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Who approves the schedule of vacations. Change of vacation schedules. What is the purpose of the vacation schedule

Should an employee's opinion be taken into account when drawing up vacation schedule? Employees go on vacation, and the company continues to work quietly and measured, produce products and not to disrupt the delivery time. The reason for this is in advance and carefully compiled employees of the company. It is he who helps the head to plan a team vacation so that one leaving the worker coming out from vacation only to a person gathered on vacation. However, people prefer to relax in the summer, so the employer is extremely interested in the interest of employees to be confusing in the production process.

How to find out the wishes of employees

The heads of enterprises with a small staff are trying to enter the position of employees, and the employer of the vacuum schedule takes into account the opinion of the worker. Many employees have minor children who need the attention of parents and a summer trip to the sea, some workers need holidays for recovery in sanatoriums and preteractories. For a convenient distribution of recreation, the employer conducts a survey of workers. The most convenient form of such a survey is a written statement of an employee or a questionnaire for vacation schedule; The sample is not needed, this document is written in arbitrary form. This method has proven itself well in small organizations.

In large enterprises, information about the desired holiday date is going on workshops, departments, departments. For convenience, such information is drawn up in the form of a statement on planning vacations working. Filling such statements is the responsibility of the Middle Service Guide, Masters. The completed statement of the enterprise division enters OK, where, on the basis of all statements from the divisions, one is a consolidated statement of vacation issues for the enterprise.

Is the employer obliged to take into account the opinion of employees when planning a vacation?

When the common vacation statement is ready, it needs to be approved by the employer. When considering the deadlines of the intended leave, the employee takes into account the need for its presence in the workplace and the rationality of the distribution of go-on on vacation inside departments (workshops). The wishes of workers when planning vacations are taken into account only if this does not damage the production process. The schedule of holidays was compiled without the consent of the employee if this employee is currently replaced by some reason and its absence will negatively affect the work of the enterprise. This guide has full right.

For example, if, with a careful consideration of the vacation schedule, it turns out that several employees at the same time want to go on vacation, it will violate the workflow at the enterprise. In this case, the leader may without the consent of the working. Usually leave for employees with similar official duties are given in different times, so that these specialists can replace each other. When approving the employer's vacation schedule, the opinion of the direct supervisor of the employee (master, brigadier) is taken into account about the possibility of providing holidays in this period.

Usually leave for employees with similar official duties are given in different times, so that these specialists can replace each other.

Thus, it is quite legal to compile the schedule of vacations without taking into account the opinion of the employee. It is a fact.

How to accurately distribute leave

When a large number of employees who have legitimate benefits and the right to choose rest in a more convenient period, some employees will not be able to relax in the summer. For a fair distribution of holidays in a favorable season (June - September), it is recommended to regulate the sequence of summer holidays. For example, give a vacation employee once every 1-3 years or break off rest into several components.

How to deal with preferential categories

The preferential categories of employees are in a special position. Note that the benefits for disabled people do not apply to the priority right to rest at a convenient time for them. But the exceptions are disabled wars or persons who participated in hostilities (paragraph 17 of paragraph 1 of Art. 14 No. 5-FZ), which have the right to choose the vacation time and whose leave is at least 35 days. At wishes, employees under 18 are sent on vacation, and their vacation will be at least 31 days (Art. 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, they are planning the time of annual leave parents who have a minor disabled child (Art. 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Vacation at the desired time is laid and men whose wife gives birth or recently gave birth (Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the desire of the employee in the preparation of the release schedule will necessarily be taken into account without the influence of the time actually spent over a year.

When an employee (beneficiary) has the opportunity to choose the date of vacation, before drawing up vacation schedules, it is rationally to ask them to fill the questionnaire for the vacation schedule, the sample of the desired application can be downloaded.

What rules must be observed

The management of the enterprise must comply with the rules relating to vacations working:

  • It is necessary to make a schedule of vacations and approve is an official document in an approach of a working organization.
  • It is impossible to violate the deadlines released by law on the approval of the schedule: two weeks before the new year.
  • The employee is obliged on time and pay vacation. If the employee did not promptly notify about leave or the holidays were not paid, the employer must change the period of vacation according to the employee's statement.
  • When separating leave into two or more components, it is taken into account that one of these components will be at least 14 days.

If at least one of the above items is broken, this is the basis for filing a complaint against the Court (Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Code). Compilation of employees' vacation schedule approved by the head - a mandatory annual effect on any production. This is the responsibility of the head of the organization.

The document is drawn up annually and consistent with the head and with the trade union committee, if such an organ is provided for by the staff. After approval of the schedule of vacations, it is no longer permitted directly in the document directly in the document itself.

Rules for drawing up vacations schedule

The vacation schedule should be approved by the Administration 2 weeks before the start of the new calendar year according to the Labor Code. When making a sequence of leave to vacation, the employer takes into account the wishes of employees, but without prejudice to the process in the enterprise.

The number of employees who can in one department or the division to go on vacation simultaneously is regulated by the employment contract or other regulatory documents of the enterprise. This procedure is necessary in order for the production process to continue without stopping.

The schedule of vacations is a mandatory document in any institution, regardless of the number of people. New employees are given only by coordination with the head.

Data on new employees in this case is not added to the chart. To draw up a vacation schedule, you can use the T-7 form, but it is optional from 01/01/2013.

The employer can develop its own form of document management. This item is regulated by Article 9 of the Law "On Accounting" from 12/06/2011 No. 402-FZ. The document is signed by the head of the personnel service and the head of the firm. The schedule must be approved in the current year no later than December 17th.

When drawing up a vacation schedule, it is necessary to take into account that new employees can go on vacation no earlier than 6 months after employment in accordance with Part 2 of Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Some categories of employees can go on vacation at a convenient time for them, this is regulated by Articles 122, 123 and 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If an employee has been concluded an employment contract for no more than 6 months, making such an employee in vacation schedule is solved by the company's head depending on the specific situation.

