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Games and contests for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: Funny home with children, fun to kindergarten and school, cool to corporate. Games and contests with jokes to corporate. Have fun for the new year with colleagues

The script is registered with a banquet room, the number of employees is 20 people. If your event is designed for a larger number of people, then just add a few.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden (they are leading), employees.

Props: Gifts for participating in the competition, scissors, colored ribbons, rain, scotch, color cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers, 3-4 eggs craft, cards with dance names and song names, auction lots, men's shirts, men's gloves, glass jars Coins.

In the hall to the music includes Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus :
We came today to you,
We will have fun with you,
I wish everyone friends
Smile and get drunk!

Snow Maiden:
Joking grandfather, from the road,
Apparently the old man is tired,
Good evening dear,
Hour miracles now has come!

Santa Claus :
The most important, first toast,
Will tell your head,
He brought gifts to you,
The most important leader!

(Director of the organization pronounces the first toast to which the holiday opens)

Snow Maiden:
They say the year of the rooster,
Will be bright and perky
Are you waiting for his friends?
Gift house full?

Santa Claus :
I'm already waiting for this year
Maybe my grandmother will find
Maybe someone
I'll take and love!

Snow Maiden:
I'm also dreaming here,
To preplace my grandfather
To with the young for the holiday,
I come to the handle!
In general, I wish everyone
So that you have dreams
Congratulations to my mind
We start holiday!

Santa Claus :
And let's start, perhaps, with you,
With the menu selection to the table,
You will make it
Well, I will help me!

Competition "New Year's Menu".
50 participants are selected. Everyone should call as much New Year's dishes as possible on the given letter of the lead. For repetition - departure. The winner will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden:
So, the menu was determined,
Need and raise a glass,
And now the accountant will
Collective your congratulations!

(Accountant pronounces)

Santa Claus :
That's what I thought, my sweet Snow Maid, and how do you look at the fact that I have your New Year's gift for you in 2018?

Snow Maiden:
Something I did not understand what it means, to go to me in the old fur coat?

Santa Claus :
Yes, what's the difference in what, you do not value the fur coat!

Snow Maiden:
Maybe not behind the fur coat, but this does not mean that the new is not needed! And although, as you know, I will keep the next corporate in general, and what's the difference?

Santa Claus :
Yes, you do not boil, but you melted! There will be a fur coat!

Snow Maiden:
Why did the conversation started?

Santa Claus :
Yes, so, to maintain a conversation! Something we distracted.

Snow Maiden:
So, we decided on the menu, it's time to decide with alcohol, which will stand on the festive table! But, all the difficulty is that in order to put it, you need to guess the riddle.

(Alcohol riddles. Who will give the right answers more, will receive a prize)

Options of mysteries:
1. Folk drink of all time
Copper pipes passed through the pipes
Prepare often on the furnace,
Well, you call him.

2. burns mouth and throat,
But at the same time they drink together
Serve usually in glasses,
But also drink from glasses.

3. Thin fragrance, what a bouquet,
Beautiful color and tartness, sweetness,
Stands in barrels for many years
Well, have you already guessed?

4. Peat sometimes the beverage is ladies,
Adding juice and ice,
And as part of the grass,
I poured in my head.

5. Quenching thirst, gives a belly,
My fish goes well,
Everyone is well understood
Malt there in the composition will enter

7. With a cola often drink it,
In the barrels, too, pour it,
The most important for pirates
It is sometimes rich.

8. With tonic goes great,
The taste is sometimes unusual,
Drink with lemon and ice,
No friends i'm not about rum

9. Rich aroma and color,
And it's none relative to us,
In the glass so easily plays
And stars always shine

10. Bubbles and Gaziki,
Player playing
We are like aristocratic
Well, who is giving

(Mysteries can be different

Santa Claus :
And now, your congratulations,
Read us friends
Those who are also in the manual
And without them it is impossible!

(Toasts pronounce leaders of departments, or one on behalf of all)

Snow Maiden:
Stand together, stand around,
By hand you all lie down
In the dance you are friends,
Miget to eat!

Competition "Moonless dance".
All participants become around. Select one and becomes around. The task of the participant in the circle is to squat and while everyone will drive away the dance, move and repeat: "I am a little moonlook." Which of the participants laughs first, he will take place in the center of the circle.

(Presenters declare a musical pause, lasting 10-15 minutes)

Snow Maiden:
And now I give the floor,
All employees now
Toast want to hear from you
In this moment and at this hour!

(Employees read)

Santa Claus :
There were poems and dances,
And now we are waiting for the show,
The most fashionable, New Year,
Who are friends from you?

Competition "New Year's delayeliki".
Separate 3-4 participants. Each is issued on the same set: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, color cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers. The task is from the set, make a suit of the rooster and extertain in it. Performance time 3 minutes. The best costume will receive a prize.
It will take: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, scotch, color cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers.

Snow Maiden:
Let's drink in the coming year for the year,
So that we all were fine
So that the year was previous
So that we are lucky in all matters!

Santa Claus :
To make a lot of money in the house
To caviar stood on the tables,
To envy all neighbors,
Only dust remained from failures!

Snow Maiden:
So that you shone from happiness
So that love in the soul lived
So that everyone came true wishes
For this, drink friends to the bottom!

Santa Claus :
Oh, how I feel good, now sleep!

Competition "I sing in cotton".
The task is next, all guests at the table together begin to sing on cotton, any New Year's song. On the second cotton, sing stop, but continue to sing to themselves, they sing aloud by the next cotton. It is very funny, since many just won't get into rhythm.

