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Art group "War". "In Europe, it became boring in six months," says collars from the Russian Art Group "War

The co-founder of the Scandalous Art Group "War" Natalia Sokol turned to the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child, Anna Kuznetsova, with a request to evacuate her to Russia from Berlin. After six years of wandering around Europe, Falcon and her husband Oleg Collars were in the desperate situation: Oleg pleased him, and Natalia herself is pregnant and with three young children freezes on the street.

The collars disappeared in Berlin after police clouds and, according to some data, is contained in the "Moabit" prison. Natalia has children aged 2 to 8 years old, they have to live on captured boats with tarpaulin riding in the Rummetsburg bay.

At the same time, asking political asylum in the EU, the founders of the "war" do not allow convictions. For the same reason, they have practically no documents on their hands or children. All of them are out of law, do not have housing and livelihoods, industrial by theft.

"He was arrested, alive or not, I have no information. I tried to drive a dacha to the jail Moabit - did not accept: it means it is not there? Applying lawyers - refuse to promote. And the local press does not punch, it is a propaganda reinforced concrete. I live with three children on a boat with tarpaulin walls - in order not to sit in a forward prison, waiting for the convoy to the Swiss concentration camp, where people hold two years in the storage rooms underground. Friends or at least some imputed acquaintances in Berlin not, "writes Natalia Falcon to Facebook..

The Kuznetsova's apparatus has already reacted to the Sokol request, came with her for communication and sent a request to the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, transfers the radio station "says Moscow". As reported Natalia negotiators.

Recall, the Left-Device Share Study Group "War" claims to achieve in the field of conceptual protest street art. It was formed in 2007, Oleg Collars on the nicknamed thief, his wife Natalia Falcon on nicknamed the goat, Peter Verry with the obscene nickname and the hope of Tolokonnikova - Participant of Pussy Riot Punk Group.

Among the most resonant shares of "War" - "Palace Coup" with a police car, sex performance in the Timiryazevsky Biological Museum, an action with joining the FSO car, as well as an action with the image of a phallus on the casting bridge of St. Petersburg and others. Especially outdown the public, the participants of the group of "War" Elena Kostyleva in the St. Petersburg supermarket "Nakhodka", where she shoved her crop to the crotch.

At the Votorov, a criminal case was brought to insult the police and the application of violence to representatives of law enforcement agencies after March 31, 2011 he poured the urine police officers during the St. Petersburg "Marsha dissenters". In addition, there are questions and in the past shares. After that, collars and falcon with children went to the run to Europe. In Russia, they both are wanted and arrested in absentia.

However, in Europe, unusual families have quite quickly began trouble on such a scale that it is time to write an adventure drama. On some of whom of them "Ridus" told in. Sponsors from among lovers of contemporary art threw a crotch and falcon with their juvenile children to the arbitrariness of fate and they actually turned into a homeless thing: they live, go, food and clothing steal in stores, wound from the country to the country as Roma, regularly dealing with the police, migration services and aggressively tuned aborigines.

"I fought with the fascists in the Prague Metro, with human rights defenders in Basel, with bars, fans from" No Tav ", in Venice. Now I always wear a hammer with him, "the collars told reporters. Police officers when checking documents several times beat Natalia in the face. "Even a Russian cop, he would not like this to deal with a woman who has a child," she complained about the Czech media. Page Falcon B. Facebook. where she tells about their misadventures, otherwise you won't call the shocking.

The dissidents and oppositionists from Russia do not burn with the desire to help the family due to the fact that the collars, bothering in Europe, made positive reviews about the activities of Vladimir Putin's president, as well as the reunification of the Crimea with Russia.

From their adventures, the shareholder issued a firm conviction that Europe "is experiencing a psychosis epidemic caused by fear for its high standard of living."

In 2010, when activists of the ART Group "War" Oleg Votorov and Leonid Nikolaev detained after the action "Palace coup", a group of Russian intellectuals was performed in their defense: Artemy Troitsky's musical critic, Andrei Yerofeev, Publisher Alexander Ivanov, Journalist Andrei Khosk, The co-owner of the bookstore "Falanester" Boris Kupriyanov, artists Alexander Kosolapov and Oleg Kulik.

Ridus decided to ask the intellectuals whether they continue to support War in 2018. Andrei Erofeev said "", which is in the country and has not yet seen the appeal of Natalia Sokol to the Russian authorities, and therefore cannot give a comment. Andrei Lisak said that he had no time for it, "Kupriyanov said that" he doesn't know about this situation at all and cannot comment on this ", and Trinity, Ivanov, Kosolapov and Kulik were not available for comments.

"Apparently, in Europe is even worse, it turns out to live outside the system, especially with children. Therefore, disappointed in general, the family and asks for help from homeland. Its system in comparison turned out to be better, apparently. Liberals, once defended "War" now pose. But the "Vatniki" began to comment on the situation with pregnant falcon and children. Call on to return these nicked anarchists to Russia and somehow help them. Let at home they steal what "," the journalist Natalia Radulova concludes.

"The asocial behavior of the proclaimed by the" artists "is supported by the EU exclusively as" export "colonial practice. This is an obvious banality - just as a tribality and the hypocrisy of the European media and the "public", feeding the mentioned hundreds of prisoners for reforming - and immediately forgetting them about them, it is only the puppets to go beyond the prescribed role, "the scientific officer of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Dyukov. In his opinion, irresponsible parents have long time to remove children.

With horror, he describes his impressions of life in Europe who escaped from Russia a liberal activist from the group "War" Oleg Collars. The journalist Radio "Freedom" was shocked, and did not even know what to say when he heard a desire to return Russia from a radical activist.

In no less than a year ago, Oleg Collars, who was scandalous before in Russia, under the nickname, "Thief", the leader of an at least the scandalous art group "War" with curses left our country, declaring that he was saved from the dictatorial and repressive regime. But now, waking up on the expanses of "civilized Europe", he was horrified, and announced that he was a "fan of Putin," and in Europe he feels, "like in hell."
In such an incredible, it seemed, the Pirouut, of course, is difficult to believe. And because his former liberal friends, having heard about what their former idol now broadcasts, went to Europe in the hope of prove that it is just "Putin's propaganda". And suddenly - about a miracle! It turned out that all this is actually the purest water of the truth. Some Dmitry Volchek published a report on the American "radio station" a report on a meeting with collars, and such that the question involuntarily suggests, and His "Putin's propagandists" has been recruited?

With phallus on the bridge

But let's start in order. At first, the wolf with undisguised sympathy describes the old, cute to its liberal heart, the scandalous acts of the Art Group "War", which became most famous for the image at the giant phallus bridge divided in St. Petersburg. For this, they were raised to the shield with a liberal press and crowned with numerous prizes.

"The last action of the Art Group" War "took place on December 31, 2011," Wolchek writes, "a policeman was cleverly burned in St. Petersburg on New Year's Eve in St. Petersburg. For the "Mento-auto-da-FE" "War" received from fans award "Russian activist art", and from the state - a criminal case under Article 213 ("hooliganism"). After that, Oleg Collars and his wife Natalia Sokol (on the nicknamed goat) crossed the border and found themselves in Europe, where their life was not in the best way: tedious information about scandals, detentions, beatings and other incidents can be found on the group's website.

"Campaign in support of incorrept, organized by the philologist Alexei Plider-Sarno, calling himself" the media artist "War" - continues the Hanging Wolf, - passed in Europe, America and even in the Philippines. I myself participated in one of the stocks when a huge portrait Oleg Votorova with the inscription Voina Wanted hung on Charles Bridge in Prague. When the same poster was postned on the Tower Bridge, the London Police intervened, and in Bucharest defenders Oleg Votorov and broke and detained.

In 2014, there were reports that the collars supported the seizure of the Crimea and became a supporter of Putin. It was difficult for me to believe it: how could such a metamorphosis occur with the city "partisan"?

