark time.

It remains only to reduce the diameters of the tube and a firefly in a suitable non-flame pairing. The foam foam body of the alarm is colored different colors, exactly along the boundary of the maximum diameter, the upper part, covering the paint, and the lower part, painting in tones that do not cause suspicions of fish. You can use both nipple rings in the diameters of the antenna and the keel of the alarm, and settling a special wire mounting loop in the body of the accessory.

For this, from fine, 0.5 mm in diameter, wires are made, leaving on one end of the ring, and on the other end of the wire twisted in a braid tips on a length of at least 5 mm. The twist is glued into the foam in the upper part of the alarm, soaking everything with the same moisture-resistant glue.

Homemade Fishing Fishing from Wine Cork

Float from traffic jams are made according to the method of similar to the processing of foam blanks, using an electric drill or screwdriver as the main device for scratching the desired configuration. The difference is only in the composition of the material itself, where the plug is more capricious by its substance in its structure.

Important! In the plug, it is more difficult to form holes due to its increased fragility, as well as bring the surface to an ideally smooth state, since the material has a high porosity compared to foam.

The finish finish is carried out manually, the scrupulously tracking the stratification of each deep pore and subsequently, before the final painting covering the body of the accessory with special varnishes, hiding microcracks and pores, preventing in further penetration into the body of the water alarm.

Preparing holes under the keel and antenna, they are recommended to pumped with a thin seer, together drilling to the desired diameter. Especially, this concerns the option of work in the formation of the float from the tube with under champagne, which is distinguished by a high fragment of the structure of the material. The cork float, as well as the polystyrene version of the alarm, it is easy to make it easy for all possible luminous floats for night fishing, inserting a fluorescent element into the antenna.

Float from the tree do it yourself

Float from the pen and wood belongs to the most environmentally friendly and natural variants of the alarms. But working with a tree for the formation of the body of any float will require considerable costs of time and certain carpentry skills and skills from fisherman.

Important! Under the wooden floats, solid wood and, in particular, oak and larch are selected.

The first stage of production includes cutting with a wooden blank hacking in the form of a parallelepiped in a certain size. Next, the parallelepiped is drilled along the central axis and placed on a metal rod, the ends of which are fixed in two oppositely arranged and rigidly fixed drills. One drill is placed in the neutral position of rotation of the cartridge without inclusion in electricity, and the second should become a drive to rotate the workpiece.

After starting this improvised turning machine from the woods using a file or emery paper form floats bodies of any configurations. The last operation will be the finishing polishing of the surface of the smallest by the sandpaper. After polishing its sample, in order to avoid water absorption, covered with waterproof varnish and allowed to completely dry at room temperature. The formed body is supplied with an antenna of plastic or thin wire, gluing into a hole from which the metallic pin initially inserted into the machine is extracted.

A keel from the wire is pasted into the lower part of the float body or for the manufacture of a sliding float mounted wire ring. Now you can go to staining the alarm and labeling accessory after the control weighing.

Homemade cane float

This technique is suitable for the manufacture of an outstanding float directly in the field of fishing. After all, it is rarely what a reservoir is the place where the reed grows.

Important! To work, you choose a smooth and dense reed stalk without scoring and cracks and cut with such a calculation so that the length of the future float was about 15 cm.

The lower part of the workpiece is stepping under the cone, which reduces the resistance when bowing, and in the upper part you can insert the seven centimeter metal antennas. The homemade is painted from the top in the compensated fisherman color and recycle two nipple rubber bands for fastening to the fishing line.

Matching float

The match float must have a certain mass and have high aerodynamic properties. For its production, the main body, made of their foam or wooden billets, are selected, and equipped with a massive antenna and a load with a ring. The antenna is easiest to collect out of four watt sticks freed from cotton and pulled by a polyurethane cambrich, which, when heated, the hairdryer tightly compresses the plastic sticks in the hard structure.

