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Vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zn N30Table. Calorie Vitamin and mineral complex "From A to Zinc" (for men). Chemical composition and nutritional value of tablets from A to zinc for men

Latin name:Doppelherz Aktiv AZ.
ATH code: V81BG.
Active substance: Vitamins and Minerals
Manufacturer:Queisser Pharma (FRG)
Pharmacy vacation condition: Without recipe

Indications for use

The bio-ship valuation of the Dopelgerz A-ZN is designed to eliminate the lack of nutrients and developed as a result of this pathological states:

  • To improve the overall
  • With frequent diseases of a cold and infectious nature
  • To enhance immunity
  • For accommodation in adverse environmental conditions
  • With low-quality nutrition
  • With frequent physical exertion or psycho-emotional voltage
  • To eliminate chronic fatigue and fast fatigue
  • To improve the concentration of attention, normalizing sleep, hair and skin condition.

The composition of the drug

The current components of the dopelgertz bioradelitz astes contained in one ordinary tablet (in brackets indicated hip):

  • WIT. A - 800 (400) MKG
  • WIT. B1 - 3.5 (1.65) mg
  • WIT. B2 - 4 (2,1) mg
  • WIT. B6 - 5 (2.1 mg) mg
  • WIT. B12 - 2.5 (3.75) μg
  • WIT. C - 150 (200) mg
  • WIT. D - 5 (5) μg
  • WIT. E - 24 (12) mg
  • WIT.K - 20 (20) MKG
  • Biotin (WIT) - 100 (75) μg
  • Nicotinamide - 18 (16) mg
  • Calcium Pantothenate (derived B5) - 12 (6) mg
  • Folic acid (WIT. B9) - 450 (400) MKG
  • Iodine - 100 (100) μg
  • Iron - 2.1 (-) mg
  • Potassium - 10 (-) mg
  • Calcium - 120 (200) mg
  • Silicon - 2 (-) μg
  • Magnesium - 45 (100) mg
  • Copper - 0.9 (-) mg
  • Manganese - 0.9 (-) mg
  • Molybdenum - 20 (12.5) μg
  • Selenium - 10 (30) μg
  • Phosphorus - 92 (125) mg
  • Chrome - 25 (12) μg
  • Zinc - 5 (5) mg.

As an additional ingredients - substances forming the structure and coating of tablets: lactose monohydrate, hypimosellose, talc, natural dyes, thickener, flavoring additive, water and other connections.

Medical properties

The dietary supplement of Doppelgerz asset is not a drug, but its action is comparable to the therapeutic effect. Due to the large dose of useful elements:

  • Aviation and avitaminosis are eliminated
  • Improved general condition
  • Come to normal biochemical processes
  • Improves sleep, attention, memory
  • Energy appears, endurance
  • Resistance to diseases amplifies
  • Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Forms of release

Pills: Average price: №30 - 314 rub. Tablets: Average price: №15 - 199 rub.

Doppelgers Active A-ZN is made in the form of ordinary and effervescent tablets:

  • Ordinary - large pills (1568 mg), elongated capapus-like shape, with a separation risk, covered with a dark red shell. Fasted 10 pieces into blisters that are placed in a cardboard pack with instructions.
  • Tablets for dissolving in water are also a large size, a flat-cylindrical shape, light beige or pinkish color, a grainy structure. Available with the taste of Maracuy and Peach. Frequently 15 pieces in polymer tubes with a lid.

Mode of application

Dopperkelz from A to Zinc, according to the instructions for the drug, it is recommended to take adults and adolescents from 12 years ago:

  • Preventive course - 30 days, after which you need to take a break. Features of reception - daily one tablet during meals or immediately after its end. Due to the inconvenience of swallowing due to a large size, a pill can be divided by half and drink alternately or take 2 times during the day.
  • Swiming tablets are also accepted once a day - preferably in the morning after eating. A glass of boiled water is one pill.