He invented the shares, raising Putinism to Laughter, - in the role of Mentopopa went to the supermarket, painted a huge dick on the divorce bridge opposite the building of the UFSB in St. Petersburg, turned the police cars, projected the skull with bones on the building of the Russian government and sat for it in prison. "

The annoyed wolf went "to Europe", as can be seen, with an enrollmental purpose of exposing in vain, which is asked on his liberal idol. "And now," he writes, "in one of the European cities I meet with Oleg and his wife. They have three children, younger sleep, the eldest - Casper, whom I remember the baby, grew up and would have to go to school. But where will they take it? Parents on an illegal position, they have no documents and all the more medical insurance, and the daughter named Mom, born in St. Petersburg, when her parents hid from arrest, not registered at all. When the goat went to women's advice on the examination, she was identified by the doctors and wanted to call the police, as if repeating the story of the series about Stirlitz. The goat ran away and prudently gave birth to at home without attracting rebukes.

Oleg immediately warns that he will not give me an interview, because it does not want to deal with the "liberal" media. Yes, everything turned out to be true, - with amazement spread with the hands of a wolf, - now "Putinist". And not just a supporter of the capture of Crimea: Oleg thinks that Putin "delightfully completed the work on saving Russian statehood," Vyacheslav Volodin - "Brilliant Head," Sergey Lavrov is an outstanding diplomat who knows how to win in the enemy environment, "Zakhe is Dima Yakovleva "Fair, and in general" there is nothing more beautiful than folk unity "... He is confident that Western propaganda is worse than the Russian, since the taxi driver in Europe can say that he likes Putin, and the intellectual is afraid.

"Good Russian propaganda is the ray of the sun on the last page of the" Pioneer truth "in July Day," says Oleg, and I suspect that this is a quote from Prokhanov article.

Nothing worse than Switzerland he did not see

After spending a few years in Europe (and he visited many cities - Venice, Rome, Zurich, Basel, Vienna, and even in Czech Krumlov, where a hundred years ago, Oleg denouncedly), Oleg was disappointed unconditionally in the West. "I spent the years of my life and did not find anything interesting." People here are intimidated by the system, make a "positive bid on hypocrisy", the left movement is helpless and there is no art. He does not like Switzerland: "I have not seen anything worse than this country" ... all this conflict with squatters, which Oleg described in an interview site Furfur:

"We managed to capture the slaughter, but when they stated to the police, they snapped the camera from the hands and hid. Then we visited the human rights organization, which helps victims of violence. Granted a lawyer for four hours - they are ready to pay for a lawyer, and they are expensive here. In migration In prison I had a conversation with the police, they drew two opportunities: either to the camp and ask the political tubing, or they will be separated from the children and separately deported to their homeland as illegal immigrants. Plus, in my case, at the request of Interpol. The usual manipulation of children began, and we We succumb to asylum. We are not immigrants, not refugees, it was not a gesture, like our acquaintances. We arrived at the time, and then the return channel slammed. Traditionally, the Swiss authorities urge to leave the country to a certain date. If not, repressive mechanisms are included. Us Delivered to the camp, issued documents and literally left to lie on the floor in the passage. We were told that this is the best camp for families with children. "

Oleg refugee camp describes how Hell underground, to the death of the intransigent inhabitants of which are released for a walk on a schedule, as if prisoners. According to Oleg, only a lawyer agreed to help them, famous for the defense of Polansky's novel, but also could not do anything due to bureaucratic resistance.

Prior to this, there was a similar conflict with his neighbors in Venice ... Oleg describes colorfully, as in front of the stunned Japanese tourists, clicking on the cameras, his handcuffs, with the polls bandnicked by a boat on the Grand Channel. In prison, he stayed only a few days, and from Venice - "This is not a city, but a cemetery, what to do there?" - moved to Rome. "The best years of our children were held in hell, he now complains now. - I am a Russian man, why do I need their values?"

"I basically refuse to arrange shares here, participate in artistic life. You can criticize Russia only from the inside, and not sitting in the West," said Oleg. Everything that happens in European art, he does not like ...

Disappointment in the West led to the fact that Oleg and his wife became wonderful to what was happening in Russia. "Most of all, the wolf is recognized," they dream of returning to their homeland. " "If I was told - sit down in a taxi and go to the airport, I would not even make things to collect."
But it is impossible to return: Oleg - in the international wanted list, goat - in the federal. And where to go with three young children? The relatives are not interested in their fate, a significant part of friends turned away, there is no place to live.

"Such freedom, as in Russia, no anywhere"

"Oleg, - the wolf flaruse," Putin's wisdom praises, "Ideally beat" Liberals in 2013. In his opinion, Putin came with his enemies gently, "so much deceic care was in these decisions!". A reminder of the fate of Udaltsov (also supporting the annexation of the Crimea), Oleg Navalny and Boris Nemtsov does not impress him - all this Western propaganda. Oleg remembers his stay in prison in Russia. "This is one of the best events in my life. I had three or four radiant memories, and one of them is a prison." For the years spent in the European hell, the Motherland began to seem to him the land promised. He is convinced that there is no such freedom as in Russia. "I, when I was wanted, I drove every day by a bike past the main entrance to the prosecutor's office, where we were waiting for, and nothing."

"But what to do now? Collars really in desperate position ... How to help people without documents in wanted? In Europe, they do not need anyone ... "," writes in conclusion of the wolf and does not find an answer to his questions.

Radical shareholding association

Levoradical Shareholder Group, which has been functioning from the beginning of 2007. Received fame due to a series of outrageous and radical performances. In 2011, became the laureate of the artistic premium "Innovation".

The emergence of the art group

The Art Group "War" (in the works of the participants of the Group themselves, it was customary to write its name without quotes) was created on the initiative of a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University (MSU) Oleg Votorov (Nickname Thief), which was later called "Father-founder" ,,, . Back in 2005, the collars and Natalia Sokol (nickname Koza) created an art group "Sokolag", which was engaged in a field photo (according to other data, avant-garde fashion) and performances on the topic of shift paradigms in art. In the spring of 2006, they became acquainted with the artist Anton Nikolaev, the leader of the art group "Bombila", with whom the active cooperation began. The headquarters of the United Project was one of the workshops of the prominent stock artist Oleg Kulik, who, however, denied the use of any own ideas in the group's performances, ,.

In early 2007, the most radically and politically configured participants of the project, headed by collar and Falcon, were organized by the "War" group ,. Initially, the art group "War" was assumed to be left as left-handed, "since there was no left spectrum in Russian art." At the same time, it was later emphasized that the political component of the project was more important than the artistic part.

Main stocks 2007-2010

In February 2007, the first speech of the "War" was held - the performance of "scumbags" in the Zverevsky Center for Contemporary Art, where the group was invited to open the exhibition "Military Actions". During the Performance, three participants of the "War" were shimmed in such a way that they formed a single sculptural group, which was then allowed to ride a seal briquettes ("ice cream dirt under the caterpillars of the tank").

Shortly after that, "war" and "bombing", as well as the shareholder Sergey (Emelyan), Gdal created a "street art trade union". On May 1, 2007, "War" with the assistance of "bombing" held the campaign "Mordovsky Hour" in the McDonalds restaurant in Serpukhovsky Square in Moscow. Activists of the art group with shouts "Free Cassa!" Thought the counter of the restaurant with live cats, which was "a gift of low-paid challenge of Fastfud, devoid of rest and enjoyment of modern radical art." This share also contained a reference to the protest activity of Western anti-globalists, for which the network of restaurants McDonald "S is one of the symbols of globalization, ,,, in the same year," Mordovsky Hour "was recognized as a newspaper" Re: Action "" The Scheligan Performance " .