Snow Maiden:
I think it's time for us to dance,
We will ask RITM now,
There will be a hot rock and roll,
Slag now start!

(Snow Maiden declares a musical pause for 15-20 minutes. Before the musical pause you can hold a dance competition)

Dance competition for girls "I dance everything in the world".
Cards with dance names are preparing in advance. 3-4 participants are selected. Each of them pulls the card with the name of the dance. The preparation is given 2 minutes. All dances are performed under Russian hits 80-90x. For the best execution - the prize.
Dancing options for cards: Hopak, Russian People's, Salsa, Lambad, Cha-Cha, Cacan, Striptease. Options for musical compositions (prescribe on a separate card): N. Queen "Little Country", E. Belousov "Girl, Girl", E. Osin "Crying Girl in Avtomatak", A. Varum "Winter Cherry", Ksyusha combination, Ksyusha ", On-to" Faina ", A. Apina" The nodule will establish ".
It will take: cards with dance names and song titles.

Santa Claus :
Do you know who is the coolest one in your team? So I do not know, I suggest find out!

Competition "Circular No".
Only men participate in the competition. Of all the participants, 3-4 people are selected. The table is put on the table with boiled boiled eggs (by the number of participating). The presenter announces that one of the eggs is raw (although it is not so). Participants should take turns on the forehead of their egg. The voltage grows with each egg, and the spectators climbs the mood.
It will take: 3-4 eggs screwed.

Snow Maiden:
How this competition showed
That the team is all equal,
For equality we drink to the bottom,
You are all cool, well done!

Santa Claus :
And now auction,
Let's spend friends for you
Give out gifts we
Moment impossible!

Declared " New Year's auction».
The presenter shows the lot and sells it for the highest price. Each lot may have its own price and not always monetary.
Need: lots.

Options of lots (maybe others):
1. A bottle of champagne with the inscription "Corporate 2018. Thank you for with us." (Initial price from 50 rubles)
2. Weekend among the week. (Initial price from 150 rubles)
3. The right to be as director. (Initial price from 250 rubles)
4. Do not go to work after the winter weekend. (The initial price of 500 rubles, or the execution of the desire of the lead)
5. The ability to go 2 hours earlier from work.
6. The ability to be late for 2 hours. (Initial price from 200 rubles)
7. 3 weekends among the week. (Initial price from 600 rubles)
8. Daily praise from the director throughout the week. (Initial price from 700 rubles)
9. Dinner at the expense of the director at any restaurant. (Initial price from 1000 rubles)

(Such lots need to be coordinated with her own guide)

Snow Maiden:
Who knows how shouts cock?

(She is answered)

Snow Maiden:
Excellent. We will all play together! Since the year of the rooster, you need to resolve the bird, please!

Competition "Sleep, Stansova, I can do everything".
Separate 3-4 participants. The task is to contact the predetermined song and at the same time walk like a rooster. Who will not betray, he will receive a prize.

(After that, the musical pause is announced. 20-25 minutes)

Santa Claus :
I suggest drinking for the new year,
Let him bring with them
Joy, happiness and lucky
All loot and customer!

Snow Maiden:
All fun, passion, caress,
Will bring let the richness
Let's drink with you friends
So that the good luck came to the house!

Santa Claus :
But I wonder how desecity guys work in this company?

Snow Maiden:
And we will check now!

Competition "Deft Fingers".
3 pairs (man, woman) are selected. Men is put on the men's shirt, and women are outstanding men's gloves. The task of women is to fasten the shirt in gloves. Time to perform 1 minute. The one who will cope faster will receive a prize.
It will take: men's shirts, men's gloves.

Santa Claus :
For agility drink friends,
We all always need it!

Snow Maiden:
Command Spirit is always in price,
Check it the Lord,
Please gather all of you together
Unity prove it!

"Monetsniki" game.
Participants are divided into several teams. Each team receives a glass jar and coins (in accordance with the number of participants). The task is to throw your coin without the help of hands and mouth. The team that threw the greatest number of coins will win. Banks to put at a distance of 2 meters.
It will take: glass jars, coins.

Snow Maiden:
I suggest drinking for you,
You are so friendly, so interesting
Let miracles fill every hour
You always work together!

(Announced a musical pause in which you can spend a musical competition. For example, you can hold the contest "Touch". Conditions are simple. When a pause comes, a leading says to what you need to touch. For example, touch the nose, wood, leg, green, etc. .)

Santa Claus :
Our holiday is coming to an end,
Part to us
I congratulate you from the heart
With the year of poultry - a rooster!

Snow Maiden:
Finally, you need to drink,
So that the desire to fix
So that the rooster brought good luck,
To live well!

It is important to remember that the roles need to be beat, and the hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday and that thoughtful musical accompaniment is the pledge of a fun holiday.

If you work by Santa Claus for the New Year and you called to corporate, then you need a good entertainment program. More precisely, you need Santa Claus contests and Snow Maiden on a corporate party. After all, without contests, the New Year's corporate will not be a holiday, but a paug that will not benefit anyone. So make your notebooks and write down the contests.

First, read our advice on that. After all, your task will include a lot, and you should be prepared to everything.