The vertex of the antenna is supplied with a polyfoam or tube, connecting them with each other with a waterproof glue. The same antenna is inserted into the housing hole. From the bottom of the body, the Loading with the mounting ring is mounted. The easiest way to make goods from a tin cone with a pin for mounting in its stupid part and a soldered mounting ring in a sharp end of the figure. After assembling the design, the accessory is covered with bright paint or nail polish.

Homemade waterfloat fusion container for bohot

A rather sensitive float with the possibilities of changing its mass can be made from the container for the boot, pre-picked up the twisted box desired in color to subsequently eliminate the staining operation of the product. At the bottom of the container, the crown ring for fastening the design to the fishing line is mounted. You can do it as a seboard and the drill of a small diameter. In the top of the container, the hole is drilled under the diameter of the antenna.

Important! After mounting the mounting ring and the antenna, the holes are hermetically sealed with glue or silicone, preventing the spontaneous dialing of water inside the container.

It remains to paint the antenna in a bright color and already directly on the water with a set of water or a leading cargo setting to achieve the necessary for the condition of the felt-loading of the alarm.

Homemade float for far cast

A heavy and long-range float for fishing for the flow is designed based on an elongated cone-shaped body, which is made of dense extruded polystyrene foam. In the upper part of the workpiece glue long, up to 20 cm, an antenna of bamboo cohesink, equipping the top of a bright foam grady in the form of a ball strung on the glue, on the tip of the axis of the element. The bottom of the cone is cut off to operate the hole in the depth of the material for the subsequent installation of the Loading. Loading is prepared from lead sticks. Shipping to its bottom of a wrestler for attaching an accessory on a tackle cord. Depending on the thickness and length of the cargo, the desired mass is selected, which will form the main performance of the finished accessory. The cargo is mounted into the body of the foam on moisture-proof glue. After drying the glued elements of the product, it is painted and tested, testing for long-range strength in real water conditions.

How to make an underwater float

This radically differing in the principle of operation The type of signaling device is easiest to make their extruded foam, cleaning the workpiece to the shape of the ball or oval. An important criterion for production is polishing the surface of the product, which is carried out manually, applying the smallest view of the abrasive view of the sandpaper.

The polished form is drilled through the millimeter drill along the whole body, shifting from the central axis to one of the edges of the workpiece.

Important! In the outputs of the hole on the surface of the foam form, rubber or polyurethane nipple are glued, which will interfere with the cutting of a soft foam plate with a rigid nylon fishing line.

The underwater floats are made according to this technique paint in the scarlet color of acrylic paint.

How to make a sports float

Float for current and standing water in sports will require a more thorough approach. For this, the fisherman will have to acquire expensive material for the billets and the most high-quality paints for painting the finished product. Each trifle in sporting affects the final result, therefore the sized elements are additionally tested for strength and striking the visible glue in the appliance and sandpaper. The surfaces of the surfaces are adjusted to the ideal state and at paint do not allow herds and uneven imposition of staining layers. According to its own designs and the principle of production, sports variants of float alarms do not differ from amateur homemakes.

Making a tube for floats

You can make a tube for floats with your own hands from polyethylene pipes and, in particular, a sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 or 100 mm. Before the manufacture of the container is determined with the size of the floats, for the storage of which it will be destroyed. By the number of accessory units and the largest length of one of them with a margin of one and a half, two centimeters cut a piece of tube. One of its parts should have a factory fool, which is faded with a shaped part in the form of a plug planted for immobility of glue. The tube cover is made of a clutch with a plug intoserted into it. For simplicity, the opening of the tube from the coupling is removed by a sealing gum. For massive float collections, a pipe 100 mm is used, for more miniature floats, a diameter of 50 mm is suitable.

Important! The sewer pipe has low weight and is not compressed, which guarantees the complete preservation of the float collection and convenience in its movements.