Over the next months, the "War" activists have held several more shares, and also took part in a number of performances, the main organizer of which "bombing" were performed. In early July 2007, "War" should have a joint performance with a well-known artistic avant-garde figure Dmitry Seginy: It was assumed that the Group's activists will be brought to the twenty-second floor of the student dormitory MSU, a wardrobe with sitting inside, which was supposed to conduct a poetic dialogue with his own entries. However, the action did not take place - it was banned by the dean of the philosophical faculty of Moscow State University, and directly on the eve of the performances of the prigital was hospitalized, after a few days he died,. At the end of August of the same year, "War" with the participation of "bombing" held a campaign "PIR" - a commemoration by priest, covering the table in the car of the Moscow Metro, ,. Subsequently, in February 2008, PIR was repeated on three subway lines in Kiev, after the authorities of the Ukrainian capital were initiated by the closure of the exhibition "General Space", within the framework of which, in particular, a video of Moscow commemoration was demonstrated.

From this time, the political component of the activities of the "War" became the obvious. In 2007, its activists participated in Saratov in the "march disagree" - speech by opponents of Vladimir Putin's opponents - with the slogan "I want Halvi, I want to sit on a patch" (attributed to the poet Alexander Brencher). In November 2007, on the eve of elections to the State Duma, the "war" conducted an unauthorized action "PP (monument to VS VS Plan of Putin)" at the opening of the Non-Fiction Fair in the Moscow Central House of Artist: Activists of the Group unexpectedly descended on a stretched banner from the Entrasol Floor for the exhibition Center with live rams in hand ,.

In December 2007 (according to other data, in February 2008), the active cooperation of the "war" and "bombing" ceased. This was due to the fact that while the group of Nikolaeva planned to work outside of Moscow with local teams, "War" preferred to work in the capital - partly counting on the press response to its activities. In addition, Nikolaev himself confessed that he was tired of engaging in the Clown Acidness by this time. At the same time, the group joined the philologist and the author of the work on the Oblasty vocabulary Alexey Plser-Sarno.

At the end of February 2008, a few days before the presidential elections, in which Dmitry Medvedev won the victory, held one of the most famous shares - a group orgy in the biological museum in Moscow on the background of slogan "E *** for the heir to the bear ",,, (with similar slogans, the members of the" War "participated on the same days in the rally of the creek movement" Young Guard "and in the Moscow opposition" march disagree "). Participants in the group described the share in the Biological Museum as "a party to the young leader, the staff support of the bear at the beginning of a long trail." The photo report on the action was published in the blog Plutsser-Sarno (reports and on the future activities of the "War" appeared there, and therefore a criminal case was established on the distribution of pornography. In the actions of the participants of the share of the crime, there was no crime, but later the reports appeared that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation re-opened a case about the Orgius in the museum.

Immediately before the inauguration of the new President Medvedev, in early May 2008, the War organized a new campaign: its participants broke into the police station in Bolzova's Moscow region, hung a large portrait of Medvedev and began to read the dedicated police prigov.

In the future, the topic of law enforcement agencies occupied a significant place in the Group's activities. So, in July 2008, the action "Ment in the Popovskaya Ryasa" took place, during which the collars dressed in a row over the police form and personified "an ambivalent creature, which everything is allowed," scored a large number of products in the supermarket "Seventh Continent" and impunity They, without paying,; Subsequently, it was indicated that this campaign anticipated the story with Major Militia Denis Essyukov, in the spring of following the next year the execution of buyers in the supermarket. In May 2009, on the first day of the lawsuit on the organizers of the scandalous exhibition "Forbidden Arts-2006", Yuri Savior Savorov and Andrei Erofeev, the participants of the "War" unexpectedly performed a song in the court "All cops - bastards!" , which was condemned by the defendants and those present by human rights defenders, in particular, Lion Ponomarev, (at the same time, "war" and previously conducted shares against the persecution of the curators of "Forbidden Art"; for example, in May 2008, the group arranged an idea of \u200b\u200bthe prosecutor's office where the interrogation of Yerofeyev was held).

Significant resonance received two shares carried out by "War" at the end of 2008. On the night of November 7, several activists of the Group were planned to house the Government of the Russian Federation, the image of the skull and bones, after which other participants were transferred to the fence of the government residence, and then hid her courtyard, and then dismissed, ,,,,,. Next month, the "War" has brewed with steel sheets. Entrance to the restaurant "Okrichnik", which, according to some reports, belonged to the Prosrelevsky journalist Mikhail Leontyev,; In January 2009, a criminal case was instituted for this fact. In the same period, some fighters for the rights of sexual minorities joined the group; In addition, the "War" began to cooperate more actively with Moscow anarchists and anti-fascists.

Also continued the "war" to use the topic of supermarkets (as Plots-Sarno subsequently stated, it was due to the fact that "the supermarket is a public space, where the finished scene, a ready-made theater, ready-made audience, ready-made confrontation, and there you can play some situations "). In September 2008, the Group imitated the hanging of homosexuals and migrant workers in one of the Auchan hypermarkets ,; This was the "symbolic gift to the mayor of Moscow Luzhkov as a sign of its merit on the distribution of xenophobia, homophobia and nationalism." In 2009-2010, the participants of the "War", which publicly recognized that the products they usually steal in stores, conducted shares for consumption or the removal of products in the supermarkets of a number of European countries and the United States, depicting hungry illegal migrants from Russia, which was peculiar Testing of the Company's tolerance in these countries ,. In the summer of 2010, "War" conducted a ritualized removal of ice cream chicken from one of the supermarkets in St. Petersburg.

In June 2009, a scandal associated with the participation of the War Group was occurring in the "Russian Lettrism" by Andrey Yerofiev exhibition in the Central House of Artists. On the eve of the opening of the exhibition, the director of the Exhibition Center Vasily Bychkov demanded to dismantle the exposition of the "War", devoted to, among other things, the Group's shares in the Biological Museum. As a result, the meal of the participants of the "War" with the protection, and, as reported, some exhibits were spoiled; Nevertheless, the exposition "War" was removed.

In early 2010, an activist of the opposition movement "Solidarity", a member of the political council of its Moscow association Leonid Nikolaev (in descriptions of the group, appeared as Lenya E ***, appeared to the "War". In May 2010, in the midst of public protests against excessive use of special signals on cars, Nikolaev came out with a blue bucket with a blue bucket on the head on the road strip near the Kremlin and ran around the hood and the roof of the federal security service (FSO) driving a car; Over the next days, the video speeches Nikolaev spread widely on the Internet ,. At the end of May, Nikolaev was abducted by FSO staff, but soon released - after the charge in hooliganism. Although in the future the court refused to accept the case of Nikolaev in connection with the violations of the norms when collecting evidence of his guilt, the activist "war" itself actually moved to the "illegal position" and hidden from law enforcement agencies.

In June 2010, a new resonant action "War" was held in St. Petersburg: in protest against increased security measures On the eve of the International Economic Forum, the Group's activists drew a huge phallus of 65 meters in length and 27 meters wide in the width. After the bridge was divorced, the raised image of the phallus turned out to be in front of the Office of the Federal Security Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region ,,,,. Nikolaev was detained during the promotion and fined for petty hooliganism. The action became widely known thanks to the dissemination of information about it in blogs: the message about it for several days held the first place in the basic ratings of blogs.

In connection with the activities of "War" in blogs and the press, it was regularly discussed, why the Group's activists are not delayed by the police, and if they are delayed, they will soon be released. The members of the "War" explained this by the fact that all their shares were carefully planned to avoid even the minimum risk,.

In September 2010, an action "War" "Palace Coup" took place in St. Petersburg, the purpose of which was "to show how it is necessary to carry out the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." During the action, the activists of the Group turned several police cars, and inside some of the cars at that moment were militiamen,.

