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Creation. School essays. Analysis of the work of Taras Bulba Gogol N.V. The role of the author in the work of Taras Bulba

Taras Bulba - the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, is included in the Mirgorod cycle, the events of the book occur in the middle of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, in the first half of the XVII century

The main stages of the plot: Exposition, tie, development, culmination, junction, epilogue.

The focus of the writer of the era of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and heroic characters, and not concrete events and real historical faces. To accuracy, the writer did not strive. Hence the conventionality of chronological data reported in Taras. Taras Bulba was a radical "Cossack" who lived in Ukraine. In those distant times, Ukraine was captured by Polish and Lithuanian knights. Some wealthy residents of Ukraine moved to the side of the invaders. Taras Bulba and other patriots of their homeland organized Zaporizhia and fought against the invaders. The image of the people of the warrior in the story is inextricably linked with the way the people-worker. "Modern ingenians were then fairly unusual abilities of him. There was no craft that did not know the Cossack: to crush the wine, equip the cart, nourish gunpowder, to play Kuznetskaya, plumbing work and, in addition to that, wearing a walk, - all this was on his shoulder. " The writer does not resort to any means of embellishment, softening, shaking the characteristics of the era, the severity and rudeness of war. Gogol draws all the greatness and heroic of the People's Liberation War and entirely, unconditionally joins the people. Gogol took the history of the Ukrainian people at the time of her high rise, in such a minute, when, - just as it happens to the decisive moments of a person's life, - the entire nature of the people is checked.
Description of the heroes:

The image of Taras Bulba:heavy character, about this testifies: the decoration of his Svetlitsy, attitude to his wife, behavior in battle. After the arrival of the sons of Ostap and Andria, he decides to take them into the Sch. The image of Taras will penetrate the high, harsh and delicate paternity poetry. Taras is a father not only for his sons, but also for all Cossacks who trusted him command over them. And the very execution of Andria for Taras - the execution of the debt of the Father. Taras Bulba is one of the strongest and whole tragic characters in world literature. His heroic death approves the heroic life, the greatness of the struggle for the freedom of the people. Taras Bulba appears as an old Cossack Colonel.

The image of the left.
Appearance, portrait:
"... Two dozen well done, still looking upwards, as recently released seminarians. Strong, their healthy faces were covered by the first sword of the hair that had not yet concerned the razor. "
Character: "Ostap was always considered one of the best comrades .... Never, in no case did not give out his comrades ... There was a halter to other impulses, except for the war and a ragged feast ... was straight with equal ... had kindness .. . "
The image of Andria.
Appearance, portrait:
". ..Dend a dozen well done, still looking upwards, as recently released seminarians. Strong, their healthy faces were covered by the first sword of the hair that had not yet concerned the razor. "

Character:"Andry had a few more lively and somehow more developed ... more often was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to feel from punishment." He possessed a heavy and strong character.

Features of the genre- Tale. Depicting events in a story, revealing the characters of heroes, describing nature, N. V. Gogol uses various artistic and expressive agents: epithets, metaphors, comparisons that make items are bright, unique, original. For example, depicting the Zaporizhia steppe, the writer uses such epithets: "The Great Desert", the "Green-Gold Ocean", "Silver-Pink Light". When describing the siege of the city of Dubno, there are such metaphors and comparisons in the story: "They killed with the shaft of the creek", "Copper caps shine like the sun, lean white, like swan, feathers." Showing the death of Ostap, N. V. Gogol uses such comparisons and epithets: "I carried out torment and torture, like a giant", "terrible Khryask", "Old rags".

Reading by heart the poem about the native nature of one of the poets of the XX century (to choose). Features of poetic speech. Verse Boris Pasternak "July".

Pooh "July" related to landscape lyrics, Boris Pasternak was written in 1956 during a summer holiday in Transmekino. It brightly reflects the element of poetry on the perception and understanding of the world of nature and the world of human as one inextricable whole.