For single options for storing floats or protection from breakdowns of delicate models, you can apply cases from the roller, in which they are sold in construction stores. Cases are made of light and often transparent plastic, which allows, without opening the container, decide on the type of accessory at the moment. Dense putting on two parts of the case guarantees and waterproof and spontaneous opening of the tube.

But with the last not everything is so unequivocal. For a fisherman-athlete, the correct position is barely noticeable, up to 5 mm, the tip of the antenna over the water. Among lovers, some frighten the float before the start of the antenna, others also leave another body float. At the "industrialists" - its own fishing technology. Sometimes it happens, hang a crushing with a weight corresponding to the written, and the float completely goes under the water. Usually, the float is reloaded at home in a jar with water, but when throwing a snap in the reservoir, it turns out that the Loading was incorrect, and it falls on the shore to bring it to mind.

This problem can be avoided if you make floats not with a constant, but variable loading capacity.

For this, there will be plastic syringes with a volume of 2 to 10 ml depending on what fishing rods you will be set (photo 1). For catching bleaks are suitable, and for pike, naturally, you need more larger.

I pull out the rod from the cylinder, cut off the round focus of the pressure, and the four-step gain on the piston gently cut. To the lower part, we adhere to a small wire loop for skipping a fishing line. The cylinder also cut the rim.

Instead of the needle, the syringe insert the antenna. Suitable material for it - a tubule for a cocktail, used rods of gel and ordinary handles, etc. Plastic tubes suitable diameters. You can put the tube by cutting off the needle, on its base or just on the needle without circumcision. So that the tube does not slip from the base of the needle and did not let the water, fix a piece of a shrink tube: heating over the flame of the candle, holding two hands, and for a flat shrinkage constantly scrolling over the fire.

Two important nuances
FIRST. Annox should be hermetic and well to stay on the base of the needle. For this, the opposite end is sealed with liquid nails, pressing the tip in the glue. An easier way is to cry on fire.
SECOND. Tightly sitting on the syringe, the antenka should be removed.

Otherwise, you will not be able to push the rod, nor push out: the air inside will not allow this to do. And you will have again the float with constant lifting capacity. But there was a goal to make a float with variable loading capacity.

In compliance with the technology of alteration, 3 ml syringe turns into a float with a variable loading capacity from 1 to 3.5 g

The last barcode is an antenna coloring in the desired color. As a result, you get almost free excellent snap (photo 2).

Seasonal menu
October - Paradise for spinningists. Accordingly, in this perspective and consider fishing prospects in the middle of autumn.

Pike. It leaves the coastal zone and hunts at depth, in the pits. Sit down to the "big piece", so try to present it big flares or volumetric wobblers.

Perch. Very active. Even the big pricker baits that cannot swallow are attacking. Preferences - Wobblers from 5 to 7 cm, the same flavors and turntables with petal No. 2-4.

Zander. It is perfectly caught as spinning and bottom tackle. There is a pack, and if you catch on spinning, use twisters of light tones: from white to salad.

Gpawnny dignity Float with variable loading capacity - you do not need to choose the load under the float. It is enough to move the piston inside the cylinder in one direction or another and choose the volume of the float under the weight of the Load. Even when replacing the float, you do not need to pick lead crushers again, it is enough to shift the piston.

A toilet is the place without which a person just can not do, but in order to comfortably and comfortably use the toilet, it is important to care for it, clean and disinfect. Tired of buying cleaning products weekly, which literally enough for a few days? The dispenser will be a relevant solution.

Instructions on how to make a dispenser with your own hands

In order to make a dispenser with your own hands you need:
- plastic bottle,
- Cleaning tablets

Prepare a conventional plastic bottle of 1.5 liters. Cut with a knife or scissors an upper honor of the bottle, noting from traffic jam, approximately 15 cm. Crasing the bottle It is important to calculate the size depending on the barrel, the bottle plug must be when the device is immersed slightly above the water level in the barrel, during washing, it should seek how to hang in the air.