Pursuit of "War" (since 2010)

Shortly after the "palace coup" on the main activists of the "War", the case was headed under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism committed by a group of persons in prior agreement), members of the group were wanted ,. On November 15, 2010, the collars, Falcon and Nikolaev were detained in Moscow and were questioned in the fight against the extremism center "E" at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Soon Sokol was released, and the collars and Nikolaev were sent to Isolator to St. Petersburg ,,,, In the same month, it became known that Russia, fearing persecution, left Plouwer-Sarno ,.

The action "Palace coup" and the arrest of the arrest of Votlinov and Nikolaev arose in the press a rapid discussion about the boundaries of what should be interpreted primarily as art. Many artists and criticism recognized that the action was a criminal offense. At the same time, a number of artists and journalists were supported by the "War", recognizing her right to radical shareholdism, and called for refusal of punishment or at least to softening it ,,,.

Already in December 2010, several events were held in support of the "War". In particular, the blogger Vagif Abdilov who lived in Norway organized the release of the individual order of the brands of the Norwegian royal mail, on which the Group's action was depicted on the casting bridge ,. In the middle of the month, the British street artist Bankxi made a selling reproduction on the Internet and announced the transfer of money from the sale of about 90 thousand pounds (approximately 4.5 million rubles) to help "War" ,. On December 18, a few rally was held in the defense of the group, in which many famous artists and art journalists participated. Subsequently, in mid-February 2011, the video in support of the leaders of the "War" published the famous rock musician Yuri Shevchuk.

Details of the detention of the Votorov and Nikolaev were extended until February 21 and 22, 2011, when the court of the Dzerzhinsky district of St. Petersburg agreed to release them on the bail of three hundred thousand rubles for everyone ,,,. A month after the liberation of the collars and Nikolaev, they said that they were transferred as a result of the shares of Abdilov and Banksi money for helping two political prisoners, as well as one of their former models, which, in their opinion, was fabricated.

As it became known, on March 3, 2011 on Votorov, Nikolaev and Falcon in the center of St. Petersburg, an attack was made by persons who submitted to the criminal investigation officers. In late March, in connection with this incident, a criminal case was established under the "beatings".

On March 31, 2011, several participants of the "War", including Votorov, Falcon and even their little son, were detained during the unauthorized opposition "march of dissenting" ,. On April 14, the second criminal case was instituted against the Votorov: he was accused of hooliganism, the use of violence against the authority and insult to the representative of the authorities ,. In July 2011, it became known that for the behavior of the "march of the disagreement" criminal case under Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (an insult to the representative of the authorities) was both against Natalia Sokol.

In April 2011, the "War" group became the laureate of the Russian artistic award "Innovation": the action on the foundry bridge was recognized as the best "product of visual art." The organizers of the awards tried to exclude the "war" from the list of nominees, motivating this by non-compliance with the regulations, but under the pressure of the public were forced to return it to the number of applicants for the award. Obtained as the main prize of 400 thousand rubles "War" was transferred to the Interregional Human Rights Association "Agora", which was going to use them for the "Protection of Civil Activists". Lawyers of this Association helped both the art group.

The collars were not interrogated and in July 2011 was declared international wanted list, he was arrested in absentia, and his deposit of 300 thousand rubles was seized in favor of the state ,. At the end of August 2011, it became known that Falcon was announced in the federal wanted list. Two months later she was detained, but after a few hours released, and again disappeared, after which the falcon, who was in the eighth month of pregnancy, was announced in international wanted, and in absentia (although on December 27, the decision on arrest was canceled) . At the same time, in October 2011, it became known that on September 1, the criminal prosecution of the Votorov and Nikolaev, started after the action "Palace Coup" - due to the fact that the IC of the Criminal Code incriminated to them did not fit the actions committed to them, ,,,,,. In this regard, on October 24, the decision was canceled on the withdrawal of the collateral behind the crown. Subsequently, the investigation of the case of the "palace coup" was repeatedly resumed, and then again suspended ,,,,

December 31, 2011 on New Year's Eve activists "War" as a "gift of political prisoners" there were about one of the St. Petersburg police officers, the action "Mento-auto-da-PE", or "** Anya Prometheus", during which they set fire to A police car for the transport of prisoners "Ural" ,,, A few days later, in connection with this incident, a criminal case was initiated under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Hooliganism".

"Moscow fraction" art group

Even at the end of 2009, one of the most active participants of Peter Verryov project was expelled from the "War", allegedly indulged by the arrest of the outcoder Alexander Vododar (famous Schiitman) during the imitation of copulation near the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in protest against the activities of the National Expert Commission According to the protection of public morality (according to activists of the "War", Vermilov proceeded from the fact that the condemnation of Volodarsky could become a "steep PR" for the art group) ,. In the future, Verzilov and stormist attached to it (including his wife, Nadezhda Tolokonnikov on nicknamed Toloko) continued to perform under the name of the "War", which actually led to the opposition of two projects of the same name ,. In relation to the group of Verrylov, the name "The Moscow Fraction of the War Group" was also used.

One of the most prominent shares of the "Moscow Fraction" was "Cockup Court": on the day of the beginning of the sentence of the sentence in the case of the Organizers of the Exhibition "Forbidden Art" in July 2010, 3.5 thousand large cockroaches were released in the courthouse in the courthouse, (Pluter -Sarly argued that the idea of \u200b\u200bthis action was stolen by Verzilov at the Votorov group). In addition, the activists of this group in the summer of 2010 took part in protests against the construction of a high-speed route through the Khimki Forest.

Dead for the entry into force of the new Law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the action of the "Moscow faction" Lobzai garbage ", during which in two months at the beginning of the year about hundreds of female police officers kissed in Moscow,, in September the same The year was presented on the fourth Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. The representation of the action caused a sharp criticism of Plutsor-Sarno and some other artists who, in connection with this, even called for Biogenale boycott.

At the end of August 2011, the Moscow Fraction also held a prominent campaign "Road-Kormilitsa". During the promotion, activists stopped cars and gathered the assistance of the police re-certification, which as a result of the police reform allegedly lost the opportunity to collect money from drivers ,.

Some of the participants in the Moscow Fractions also included in the Pussy Riot feminist group, who gained fame for provocative "punk prayers" in the Moscow church of Christ the Savior in February 2012,.

General ideology and composition

The "War" group constantly emphasized a special way of life, in particular, the maximum refusal of money (with which the practice of theft of products in stores) and aggressive squatting - accommodation in uncomplicated apartments of new buildings, ,. In addition to the shares, the information about which was distributed, the participants of the group were also "daily performances", that is, they represented the share of life as the norm.

For the period 2007-2010, more than two hundred people participated in the promotions of the "War". At the same time, as of autumn 2010, the basis of the group was collars, Falcon, Nikolaev and Pluter-Sarno; According to some data, about sixty people were unofficial in the "war". Former participants in the group called the "one hundred percent author of the" War "Votorov, at the same time the main performances of the group were invented by Natalia Sokol.

Both critics and participants of the "War" noted that in their work, the Group continued the tradition of political sharerages associated with the American activists of the late 1950s, as well as the Moscow Acception and Art of Social Art, ,,,. As an important part of the Group's activities, the semantization of the action was noted, attributing interpretations to him (albeit multiple), which the group tried to control the group in the Medic Group. At the same time, the collars and other participants of the "War" criticized their predecessors, as well as the modern incorporations for themselves for insufficient radicalism and "lethargy", accused them that they were engaged exclusively by imitation of action. Representatives of the Group specifically focused on the reality and insecurity of their activities: "The fact that in the shares of the" war "art almost no, and makes them in ultramodern new art,". However, the minimum task of the group was set "not to arrange bright shows, but to form a circle of people who are interested in such activities."

In mid-February 2012, the film director Andrei Glazyev "Tomorrow" was presented at the Berlin Film Festival, dedicated to the lifestyle and shares of the War. Glazyev himself took part in the shares of the group for some time; Nevertheless, some critics accused the film that the philosophy of "War" was not reflected in it as much as,.