Subject poem Coincides with his name: Pasternak is colorfully and figuratively, very lovingly describes a month, marking mid-summer. Main ideait is the show of the beauty of July, sincere admiration for the poet ease and the freshness of this summer month. In the second part of the poem, the poet calls the name of the guest - July. Leading visual and poetic agent in building the image of July Speakers expanded wanted "It is they who allow to cut down a summer month, to create his" thought-minded "image. The poet calls July and the houses, and Balobnik-ignorant, and a rapid, and a gathering vacationer. "Obligibility" of July is strengthened by consumption spatrical words (obja, worship) I. deliberately spoken vocabulary (drawing, disheve). Merchant-July has a human character: he "Everywhere is dangling inappropriate", spends loudly, "Prevents all things". Variety of Ipostasia "Arrival of the tenant" Transmits all the gamut of impressions that the pelconist at the poet. The author gladly inferior space - "Whole home" - His guest, moving and unpredictable mischief-July, with ease of violating generally accepted boring rules.

Ticket number 6.

1. The relationship between landowners and peasants in the cycle of stories I.S.Turgenev "Notes of the Hunter" (on the example of one work: "Biryuk", "Bezhin Luga", etc.).

In the story of "Bezhin Mead" Turgenev, one of the first Russian writers realized the peasant children.

The entire totality of their peasant images of Turgenev argued that in his country there are not only the "dead souls" of the landowner-serfdom of Russia, but also the "live souls" of a simple Russian people.

Three topics are dominated by the "Notes of the Hunter": the life of the peasants, the life of landowners and the spiritual world of the educated class.

The topic "Biryuk" is more affected by the topic not landlords and peasants, and the problem of peasants and peasants, their attitude towards each other.

The main character is all afraid, fear, disliked. And he simply performs his work and just his desire, in good faith to do the work, I don't like the people. Biryuk the same fortress peasant, like everything, and he is also not easy, because he has There is a daughter and a little son, and his wife escaped leaving them alone. It looks at the seeming worn and cruelty, Biryuk is actually kind and fair.

This text allocates several problems:

1. The problem of serfdom, a rinking person who is forced to violate or property rights, or human-lithuance laws. This is a central problem from which everyone else flows. Related to the image of Biryuk. I will regret Biryuk the peasants, cutting trees.

2. The problem of a person, strictly performing his official debt. Associated with the manner of the main character. A person who strictly fulfills all the obligations prescribed to him becomes an outcast, they do not like it (they even hate) and fear. By the way, Real Biryuka was such a forester in the estate of Mother Turgenev - the peasants were killed in the forest.

3. The problem of the relationship of this person with other people. Tesne is associated with the second problem.

4. The problem of strict follow-up to its life positions and the reasons that prompt from these positions to retreat. The life position of the Biryuk: a person must perform the charges imputed to him (- I will celebrate my position, "he answered sullenly," the Lord's bread does not have to be). But humanity wins - Biryuk lets the peasant when no one hopes for it.

2. Just by heart poem poet songwriter (to choose). Personal perception of the work. Bulat Okudzhava Soviet poet, writer, prosais and author of more than 200 copyright songs and pops written on their own poems. He is one of the bright representatives of the author's songs of the 80s 50s
"By Smolensk Road"

The history of the creation: once Bulat O. Together with M. went hiking along the Smolensk road, drove in the car in winter. They had a guitar and while they drove then and composed, but poems appeared later. Topic: License Road with a loved one, common intonation is sad sad. There are song features: Word reversals, artistic expressive means Comparison + example

According to the Smolensk Road - Forest, Forests, Forests. According to Smolensk Road - pillars, pillars, pillars. Had dear Smolensk, like your eyes, - the evening of the evening stars, the blue of my destinies. According to the Smolensk road - a blizzard in the face, in the face. It is about us from the house, affairs, affairs. Maybe, if your hands are your hands -Bork, it is probably a way to me. According to Smolensk Road - Forest, Forests, Forests. According to Smolensk Road - the pillars buzz, buzz. On the road Smolenskaya, like your eyes, two cold stars of blue look, look.

