Repair Design Furniture

Geogrid for strengthening the pond slopes. Strengthening the banks. Strengthening the banks with coconut mats

The problem of collapse and erosion of the banks of reservoirs is much more serious than it might seem at first glance. If a house or garden area is located near the coastline, they will inevitably suffer if appropriate measures are not taken in time. This applies to any body of water, natural or artificial.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with your own hands is a doable task. But the success of the event directly depends on how correctly the solution to the problem was chosen and implemented. The choice, in turn, depends on an objective assessment of the situation. For this purpose, several points are clarified:

  • shore soil type;
  • slope angle;
  • collapse occurs above or below the water level;
  • when the first signs of a problem with the coastline appeared;
  • based on the data obtained, it is necessary to estimate the rate of destruction;
  • make a forecast and decide whether there is enough time to prepare for the implementation of the methods of thorough strengthening of the coast or whether you need to act as quickly as possible.

After clarifying the situation, they get acquainted with the information on how to solve it, and choose the most acceptable one for themselves.

Choosing a way to strengthen the coast

From the very beginning, you need to understand that there are no free options for strengthening the coastline. To one degree or another, but you have to spend money. The most difficult, labor-intensive and expensive in terms of solutions is the situation when the banks are steep and sandy. Such will always collapse and the strengthening is only a temporary measure that reduces the rate of destruction.

There are not many ways to solve the problem. And, as experts say, in each specific case - its own version. But there are recommendations verified by practice that you need to focus on.

Options for strengthening a gentle bank:

  • geomats;
  • geogrid;
  • geogrid;
  • mattresses.

Options for strengthening the steep bank:

  • gabions;
  • piles;
  • construction of supports from concrete walls.

Strengthening the shore near the pond with a larch log

In both cases, it is possible to strengthen the coastal zone with plants (trees and shrubs). This is one of the inexpensive, but not most reliable methods. A more effective solution is a biological engineering method that combines the use of modern materials and planting.

Using biomaterials is the most troublesome and long-lasting way. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to choose the right varieties of trees, take into account the peculiarities of the soil. This requires special knowledge. But if necessary, you can always get expert advice. The main requirement for plants: they must have a powerful, branched and rapidly developing root system.


A low-cost method that is a temporary solution to the problem. Eliminate it for 2-3 years, depending on the rate of destruction of the banks.

To complete the task you will need:

The method involves the implementation of a large amount of earthwork, so you need to prepare the appropriate tools:

  • buckets;
  • shovels;
  • garden wheelbarrow or stretcher.

You will also need a sledgehammer and pliers.

Stages of work:

  1. Spread the netting of the chain-link.
  2. Tie them together with a knitting wire.
  3. Attach the mesh to the banks using anchors or metal studs.
  4. Soil mixed with grass seeds is driven into the cells.

If you need a quick result, make efforts and create conditions for seed germination: use fertile soil, provide watering. Instead of a chain-link, you can use an anti-erosion mesh.


This method requires preliminary planning of the areas to be strengthened. The coast is cleaned of the top layer of soil and leveled as much as possible.

  1. Non-woven geotextiles are laid on the prepared surfaces.
  2. A geogrid is laid on top.
  3. The modules are connected to each other using a construction pneumatic stapler.
  4. The geogrid is pulled and fastened with anchors (the attachment points should be staggered).
  5. The cells are filled with any material suitable for strengthening purposes.

The easiest way to fill the lattice is to use stones of the middle fraction (20x40 mm). It can be crushed stone, gravel, screenings. The frame can be concreted using frost-resistant concrete and adding an additive that increases moisture resistance (for example, "Penetrit").

Simultaneously with strengthening, the coast can be decorated, made more comfortable and comfortable. For this, the cells are filled with marble chips, sea pebbles, beautiful colored stones. This method of strengthening the shore allows you to make the most convenient and safe descent to the water.

Box-shaped and cylindrical gabions

Gabions are containers made of single or double metal mesh, filled with stones of medium and large fraction.

Fortified banks of the pond with gabions

There are three types of these products:

  1. Box-shaped.
  2. Cylindrical.
  3. Mattresses.

Sizes may vary. Gabions can be made independently from construction metal mesh and knitting wire. In this case, it will be possible to save money, but the manufacturing process will take time. To strengthen the shore of the pond, the best design options are box-shaped or mattress ones.