Used materials

"Pussy Riot" officially became accused. - Interfax, 12.03.2012

Dmitry Marakulin. The case of the "palace coup" is suspended. - Kommersant-Online., 12.03.2012

Two participants of Pussy Riot were arrested until the end of April. - Rights, 05.03.2012

The investigation into the criminal case on the shares of the ART group "War" with the turning of police cars. - Interfax, 20.02.2012

Alexey Medvedev. Spectators are only interested in "war". - Moscow News, 18.02.2012

Denis Kataev. The secrets of the Art Group "War" are disclosed. - Rain, 17.02.2012

Elena Kostyleva. Battle in heaven. - Session, 15.02.2012

The Art Group "War" declared the cessation of the persecution of its activists. - RIA News, 08.01.2012

Ivan Skirtach. On the fact of a pitch of a police car in St. Petersburg, who took over the Art Group "War", a criminal case was initiated. - ITAR-TASS, 07.01.2012

Vera Kopylova. Arson third degree. - Moscow's comsomolets, 05.01.2012. - №25837

A new campaign of the group of war "Mento-auto-da-FE", or "ё *** Anya Prometheus." -, 02.01.2012

The Art Group "War" burned the PETERSKA police car. - BBC News, Russian Service, 02.01.2012

"War" grew up. -, 02.01.2012

Horsewide St. Petersburg canceled the decision on the correspondence arrest of the activist "War" Falcon. - Interfax, 27.12.2011

The court in absentia was arrested by the participant of the art group "War" Falcon. -, 07.12.2011

Activist "War" declared international wanted list. - BBC News, Russian Service, 06.12.2011

Ivan Skirtach. The participant of the Art Group "War" is declared international wanted list. - ITAR-TASS, 06.12.2011

Sergey Sabochin. Interview with the Russian Art Group of War. - ART AKTIVIST., 03.11.2011

The activist "War" Nikolaev again became the accused, the prosecutor's office has canceled the decision on the termination of the case. -, 02.11.2011

The prosecutor's office has canceled the decision to terminate the criminal case against the activist "war" Nikolaev. - Open information agency, 02.11.2011

The court abolished the seizure of the collateral made for the activist of the Art Group "War". - RIA News, 24.10.2011

The activist "War" was repeatedly not to the investigator. - BBC News, Russian Service, 19.10.2011

Petersburg police detained an activist of the group "War" Natalia Falcon along with his son. -, 18.10.2011

The detained activist "War" was released from the police, the lawyer said. - RIA News, 18.10.2011

The case has been discontinued against the leader of the art group "War" Votorov. - Interfax, 13.10.2011

Maria Moskviceva. "War" forgive "Palace Coup"? - Moscow's comsomolets, 12.10.2011

The case has been discontinued regarding the activist of the ART Group "War" Leonid Nikolaev. - Interfax, 11.10.2011

Nikita Zheya.. Police is not a social group. -, 11.10.2011

The participation of "War" in the Moscow Biennale caused conflict. -, 26.09.2011

A group of war in the "Road-Kormilitsa" shares: lawlessness of cop families. -, 12.09.2011

Punch on poverty. -, 12.09.2011

Decree on the termination of the criminal prosecution of the investigator of the investigative department on the Central District of the GSU of the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg (criminal case No. 276858), 09/01/2011

The leader of the leader of the Art Group "War" was announced wanted. - Interfax, 30.08.2011

Participants of the Art Group "War" are preparing a new campaign for power. - RBC, 22.07.2011

The court in absentia arrested the activist "War" Votorov. -, 22.07.2011

The activist of the Art Group "War" of the collars is declared international wanted list. - RIA News, 21.07.2011

The activist of the Art Group "War" is suspected of insulting representatives of power. - BaltInfo, 13.07.2011

Activist "War" Sokol is suspected of insulting the police. - RIA News, 13.07.2011

Yulia Vinogradova. Art - political prisoner. - Independent newspaper, 05.07.2011

In St. Petersburg, a criminal case has been initiated against a native of the Perm Region suspected of committing hooliganism, the use of violence against a representative of the authorities and in an insult to the representative of the authorities. - Head of the Investigation Department of the SC of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg (SLEDCOMPB.RU), 14.04.2011

The case of "War". - Interfax, 14.04.2011

Svetlana Yankina. The Art Group "War" received the Innovation Prize. - RIA News, 08.04.2011

Tatyana Voltskaya. "War" suffered a constitution. - Radio freedom, 01.04.2011

Maria Tsvetkova, Denis Pinchuk. In the struggle of the authorities with the opposition in the Russian Federation suffered a baby. - Reuters., 01.04.2011

State Prize "Innovation". Reference. - RIA News, 29.03.2011

The case was initiated in St. Petersburg about the attack on activists "War". - Rapese, 25.03.2011

The group "War" gave the assembled money for the help of prisoners. - RIA News, 22.03.2011

On the fact of yesterday's attack, artists of the Art Group "War" appealed to the police. - Echo of Moscow, 04.03.2011

"War" came across people in civilian clothes. - Interfax, 04.03.2011

The ideologist of the Art Group "War": Militiars were not kissed. - BBC News, Russian Service, 02.03.2011

The girls from the art group "War" forcibly kissing female militiamen. -, 01.03.2011

Vladimir Koschev. How was it? Comments and photos of Oleg Votlinova, February 21, 2011. - Cogita! Ru., 22.02.2011

The court decided to let go of Leonid Nikolaev on bail. -, 02.22.2011

The second participant of the Art Group "War" was released on bail. - BaltInfo, 22.02.2011

The court decided to release Oleg Votorov on bail. - Free War (, 21.02.2011

Activists of the Art Group "War" left under arrest. - Art of TV., 15.02.2011

War with society. -, 11.02.2011

The St. Petersburg court did not let go from Lenya Nikolaev and Oleg Votorov from the Art Group "War". -, 14.01.2011

The rally in support of the Art Group "War" gathered about two hundred of participants. - Rights, 18.12.2010

In Moscow, a rally was held in support of arrested artists. - Radio freedom, 18.12.2010

The Sale of Banksi in favor of the "War" group was held with a bang. - BBC News, Russian Service, 14.12.2010

Banksi collected more than 4 million rubles for the Art Group "War". - New news, 14.12.2010

Tom Parfitt.. Banksy Pledges £ 80,000 to Russian Radical Art GROUP VOINA. - The Guardian., 12.12.2010

In Norway, brands with "St. Petersburg Fallulus" came out. - Salt, 08.12.2010

Stamps with the image of the promotion of the "War" group were released in Norway. - RIA News, 08.12.2010

Nina Petnerova, Elena Racheva. Military losses. - New Newspaper, 29.11.2010

Mikhail Bokov. "War" hit the run. - MR7., 29.11.2010

Anton Kothenev. What is a group of war. - LIBERTY.RU., 22.11.2010

Do I need to show solidarity with the group "War"? -, 22.11.2010

For some time, Oleg Collars already lives in the Czech Republic along with his wife Natalia Sokol and three children. Collars and Falcon - members of the "War" group, which became famous for bold performances, complete criticism of the Russian regime. The most famous campaign was "x ** in captivity of the FSB" 2010. Then the members of the group drew a huge sexual interpretation on the divorce bridge in front of the FSB building in St. Petersburg. In the autumn of the same year, the Votorov detained the "Palace Coup" shares, when the activists turned out to be in search of a lost ball of a lost ball a few police cars. In early 2012, the collars went to Italy, then lived in Switzerland, where the whole family asked political asylum. Russia issued an international arrest warrant worker, who is accused of hooliganism, insulting government and violence.