As always, Santa Claus should give gifts. But just so give gifts, it means to deprive yourself of one contest and fun of all guests. Therefore, there are two options.
First classic.
Give the rope to the hands of two participants, and the prizes are tied to the ropes. The third tie the eyes and giving the scissors. He must come to the rope and cut off the prize. But it is necessary to complicate everything - when the eyes tied up, then the rope raise a little or lowered. Thus, everything is knocked down and everything that a person remembered immediately comes down.
The second option is more game.
You need a portrait of a snowman who has no nose. The task of participants to glue the nose of a snowman. And there in the portrait there are three circles that are barely noticeable. The first is the smallest - he is where the nose. The second is more, but not much. And the third almost with the head of the snowman. The participant ties eyes and spin. And so the participant must attach the nose of a snowman. In what circle he got his nose, that gift and chooses. Naturally, if in the very center, then chooses a super gift, if in the second round, then a gift worse, if in the third, then something like keyfobs or postcards. And if he missed the circles in general. That remains without a prize.
For the new year there are many photos. And so that they are not banal it is necessary to recruit guests. Therefore, arrange a contest with requisites. Get a mustache on the shelf, a deer horns, frost beard and so on. The task of guests to portray the following:
Good Santa Claus;
Evil Santa Claus;
Drunk Santa Claus;
Lost deer;
Surprised deer;
Deer rolling to the female;
Deer in the marriage;
And so on, nominations can come up with themselves depending on your props.
Competition for speed and dexterity and accuracy.
You can make a New Year's basketball ring or just take the usual paper baskets. They must be put in a circle from participants at a distance of two or three meters in diameter. One participant gets up in the center and beside it paper snowballs. The task of the participant to throw paper snowballs in the basket. And do it for a while. That is, you need to try in twenty seconds to get on one snow in each basket. Wins the one who will get into more baskets.

Funny, funny competitions will allow you to have a good rest and nice to have fun at the New Year's party. The lead that is entrusted to organize the entertainment part, we offer the original selection of games, contests and quizzes for the scenario of the festive corporate party!

So that New Year's holiday went more successful, we made a selection of the most interesting contests for you and fun.


To begin with, we offer to include in the New Year's Corporate program at work cool contests at the table.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: Small sheets of paper, handles (or pencils).

Guests before sit down for a festive table, get along a small piece of paper and write what kind of gift would like to wish themselves in the new year. It can be, for example, a new apartment, car, dog, travel, money, lover ...

The sheets are folded with the tube and put in a beautiful box, the header ... At some point in the evening, the lead asks everyone to pull out an arbitrary leaf and find out what good Claus prepared him for the next year. Everyone's wishes are different, so it will be fun! And the desire will come true if you save a piece of paper until the next holiday, and then tell about what is fulfilled.

The leaves can be attached by threads to the rope / fishing line and then, as once in childhood, blindfolded with scissors to cut off the wish. Another kind - to tie the notes to balloons and distribute the present.

I want, I want, I want! ... branded woof

Another game about desire. But this time without attributes.

5-7 wishing are caused. In turn, they call their desire for the next year. It is necessary to speak quickly, without delaying the queue! Stop longer than 5 seconds - the player drops out. We play to victory - to the last playing! (A small prize is possible).

Raise a glass! New Year toasts

When in the midst of the feast, guests bored, offer them not just fill the glasses, but to ask toast or congratulations for all those present.

Conditions are two - each speech should be long in one sentence and start on the letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

  • And - absolutely sure that the new year will be the best!
  • B - Be healthy and happy!
  • In - in general I am glad that today is with you!
  • G - pride squeezes at the sight of those who gathered at this table! ..

The most fun moment when the letters e, ё, y, y, s are entering the game.

Game option: Each next toast begins with the last letter of previous congratulations. For example: "Very happy if you support me with applause! - And you all good ... ". For complication, you can prohibit the toast from prepositions, unions and interjections.

"I'm talking about frost!" Sochini Chaustushki.

Those who wish to write during the evening, and then submit to the court of spectators a chastushka, in which there are pre-specified New Year's words or topics. It may be "New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden".

You can compose a netwash - with an unimpressed last string, but withstand the set rhythm of the chastushki. Example:

Hello, Red Santa Claus
You brought gifts!
The most important is ten days
We will just relax.

Snow news

Attributes: cards with word-noun. The cards are written on 5 completely unnecessied nouns. It is advisable to turn on there at least 1 winter word.

The participant pulls the card, reads out loud words and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party already, well, very tired, then 1 minute can be) inventing news from one sentence. And in it should fit all the words from the card.

Nouns can be turned into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs ...) and change as you like, and the news should certainly be interesting and funny.

The news can be started by the words "Sensation!"

For example:

  • 1 Card - "Road, Chair, Roof, Bicycle, Snowman". Offer - "A huge snowman was discovered outside the city with a roof on a road bike with a chair instead of a seat!"
  • 2 Card - "Fence, sound, ice, shop, Christmas tree." The offer is "near the store under the fence, someone left a Christmas tree with sounding ice floes."

Try this: it will be even more interesting if you cook a lot of cards, where it will be written on one different word, and the players themselves will stretch 5 words themselves.

Fun guaranteed!

I love / do not love a neighbor

The game does not require any girlfriend! But requires sufficient degree of liberty or relaxed relationships in the team.

The leading offers to all those present to call, which part of the body (you can clothing) they like the sitting on the left, and which I do not like it. For example: "My neighbor on the right I like the left ear and do not like the outpopped pocket."

After everyone was named and remembered said, the presenter asks to kiss (or stroke) what I like and bite (or slap) What I don't like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 courageous in the circle are caused.

Our friend is orange!

This game can be held on the New Year's Eve celebration only if all colleagues are familiar. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The presenter comes to a person from those present at the table. And participants with the help of leading issues are trying to guess who it is.

