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The use of alarm and emergency stop sign. In which cases apply the use of alarm and emergency stop sign? Actions when detecting other disaster signals

7. Application of alarm alarm and emergency stop sign

Reader B:What is emergency alarm?

Reader A:And how to turn it on? Alarm is activated with a button located in the car near the instrument panel. Most often it is an orange or red button on which a triangle is depicted (Fig. 93).

Emergency light alarm must be enabled:

with a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited;

when blinding the driver by light headlights;

when towing (on a towing mechanical vehicle).

The driver must include emergency lighting alarm and in other cases to prevent participants in the danger movement that the vehicle can create.

Reader A:The need to turn on the alarm when the incident does not cause doubt on the road. It is necessary to warn other drivers about the dangerous situation so that they can go around damaged vehicles affected and, those who provide them with first aid.

Reader B:In 1, the Rules section was given a definition of a forced stop. I remember: this is the cessation of movement due to the technical malfunction of transport, the danger created by the transportable cargo, the condition of the driver or the passenger, and also because of the obstacles on the road.

Reader A:An emergency alarm includes when blinding.

Reader B:And why include an emergency alarm on a towed machine?

Reader A:P.7.1 said that it is necessary to include an emergency alarm and in other cases. What exactly?

When you stop the vehicle and turning on emergency light alarm, as well as when it is malfunction or absence, the emergency stop sign must be immediately exhibited:

at a traffic accident;

with a forced stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, given the conditions of visibility, the vehicle cannot be promptly seen by other drivers.

This sign is set at a distance providing a timely warning of other drivers about the danger in a specific setting. However, this distance should be at least 15 m from the vehicle in settlements and 30 m - outside the settlements.

Reader B:What does an emergency stop sign look like?

Reader B:At what distance the sign is exposed, we understood, but from which side of the vehicle it is located?

And also know that with a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited, the driver must take all measures to remove the vehicle from these places (paragraph 12.6 of the rules).

Reader A:This is understandable, but why the rules indicate the different distance on which you need to sign a sign?

That is why in settlements, where the speeds of movement below, the minimum distance on which the sign is set is set (Fig. 95) than outside the settlements, where the speeds are higher (Fig. 96).

Do not forget that before setting a sign, you must enable an alarm.

Reader A:If the emergency alarm has failed, for example, damaged at a traffic accident, an emergency stop sign will still warn other participants in the significance of danger. But is it possible to tow such a car?

In the absence or failure of emergency light alarm on the towing mechanical vehicle, an emergency stop sign (Fig. 97) should be enshrined on its back.

Reader B:How to consolidate the emergency stop sign on the back of the vehicle?

In the car trunk there is always a rope or a piece of wire. However, in order not to waste time looking for, I recommend that you prepare all this in advance and put in the case along with the emergency stop sign. Also, in advance, determine the places to which, if necessary, will fix the sign. From the book Survival School in Accidents and Natural Disasters by Ilyin Andrey

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The head of the 7 Rules of Roads provides for the need to include alarms in the following situations:

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  • In case of emergency or accident;
  • With an unplanned stop on the plots where it is prohibited;
  • When transporting another car on a flexible or rigid coupling;
  • With temporary loss of concentration due to blinding the headlights of the counter transport;
  • When disembarking and landing passengers in the CU with special signs.

The rules allow the use of emergency signals in other situations to inform or attract attention.

If the alarms are in a malfunctionable state, the use of an emergency sign is considered to be the use of an emergency sign when the accident occurs or when stopping on the road sections in the zone of prohibitive signs.

Terms of application

The inclusion of emergency lights when stopping the car is accompanied by an emergency installation. It is a triangle with reflective elements of red and orange.

In working condition has a footboard for additional fixation.

When installing a sign, you should be visible to other traffic participants, but its location should not create obstacles to the stopping area. Within the city feature, it must be set at a distance of at least 15 meters from the vehicle. Outside the city, the minimum distance increases to 30 meters. This is primarily due to the inability to react while driving at high speed. The installation rules of the sign act, even if the accident occurred not on the road, but on the adjacent territory, for example, in the yard.

The sign must be fixed on the towed car during transportation on a flexible or rigid coupling.

In which cases it is impossible to use the designations?

Due to the fact that an alarm alarm refers to the means of alerts on the presence of non-standard situations on the road, its use in the absence of such is a violation. It applies equally to emergency signs. Such an action can cause other participants in motion a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe problems at the motorist, which in turn can lead to unplanned maneuvers and actions. Parking under the prohibition sign, but with the included signals, does not allow the right to be in such sites.