Shelter from "away from here" and theft in the supermarket

In September 2016, the Votorov arrested in the Czech Republic: the police detained him because of the theft in the supermarket. By that time, his family lived in the Czech Republic for several months. They were helped by members of the art group "Away from here". However, over time, they gradually disappointed in Russian activists, who first perceived as their colleagues and the source of inspiration. Czech activists had to do not like the unwillingness of Russians to adapt to the Czech conditions, as well as to cooperate and comply with the elementary rules of good neighborliness. Finally, members of the "away from here" were separated from their Russian colleagues on September 23, when an ambiguous interview with the collar, in which he praised Putin was published on the Aktuálně.cz server. According to Votorov, the president "Rodtil's Russian people". Roman Tyz from the group "Away from here", in particular, wrote in Facebook, that the Votorov family robbed the apartment of one of the Tick Colleagues, as well as the studio in the city of Cesky Krumlov. Titz also wrote that the collars readily took money, but they continued to steal in the stores expensive goods.

The court freed the Votorov from a preliminary conclusion, but he had to promise that he would not hide from the investigation until it was completed, and would not leave the Czech Republic. After that, Karel Schwarzenberg himself suggested the activist with his family. In November, the family moved to Chmelice Castle, which was completely at her disposal. But now for unknown reasons, collars are again living in Prague. The collars also do not fulfill the promise given to the court, and does not come for interrogations. In addition, he does not live at the address that the court said. Therefore, the regional prosecutor's office recently issued a warrant for his arrest. But even if the police arrest him again, it is unlikely that the Czech authorities give it to Russia. Moreover, the family recently faced a serious problem: the five-year daughter Votorov knocked down the car, and, in the way, her parents belong to official institutions and money, it, of course, is very difficult to provide the child the necessary surveys and medical care.

In an abandoned house in Venice

The negative experience of communication with the collar and his family received both people in other countries that went to the Russians in different moments of their worships. In Venice, the collars lived in Square aspicio Contarini. But their neighbors began to complain that the Russian family is difficult to get along, and the crotch was kicked out and his family in July 2014, applying violence. The collars wanted to protect his dwelling with an ax in her hands, but in a fight, as local media reported, the residents of Slove broke the Russian head. In April 2015, at the invitation of Adrian Novace, director of international projects in the club "Kabare Voltaire", the Russians arrived in Zurich, and then moved to Basel. In Switzerland, the family asked political asylum and was located in Squid Wassershtraße. But after a few months of the difficult neighborhood, the locals called the collar "rude manipulants, cruel, ignorant and inconsolidated people." As a result, the police had to intervene. For some time, Russians lived in the center for waiting asylum and in April 2016 were hidden in an unknown direction.


May 15, 2017, that is, during their stay in the Czech Republic, the Russian newspaper "Kommersant" published a large interview with collars, in which he critically responds about Europe and says that arrest is afraid. "Friends" will surrender. We now live in some semi-fertilized house, populated by drug addicts, and right below we have an apartment, converted to the plantation of cannabis. After the arrest warrant, we tried to hide in the underground, but it turns out with great difficulty. "


Czech Republic - Under the rough Americans

Aktuálně.cz 09/27/2016

Activist "War" Oleg Collars - about his status "International Criminal"

Radio Liberty 07/25/2011

Not all that Russians say, lie

Parlamentní LiSty 03/22/2017

It is clear from the conversation that only negative impressions of life in Europe remained at the Votorov. According to him, the West really picks up, as Soviet propaganda was liked at one time. "And to help them, unfortunately, it is impossible, and maybe it's even for the better. But the fact is, damn, that I just spend time here! In Russia, I lived 30 years and 3 years, and for me this country remains a mystery to me, it is full of secrets - in the forest, in the city, in the village. And here in half a year I could tell you everything about everyone who thinks what it will hide or show how it will act. " According to Votorov, Europe is experiencing a psychosis epidemic caused by fear for its high standard of living. He claims that Europeans believe in the "Absolute Darkness". "There is such a place in their worldview - a black hole, such an absolute darkness."

The art activist complains about the recent incident when the police applied to him and his family strength: after a meeting with a lawyer Paul, the collar was delayed a police patrol, and the police did not suit the presented documents. "Looking into the site, we were divided and began to simply beaten, and I first encountered such when a woman beat on the face. Here the police can act as pleased, and the Society supports the very rigid actions of the police, because he lives like on the front line, in a state of paranoia: they are Russians. " His wife Natalia, named, the goat commented on the happening so: "Even a Russian cop, he would not like this to deal with a woman who has a child." Prague Police, according to her press secretary, learned about the incident only after the request of the Czech radio (Český Rozhlas). Allegedly in recent weeks or months, none of the factors did not apply to the control bodies of the Czech Republic with a complaint against the actions of the police. Now the employees of the Internal Control Committee of the regional police department of Prague, which will check all circumstances of the case will be investigated.

"Immortal Regiment" can be organized better

The collars told about other similar cases of cruel violence towards himself. That is how it interprets what happened in Venice and Basel. According to Votorov, the reason for the whole occurrence one. I supposedly says what "you can not say": "You are a dissident, so know your place, do not break the taboo. Our pro-Russian position was almost worth a little about our lives, and in the Czech Republic, it took the form of infinite persecution lasting so far. "

If the activist succeeds in returning to Russia, and everything goes smoothly, he plans to do official propaganda. The collars praised the promotion of the "immortal regiment" in the Czech Republic - an annual demonstration, whose participants suffer from portraits of their relatives who died in the second world war. So celebrate victory over fascism. "It is possible to do it a hundred thousand times brighter and so that it was interesting, noticeably and can be seen absolutely to all of the world. Not only to us, not only some of the part of the Russian society, named by patriots, but in general, everyone! " - Counts collars.

Show must go on

All of his previous statements appear in the new world after the answer to the question of the journalist about the former refusal of money and private property. "Well, we are artists, we must show people a show. We really did that, we did not lie. Task - Show. To a person who asks a question: how did they get there five tons of white paint there? - You said: here from there, and not five tons, but only 50 liters. There is such a store, you go there and you have two ways: to buy or just reveal the backpack and put in it. "

It is clear here only one thing: the activist managed to configure the activist with his statements and behavior, not only the repressive apparatus of Putin's Russia, but also almost everyone around. Is it really all part of the show that he shows the audience throughout his life?

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

"We are an art gang! Our idol - Andrei Monastic! ": Informal interview with a group" War "
The second part of the conversation Alexei Plutsher-Sarno with the participants of the action fucked for the heir to the bear! In the State Biological Museum. A. K. Timiryazeva Oleg Collars and Peter Verry (Art Group War)

Plouwer: Oleg, tell about yourself.

Collars: the origin of my pure Russian. My mother's peasant woman. She was born on the stove, without reaching the hospital. All relatives from the Tula region, and all the peasants. Everyone had six to ten children. My great-grandfather smoked, because he raged the rams, goats. He was exiled, despite the fact that he was not rich. The ancestors took place from the neighboring villages and were overgrown with each other for considerations of good neighborliness.

Plouwer: And father?

Collars: My Father Shakhtar. He was a builder, and then the repairman of the mines. They were sent to the mine in the event of an accident. There they spent several days of somewhat. Heroian profession. He was a commander of a small brigade of salvation. My mother considers himself smarter than his father, an intelligent. She gave birth to three children. Formally, we are a large family. All my childhood passed in the region, where the consequences of the Chernobyl accident were penetrated. We even had references that we were sacrifices. We provided small benefits. Including I had a benefit for admission to the university. I was supposed to take from other things to equal terms. It was not useful for me. Because I passed all the exams in Moscow State University on "excellent."

Plouwer: Crew something Svrasmia?

Collars: I wrote poems since childhood. And he was a famous poet in his city - Novomoskovsk Tula region. There is the largest chemical plant in Europe. And a terrible environmental situation.

Plouwer: And to Moscow State University Where did you study?