But questions are not simple - these are associations! Who first rents, he won.

Questions about such:

  • - What fruit / vegetable is it like? - on orange.
  • - What kushan is associated with? - With cakes.
  • - What animals? - With a mole.
  • - What music? - with choral singing.
  • - What flower?
  • - What is the plant?
  • - Machine?
  • - Color?
  • - Part of the light?

Yin-Yang bumps

Attributes: 2 bumps - one painted white, the other is black. If there is nothing to paint - you can wrap them with colored woolen threads of the desired color.

The course of fun: the presenter is selected from the guests, which will have these two bumps. They are the signals of his answers, because it is impossible to speak at all. He hits the Word, and the rest with the help of leading questions are trying to guess what he was conceived.

The whole secret is that he can only show silently: yes - this is a white bump, no - black. If neither, nor, he can raise both.

Wins the first guessing.

Instead of cones, you can take multicolored Christmas balls. But with glass it is necessary to be careful, especially if the presenter has already drank a couple of glasses of champagne.

Associations on a piece of paper. Spoiled phone associations

Attributes of playing: a piece of paper and a pen.

The first person writes on his leaf any word-noun and says him quietly at the neighbor her neighbor. He comes up with his association to this word, writes to his own and whisper transmits it with the following.

So the chain is transmitted to the association ... The latter says out loud the word transmitted to him. It is compared with the original source and fun turns out, on which link the chain of associations occurred failure: all read their nouns.

Low neighbor

Playing any number of guests.

We become in the circle, and the leading starts: produces with a neighbor an action that will make it laugh. He can take him for the ear, pat on the shoulders, stick on the nose, click on the arm, touch the knees ... Everything, standing in a circle must repeat the same movement With your neighbor / neighbor.

It drops out the one who will laugh.

Then the leading makes the next movement, everything is repeated. If no one laughed, a new movement. And so to the last "non-vessels".

New Year's rhymefleet

Account reading little-known New Year / Winter Quarters. But only the first 2 lines say out loud.

The rest is invited to participate in the competition for a better rhythmoplet.

Guests come up with and stammering the last two lines. Then the most funny and original poet is chosen, and then the original poem is announced under the common laughter and the fun.

Contest Figure "I see I see the new year!"

Wishing wheels of A-4 with arbitrary lines and markers. Everyone has the same image (xerox to help you).

The task is to try the picture on the New Year's theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team is best understood in painting. Here he or she will evaluate the results. Who has more interesting, the winner! Winners can be a lot - the holiday is!


Shuster shiska

Attributes: pine or fir bumps.

Game Travel: Guests can or sit at the table, or get into the circle (if by this time really dressed). Task - transfer to each other a bump. Condition - can be transmitted, only holding it on the back of two palms. Try it's difficult enough ... but also fun!

You can still divide on equal commands, and which will give your bump faster, that I won.

My frost is more beautiful!

You will need various items like: garlands, funny caps, scarves, beads, ribbons. Socks, mittens, female bags ... Two or three ladies who want to stay for a few minutes in the role of Snow Maiden, choose each man to turn it into Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden Created on the table on the table create a funny image of their hero. In principle, it is possible to finish this, choosing the most successful and funny model ...

Snow Maid can take snowflakes to help and with the "registration" of Santa Claus and advertising.

Snow tracks

This is a very successful game to identify couples for subsequent New Year competitions.

Attributes: Colored ribbons of winter shades (blue, blue, silver ...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the tape in advance in half and sew, confusing halves.

3-4 pairs of playing. The host holds a basket / box to which multicolored ribbons lie, whose tips hang.

Host: "In the new year, the tracks of snow covered ... The blizzard confused paths in the House of Santa Claus. We must unravel them! Through pairwise everyone for the tape tape, which I liked, and pull the track for yourself. A couple that will pull out your ribbon earlier than others will receive a prize! "

Playing choose a pair of themselves and the color of the tape, waiting for the same color at the ends of the same color. But fun lies in the fact that the tapes are sewn in different ways, and the couples are formed completely unexpected.

Layout of happy people

Everyone loves dances: both small, and large (and those who shy about it to admit)!

Arrange your guests dance terrain. It is clear that resting at a party is difficult to raise yourself to a movable competition, so come up with them corporate Cocks.

- Now in the train you are trained by those who
a) wishes himself a big wealth,
b) wants to be loved
c) who wants a lot of health
d) who dreams of traveling to the sea, etc.

The presenter leads the location around the hall, it is filled and filled with guests. And when it is clear that there is no longer anyone from the tables from the tables, the dancing movements are arranged (they can show the lead) under diverting music.

New Year's urgent contribution

Attributes: Money-Factory.

Two pairs are selected, in every man and a woman. It is desirable that men are dressed about the same (if one has a jacket, then the second must be in the jacket).

- Dear women, on the threshold of the New Year, and you need to have time to do a urgent contribution to the bank. Here you are money (each of women is issued on a pack of candy). This is the initial contributions. You will put them in the bank for a super urgent contribution. Your men are your banks. Only one condition - every "bill" in a separate cell! And the cells can be pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places. The contribution can be done while music sounds. Just remember where you put your money. Started!

The task is given to 1-2 minutes.

- Attention! Intermediate check: who managed to make a complete investment (there were not a single phantha left in his hands), it receives an additional score. All money in business!

- And now, dear depositors, you must quickly remove the cash - after all, we know that it was a super rapid contribution. You will shoot every blindfold, but you always remember what and where they put. Music! Started!

