Repairs Design Furniture

How to put a leaf substrate under the laminate. Methods of laying a substrate under laminate. Video - Cork Substrate

Today, laminate is quite well-deserved: it is relatively inexpensive, it is beautiful, quite durable and reminds all the favorite parquet. In addition, it is easy to mount. However, you should not forget that laying the substrate under the laminate is a necessary measure, the feasibility of which is not even discussed.

Laying of laminate on the substrate

High-quality repair consists of small things, each of which should be worthy of the general picture, which can be said "excellent!". It is difficult to determine which part is more important, but everyone will agree that the flawless floor is no less important than the smooth ceiling.

Or maybe more - after all, on the floor, we walk, get it and mine, put furniture on it. We invariably contact with this element of an apartment or at home. Therefore, the choice of outdoor coverage is very serious.

A bit of theory

Laminate is called a multi-layered board or a fane designed for use as a finishing floor covering. The upper or external part is covered with a polymer resin, simply speaking, laminated.

This increases the wear resistance of the material and prevents moisture penetration into the inner layers of the tree. Details of the laminate are smooth boards that require the same level basis.

Any, even the most expensive and high-quality screed has irregularities that, together with smooth boards, will lead to such effects:

  • deformation of the board;
  • overload and breakdown of the castle;
  • the effect of increasing noise from steps;
  • the appearance of condensate;
  • the emergence of microorganisms and insects.

It is to combat these undesirable effects and began to use various materials that are simply put under the boards of laminate. But how to properly lay the substrate for laminate to get rid of all the listed turmoil?

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it may seem. The main thing is to follow the rules and do not invent new ones, and how to put a substrate for a laminate, will be able to figure out any man who can keep a ruler and knife in his hands.

Functions of the substrate: myths and reality

Firstly, no substrate cancels the preparation of the floor and smooth screed, simply mentioning.

Secondly, figure out how to sharpen the substrate under the laminate is easy, but it will still have to work as a head and hands.

Thirdly, buy an expensive substrate for cheap laminate or vice versa - it is stupid, it is better to strive for the correspondence of the price categories of these materials.

It is important to know: too thick substrate will give the drawdown of laminate boards in places of point loads of large masses, for example, the legs of cabinets or stoves.

Types of substrates

As in the case of any other building materials, types of substrates under the laminate there are many, so it is better to understand a little in the range to understand. Let's start with expensive.

Clear wood substrate

It has a number of positive qualities:

  • Great absorbs noise.
  • Beautiful heat insulator.
  • It does not rot and is not food for insects and microflora.
  • Does not save and retains initial form for a long time.

Minus has one, but big - high cost. Produced in rolls and plates, sometimes impregnated with antiseptics against mold.

In general, this is probably the best substrate, as it also greatly slides, which is important for the leveling of the process expansion processes when the temperature and humidity changes. Well, by itself, the most eco-clean material.

Bitumen-cork substrate

Special paper is impregnated with bitumen and sprinkle with cork crumbs. As the substrate well copes with all the tasks, but it is also very expensive. It is recommended for expensive and durable types of laminate, which allows you to use such a substrate.

How to put a substrate for laminate

If for the two listed materials it is difficult for you to imagine how to lay a substrate for laminate, it is better to hide the builders, it's a pity to spinning.

You can call one (except for the price) minus - bitumen allocates various harmful substances, but their number is so happening that it is not necessary to worry about it seriously.

Polystyrene foam

This material with the most favorable price / quality ratio. It deviates good noise, keeps a form, beautiful insulation, is relatively inexpensive.

If you decide which material to use, do not know how to lay a substrate for laminate with your own hands - the video to help you, expanded the best of all.


One of the most popular materials. Judge himself:

  • inexpensive;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • easy mounted;
  • uninteresting rodents, mold and cockroaches.

Polysto foam substrate

Like all cheap polyuretielylene has a minus - it seats and loses shape over time, which is like death for the floor from laminate. Well, cheap is quite rarely cheap.

Styling work on the substrate

Having understood and buying material for the substrate, the laminate itself, you want to start it immediately. But first it is necessary to find out what is your floor in.