The re-course of Doppelgerz asset A-ZN can be carried out after a monthly interruption and permission of the doctor.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the lack of clinical observations and studies of the influence of substances, the Dopelgerz assets at the body of a woman and a child, there are no reliable information about his benefits or harm, so it is better to refrain from receiving the complex.


Doppelzz asset can not be taken:

  • People with hypersensitivity to components
  • Children under 12 and summer age
  • With incorrect metabolism
  • In case of violations of the kidneys and liver
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • During the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, tendency to disorders
  • When taking other food additives with the same composition.


People suffering from diabetes must remember that the asset as part of the Dopelkels (0.02-0.03).

Cross drug interactions

There is no information about the development of side effects when aging with drugs. In order to prevent the development of negative phenomena, Doppeoplez is better to use separately from drugs.

Side effects

In order to avoid the development of negative consequences, the instructions for the use or appointment of a doctor should be followed. It is possible to develop allergic reactions, stool disorders, skin rashes.


Under the conditions of reception of Dopelgerz, the asset A-zinc symptoms of intoxication do not develop. With random use of a large dose of the drug, inxication is possible. To eliminate symptoms, you must consult a doctor, treat treatment.

Conditions and shelf life

Complex is suitable for 3 years from the date of release. To save the beneficial properties, it must be stored in branded packaging, away from the heat, moisture and light. The optimal temperature is room, not exceeding 25 ° C. Bear from children!


Funds, fully similar in composition and action with a complex of Doppelgers Active "from A to Zinc" does not exist. To select the replacement means, you need to contact the physician.

Bayer (Switzerland)

Average price: №10 (spike) - 387 rubles., No. 20 (spike) - 644 rubles, No. 30 - 742 rubles, No. 60 - 1149 rub.

The combined tool is designed for active people experiencing regular loads, as well as to maintain immunity to children from 12 years, pregnant and nursing, elderly people. The complex is shown in vegetarianism or depleted nutrition, living in an environmentally polluted area.

The composition contains a large amount of vitamins (12 species) and minerals (8). Due to the increased dose of components and a successfully calculated dosage, the complex quickly eliminates the deficit of useful elements and related states. It helps strengthen immunity, increase the adaptation properties of the body, improving the memory and normalization of daily biorhythms. It is recommended for recovery after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy courses, operations.

The tool is designed in the form of ordinary and effervescent tablets:

  • Conventional pills are produced in the form of capapus-like tablets in a red shell, are packaged by 10 pieces in blisters. In a cardboard pack - 3 or 6 plates.
  • Swiming large-sized tablets, whitish or beige color without a shell. Packed in polymer tubes of 10 pieces, in the box - 1 or 2 containers.

The drug is accepted daily in one thing (picking out the usual or dissolving a hip tablet in 200 ml of water). Preventive course - for one month, repeat reception must be coordinated with the doctor.


  • Balanced composition
  • Fast result
  • Gives energy, normalizes biorhythms
  • Improves the condition of hair, skin, nails.


  • Allergy is possible
  • Not everyone is pleasant to the taste of the drink.

Download instructions for use

One of the best vitamin and mineral complexes, the source of almost all vitamins and minerals is the German preparation of Doppelgers Active "from A to Zinc". Thanks to a balanced composition and accurately verified dosage, the biodowder quickly eliminates hypo-or vitaminosis, enhances immunity, improves biochemical processes, the work of the central nervous system and the SCC. A special form of tablets - depot - contributes to a smooth release of the components contained and the most complete assimilation.

It is worth noting that do not just appoint drugs to yourself. Their actions are aimed at resolving specific problems. At that stage, when dysfunction only originate, you need to start receiving zinc additives. Vitamins can help normalize metabolism, cell function, fill the deficit of micro and macroelements.

Attention: Self-treatment can lead to unpredictable consequences! Always consult a doctor before receiving drugs.