The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba", which is included in the Mirgorod's Tag cycle (2 parts) was written in 1834. This is one of the most outstanding Russian historical works in the artistic literature of the time, which is characterized by a large number of actors, multiplicity and wellness of compositions, as well as the depth and capacity of characters characteristics.

History of creation

The idea to write a large-scale historical story about the feat of the Zaporizhia Cossacks arose in Gogol in 1830, he worked on the creation of the text for almost ten years, but the final edit was not completed. In 1835, in the 1st part of Mirgore, the author's version of Taras Bulba is published, in 1942 the light saw a somewhat edition of this manuscript.

Each time Nikolai Vasilyevich remained a disadvantaged printed version of the story, and put up at least eight times in its content. For example, it has occurred significantly an increase in its volume: from three to nine chapters, the images of the main characters have become brighter and textured, more bright descriptions have been added to the battle scenes, the life and life of Zaporizhia SECHS hurt new interesting details.

(Illustration of Victor Vasnetsov to "Taras Bulba" Gogol, 1874)

Gogol very carefully and pickyly read the written text in the desire to create a unique combination, as it is impossible to reveal his talent as a writer penetrating into the depths of the characters, showing the unique identity of the entire Ukrainian people as a whole. To understand and transfer the ideals of the era described by him, the author of the story with great passion and enthusiasm studied the most diverse sources in which the history of Ukraine was described.

To give the story of a special national color, which was brightly manifested in the description of the life, character characters, in bright and juicy, epitheats and comparisons, Gogol used the works of Ukrainian folklore (Duma, songs). The work was based on the history of the Cossack uprising of 1638, to suppress those who were instructed by Hetman Pototsky. The prototype of the main character of Taras Bulba was Ataman Zaporizhzhia troops Okhrim Makuha, the brave warrior and the devotee of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who had three sons (Nazar, Homa and Omelko).

Analysis of the work

Story line

The beginning of the story marks the arrival of Taras Bulba with sons to Zaporizhia. Father brings them in order to say that "I smelled gunpowder," "I got a mind," and leaning in battles with enemy forces, became real defenders of their homeland. Update to SECH, young people almost immediately find themselves in the very epicenter of developing events. I did not even have time to look around and get acquainted with local customs, they call on military service to the Zaporizhia army and go to the war with a gentleman, who oppresses the Orthodox people, barking his rights and freedoms.

Cossacks as people courageous and noble, who loving their souls and sacred in the vows, could not but interfere in the inconsistency, creative by the Polish gentry, they considered their holy duty to defend their depreciation and faith of their ancestors. Cossack army performs hiking and bravely fights with the Polish army, much superior to the Cossack strength both by the number of warriors, so in the number of weapons. Their forces are gradually dried, although the Cossacks do not recognize themselves in this, so great in them faith in the struggle for the right thing, martial spirit and love for their native land.

The battle under Dubno is described by the author in a kind of folklore style, in which the image of the Cossacks is likened to the image of the legendary hectares who defended Russia in ancient times, which is why Taras Bulba asks his twigs "Do they have gunpowder in the boohovenitsa" Once: "There is, Batko! Cossack power did not weaken, still the Cossacks are not bent! " Many warriors find their death in this battle, dying with words that glorify Russian Earth, because to die for their homeland for the Cossacks was considered the highest valor and honor.

main characters

Ataman Taras Bulba

One of the main characters of the narration is the Cossack Ataman Taras Bulba, this experienced and courageous warrior, along with his older son, Ostap is always in the first row of the Cossack offensive. He, like the Ostap, who had already been elected his twin at the Atamans on 22 years old, is distinguished by non-good force, courage, nobility, a wrestling nature warehouse and is a real defender of his land and his people, his whole life is devoted to serving the dedication and its compatriots.