Screw the bottle cork loosely, so that the water can leak out of the edge and flow. During the work of the water from the barrel and break the faucet so that it does not go inside. Suspend prepared edge inside the tank.

Take a piece of loose foambone and cut it out so that you can carefully, put the bottle into the edge. At the same time, the top edge of the foam rubber should be at the water level at the moment when the barrels are filled or slightly higher than it.

Stick to the foam rubber small weight (any heavy metal object) or screw in the bottom of several large screws. This is necessary so that the sponge does not pop up, and was inside the cut, in the thickness of the water.

Purchase cleaning tablets for toilet bowl. Place one of them on the foam rubber. Close the tank, unscrew the water supply faucet and make the first flushing, in which you will see simply clean water. But in the second and subsequent washes, foam and freshness will be visible, as if you just placed as usual a tablet in a barrel.

However, the tablet will not dissolve so quickly as it occurs when it is placed on the bottom of the barrel into the water, it will be able to extend its action up to two weeks, and the solution that is allocated when the tablet is wrapped, completely impresses the foam rubber and thereby creating an additional reserve of saturated solution inside Cutting a bottle and, accordingly, inside a flip barrel.

In such a homemade dispenser, several tablets can be placed immediately, without worrying for the fact that they will move fluently, and they will have to buy new ones.

Despite the abundance of floats in fishing stores, masters of amateur fishing continue to make self-made models. They differ in appearance, material and carrying capacity. Make a sensitive float with your own hands is easy. It is enough to determine the type of product, choose suitable materials and successively perform all operations.

Float made with your own hands can be used in different conditions of fishing. Depending on the scope of use, appropriate materials should be selected.

  • It is possible to fish in the coastal zone on the easiest models weighing 0.2-0.8. Thanks to a small weight, it is possible to hunt for such species of fish as roaching, red-pan and crucian.
  • For consideration during the flow, a middle severity float is required (0.8-2.5 g). Equipping with such a warning device can easily be thrown at 20-30 m, where such large fish are inhabited as bream, is, chub.
  • Complete Suppress Superflow Ensure allows a heavy float from 3 to 10 g. Such models have a bulk body, and flight characteristics reach 50 m. Antenna will be clearly visible from afar due to major sizes. The bait will be interested in such major representatives of the ichthyofauna as KarP, Cupid and a Tolstolobik.

Materials for manufacture

If earlier fishermen were limited in materials, today the choice is large enough. Some of the materials are suitable for the manufacture of the body, while others are better to use as an antenna.

  1. You can form a floating body using:
  • foam;
  • corks from under wine or brandy;
  • medical syringe;
  • balza;
  • woods.
  1. The role of the antenna can be suitable:
  • feather waterfowl (from geese or ducks);
  • cane;
  • plastic tube.

To create a signaling device of bite, various household materials may be needed:

  • waterproof glue will help braid separate elements per unit;
  • a wire thickness of 0.5-1.0 mm is needed for the manufacture of rings and looping;
  • acrylic paints will give the float individuality and good visibility;
  • toothpicks will help hand over the body float.

For comfortable and fast work, some tools should be kept.

  • Making accurate and smooth holes are the easiest way with an electric drill and drill set. In some cases, it is more convenient to work with a seboard.
  • The chisel and a sharp knife will remove the extra pieces of material when creating a fishing masterpiece.
  • With the help of a file or emery paper, it will be possible to give the float exact forms and perfect smoothness.
  • Hold the material being processed or the tool is easiest in the vice.
  • Control the accuracy of the manufacture will help a ruler or caliper.

Production technology Floor cork or foam

To make a float with increased lifting capacity, you need to form a body. It may have a shape of a ball, olives or drops.

The minimum refinement is needed when the float is made from the wine plug. It has a cylindrical body, which remains a little to modify and polish.

