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Games for adults and children. Family games for children and adults (home fun). Game in translation

When outside the window is cloudy and sad, and everyone stays at home, it is not necessary to miss!

Spring a rainy evening, to arrange a fun holiday for a multi-year company or just to have fun to help family games for children and adults.

Home All Family: What to do?

Family games not only combine a small and friendly team, but also develop individual abilities - smelting, logic, memory, observation, speed of reaction, imagination.

They are very useful for babies, but no less important for the elders.

After all, it is in such moments that people feel truly relatively relatives and close, turning into a strong family from advertising posters.

The ideal version of the joint pastime of the house is a game, the rules of which are understandable and accessible to all participants, and grandmothers, and cappuses.

Below we will present you the most popular family games for children and adults.

For some, the props (game field, chips, cubes, cards, outfits, pencils, paper), which is worth thinking about in advance. Others are completely spontaneous and do not require training.

Outdoor and board games for the whole family

It's great when in your arsenal there is a magic regiment with cherished boxes purchased on occasion and without.

"Monopoly", "Colonizers", "Operation", "Family", "Erudit" (he "Skrabble" or "Vododel"), "Activities", diverse roots with chips and cubes ...

Detective, strategic, economic, card, joking and serious, all these family board games will bring a unique flavor to your everyday evening.

Unusual card games (classic "UNO", his humorous analog "Swints") require a special deck of cards and knowledge of the rules.

For the "twister", you will need a branded kit, consisting of a floor covering with multi-colored circles and a spinning "drum", and also - the non-real flexibility of the participants (this is almost yoga!).

Do not forget about your favorite classics, especially if you play with the elderly relatives.

The older generation will be happy to join such quiet family games like Lotto, Domino, backgammon, checkers or "sea battle."

The whole family can collect puzzles of increased complexity with your favorite landscapes or characters. And also - to train memory and agility of hands using the game "Memori".

The most creative companies can conduct experiments and show focuses - for this there is a mass of thematic sets.

Contact games (creative, with elements of communication and guessing)

If all available is fed up, and I want to block fresh inspiration and creativity (and the team gathered suitable), play creative or theater games.

1. "Associations"
Participants are divided into teams. Cards are being prepared in advance, each of which is written 8-10 words (objects).

Player's task - With the help of associations, explain the meaning of each word so that its command guess.

The more items from the card is solved, the more points of your group. Uninstall adjectives can not be pronounced.

2. "Crocodile"
A similar game, only the word mandated by the lead or team-opponent, should be explained using gestures and a pantomime (without the pronunciation of a sound).

With a small number, a person can be played without separation to the team - then guessing goes to the board to show a new word.

3. "Who am I?"
Another guessing, for which you need stickers with a sticky base and markers. Participants are coming up with each other pseudonyms ("code names").

Real people or film characters are selected (from Carlson, Kolobka and Batman to Madonna and Michael Jackson). Names are written on paper and paste to participants on the forehead.

The hero who is intended to find out who he is asking simple questions, the participants respond "yes" or "no". Example: "I am a cartoon character?", "I'm round?", "I love honey?".

4. "There is a contact!"
The chosen leading makes the concept or subject and calls the first letter (for example, "T").

All other participants come up with words on the letter T and try to describe them to each other, but so that the presenter does not guessed.

If someone in the team realized what his comrade is trying to inform him, he says: "There is a contact!". From this point on, within 10 seconds, the host should also guess this word.

Does not know? Then the participants at the expense of three simultaneously pronounce it, after which the presenter is obliged to issue the second letter of the specified word. Now in "Contact", items participate, starting with two letters, and so on.

Dialogue is approximately like this:
- I have a word. This is an appetizing dessert of butter and eggs.
- There is a contact! (consider up to ten, the presenter does not know the answer)
- Once, two, three - tiramisu.
- Okay, the second letter O. Now you need to invent words beginning with "TO".

5. "Invent a fairy tale"
The game that requires a minimum of attributes is only paper and pen. Team you need to write a fairy tale.

The complexity is that each participant writes on a sheet of just one proposal, without knowing that he invented his previous colleague.