Procedure for drawing up the schedule of vacations

The employee must be on vacation annually, while the minimum vacation period is 28 calendar days. About the employee's vacation must be notified in advance, not later than 2 weeks before it began.

It is necessary to track the timeliness of the employee's care on vacation and the completeness of its provision, so that a large number of unused days have not accumulated during the year.

If for the previous period, unused days have accumulated, it is possible to attach them to leave only with the consent of the employee. This item after coordination with the employee is included in the vacation schedule.

Before you begin drawing up the schedule, you should analyze and take into account the following items:

  • additional vacation in accordance with the law (with the availability of appropriate conditions);
  • the ability to replace the employee for the entire vacation period without prejudice to production processes;
  • the duration of the employee at this enterprise.

Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulates the possibility of providing a vacation employee in the first year of work at the firm after 6 months of continuous experience in coordinating the parties.

In some cases, it is allowed to provide a vacation earlier than after 6 months. Leave for subsequent years is provided in any month according to the schedule.

The document is stored at the enterprise for 1 year in accordance with Article 693 of the List of Model Management Archive Documents, which are generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the timing of storage.

The vacation schedule indicates such information:

  • Surname, first name, patronymic of the employee;
  • tabel number (if provided);
  • name of the unit (department) in which an employee works;
  • position according to a staffing schedule;
  • number of days of left vacation;
  • planned holiday date;
  • actual date of vacation;
  • valuation transfer from the past period (date and base of transfer).

Procedure Amendments to vacation schedule

The document is signed by the head of the personnel department, is approved in the trade union body, then signed by the head of the enterprise.

You can make changes to the chart only with the permission of the head and person responsible for drawing up the document.

You can make changes to the document in such cases:

  • when transferring leave to an earlier or late period (based on a document compiled in arbitrary form), article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is regulated;
  • with the early recall of the employee to the workplace, regulated by Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • when making data on employees who were accompanied after the schedule approval.

The procedure for making changes is not legally resolved, so the employer can make adjustment in a form convenient for it.

The most optimal option is considered to design changes as an application to an existing document. The procedure for making a schedule of vacations and changes to it is recommended to approve the company independently.

Typical errors in drawing up vacation schedule

In small firms, it is practiced to provide vacation only at a request of an employee, while the holiday schedule itself is not approved by the administration. This violation of labor legislation, which is entitled to administrative responsibility.

For such violations, the company has the right to disqualify for the period up to three years.

The document must be mandatory approved by the person responsible for conducting the schedule (head of the personnel department), the head of the company and the trade union. The document is necessarily drawn up even when one employee works in the organization (manager).

The schedule should be subscribed only by authorized persons, all columns of the document must be filled in appropriately.

Typical errors include non-compliance with holiday schedule, no wishes for employees about vacation at a convenient time for them are not taken into account.

The violations belong to the execution of records in the schedule of other types of vacations, for example, child care under 3 years. Errors are allowed when dividing leave into parts. It should be remembered that one of the parts of the vacation should be at least 14 calendar days.

Unused vacation days should not be equal to or exceeding the period of operation in 2 years, which is regulated by Art. 124 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The incorrect payment of payment for unused days of vacation by rounding days in a large or smaller side.

The appointment of the start date of vacation on the last day of the working week, for example, on Saturday at six days is considered incorrect. Educational leave does not belong to tariff holidays, therefore it is not displayed in the chart.

In one calendar year, an employee can get two vacations only if he is issued for work last year. In this case, the employee takes a vacation at the beginning of the year for this year, and at the end of the year - for the next year.

In the document, this item must be reflected with the corresponding marks. The head and his deputy cannot go on vacation simultaneously. Violation is considered to failure of leave for two or more years of continuous operation.

Some employee categories have the right to go on vacation at a convenient time for them, but the employer refuses to carry out a vacation. Such an action of the head is regarded as a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to control the duration of vacations, as some individuals followed by elongated leave.

This item is reasonable to be taken into account in the graph. Annual vacation can be transferred or extended to the number of unused days if the employee has sick during this period (in the presence of a sick leave) or was recalled.

The employer is obliged to postpone leave for another period at a request of an employee in the case when the employee did not inform about the beginning of vacation 2 weeks before the start or did not pay the deadlines (3 days before the start), which is regulated by Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the employee refuses to go on vacation, then according to article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with continuous operation within 2 or more years and the employee, and the firm is administrative responsibility. If the employee for any reason was not included in the schedule, his vacation is provided by applying.

If the vacation is divided into parts without the consent of the employee, even when this item is in the employment contract of the company, such an agreement has no legal force. In order to share leave on the initiative of the administration of the company, it is necessary to write a written arrangement with the signature of both parties and the note "with the notification is acquainted and agree."

Video on the topic: "Find an answer. Features of drawing up the schedule of vacations "

The schedule of vacations is a local regulatory act, mandatory for acceptance and execution as an employer and employees. This means that neither the employer nor the employee can unilaterally change the vacation schedule.

The employer is obliged to familiarize employees to the painting with the received local regulatory entry of holidays in one of two ways:

You can use one of two options for familiarizing employees with vacation schedule.

1. To let the departments, units of booking sheets. In them, each employee points out the date of acquaintance with the vacation schedule and signs.

2. If changes have been made to the approved schedule, the employee puts signature opposite the date of his leave "Note".

The schedule of vacations to the new calendar year should be compiled no later than two weeks before the new year.

The schedule of vacations establishes the sequence of providing holidays to employees during the year. This document is also obligatory for the employer, and for all employees.