As it often happens, the presence of a standing car is somehow attracted the attention of traffic police officers, and if the fact of the use of "accidents" and the sign without necessity will be proved, the motorist awaits punishment.

Possible penalties

Administrative Offenses Code (COAP) Contains Article 12.20, which provides a fine of 500 rubles for violating the rules for using light alarms. Under this article is suitable as situations of the use of signals without need, and movement with a faulty alarm or without a special sign.

However, in the past few years, the attention of the traffic police officers to the serviceability of alarm has a slightly decreased. This is due to the fact that today the traffic police officer has less opportunities for stopping the car for no reason.

Examples from practice

In the dark, the use of alarm alarm significantly increases the chances of a motorist to be noticed. So in 2017, Lada Kalina and VAZ-2109 collided in the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to the statements of witnesses and affected, the driver of the VAZ-2109 made a forced stop in order to eliminate a minor breakdown. Alarm not included, the emergency sign was also not set. For this reason, the driver Lada Kalina could not see the car and slow down. Such stories are far from uncommon. However, an extremely small number of violations end with fines, as it is impossible to instantly determine the presence of a malfunction in the car, and motorists moving with non-working signals can answer that they are sent to the car service to eliminate the breakage. In the case of an emergency sign, such a focus will not pass.


Alarm system is universal means of alerts of other participants in motion and attracting attention. Regardless of the degree of importance of the road situation, the alarms are enabled forced the driver to pay attention to the car. However, some motorists using emergency signals are not intended, which leads other participants in confusion. Violation of the conditions for the use of light signals involves the imposition of a fine of 500 rubles, however, due to some difficulties, such a measure of punishment is extremely rare.

Each vehicle driver is not insured against an unexpected situation on the road, whether it is a vehicle breakdown or an accident. In this case, in the car trunk, there should always be an emergency sign that you want to set in front of the machine until the problem is eliminated.

Requirements for an emergency stop sign - what rules say?

An emergency stop sign according to traffic rules, visually is an equilateral triangle. The outer side of this triangle is placed by a strip made of reflective material. This is necessary so that it is noticeable to other drivers from the far distance. The inner side is placed in a fluorescent strip.

The product itself is made of plastic or plastic. When buying it is better to choose plastic, as it is more resistant to vibrations on the road and, accordingly, will last longer. In order to establish a product on the road in a vertical position, a retractable leg is attached from the inside on it.

Requirements say that the alarm signals must be the following: the overall width of the elements should be 100 mm, the side of 500 to 550 mm wide. Internal roundings should be a radius of 5 mm and above, but no less. And the radius of external roundings should be 15 millimeters.

New and old - the difference between samples of different years

When choosing a new emergency lighthouse, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • The design should be reliable, durable.
  • A protective layer must be applied to the edges. It is made of plastic or rubber. This will allow it longer to keep it in good condition.
  • The edges must necessarily be smooth, without sharp protrusions that can be clamped.
  • Pay attention is necessary on the retractable leg, which should be stable.
  • Included must be instructions and case.

Emergency Sign - Rules Installations on the Road

Installing an emergency stop sign is strictly regulated by the rules of the road. Every driver should know how much meters an emergency sign is set in the event of an accident or vehicle breakdown in the village of the village - this distance is 15 meters from the car.

If an emergency stop occurred on the track, then the distance will be 30 meters or more.

This sign must necessarily have every driver in each vehicle. When choosing it is better not to save, but buy a product of good quality. It will last you for a long time and will continue. Cheap signs of emergency stops may even injure you when installing with sharp corners and ribs. The angles of more expensive products are reliably protected by durable materials, which will protect you from random cuts.

International Alarm Signs

(Used to serve signals from land to aircraft)

Code table.
For victims, deprived of alarm-signal "tools", invented the emergency alarm - international code table.
The signals of the code table are laid out on open, well-visible places - on the slopes of hills, glades. In different sources, the recommended dimensions of the signals indicate different, depending on the tastes and departmental addiction of the authors. Therefore, it is better to stay at the International Standard: 10 m in length, 3 m wide and 3 m between signs. But in any case, no less than 2.5 m. Otherwise, the sign will be difficult to disassemble from a high height. There are no restrictions in a large side - the more significant signal, the higher the probability that it will notice.

"Need a doctor"

"We need
medicines "



"We need
food and water "

weapon I.

map I.