The focus is that men change places, and women blindfolded "searched" someone else's partner, not knowing about it. All fun!

We are actors at least where!

Wishing to participate are handed cards with tasks. None of them knows in advance what they have to come together.

The presenter announces that participants need to go through Before everyone, depicting what is written in the cards. Here is an exemplary list:

  • rope over the abyss
  • duck around the yard
  • tinener with a swollen bike,
  • gugly girl
  • stensifying Japanese in Kimono in the rain,
  • novice walking child
  • heron on the swamp
  • Joseph Kobzon on the speech
  • city \u200b\u200bin the market,
  • tropick hare,
  • model on the podium
  • arabic Sheikh
  • cat on the roof, etc.

Tasks can be complemented and expanded by any ideas.

Funny draw "Bear in Berorod or Inside Spectators"

Attention: only once is played!

The presenter invites you to portray the pantomime, takes it into a separate room and gives him a "secret" task - depict Bear (hare or kangaroo).

In the meantime, the master's assistant is negotiated with the rest, not to understand its television conditions.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. Guests pretend that they do not understand and call anything, but not the wrong who they are shown.

- Walking, roll over? Yes, this is the situation (lasy fox, tired boar)!
- Licks the paw? Probably, the cat is washed.

It happens that the guests depictantly depictor, begins to be angry: "Are you so stupid? It's so easy! " And if he shows hell patience, again and again shows - he has iron nerves! But this is also fun to host the staff at the party. Do not delay. When the playing starts to end fantasy and patience - you can guess the right animal.

3. Competitions for music

Can you imagine a new year without music, songs and dancing? Right, no! For additional entertainment and fun and invented many musical competitions competitions for New Year's corporate.

Scene "Clip Song"

This is the most creative musical fun for the New Year's corporate evening.

Prepare a musical accompaniment: songs about Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden ... and simple attributes that will help awake playing (beads, hats, boots, scarves ...)

The task is to make a corporate clip on the song "Little Christmas Tree in Winter". Need an operator that will shoot the clip on the camera.

Participants, under the song escort begin to portrait all the actions, which are: "The bunny bunny under the Christmas tree jumps" - the hero jumps, "Beads hanged" - the team hangs beads to improvised living "Christmas tree".

You can divide into two teams (employees and employees) and each will remove their clip. Results are desirable to display and compare. Winners award from corporate souvenirs or applause.

Competition "Lazy Dance"

Playing sit in a circle on the chairs and under the merry New Year's song, the song is beginning to dance. But these are strange dances - no one gets out of place!

According to the team of the lead dance different parts of the body:

  • First dance elbows!
  • Then shoulders
  • legs
  • fingers
  • lips
  • eyes, etc.

The rest choose the coolest dance.


This is a comic game in which you can play at any time of the holiday. The presenter primaries a line from the New Year / Winter Songs, but with words, on the contrary. The task of all - who is faster guards the original and will sing it. Guessing gives a chip (candy, candy, bump ...) so that it was easier to calculate the winner in the whole competition.

The lines may look something like this:

- Birch died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
- The old month is slow, nothing will happen for a long time. - New year rushes to us, soon everything will happen.
- White-white couples stood on the ground. - Blue-blue frost Loe on the wires.
- One gray daze, one gray downtown. - Three white horses, three white horse.
- The brave white wolf on Baobab sat. -Trushka bunny gray under the Christmas tree galloped.
- Exact, Santa Claus, where will you go? - Tell me, Snow Maiden, where was it?
- You read me a book about 1 hour. - I'll drink a song about five minutes to you.
- Huge palm is hot in summer. - Little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
- Giri removed, left the chain. - Beads hanged, stood in the dance.
- I ran away from you, Snow Maiden, wiped a bit of sweet smiles. - For you Run, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of bitter tears.
- Ay, heat heat, Sogray you! Sogray you, and your camel. - Oh, frost frost, do not frost me! Do not frost me, my horse.
- The worst acquisition is me. - My best present is you.

Sandy contest "Music hat Santa Claus"

Attributes: put the words from the New Year's song in the header.

Players pass it in a circle for musical accompaniment. When the music stops, received at this moment the cap takes the card with the word and should remember / sing a piece of the song where it meets.

You can play commands. Then the hat is transmitted from the representative to the representative of each team. You can limit the task execution time and reward the team for each guess.

We are not sure that your guests are so fast - write not one word, but a small phrase. Then it will be easier to remember the song!

Dance with candlelight

Dynamic, but at the same time a very calm and gentle dance competition.

Turn on slow music and offer couples to light bengal lights and dance. The couple, whose fire will burn longer, won and her will get a prize.

Want to add sharpness to dance - Choose Tango!

Old song on a new way

Print the texts of the famous (not necessarily even New Year's) songs and prepare musical accompaniment without words (music for karaoke).

It can be Karabas Barabas, Snow Maiden, an evil policeman, a good woman Yaga and even your boss.


The famous song is chosen, which all guests begin to sing choir.

On the team "Quiet!" Sing the song to yourself. On the team "Loud!" again out loud.

And since everyone sang in its pace, then the loud choir begins with different words. And so repeats several times, all cheering.

4. Team

Command Games for the New Year's corporate party will allow us to strengthen the team spirit and solidarity once again, fulfilling the role of unscheduled timbing.

Competition - Relay "Valenki Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of woven very large size (or alone).

This game is held around the tree or around the chairs teams.

Playing on a signal of a leading or sound of music put on big felt boots and run rugs around the tree (chairs). If you have only one pair of such a winter shoe, then let the team compete for a while.