Collars: I studied in the best lyceum in the area. But I did not teach the science of natural-mathematical slope. I did not even know them on the top three. I was saved exactly writing poems. I all said like a better poet of Novomoskovsk. It sounds ridiculous. And I came to the Lyceum on the contrary from the gangster school, the worst in the city. There I was talking to the year old, and I really liked it. Fought with them. All of them are sitting now. Entertainment was two. If you are small, and I was small, you needed to climb into a confectionery factory and to overeat the chocolate barrel there and how much will take Sherbet. For some reason, chocolate rushed into the barrels. Senior hijacked mopeds. I did not get hijacked, just rode. They rode on such low-drawn frames on ball bearings, "Tackles" were called. Combed whole knightly tournaments on the wheelbarrows.

Plouwer: Poetic career scored?

Collars: I went to Eugene Rhine to the Litin Institute, being a student of the first course of philosophical. And Raine said to me in full, he should not change the philosophical faculty to literary, and I stayed at Moscow State University.

Pluter: Peter, you too tell me anything about yourself.

Verry: I am activist war. I have two nicknames - Peter's piglets and humidle. I was born in Moscow in 1987. Childhood spent in Japan. From the emigration, I was prompted to return events on December 14, 2004, when members of the NBP committed the seizure of the presidential administration. Since 2005, it is absorbed by radical activism aimed at combating a glow and symbolic economy. Commanded the action "Mordovsky Hour" in McDonalds. Before the war was a volunteer in the information department of the Museum of Cinema, where he began an assistant to the head of the film blocking department. He studied at the Philosophy of the Faculty of Moscow State University, engaged in ancient philosophy, studying the dialogues of Plato "Fedr" and "Phyble", participated in the ontological circle of "Announced" under the direction of Vyacheslav Evgenievich Dmitriev. He was a member of the theater studio "Taramraram" and the actor of the student Theater MSU "Bridge". I am responsible for the growth and development of the war, that is, for the spancy and multi-chain. Also responsible for contact with liberal and humanitarian public. Married in Nae, the interview with her already hangs in LJ, we have a ger daughter, born on March 5 of this year.

Plouwer: Why was it decided to arrange a sexy action fuck for the heir to the bear!?

Collars: It is known that all the polls enjoy sex as a way to attract attention. Both artists and environmentalists, and "nasteners". This is a common PR reception. And we are talking now that we have consisted with paints not with your palette. But you know, there are not many paints. Maybe only black and white remained in Russia. And no halftone. And there are no such volumetric multidimensional people. And there is only bad and good. Only those and these. The further you live, the more clear. And criminally look for compromises.

Plouwer: For the artist of using old funds means lack of originality, isn't it?

Collars: This is definitely not the question of the originality of the work, a unique gesture, is understandable. Modernism do not return artificially. We chose a proven way to draw attention to the problem - the problem of the absence of elementary elections. Because otherwise the attention of the so-called citizens does not concentrate. Despite the fact that they fucked in the public for this or that everywhere, it was in the coupling with the fucking states of today's state windshius, this gave the effect of an informational explosion and the subsequent roast on the network. Where the main editors do not fight. I'm sorry for all this rhetoric, but it's time to go out.

Plouwer: So you want to say that your action is a protest voice from the artistic community? Then, maybe it is because this is the only voice of the protest, he was heard by the art community himself?

Plouwer: Let's go back to art. Let's talk about the modern Russian performance.

Collars: We felt that the artistic answer to the language of the share of the share of what was happening would be centrally. In the 1990s, artists very beautifully described the situation. No one more precisely spoke about what is happening. Kulichushkin ran the dog, for example.

Plouwer: What other kulichushkin?

Collars: Coulichoshkina we call Oleg Kulik. He used to be a slices, and now sunsuats the Tsereteli. For us, he is now Koulichushkin. Previously, he was an intrigued space. He took the space and did a lot with him. Koulichushkin mulled the intrigue. And the fact that he is currently discussed with Vasya, what candles will they put, what kind of tea brewing. This is no longer a great artist Oleg Kulik. This is Koulichushkin. Apparently, Koulichushkin, like the Dean of the Mironchik, also called from above and explained that there was a discourse in Russia. And the artist spoke about God.

Plouwer: But what he has already done is still forever leaves him in the ranks of Matters of Russian sharerage. Yes, and in the future, I think he will show himself. Maybe it's just a creative crisis?

Collars: I do not argue, "Dog" is the main performance of the 1990s. When Kulichushkin undressed naked and ran into the street to bite people, it was a statement and about time, and about a person who climbed in this time, about a person who longed for the arrival of a non-advised time. This is 1994. And when a man in the desired time was, which he himself, he himself, he realized that he was lost and that was less and less human. And it prevails not that something is animal, but confusion. The domestic dog, being on the street, barks and rushes not only because it is angry, angry, but because it is trying with what can, in this case, the teeth say something. Situation with this performance: He almost came up with a brandry. He wanted to read poems in the shorts, and on the leash to lead one of his co-authors. Koulichushkin did everything differently, significantly better. In some sense, he removed the brande from this performance. And the figure of the Breneman became simply incomprehensible: why did he stand in the shorts and read the poems?

Plouwer: Usually the Performance "Man-Dog" is perceived as an image of a "Russian Wolf".

Collars: Yes, Performance with a dog, perfectly described the situation in any of its refractions. Now sometimes they talk about it as a zoofrination, about something animal, but in fact, the animal is not due to increasing aggressiveness, but by virtue of complete and sincere confusion. If you drive out a home dog to the street - and the Soviet man was still a homely creature, "she dares, and not say that she even bit someone. She is confused. This is a person who himself wanted and was in this situation, which put it on the fours of the naked. The situation was imprinted in such an artistic image.

Verry: Now we realized that again you can speak artistic images that will work.

Pluter: Kulik, by the way, rebelled against the hot conceptualism of you.

Collars: I think the protest of Koulichushkin against conceptualists was a PR protest, entirely media, - and a formal step from a shortage of its position to push off, get a vector. Habel he is on them, it's true. And what remains uninvited in the circle of "aristocrats"? But now Kulichushkinskoe huyo manifested itself completely compound. From the intrigue - in the party, the granddaughter sue. He intuitively captures that the time of working with the media, as with the material he passed, and finally came for the modern artist, it is time to work with capital. And that this finally closes the theme of humanism in art. Despite all the assimiosity of such a promise, in practice it is just started to play full sound, just ten years old. I have a herst first mean. But Koulichushkin will now not succeed: he somehow terribly agreed in his pre-tourist on Tibet.

Plouwer: Talked about Kulik, about the brand, but forgot the Avdius Terr-Ohanyana. Also honored shareholder.

Plouwer: Among the Matters of Russian Accommodation, Oleg Mavromatti is nearing.

Collars: I do not think that the extreme is the only thing that should be ridiculed. And Mavromatti is focused on this. Mavromati extremal methods declares exclusively about its own individualism. This, of course, was relevant here in the 1990s. And this is what a strange way is related to the diverse artistic figures of those years. For me, in Mavromatti's performances, a lot with "Mysteries" Herman Vinogradov. This is such an individual creativity, individual ebanism.

Plouwer: I think he sees the world. His statements seem to me deeply sincere. It differs from Garik Vinogradov's fact that Garik is a performance. And he does everything streaming, calmly, balanced. And Mavromatti - a share with rather tough and unbalanced statements. And he is straight line. He sometimes lacks completeness, but I am pleased with what he does.

Collars: He says: "I am an artist! That's my vision! I have an interesting inner world! Interesting fate! Want to listen? " I believe that such a position for the artist is quite weak. When the poet tells about his personal destiny, his poems immediately lose force. The artist should be distanced as far as possible from the specific events of his private biography and not consider them as unconditional interesting material with which you can work. He must move away from himself and go to public. Being an artist, above all, uncomfortable for yourself.
Maulromatti is a reference example of individual ebanism, which often the individualist performance was faced. Only a few cases of real overcoming such ebanism knows the history of the Russian Performance: Klichyshsky Dog, a brenor with a dollar, avedy and icons.