"You need a warning lamp with a battery and a radio station"

"Specify the direction of the following"

"I am moving
in this direction"

take off

damaged "

"Here you can

"Fuel and oil requires"

"Everything is fine"

"No or
negatively "

"Yes or

"Do not understand"

"Requires a mechanic"

finished "

"Nothing detected, continue the search"

"Information obtained that the aircraft is in this direction"

"We found
of all the people"

"We found only a few people"

"We are not able to continue, return to the database"

"Divided into two groups, each follows in the specified direction"

For the same purpose - messages to pilots of search aircraft of specific information - another form of alarm is used - International Aviation Emergency Trial Alarm.

1. Please take on board.
2. Technical assistance is required.
3. It is convenient to put a landing here.
4. Everything is in order.
5. You understood, I perform.
6. I have a radio station.
7. It is dangerous to land here.
8. I can not move, it is necessary

health care.
9. Ready to take a pennant, written

10. Yes.
11. No.

For the same purpose - messages to pilots of search aircraft of specific information - another form of alarm is used. Only not international, but our, domestic, adopted in the Air Force.
Who will have the victim to communicate in the conditions of the accident - with our or not by our aviators and which of them which gesturing system is adhered to, it is impossible to say in advance, so it's better, just in case you know both:

1. "The incident occurred, there are victims" - a person lying on Earth, or a circle of fabric (painted parachute), in the middle of which the figure of a lying person.

2. "We need food, warm outfit" - a person who is sitting on the ground, or a triangle of fabric.

3. "Show, in what direction to go" - a person with arms raised and slightly divorced hand, or a thin, long triangle of fabric in the form of an arrow.
4. "Here you can put a landing" - a man in a shallow priest with the hands stretched forward, or a square of the fabric.
5. "Land in the specified direction" - a standing person with an end forward with his hands in the direction of landing or landing "T" from the fabric.
6. "It is impossible to sit here" - a standing person with crossed hands over her head or a cross from the fabric.

In addition to special, there are simplified disaster signals that rescuers of almost all agencies are in one way or another.

For example, a universal SOS signal in all respects, or any other light or beep, repeated three times in a row through short periods of time. It does not matter that it will be three fire, three pillars of smoke, three loud whistles, three shots, three light flashes, etc. - if only the signal was triple.

Between the feed of each group of signals, you should withstand a minute pause. Three light or noise signals are aimed at rest - and again three signals.

The international disaster signal, taken in the mountains, looks somewhat different: six whistles, light outbreaks or cramped with hand per minute, then a minute pause and repeat

Safety on the road is the urgent need of each (even the most reckless) driver. This is especially true of non-standard situations. For example, the car engine works, but at the same time thoroughly lost in power.

Forced stop and recreation did not give positive results: you can move, but at low speed. With such a coincidence on a narrow road, a truck of vehicles will be gathering, the drivers of which are clearly or hidden will express dislike of such a skip ride.

Edak can die from Ikota! But for such non-standard cases emergency alarm is invented.

Each modern car has an alarm mode button. It can take the most intricate forms: to be round, square, rectangular, etc. But two circumstances combine all the options for the "accidents" buttons:

  • it is located in the far limits reach;
  • it depicts a triangle, symbolizing an accident or danger of the situation.

After pressing such a button, its pressed or touch in sensor mode (it all depends on the design of the car) all six rotation repeaters (in common - turn signals) will begin to blink in the same mode with the same frequency.

At the same time, two arrows will burn on the instrument panel, signaling the turn signals, and the unpleasant monotone snapsching will be coming from the panel (it works the "accident" relay).

Flashing around the perimeter of the car bodies, light signals are clearly visible to other participants in the movement. This is the warning of other drivers about danger.

The main functions and appointment of "accidents"

According to traffic rules, the "accident" should be applied by the driver in cases when the vehicle creates a danger to the movement of other participants. Therefore, its use in such situations is the holy duty of the driver.

For example, a stone flew into the windshield, and it gave a crack ("crawled over the web").

In this case, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, but it is allowed to get to the place of repair or parking in compliance with precautions. The inclusive "accident" will allow the driver to get safely to the service or garage.

Very often, drivers with a little driving experience (not to be confused with "teapots"!) Use an emergency alarm in a situation where they lose control. For example, the engine stalls at the crossroads (and everyone is in a hurry, the back is rearly angry).

In this case, the "accident" will become a real salvation for an inexperienced motorist. Its inclusion "wipes" a slightly retainable reputation.

