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Summary of 1 part mysterious island. "Mysterious Island

Five bold Americans are on the uninhabited island of Lincoln. In the new land, they are building asylum, engaged in gardening, irrigate the earth and grow cattle. The island constantly occurs mysterious incidents. The inhabitants of the island are confident that someone assisted them. This is true. Colonists get acquainted with their guardian angel Captain Nemo. On the island there is an eruption of a volcano, a miracle Americans saved and return to their native edges.

the main idea

Roman learns that it is necessary to help each other, just working together, one team can get an excellent result. Whether to work for the universal good - this is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Read Summary Mysterious Island Jules Verne

The work events unfold in 1865, in America. Five brave Americans must leave Richmond - the city, which is the capital of South. Among them: Sizares Smith - a capable young man, an engineer, he heads the fugitives, Gideon Speille - Comrade Smith, is fond of military journalism, Nab - servant Siresa, Sailor Pencrof and his receiver Harbert Brown. For chase, they choose the original transport - a balloon. During the flight, they fall into a hurricane. Fugitives are on a uninhabited island. Americans gradually enjoy a new place. This land has the name of Lincoln Island.

One day, returning from hunting, the colonists discover monkeys inside the house. After a certain time, the monkeys began to run away from the dwelling. Only Orangutang remained in the granite palace, which will become a friend and assistant of Americans. He will give a nickname Uncle Jupe.

Once the inhabitants of the island found a box with various things. Among the find was the card on which the territory of the island of the Tabor was marked. This place was nearby. Sailor Pencrof wants to visit the island of Tabor. To do this, they need to build board. During the test of the ship, the Americans find a bottle with a message. The note states that a catastrophe occurred, as a result of which a person remained on the island of the Tabor and waits for his profile.

On the island, they really meet a person. Due to the fact that Airton did not communicate with anyone for a long time, he turned into a savage resembling a monkey. After a certain time, he returns his usual appearance, and tells his story.

In the past, Airton was a robber and wanted to kidnap the sailboat to make a pirate ship from him. But these dreams were not destined to come true. The owner of the vessel as a punishment left Arton on the island, but he gave a promise that he would return to him.

Strange things happen on the island: a bottle of note is not airton hand, and the bonfire on Lincoln was not a comrades of Americans. The inhabitants of the island begin to think that in addition to them, someone else lives here, but they cannot find it.

Herbert randomly finds wheat grain. From now on, the colonists begin to grow grain plants. But the appearance of an unknown ship with a black flag is preventing a happy existence on the island.

Americans must fight for their property with pirates. The colonists are confident that they constantly assist the mysterious stranger, because it would not be possible to cope with the robbers. Finally, they meet their Savior. This is the Indian Prince Dakkar, in the past he was the captain and called him Nemo. He advises the Americans to leave the island, as a volcano should break back soon.

Captain Nemo dies. The inhabitants of the island build a ship to escape from disaster. But unexpectedly, the volcano erupts, only one reef remains from the island, on which the colonists are about 10 days. The ship "Duncan" saves them. The fact is that before death, Nemo left a message at the next island, the Tabor that there are people on Lincoln.

Americans are successfully returned to their homeland, selling expensive ornaments that gave them a municipality. They buy a land plot, build housing and live together all together.

Picture or drawing mysterious island

Other retells for the reader diary

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Roman-Robinsonad "Mysterious Island" became the continuation of the two other well-known works of the French writer Jules Verne - "Children of Captain Grant" and "Twenty Thousand Lea under water." The events described in the book occur on the fictional island, which was already familiar to the readers for the previous works of Captain Nemo.

The actions of the novel begin during the civil war in the United States. Five Americans-Northerners (Nabra, Sires, Gideon, Herbert and Bonaventure) are forced to flee from Richmond - the capital of South. At the disposal of the fugitives was a balloon. An unusual vehicle enters the storm. Americans carried an unknown to the island in the southern hemisphere to the shore. The new owners of the island begin to shut up the land found by them and after a while they establish their life. The new land was named Island Lincoln. Over time, Americans appear faithful friend - Orangutan, called the uncle Jupe.