Plouwer: Vlad Montamo Montro also works in the genre of performance.

Collars: Yes, here Kovalev, too, Mescamaheva in the high performance adepts writes. And infinitely nice Vladika hurts such a record, and it is necessary to do with it without a blunt critical framework. Well, what is he performing, when he is emphasized by a critical position in relation to the performance and shareholding activities; When does he constantly face these classes? Vladika has one hundred percent classical vision of the arts.

Plouwer: There is a palette of sharecraft. You can choose funds. What material do you work with?

Collars: This is a question shy me. You say as if I come orders. My palette is not prepared. It seems interesting to me when the artist is distinguished from himself and dissolves in the public space. He becomes less from him, there appears more sign, public. It is a loss of bones and blood. But this loss is justified if these bones are integrated into the signs read by society.

Plouwer: Your action spawned thousands of reviews in my LiveJournal, in which hatred for modern art is manifested. People evaluate the action sometimes from the position of pure sexual, type, "Padchal!" Or "the theme of the boobs is not disclosed!". But the majority writes with disgust and anger that it is pornography, and immediately transfers the conversation to the plane to discuss the immorality of artists.

Verry: And this squall of hatred is mixed with the whole palette of public shit. This is a mixture of xenophobia and nationalism. And the past elections are pure pornography.

Plouwer: And what kind of understanding of modern art can we talk about?

Verry: This reaction has become part of the promotion and paints a very well a social situation in the country.

Collars: The public situation is something oppositive what we did. We only presented the missing a minus sign.

Pluter: That is, I correctly said that your share is a portrait of society?

Collars: Yes, it is a very correct definition.

Plouwer: Tell your favorite artists?

Collars: I like many artists. I bow to Yuri Albert, which no extremism is different. He is thin, interesting. I am delighted with such art. I have nothing against artists engaged in painting, I love to watch their pictures. I like the artist Vadim Zakharov. Zakharov worked very successfully in the genre of photoperforms. I don't know better than photoperforms. "Laski and kiss make people ugly", "elephants prevent living." This is amazing.

Plouwer: So you love conceptualists?

Collars: I like conceptualists in general. I do not build my identification, unlike Koulichushkin, on the fact that conceptualism is "not that", and the episode is "that." I believe that I am a student of conceptualists. I believe that Russian conceptualists are better than Western. Despite the fact that conceptualism is a Western phenomenon and there it began, conceptualism in the Soviet situation has gained its features and here it is stronger. The group "Collective actions" was a project of one person - monastic, and the rest, which were coming, were replaced. In this group. Why is this a group? And why is this standard of group? Because they gathered more three, and more three in Soviet times are an article already. And the monastery could not be alone, even if he was alone invented. This is a group! Not the course, not a move, namely the group! Institutionally separate unit. It turns out that we are such a gang with idols like monastic ... something like that.

Plouwer: Will you blow Russian art?

Verry: The fact that Russian art has come out of infant age is the fact; And therefore, it is possible, here I agree with your action.

Plouwer: In general, what do you think about the Russian art community?

Collars: We have never been inside this car, and many characters know only magazine publications, are not personally familiar, they are not offended, they will not even notice us, perhaps we are on the venice. And we do not associate ourselves with this Art Tus, and we are deliberately trying to remove.

Verry: We consider the shame of such an artist.

Collars: At the same time, I love many artists in absentia, I will listen to him in the soul, and somehow emphasized uncritically. Maybe they affect the impressions of the time when I studied modern art lovely, from the side.

Plouwer: There are still "curators".

Collars: they even unpleasantly talk about them. Baccachine - a long caricature character, he himself knows it. Former "gallery bastard", and now just a ridiculous pawn in secular photo reports with colebritis. To communicate with students of his course - that is, young artists of the future - it does not come to mind: these are ridiculous managers of nonsense, hoping for courses on Sovriscy as a real way out of the situation of universal usefulness. Breaks their desire and a priori readiness to speak through any topic, in the framework of any group exhibition. It seems that it is called their professionality now.

Plouwer: There is still an art journalist: Kovalev, to tar.

Collars: Kovaleva does not want to scold - only because of the scale of the work done by him. I am Tom Tom Silver Not Ponra. His desire to give a look of the era of the 1990s, mixing everything into a chronological bunch, and saddled the project: in the book through the page of Wawa da Mauromatti - applying another microporez. And this is not a picture of time. Moreover, the selection is no one, the school of Yuri Sobolev did not get into the book at all.

Verry: Yes, and the shares of dozens of other wonderful artists also did not.

Collars: Kovalev The weak texts writes, albeit detailed, and with the obsessive position of the insider, - but he did not learn in Russian - all tedious and mannerly, with a touch of Soviet art history. Eternal confusion in modernism, journalistic propellation of undisputed secondarness in the first rows.
Delet is an armor-piercing Baba of self-consuming, if it has a weak place, on the soil of a indestructible concept: often, it is often distinguished by the exciting spirit of interpretations, there is no cash state of affairs in art, but only its personal gifts.
Agunovich as a journalist made this work for which no one took. Alone, she instilled in the reader of the magazine - the office locust stretching to moderate nuts arriving from the province is an organ for distinguishing contemporary art. Now it is not in the Moscow poster, and I will be tangible.

Plouwer: tell me galleryrs?

Collars: galleys? I do not know these people! Time passed galleries. To fuck in the galleries - even if it is possible - it's just not interesting: no sensation. Work on the state institution and is decent, and for many larger it is the only straight track at all. But the gallery of the capture. Creator, plotting a new product under the format of the sheltered gallery, carrying his work there in the excitement, is a dull anachronism.

Plouwer: Your look at Andrei Erofeev?

Collars: no matter how much the intellectuals vintage intellectuals on Yerofeyev, whatever things are ministerial, - what is it for Rugan and against whom? Against the competent person among officials in modern art. Well, they will remove Andrei, and how they themselves will not focus, without versery?

Plouwer: Anatoly Osmolovsky forgot.

Collars: Osmolovsky Tolik - Very local, local personality, commensurate. The dude without education, a special plastic gift and theoretical alone inspired a whole epoch of art. If it went, it is the main figure. He began and showed how it is possible; And then there were ambitious talented creatures-artists - the Brener is a romantic poet, Koulichushkin-Intrigan, Avedea-adhesive. And soon they ran down, according to their affairs. And Tolik began to make himself a sad object of work, too,, by the way, worthy - but the current appearance of the artist shows what.

Plouwer: Why Bremen - Poet, he is an equivalent, isn't it?

Collars: Yes. The Brener is a pity, if only because of the remoteness, it seems most of its own, and his poems - above all verses. For these verses, the unpleasant type of this brand is flashed - and this poetic situation provides poems any kind of misfortune. Distinguished from young and boring Rodionov and even smaller Rodionov, in their literature ridiculous, and from all these rappers of books, waking up and falling asleep in their apartments.

Plouwer: What other stocks do you think in the near future?

Verry: I can not tell, because of the high percentage of provocations. In the Mordovian hour we were waiting for three in civilian clothes. A friend laid out in LJ Announcement of the enterprise, wander! Fucking for the heir to the bear arm! I had to change the museum - zoological on biological. With all caution in preparation, information flowed, and not only museum protection, but also nomo. And everyone was informed about the shares in detail. The guard warned without unnecessary phrases: "Now the avant-gardeists will come here naked taking pictures."

Collars: Just say that we will continue to acquaint the audience with the new hero of the nation with a bearish.

Verry: And we are going to ban the metropolitan clubs.

Pluter: Thanks to your art gang. Much has become clear.

Material prepared by & I Plouwer Sarno.