Moreover, zinc is often prescribed with reduced testosterone Due to age-related changes and other pathologies. Another indication for receiving ascorbic acid and zinc - atherosclerosis.

What kind of zinc vitamins for men is better to purchase?

Connection with other useful components

Magnesium has the ability to increase spermatozooid mobilityWhat increases the chances of fertilization. In addition, magnesium:

  • plays an important role in the process of regulating the activities of the heart muscle;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces the risks of the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • stimulates the work of the pancreas;
  • normalizes the nervous system, which is very important when stressing.

When combined with zinc, selenium and chrome - magnesium improves the work of the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for regulating insulin production.

Urotin Burdenko, Urologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, tells about Vitamin Complex.

"Hello, distinguished men! Vitamin complex for men Urotrin is an excellent means to combat male problems: stress at work, losing weight, impotence, prostatitis, premature ejaculation and many others! Remember that our health is one, and without it a man is not May be called. Therefore, begin to take care of it before it trips. "Urotrin" is an excellent assistant to male health at any age! "

Names of drugs supplemented with magnesium


No preparation is considered universal. For this reason, caution should be taken during the application of some of the new complexes.

The main thing contraindication is the individual intolerance Components or allergic reaction to components. Do not assume that vitamins are not able to harm.

Even if there is no allergy, you should consult with your doctor before receiving vitamin supplements.

Interaction with medicine

Zinc complexes do not interact with other drugsIf they are not in the composition of zinc. Caution should be taken even when taking simultaneously another vitamin complex.

The problem is that the overabundance of vitamins occurs very quickly, powerful allergic reactions can be manifested. You can not drink complexes with zinc and other polyvitamins.

What products contain zinc?

To replenish zinc reserves by changing the diet, you should know where it is in sufficient:

  • yeast, chicken eggs, crude rice contain approximately 2 mg of zinc per 100 g;
  • rabbit, chickens meat, oats and barley flour, nuts contain approximately 5 mg of zinc per 100 g;
  • the liver of calves, the fish contains 8 mg per 100 g;
  • wheat bran contains in 100 g of approximately 20 mg of zinc. This is the best source of such a substance;
  • but zinc maximum is in oysters. Only 10 g of this delicacy can provide a daytime need for the body.

A little zinc is in green vegetables, citrus, honey, apples. There is also in tomatoes, raspberries, currants, celery, veal and bread.


media: microcrystalline cellulose E460 (I); calcium carbonate; magnesium oxide; ascorbic acid; zinc citrate; tocopherol acetate (DL-alpha tocopherol acetate, starch modified, maltodextrin, amorphous silicon dioxide); nicotinamide; Antisylosing agent: Talc E553 (III) Carrier: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose E464; iron electrolytic; Media: sodium cronellose E468, maltodextrin E1400; Dye E171; retinol acetate; manganese sulfate; Antislement agent: silicon dioxide amorphous E551; Media: Stearin Acid E570; Antisylosing agent: magnesium stearate E470; Moisture Agent: Propylene Glycol E1520; calcium pantothenate; Media: polyvinylpyrrolidone E1201, carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt E466; copper citrate; phytomenadion; cholealcyferol; pyridoxine hydrochloride; thiamine hydrochloride; riboflavin; folic acid; chromium asparaginat; potassium iodat; sodium selenit; sodium molybdat; biotin; Cianocobalamin.


Description and properties: Vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zn is a simple and convenient way to "enrich" your daily diet with vitamins and minerals. Especially useful in the autumn-winter period, as well as with diet, posts, unbalanced nutrition.

A complex of the most important vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immunity and the overall support of the body.

Bioavailable form of vitamins and minerals

Tablets, with a smooth, smooth surface, covered with a film shell of white or pink.

Features of sale

Without a license


as a biologically active additive to food, an additional source of vitamins A, E, C, D3, K1, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, biotin, micro- and macroelements.


Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.