Once the settlers found a box with firearms, clothing, tools, books in English and various devices. In the same box was found a map on which the island of Tabor was marked. An unfamiliar site of sushi is located near Lincoln Island. Pencrof, sailor by profession, wants to personally see the Tabor. For little travel, friends build a bot. Making a test swimming around the island, Americans discover a note bottle, in which it is said that a person who was shipwrecked, awaits help on the Tabor.

On the island really was discovered by the human appearance of Airton. As it turned out, Airton did not get into shipwreck. He left him on the Tabor the owner of the Duncan Sailboat for the fact that Airton tried to organize a riot. The owner of the sailboat promised that someday would definitely return for the sheltered. Friends take the airton with them and surround his concern.

After the appearance on the island of Lincoln, a new resident has passed 3 years. Americans managed to collect rich wheat harvest. Once Herbert discovered in his pocket, randomly produced wheat grain, thanks to which he had the opportunity to grow wheat. Friends engaged in breeding poultry, built a mill, made themselves new clothes. But one day, the peaceful and prosperous existence of the inhabitants of the small colony was overshadowed by the appearance on the horizon of the vessel with a black flag, which one could see only on pirate ships.

Residents of Lincoln Island are forced to fight for their land with sea robber: first on water, then on Earth. Americans constantly does not leave the feeling that someone helps them, because they could not cope with such a huge number of pirates. In the end, they get acquainted with their mysterious patron. The Indian Prince Dakkar, also known as Captain Nemo, being young, fought for the independence of his country. All captain comrades have already died. The prince himself was also with death. Nemo warned friends that volcano should explode on the island, and then gave them a casket with jewels.

After the death of Captain, the Americans took up the construction of the ship to have time to leave the island. The Nemo boat could not be used. The unexpected explosion of the volcano led to the fact that only a small reef remained from the island. On him friends drifted for several days. Then they sailboat "Duncan". Subsequently, it turned out that Captain Nemo left a message on the Tabor that there are people awaiting people on the neighboring island. Thanks to this note, the Lincolns were saved.

After returning to the United States "Robinsons" sold jewels donated by the captain, and a small land plot was given on which all together settled.

Characteristics of characters

Bonaventure Pencrof

Before escape from America, Pencrof was a sailor. Prys consider him an enterprising and very kind person. Bonaventures early left orphans and was forced to work on the ship, in which herrbert Brown's father was captain.

Syres Smith

Sires became the head of the detachment. Smith - Soul Company and a very talented engineer.

Gideon Spiret.

A spell worked by a military journalist. Gideon has all the qualities of a person who will have to live on an uninhabited island. He is determined, energetic and very found. A spell loves hunting.

Herbert Brown

Pencrof refers to Brown, as to his own son. Herbert has deep knowledge in the natural sciences.

Former slave

Nebuchadnezzar, or just nab, once was a slave. Nab is well versed in blacksmith. Having received freedom, the former slave became a loyal servant Smith.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the biography of Jules Verne, the greatest French writer of the XIX century, who gave the world such masterpiece works as "around the world for 80 days", "Children of Captain Grant", "Fifteen-year-old Captain" and others.

Next, we will consider the summary of the "fifteen-year captain" Jules Verne, an adventure novel, whose actions occur on the whale ship "Pilgrim".

Robinson Ayrton

Some time Airton lived alone on the island of Tabor. Forced loneliness led to the fact that "Robinson" almost completely lost the reason. When the Lincolns took him to their island, Airton could not come to themselves for a long time, despite the care of new friends. Gradually, recovered, "Robinson" began to be ashamed of her former behavior.

Captain Nemo is difficult to name among the main characters, but he is invisibly present during the entire narrative. Already at the beginning of the novel, Nemo throws up Sires with tools to help new inhabitants of the island. The captain was saved and Airton, who, as it turned out, did not throw a bottle of note, as he was on the verge of madness. Over time, the Americans begin to understand that there is someone else on the island besides them. Friends made a search expedition to find their mysterious benefactor. However, the searches were unsuccessful.

Nemo (translated from Latin Nobody) was originally conceived faithful as the Polish revolutionary. However, later the writer had a more interesting idea, and he turned Nemo in the Bundelkhaland Prince Dakkara, who headed the Sipaev uprising in the 1850s. British invaders enslaved their homeland. Dakkar fought for the liberation of his native land. The prince lost his wife and children taken hostage enemies and killed in captivity. Dakkar himself was forced to flee.

