Repairs Design Furniture

The history of furniture is a presentation Methodical development on the world around the world (senior group) on the topic. Integrated occupation "The history of the occurrence of furniture of youth honest grays

- This is an integral subject of each interior. Behind him we spend most of our time: we eat, we work, we celebrate guests. He, like everything else, has its own story.

Appearance in Egypt

The first tables appeared in the distant past in ancient Egypt, while immediately introduced the classification of this subject. There were lunch and desktops. They differed both appearance and material from which were made:

    • the desktop was a small size of a table with folding legs. It was convenient to carry with me and use in any convenient locations;
  • the dining table is a massive stove made of stones. He stood on one wide leg. Excavations show that the form of this item more resembled a circle. What is connected with, scientists argue so far. Many argue that with the cult of worship of the God of the Sun.

It is the Egyptians that we are obliged so important and necessary in everyday life. A long time the table did not undergo transformations. But over time, in the same ancient Egypt, it began to appear products with a rectangular countertop, which were already leaning for three legs.

Greeks to help

Special attention was paid to the tables in Greece. Election of food occurred in residential premises, and everything necessary was made immediately before its start. Tables were made from valuable materials:

    • marble;
    • bronze;
  • wood.

They were massive plates. The Greeks took food sitting, these interior items had a squat form.
However, the Ellina's beverages invented a new model - table stand. For the convenience of its location and stability, three legs were used.

Dark times illuminated innovations

The Epoch of the Middle Ages is known for mass manifestations of cruelty and almost complete stopping of any development of science and technology is the era of religion. However, studies of interior items have shown that all the favorite tree has become popular in these times.

Huge tables from the array appear. They have a rectangular shape and rely on 4 legs. These products were distinguished by rudeness and simplicity. The decor in that era was not recognized.
All the tables did everything: they took food, held holidays and worked. However, the variety of forms did not appear. Tables rather degraded than they developed. However, like everything else.


In this period, the world began to return to the beautiful in everything: clothes, painting, architecture - everything developed and flourished. This era has become a period of becoming unusually beautiful interior items. For tables steel characteristic:

    • Round, square, rectangular and ellipse form. Such a variety was associated with the destination.
    • Abundance of various materials. For the manufacture of this furniture, marble, wood, bronze and a number of other materials were used.
    • Availability of decor. It is in this era of the tables undergo significant transformations. Noble persons require luxury in everything. There is a fashion for threads, inlays with various metals and precious stones - everything to emphasize their position.
    • Shape of legs. This detail is more not only direct. It is in the era of the revival appear unique in their beauty toe-willed legs, decorated with carvings and gilding.
  • Number of legs. Here the thought of the creators had complete freedom. In the era of the revival there were models with one, three and four legs.

The era of Renaissance is famous not only by its own research. It is in this period that the first convenient working tables appear. Previously, they assumed labor activity exclusively standing. But in those days, comfort begins to declare itself. As a result, the first tables appear, which involve work in the sitting position.

The era of the Renaissance is considered to be the formation of tables. Unique and unusual products of that time have been preserved until now. They can be seen in Versailles and Louvre.

Classicism brought a change

The time changed everything, it added a variety in the tables. The era of classicism, which is distinguished by artists, presented to lovers of this subject choice. The first serving tables that are used for carrying receptions appear. They are made of metal, installed on four legs. The peculiarity was the trays that were attached to them.

This era is famous and the development of care. The first toilet tables and hotline appear (miniature, round interior items on which flowers were placed).

The variety of forms amazes with its originality. In this period, everything is produced from massive rectangular dining tables to miniature round tables. The masters understand that the more original their product, the greater the likelihood that it will be bought.

More than twenty types of tables of different shapes and purpose are produced in this epoch. Various materials are widely used. In addition to wood, marble and bronze, the use of metal includes. Mostly for the decor, Yashma and Pearls were used.

Pave! Progress is!

Of particular importance for the development of tables has the 19th century. In this era, intellectual sports - checkers and chess develops rapidly. Considering its popularity, the first special tables designed for the convenience of "quiet athletes" appear. They had a rectangular shape and a unique fastening for a chessboard.

Gambling also developed rapidly. The first specialized tables for card games appear. Depending on how many players will take part in the event, these interior items had the form of a triangle or a pentagon.

For the convenience of needlewomen, a form of Bob was developed. Such tables begin to be widely applied, they are in demand to this day.

It is famous for this age and romanticity. There are unique toilet tables in the shape of a heart. They were famous for their grace and were used exclusively in the bedrooms.

Cases of modernity

Modern tables are original interior items. There is a huge amount of varieties that have different forms and purpose. Tables are used for all activities as components of the interior and decor elements. Pretty popular folding tables and table stands.

Who is who in the world of discoveries and inventions of Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

Who did the first table?

Who did the first table?

Is it possible to imagine a house without a table? The table performs so many functions - they eat on it, they write, play, they put lamps on it and so on - it seems that the tables were from the very beginning of civilization.