With boons, you can still come up with a lot of different relay: share on the team and run, passing them in a team to each other; carry on the elongated hands so as not to drop; Woven boots and run back in advance (in big it is difficult to do), etc. Fantasize!

Do not drop lumps

Attributes: "Snow" lumps made of crumpled paper; Large spoons (wooden).

Contest-relay crossing: two equal in the number of team is collected. On the team of the leading (or on the sound of music), the first participants should quickly run around the room and back, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Do not choose too long routes - it is enough to make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that paper is light and strives all the time to fly to the floor.

Play to the last team held in the team. Who is the first, he won!

Chancellery congratulates Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 Watman Sheet (depending on how many teams play), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

For 10-15 minutes, the teams must be cut from the words offered by them the words, stick them to the sheet and make an original congratulation present for the new year.

Must get a small cheerful text. You can add pictures with clippings from the proposed magazines.

The most creative congratulations wins.

Beads for chips

Offer teams of stationery clips in large quantities (it is desirable to choose plastic multicolored). Task: For the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are collected under pleasant music.

Who in the end "Beads" will be longer than rivals, the team and wins.

Collect the team or "Friendly Mosaic"

Competition requires a little training. You need to take a picture of the commands, print photos on the printer and cut into small parts. The task of commands is to fold the photo of your team in the minimum time.

Those who are faster than their puzzle won.

Preferably to photos were large.

Snowman turns ...

Two teams. Each 4 participant and 8 balls (can be blue and white). Each is written big letters of C_N_E_G_O_V_I_K. Snowman "melts" and turns ... into other words.

The leading riddles of ordinary riddles, and the playful words are drawn from the balls with letters.

  • Grows on face. - Nose.
  • Forbidden at work. - Sleep.
  • Candles make it from it. - Wax.
  • Bottles for the winter. - hay.
  • Orange prefers Mandarin. - The juice.
  • It's hard to raise in the morning. - eyelids.
  • Where did the service novel happened? - Movie.
  • Colleague of a snowy woman. - Snowman.

Points get the fastest, and winning more points won.

5. Bonus - contests for purely female team!

These games are suitable for New Year's corporate dealers, teachers or for kindergarten.

Rope for brave

This is a competition exclusively for an adult company. Guest is divided into two equal teams.

According to the signal of the world and under the trigger music, playing parts of their clothing to tie the long-pretty rope of them.

When it sounds "Stop!", Noticeably subgamed participants begin to measure their length of their chains from clothing.

Wins longer!

Dress up in the New Year! or "Dark Outfit"

Two participants are standing near their chest / boxes / baskets, in which different clothing items lie. They first tie their eyes, and then they should put on everything from the chest as soon as possible.

Appreciates speed and correctness. Although everyone is more fun and from the fact that things are confused on playing.

Snow Queen on the contrary

Inventory: Ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders on the crown of the Snow Queen are chosen. They take into the hands on an ice cube and the team should melt it as soon as possible, turning into water.

You can give one by one, you can by a few layers by folding them into the bowls.

The first fulfilling task wins. She is assigned the title "The Hotest Snow Queen."

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's Ball?

In front of the two participants on the plates, the slide is mixed beans, pepper, rosehip fruits, peas (ingredients can be taken any). The amount of grains is small to make the game for too long (you can check experimentally before the holiday).

After the players tie their eyes, they begin to disassemble the fruits on the piles. Who is the first to cope, she will go to the ball!

Santa Claus, contests, riddles, congratulations and other tips for holding this holiday.

Of course, the appearance of Santa Claus is happily found by all - and adults and children. But if you are in the nonsense company, you can arrange a New Year election on the role of Santa Claus.
He was then as a prize to give the staff, a hat and beard of this beautiful grandfather, to instruct the first festive toast to say, order the first dance and, in general, to make sure to follow the course of the holiday. The selection of applicants for this role can be made in several ways - you can simply recall that grandfather this, wise and ancient, and therefore only those boys and men who are older in age will fight for the right to get this title on New Year's Eve. At the same time remember all the years and the birthdays of your guests - men. It can be reminded that grandfather loves this holiday for the abundance of a beautiful drink - champagne and put on the male circle to the music of an inflatable or a real bottle of champagne. For three musical moments you will select the three participants of the New Year election (When you stop music, a man with a bottle in his hands becomes Santa Claus). Well, when grandfathers are chosen, they can take part in the following competitions:
1. Santa Claus skillfully controls the top three. And rushes with a breeze to a meeting with everyone who is waiting for him on New Year's Eve. All participants are given a bunch of inflated balls - three balls - and they are offered, calling for the help of the blizzard and wind, rush from one end of the room to another. That is, the participants blowing on the bundle of the balls, they strive to send them to the specified place.
2. Santa Claus in our difficult time should always be with money - because he needs to be stocking so much gifts and sweets to have enough. But, remembering that the grandfather of this ancient - the won, the victory in this competition will won the one who will find either at himself, or guests of the coin of the oldest year of release.
3. And once - since you are held New Year's elections, let each Santa Claus present its "election program", that is, will tell the wish to all those present. According to the strength of the applause, it will not be difficult to choose who else fell in the soul to all "voters", that is, guests.
4. We talked about the fact that Santa Claus - comrade for the rarity wise. Therefore, he is simply obliged to know everything about New Year's traditions of different countries. Let the election participants guess your riddles. Who this will be able to make faster, deserve additional "voices" for his "candidacy" for the role of Santa Claus.
And the riddles are:
Everywhere meet New Year.
I ask you to say what kind of people
Happy new year congratulates
In the morning, sunrise ...
French and Russian, and Spaniard
We will call, of course, dance,
Which every new year
Greek people dancing.
In which country is under the new year
(I will not suggest the country)
From the windows of the Bitu dice
Throws joyful people?
Now I ask me to answer:
Where is the new year called "TET"?
Where it's not snow that day
And peach branches bloom?