December for the employer is the month when it is necessary to plan the vacation of all workers for the next year, even though in winter, few people think about vacation. After all, in the case of checking GIT, the lack of an approved schedule can cause a fine. Usually, at the time of drawing up the schedule, it is fairly formally based on the fact that closer to the summer the dates will be adjusted taking into account the real plans of workers. But if this year the employee did not have a vacation, he would definitely raise the question of the fate of unspent days. To avoid further conflicts, it is better to solve this question in advance. The employer can go a few ways. Unused vacation can be included in the overall schedule, or an additional individual plan for this employee can be compiled. Some employers believe that the holidays over the past years can not be provided in kind, but simply pay compensation for them. But such a decision will be contrary not only to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also the 1970 ILO Convention No. 132 (hereinafter - the Convention, ILO Convention No. 132), which directly prohibits such agreements. Despite the fact that the Convention has been valid for 2 years, the courts rarely appeal to it. Meanwhile, the correct understanding of the norms of the Convention would avoid legal errors that admit the courts when making decisions.

If the vacation schedule was not approved or was broken by the procedure for its preparation

If the vacation schedule was not approved or he was approved with violation of legislation. Guilty persons can be brought to administrative responsibility under Art.

- on legal entities - a fine of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. Or their activities are suspended for up to 90 days.

Vacation Graphics form

The vacation schedule can be compiled according to the unified form No. D-7, which from 01/01/2013 is not mandatory for use, or the schedule can be developed by the employer himself, taking into account Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting" .

The schedule of vacations is signed by the head of the personnel service and is approved by the head.

If the company has a trade union, then when drawing up a graph, it is necessary to take into account his opinion.

Time approval of vacation schedule

Approve the schedule of vacations for the new year should be approved no later than December 17 of the current, the schedule must be drawn up to this day.

What should be taken into account when drawing up vacation schedule

In drawing up, the graphics should take into account the specifics of the activities of the organization and wishes of employees, as well as the special conditions of employment contracts of some categories of workers.

Who can use Vacation Anytime

You can go on vacation at any time can a minor worker.

Care on vacation workers workers in an organization less than six months

Workers recently taken to work are eligible for vacation only after six months of work in the organization.

To go on vacation before six months has the right:

An employee under the age of 18, since it has the right to leave at any time convenient for him;

an employee adopted a child under the age of three months;

pregnant women and women on pregnancy and childbirth can take an annual leave before maternity leave or after it;

Employee working part-time, vacation is provided simultaneously with holidays at the main place of work.

Early provision of vacations

The law provides for the following cases of early provision of vacations:

  1. If the employee belongs to a preferential category, his vacation must be planned in the holiday schedule in the period before the expiration of the employment contract.
  2. The parties agreed on early provision of vacation. In agreement of the parties, it can be established that the vacation is provided to the employee before the expiration of six months of continuous operation. In this case, his vacation must be included in the vacation schedule. If there is no such agreement, it does not make sense to include this employee in the vacation schedule, because it will not receive the right to leave.

The employment contract begins and ends in the current year. The employer has no reason to plan an employee's vacation for next year, labor relations with which will be completed before its offensive.

When dismissal, the employer is obliged to pay the employee compensation for unused vacation for six months of work.

Planning the number of days of vacation in vacation schedule

The duration of the annual main paid vacation in the general case is 28 calendar days.

Such right has:

- Minors - 31 calendar day;

- working disabled (regardless of the group of disability) - at least 30 calendar days;

- Pedagogical workers - from 42 to 56 calendar days;

- State civil servants - 30 or 35 calendar days depending on the position being held.

Addition of the main and additional leave when drawing up vacation schedule

When calculating the annual leave, additional paid leave is summarized with annual.

You should also proceed when drawing up the vacation schedule - to summarize the duration of the main and additional paid leave.

Training vacation in the chart Vacations

Educational leave is considered to be targeted and nothing to do with the annual.

If the employee has the ability to simultaneously work and, for example, to take exams, he may not make an educational leave.

If there is no such possibility, an employee must submit to the employer a certificate and application for the provision of educational leave. In the schedule of vacations, training leave do not contribute.

Not used vacation days

By the time of the new calendar year, the employee can accumulate the selling experience, giving him the right to use more calendar days of vacation than expected for a worked year. Do I need this fact when planning vacations?

Such vacation employer may include on vacation schedule for the next calendar year or provide them with an agreement with the employee.

The inclusion of unused vacation in the schedule allows the company to more rationally dispose of the working time fund and comply with the norms of labor legislation:

- It is forbidden to failure of an annual paid leave for two years in a row;

- Unused vacation should be used no later than 12 months after the end of that working year, which it is provided.

Changing vacation schedules

If necessary, changes can be made in the vacation schedule. For personal circumstances, the employee decided to postpone his vacation.

An employee can be withdrawing from vacation for production necessity. In such cases, the graph should indicate that the employee is recalled from the vacation indicating the date and the details of the order.

It is convenient to schedule holidays newly received workers. The procedure for making such changes to the vacation schedule is not established.

Currently, there are two options for action.

1. To the current vacation schedule, the application is drawn up - the same sheet for unified form No. T-7 with entries on holidays of new employees. The application approves the company's head, having previously coordinated with the trade union, if he is in the organization.

2. In the current holiday schedule, approved before receiving a new employee, no changes contribute (additions). If the new employee is gathered on vacation, not included in the chart, it submits an application in arbitrary form. In the case of consent, the head issues an order for the provision of leave. Vacation information is entered into a personal employee card.

The administration of the enterprise is obliged to warn the employee about the start time of vacation no later than two weeks.

Duties to acquaint with vacation schedule, labor law does not establish. This decision can be accepted within the organization.

There are no similar articles yet.

Managers and personnel in some companies still do not consider it necessary to make vacation schedules or refer to the process formally. But on this issue there are harsh requirements of legislation, there is a need for schedule from personnel department, and personnel management becomes easier. Let's figure out how competently, given all the nuances, make a schedule of the output of the exit to vacation, how to adjust it, make supplements.