Remove the old coating to a concrete base. If it is smooth, then everything is in order. If not, it is necessary, it is better to use a self-armsing mixture, and you will need the minimum layer. As a result - even as a lake in winter, the floor.

The photo shows the result of such a screed.

Floor preparation

The floor must be pressed very carefully. Then lay vaporizolation. And how did you like: from above the laminate, and below - naked concrete? You can not do it this way. You can use a conventional constructional polyethylene film, which to cover the floor with a small adhesive on the walls 2 - 3 cm. The stakes of the bands can be copped with a construction tape. Taste Make 10 - 15 cm, up to 25.

Laying of a substrate material

On the perimeter of the room on the wall glue damper tape, it will compensate for the extension of the tree. Next, cut out the strip from the roll and lay on the floor covered with a film. To the walls and among themselves, the material should touch the jack. Meeting the stripes connect the construction scotch.

Laying the substrate

It is important to know: To determine how much dry floor screed, you can put a piece of polyethylene for the night. If the in the morning there will be a hostel or water drops, it means that the concrete is still raw. How to lay a substrate for laminate when still concrete is not drying? The answer is in any way. We must wait, it will take some time, the instruction prohibits working on wet concrete.

Some plates of the substrate are produced by corrugated on the one hand. Many can not understand which side to put the substrate under the laminate.

It's very simple here: always put on a smooth side up. Plates are placed in a checker order, we connect the scotch.

After these uncomplicated manipulations, you can start the installation of the laminate (see)

This is somewhat more complicated, but you can use the services of professional installers, the main thing is to look at their age and appearance, to ask the presence of a photo-portfolio, reviews and experience.

If you want to use not only beautiful, but also durable flooring, you need to figure out how to lay a substrate under the laminate. We will help you in this matter!

Laminate is considered one of the most popular and beloved by many floors for floors in residential premises. It has excellent external data and quite affordable cost. The laminate is not at all difficult to lay with his own hands, not paying for help to professionals. And with the right approach to the installation, this floor covering will serve you for many decades, pleases with our excellent decorative characteristics. Mandatory detail of the laminated design is the substrate.

Substrate for laminate

It is a special material that is stacked with a thin layer between the floor base and laminate. The substrate performs a number of important functions. She is:

  1. Reliably protects the floor covering from moisture. The inner part of the laminate is not processed by protective and water-repellent compositions. For this reason, such products are at risk of destruction under the influence of high humidity. Laying the substrate for laminate completely solves this problem. Special interlayer perfectly protects laminated products from water.
  2. Makes outdoor base more smooth. It is of great importance. After all, laminated boards are solid material. They cannot smooth all the flaws and irregularities of the main floor.
  3. It is an additional noise and heat insulator. If you want to be warm in the room, and the sound of your steps was not heard the neighbors from below, be sure to lay the substrate under the laminated boards. It is worth it inexpensive, and the effect of its use will exceed all your expectations.

We add that the substrate ensures the improved fit of the laminate to the floor base and the free circulation of air under the decorative coating.

Substrates are made of natural and synthetic raw materials. The most expensive are products made of cork tree. Insects never come to them, they do not rot, they absorb noise, they play the role of excellent thermal insulator. Cork substrates do not change their original shape for a very long time and are an environmentally friendly material. For sale such products in the plates and rolls.

Bitumen-cork substrates have similar characteristics. They are usually mounted in cases where the arrangement of the floor surface is performed using expensive types of laminate.

Cork substrate

Bitumen-cork products made of special paper, which is processed by bitumen, and then sprinkled with small crumbs of natural wood. It is cheaper by 20-40% under construction from artificial materials - a foam in combination with polyethylene, polystyrene foam, foil or foamed polypropylene. The most popular today are polypropylene products. They allow to level surfaces with high-rise drops to 4 mm, not afraid of water, can flow under the coating, ensuring excellent ventilation of the entire laminated design.