  1. To the bottom of the antenna, the carbine with a swivel or wire loop is mounted. It remains to open the body and antenna with paint or nail polish.

Photo 3. Tube rod cut. It turned out a sliding float.

Photo 4. Coloring the product.

Production of a goose pen float

Each fan fishing is in the box there are several goose floats. They often get out when fish bustle careful and low-rise. Before making a float from a goose pen, you should properly prepare the material.

  1. To collect feathers, it is better to go on a reservoir who chose geese or ducks. With you, you can take 5-10 sonsis, different color and length. Do not stand on the shore to start any processing. It is better to do everything at home.
  2. With the help of a stationery knife, it is necessary to cut down the fluff on both sides.

Attention! Know the sharp blade knife should be in the direction of the Village. So it will be possible to get rid of the fluff, without disturbing the tightness of the pen.

  1. The remaining fluff can be removed by fire. To do this, it is easier to take advantage of the lighter and go along the body several times along the body. The fire will also help straighten a curved pen.
  2. Next, colorless varnish need to wipe the places of fastening the villi to close the microscopic holes and cracks.
  3. The upper part of the pen is painted in red or orange.
  4. Knowing how to make floats from the pen, it is important to securely attach it to the fishing line. For this, the feather is satisfied with two Cambrids from the tube from the dropper. Alternatively, in the lower end, the float can be made of a thin wire loop.
  5. Enhance weight and loading capacity of the goose float is quite simple. It is necessary made of foam, balsa or traffic jams to make the body. Then to measure the pen thickness of the pen and make the through hole using the drill. Its diameter should be 0.1-1.0 mm thinner than the thickness of the pen. The antenna is inserted into and fixed with glue.

Production of long-range float

For ultra-lifting drum, you can create a float with a lifestyle.

  1. From two plastic tubes you can make an antenna. From above, you should install a tube with a thickness of 1.5 mm, a plastic product with a diameter of 3 mm is suitable for the bottom. Alternatively, a bamboo or reed can be used.
  2. The body is made of foam. The height of the body is 40-70 mm, the diameter at the top of 15 mm, at the bottom point is narrowed to 10 mm.
  3. At the bottom of the body, a hole is a depth of 4-6 mm with a thickness of 2.5 mm. The opening is mounted lead-free, which is fixed with glue. It can be filled with appropriate thickness, pre-installing wire loop.
  4. At the top of the body, a wire ring for a fishing rod is attached.
  5. Build an antenna with a body is performed using waterproof glue. The final operation will be the staining of the float.

The fan of the float fishing should have a rich set of ticklers. Some floats are convenient to use when fishing in quiet weather. Other models will help deliver the bait on a large distance, allowing you to catch a trophy fish.

In the summer they gave a piece of solid foam from an old rescue vest. Well, and since in the summer I lose up to a dozen floats, I decided to try to make them myself. In winter, I do not go fishing, a lot of time.

Saw it into parts. The size is chosen at your discretion, but since I am satisfied with small, then we saw this piece of 4 parts.

In the market I bought bamboo speakers for kebabs, they cost a penny, and picked up the drill of such a diameter so that the sprinkle came to the hole, which we drill in the workpiece.

Now we attach an exemplary float shape by a stationery knife.

Insert the ships in the workpiece.

Drip a drop of Chinese super-glue between a skeletal and foam. This is done in order to when we draw a foam, it did not scroll.