Does it be necessary to make a vacation schedule

Let us turn by resolving the issue of certain sections of labor law. So, Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates that the worker is obliged to rest annually for twenty-eight days for each year spent at the enterprise (from the moment of its employment). The only thing that can limit a person in this right is to work in the company less than six months.

The next article of the Codex is directly related to the preparation and approval of the schedule for vacation periods for all employees of the company. Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that all employees should go on vacation strictly on a certain sort of oddity, which is just installed in the relevant document.

Vacation schedule - disposal required for execution as an employer and employee. The above article strictly regulates the deadline for which the order is approved by the management of the organization - 2 weeks before the end of the year. Accordingly, the schedule for 2019 should be prepared and ratified until December 17, 2018. Swardano this order should be in early December.

It is necessary to take into account another moment: if the company has a trade union organization, then the holiday schedule must be approved taking into account its opinions. Note that a coordinated and approved document, where for each working organization, specific vacation dates are defined, each employer should be. This law is one for all.

The exception is provided to microenterprises, which since 2017 have the right not to use the schedule of vacations. It is worth recalling that private enterprises are counted for the microbusiness by classification, and the staff of the IP should not exceed 15 people.

Care on schedule is beneficial and employee, and employer

What do you need a vacation schedule

The presence of a graph will provide a company a number of significant advantages that are included in:

  1. Fulfillment of formal requirements of controls. Not complying with the legislation, the employer risks to get to the fines (30-50 thousand rubles for Yurlitz, 1-5 thousand rubles for IP).
  2. Systematization of the workflow at the enterprise. Prepare such a document, the company partly insures itself from unauthorized leave to leave. Since the employee does not have the right to violate the established sequence in its will (for several exceptions for certain categories of employees). Both the employee and the employer should understand that to change the planned vacation period, serious reasons are needed. When a person simply refuses to go to rest on the set oddness, the employer has the right to evaluate this step as a violation of labor discipline with all the consequences that arise.
  3. Simplifying current control, as well as planning vacation compensation to employees. As a person should get holidays no later than 3 days before leaving (article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the annual schedule will help to do everything in a timely manner. In addition, the organization may in a calm mode prepare and notify the employee who will replace the rest employee.
  4. Opportunities to clearly track the number of vacations and fellow worker days, to own information on the transfer of unused vacation, etc., and also not to collect from the staff of the provision of leave.

Tracking vacation schedule, the employer is required 14 days before the occurrence of the vacation period from the employee in writing to notify it. This requirement is governed by part 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employee must depend on the notice, even if he does not want to go on a time set in the graph. Legislation allows you to transfer leave only subject to the consent of both parties to labor relations. When the personnel service did not warn the worker about the upcoming vacation, it may require a shift period on the number of days of overdue notification. This is established in Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And the employer does not have the right to impede it.

After coordinating the schedule, the employer does not have the right to make adjustments to the document unilaterally. This can be done only with the consent of the employee. And then if last year's vacation was already twenty by the employee.

All moments reflected in the vacation schedule, are toughly controlled by an inspection regulating labor relations. When the eligibility of the actions of the employer in respect of compliance with the exhaust on holidays in the enterprise raises suspicions, it is necessary to wait for the official commission. First of all, it will be checked how the vacation schedule is maintained (and whether the document is maintained), whether there are appropriate orders in personnel workflow, whether the rights of workers have violated on this issue.

If the facts of the breakdowns of the schedule are confirmed, the management will respond under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Code. And just a fine here is not to get rid. The regulator, based on the norms of law, will oblige a negligible employer to immediately send all employees on vacation, which should be presented in schedule. If the employer did not violate the rights of his employees, on the contrary, they go on vacation earlier graphics and all satisfied, the sanctions will not follow.

In the course of the inspection carried out by specialists of the Labor Inspection, the question of compliance with the vacation schedule will necessarily arise

Nuances that need to be considered

When developing a vacation schedule, there are several pitfalls, which are recorded at mandatory (otherwise it is possible to highly harm the manufacturing process of the enterprise).

The first thing you need to pay attention to the preparation of leave for vacation care is the preferential categories of employees who have full right to rest at any time convenient for them. Therefore, before the preparation of the document, it is recommended to interview all beneficiaries, specifying their intentions. True, it will not protect the employer from unplanned care for vacation of such employees, they still have the full right to dispose of their vacation time, but partly systematizes the process. The following employees categories include legislative acts:

  • minors (article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • pregnant workers before their care on decree, as well as immediately after it (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-time - the employer will give them a vacation at a time when they go to rest from the main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • workers adopted toddler up to three months (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • husbands, whose spouse is on decreet (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • parents who have a minor child goes to college or university, located in another area. And the vacation is taken to accompany the applicant (Article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • persons who have received disability when performing military debt, and veterans;
  • wives of military personnel - this category of vacation is optionally with letters of leave (Article 11 of Law No. 76-FZ);
  • honorary donors of the Russian Federation (Article 23 of Law No. 125-FZ);
  • chernobyl and persons subjected to irradiation when eliminating similar disasters.

At its disposal on vacations, not only the days of major paid vacations should be taken into account, there must also be fixed and additional paid vacations, as well as the rest time, unused in the past years. Accordingly, such vacation periods must be moved to the next year. It is logical that the vacation on the application, providing for resting time without detention, is not specified at the disposal.

Experienced personnelists recommend always to acquaint employees with the approved schedule and at the same time take a signature signature from them. Yes, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate this step, but without specifying the employee during his rest and not fixing this moment, it is difficult to demand from employees of its implementation. Acquaintance can be carried out in two standard ways:

  • ask to put a visa on the reverse side of the approved schedule;
  • take a separate register in which to record the procedures for familiarizing employees with the main internal documents of the company where to make a vacation schedule.

Familiarization of employees with a schedule of vacation schedule to receive a receipt will avoid violation of vacation care time

Correct the vacation schedule correctly

The optimal version in the preparation of the schedule is to use the unified form No. T-7. Yes, the legislation does not oblige to apply this pattern when making a schedule, you can develop a form and independently (the main thing is that it be). But why to reinvent the bike if there is a convenient universal document, which is used by almost all employers from the moment of its approval by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation at number 1 in January 2004.

The vacation schedule should be reflected:

  1. The list of all employees with whom the enterprise has improved labor contracts.
  2. The number of days of vacation for each employee. Here you need to summarize all the types of vacations: the main, neglected for the previous period, additional, extended. And also those approved by internal local acts or collective contracts.
  3. Month, holiday start date - Regulatory documents do not regulate that a specific date is specified in the block, but in this version the employee is obliged to write a statement where the exact day will be specified. If the date is affixed, this does not have to do. If only a month (without date) is used in the personnel schedule, it is recommended to consolidate the local document (for example, the "vacation position") of the employee's requirement to provide an application to the personnel department no later than 14 days before the date of vacation. In this case, the employer will be able to, first, to properly notify the employee, and secondly, calmly, without abrasions, to prepare an order, to count and pay out compensation.
  4. Division of the selling period on the part. The employer's refusal to coordinate the minimally guaranteed labor law is a continuous vacation equal to fourteen days, as well as coercion to divide the rest period into several parts or the requirements to write an application for the provision of vacation days on weekends are unauthorized. Therefore, it is better to progress and, if a specific division is worth a concrete division into several parts, to achieve an employee's signature that he agrees on the crushing of the vacation period.

In addition, from the general data in the document should be marked:

  • the full name of the organization (both in constituent documents);
  • number (first or adjustment);
  • the year on which the schedule is drawn up;
  • block "Approve" with an indication of who and which date the document agrees.

Horizontally / for each employee must be launched:

Video: how to make a vacation schedule

Chart algorithm

Send a separate order, which would affirm holiday schedule, do not need. This is due to the fact that the visa of the head of the legal entity or entrepreneur ratifying the document is affixed directly on the chart.

But in order to prepare for the development of such a graph, the company director may:

  1. Release the disposal that binds the heads of structural units to prepare and send information about the releases of subordinates to the personnel department to quickly prepare a consolidated vacation schedule.

    Order of the preparation of vacations schedule - optional document

  2. Coordinate the trade union organ prepared graphics (if it is in the enterprise).
  3. Approve the document by signing Paper by the company's head.

    When visiting the schedule, the date of approval should be, and the document should be dated December 17

After that, with the schedule you need to familiarize all employees, the reasons and the need for this step have already been mentioned above.

Collect the signatures of workers about familiarizing the vacation schedule, you can both on a separate sheet and directly on the back of the document.

Change in vacation schedule

In the theory, everything sounds pretty smoothly, but in practice it is clearly compliance with the schedule is obtained only in 5-7% of employers. Options for making adjustments are often found.

Consider the most common:

  • Before the beginning of the vacation or during him, the employee takes a hospital leaf. In this case, the employer must transfer an employee's vacation at another time. The recommendations of experts say that it is necessary to reflect the postponement of leave, using documented grounds, for example, an employee's statement.
  • The employer is forced to withdraw an employee for industrial necessity. Here you will need not only the consent of a person to the separation from rest, but also the corresponding order of revocation. There are categories of employees who, under no circumstances, cannot withdraw from vacation, even in the case when an employee himself does not refuse to enter the workplace. For such categories, for example, pregnant employees are classified.
  • When a person changes reflected in the graph full period (28 days) on the part. Then you need to fix in the chart the data on the release by several parts. The grounds here are also 2 documents: a statement from the employee, where he asks him to give him a complete period of rest, as well as an order to coordinate a certain part, which should be reflected in the vacation schedule. The main thing is not to violate the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regulating that at least one part of the vacation can not be less than fourteen calendar days.
  • Adjustments are made to the schedule and when a person wants to take a vacation at another time (outside the schedule). Here, the basis should be the statement of the employee and the order.
  • Sometimes you have to replace part of the issue of cash compensation, then all the data is mandatory reflected in the vacation schedule. To do this, in the schedules of the graph, you need to put the mark on which part of the annual paid leave is compensated for money, and give a reference to the details of the order. This is important, since the employer has no right to compensate for 2 days mandatory for rest, part can only be taken from additional or extended leave, and this should be noted in the document.
  • If you transfer the vacation planned by schedule, asks a part-time, the employer has no right to refuse him. You should also specify this moment in the chart.

A small advice that concerns newly accepted in the team of employees: if several people come to the company after harmonizing the schedule, make a number 2 additional vacation schedule. So it will be easier to control newcomers. Note that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not force or adjust the already approved schedule, but does not prohibit the complement document of the vacation data on vacations.

To get a visual idea of \u200b\u200bwho and when to relax, the heads of the company's structural divisions can use the vacation schedule template in a convenient format.

The procedure and timing of the storage of graphs

The answer to the common question, how much time to store vacation schedule is quite simple - 1 year. So installed in paragraph 693 of the registry approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 558. That is, a schedule of vacations is approved in December 2017 (for 2018), the vacation schedule is kept in the enterprise until the end of 2019. Then he must be destroyed. Moreover, it is necessary on a special act on the Rosarhiva protocol of 06.02.2002.

Video: Communicated questions about vacation schedule

Not all employers are 100% understanding the role of planning the scene of the staff. But if in the company where 2-3 people work is working, during the year, at least somehow you can control the release process and take into account on this issue, going around without schedule. That in organizations where the number of employees reaches at least twenty-five, to do it fully, without leading a systematically specific document, unrealistic. And given the permanent inspection checks and considerable fines for each formality, you need to tune in and start working full on vacation schedule.

December 17 - the last day of the approval of holiday schedule, because it must be signed by the head of the organization no later than two weeks before the calendar year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It remains quite a bit of time to get it competently compile it.

We organize the work on the preparation of the schedule

The chart reflects information on the distribution of annual paid leave of the organization's employees for the calendar year by months. Development of vacation schedule takes a long time in the framework. It is possible to organize the work on the collection and processing of the necessary data. Someone is convenient to entrust it with a separate personnel specialist who will be busy with the "from and to" schedule. Other more convenient to distribute duties: consolidate each employee of the personnel department for one or several structural divisions.

The compilation of the schedule is the responsible thing, it is necessary to take into account a lot: and the wishes of employees about the date of vacation, and the needs of the production process, and the norms of labor legislation. The procedure for developing the schedule, the conditions and rules for the provision of holidays is advisable to reflect in local regulatory acts of the organization (the rules of the internal employment regulation or collective agreement). In manual instructions, you can describe in detail the procedure for filling the vacation schedule both at the stage of its creation and in the process of maintaining during the year. If in local regulatory acts of the organization, the procedure for developing holiday schedule is not registered, it is necessary to start its preparation with the publication of the order in which you need to specify:

  • who is entrusted with the obligation to prepare the schedule of vacations (the schedule signs the head of the personnel service, but the work on training can conduct a personnel specialist);
  • for how long, employees must provide their wishes regarding vacations;
  • the term to which the leaders of structural divisions must agree on the wishes of workers with the production plans of the departments;
  • the term to which the draft schedule should be submitted to the approval by the manager.

The vacation schedule should take into account the features of the organization's production process, ensure its continuity and interchangeability of employees. The Labor Code gives all the possibilities for this, because the order of granting holidays is determined by the employer (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order to avoid disputes and disagreements with employees, the procedure for determining the order of vacations should be prescribed in a local regulatory act (PVT or collective agreement). So, for example, it should be envisaged that the heads of structural units should not be on vacation simultaneously with their substituents. In some organizations it can be found that annual leave is provided to employees only within certain months (for example, in an educational institution, the provision of leave in the autumn-winter-spring period will negatively affect the learning process). A situation is possible when the employer is beneficial to send a large group of employees at the same time (for example, the manufacturer of window designs due to low demand for products can schedule leave for all employees of the production department for the period from January 12 to February 8). For most organizations, the optimal option is the uniform distribution of employee vacations during the year.

The draft schedule of holidays is preparing the personnel service of the organization. It is most convenient to do this using the modified release form of the vacation schedule (Appendix 1). First of all, it is necessary to analyze "vacation history" and determine for how many days of vacation next year have the right to count each employee, whether there are employees of preferential categories that enjoy advantages when setting the order of vacations. After that, the data on employees transfer to the heads of structural units that should find out the wishes of employees about the time of vacation care and separation of holidays on the part, as well as coordinate these wishes with the division of the division for a year by establishing the optimal order of vacations. Based on projects of structural divisions, the personnel service is preparing a consolidated schedule of vacationing of the organization and transfers it to the approval by the manager.

By the way! To unmistakably make a schedule of vacations, use the online service "My case". Also, the service will help you automatically calculate the advances, wages, benefits, compensation, taking into account all the requirements of the legislation. By step-by-step actions, you do not allow errors and you do not have to pay fines. Reporting is formed in stages on the basis of your data and controlled at every step. Compiled reporting can be passed through the Internet. Without special knowledge and skills, you can even conduct the most difficult personnel accounting. Document templates contain filling tips, key forms are formed automatically. In your account you will find all the necessary instructions and tips. You can get free access to the service right now on the link.

What to enable in the schedule

In the vacation schedule you need to include:

  • annual primary paid vacation;
  • annual additional paid vacation;
  • vacation, which was not used by the employee during the current year and was postponed the next year.

The duration of the annual main paid vacation, as a rule, is 28 calendar days (Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For some categories of workers, legislation provides for a greater duration of vacation - the elongated main vacation. These categories include in particular:

  • workers under the age of 18. They have the right to leave a duration of 31 calendar day (Art. 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • disabled. They set a duration of at least 30 calendar days (Art. 23 of the Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On Social Protection of Disabled in the Russian Federation");
  • pedagogical workers. The duration of their holidays depends on the position and type of educational institution and ranges from 42 to 56 calendar days (Art. 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2002 No. 724 "On the duration of the annual main paid vacation provided by pedagogical workers");
  • state civil servants have the right to leave from 30 to 35 calendar days depending on the position (Art. 46 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation").

In addition to basic, some employees may be provided with annual additional paid leave (Art. 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Such vacations are provided to employees:

  • engaged in works with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
  • having a special nature of work;
  • with an abnormal working day;
  • working in the regions of the Far North and equal to them areas;
  • in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

In addition to holidays provided for by legislative acts, employers, taking into account their production and financial capabilities, can independently establish additional leave for employees, approve of the procedure for providing them with a collective agreement or another local regulatory act, which are taken into account by the opinion of the elected body of the Primary Trade Union Organization (Part 2 Art. 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When calculating the total duration of the annual paid leave, additional leaves are summed up with the main (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example. Civil servant Tropinin V.V. Has the right to:

  • extended vacation (30 calendar days);
  • additional leave for long service (8 calendar days);
  • additional vacation for abnormal working day (3 calendar days);
  • additional vacation for work in harmful working conditions (7 calendar days).

So, in the chart you need to schedule leave with a duration of 48 calendar days (fully or, by agreement with the employee, dividing leave to pieces).

When drawing up a graph, you need to check whether employees have the right to provide annual paid vacation at a convenient time for them - their vacation is planned in the chart first. Such employees include in particular:

  • minors under the age of 18 (art. 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-time (vacation is provided simultaneously with the release of the main work) (Art. 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • workers whose spouses are military personnel (vacation is provided simultaneously with the holidays of the spouse) (paragraph 11 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law of 27.05.1998 No. 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel");
  • women before maternity leave or immediately after him, as well as after the end of the child care leave (Art. 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • workers whose wives are on maternity leave (Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, it is worth remembering that even if the vacation was scheduled in the vacation schedule strictly in accordance with the wishes of the employee belonging to the above category, it has the right at any time to change its decision and write a request to the employer with a request to provide a vacation from another date. . Refusal to transfer the vacation to such an employee can not.

Vacation schedule - a consolidated document. And although it is drawn up for a calendar year (in this case for 2015), the planned period of vacation of each employee belongs to its individual worker.

Example. Secretary Petrova I.V. Hired on June 19, 2014. In the vacation schedule should be scheduled for its vacation for the period from 19.06.2014 to 06/18/2015. Vacation for the next working year (from 19.06.2015 to 06/18/2016) can be provided at any time of the working year (Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It can be planned:

  • in the vacation schedule for 2015 (after 06/19/2015);
  • a part of the vacation by agreement with the employee can be included in the schedule for 2015 (after 06/19/2015), and the part of the year to leave for 2016;
  • in the vacation schedule for 2016 (until 06/18/2016).

As you can see, vacation worker can be scheduled both completely and in parts. When separating leave, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. First, at least one piece of vacation should be at least 14 calendar days. This requirement is due to medical reasons: in order to recover after work accomplishments, a person needs a full-fledged stay. Secondly, the separation of holidays on the part is possible only when an agreement is reached between the employee and the employer. If one of the parties of labor relations against it, then it is impossible to fray vacation. The consent of the employer for the division of holidays confirms the signature of the head in the chart (or in the order for leave if the vacation is not available on schedule). In which document, the consent of the employee should be reflected - the legislation is not established. In practice, the organization uses various ways to confirm the consent of the employee:

Method 1. Prior to approval of the vacation schedule, the employee writes a statement with a request to divide vacation to the part, indicates the dates of the beginning and the duration of the vacation parts, and the employer puts the resolution to "resolve. Signature. Date". A good way if a vacation separation initiative comes from an employee. Otherwise, we are talking about coercion, which is unacceptable.

Method 2. Working out the vacation schedule, the employer sends an employee to split leave into parts, indicates the dates of vacation parts and their duration, and the employee puts the mark "Introduced and agree. Signature. Full name. Date". This option is preferable when the extraction separation initiative comes from the employer, and fully corresponds to the spirit of the law: there is a proposal, there is an answer to it, the Agreement of the Parties is evident. Unfortunately, this method is the most costly time.

Method 3. The form of vacation schedule is complemented by a column "Introduced and agree. Signature. Full name". It is assumed that the employee agrees with one signed and with the start of vacation dates, and with the very fact of vacation separation into parts. This is a fairly common method requiring minimal time costs. However, he is not entirely correct. Imagine: ten employees of the department are signed in the column, and one categorically refuses, does not want to share vacation to pieces. You have no right to force it. What to do? Make a new schedule? Re-collect employee signatures? Moreover, the schedule has already been approved by the head (after all introduces the document that entered into force). And how can the document be approved if the requirement of legislation is not fulfilled on achieving an agreement between the employee and the employer?

Some organizations are prescribed in the rules of the internal employment regulations that the vacation workers are provided twice a year by a duration of 14 calendar days. It is assumed that the signature of the employee about familiarizing the PVT and there is his consent to the division of vacation. However, this worsens the position of the employee compared with the labor legislation, and therefore cannot be applied under Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Do not forget that PVT is a document containing the rules established by the employer and expressing his will, and not at all an agreement between the parties to labor relations. The fact that it is made taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers, the situation does not change, because, for example, orders on the dismissal, published, taking into account the opinion of the trade union, still remain administered employer documents, and do not become agreements on the termination of the employment contract.

Question.Savelyev A.V. Hired on 12.12.2014. Do I need to include it in vacation schedule for 2015?

Answer. The employee's right for paid vacation occurs after 6 months of its continuous work in the organization (Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By agreement of the parties, the employer may provide an annual leave and before the expiration of this period. Some categories of employees, the employer must submit an annual leave regardless of their work experience in the organization (minors, partners, etc.). In the case under consideration, the right to leave an employee from 06/12/2015. In the holiday schedule for 2015, it is necessary to schedule his vacation after the above date. Vacation can be scheduled fully (28 calendar days) or by agreement with the employee divided into parts (for example, 14 calendar days can be scheduled in 2015, and the remaining days in 2016).

Question. How to plan a part-time vacation?

Answer. It is not easy to schedule a part-time vacation, because the exact date of his leave to the main work is not always known for its vacation site (for example, if the development of vacation schedules is carried out in organizations in parallel or on the main work formally suited to the issue of vacations). Labor code in this case is categorical: vacation must be provided simultaneously with the release of the main work (Art. 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Schedule the beginning of the holiday from the words of the employee in the chart, but be prepared for the fact that it is likely to be transferred, and consider this when planning the holidays of other employees of the same division.

Question.Does it be necessary to include in the vacation schedule of women who are on child care vacation?

Answer. Many organizations include the vacation schedule of all employees, including women on maternity leave. This is not prohibited by law, but not necessarily. In essence, it is impossible to really schedule their vacation, because they can interrupt their leave to care at any time, besides, it is not known when they want to use the annual vacation. In the event of such a woman's release, it is more convenient to provide her vacation by appointment.