Paraphrasing traffic rules, let's say that the "accident" is advisable and should be applied under any circumstances when the driver feels the uncertainty of his actions on the road. And he honestly warns his fellow on the driver's craft. Such actions will allow maximum security to all participants in the movement.

Cases of mandatory inclusion of alarm

Frankly, determining the degree of danger of its vehicle on the road - the phenomenon is subjective. Therefore, 5 situations are specifically spelled in traffic rules, when there is an alarm, the alarm must be immediately incorporated. This requirement of rules is rigid, and it is not discussed.

Each vehicle must be designated by an alarm (of course, when it is present). This is done to prevent other participants in the movement of the obstacle that may arise on their way.

2. When carrying out a forced stop in those places where the stop is prohibited.

"Avoidance" performs two important missions here. First, warns about danger. Secondly, it convinces other participants in the traffic police and employees of the traffic police in the absence of unlawful motives in the actions of the driver who committed a forced stop, and not intentionally and cynically ignoring rules.

3. When the driver is blinded by the headlights meet or simultaneously moving the vehicle.

The headlights of modern cars are incredibly powerful (for example, xenon). And the driver getting blinding is not difficulty: be it from the oncoming transport or along the car moving cars through the rearview mirrors.

The blinded driver can no longer adequately navigate in space, so he is prescribed by the rules:

  • immediately after blinding, turn on the alarm;
  • make gradually reduced speed, without changing the strip (or row) of the movement, up to the stop.

With respect to the second requirement, traffic rules are clear: the displacement from its band or a number of movement in the absence of control over the situation may result in an accident.

4. When tugging on towed TC.

When towing on a faulty vehicle, you must include an alarm.

This is done to prevent the TC approaching the danger and the complexity of the alleged maneuver.

5. When landing and disembarking children in the case of organized transportation.

When traveling places on which children landing in a vehicle, marked by an identifying sign "Transportation of children", or disembarking from it, there are special rules of traffic rules. The driver, approaching such sites, is obliged to reduce the speed, and if necessary, even stop to skip the children, even suddenly appearing on the roadway.

That is why the TS drivers exercising organized by the transport of children are required when landing-disembarking include alarm alarm. It will become for other participants in the movement of an excellent informant about changing the road situation and the need to ensure the safety of children.

So, we note again (it will not be superfluous!): the above five cases of an alarm application are required. So require traffic rules of the Russian Federation and the principles of elementary safety!

Warning triangle

Each mechanical vehicle must be equipped with an emergency stop sign (except for mopeds and motorcycles without side trailers). This sign is set by the driver on the roadway towards the possible appearance of vehicles. It is a way to prevent other road participants about potential danger.

The rules provide for three main cases when the driver is obliged to set an emergency stop sign.

1. With a traffic accident.

And immediately make a conclusion: when accidental will not turn on the alarm. The driver is also prescribed to mark the place of the accident by the emergency stop sign.

2. With a forced stop in those sites on which the stop is prohibited.

We will make another conclusion: when a forced stop in such places there will be not enough to include "emergency"; You should set the corresponding sign.

3. With a forced stop in areas with limited visibility.

The purpose of the sign in this is to inform drivers in a timely manner about the possible occurrence of obstacles in difficult conditions of visibility.

Safety is not excess

In addition to the obligatory cases of an emergency stop sign, drivers can use it and to achieve the greatest security when stopping or parking within the road. For example, at night on the side of the route. The rules do not require this, but it will be calmer.

Similar often make truckers drivers, resting after a hard work day. Even in the most adverse conditions of visibility, the red retroreflective elements of the sign are able to warn the approaching drivers and convince them to take precautions in advance.

At what distance is an emergency stop sign

The traffic rules demand from the driver to set an emergency stop sign, guided by the main principle: the distance from the vehicle must ensure the timeliness of danger warning. Therefore, in each specific situation, this distance will be different.

However, the rules regulate the minimum allowable distances:

  • at least 15 meters in the village;

  • not less than 30 meters outside the settlement.

These parameters are derived exclusively by experiment.

Extra towing rule

A special occasion of using an emergency stop sign is towing under malfunction or absence of alarm.

Under such circumstances, the driver of the towed vehicle is obliged to post the emergency stop sign on its back. This will help you to warn drivers moving back about nonstandarity of the situation.

Sly Driver - Smart Driver

After long reflection, we came to the conclusion that they should still talk about an imaginary forced stop. Especially since drivers often sin it.