Note! When using foil polypropylene, it is possible to achieve unique results of thermal insulation of the outdoor base. True, the cost of such layers for laminate is significantly higher than ordinary polypropylene substrates. Products from Polyeopleyotylene also have good performance. They are inexpensive and the laminated boards from moisture, rodents and the appearance of mold are well protected. The disadvantage of polyethylene and polypropylene substrates is considered that they are losing their initial shape and sneak over time.

The optimal ratio of quality and cost is characterized by polystyrene gaskets. They are a good heat insulator, high-speed noise, they hold their shape long enough. The minus of such a material - it highlights during operation (in minor quantities) formaldehyde and styrene. Such evaporations for a person are not harmful, but also to our health they, as you understand, do not bring.

Installation of a substrate material should be produced on a well-aligned base. You need to remove the old coating and carefully inspect the condition of the floor. If it is smooth, you can immediately start styling the substrate. If on the basis there are tangible high-altitude differences, you will have to first produce. The easiest way to fulfill this procedure with the help of special self-leveling solutions. However, it is not necessary to equip such. You can align it and through classical technology using a cement-sand tie.

Laying the substrate for laminate

After alignment, it is necessary to thoroughly spend the floor. Laying the substrate for laminate is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Cover the prepared base of the layer of vaporizolation. As such, construction plastic film is usually applied. It should be put correctly - with a 4-5-centimeter adhesive on the wall surfaces. Separate film stripes should go to each other centimeters for 15. The joints between them are fixed by scotch.
  2. At the bottom of the walls you need to mount the damper tape. It will level the expansion of the material in the process of its operation.
  3. Now it is necessary to put the substrate correctly. It is important to remember one thing. The nominal product is always placed by a smooth side up (the corrugated side of the material should come into contact with the concrete or wooden floor base).
  4. Enjoy mats or roll the roll on the floor. The edges of the substrate connect the construction tape zak.

Mine products are not fixed to the main floor. They "swim" together with the coating of laminated boards. On this process of laying the substrate can be considered completed. Start the installation of laminate!

More and more people choose laminate as an outdoor coating. He fits perfectly into the interior of any design and helps to transform the room quickly and without high costs. To put it high quality, you need to know how to put the substrate under the laminate.

The material located between the base of the floor and the laminate board depreciates the deflection, reduces the noise level, provides thermal insulation and protection of the flooring from moisture. Its laying should be carried out correctly, then the laminate will last long.

Selection of substrate material

Laminate manufacturers usually recommend a specific substrate for their products, often own production. To their recommendations, it is worth listening to and take into account those requirements that the substrate must match. The same material can be offered under different brands and at a given price, so it is better to consider other options.

Tip! The popularity of some products is explained by their low price, which should not be the main selection criterion. It is better to pay attention to operational characteristics. They are not only important for long-term laminate, but also can increase comfort from its use.

By choosing the choice, you can prevent the appearance of the violep of floors, static electricity, loud sounds when moving. Each of the materials has its own characteristics:

  • The film from foamed polyethylene is very popular due to its affordable price. It protects well from moisture, has a small thickness, easily stacked. The polymer porous structure is enough of the elastic and smoothes noise. The service life of such a substrate for about 10 years, it can be used under inexpensive laminate.
  • Extruded expanded polystyrene has higher characteristics. A denser structure provides stability to loads and waterproof. It has a low thermal conductivity, due to which it retains heat in the room. The material is produced in the form of rolls or sheets of various thicknesses. The life of its operation reaches 25 years.
  • Tomplex refers to composite materials. From above, it has a layer of waterproof polyethylene film, under which there are beads of foam, and from the bottom - the steam-haired membrane, creating ventilation. Such a substrate perfectly performs its functions and extends life to floor covering.
  • Cork substrate made of crumbs with a natural bonding agent of wood bark has excellent absorption indicators of noise and heat saving. It allows you to evenly distribute the load on the laminate, thereby protecting the castle system from damage. It is recommended to use in children's and bedrooms.
  • Coniferous plates made of wood raw materials are also a natural material. They appeared on the market recently and have good quality indicators. The material successfully smoothes small generosity of the floor and allows it to breathe, due to its breathable structure.