Little tables made of metal or wood were used in the Sumerian civilization - the first one known to us. Babylonians, Assyrians and the Egyptians later adopted the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking tables. Egyptians made little low tables of beautiful shape and with beautiful trim.

Greeks who have taken a lot from Egyptian civilization have improved all furniture, including tables. Their tables were made of marble, metal and an inlaid tree.

Romans have improved furniture even more. They made tables not only completely from metal or wood, but also expensive tables with ornament, fine carvings and inlaid ivory and precious metals. The legs were cut out in the form of sphinxes, columns or looked like a lion's paws or rams.

At the Romans there was a custom to eat half a walk, so the tables were low. By the way, in antiquity, the tables were only rich.

At the time of the Middle Ages, there were tables of different shapes: round, oval and oblong. They were made very simple - the boards were placed on a fixed or folding base. Tables covered the tablecloth, which hung to the floor to cover the stands. After a meal, the tables were cleaned.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

The table appeared when a person was just starting his evolutionary path. A large flat stone was a mandatory object of the housing of the cave man - on it were processed by the carcasses of animals, the tools of labor were treated. Bending over low boulders was uncomfortable - the plane of the table turned out to be better lifted to the level of the belt. It was the first step towards the ergonomics of furniture.

In ancient Egypt, they knew how to make tables made of wood. They were sitting on the pillows, so the table top was pretty low. The Egyptians, by the way, were the first guessed to use a wooden pin for connecting furniture details. Tables were luxury and often decorated with upholstery with metal sheets, leather, cloth. The simplest desktop then had the form of a modern desk. The tables for food were distinguished by low legs or their complete absence (Egyptians trapes, putting a round-shaped board on her knees).

The ancient Greeks covered the papyrus by the letters, also sitting squatting. They extremely developed a letter culture, introduced libraries in their life. The profession of writing - a man who worked at the desk constantly. Egyptian tables were improved by the Greeks - they became more neat, suitable under the proportions of the human body, beautiful. Tables for disgusts also had low legs - the Greeks trapes lying. Such tables were made easy and mobile - they were worn after meals. But for drinks in rich houses used high three-legged stands. Tables were made of marble, wood and bronze. All forms of modern tables originate from those old centuries. The quadrangular countertops relied on four legs, round and oval - three or one powerful.

Rusichi, like the Chinese and Japanese, did not know for a long time what the table is. Powed on the tablecloth unsettled right on the ground. The first global tables appeared in Russia in the X-20th century in the peasant sinks. Only by the XVII century, this furniture has become mobile and made of wood. And the origin of his word "table" is obliged to "the throne" and ancient times was synonymous with the throne or princely status. The word "capital" has a similar root. But in the countries of Western Europe, the wood tables already by the XIV century have become not just ordinary objects of furnishing housing, but also works of art. A variety of forms of this object of furniture were combined with carvings and inlaid. However, the competent people in those times were a bit, so the tables were mostly dinner. And the bookkeeles and scribes worked behind the desks, which the object of the furniture was widespread by the XVII century, when education was fashionable among the aristocracy. Initially, the desks worked standing. Then the "sitting" bureau and secretaries appeared. The medieval scribe worked not as we used to write. The parchment was located on the easel, located at a large angle to the horizon (up to 65 degrees), and retained due to the strained across the braid. The horizontal line line was located right before the eyes of the scribe, and the parchment he gradually shifted up. Singing the scribe is very straight. By the way, the position forgotten now standing when writing and reading is actually the most healthy and reasonable.

The Industrial Revolution of the XIX century has changed a written table by adding such varieties such as the office and the reception desk. Tables for writing retained the inclined surface, there were no direct written tables. The development of mass production a little later led to the reduction and simplification of the structure to the shield on the four legs. Literacy growth and flat countertops led to the mass development of scoliosis and osteochondrosis. Thus, doctors consider the modern design of the written table worse in the history of mankind. Back in the 1980s, a separate writing desk was a big luxury. Someone had this luxury, and someone was satisfied with the usual kitchen table. In this narrowed past, the writing desk was an indicator of the intelligence of the family and, a kind, prosperity. It was used according to his direct appointment, that is, he wrote behind him, drew, schoolchildren did lessons. And the desk in those times was really "written."

Over the past few decades, the writing table has changed radically. In your time, he was purchased for various purposes. He could be used in direct appointment as "written", which is now quite rare, because now people write not on the table, but more often on the computer and writing in its pure form is the prerogative of children, old people or managed writers who do not want to let in their lives modern technologies. Someone solves crossword puzzles on him, reads books or press, someone uses them as a warehouse for their papers, and someone even eats. Often writing tables are simply the subject of furniture - the comfort of the interior.