New life

The prince had a brilliant education, which was able to build a submarine. Taking the name of Nemo, Dakkar decided to settle everything in the ocean depths forever. He tried not to go to the land and fundamentally not to use the substances of earthly origin. According to Nemo, only life under water makes a person truly free.

Captain Nemo always helped faithful friends. They helped him to build a submarine. However, years have passed, and almost no one from the captain's friends is survived. Nemo remained a lonely old man looking for his latest refuge. The only welcome for the old captain becomes help that he had the opportunity to provide completely unfamiliar people. The author allows his hero to finish his days among good people, without refusing to him in the last confession.

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/ / "Mysterious Island"

Date of creation: 1875.

Genre: Fantastic novel.

Subject: omnipotence of mind and science.

Idea: Scientific and technical progress opens unlimited possibilities.

Problematics. The advantage of collective activity over individual.

Basic heroes: Sizes Smith, Pencrof, Herbert, Spear, Nab, Ayrton, Captain Nemo.

Plot. During the US Civil War, five people with a dog make a daring shoot from captivity in a balloon. Aeronauts fall into a strong storm, after which they begin to slowly fall into the open sea. Fortunately, the wind refers them to some island.

Unhappy Aeronauts consider themselves the founders of the new American colony and name the island with the name of Lincoln.

Under the leadership of the Smith engineer, the colonists undergo a long way of technical development, starting with fire production and ending with chemical production. Their housing becomes a huge cave - Granite Palace.

In the spring, the colonists found a fraction in the murdered wild piglery. It became clear that there are other people on the island or recently. A happy findhead became a large box, which turned out to be the essentials: tools, weapons, appliances, books.

The colonists did not stop equipping the island: they made the granite palace in impregnable, sowed grains out of the ten seams of wheat, they staged a poultry house and acquired a heavy force - onang.

Approached the anniversary of the stay on the island. With the help of the colonists found in the box sext, determined the exact coordinates of their location. In 150 miles from them was the island of Tab. It was decided to take up the construction of the real sea ship. Smith at that time set up the gross production of felt.

When the ship was ready, the colonists decided to beat their island on it. During this walk, they picked up a bottle in which there was a note asking for help from the island of Tabor. Pencrof, Herbert and Sports immediately went there. They found a wilded man and brought him to Lincoln Island. The former savage admitted that he was the leader of the villains of the villains named Ayrton. He was landed on the island of Tabor in punishment. At the same time, Ayrton said that he never threw a bottle at sea asking for help. In addition to this strange fact, the colonists have repeatedly come across mysterious phenomena. It seemed the impression that some kind of supernatural power helps them.

The second anniversary of his stay on Smith island managed to make a telegraph, connecting the granite palace with Airton, settled next to the coral (cattle chamber). The wheat field fully provided colonists with bread, livestock and bird livestock increased.

One day a pirate ship approached the island. The colonists had to lead a real war. The mysterious power helped them again: at first the pirates ship were destroyed, and then the colonists found the corpses of the five remaining robbers.

Three years have passed. The colonists decided to build a big ship so that it could cross the ocean and get to civilization. The work took place in a hurry, since the dushing volcano on the island began to rejected smoke clubs again.

Once a telegraph bell rang out in the granite palace. There was no one in the coral at that time. It became clear that this is a sign of a mysterious stranger. Following his instructions, the colonists got to the cave. There they discovered Captain Nemo in their submarine, which provided them with help. Dying, he told the colonists the story of his life. Nemo gave them a casket with jewels and asked to flood the "Nautilus" after his death.

After that, the activity of the volcano significantly increased. The construction of the ship continued in a big hurry. Began eruption of fiery lava. A terrible explosion occurred in front of the shrunk of the ship to the water. Only a naked piece of rock remained from the island, which became the last refuge of the colonists. The ship was destroyed. It remained to wait for an imminent death.

But suddenly the ship appeared on the horizon. It was Duncan, who arrived at Airton. Nemo managed even after death to help the colonists. He left a note on the Tabor with the coordinates of Lincoln Island.

The colonists were saved. They bought a land plot donated by the captain and founded the labor community in which the spirit of equality and friendship reigned.