Question. What to do with unused holidays? For example, engineer-technologist Petrov V.G. I have not walked on vacation for two years. Is it possible to include this vacation in the chart? And is it true that the vacation "burns" not used for two years?

Answer. Not used earlier vacations can be included in the vacation schedule or provide them by agreement with the employee on his application (Letter Rostrud dated 01.03.2007 No. 473-6-0). The inclusion in the chart is more convenient, as it allows you to clearly appreciate how many such vacations have accumulated in the organization. Vacation should be provided with an employee annually (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in exceptional cases of making leave for the next working year, it should be used no later than 12 months after the end of that working year, which is provided (part 3 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, if the employee was adopted on 01.02.2014, his vacation should be provided to him (and the employee should use it) no later than January 31, 2016. The failure to provide annual paid leave for two years in a row is prohibited, and workers under the age of 18 and workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions should use vacation annually (part 4 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Of course, if the vacation for some reason was not provided, he will not "burn out at all", the employee will keep the right to him, but the employer may be punished in this case when checking the GIT or in court.

After the vacation schedule is approved, it becomes mandatory for execution (part 2 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the employer is obliged to provide an employee vacation within the period specified in the schedule, and the employee must use this vacation. Any deviations from the schedule should be decorated with the appropriate organizational and administrative document and mark in the chart. Employees taken to work after approval of the Graphics can be included in the schedule of vacations on the basis of an order or provide such workers a vacation by appointment.

We draw up document

The form of vacation schedule The organization can develop independently, and the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting" should be followed. This article contains a list of mandatory details of the primary accounting document. When developing its form of schedule, it is advisable to take a unified form No. T-7, approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee of Russia from January 05/2004 No. 1, if necessary, removing unnecessary information from it and adding the necessary graphs. For example, you can remove from the form of the vacation schedule for OKUD, according to OKPO and the details of the exercise of the trade union organ (in its absence). To add a schedule to a visa approval of a document with legal service or other structural divisions of the organization. In a letter of Rosgeuda dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1, it is said about the admissibility of the form of form No. T-7 graphs 11, 12. In one of them, the employee will be able to sign that the date of the beginning of the vacation is known to him, and in the other - specify the date Notifications about the start of leave (a sample of filling such a form is given in Appendix 2). The developed form should approve the head of the Organization for the accountant's submission (clause 4 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law No. 402-FZ "On Accounting").

At the stage of drawing up the graph, the personnel employee fills in graphs 1-6. The name of the organization, structural divisions, posts, surnames, names and patrols of employees are indicated without abbreviations. The column 5 reflects the duration of vacation in calendar days. If the vacation is available in parts, information about each part of the vacation is drawn up with a separate string. In column 6 put the date of the beginning of vacation. In some organizations, it is customary to indicate not the date of commencement of vacation, but its entire period, for example, 04/01/2015-28.04.2015. This is not a violation.

The schedule of vacations signs the head of the personnel service, and approves the head of the organization. If there is a trade union, it is necessary to take into account the motivated opinion of the electoral trade union organ (part 1 of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for taking into account the views of the elected body of workers is established in Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor code does not directly oblige the employer to acquaint workers with vacation schedule. Expert opinions on this issue are divergent. Part of the experts considers the schedule of vacations with a local regulatory act, and therefore, to familiarize them with him. Others believe that the local regulatory act establishes the norms of a general nature for an indefinite circle of persons, and in the holiday schedule we indicate the names of specific workers, therefore, the schedule cannot be attributed to local regulatory acts and to acquaint workers with him is not necessary. In practice, most organizations still collect the signatures of employees, because this has a practical meaning: familiarization with the approved schedule gives an employee the opportunity to know whether his opinion was taken into account about the date of vacation and, if it is not so, to plan the rest otherwise. You can familiarize yourself in different ways: including an additional graph in the chart, collecting signatures in a separate list of familiarization or placing a schedule on the organization's information stand.

Graphs 7-10 fill from hand throughout the year as the vacations are provided. In the event of a vacation, not a schedule in column 8 indicate the name and date of the order, on the basis of which the vacation is transferred. In some organizations, it is customary to indicate as the foundation of the transfer of leave on the initiative of the employee his statement. It is incorrect, to make changes to the approved schedule, a regulatory document is needed, that is, the order. The column 9 indicates the date of the alleged leave (this year or next). Count 7 is fill in with the actual use of vacations workers (after all, in different situations, vacation can be provided earlier than the graphics, according to the schedule or later than the scheduler).

Count 10 "Note" may contain any information, the main thing that it is understandable to the personnel worker. Here, in particular, it is possible to indicate the reason for the transfer of vacation (for example, according to the employee; Part 2 of Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - a review from the holidays; h. 3 of Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - if the vacation is not provided, because it adversely affects Normal progress of the organization).

The original vacation schedule is stored, as a rule, in personnel service. A copy of the schedule may be required by accounting or financial service for the needs of accounting or management accounting (in order to evaluate how many tools must be reserved for the payment of holidays in different periods of the year). For the remaining structural divisions of the organization, you can prepare extracts from the schedule - so it will be more convenient to organize their activities during the year.

The shelf life of the holiday schedule is one year (paragraph 693 "List of typical management archival documents formed in the process of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage terms", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia of August 25, 2010 No. 558). This period is calculated from January 1 of the year following the year after the end of its office work, that is, the schedule of vacations for 2015 should be stored until December 31, 2016.

In the absence of a vacation schedule, perpetrators can be brought to administrative responsibility under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for Violation of Labor Law and Labor Protection. This article provides for punishment:

  • for officials - a fine of 1000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - a fine of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. or suspension of their activities for up to 90 days.

Attachment 1

Note: Graphs 1-7 fills the personnel service worker, 8-10 employees

Appendix 2.

Example of vacation schedule

Maria Lapina