Thus, the word "written" applies to the table, begins to obscure. And more and more use is the phrase "desktop". However, now we began to write much less than before - computerization makes ink and the handle are increasingly necessary instruments of mental work. And here the flat table became a necessity, acquiring a shelf for the keyboard and many other auxiliary surfaces and turning into a computer desk. But the progress of the technique does not stand still, and together with him the tables acquire new features and outlines. But we hope that such a subject of the interior, as a written table, will still not give way to other innovations, and we will always be able to sit for a real, beautiful and wide table!

After all, nevertheless, even every day, a decreasing pace of life, sometimes you want to feel that some things are unchanged, monolith, because it seems that more "high" thoughts come to mind when you sit at the real desk! Even a simple doodle, written in this table, look more serious. Do not miss the opportunity to leave the right to feel peculiar greatness, it is not always worth going on progress, sometimes it is worth leaving something and "for the soul", right? If you are interested and want to buy a good, high-quality and inexpensive table or table - come to us, in the store "Lenmebel", located in St. Petersburg on Frunze, 15 or call: 373-90-50!

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The history of furniture Presentation prepared: the teacher of the first sq. Cath Markhinina O.A.

The first references to the furniture came to us from ancient Egypt. There used stools, strains, chests decorated with ivory and natural stone.

Later there were beds and peculiar chairs as a material applied wood

Simple chests in the houses performed three functions: peculiar cabinets for storing clothes and utensils, seats Day and beds at night.

In addition to the wood, bronze and color marble were used: the table tops decorated with mosaic, and massive benches made of natural stones spoke about the prosperity of their owners

Furniture for simple Luda was less expensive, but at the same time quite comfortable.

The present breakthrough for the manufacture of furniture was the invention of the two-handed saw, allowing to get thin boards

As a result, light and durable products appeared - tables on four legs, lary chests

Beds with canopy

the first upholstered furniture appeared in the castles of European nobility. First chairs and sofas were simply tightened by a cloth, then a horse hair, sheep wool and even swan fluff

Over time, new styles appeared in architecture, soft puffs and a sofa appeared without a back - sofa.

Simple cabinets modified depending on their main purpose, so there were secretaries

Survants (wardrobe for dishes)

Stelms (row of shelves in several tiers)

Russian furniture was simple and functional. The mandatory attribute of any Russian huts were chests, stools and, of course, shops are wide long benches without backs. Day they were used for seating, at night - for sleep, instead of beds

in the royal residences, the furniture was much more elegant, but at the same time there was no excessive luxury and cordiality

Oak or Karelian Bereza was used as wood, silk was used for upholstery.

High bookcases had a doors with glass inserts, which were visible and books.

Buffets with glass inserts where it was visible to be elegant dishes

Thanks for attention.

Talk about chairs and bypass your attention table - it is impossible. It has long been considered the most significant element of the situation. His inventors were residents of ancient Egypt, which is attributed to the creation of two types of tables - dining and working. The desktop was mobile - easily folded and was transferred from place to place. A small table for meals had a round table top, which was located on a rounded massive leg (prototype of a gephidone). Later, a model with a rectangular table top supported by three legs appeared.

Greeks belong to the invention of high stand-stands on three legs, which served to accommodate vessels with drinks. The meals were held behind squat tables, which, at the end of meal, ended out of the room. For the manufacture of tables, the Greeks used marble, bronze and wood.

At the time of the Middle Ages, the model includes models made of wood. Roughly worked massive tables were a mockery over sophisticated antique silhouettes.

The Renaissance has become a new point of reference in the history of the table - they purchased lost the grace. They again decorated with carvings, inlay, varied table top shapes (from the traditional circle before oval). The interest in the desktops was revived (initially it was the desks, followed by standing, but gradually they were supplanted by more convenient models, the work activity for which was carried out by sitting).

In the eighteenth century, elegant toilet tables came out on the furniture scene, as well as serving, which are necessary to comply with the process - serving the table. At about the same time, Zhardivanki was included in the salons - elegant tables with a round countertop on which flowers were placed.

In Russia, the table entered the tenth century in Russia. It was then that in the dwellings of simple peasants began to rush in an earthen floor-made tables made from clay tables. The tree came to shift Clay much later.

The value of the table, as a witness to a secret evening, is difficult to overestimate for followers of the Christian teaching. No wonder one of the serious violations was considered a bad behavior at the table (foul language, clarification of relations and so on). To sit on the table or put on it legs - such an ancestors could not even come to mind! Until now, the rules of etiquette is a pseudo-octic posture - elbows on the table.

Nowadays, the table still remains a fundamental element of the interior. Therefore, all progressive designers worship the credit to contribute to the evolution of the table. Their bold experiments with materials (glass, plastic, natural stone, mirror, and so on), tabletop shapes (drop, abstraction, etc.) and did not dream of the furniture makers of the old days.
Our catalog presents an extensive collection of elegant tables (dining, journal), which illustrates all modern tendencies of furniture fashion and confirms that since the Pharaoh's time, the table is left unchanged - to be a semantic center of the interior composition and, of course, a source of good energy that helps us with Optimism to look at the world.