Then the page is bend and passed to the new participant, and so in a circle. In the final, the fairy tale is solemnly read out loud: boring, as a rule, does not happen!

6. "What is missing / changed?"
Game on the development of memory and attention. The participant must remember everything as much as possible everything that lies on the table or is in the room.

Then he comes out, and the team makes changes to the interior. The player must guess which of things disappeared or changed its place.

7. "Masquerade"
Fitting on yourself of unusual images - the favorite occupation of the children, but the adults do not have to miss your costumed ball.

The game options differ - you can invent outfits of girlfriend (paper, beads, glue, fabrics, tapes, felt), or use the prepared in advance.

According to the results of the dressing, you can arrange a costume procession, a competition for the best image or put a performance for grandparents.

8. "Phanti"
On large holidays, the adventurous game "Phanti" remains the most favorite guest's occupation.

In the magic bag there are cards with appointments, and each participant with a question "What to do this Phanto?" It takes one.

For the severity of sensations in some options, the game provides a valuable deposit (bill, telephone, toy).

The most important thing is that the tasks for the Phanto were comic, decent (play with children!), Safe and not hurt!

Summer is the time of non-stop fun. The main advantage of this time of year: in order to have a good fun, just get out to the street. We all have a yard or cottage, and not more. Here, too, you can spend a great time and arrange a real holiday for your and neighbor children. You only need to have a pair of relatively straight hands and a margin of enthusiasm.

1. Street twister

Cool, right? You yourself determine the size of the playing field and the size of color circles, depending on the age of the participants. To make it more comfortable to children, the circles can be made smaller. This is all elementary: on the asphalt it is easiest to draw with colored shallow (so as not to pack your hands, just notice the circles contours, and do not paint them completely). If you are ready to risk a lawn, there are water-based paints that wash themselves. Draw circles of the same size will help the cardboard box, in the bottom of which the corresponding hole is cut.

2. Hand dexterity

Understandable, without translation, a step-by-step master class will help in two accounts to prepare everything you need. Rules Simple: Players take turns pull sticks, trying to do it so that all the balls remain in place. One wins, who will eventually be less than fallen balls. Inventory you will find at home or in a construction store, the benefit is all this cheap. Wands can be taken bamboo, they are often used as a support for flowers.

3. Falling tower

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Everything is also clear here: in turn, we clean the bar, who will collapse from the tower, he lost. Actually, for the game only a paler and need. Approximate length - 25 cm, total number - 48 pieces. In the construction store, you buy enough thick boards, saw and squeak, and then there are options: you can leave them in pristine form, and you can paint (only ends, entirely or generally paint patterns).

4. Breasant bouncer

The game requires a solid hand and an incomplete accuracy, and for its preparation you need only a piece of tarpaulin and color tape. In the tarpaulin, the holes of different shapes and the magnitude (the less, the more interesting), their edges are placed by color scotch and each hole assign its cost in glasses. Wins the one who takes the maximum points for 10 shots.

5. Sketch Ring

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Make a rack for rings yourself or just use what is around, even even a tree branch. Remember: the farther from the target is a player, the more interesting.

6. Racing by inclined

For this game you will need Nudls - sticks for swimming and aquaaerobics. They are sold in sports goods stores. Buy such a stick and neatly cut along. Fully separating halves from each other is not necessary, it is enough for them to reveal on the manner of the book. Then even more neatly cut the longitudinal grooves on each half. Mark the Line and Finish Line flags - the track is ready! It can ride on it both toy machines of the appropriate size and just glass balls.

7. Treasure Hunting

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Unfortunately, children spend little time in the fresh air, but this game will fix the matter. We compile a list of treasures that players need to be collected. Corses, different types of colors, leaves, branches of an unusual shape, something round, triangular or square, red, green or yellow items. Print these lists and stick on paper bags, and packages are handing trails. One who first collected all objects from the list.

8. Taggy throw

With the help of drills and screws, we attach a pair of three vendors of different sizes to a long board, and it is vertically (you can just lean to the wall). For hitting the ball in each of the vest, a certain number of points is charged. The smaller the bucket, the more points.

9. A band of obstacles


This is where you can give the will of fantasy! It is possible to use everything that will come under hand: old tires, stairs, ropes, shoulder ... children are fun, and you relax while waiting for them on the finish with the stopwatch.

10. Bottle Bowling

Excellent game and for children, and for adults. From the required: 10 plastic bottles, paint and tennis ball. Color bottles and ball (so that everything looks like a real), let them dry well. Then fill the bottles with water - kegi are ready.

11. Sticks in the case

Here will again need Nudls. With their help, children should throw as many balloons as possible in a plastic basket. Simply, but quite fun.

12. Noliki cross

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Unlike the usual paper version, the street version provides much greater freedom in choosing inventory. You can take a large pebble or wooden dies and paint them, and you can do by any healthy objects.

13. Calm Olympiad

And again Nudls. The main advantage of these pieces - with them you can do anything. Though bend, even though in the ring, fold - they will withstand any appeal. For the construction of improvised sports facilities, it is better not to find a material.

14. Take-in throw 2.0

Advanced version of the game. Throw balls in tin cans, which are fixed on the branch using a chain. The rules are the same: for hitting each bank there is a certain number of points, who will gain more - that well done. Banks swing, so get to the goal is not so easy.

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The familiar game becomes much more interesting if the participants are not on the ground, but on the inverted dairy boxes or hemp. Here you need to show not only power, but also a fair dexterity.

16. Ice wealth

In the heat it will cause children's complete delight. Freeze water with toys and all sorts of trifles in a large container. It is necessary to do it in layers, so that the treasures do not fall on the bottom. Give children a hammer and scolding - in the next half an hour they will do something.

17. Darts with balloons

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The name speaks for itself. Inflate the balls and scotching or stapler attach them to the board. There is a lot of noise, and more fun even more.

18. Outdoor games

The rules are the same as in traditional stands, only instead of toy figures here are people, and a more cube. His, by the way, can be made from a conventional box, plated colored paper. Straighten the path that needs to go, and put all the necessary tags: step back, two steps forward, return to the start.

19. Tag Throw 3.0

Even more difficult, even more interesting. A stepladder comes to replace the vendram and banks. The remaining conditions are the same: each step is assigned the cost of glasses, you need to score as much as possible. The ball here is not suitable here, so we wish a small bag and fill it with beans, rice or buckwheat. Even old sock will be used to save time.

20. Games with light

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If it gets dark, it is not at all reason to gather home. Neon sticks that are sold in the departments of festive goods will help extend fun. Attach them on the edges of the velocity or cans, so you can play with children even late in the evening.

And what do you play in the summer with children? We are waiting for your stories in the comments.

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"Children - flowers of life", but so that they decorated, and did not spoil your anniversary or the wedding, on which they were guests - about organizing their leisure and entertainment program better take care in advance. If you invite for children a special animator does not work, then with the leading holiday it is necessary to separately discuss your wishes for kindergartens and contests.

If you pay enough attention to children, competently organize the place at the table and on the game space, and most importantly, to send irrepressible children's energy to the right channel, for example, to make them assistants of the lead - problems and discomfort will be avoided.

We offer different children's games and contests on an adult holiday- these are team relay , In which adults can participate, and games for the extraction of pleasant prizes and sweets, as well as entertainment that can be unobtrusive eyeliner to the congratulation of the culprits of the celebration.

1. Game for acquaintance for children and adults "Stream! Hello!"

Such a welcoming crurch, the leading at the beginning of the holiday, will give small guests the opportunity to shove together with adults and feel full and welcome guests. But the main thing is that it is fun and unobtrusive.

Leading: Hello guys! Boys and girls!
Greetings from the soul of you, dear kids!
Comrades adults, and hello to you!
And I do not have greetings.
However, why not.
I am again to all, everyone, everyone says: "Healthy Vuy-Those!"

(Robust answers are possible).
- What is not so smooth? Not hot - not cold, not wet - not dry, not bitter - not sweet, not valko - not shitting? Let's say hello not at the usual way. When I say: "Hello!" - All boys shout: "Salute!" - And you will enjoy your hand. Let's try. Hello!
(Greeting boys).
Girls, I suggest to say hello in French, like this: "Bonzhur!" - And send me an air kiss. So rehearse. Hello!
(Greeting girls).
Dear adults, moms and dads, grandparents, uncle and aunt, please say hello to East. For this, the palms must be folded in front of the breast, make a little bow and say: "Salam Aleikum!" Hello!
(Welcome adults).
And the smallest spectators, all the kids in response to me, let them go together: "Shake!" - raise hands up and show "flashlights". Well. ... Hello!
(Greet the kids).
Now greet all together, but everyone is in its own way. Boys - "Salute!", Girls - "Bonzhur!", Adults - "Salam Aleikum!", Kids - "Shake!" So ... healthy vui-th!
(Welcome all together).
Greeted perfectly
Entertained now cool,
We will sing, joke, play,
And of course dance.

2. A win-win competition at the festival "Gambling".

Pre-master prepares the following equipment: to a wooden stick you need to tie a thin twine length about two to four meters. At the end of the twine, plastic mysters, dogs, or something like that in this way. Such blanks should be as much as participants you intend to use.

We present children-players sticks, and figures of animals tied to the twine, place on the start. At the signal of the leading children begin to wind up the twine on a stick, and animals seem to be moving around, approaching the finish. And the audience, naturally, is actively sick for their favorites. Of course, the child wins the child who will be able to wind the twine faster than the rest - he can be given the "fastest" medal. But the rest is not in losing, because they receive their "athlete" as a gift - take home to train.

3. Mining prizes "All you want, choose!"

Children adore gifts and any game similar to this: "Young hotels", "Hidden Prize", "Tree of Gifts" - Good not only in Children, but also on an adult holiday (you can. The mined prize raises the mood in children and besides It can become his toy for the whole evening, so it is recommended to spend such fun in the first compartment.

And even better not to skip and well think over the prize fund. There is a very large number of diverse everything that children of all ages love: a small set of lego, puzzles, cars, animals on an elastic band with LEDs inside, coloring with popular characters from cartoons "cars" or "Wings Fairies" with a set of markers. All this thoroughly wrap in brilliant and multicolored paper in the form of gifts or large candies. All this is suspended for native loops to a conventional linen rope. Then, the lead or the culpritgers themselves themselves offer children blindfolded to try happiness, that is, cut blindly one of the seductively shiny surprises.

4. Merry relay "Alice and Basilio".

This relay is better to spend for all guests, i.e. Together with adults, and children (better not kids). We call several pairs, and we suggest to feel yourself in the role of Fox Alice and Cat Basilio. The latter tie the eyes with a dense scarf. But Alice needs to "make" a chrome, so these players are almost the same scarves tie the leg, which the child (or adult) fears in the knee (the shine to the thigh).

For the competition of these "characters" in the hall or room where the festival occurs, the finish line of the meter is arranged three - four, at the end of all the award is waiting - "three crusts of bread" (it can be three candy, three oranges, etc.) . And those who compete first waiting for an additional prize - "five gold (chocolate) coins" and all - the applause of the audience.

5. Entertainment for children "Sunny, Solushushka, salt!"

To start the children, we build in one line and say that one of them will win, who will reach the leader. One step forward they have the right to do only if the master is correctly performed.

And the presenter will only have three words "Sunny, Solovushka" and "Salt". When children will hear "sunshine", they will need to raise the handles up, "Solovushka" - to wave them like birds with wings, and on the word "salt" - you need to jump on the spot. Practice with children so that they secure the information. And then, using the fact that all these words begin on the same combination, try to confuse them: "SOOO - trap!" Or "SOOO - E!"

First, let it sound in a slow pace, but gradually the rhythm of pronunciation is better to speed up - it will be more interesting for children. At this time, the master's assistants carefully monitor the steps forward children only when the task is correctly performed. If not, then remain in place.

At the festival, it is better not to identify the best, so that others are not upset, so at the end it's best to confuse and create a cheerful kourma and declare that friendship won.

6. Game for kids "Who slammed louder?"

This simple, but a cheerful venture can be held for children during a dance break to allow adults to dance quietly, they collect children in a separate handy and arrange different "top chalks", "clap" and dance. Constantly encouraging them with different teams: "Who is louder to wind!", "Who is above jumping!", "Who slammed the louder!" etc. As a result of such a game, children manage to enjoy directly and get used in the hall - they freely feel at the dance. The fall and, for sure, will be less "pester" to parents.

7. Dance - "Prince".

This game is also held on the dance. Quickly helps. It is best if the lead or animator will start it first separately for children. All those present children are divided into couples and explain that it is still playing simply music - everyone is dancing, as they can, in any order, but as soon as the leader's team sounds, for example: "sticking with legs" - each couple continues to dance, sticking to each other . Commands can be the most different: "stick with handles, heads, pops, etc."

Then you can offer to join this fun and adults - it turns out the total fun dance entertainment.

8. Play a gift to the birthday room (young).

Leading: "Recently, scientists have opened a new way to draw. What kind of way, I will tell you later, and now I need five volunteers than younger, the better (hinting on the children present), which will not be afraid, using this way to draw a birthday wish (newlyweds) cars (dog, plane and so on ) ".

And "Method" is: in advance in five sheets of cardboard at a distance of ten - fifteen centimeters we make two slits of this size so that children's hands calmly passed. These cardboard sheets we wear on five raised children, give them sets of colored markers and suggest to draw your work on the watman sheets fixed on the wall.

The winners are better not to determine, but to encourage everyone. It will be wonderful if young artists, handing their "masterpiece" will tell and their wishes.

9. Creative task "Who could it be?"

In order to entertain school-age children, you can arrange a game where they can shine with their erudition or artistic abilities.

The participants of the game (4-6 people) receive sheets with the same text, for example, a fragment of the poem S.V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Step"

Uncle Stepa in the morning early

Quickly drowned off the sofa,

The windows shouted,

Cold shower accepted.

Brush teeth uncle step

Never forgot.

A man sits in the saddle,

Feet drags on the ground -

It goes uncle Stepa

On the boulevard on the donkey.

- You, - shout Stepan people, -

You need to go on a camel!

or A.S. Pushkin

Frost and sun; Wonderful day!

You still do not sleep, the friend is lovely -

It's time, beautiful, wake up:

Open a bonor closer

Towards the North Aurora,

Star of the North, come!

Guideline in secret from all guests gives the task to each participant of the game to read verse in the image of one of the characters:

Keeping hooligan student ::

Strict class teacher,

Delighted over a kitten of aunt,

Carlson who lives on the roof

Oscale IA and others.

Listeners try to guess what role each player was opposed.

If you wish this game, you can give a more "festive" character, for example, to propose to read congratulations to the young (jubilee) as if on behalf of various characters or people's wishes in different styles: Russian songs, Gypsy romance, rap, etc. If players turn out to be good actors, everyone is waiting for the recovery of the holiday!

10. Competition "I will call the planet name to my".

Competition is simple, while creative and philosophical. Each player is given an inflated balloon and a marker. The task of participants is to create "their planet" and settle it - to draw as many inhabitants as possible in its balloon. It can be dogs, and bunnies, butterflies, and of course people. You can draw the inhabitants of the new little planet for no more than three minutes. Time, naturally, flows presenter.

Wins in this noble competition that player who will have time for the allotted amount of time to draw a greater number of inhabitants and objects and will come up with its planet name.

11. Music greeting "Noise Orchestra".

Contrary to the opinion of adults, the rejury and not only harmful, but also useful, especially if it is small children and they are bored on an adult holiday. Therefore, in honor of the holiday, devote your own children's entertainment. It will be quite interesting if you suggest homemade devices as musical instruments. For example, old saucepans, graters filled with cereal tin cans from under coffee and other flowables. You can, of course, to build a kind of melofon from glass bottles and glasses (use dishes from thick or sobbling glass), but since it is somewhat dangerous, then we leave this idea to your discretion. Especially since the improvised children's orchestra from finished dups and drums will also be good.

Inconsider children not just thunder in unison, but some simple melon and well-known songs. They are suitable "Babasi lived with two funny goose", "the little Christmas tree is cold in winter" or "let them run awkward." Of course, the guys older will like the idea to play any of the modern pop. In any case, it is necessary to file this as a musical gift to the perpetrators of the celebration from a young generation.

It will be great if adults "organize" the auditorium, the audience and applause, which the noise orchestra will be awarded after each masterpiece.

12. Costume congratulations "Who is there in the bag?"

With the help of a cheerful beaded with dressing up, you can arrange an improvised costumed or for the perpetrator of the celebration. To do this, you will need several boxes with the details (by the number of participants). Children with one of the adults (mom, dad or grandmother) are invited. The guys get up next to the boxes, and adults at the other end of the hall. At the command of the leading child, at random quickly takes from the box one of the items of the wardrobe and runs to his adult partner - it puts on him and quickly back. Again, takes out something and run to adults. And so while playing music.

When the music is silent - children and already dressed adults are changing places. Now adults are dressed up guys.

Then you need to come up with a congratulatory room for the jubilee (young) in the style of cooked suits: to portray the stray artists, a song ensemble and dance, rock band, etc.

Option 2, for kids.

If among the guests there are many kids, then the game can be adapted to them. At the age of three to four years, the children are happy to try on various roles, and this is not necessarily socially oriented roles - the seller, driver or mom-dad. Children are interesting to be and someone else, for example, a little animal. Therefore, for the next game you need to hide in a pretty bag of several carnival masks depicting a bird, a bear, a dog and a pussy.

Let the kids pull out the mask from the bag and, putting on themselves, artistically beating the image that they got: bunny let me jump, the kitty praises and praises the imaginary milk, and the like. If the child is confused, remind him that it usually does this or that animal. Give the guys time to displacing masks and stripping cute animals. You will definitely understand when they get bored. Then the game can be repeated first.

13. Entertainment at the Television Speaker Table

After the children participate in the pair of other games and contests, organized specifically for them, we take part in the presentation of gifts and photo shoots, you can organize a separate table for tea for tea and games for them. As entertainment you can cook puzzles, board games and spend several games with them together.

For the game, harvest two sets of cards: one with the names of objects (animals, etc.), the second - with a description of possible actions with these objects (animals, etc.).

For example:

carrot - I clean and pray,

the horse - hachelor, saddle and go to visit,

soccer ball - Popot and charts in the gate,

chair - moved to the table and under theaten

rose - I will put in the vase and I will admire

Each group of cards to drag. Players take turns pull over one card from each stack and with a serious expression of the face read their content, for example: "Soccer ball - I clean and praise."

The prize can be given to the most resistant participant who, as a television speaker, read his text without embarrassed by stupidity phrases and laughter of listeners.

But the main award for everyone in this game is a fun of funny permutations and exposures of players.

14. Pouring game "Funny matches".

"Match - Children are not a toy!" - Everyone knows. But sometimes it is that matches can help out and entertain children on an adult holiday, especially if you forgot to grab other games with you.

All those who wish are sitting at the table, on the middle of which arbitrarily overturns the boxes of matches to get a bunch. The first player gently takes his match so that no other moves. If he succeeds, then in the future it can use the produced match as an instrument.

The meaning of the game is clear - get as many matches as possible. Everyone who, getting his match, somehow hurt at least one other, passes the course to another player. He produces its margin of matches again until the neighboring matches will not be mistaken and inappropriate.

For greater interest, you can develop a ballroom system or at all, as in a casino, arrange the exchange of mined matches on the same amount of candy. (About "match tournament" read).

15. Family relay "Galka and Galkhata".

Two teams of three people are recruited. One of each team is prescribed "galcoon" and seated on the chair. Two others, respectively, will be "danks", whose main task is to feed your chick. They are given a bowl with air corn and sets of Chinese sticks, while the bowl is steps five from the "Galkonka".

"Galka" should, taking one piece of sweet corn from a bowl by Chinese chopsticks, convey a delicacy to the mouth "Chick". Who is faster and more qualitative to corn, those who won.

Children - Guests on your holiday will be decorated with decoration, will bring fun and lyrical notes into it, if you take care of how to entertain them and comfortably arrange. Successfully selected, depending on the quantity and age composition of young guests, children and contests for adult holiday and different fun and drinking entertainment, in which they can take part or with their parents.

No one is in doubt that the birthday man is the main character at its birthday. And special attention is paid to the birthday child, because for him it is long-awaited, a special day. But do not forget about the guest. And often it happens that not only his peers, but also the godfather, aunt, uncle and other relatives and friends of the family come to a small birthday birthday, so it's worth considering in advance and prepare contests for adults in a child's birthday, so that for them this day too Merry holiday.

In essence, you can take any contest as an adult and children's. The main thing is that it is not too frank or indecent contests, as well as games where alcohol is involved, because the birthday is still a children. In principle, any cheerful and decent competition or a game, which will have to taste an adult company and will enjoy watching kids.

Our selection consists of simple variants that do not require special training and for their conduct, one must minimize the details, which will significantly simplify their implementation. Well, now consider each of the contests.

It will take only one most common clothespin. At the beginning of the fun, we declare that we had a crocodile and it will be time to attack guests, after which, in the process of celebrating, we imperceptibly cling to the "crocodile" to someone on clothes, or hide under the napkin, or throw in your pocket. When it was done, we declare that the crocodile escaped, and the task of guests is to find it. The one who found in his crocodile receives a small present and is declared new leading, that is, now he should throw the clothespin to the next guest. So in the process of celebrating the clothespin, bypass almost all guests and everyone gets small pleasant gifts.


For this contest, take a glass jar, a few bills of different nominal nominal, coins, as well as pieces of paper, fabrics, foils, any small items. You can take chocolate candies in the form of coins to confuse participants. The size of the banks and the amount of money - at your discretion. Then put money and the rest of the rest props in the bank so that it is difficult to count the amount in the bank. We allow the finished bank in a circle, and each of the guests is trying to calculate the money and records its amount on a sheet of paper. At the end, we open the bank, we consider money and define the winner, and the one who as accounted for the amount as accurately as possible is becoming.

Draw the most valuable

Contests for adults at the birthday of the child are desirable to spend a variety of, including creative. Allow your guests to show art talent and draw the most valuable thing that there is in his life or what he dreams about. Then everyone tells about his drawing, the story is commented by the participants and by voting the most successful and original drawing and the story are selected.

Battle of Sharikov

This is a cheerful game, which can be played to play a little after a long seating at the table. Conduct it in a spacious room or on an open area. The essence of the game is that an inflatable ball is tied to each guest. Bring it is necessary as low as possible and it is desirable that the ball can lie on the floor. Then turn on a fun melody, and the task of the participants is to burst out other things. It wins the one whose ball will last for the whole. You can play and teams, then participants

One team destroy the balls of another team, and the winner is determined at the maximum number of whole balls in the team. Good mood after the game is guaranteed!

Dance on chairs

This is not the dance in which you need to have time to take a chair when finishedm. revolution, it is a simple creative contest, the task of whose participants is to improvise to the music, trying to dance without getting out of the chair.

Chairs for participants are desirable to put in the middle of the hall so that the audiences have the opportunity to observe all the televisions of dancing, and after assessing them by choosing the most active and creative dancer.

Cheerful zoo

This game is suitable for children, but adults will not be less delighted with her. How to spend it? At the beginning, we distribute the participants of the card with animals, but we do it so that they do not see which animal is indicated in their card. Then each shows its card to other participants and asks leading questions. The remaining players respond to questions, but not called the animal himself. Wins one who guessed his animal after the smallest number of questions.

Zoo can be easily replaced by home appliances store, for example. To do this, take the card not with animals, but with household appliances. The process of guessing is identical.

Guess the fairy tale

The game is performed at the table. The presenter begins to tell the fairy tale, without calling the names of the main characters. You can read directly from the book, skipping names, names, and guests are trying to guess what kind of fairy tale are we talking about. If there are children on the festival, who are already familiar with fairy tales, you can also attach them to soloing. In this case, spend a team competition - a team of children against the team of adults.


You should prepare a few identical water tanks in advance. In each of the tanks, we pour water or juice, the participants are issued by straws. The task of contestants - as soon as possible devastating its container. Complete the task can be a condition that you need to drink without your help. It will be even more interesting if the container does not stand on the table, but on the stool.


Excellent opportunity to try your fantasy and writing abilities, and at the same time and have fun.

How to spend? Prepare a list of questions in advance. It should look something like this:

  • Who!
  • Where did you go?
  • What for?
  • What did he see there?
  • How did he react to it?
  • Who came then?
  • What happened next?
  • etc.

You can take our list and supplement it with a pair-cut question.

The process itself:

  • we distribute to the participants of the piece of paper and handles;
  • everyone writes at the very top of the answer to the question "Who?". It can be both a real and fictional character;
  • then the sheet bends so that it is not visible written and participants are exchanged between themselves with leaves;
  • next, write the answer to the question "Where did you go?" and continue on the same scheme until questions are completed;
  • ready literary works are handed over leading and read out loud. Believe me, the stories will be very funny and with unexpected turns of the plot!

Record on the prize

We prepare one or more sheets, at the very top of which we write: "Who will tell a fairy tale or verse", "who will sing a song" or something like that. You can also consider such options as "who will wash the dishes", "who will help remove from the table" and so on. The inscription is closed by a sheet with the word "prize" and send this leaf in a circle at the table so that you want to sign up for the prize. What will be surprise when those who are written see, what they actually signed up! But without prize them, of course, do not leave after they fulfill the task)

As a birthday girl

Competition requiring participants to show their acting skills.

To do this, entertainment in advance of the paper with inscriptions like "I can eat like a birthday boy," I can walk like a birthday boy, "I can draw like a birthday boy," I know how to dance, like a birthday boy. " Especially interesting this competition will be at the birthday of the baby for 1-3 years.

Participants take turns get paper and show their acting abilities. The most talented actor is awarded the prize.

Almost football

It will take a spacious room for this game, which is conditionally divided into two halves. Guests are divided into two equal commands. In the role of a soccer ball - a balloon, and the task of "football players" - to transfer the ball to the side of the opponent team. For the game is given a certain time, during which it is desirable to include rhythmic music.

Open the chest

Something like a mini-quest for guests. In the role of the chest, you can use any box or even a box. Stages of mini-quest - any interesting riddles or questions about the very birthday. As an option - divide the participants to the teams and let each compete for the "treasure". It is possible to conduct in the form of an individual competition - who will give more faithful answers, he gets the key from the cherished treasure chest. Well, the chest itself fill with pleasant trifles - candy, chocolate bars, small toys. Even if adult guests are not sweet, then each of them will certainly have children's children who will be glad to such a treasure won by the parent.

Who will melt the ice?

Refreshing entertainment. For him it is necessary to prepare several ice cubes in advance. To participants more interesting - freeze in cubes any small figures, which will be prizes. It is possible to freeze, for example, small candy, only pre-wrapped them into several layers of the packaging film so that they do not dissolve in water before they frozen)

The task of the participants, as you probably guessed - to melt the ice. But how to do it - to solve you. You can dissolve them in the mouth, you can blow on them (in this case, they will be slower than to melt, but it will be safer for the throat of participants). The winner is announced by one whose ice melted before others.


The game you can spend directly at the table in a relaxed atmosphere.

First, select the topic to select associations. Take as an example theme "Summer". Each of the participants writes on a sheet of paper 10 words that are associated with in the summer. For example: Beach, Sea, Heat, Watermelon, Strawberry, etc. When everyone cope with the task, we begin to read the lists in turn. If someone has the same items - they must be deleted from all lists. The one wins, in whose list the most not crossed words will remain. The winner rightly receives the title of man with the most non-standard thinking)

A few more ideas can be learned from the video:

In conclusion I would like to note that this is only a small part of the entertainment, which can be spent on the bottom of birth at a small birthday party for adult guests. Any competition is possible somewhat modified, adjust the situation and for the interests of participating.

And what games and contests for guests at the birthday of the child were spent? Share in the comments!