With an independent manufacturing method, two types of dense mesh connections are possible:

  • welded;
  • connected by wire.

The former are more durable and can be large. If the second method of joining metal mesh canvases is chosen, it is recommended to make products of a smaller size.

Optimal parameters:

  • height 30-40 cm;
  • length 1.5-2 m;
  • width 1 m.

In case of self-production, the assembly and laying of gabions is performed at the place where this product will be located. Here they fill it with stones. If you decide to buy gabions, you will need special equipment to unload them.

Cylindrical gabions are made of a softer mesh: steel double twisted. These designs are a kind of "candy" with "tails" on the sides. They are made faster than box-type ones.

Average sizes:

  • length 200-400 cm;
  • diameter 65-95 cm.

The advantages of strengthening the coast with gabions:

  • helps to solve the problem of coastal slippage in cases where all other methods are not suitable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • long service life (at least 50 years);
  • outwardly they look like a stone embankment and blend well with the surrounding landscape;
  • plants and lawn grass are planted on the stones, giving the shore a well-groomed and cozy look.

Gabions are laid along the line of a steep steep coast, constructing a kind of embankment out of them. In most cases, it is sufficient to install 2-3 tiers of these metal containers with stones.

Gabion mattresses

Mattresses are called flat (23-25 ​​cm high) and wide gabions. They are the most convenient and effective for strengthening gentle banks. These structures are laid in one or two layers.

Stages of work:

  1. On the site to be strengthened, a sand dump with a thickness of 10 cm is made. The layer is leveled, moistened and compacted with a vibrating plate or any heavy device.
  2. Geotextiles are laid so that there is an overlap of 10-15 cm between the canvases.
  3. Laying mattress nets.
  4. In the corners, they are reinforced with pegs made of wooden bars or reinforcement bars (this will prevent the mattress from shifting when filling with stones).
  5. The gabions are filled with stones from the bottom up.
  6. Close the "mattress covers" and fix them.

Gabion mattresses

Over time, after 1-2 years, the stones will inevitably become compacted. Voids will appear in metal mattresses, possibly sagging of the upper part of the mesh box. Correct the situation by adding new stones. In this case, it is important to choose the right fraction so that it matches the size of the cell. When filling the mattresses, the largest stones are driven into a flexible metal mesh with a rubber mallet.

Coconut mats

Coconut mats are also called "biomats". These products are used to strengthen banks with a slope of no more than 60 °. The mats are made from coconut fiber, which is durable and non-absorbent. Average density - 700 g / m². These are outwardly attractive, environmentally friendly products on which you can plant plants (including aquatic ones). Coconut fiber is a good base for root development. The average cell size of the mats is 150x150 mm.


  • Prevents coastal erosion.
  • Protect from sand and soil weathering.
  • Strengthen the slope, including by rooting planted plants.

Stages of work:

The mats must be laid from the bottom (away from the water) upwards. It is not recommended to stretch the products, it is required to observe an overlap of 10-15 cm.

Wooden piles

The installation of wooden piles along the water line is considered the traditional way of strengthening the bank of a pond. Only two types of wood are suitable for this purpose: larch and oak. These are expensive breeds, but unbarked logs can be used to mount the shoreline. They are cheaper.

However, the best choice is piles treated with special impregnations that increase the resistance of wood to moisture and slow down the decay process. A layer of geotextile is laid between the soil of the coast and the wooden supports. It will prevent soil and sand from entering through the cracks between the logs.

Piles are installed close to each other, thereby forming a reliable shield. It prevents erosion and shattering of the coast. Installation is carried out using high-pressure pumps. In this case, the destruction of the coast does not occur. Therefore, the installation of wooden piles can be carried out on already refined areas. The bank, reinforced in this way, has a neat and attractive appearance.

Video review of driving a wooden pile to strengthen the bank

PVC sheet piles

The installation of PVC piles is considered an advanced way to strengthen the banks of the pond. The technology was developed by European experts in order to save natural materials and minimize the cost of strengthening the watershed line. The essence of the method lies in the construction of a waterproof durable polymer partition between the water and the shore.

Reinforced shore with sheet piles

Features and Benefits:

  • Used to form channels.
  • Protects slopes from erosion.
  • Ideal for installation in places with variable water levels.
  • PVC is highly durable and resistant to mechanical stress.
  • It is not subject to chemical and natural corrosion.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes.
  • It has a high bearing capacity - 262 kNm / m.
  • Service life is not less than 50 years.