Feedback on the work. Roman J. Verne "Mysterious Island" is one of the most popular works in world children's literature. The fascinating adventures of the main characters are intertwined with faith in the celebration of science. The writer also protects the idea that a person is not able to survive alone. Only a cohesive group of people can overcome all the difficulties and won the forces of nature.

Mysterious Island
Jules Verne

Mysterious Island

March 1865 in the United States during the Civil War of Five Obelchikov-Northerners flee from the richmond from the Southerners in a balloon. The terrible storm throws four of them to the shore of the uninhabited island in the southern hemisphere. The fifth person and his dog are broken into the sea near the shore. This fifth - someone's Syrse Smith, a talented engineer and a scientist, a soul and head of traveler detachments - for several days involuntarily keeps his companions in the busy, which nowhere can find himself nor the PSA tops devoted to him. The former slave suffers most of all, and now the license servant Smith - Negro Nab. In the balloon, a military journalist and friend Smith, Gideon Spear, a very energetic and decisive person who possesses a kipuchi mind; Sailor Pencrof, good-natured and enterprising brave; Fifteen-year-old Herbert Brown, the son of the captain of the ship, on which Pencrof was swimming, remaining orphan, and to which the sailor treats how to his own son. After tedious searches, Nab finally finds its inexplicably saved owner in a mile from the coast. Each of the new settlers is the island has indispensable talents, and under the guidance of Sires, these brave people are oscillate and become a single team. First, with the help of the simplest girlfriend, then producing more and more complex objects of labor and consultation in our own small factories, the settlers extinguish their lives. They hunt, collect edible plants, oysters, then even dilute their homework and are engaged in agriculture. Dwelling they arrange themselves high in the rock, in the cave liberated from the water. Soon, thanks to its hard work and the mind, the colonists no longer know the needs of either food, nor in clothing, nor warm and comfortable. They have everything, except for news of their homeland, about the fate of which they are very disturbed.

Once, returning to his dwelling, named by them with a granite palace, they see that inside the monkeys are engaged. After some time, as if under the influence of insane fear, monkeys begin to jump out of the windows, and someone's hand throws the rope staircase, which monkeys raised into the house. Inside, people find another monkey - Orangutan, which they leave and call the uncle of the UP. In the future, the SEP becomes a friend, servant and an indispensable assistant.

On the other day, the settlers find a box with tools, firearms, various devices, clothing, kitchenware and books in English. The settlers are wondering where this box could take. According to the card, also in the box, they discover that next to their island, the map is not marked, the island of Tabor. Sailor Pencrof lights up the desire to go on it. With his friends, he builds a bot. When the bot is ready, everyone goes together on it into trial swimming around the island. During him, they find a note bottle, which says that the victim shipwreck is waiting for salvation on the island of Tabor. This event strengthens the confidence of Pencrofa in the need to visit the neighboring island. Pencrof, Journalist Gideon Speet and Herbert go swimming. Arriving on the Tabor, they detect a small shack, where no one lives for all the signs. They differ in the island, without hoping to see a living person, and try to find at least his remains. Suddenly, they hear a cry of Herbert and rush to help him. They see that Herbert struggles with some kind of ill-haired creature, like a monkey. However, the monkey turns out to be a wild man. Travelers connect it and transported to their island. They get a separate room in a granite palace. Thanks to their attention and care, the savage soon turns into a civilized person and tells them their history. It turns out that his name is His Airton, he is a former criminal, he wanted to master the Duncan sailboat and with the help of the same as he was, to turn him into a pirate ship. However, his plans were not destined to come true, and in the punishment of years ago, he was left on an uninhabited island Tabor, so that he realized his act and redeemed his sin. However, the owner of Duncan Edward Glenarwan said that someday returns to Airton. The settlers see that Airton sincerely repents in their past limits, and he tries to be useful in every way. Therefore, they are not inclined to judge him for past misconduct and willingly take it into their society. However, Ayrton is required time, and therefore he asks to give him the opportunity to live in the coral that the settlers built for their domesticated animals at some distance from the granite palace,

When the bot was returned to the island at night in a storm, he was saved a bonfire, who, as they thought they sworn on him, they missed their friends. However, it turns out that they were not involved in this. It also turns out that Airton did not throw a bottle of note in the sea. Settlers cannot explain these mysterious events. They are increasingly inclined to think that besides them on the island of Lincoln, as they died him out, someone else, their mysterious benefactor, often coming to his aid in the most difficult situations. They even take a search expedition in the hope of detecting the place of his stay. However, the searches end to no avail.

Next (for since Airton appeared on their island, and until he told him his story, five months have passed and the summer ended, and in the cold season it is dangerous in the cold season) they decide to re-reach the island Tabor to leave a note in the hut. In the note, they intend to warn Captain Glenarwan in case he returns that Airton and five of the victims are waiting for help in the next island.

The settlers live on their island for three years. Their life, their farm reached prosperity. They already collect rich wheat yields grown from a single grain, three years ago, he found in his pocket at Herbert, built a mill, bred a poultry, fully equipped their home, from wool mouflons made themselves new warm clothes and blankets. However, peaceful life overshadows one incident, which threatens them to death. Once, looking at the sea, they see a beautifully equipped vessel in the distance, but the black flag is rewing over the vessel. The ship is anchored by the shore. There are excellent long-range cannons on it. Airton under the cover of the night makes his way to the ship to produce exploration. It turns out that the ship is fifty pirates. Miraculously eluding them, Airton returns to the shore and informs the friends that they need to prepare for the battle. Outroot from the ship is descending two boats. On the first settlers shoot three, and she returns back, the second one sticks to the shore, and the six pirates remaining on it are hidden in the forest. From the ship is poured from guns, and it is even closer to the shore. It seems that the handful of settlers is no longer able to save. Suddenly a huge wave raises under the ship, and he sinks. All pirates are dying. As it turns out to be subsequently, the ship exploded on Mine, and this event finally convinces the inhabitants of the island that they are not alone here.

First, they are not going to exterminate pirates, wanting to provide them with the opportunity to lead a peaceful life. But it turns out that this is not capable of. They begin to rob and burn the farm of the settlers. Ayrton goes to the coast to spend animals. Pirates are enough and attribute to the cave, where torture want to achieve consent from him to switch to their side. Ayrton does not give up. His friends go to the rescue, but in the coral Herbert is seriously wounded, and friends remain in it, without being able to move on the way back with the young men. A few days later they still go to the granite palace. As a result of the transition from Herbert, a malignant fever begins, it is under death. Once again, in their lives, the providence and the hand of their good mysterious friend throws them the necessary medicine. Herbert fully recovers. The settlers intend to apply the final blow to pirates. They go to the coast, where they suggest to find them, but they find the exhausted and barely alive Airton there, and nearby the corpses of the robbers. Airton reports that he does not know how it turned out to be in the coral who suffered it from the cave and killed Pirates. However, he reports one sad news. A week ago, the gangsters came out into the sea, but, without knowing how to manage the bot, broke it about coastal reefs. The trip to the Tabor has to postpone the construction of a new means of movement. Over the next seven months, the mysterious stranger does not allow himself to be felt. Meanwhile, a volcano wakes up on the island, which the colonists considered the dead. They build a new big ship, which if necessary, could deliver them to the dwelling ground.

Once in the evening, already getting up to go to bed, the inhabitants of the granite palace hear the call. The telegraph is triggered, which they spent from Coral to their home. They are urgently called to the coast. There they find a note with a request to go along the additional wire. The cable leads them into a huge grotto, where they, to their amazement, see a submarine. In it, they get acquainted with her master and their patron, captain Nemo, Indian Prince Dakkar, all life by the independence of his homeland. He, already a sixty-year old old man, buried all his associates, is at death. Nemo gives new friends a casket with jewels and warns that when the volcanic is an island (this is the structure) will explode. He dies, the settlers tremble the hatches of the boat and descend her under the water, and all days themselves are without tired of building a new ship. However, do not have time to finish it. All living digesters during the island's explosion, from which only a small reef in the ocean remains. Settlers staying in a tent on the shore, the air wave throws away into the sea. All of them, for the conclusion of the SUP, are alive. For more than ten days they are sitting on the reef, almost dying from hunger and no longer hoping. Suddenly they see the ship. This is "Duncan". He saves everyone. As then it is discovered, captain Nemo, when another bot was in preservation, all the way on it on the Tabor and left the rescuers a note.

Returning to America, on jewels donated by Captain Nemo, friends buy a large plot of land and live on it as well as lived on Lincoln Island.

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March 1865 in the United States during the Civil War of Five Obelchikov-Northerners flee from the richmond from the Southerners in a balloon. The terrible storm throws four of them to the shore of the uninhabited island in the southern hemisphere. The fifth person and his dog are hiding in the sea near the coast. This fifth is someone Siares Smith, a talented engineer and a scientist, a soul and head of traveler detachment - for several days involuntarily keeps his companions in the busy, which nowhere can find himself, neither devoted to him PSA Top. The former slave suffers most of all, and now the license servant Smith - Negro Nab. In the balloon, a military journalist and friend Smith, Gideon Spear, a very energetic and decisive person who possesses a kipuchi mind; Sailor Pencrof, good-natured and enterprising brave; Fifteen-year-old Harbert Brown, the son of the captain of the ship, on which Pencrof was swimming, remaining orphan, and to which the sailor belongs to how to his own son. After tedious searches, Nab finally finds its inexplicably saved owner in a mile from the coast. Each of the new settlers is the island has indispensable talents, and under the guidance of Sires and Sports, these brave people are rally and become a single team. First, with the help of the simplest girlfriend, then producing more and more complex objects of labor and consultation in our own small factories, the settlers extinguish their lives. They hunt, collect edible plants, oysters, then even dilute their homework and are engaged in agriculture. The dwelling they arrange highly in a rock, in the cave liberated from the water. Soon, thanks to its hard work and the mind, the colonists no longer know the needs of either food, nor in clothing, nor warm and comfortable. They have everything, except for news of their homeland, about the fate of which they are very disturbed.

Once, returning to his dwelling, named by them with a granite palace, they see that inside the monkeys are engaged. After some time, as if under the influence of the insane fear, the monkeys begin to jump out of the windows, and someone's hand throws the rope staircase, which monkeys raised into the house. Inside, people find another monkey - Orangutan, which they leave and call the uncle of the UP. In the future, the SEP becomes a friend, servant and an indispensable assistant.

On the other day, the settlers find a box with tools, firearms, various devices, clothing, kitchenware and books in English. The settlers are wondering where this box could take. According to the card, also in the box, they discover that next to their island, the map is not marked, the island of Tabor. Sailor Pencrof lights up the desire to go on it. With his friends, he builds a bot. When the bot is ready, everyone goes together on it into trial swimming around the island. During him, they find a note bottle, which says that the victim shipwreck is waiting for salvation on the island of Tabor. This event strengthens the confidence of Pencrofa in the need to visit the neighboring island. Pencrof, Journalist Gideon Sport and Harbert go swimming. Arriving on the Tabor, they detect a small shack, where no one lives for all signs for a long time. They differ in the island, without hoping to see a living person, and try to find at least his remains. Suddenly, they hear Harbert Creek and rush to help him. They see that Harbert struggles with some triggered hair with a creature look like a monkey. However, the monkey turns out to be a wild man. Travelers connect it and transported to their island. They get a separate room in a granite palace. Thanks to their attention and care, the savage soon turns into a civilized person and tells them their history. It turns out that his name is His Airton, he is a former criminal, he wanted to master the Duncan sailboat and with the help of the same as he was, to turn him into a pirate ship. However, his plans were not destined to come true, and in the punishment of twelve years ago he was left on a desert island Tabor, so that he realized his act and redeemed his sin. However, the owner of Duncana Edward Glenarwan said that someday would return to Airton. The settlers see that Airton sincerely repents in their past limits, and he tries to be useful in every way. Therefore, they are not inclined to judge him for past misconduct and willingly take it into their society. However, Ayrton takes time, and therefore he asks to give him the opportunity to live in the coral, which the settlers have built for their domesticated animals at some distance from the granite palace.

When the bot was returned to the island at night in a storm, he was saved a fire, who, as they thought they sworn on him, they missed their friends. However, it turns out that they were not involved in this. It also turns out that Airton did not throw a bottle of note in the sea. Settlers cannot explain these mysterious events. They are increasingly inclined to think that besides them on the island of Lincoln, as they died him out, someone else lives, their mysterious benefactor, which often coming to his rescue in the most difficult situations. They even take a search expedition in the hope of detecting the place of his stay. However, the searches end to no avail.

The next summer (for since Airton appeared on their island, and until he told them his story, five months have passed and the summer ended, and during the cold season it is dangerous to make swimming) they decide to re-reach Islands Tabor to leave a note in the hut. In the note, they intend to warn Captain Glenarwan in the event that he returns that Airton and five of the victims are waiting for help on the next island.

Settlers live on their island for three years. Their life, their farm reached prosperity. They already collect rich wheat yields grown from the only grain, three years ago at Harbert's pocket three years ago, built a mill, bred a poultry, fully equipped their home, from wool mouflons made themselves a new warm clothes and blankets. However, peaceful life overshadows one incident, which threatens them to death. Once, looking at the sea, they see a perfectly equipped vessel, but the black flag is rewned over the vessel. The ship is anchored by the shore. There are excellent long-range cannons on it. Airton under the cover of the night makes his way to the ship to produce exploration. It turns out that the ship is fifty pirates. Miraculously eluding them, Airton returns to the shore and informs the friends that they need to prepare for the battle. Outroot from the ship is descending two boats. On the first settlers shoot three, and she returns back, the second one sticks to the shore, and the six pirates remaining on it are hidden in the forest. From the ship is poured from guns, and it is even closer to the shore. It seems that the handful of settlers is no longer able to save. Suddenly, a huge wave raises under the ship, and he sinks. All pirates are dying. As it turns out to be subsequently, the ship exploded on Mine, and this event finally convinces the inhabitants of the island that they are not alone here.

First, they are not going to exterminate pirates, wanting to provide them with the opportunity to lead a peaceful life. But it turns out that the robbers are not capable of this. They begin to rob and burn the farm of the settlers. Ayrton goes to the coast to spend animals. Pirates are enough and attribute to the cave, where torture want to achieve consent from him to switch to their side. Ayrton is not surrender. His friends go to the rescue, but in the coral Harbert seriously wounded, and friends remain in it, without being able to move on the way back with the young men. A few days later they still go to the granite palace. As a result of the transition, Harbert begins a malignant fever, it is under death. Once again, in their lives, the providence and the hand of their good mysterious friend throws them the necessary medicine. Harbert fully recovers. The settlers intend to apply the final blow to pirates. They go to the coast, where they suggest to find them, but find the exhausted and bare of living Airton there, and not far away - the corpses of the robbers. Airton reports that he does not know how it was in the coral who suffered it from the cave and killed Pirates. However, he reports one sad news. A week ago, the gangsters came out into the sea, but, without knowing how to manage the bot, broke it about coastal reefs. The trip to the Tabor has to postpone the construction of a new means of movement. Over the next seven months, the mysterious stranger does not make itself felt. Meanwhile, a volcano wakes up on the island, which the colonists considered the dead. They build a new big ship, which if necessary, could deliver them to the dwelling ground.

Once in the evening, already getting up to go to bed, the inhabitants of the granite palace hear the call. The telegraph is triggered, which they spent from Coral to their home. They are urgently called to the coral. There they find a note with a request to go along the additional wire. The cable leads them into a huge grotto, where they, to their amazement, see a submarine. In it, they get acquainted with her master and their patron, captain Nemo, Indian Prince Dakkar, all life by the independence of his homeland. He, already a sixty-year old old man, buried all his associates, is at death. Nemo gives new friends a casket with jewels and warns that when the volcano is eruption is the island (this structure) will explode. He dies, the settlers tremble the hatches of the boat and descend her under the water, and all days themselves are without tired of building a new ship. However, do not have time to finish it. All living digesions during the explosion of the island, from which only a small reef in the ocean remains. Settlers staying in a tent on the shore, the air wave throws away into the sea. All of them, with the exception of SUP, remain alive. For more than ten days they are sitting on the reef, almost dying from hunger and no longer hoping. Suddenly they see the ship. This is "Duncan". He saves everyone. As then it is discovered, captain Nemo, when another bot was in preservation, all the way on it on the Tabor and left the rescuers a note.

Returning to America, on jewels donated by Captain Nemo, friends buy a large plot of land and live on it as well as lived on Lincoln Island.