It hits the glue with the moment, and after 5-10 minutes you can already turn it out. Here I had to help my wife call, to hold the drill and regulated the turnover. There is a simple way out of this position: to hold the drill in the testicle, and turn turns to adjust the speed adjustment pedal from the sewing machine. But for this you need a drill without electronic adjustment of revolutions, and otherwise it does not work, the drill immediately takes more than half of the revolutions. You can also adjust the lighting controller for the chandelier.
Next, freamed into the drill of our float so as not to remember the skewer. Shot with a slight hand and everything - she will hold.
Yes, I forgot to write that the skewers choose as much as possible! But they will still beat, so you need to lie down with your left hand over the antenna.
Since we did the initial processing with a knife, the float will be sausage. To avoid this, you need to take something hard and impose on it sandpaper. I got a flat file under my hand, so I took it. The lower end of the file must be resting in a table or, like me, in a cutting board. Drill to spin up to medium speed and smoothly bring the file with sandpaper to the float. We start with a major sandpaper, we remove all the beats and gradually give the form of the future float.

When the beatings were removed, you can remove the file, and then work at the expense of the rigidity of the sandpaper, moving to the smallest one.

That's what happens when you rush. A little stronger pressed a file - and Kiel broke!

Before completing the processing, we change the direction of rotation of the drill and slightly rake already very small sandpaper. This is done in order for the foam veins, which listed along the rotation of the drill, drove and the pores opened.
Now we divorce the glue of PVA to the state of milk and the tassel is missing the foam. Envy. Now our float has become like a hedgehog! This all the villi rose and harden from glue. Press again the float in the drill and the skin, preferably a new zero, we remove these vile.
Then we embarrass the plate a little baby powder and pour ordinary emulsion in the jar. We dilute it with water to the condition of the cream. Emulsion should be the simplest, which is not desirable to wash and wipe.

Now the powder rubbing into the foam.

Dip in emulsion.

Sprinkle with a little more.

We start this crawling to rub. Well, the main thing is not to overdo it with a supper, but everything will quickly be thick and badly flashing. Here you need to look like Kashitz falls on the foam. It is advisable to achieve a smaller number of open pores from the first time.

Align the Cashitz evenly on the float, to wait when the cashem starts to keep the pores closed (it is approximately 30-40 seconds), and again dip the float into emulsion. I'll say right away, for the future: in the bank there should be no air bubbles (fither), as they will stick to the float. Float should be raised slowly! In order to, at the expense of the surface tension, the extra emulsion, and then further and lacquer, glasses in the bank immediately, and did not form flutters during drying.

Next again we are dry. Pumps from foaming may appear again, we remove them as last time. Sunday again and pull out the float into emulsion and look at how much unsigned pores are left. If they are, and they will be 100%, then we rub the powder and repeat everything. And three times, until you achieve that when the float is approached from emulsion, there was not a single open pore.
All this is dried every time until complete drying. After drying, the surface must be smooth, without pores and irregularities. But now we take emulsion waterproof and super-white. We dreamed the water as much as cream, and without any suit, just pour and slowly pull out our float. Envy. Again, dip and again envy. After drying, the tassel is painting this super-white paint antenna.

Well, the float remains to paint. Yes, I forgot to write that sushi float with clothespins for linen. Let's hang over the keel, then for the antenna. Dyes are now different, you need acrylic, which are diluted with water.

About the color of floats you can talk long and a lot. There is no questions with floats that are not afraid of nitro-paints, and this is mainly of wood. Everything is simple - Okaril is a thoroughly little sandpaper, plunged immediately to Nitrolak (it will react and fill all the irregularities and pores), and then color any dyes. It is best to use automotive enamels, nitrocracks, and still sold in stores for lovers to collect various models very bright nitrocracies in small bottles. But it all requires costs, and you will not buy several multicolored cans of expensive car enamels to use each can of several grams from each bank. Here the main thing to sharpen from the wood itself the body of the float, that with the help of a drill is quite problematic.
Well, this is all reasoning, and we will proceed from what we have in stock. Now our float (foam) is also protected and can be painted by nitrocracy. But I will tell how I did about my mistakes that manifested themselves after a while.
We take the jar and in it pour super-white waterproof enamel (was higher in the photo) and add a dye to the shade you need. Do not forget to dilute with water. This composition will paint the bottom float.
Here the role is played here. If you fish at a depth, you can not bother and paint in any beautiful. But if in a shallow water, then it is desirable to pick up the color of some kind of snag, falling into the water leaflet and the like. You know yourself that large fish is very careful and to the bright items closely getting stuck.
Immerse the float in our paint and slowly raise. Paint should be evenly and easy to drain. I raise about 10-15 seconds, so that the glasses immediately and there was no height.