Manufacturers offer PVC piles in different sizes. Average length - 35 m. All products are equipped with locks, thanks to which the supports are connected to each other.

The convenience of these structures is that the docking can be performed at any angle, which makes it possible to form curved shields that fully correspond to the landscape.

The strength and high reliability of the PVC wall is ensured, among other things, by the fact that the tongue-and-groove joints are located outside the zone of maximum loads.

Pile installation is carried out in three ways:

  1. Vibration immersion (most commonly used is done with a vibratory hammer).
  2. Vibration immersion with washing.
  3. Vibration immersion with digging.

Concrete piles and walls

Strengthening the bank of the pond with concrete piles is a reliable, but less durable method than using wood or PVC. The reason is the hygroscopicity of concrete and its gradual destruction. But any structures made of this building material that are in direct contact with water will last at least 25 years. This is a long enough period to opt for this method.

Reinforced concrete shore reinforcement technology:

The thickness of the resulting wall is 40-50 cm, the height is 100-120 cm. From the side of the coast, sand or gravel is applied so as to completely cover the concrete wall.

There are many ways to strengthen the bank of the pond. It is important to correctly assess the condition of the slopes and choose the most convenient and reliable option in this case. Most of the work can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists and special equipment.

Our company is the market leader in the field of strengthening the banks of ponds and reservoirs. We work not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. Experience of 15 years, qualified personnel, reasonable prices! Our experts will help you solve any problem in the field of bank protection!

We offer the following methods of bank protection:

Due to the impact of various factors on the shore of the reservoir, the consequences of its destruction can lead to very sad results. What influences the destruction of the coastline?

  • change in groundwater level
  • impact on the base of the bank of streams of water
  • weak shore base
  • high slope
  • great pressure on the coastline
  • force majeure

When strengthening the banks of a pond or reservoir, you should be more responsible in choosing a method of strengthening. The impact of water has a destructive effect on various types of materials used in bank protection. With vast experience behind us, we will be able to choose for you exactly the option of pond bank protection that is necessary in your case.

The cost of strengthening the banks

The cost of strengthening the bank of the pond is always different and depends on the length of the coastline, its height, soil pressure on the future retaining wall, the nature of the soil and the method of strengthening.

We can calculate the approximate cost of strengthening the bank of a pond or reservoir by phone:

7 926 530 04 60

Here are the estimated prices for strengthening the banks of the reservoir, including the cost of the material:

Strengthening the shore of the pond with geomats (surface preparation, installation of a geomat, planting)

m2 from 1100 rub.

Strengthening the shore of the pond with a geogrid (surface preparation, laying geotextiles, leveling with sand, installing a geogrid, filling the cells with stone or soil, followed by sowing the lawn)

m2 from 1400 p.

Strengthening the shore of the pond with larch (surface preparation, installation of logs, filing of geotextiles, anchoring, trimming and grinding the end of the logs)

m. from 8000 rub.
Strengthening the shore of the pond with gabions (preparation of the base, installation of the structure, filling the gabion with chipped granite stone, filing geotextiles) m3 from 11000 rub.

We have a huge technical base, colossal experience and are able to fulfill any task in the field of bank protection of ponds and reservoirs.

Methods for shore protection of a reservoir

With different steepness of the coastline of the reservoir, several methods of bank protection can be distinguished.

Reinforcement methods used at different bank steepness

Gently sloping banks

Steep banks
  • geomats
  • geogrid
  • Reno mattresses
  • gabions
  • larch piles
  • tongue

Strengthening the banks with geomats

A geogrid is a polymer bulk cell made of synthetic tapes. The material from which the geogrid modules are made is not subject to decay. It is used mainly for strengthening the banks of a reservoir no more than 60 degrees, but if you mount the modules on top of each other, it is also suitable for strengthening the steep bank. Attached with special anchors. Geogrid modules are filled with soil, followed by sowing with lawn grass, or with bulk building material - crushed stone, gravel, sand gravel, etc.

Advantages of geogrids in bank protection:

Ease of installation

The ability to do it yourself

Not a high price

Bank protection with Reno mattresses

Reno mattresses are slab-shaped gabion structures made of double-twisted galvanized steel wire. Reno mattresses are filled with hard stones such as granite or gabbro-diabase. This method of strengthening is suitable for the formation of river beds, strengthening of banks that are subject to severe erosion.

Advantages of Reno mattresses in bank protection:

- the ability to repeat the relief
- compatibility with other materials

Bank protection with larch

Larch is a unique material used in bank protection of ponds and reservoirs. A larch log in water becomes stronger and does not rot. The larch retaining walls are already

have long established themselves as one of the most reliable bank protection methods used on steep banks. A larch log is immersed in the ground by drilling, vibration immersion or hydraulic washing. Each log is connected to each other with anchors, thereby forming a one-piece structure. From the shore, the retaining wall made of larch logs is supported by reinforced concrete pillars.

Advantages of larch in bank protection:

Resistance to high loads
- durability of the structure
- environmental friendliness of the material
- fits perfectly into landscape design

Strengthening the shoreline of the pond with gabions

Gabions are boxes made of double-twisted galvanized steel wire, filled with hard stone. This is one of the most reliable bank protection methods. Retaining walls of any size can be erected from gabion structures; therefore, gabions can be used to strengthen the coast of even the highest complexity. The stone is laid in gabions manually, which allows the box to be filled as tightly as possible. The porosity of the structure gives gabions a successful application in landscape design.

Advantages of gabions in bank protection:

- corrosion resistance
- environmental friendliness
- durability of the structure

Strengthening the shore of the reservoir with a tongue-and-groove

The tongue is a metal profile with curved edges or locks. Sheet piles are used for bank protection of sheer banks. The piles are driven by vibratory driving using machinery, so the price for this method of strengthening is quite high. Sheet pile reinforcement is often used in the construction of quays, at great depths where it is impossible to lower the water level. The pile is driven into the ground 2/3 of the depth. From the side of the coast, it is held by an iron strapping belt, anchored into reinforced concrete piles.

Advantages of sheet piling in bank protection:

High resistance to loads
- durability of the structure

Possibility of bank protection at depth

Before doing bank protection of a pond or reservoir with your own hands, you should think carefully about the consequences that may arise from the wrong choice of method and violation of technology. Our company employs qualified specialists of a narrow profile, we give a guarantee for all types of work for 5 years!

How to strengthen the river bank with your own hands? Many people who have a summer cottage or house located near the water (this can be, for example, a river, an area near a pond, lake or reservoir), ask this question.

River banks tend to collapse over time, so they need to be strengthened, otherwise, sooner or later, a building may collapse.

They strengthen the banks mainly before construction and in places where there are frequent landslides, because together with the land, your things can go under the water.

Various ways to strengthen the coast

  1. It is possible to strengthen the coast with an anti-erosion net. This is an inexpensive method, as the mesh is a fairly strong but flexible and almost invisible material. Within a month, it is entwined with plant roots and a fortified bank is obtained.
  2. Coconut mat for strengthening the banks. The material is natural and durable, it is a net of thin interwoven ropes that will support the shore for several years.
  3. Geogrid for strengthening the banks. Inexpensive, but the most effective option. The geogrid can be laid even on an already creeping shore, it will serve you for many years, and the shore will acquire a beautiful view. You can easily navigate it even on steep slopes, because it has a mesh texture, so it does not slip.
  4. Strengthening the coast with a reinforcing mesh. Also a good option, the mesh will prevent slopes from forming.
  5. Biological objects that strengthen the banks. Quite an expensive and short-lived method, because you only need natural elements to strengthen the coast.
  6. Strengthening the coast with piles. A reliable method in which the bank is strengthened by driving in support piles made of metal or concrete, less often of plastic. Ideal if there are steep cliffs on the shore.
  7. Sheet piling is the cheapest, fastest method. The tongue is laid out along the coastline and prevents water from washing the ground behind it.
  8. Plants protecting the shore. A very costly, difficult process, the results of which you will see in a few years. The trees with their roots will create a protective frame that holds the soil back.
  9. Strengthening the coast with larch. The most reliable and durable way, due to the fact that the tree is quite unpretentious and durable.
  10. Strengthening the coast with gabions. A flexible, lightweight design that allows you to customize your shoreline.

We examined the main methods and materials for strengthening the coast, now let's move on to how to make such a strengthening with our own hands.

Strengthening the river bank with your own hands

Consider the option of how to strengthen the river bank with your own hands with a coconut mat. This option is quite good if there are sharp cliffs on the coast, in addition, the coconut mat has a natural and aesthetic appearance, which gives the edges of the coast a beautiful shape.

The color of the material is very close to the ground, so it is almost imperceptible, and in its structure it is similar to a mesh of thin but strong ropes. This shape allows moisture-loving plants to take their roots to the lake through the coconut mat, braiding it and therefore strengthening the shore even more. Thus, after a while, all the strengthening will be dragged out by plants and will become completely invisible.

As you noticed, there are a lot of ways to strengthen, but the coconut mat is taken as an example, because it is easy to work with it when strengthening the coast with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

  • coconut net;
  • fittings;
  • shovel;
  • construction glue;
  • stones;
  • seeds of perennial herbs.

It is worth starting laying from the upper parts of the coastline, while you do not need to pull the coconut mat too much, it is better, on the contrary, to give it some free space and start unwinding the roll of material into a river or pond, it should lie at least 20 cm along the bottom.

The upper part is fixed using ordinary reinforcement, which, of course, can be safely removed in a month, and all other places along the slope, if it is steep, can be fastened with wooden pegs, which will dissolve over time, or with the same reinforcement.

On a flat bank and bottom, it is not worth strengthening anything, you can only press the ends with heavy stones, and the rest of the coconut net will be tightened with sand and fixed, thus, the water itself will strengthen the net for several days.

Since the shore area can be quite wide, it will be necessary to place several rolls or skeins of material side by side.

So that the material does not creep and the coast does not begin to sag, you must make overlaps between the joints. The minimum overlap should be at least 15 cm, and these places should be properly coated with construction glue.

After completing all the above operations, you need to give time to achieve the final result.

If after a week you find landslides somewhere, you will have to repeat the whole operation at this place, and if not, then the grid will already be overgrown with the first roots. After another week, the roots will be enough to support the entire structure, then you can safely get all the reinforcement out of the ground. Now you have to deal with additional measures.

Additional activities

These will include an artificial increase in vegetation, because the more roots there are, the denser your strengthening.

To do this, you will need to purchase seeds of perennial grasses or small trees and simply sow as densely as possible on the top of the coast and, if possible, on the steep slopes.

The second step will be to decorate the shore. If the coast is sandy, then you can simply dig in the visible parts of the coconut mat, and if it is grassy, ​​you can throw more stones or earth - this will create additional strength and ensure the beauty of the entire coast.

There are many advantages of using coconut mat, here are the main ones:

  1. Environmental friendliness of the material, because it consists exclusively of natural elements.
  2. Cheapness is one of the main parameters if it is necessary to cover large areas.
  3. The installation work is very simple, even one person can handle it within a few hours.
  4. For several years, the slope will not erode or slide.
  5. The mesh structure allows plant roots to pass through for added strength.
  6. The strength of the material is not lost from sunlight, contact with water and from the decomposition of natural organic matter.

As you can see, your problem with landslides from constant contact with water can very quickly be solved with the help of your hands, because no additional knowledge is required. In addition, there will be no need for large financial costs or obtaining permits from public authorities.

Spending only a couple of hours of your time, you will forget about the problem for 2-3 years, or maybe even more, because if there is a lot of vegetation on the shore, then it will create plexus roots and its own mesh, which will continue to hold the shore after the decomposition of the coconut mat. Also, after a couple of weeks, no one will be able to guess that the coast is fortified, because the material will cease to be noticeable.

Strengthening of banks, which is called bank protection, is used during landslides or erosion of banks by water and during construction, when there is a need to increase or decrease the reservoir.

Consider the most effective bank protection methods today:

Anti-erosion mesh for bank protection

The anti-erosion material fills well the elements of the plant soil. It has a low weight, increased strength and flexibility. The roots of plants fasten such material to the soil, thanks to which the vegetation layer is strengthened, while it turns into a reinforced area. This method is the most affordable, and you can arrange it on your own.

Strengthening river banks with a coconut mat

A mesh mat of a material such as coconut is based on woven ropes, which have a fibrous type of structure. It is able to fortify river edges and support vegetation that is planted in the water and along the coast.

Bank protection with geogrids

This method of bank protection using a geogrid is an inexpensive option. Moreover, this is the most reliable method, in particular, if the coast is swelling. You will have a beautiful look. At the same time, you will get the opportunity to comfortably and without slipping go into the water and go ashore. You can put river pebbles or other materials in the cells. You can make a mosaic that only you will have.

Reinforcing mesh for bank protection

The bank can be strengthened with a material such as a tumbling stone mesh. You can also use other types of placeholders. This mesh is very durable, while protecting the surface from slopes. The net will always remain on the shore.

Using biological objects

The use of such material as a biological object of plant origin is the most capricious and troublesome method. However, it cannot be compared with other bank protection methods.

Material for strengthening the banks of reservoirs

Bank protection piles

Piles can also be used for bank protection. They can be both metal and concrete or plastic. Strengthening the banks using metal or concrete piles. Plastic material can be used. This method is often used for very steep banks. By the method of masonry, it is somewhat similar to strengthening the banks by means of larch and screw methods. Concrete with plastic are new materials that have proven their worth in operation.

This method is the most time consuming and costly, but, in addition, it is the safest and most outwardly beautiful. The vegetation for bank protection is selected taking into account the properties of the soil in this area and based on the goals set for the formation of strong barriers from several steps from erosion of the coastline. Due to the lightness of the soil and the heterogeneity of the coastline, in particular, in the middle strips, it is not necessary to create a bank protection plan yourself, and even more so to choose vegetation for planting. Here you need the help of specialists who know a lot about such types of work and can definitely pick and arrange everything in the shortest possible time. This method cannot be compared to bank protection with slabs.

Bank protection with sheet piling

Bank protection with tongue and groove is the most popular method when it is necessary to strengthen the coastlines, and the funds for such works are limited. The tongue is a great material. The use of a material such as sheet piling is quite widespread in construction work. And there is nothing strange in the fact that it is the sheet pile that is used for such complex work as bank protection. Bank protection with sheet piling is performed using PVC and composite material. The rather simple installation of the tongue and groove and the low weight make it possible to say that this method is simple, cheap and at the same time fast.

Bank protection with various materials

Bank protection with larch

Bank protection with larch is by far the most effective and durable method of forming a stable coastline. The tree works well in bad weather conditions and has unique properties that make it possible to use its natural features.

Bank protection with gabions

Bank protection with gabions is a good method of shaping a coastline with difficult access for machinery. With the help of ease of installation work and flexibility of structures, the formed coastline can have any kind of relief.

Do-it-yourself bank protection

To strengthen the banks of the pond, where there are sheer walls and film coverings, it is better to use a coconut mat. This material has an aesthetic appearance, which will give the edges of the pond a beautiful shape. In color, coconut mats are somewhat similar to natural soil, in addition, the material makes it possible to increase the coastal space for moisture-loving plants. Plants perfectly decorate the shorelines of the pond, and the root planting system strengthens the shore. There are a lot of ways to strengthen the banks of rivers and other reservoirs, and they differ in variety. But if you decide to do bank protection with your own hands, then a coconut mat will come in handy in this matter, and this is the easiest way.

Laying should start from the shoreline, without pulling on the coconut mat. The lower area of ​​the skein should be lowered along the stream wall by about half a meter. The upper area must be secured to the shore by means of fittings. In order to fix the mat on the PVC foil, we use assembly glue. The joint of this material must be overlapped by about 20 centimeters, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the direction of the overlap should be located from an area that is inaccessible for viewing.

We immerse part of the coconut mat in water, where it is covered with sand, and the part located on land - with plants. If you cannot decorate the bank of the stream with your own hands from stones, there is no material, then you can use any plants for decoration. In doing so, you will learn a design that is as close as possible to the natural look of the stream. Basically, a similar method of decoration is used in a landscape stylistic direction. As you can see, with the help of a coconut mat, it is quite simple with your own hands to equip the strengthening of the banks of the river and not only.

Among the advantages of using coconut mat it should be noted:

  • the purity of such material;
  • work will not require large financial costs;
  • laying work is simple, you can simply do it yourself;
  • such a mat provides the bank with thorough protection against erosion for a long time;
  • due to the structure of the coconut material, plants can grow through it, while their root system will strengthen the coastline;
  • coconut mats do not lose their own characteristics from the influence of ultraviolet rays and substances that are formed during the decomposition of organic matter.

Many land owners are faced with the problem of soil crumbling along the shore of a pond or lake. Someone lives in the immediate vicinity of a reservoir, someone has a summer cottage there. Even those who are on their own on their own are not insured against such a nuisance, if at one time all possible consequences were not taken into account and the necessary measures were not taken even at the construction stage.

It is not entirely correct to speak "in general" about the strengthening of the coast. In each specific case, you need to evaluate a number of points.

  • First, the characteristics of the soil.
  • Secondly, the "features" of the coast - the steepness of the slope, its height.
  • Thirdly, how does the earth crumble - only from the surface or over the entire area of ​​the "cut", including in the "underwater" part?
  • Fourth, how much time has passed since the artificial reservoir was equipped?
  • Fifth, the location of the "problem" place. After all, the choice of the method of strengthening depends on this. For example, in order not to disturb the general landscape of the site.
  • Sixth, the purpose of this part of the territory. It is one thing if it is a deserted corner, and another thing if there is a building nearby or, for example, a boat dock. Although ponds of this size are an exception to the rule for most of our fellow citizens.
  • Seventh, climate features (intensity of precipitation, temperature drops, etc.).

Therefore, this is not such an easy question. Now it is worth listing the main, most used methods of carrying out measures to strengthen the banks of the reservoir.


This method is used for relatively steep slopes. Products are used from metal, reinforced concrete, wood (but only of certain species, for example, larch), even plastic. In fact, such a structure resembles a wall of logs, which in the past were used to enclose ancient cities. But it will hardly be possible to build such a “tyn” manually, since the piles will have to be driven.


In fact, this is one of the extreme ways when others do not give the desired effect. A "retaining" wall is being built from special boxes, which protects the soil from slipping. More suitable for large areas and requires the use of technical equipment.

Anti-erosion mesh

The peculiarity is that it is soft and flexible. In fact, it is a "cobweb" that is superimposed on the ground and falls asleep. The plant roots hold it together with the soil, and a single protective layer is formed.

As a variety - a coconut mat, which is laid over the banks of the reservoir, Reno mattresses.

Artificial wall

For its construction, a reinforcing mesh (or lattice) is used, which is placed along the coast and filled with stone (rubble, tumbling or other). It resembles a kind of formwork, one of the sides of which is the shore of a reservoir.

Planting vegetation

This method is quite effective, but requires special knowledge. It is necessary to select not only moisture-loving plants suitable for a given soil (composition, acidity, etc.), but also with a root system that branches well and, therefore, will reliably "fasten" the soil in a certain "territory".


Quite a simple technology, in which a kind of "reinforcement" of the surface is made. The top is often filled with crumbs of hard materials (for example, marble) or small pebbles. But this method is applicable for a relatively gentle slope.

It is worth dwelling on this technique in more detail, since it is most widely used in individual areas. It is quite easy to process the "problem" area using this technique, and all the work can be done independently, without paying for the services of specialists and hiring equipment.

The method of strengthening the shore with a geogrid

  1. Work begins with the removal of the topsoil. It is necessary to prepare a "site" for laying the material. Accordingly, all irregularities sticking out of the soil of the rhizome must be eliminated.
  2. The geogrid has the shape of a rectangle. After it is spread out on the ground, it must be fixed. For this, special "anchors" are used - along the perimeter and
  3. inside (it is more convenient to arrange the fasteners in a checkerboard pattern). By the way, they are included in the kit.
  4. Adjacent canvases are fastened to each other with staples () and additionally along the joint - anchors.
  5. Filling in cells. This item depends on the imagination of the owner. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the general design of the site. As options - pebbles (it is possible with sand of coarse fractions), concrete mortar (frost-resistant grade), natural or artificial stones. The point is to reinforce the created "flooring" from above. Practice shows that it is more expedient to cover the lattice with earth and plant seeds of plants. Their roots will further anchor the soil.

The advantage of this method lies not only in the simplicity of the technology. Installation of a geogrid will not change the appearance of the site and will not require large material costs. For example, a product with cells measuring 16 x 16 cm will cost 92 rubles / m2. Although there are cheaper options - 50, 75 rubles each.

There are other equally effective techniques. Fortunately, our people do not suffer from a lack of original ideas. For example, strengthening the running slopes with stones and decorating them to match the natural landscape. PVC sheet piles are also used. Therefore, you need to focus on local conditions and your capabilities.

When choosing a method for strengthening a bank or slope, it is necessary to take into account the expediency of using certain materials, their service life in a local climate. For example, if the coast is not high, but the coastline is long, then there is no point in installing piles, even if it seems original and effective to someone. In addition, quite often the desired result can be achieved by combining separate methods, since the destruction can be "point", and - "versatile".