Floor preparation and laying substrate

Before learing the substrate under the laminate, it is necessary to properly prepare the base of the floor. It should be clean, dry and smooth. Laying the laminate does not allow the irregularities of the floor more than 2 mm, so you have to spend a certain time to bring it into compliance with these requirements.

  • The substrate material is decomposed on the floor in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction - close to the walls or with a gap (cork and coniferous plates). Sheets with a ribbed surface are placed smooth side up. Material is not needed to mount.

Tip! The direction of the junction on the substrate and the laminate should not coincide not to create excessive load on the connection of the lamellae. Some manufacturers recommend the diagonal placement of the substrate with the displacement.

  • The stakes of the substrate are connected using a tape so that it does not move during the installation process of the floor covering.

Laying the substrate for laminate does not require special knowledge and skills. It is enough to follow the recommendations on the packaging of the material. But do not underestimate the importance of proper laying. Durability and the quality of the future depends on this.

For a long service life of the laminate when it is laying under the base, the substrate is steel. It is mainly synthetic material that is used as a thermal insulation and sound insulation layer between laminate and floor. The laminate can be laid and without a substrate, then the life of its use can be safely reduced in two, and even three times, the floor will be cold and well conductive sound. The substrate also provides a gliding laminated floor when it is expanded (since the laminate floor is made of wood, then it is subject to a slight expansion at moisture or high temperature, like other wooden products). Therefore, laying the laminate, always leave the gaps between the floor and the wall, the boards are bonded with the locks without the use of glue or screws.

The main functions that the substrate performs

Alignment of the surface of the main floor

The laminate is made of wood (solid raw materials), which is not able to smooth out the irregularities and flaws of the main floor. Speakers pebbles can cause the panel and its rapid erasing along the edges of the upper layer.

Therefore, the laminate is placed on the perfectly smooth floor using the "floating floor" technology. Such a design provides smoothing small irregularities, because it is made of polystyrene foam (or other materials similar to the shovels).

Humidity protection

Laminate, like any wood product, is afraid of moisture. Therefore, the substrate ensures the protection of the laminate from the bottom from the moisture, the most vulnerable location of the laminate, which is not covered with water-repellent and protective impregnations. Designs are made of synthetic materials that do not absorb and do not let the water.


The floor from the laminate is not fixed in one place, so any sounds (for example, steps) are very well audible not only in this room, but the room is lower.

Heat insulation

Floor, like walls or ceiling should be warm and maintained heat in the room. The substrate is made of polystyrene foam, which is a good heat insulator.

From composite material:

  • consists of the same layers of polyethylene, between which there is a foamed, granular polystyrene (such a design is well derived condensate;
  • well absorbs;
  • good sound and thermal insulation.

After selecting the substrate and laminate, you can start them.

Purpose Substrate: Softening Deformation

Several tips on how to put it right:

  1. Before laying a laminate, you need to prepare the floor: remove the top layer of the main floor (board or linoleum, etc.), align the floor.
  2. After alignment, the floor must be carefully cleansed from dust and dirt.
  3. The floor must be primed and allowed to dry well.
  4. Laying a vapor barrier film if it is necessary (some species have a vaporizolation layer,). The film is placed by the strips concerning each other centimeters on 25. The film also should go on the walls by 1.5-2 cm.
  5. After laying the film, the substrate is placed directly, leaving the deformation seams along the walls (approximately 1 cm). The substrate in rolls or plates is placed in the direction of panels (which prevents accidental insulation damage when laying the floor).
  6. Plates are stacked online.
  7. Plates are placed by a corrugated side down, which smoothes small irregularities (up to 4 mm).

  8. If the selected substrate with an aluminum layer, it is fooled by a foil layer up (when laying an aluminum layer down, it may be damaged on irregularities or concrete floor protoconctions). To ensure the tight fit of the slabs to each other, you can also use the adhesive tape, best aluminum.
  9. Laying the material occurs without fixing to the main floor (the substrate should also "swim" with the floor of the laminate).