Senior Son Ostap

The brave warrior, like his father, with all his heart, who loving his land, Ostap captures the enemy and dies with a severe martyrdom. All torture and tests he puts with a stoic courage as a real giant, whose face is calm and sternly. Although his father and hurts to see the torment of the Son, he is proud of them, admires his power of will, and blesses him for heroic death, because it is worthy of only real men and patriots of their state. His Cossack Brothers, who came along with him, following the example of their Ataman, also with dignity, and some prosecution takes death on the plate.

The fate of Tarasa Bulba itself is no less tragic: having captured to Lyakham, he dies with a martyr's terrible death, he is sentenced to burning on a fire. And again, this selfless and brave old warrior is not afraid of such a lute death, because for the Cossacks, the most terrible in their life was not death, but loss of their own dignity, violation of the holy laws of the partnership and the betrayal of the Motherland.

Junior Son Andriy

In the story, touched and this topic, the younger son of the old Taras, Andry, having loved the Polish beauty, becomes a traitor and goes into an enemy camp. He, as well as the elder brother, is distinguished by courage and courage, but his spiritual world is more rich, complicated and controversial, the mind is more silent and cleft, his mental organization is thinner and sensitive. Having loved the Polish Pannet, Andriy rejects the romance of war, extinguishing the battle, thirst for victory and is completely given to the will of the feelings that make it a traitor and the traitor of their people. His native father does not forgive him the most terrible sin - treason and makes him a sentence: death from his own hand. So the carnal love for a woman, whom the writer considers the source of all the troubles and the creations of the devil, eclipsed the love of his homeland in the soul of Andria, without bringing him as a result of happiness, and in the end his destroyed.

Features of composite construction

In this work, the great classic of Russian literature depicts the confrontation of the Ukrainian people and the Polish gentry, who wants to seize the Ukrainian land and enslave its inhabitants from young to great. In the description of the life and life of the Zaporizhzhya Schitch, which the author considered the place where the "will and Cossacks for the whole of Ukraine" develops, especially warm feelings of the author are felt, such as pride, admiration and dieseltic patriotism. Depicting the life and life of Schove, her inhabitants Gogol in his brainchild combines historical realities with high lyrical pathos, which constitutes the main feature of the work that is both realistic and poetic.

Images of literary characters are depicted by a writer through their portraits described by actions, through the prism of relationships with other heroes. Even the description of nature, such as the steppe, on which the old Taras is rifled with sons, helps to penetrate their souls more deeply and reveal the character of heroes. In the landscape scenes in abundance there are various artistic and expressive techniques, there are many epithets, metaphors, comparisons, it is they who give the described objects and phenomena that striking uniqueness, rage and uniqueness that the reader amaze right in the heart and touches for the soul.

The story "Taras Bulba" is a heroic work that glorifys the love of his homeland, its people, the Orthodox faith, the holiness of the feat in their name. The image of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks is similar to the image of the epic warriors of antiquity, boring Russian land from all sorts of attack. The work is glorified by courage, heroism, courage and dedication of heroes who did not betray the holy bonds of the partnership and to the last breath of those who defended their native land. The traitors of the homeland are equated by the author to the enemy grade to be destroyed without any point of conscience. After all, such people, having lost their honor and conscience, are still deprived of the souls, they should not live on the land of the Fatherland, which, with such great fervor and love, felt in his work a brilliant Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

  1. What period of the life of Ukraine is dedicated to the story? How does the writer characterize the creation of this work?
  2. N. V. Gogol was very interested in the history of his native of Ukraine, he admired the folk heroes - Zaporozhye Cossacks, which in the XVI-XVII centuries selflessly fought against oppressors of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples - the Polish gentry. The writer was looking for great things and heroic characters in the past, opposing them to the petty concerns and small characters of his contemporaries. The creation of a story characterizes N. V. Gogol as a Patriot, who was proud of Govlovy Zaporozhtsev, the heroic history of his homeland.

  3. Is it successful to you the beginning of a story? Why?
  4. The beginning of the story seems to us, its readers, not just successful, and the only possible: literally from the first lines, the flavor of the era is tragic in their essence, but with comic situations in the life and behavior of heroes. The author introduces the reader to the family of an old Cossack, introduces unique ineffs, customs, relationships, combining heroic and humor in the characters and behavior of their heroes.

  5. What thoughts and feelings of Gogol are expressed in words: "Does there be in the world such lights, flour and such a force that would repulse Russian power!"? How are they connected with the content of the entire one?
  6. The tale of Gogol is devoted to the events of the liberation movement in Ukraine, the struggle of the Cossacks with Polish invaders, the Turks and Tatar Hordes. In these words, the admiration of the Piider's courage and the grandeur of people, boutured for the freedom and happiness of their father and giving life for him.

  7. What qualities of Taras Bulba as a folk hero are embodied in a story? Make a plan of ha-rocteryistics of Taras Bulba (including the op-determination of the main features of the character of the hero and episodi, these features confirm).
  8. Taras is a wise Cossack and an experienced in-in who respected comrades and are elected by its overall ataman; Brave, courageous and stern man, who has gone to the defense of the Fatherland.

    Plan characteristics

    1. Taras - Father and Husband (the arrival of sons and the decision to carry them into the Schish; relationship with his wife).
    2. Bulba - a man of juicy (liberty and unrestrainedness of nature and at the same time su-records and asceticism, dedication to the general case). The main values \u200b\u200bof his life is the struggle for the Christian faith and comrades, the highest assessment for him is the "good Kozak".
    3. Taras Bulba - Warrior (fight for Dubno, the last battle of Taras).
    4. Attitude towards the partnership (talking about the partnership, attitude to the Cossacks of Se Chi).
    5. Character born time. Web and tragedy of Taras.
  9. Why, reading the story, "... You are surprised to him (Taras. - Aut.), And terrible, and laugh at him" (V. G. Belinsky)?
  10. The nature of the main character of the story is very multifaceted. Surprises in Taras, the mowlessness and rudeness of his nature, contemplating with devotion and tenderness, we laugh at its immediacy, simplicity and cheerfulness, horror, and his cruelty and mercilessness.

  11. Make a comparative characteristic of Osta and Andria, paying attention to the following questions: What impression leaves the first acquaintance with the brothers? What distinguished them while studying in Bursa? What is the difference between the behavior of Osta and Andria in Zaporizhzhya Schashka, in battle? How did the brothers died? Using the material of previous response and recommendations for comparative ha-painter, compare the Ves-Pa and Andria brothers.
  12. Sample plan

    1. The similarity of Ostare and Andria:
    2. a) one family;

      b) upbringing;

      c) teaching in Bursa;

      d) Surroundings in Sich.

    3. Differences of the brothers:
    4. a) appearance, character;

      b) attitude towards people;

      c) the perception of nature and beauty;

      d) attitude to war, behavior in battle;

      e) the death of the brothers.

  13. Find lyric retreats in the text. How are they related to the main narration and for what are introduced into the story?
  14. Gogol introduces a number of lyry retreats to the narrative (description of the steppe, Dnieper, etc.), creating an emotional-artistic subtext of the story, expressing the author-well to the depicted, correlative paintings of nature with the fate of heroes.

  15. Is it possible to call "Taras Boulabu" with a historic story? Is there authentic historical persons in this work, correlated with specific historical times?
  16. In Tarasa Bulbe, there is no image of genuine historical facts, real historical faces. Time is shown in the story, it is possible to determine only with approximate accuracy: the XV-XVII century. There is no single historical fact in the story, that is, Gogol did not put the goal for himself to talk about specific historical events, was not going to recreate the picture of the historical past. The historic background in the story is sufficiently able to velo. Gogol put in front of him tasks not so much historical as epic, therefore Taras Bulba is not a historical story, but heroic epic. Jacques in folklore products reflect the vital ideals, folk consciousness, and in the events of Gogol are recreated by the ideal manual characters.

  17. What moments did the greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba showed? What is the last feat he committed? Material from site.

    The greatness of the spirit of Taras Bulba manifested itself in the most dramatic moments of his life and the life of the Cossacks: here it reminds comrades about what a partnership is, and finds such words that have been needed, poured new courage to Cossacks; Here he is executed by the traitor's son; Here, risking life, supports the death of the second son - the Hero of Ostav; That's when the fire has already licked his legs, it does not think about himself, not about how to escape himself, but about how to save from the faithful death of his comrades.

  18. How does the author of Taras Boulabu and his sons characterize? How does it expresses your attitude towards them?
  19. What role does the story of the Ukrainian steppe play a story? What is interesting this description?
  20. How are the life and morals of the Zaporizhia Snish?
  21. What attractive images of the Corpozhtsev?
  22. Why exactly Tarasa Bulbu chose the Cossacks by the mad ataman? Do you consider you a successful choice?
  23. How did the life and the morals of the Zaporizhia Side of the Sons of Taras? Why did Ostap immediately found his place in the Cossacks environment, and Andrio was harder to get close to them?
  24. How and why Andri became a traitor? Do you admit that such fate could comprehend the Ostap?
  25. How is the heroism of the Cossacks in the battles under the city of Dubno? Does the author's voice hear here?
  26. What ended the second battle under Dubno for Taras and his sons? What feelings did you have a story about the death of Andria from the hand of the Father? Did this episode changed your opinion about them before?
  27. How did Ostap died? Why is he who is his father before death?
  28. What rows of the story express her basic idea?

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On this page, material on the themes:

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  • writers about the story Taras Bulba
  • taras Bulba Answers to Questions
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  • questions Taras Bulba What is the story

The story "Taras Bulba" is one of the most beautiful poetic creatures of Russian fiction. In the center of the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba" is the heroic image of the people, who is fighting for justice and its independence from the invaders. Never in Russian literature did not reflect so full and brightly span of people's life. Every hero is peculiar, individual and is an integral part of the life of the people.

In his work, Gogol shows the people not subalkal and submissive, but free and proud, merciless to the enemies of the Motherland and the people, traitors and traitors. Heroes are endowed with self-esteem, mind, nobility, freedom-loving, able to endure any flour in the name of debris.

The image of Taras penetrate the harsh and tender paternity poetry. He is a father not only for his sons, but also for the Cossacks who entrusted him command. The image of Taras is one of the most tragic images in world literature. His heroic death confirms the greatness of the struggle for the freedom of the people.

In his story, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol not only talks about fearless warriors, but also gives the detailed pictures of lush and beautiful nature. Characteristic features of Gogol mastery are expressed in landscape sketches. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol perfectly painted nature. "The steppe, the further, the more beautiful. Then the whole south, the whole space that constitutes the current Novorossia, to the Black Sea itself, was a green virgin desert ... I could not be better in nature. The entire surface of the Earth is presented by the Green-Golden Ocean, which splashed millions of different colors ... "

The image of the steppe for the writer is the image of the birthplace, strong, mighty and beautiful. In the description of the steppe and affected by the hot love of Gogol to his native land, faith in her power and power, admiration for her beauty and endless expanses. Promotable, infinite steppes help to understand the nature of the Cossacks, the origins of their heroism. Only courageous people can live in such a steppe, proud, strong, bold, endowed with a latitude of the soul and generosity of the heart. The steppe is the birthplace of the heroes, Bogatiere-Zaporozhtsev.

The landscape of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is very lyric, imbued with a feeling of admiration and amazes the wealth of paints. Nature helps the reader fully understand the inner world of heroes. When the sons of Taras, saying goodbye to a saddler mother, leave their native farm, Gogol, instead of showing the oppressed mood of travelers, is limited to the phrase: "The day was gray, the greens glittered brightly, the birds twitched somehow." Instantly reveals the inner world and the state of the soul of heroes. People are upset, they cannot focus, all the surrounding seems to be devoid of unity and harmony.

Nature lives at Gogol as tense and multifaceted life as his heroes.

When describing the siege of the city of Dubno before the meeting of Andria, with the maid of a wonderful Panley, there is also a landscape sketch. "Some kind of hearth", which the young man feels, is associated with Gogol with the Paintings of the July night. However, there is no admiration for its beauties, but there is a feeling of anxiety. Next to the description of the starry sky there is a view of the covered camp of the Cossacks, and "something majestic and terrible", which turned out to be "glow away the harvested surroundings", as if warns of impending terrible events.

The landscape in the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" plays an important role, scoop, but very accurately outlining the scene and mood of heroes.

The cooking on the literature on the works of N.V. Gogol.

Writing text:

The story "Taras Bulba" is one of the most beautiful poetic creatures of Russian fiction. In the center of the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba" is the heroic image of the people, who is fighting for justice and its independence from the invaders. Never in Russian literature did not reflect so full and brightly span of people's life. Every hero is peculiar, individual and is an integral part of the life of the people.
In his work, Gogol shows the people not subalkal and submissive, but free and proud, merciless to the enemies of the Motherland and the people, traitors and traitors. Heroes are endowed with self-esteem, mind, nobility, freedom-loving, able to endure any flour in the name of debris.
The image of Taras penetrate the harsh and tender paternity poetry. He is a father not only for his sons, but also for the Cossacks who entrusted him command. The image of Taras is one of the most tragic images in world literature. His heroic death confirms the greatness of the struggle for the freedom of the people.
In his story, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol not only talks about fearless warriors, but also gives the detailed pictures of lush and beautiful nature. Characteristic features of Gogol mastery are expressed in landscape sketches. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol perfectly painted nature. "The steppe, the further, the more beautiful. Then the whole south, the whole space that constitutes the current Novorossia, to the Black Sea itself, was a green virgin desert ... I could not be better in nature. The entire surface of the Earth is presented by the Green-Golden Ocean, which splashed millions of different colors ... "
The image of the steppe for the writer is the image of the birthplace, strong, mighty and beautiful. In the description of the steppe and affected by the hot love of Gogol to his native land, faith in her power and power, admiration for her beauty and endless expanses. Promotable, infinite steppes help to understand the nature of the Cossacks, the origins of their heroism. Only courageous people can live in such a steppe, proud, strong, bold, endowed with a latitude of the soul and generosity of the heart. The steppe is the birthplace of the heroes, Bogatiere-Zaporozhtsev.
The landscape of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is very lyric, imbued with a feeling of admiration and amazes the wealth of paints. Nature helps the reader fully understand the inner world of heroes. When the sons of Taras, saying goodbye to a saddler mother, leave their native farm, Gogol, instead of showing the oppressed mood of travelers, is limited to the phrase: "The day was gray, the greens glittered brightly, the birds twitched somehow." Instantly reveals the inner world and the state of the soul of heroes. People are upset, they cannot focus, all the surrounding seems to be devoid of unity and harmony.
Nature lives at Gogol as tense and multifaceted life as his heroes.
When describing the siege of the city of Dubno before the meeting of Andria, with the maid of a wonderful Panley, there is also a landscape sketch. "Somewadochot on the heart", which the young man feels, is compared with Gahol with the picture of the July night. However, there is no admiration for its beauties, but there is a feeling of anxiety. Next to the description of the starry sky there is a view of the covered camp of the Cossacks, and "something majestic and terrible", which turned out to be "glow away the harvested surroundings", as if warns of impending terrible events.
The landscape in the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" plays an important role, scoop, but very accurately outlining the scene and mood of heroes.

Reference material for a schoolboy:
Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich - a representative of the Pleiads of the most prominent and honored writers of Russia.
Years of life: 1809-1852.
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