And you can ask the election participants the question of whether they know how the sheds of frosts are called in different countries.
Santa Claus - America
Per Noel - France
Babbo Natal - Italy
Mikulas - Czech Republic
Segatsu-San - Japan
Pope Pasquale - Latin America.

You can offer a more effective task - Santa Claus should be very distant, so to speak, physically ready for what he has to go for one New Year's Eve in a variety of different places. And the preparedness for this is the following test - who will scroll on the waist for longer on the waist. Following the results of four festive tasks, one of the three participants is selected one who is assigned to this New Year's evening is the honorary title - Santa Claus!
Well, of course, the literary, poetic material will decorate the holiday, make it emotionally, solemn, brighter.
There are quite a few beautiful holidays,
Everyone comes to his turn.
But in the world is the kindest holiday,
The best holiday -
New Year!
He comes a snowy road,
Skiving snowflakes dance.
Beauty mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the new year!
He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and in a new turn,
Helps get better
All in the light of people New Year!
Calling laughter and joyful arms,
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime. We are all brothers all each other!
On the planet holiday - New Year!
Hear, the music again sounded.
These are friends, new dance.
Everywhere fun and joy sparkles
In Waltse, let each of you
The final song in the overall performance can be an excellent festival final. The motive of the whole sign: "We wish you happiness," and the words can be distributed in advance.
Our holiday will complete,
And now the alarm clock is sprouting.
Recall how much joy
We brought the old year.
And, step by fearlessly in the New Year,
Believe, he will bring good luck.
Exactly for a year with you
Santa Claus breaks.

What do Many compatriots expect from the upcoming winter holidays? New Year's corporate party, contests, congratulations, which will begin at work, and end at home, in a family circle. For the upcoming celebration, "warming up" is important, so for all those who will celebrate New Year's holidays with colleagues, we offer the best contests for the corporate party for the new year.

"We wish everyone!"

On the sheets of paper, you should write the names of employees and put them in one box, and in another box of leaves with wishes. Then, from each box, the scope of every box is pulled out and with a laugh notify all those who gathered, what a fate is waiting for them in the coming year.

"Intenit it!"

At first, a simple phrase is pronounced, and the task of each participant is to pronounce it with a certain intonation (surprised, questioning, cheerful, dark, indifferent, etc.). Each next participant must come up with something in articulation, and one who could not come up with anything new, dropping out of the competition. The participant wins in the competition, in the arsenal of which there were most of all different emotional pronunciation paints.

"Express your place"

Inventing funny contests for the New Year's corporate party with colleagues, you can pay attention to the following option. Each participant of the competition ties eyes and inform him a place in a certain queue. Then the signal follows the participants to get up to this queue in accordance with their numbers. Completes the task what they should do it silently.

"Lopni Ball"

In this competition, the more participants, the more fun. To the left foot of each participant you need to tie an air ball. Then the music is turned on, and the participants begin to dance, striving at the same time to come to the opponent's ball. The dancer wins, which will save his ball longer than everyone. It will be even funnier if the participants are blindfolding at the time of the competition.

"Dialogue of Deaf"

Especially people like funny New Year competitions for the corporate party, and this one can attribute to their number. The presenter causes the boss and subordinate. The first headphones with loudly playing music are put on. The subordinate will ask the chief of a wide variety of questions regarding their work, and the boss who does not hear them due to playing music should be in lips, facial expressions and the expression of the subordinate persons to guess what he asked, and respond to questions that, as he believes , they were asked. Naturally, the answers will be the nefple, and such a dialogue will be accompanied by the rollers of the audience laughter. Then, to not offend anyone, the boss and subordinate changes in places, and the dialogue continues.

"Encut the button"

People came up with various funny contests on corporate enterprises for the new year, for example, such. You need to collect two teams of 4 people, and all team members to build each other. On the chairs, which are located near each participant, you need to decompose on a large buttics, cut from cardboard. In 5-6 meters there are large coils with beeps wound on them. The first participant of the team is required to unwind the beep, to put it in the needle and convey the instrument of labor standing behind the participant, whose task is to sew a button. The following team members do the same. The work begins after the leading signal, and the team who coped with the task is first.

"Where am I?"

For this fun, you can choose a few people who lay back to the rest of the audience. The leaf of each player is attached to the back of each player, on which the name of some organization or institution is written, and if a fairly friendly company gathered, you can use such places like a toilet, maternity hospital, etc.

The public will see the names of these objects and respond to the leading questions of the participants who are not knowing that they are written on the back, will ask once again, at the same time I am going to understand what we are talking about. Such contests for the New Year's corporate party with whiskers will definitely be accompanied by ridiculous answers and explosions of laughter, which will allay all those present at the party.


Among the participants of the party, you need to take two men's strongest for holding a boxing battle and put on the hands of real boxing gloves. The boundaries of the ring indicate the audience as follows. Her comments should strive to pump the atmosphere before the future fight, and its participants are preparing and kneaded at this time. Then the judge explains them the rules of the fight, after which the "boxers" appear in the ring. Here they suddenly handed lollipops, from which those should, without removing gloves, remove the wrapper. Wins the one who will do it first.

"Dance Vinaigrette"

Interesting competitions for the new year are often associated with musical numbers. A few pairs are involved in this competition, which are vintage and very diverse dancing to modern music, such as, tango, lady, gypsy, Lezginka, as well as modern dance. Employees look at these "demonstration performances" and choose a better pair.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

The participants of the competition distribute Christmas tree toys and bring them to the center of the hall, where the eyes tie. Next, they must blindly try to hang their toy on the tree. At the same time, it is impossible to change the direction of movement, and if the participant did not go there, then it must still hang a toy to the subject thing in which he is alleviated. As a result, disoriented participants will differ all over the room in search of Christmas trees. Such funny contests for the new year for the corporate party can have two winners - the one who will be the first to be able to hang his toy on the tree, will receive the main award, and a separate prize can be awarded who found the most unusual place for his toys.

Video with contests for New Year's corporate:

"Next year I must ..."

Each participant of the competition on a sheet of paper writes three cases that he plans to make the coming year. After that, all folded pieces are collected in the bag and mixed. After that, in turn, each member blindly pulls out a piece of paper and loudly reads it out loud, as if he would talk his plans.

At the same time, there will be a lot of funny options, for example, the head will necessarily "give birth to a child" or "buy a lace lingerie", and the secretary next year is definitely "coming down with the guys in the bath." The more the fantasy of the participants will play, the more successful and cheerful will be this competition.

"Do not shoot!"

When fun in full swing, and New Year's competitions for office workers are replaced by one by one, then you can try the following entertainment. The box to fold a variety of clothing items. Then the music starts playing, and the leading signal, the participants transmit this box to each other. When the music suddenly breaks down, one who at the moment is the box, rags pulls out one of it from it from it, which should put on himself and half an hour after that not to shoot. And the competition continues on. The process of this contest and the type of audience after it is best to shoot at the camera - it will be very funny video.

"Song Assorted"

Heated by alcohol The public especially loves musical fun New Year competitions for corporate party. In this case, the sing will have to everyone, regardless of the ability to sing. All participants in the corporate party should be divided into several teams and come up with the topic of the singing competition. Commands must recall the song suitable to this theme and fulfill at least a few lines from them. The team will win that will offer the longest execution.

"Flying gait"

New Year's corporate contests rarely cost without inventory, the role of which simple glass or plastic bottles can play in this entertainment. You need to choose several participants of this competition, put on their eyes on the floor in a number of bottles, and then tie to each eye. Further, the participants must blindly pass the distance, do not assume a single bottle. We lost to the time of vision to a person to do it is not easy, and it will die in every way and sweat to perform the task. But the whole focus is that immediately after the volunteers are blindfolded, all bottles are quietly cleaned. All those present will be funny to watch the participants of the game, stepping very carefully and in every way leaning, overcoming a completely clean space. Of course, the bottles need to be cleaned extremely carefully so that none of the participants in the competition suspected the trick.

"Test cartoon"

Many people can participate in this competition, it is best from 5 to 20. Paper, pencils and erasers will also need. Each participant will draw a cartoon for someone from those present at the party. Next, portraits are transmitted in a circle, and from the back side, the next player writes his guesses, regarding who is depicted in the portrait. Then the results of all "artists" are compared - the more similar assumptions, the charter turned out to be more successful and recognizable.

"Noah's Ark"

Another interesting New Year competition for the corporate party, in which the leading on the papers writes the names of different animals, and they are both in legend must be pair. Of course, you can not forget about the symbol of the year. After this training, the competition participants pull a piece of paper with the name of the animal, but they still have to find their own pair. And you can do it only silently, using only facial expressions and gestures. Won the one who first will find his pair correctly. In order for the competition to continue longer and turned out to be more intriguing, it is better to make up the less recognizable representatives of the fauna.

Funny video with New Year's competition for corporate party:

"Mountain slalom"

For this contest, two pairs of short children's plastic skis with sticks, tin cans from drinks and two eye bandages are required. For each "arrival" you will need a couple of participants. They tie their eyes, after which they must overcome the "descent", rich obstacles - pyramids from empty cans. Spectators are encouraged by the participants and suggest them the best direction of the route. One who gets faster to the finish line is defeated, and 5 penalties are prescribed for each shot down obstacle.

"Draw a symbol of the year"

Contests for New Year's corporate party can reveal unknown talents of employees. For this competition, paper, markers or pencils will be required, and since this is a truly creative competition, requiring the application of skill, it is desirable that it is accompanied by a valuable prize. Before the participants of the competition, the task is better than the other to draw the symbol of the year on the Eastern calendar. The prize will get out of the participants whose creation will be most favorably encountered by the public.

If there are quite good artists among members of the team, the result may be impressive, then he will be happy to hang in one of the premises of the company until the next New Year's corporate party.

"My Santa Claus is more beautiful"

To implement this fun, they will need garlands, beads, scarves and fun caps, mittens, socks and ladies. From among the representatives of the fine gender, 2-3 contenders are selected for the role of the Snow Maiden, and each of them, in turn, chooses Santa Claus among men. To turn your man in Santa Claus, each Snow Maiden uses pre-launched on the table. The competition may limit the choice of the most successful Santa Claus, but can continue. Each Snow Maiden can with witness to advertise his frost, which he himself should play out - sing, read the rhyme, to dance. Such contests for the New Year party for workers are an excellent chance to cheer and rally everyone, even newbies.

Did you like our selection? Tell us in the comments, did you arrange such contests on your corporate party, and which of them liked most?