Of course herself. It is enough to plunge once.
Next, we do the following color in another jar. It takes quite a bit, and you can apply directly with a brush, but by 2 times. Tassel should be very soft, because she will then apply lacquer. I bought such a few pieces, they approximately 17 rubles. Do not forget the tassel immediately rinse well. Yes, in the yellow dye, I just added some of the glue of PVA, because if you add a dye into enamel, then the color becomes pale.

From the keel float with a knife to the shrinkage all our previously applied layers of putty and paint. I thought for a long time than painting. I tried to breed all sorts of colors and with a slow rotation drove the most thin tassel draw rings, but because the ships are still curves and beat a little, then the width of the lines of lines was different and I decided to paint further with markers. Drill works on small revolutions, bring the marker, the ring is ready. First, draw light, and then dark tones. Waiting for the time the marker is dry.

Well, now the responsible moment comes. We will cover our float with colorless nitroquacked wood. The fact is that the lacquer dissolves the marker! Therefore, we do this: on the most almost slow turns, we include a drill, macausus in varnish and literally only touched our coloring. One movement, for one second, coated with a thin layer of varnish Blue rings and nearby are black. Rinse a brush from the remains of the marker, which blurred bristles with varnish. Again Macaus in varnish and the same fast movement covered the bottom float, and then the black rings on the antenna. Sorshem very good. And so do 2 times. For the third time you can already be the body of the float with a brush to cover, but you need to have too little varnish on the tassel. I slightly spent, mumps, then again ... For the third time you can and the antenna is all, almost to the tip you go. If only it was possible to take the float and not blurred hands. The most tip will then paint the brush last time.

Slightly snack :)

Well, now you can apply two final lacquer layers with immersion. Only, of course, after each layer, dried watches 12, and after the second layer - a couple of days. We lower the float to the jar with varnish so that the lacquer covered the first black ring, and smoothly raise - 10-15 seconds. In the same vertical position hang to dry.

Annox then cover with a varnish tassel. That's actually all!
This applies to those who attack the float on the nipple from the bike. But since I use sliding floats, then continue.
We buy a nichrome spiral in the store for 2 kW and unwind it on the coil from the old fishing line. Cut off the caution of the tip of the keel and consider varnish to the skewers.

Further, we are looking for something like a mandrel for winding spirals from the purchased nichrome. It should be literally on a little bit thinner killets. We clamp the mandrel into the drill, fix the start of the wire and screw the spiral on the mandrel. Then we reject a couple of turns of our spirals with a knife, in the resulting ring insert the tip of the rounds and make the rings of the ring so that the start of the wire is almost hidden under the main spiral. The photo is clearly visible. This is to ensure that the fishing or carabiner does not cling to the beginning of the turn. You can of course pick up the finished spring from the glands for cars, they are stronger, but it needs to be spinning near the car service and rummage in the chem.

It remains to paint and cover with varnish. That's all the technology. It turned out maybe a little mutually, but I think everything is clear.

Well, now about what was not necessary to do ...
It turns out the lacquer bleaches the marker! After two months after the manufacture of floats, the blue color became completely pale, and the black pale turned! But the yellow, who bred on Clee Pva, remained bright, and the body itself was not pale itself! The conclusion suggests itself: it was necessary to breed the paint on the glue of PVA or waterproof enamel! But then it would be necessary to apply a brush.
I remind you once again that the testing of floats in the field has not yet been carried out, and how they will show themselves, we will learn only in the spring. If someone was able to help, or it was just interesting, then I will be glad.

This is what eventually: