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Placing U2. Categories of climatic versions: Uhl1, U1, Uhl2, U2, Uhl3, U3, Uhl4, U4. Some examples of climatic performances and placement categories

Depending on the execution for different climatic areas, categories and operating conditions, as well as storage conditions in terms of the impact of climate factors, the external products are assigned marking according to GOST 1 51 50-69. Marking according to GOST 14254-96 denotes the degree of protection provided by the shells.

Marking U1: Products intended for use in the moderate climate outdoors (placement category 1).

Marking U2: products for use in a moderate climate under a canopy or indoors with free air access (placement category 2).

Marking UZ: products for use in a moderate climate in closed rooms with natural ventilation (placement category 3).

Marking T1 .T2.Tz: products for use both in with dry and in a wet tropical climate, with outdoor accommodation, under a canopy, in closed rooms with natural ventilation.

Marking UHL1: products for use in a moderate and cold climate outdoors (placement category 1).

Marking UHL-4: Products for use in a temperate and cold climate in rooms with artificially adjustable climatic conditions (placement category 4).

Marking UT1.5: Products for use both in moderate and in a dry or wet tropical climate, both in the open air (placement category 1) and indoors with high humidity (placement category 5).

In moderate and cold climates, special requirements are provided due to the low temperature of the operation. Thus, those products that are intended for use in the UHL1 category areas should be made of materials that are able to maintain properties at -70 degrees Celsius.

Marking by the index "C" means that the product has obtained a zinc coating by means of a hot galvanizing procedure. Index "X" marked products with chemical-resistant coating. Important: Products made to operate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe placement category 1 can be applied in areas with category 2, 3 and 4, however, the opposite is incorrect. Also, products, marked UT1.5 can be applied to replace products with marking U1, U2, U3, T1, T2, T3.

The following types of protective coatings are applied using the manufacturing technology in the factory:

  1. Paint and varnish, including chemical resistant paintwork
  2. Galvanic galvanizing
  3. Hot dip galvanizing by immersion in melted zinc

The use of thin polystylene steel, which has been widespread, the use of thin polystylene steel, which has been widespread by a hot way according to the Senjimira method in continuous galvanizing aggregates.

The degree of protection is indicated by the letters "IP" followed by two digits. In the first digit, the degree of protection of the product is encoded from ingestion of solid foreign bodies, and in the second - the degree of protection against water from entering water.

Types of climatic performance of machines, devices and other technical products on the territory of the Russian Federation are defined in GOST 15150-69 "Climatic execution of instruments and machines".

Climatic execution, as a rule, is specified in the latest group of signs of technical devices.

The letter part indicates the climatic zone:

for products intended for operation on land, rivers, lakes

Y - moderate climate;

Uhl * - temperate and cold climate;

T - tropical climate;

O - general-climatic performance (except for regions with a very cold climate);

for products intended for operation in areas with marine climates

M is a moderately cold marine climate;

TM - Tropical Marine Climate

OM is a moderately cold and tropical marine climate (general-grade marine);

B is a global performance (except area with a very cold climate).

* if the main purpose of the product is to operate in an area with a cold climate and their use is economically impractical outside of this area, instead of the designation uln, the use of chl.

Next for an alphabetic digital part means the placement category:

1 - outdoors;

2 - under a canopy or indoors, where conditions are the same as in the open air and there is relatively free access of outdoor air, with the exception of solar radiation, precipitation;

3 - indoors with natural ventilation without artificial regulation of climatic conditions;

4 - in a closed room with artificial regulation of climatic conditions (ventilation, heating);

5 - indoors with high humidity, without artificial regulation of climatic conditions.

Products of the types of climatic execution specified in the first line of the table are not made. 1, since these products meet the requirements for products of climatic execution, given respectively in the second line Table 1

Permissible values \u200b\u200bof operating temperatures for basic climatic versions are presented in Table. 2.

Product performance

The temperature of the air temperature during operation ,? with

Limit working

The working values \u200b\u200bof air humidity for major climatic versions are presented in Table 3

Product performance

Relative humidity

Absolute humidity, average annual value, g * m?

Average annual value

Top value

Y, uhl, hl, that

75% at 15? With

100% at 25? With

75% at 15? With

98% at 25? With

90% at 15? With

100% at 25? With

60% at 20? With

80% at 25? With

T, tv, tm, o, in, ohm,

80% at 27? With

100% at 35? With

T, tv, tm, in, ohm,

75% at 27? With

98% at 35? With

TV, TM, O, B, Ohm,

75% at 27? With

980% at 35? With

Working values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors - Naturally changing or unchanged climatic factors, within which the required nominal parameters and economically appropriate terms of products are preserved.

Limit working values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors of the external environment during operation -the values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors, within which products can (extremely rare and for no more than 6 hours, and for the lower temperature value - 12h) to be during operation and should be:

a) maintain performance, but may not save the required accuracy and nominal parameters (in the standard or technical specifications, permissible deviations on accuracy and nominal parameters should be indicated if these deviations occur);

b) after stopping the action of these limit working values \u200b\u200bto restore the required accuracy and nominal parameters.

Instruments and various technical products are characterized by climatic performance and placement category. In this article we consider the climatic execution in detail Uhl.

Download GOST 15150-69 you can.

Decoding climatic execution Uhl:

  • W. - moderate climatic area;
  • Hp - Cold climatic area.

Thus, you can draw the following conclusion.

Uhl - moderate and cold climate
Temperature from -60 s ° to +40 s °

Opinion expert

Editor-in-chief Linijaopory.

Pay attention to the similarities and differences of climatic execution depending on the category of placement.

UHL1 - placement category 1

Operating temperature for UHL1:

  • minimum - minus 60 s °;
  • maximum - plus 40 s °.

Limit working temperature for UHL1:

  • minimum - minus 70 s °;
  • maximum - plus 45 s °.

Relative humidity for UHL1:

UHL2 - placement category 2

Operating temperature for UHL2:

  • minimum - minus 60 s °;
  • maximum - plus 40 s °.

Limit operating temperature for UHL2:

  • minimum - minus 70 s °;
  • maximum - plus 45 s °.

Relative humidity for UHL2:

  • average annual - 75% at 15 s °;
  • maximum - 100% at 25 s °.

UHL3 - placement category 3

Promotion category 3 provides for operation in indoor rooms without regulation of temperature conditions with natural ventilation (the temperature is practically no different from the street, there is no spray and water jets, a slight amount of dust).

Operating temperature for UHL3:

  • minimum - minus 60 s °;
  • maximum - plus 40 s °.

Limit operating temperature for UHL3:

  • minimum - minus 70 s °;
  • maximum - plus 45 s °.

Relative humidity for UHL3:

  • average annual - 75% at 15 s °;
  • maximum - 98% at 25 s °.

UHL4 - placement category 4

Promotion category 4 provides for operation in indoor premises with heating and with artificial ventilation (regulation of temperature conditions, no low temperatures, low dust concentration).

Operating temperature for UHL4:

  • minimum - plus 1 s °;
  • maximum - plus 35 s °.

Limit operating temperature for UHL4:

  • minimum - plus 1 s °;
  • maximum - plus 40 s °.

Relative humidity for UHL4:

  • average annual - 60% at 20 s °;
  • maximum - 80% at 25 s °.

UHL5 - placement category 5

Operating temperature for UHL5:

  • minimum - minus 10 s °;
  • maximum - plus 35 s °.

Terminal operating temperature for UHL5:

  • minimum - minus 10 s °;
  • maximum - plus 40 s °.

Relative humidity for UHL5:

  • average annual - 90% at 15 s °;
  • maximum - 100% at 25 s °.
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Modern machine manufacturers, instruments and other electrical products are required to adhere to a sufficiently large number of all sorts of regulatory documentation. Consequently, the goods offered will comply with both the requirements of the buyer and the prescriptions of the quality control bodies. One of the similar conditions is climatic execution.


Acquaintance with each question must be started with the study of the definitions used. Therefore, for a start, let's try to bring the most understandable formulation. So, climatic execution is a system of categories that includes the conditions for normal operation, transportation and storage of technical products relative to macroclimatic zoning of the surface of the globe. In other words, this term determines in what conditions one or another electrical installation can be operated. In turn, the binding to the districts allows you to consider various climatic

Normative documents

This system is certified by the current legislation and is GOST 15150 "Climatic Execution". This standard applies to all types and varieties of instruments, machines and other technical products. All requirements of the above document are mandatory. Exceptions are only conditions with the "recommended" or "allowable" marks. Like any other, GOST "climatic execution" lists the areas of application of the regulatory documentation under consideration. Consider some of them.

1. This standard is used both in design and in the manufacture of technical products. In addition, its compliance is mandatory when drawing up tasks for development and subsequent upgrades, creating standards.

2. The climatic performance of each product, as well as other technical parameters, should be saved within the limits of the established values.

3. Products manufactured by manufacturers products are intended for storage, operation and transportation in the ranges of the values \u200b\u200bof the factors under consideration. In exceptional cases, there may be a list of deviations permissible during operation.

4. In accordance with technical and economic appropriateness, it is recommended to produce technical products suitable for operation in several macroeons.

By present, there are several categories that are based on the separation of territories with similar conditions of the external environment. As a rule, the designation of one or another group is carried out using the corresponding letter marking. Consider a description of each category.

Marking U.

In the Latin version is indicated by the letter "N". Such climatic execution is used for territories characterized by moderate environmental conditions. In addition, it should be remembered that technical products are marked in a similar way may be subject to operation in warm wet, hot dry, as well as a very hot dry macroclimatic area, in which the average value of the annual absolute maximum air temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius, and The moisture value is equal to 80 percent or more. At the same time, such characteristics should be observed for more than 12 hours each day for two monthly continuous period. In turn, moderate climate has the following atmospheric air characteristics: the annual absolute maximum temperature does not exceed forty degrees Celsius. Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the climatic performance of y has the following temperature range: from -45 0 s to +40 0 C.

Marking HL

In the Latin version is indicated by the letter "F". Such a group is characterized by cold climates. The annual absolute minima of temperatures is -45 degrees Celsius. Electrical equipment with a similar type of marking is calculated for operation within the following limits: -60 0 C - +40 0 C.

Marking Uhl

In the Latin variant is indicated by the letters "NF". GOST "Climatic execution" of this category refers areas with moderate and cold environmental conditions. The temperature range of normal operation of products with such marking has the limits are the same as the previous group. In addition, the products released with this category can be used in the same cases as the goods of the U. group for example, a hot and very hot-dry climate, subject to the above-described conditions.

TV marking

In the Latin version, the letter "TN". Such climatic execution is characterized by the operation of technical products in wet tropical environmental conditions. The atmospheric air has the following parameters: the temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius, humidity more than 80 percent. A special condition is to preserve the above requirements for more than 12 hours every day for two months continuously. The limits of operating temperatures of normal operation are +1 - +40 0 C.

TC Marking

In the Latin version is indicated by the letters "that". Despite the similarity in the title with the previous category, this group has many differences. The average value of the annual absolute maxima of temperatures is +40 degrees Celsius. The range of similar values \u200b\u200bwhen used ranges from -10 to +50 0 S.

Marking T.

In the Latin version is indicated by the letter "T". Technical products marked with such labeling are able to carry out normal operation in the tropical climate.

Marking O.

In the Latin version is indicated by the letter "U" and is a general-climatic execution. Products characterized in a similar way can be operated in all macroclimatic sushi areas with the exception of very cold environmental conditions. Temperature limits range from -60 0 s to +50 0 S.

Marking M.

In the Latin version is also denoted by the letter "M". This category includes electrical products that are intended for normal operation in macroclimatic areas in the conditions of a moderately cold environmental-type environment.

Marking TM.

In the Latin version, the letters "MT" is indicated and includes territories characterized by tropical sea conditions of atmospheric air. This category includes technical products intended for operation on coastal ships or any other used only in the redistribution of these areas.

Marking Om.

In the Latin version, the letter "MU". The presented group combines machines, devices and other products, the normal operation of which will be carried out in areas of both tropical and temperate climates. Thus, the considered category includes various vessels with unlimited diving territories.

Marking B.

In the Latin version is indicated by the letter "w". This group is quite specific, since it includes electrical products intended for ubiquitous use, both on land and water. Such execution is called global. A feature is the impossibility of use only in areas characterized by very cold environmental conditions. The temperature limits of normal operation range from -60 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Placement places

Currently, electrical products are marked in a special way (the climatic execution and placement category indicates). In this regard, the marking is a combination of alphabetic and numerical designation. This allows customers to immediately see, this device fits them or not.

Category 1.

Technical products, marked in a similar way, are intended for operation in outdoor air conditions. Consequently, they are exposed to the entire totality of atmospheric factors. For example, climatic execution U1.

Category 2.

It implists the normal operation of equipment under a canopy or in rooms exposed to oscillations of the values \u200b\u200bof atmospheric air parameters to the same extent as the open space. For example, it may be body.

Category 3.

This group includes technical products that must be used only in closed rooms. At the same time, the latter must have the following features: the absence of artificial regulators of environmental conditions; The effects of dust and sand are significantly less than outdoors. Climatic execution U3 can be used in rooms with thermal insulation made of metal, wood, concrete and other materials. Such objects can be attributed to the category of irregularly heated. Thus, climatic execution U3 implies the absence of precipitation, direct sunlight, a significant decrease in the impact of wind and moisture.

Category 4.

Equipment related to this group can be used in rooms characterized by artificially regulating the parameters of the medium well ventilated underground buildings. It is implied the absence of direct solar radiation, wind, moisture, sand.

Category 5.

Similar technical products can be operated in rooms with elevated moisture values. For example, in underground rooms, in the soil, as well as on ships.

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1.1. This standard should be applied in the design and manufacture of products. In particular, it should be applied in the preparation of technical tasks for the development or modernization of products, as well as in the development of state standards and technical conditions that establish requirements in terms of the impact of climate factors of the external environment for a group of products, and in the absence of these group documents - for certain types of products. .

1.2. Products must maintain their parameters within the norms established by the technical tasks, standards or specifications during the service life and the duration of the persistences specified in the technical tasks, standards or technical conditions, after and (or) in the process of exposure to climate factors, the values \u200b\u200bof which are established by this standard.

Products are intended for operation, storage and transportation in the range from the top to the lower value of these climatic factors, and in addition to the ranges of climatic factors, within which it provides for operations of products, one or more narrower ranges of climatic factors can be installed within the limits which provide a narrower range of parameter deviations (for example, higher accuracy of regulation or measurements). Within these ranges, several values \u200b\u200bof the same factor may also be established when setting requirements for various operations or individual specifications, for example, several values \u200b\u200bof the upper and (or) efficient temperature at various resources or service life.

In the necessary cases, in the standards or technical conditions, the deviations of the parameters from their initial values \u200b\u200bmust be indicated during operation.

1.3. For specific types or groups of products, the types of affecting climatic factors and their nominal values \u200b\u200bare established depending on the conditions of operation of products in the relevant technical tasks, standards and technical conditions.

If there are documents establishing for groups of products, the connection between the values \u200b\u200bof the factors specified in this standard and the conditions for the use of products should be guided by the instructions of these documents.

1.3 a. It is allowed to operate products in macroclimatic areas and (or) places where products are intended if the climatic factors do not go beyond the limits of the nominal values \u200b\u200bset for these products. For example, products of the type of climate execution UHL4 can be operated in the summer dry period under UHL2.

It is allowed to operate products under conditions where the values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors go beyond the limits of the set nominal values, if the deviations of the service and (or) of other product parameters are allowed. At the same time, the permissibility of operation and its deadlines, the values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors, allowed deviations of the service life and (or) other product parameters, and also (if necessary), additional product service requirements are installed in the regulatory and technical documentation or coordinate with the product supplier.

1.4. In accordance with the economic and technical feasibility, it is recommended to produce products suitable for operation in several districts and (or) places of placement established by this standard.

1.5. Products can also be intended for operation in several macroclimatic areas and (or) places of placement or for storage in several conditions alternately during different timing; In these cases, combinations of various operating conditions or storage conditions under these conditions are established in standards or technical conditions on products.

1.2-1.4. (Modified edition, change No. 2).

1.6. Requirements on the effects of climatic factors of the external environment in standards, technical specifications and other regulatory and technical documentation for products are established in accordance with Annex 8.

2. Climatic execution and categories

2.1 a. Types of climates and macroclimate and the criteria for their distinction are given in PP. 2.2-2.6 and Appendix 9.

2.1. Products are intended for operation in one or several macroclimatic areas, the selection criteria of which are indicated in PP. 2.1A-2.6 and Appendix 9, and manufactured in climatic versions (hereinafter referred to) specified in Table. one.

Several macroclimatic districts can be combined into a group of macroclimatic areas (for example UHL, T).

Table 1

Climatic execution of products

Designations *





Products intended for operation on land, rivers, lakes

For a macrilmatical area with temperate climate **

For macroclimatic areas with temperate and cold climate **

For a macroclimatic area with a wet tropical climate ***

For a macroclimatic area with a dry tropical climate ***

For macroclimatic areas, both dry and with a wet tropical climate ***

For all macroclimatic areas on land, except for a macroclimatic area with a very cold climate (generally climatic performance)

Products intended for operation in macroclimatic areas with marine climates

For a macroclimatic area with a moderately cold maritime climate

For a macroclimatic area with a tropical climate, including for ships of coastal voyage or other intended for swimming only in the area

For macroclimatic areas, both with moderately cold and tropical climates, including for ships of an unlimited area of \u200b\u200bswimming

Products intended for operation in all macroclimatic areas on land and at sea, except for a macroclimatic area with a very cold climate (all climatic performance)

* In brackets, the designations previously adopted in the technical documentation of some CEA country are given.

** Products in performances y and uhl can be operated in warm wet, hot dry and very hot dry climatic areas according to GOST 16350, in which the average of the annual absolute maxima temperature is above 40 ° C and (or) a combination of temperature equal to or above 20 ° C, and relative humidity, equal to or above 80%, is observed more than 12 hours per day for a continuous period of more than two months a year.

Specific types or groups of exported or other products for macroclimatic subharies with a warm temperate climate are allowed to be manufactured in climatic execution, if the design differences of products of this execution from the products of the climatic execution of the U. technical and economically substantiates

*** These versions can be indicated by the term "tropical execution".

**** If the main purpose of the products is operation in the area with a cold climate and their use is economically impractical outside of this area, instead of the designation uln, the designation of CL (F) is recommended.

2.2. The macroclimatic area with temperate climate includes areas where the average of the annual absolute maxima temperature is equal to or below plus 40 ° C, and the average of the annual absolute minima temperature is equal to or above minus 45 ° C (in accordance with Appendix 9).

It is allowed from the macroclimatic region with a temperate climate to allocate a macroclimatic subrayeon with a warm moderate subtype of the macroclimate, for which the average of the annual absolute minima air temperature is equal to or above minus 25 ° C (in accordance with Appendix 9).

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.3. The macro-flimatic area with a cold climate includes areas in which the average of the annual absolute minima air temperature is below minus 45 ° C (in accordance with Appendix 9).

The borders of the macroclimatic area with a cold climate on the territory of the Russian Federation are provided in the obligatory application 2. The cold climate area is indicated on the map in Appendix 6.

In coordination with the customer, it is allowed to supply products performed for moderate climate to areas within 50 km from the south-western and southeastern borders of the macroclimatic area with a cold climate in the Russian Federation.

Products placed on mobile installations intended for deliveries to the area of \u200b\u200bthe coast of Okhotsk (north of the mouth of the river river) and Bering Seas (with the exception of the Kamchatka Peninsula) must be made in the execution of HL.

The Macroclimatic District with Antarctic Cold Climate includes areas where the average minimum temperature is lower than minus 60 ° C (Central Antarctica).

(Modified edition, change No. 4).

2.4. The Macroclimatic District with a wet tropical climate in accordance with Annex 9 includes areas for which the combination of the "average annual relative humidity-average annual temperature" comply with classification groups 1 and 2 by damn. 1 Appendix 9.

The macroclimatic area with a dry tropical climate includes areas in which the average of the annual absolute maxima temperature of the air is above 40 ° C and in which the combination values \u200b\u200bof the "average annual relative humidity-average annual temperature" correspond to the classification group 5 by damn. 1 Annex 9, as well as a climatic area with a transient climate in accordance with Annex 9. The list of countries related to areas with a wet and dry tropical climate is given in Appendix 3.

Macroflimatic areas of the globe are shown on the map in Appendix 6.

(Modified edition, change No. 4).

2.5. The macroclimatic area with a moderately cold maritime climate includes seas, oceans and a coastal area within the immediate effects of seawater, located north of 30 ° northern latitude or south of 30 ° south latitude (in accordance with Appendix 9).

(Modified edition, change No. 4).

2.6. The Macroclimatic District with the tropical maritime climate includes the sea, oceans and the coastal territory within the immediate effects of seawater, located between 30 ° of the northern latitude and 30 ° of southern latitude (in accordance with Appendix 9).

(Modified edition, change No. 4).

2.6A. The characteristics of climate types and macroclimate on temperature and humidity is provided in Appendix 11.

Data on compliance between climate and macroblimates according to the present standard and types and groups of climates on international standards IEC are given in Appendix 12.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 4).

2.7. Products in versions under paragraph 2.1 depending on the placement location during operation in the air at heights up to 4300 m (including under the ground and under water) are manufactured by categories of product accommodation (hereinafter categorized of products) specified in Table. 2.

table 2




Designation (for decimal system)

To operate outdoors (the impact of a set of climatic factors characteristic of this macroclimatic area)

For storage in the process of operation in rooms of category 4 and work as in category 4 conditions, and (briefly) in other conditions, including outdoors

To operate under a canopy or indoors (volumes), where the fluctuations in temperature and humidity of air are insignificantly different from outdoor oscillations and there are relatively free access of outdoor air, for example, in tents, bodies, trailers, metal rooms without thermal insulation, as well as in the shell Complete product category 1 (lack of direct exposure to solar radiation and atmospheric precipitation)

To operate as built-in elements inside the complete product categories 1; 1.1; 2, the design of which eliminates the possibility of moisture condensation on the built-in elements (for example, inside the radio electronic equipment)

To operate in closed rooms (volumes) with natural ventilation without artificially adjustable climatic conditions, where the fluctuations in temperature and humidity of the air and the effects of sand and dust are significantly less than outdoors, for example, in metal with thermal insulation, stone, concrete, wooden rooms ( Lack of impact of atmospheric precipitation, direct solar radiation; a significant reduction in wind; a significant reduction in or no exposure to scattered solar radiation and moisture condensation)

For operation in irregularly heated rooms (volumes)

To operate in rooms (volumes) with artificially adjustable climatic conditions, for example, in closed heated or cooled and ventilated production

For operation indoors with air conditioned or partially air-conditioned air

and others, including well-ventilated underground rooms (the absence of direct solar radiation, atmospheric precipitation, wind, sand and outer air dust; lack of or substantial decrease in exposure to scattered solar radiation and moisture condensation)

For operation in laboratory, capital residential and other similar types of rooms

To operate in rooms (volumes) with high humidity (for example, in unheated and non-ventilated underground rooms, including mines, basements, in soil, in such ship, ship and other rooms, in which the long-lasting water availability or frequent moisture condensation is possible Walls and ceiling, in particular, in some holds, in some shops of textile, hydrometallurgical industries, etc.).

For operation as built-in elements inside a complete product categories 5, the design of which eliminates the possibility of moisture condensation on the built-in elements (for example, inside the radio electronic equipment)

For products intended for use only in a non-midcast medium and (or) at atmospheric pressure of less than 53.3 kPa (400 mm Hg), including at the heights of more than 4300 m, the concept of category of products does not apply for all operations of operation. If the same product is intended for operation in both the heights at altitudes up to 4,300 m and in a non-midcast medium and (or) at atmospheric pressure of less than 53.3 kPa (400 mm Hg. Art.), Including at altitudes More than 4300 m, then the concept of category of products is used only for the operating stage in the air at heights up to 4300 m.

Falling apparatus, as well as products intended for operation at altitudes of more than 1000 m under reduced atmospheric pressure (including products intended for operation, both at the heights of more than 1000 m and at altitudes up to 1000 m) are manufactured by groups depending on the reduced atmospheric pressure in accordance with Appendix 7, Table. one.

The designation category of products is allowed to apply to designate the place from the placement and placement of parts and surfaces of products or structures (for example, a closed heated and ventilated room can be denoted by the "placement category 4" or "category 4" category).

The combination of execution, categories and groups at low pressure are called "climate execution" (for example, the type of climatic execution UHL4 or the type of climatic execution UHL2O4A). The designation of the climate execution of the product add a type of atmosphere, for operation in which the product is intended if this is indicated in standards or technical conditions on the product.

Climatic conditions (a set of climatic factors) normed in this standard for any specific type of climate execution are denoted

"Conditions ............." (for example, UHL4 conditions).

type of climatic execution

For products developed before 01.07.79, it is allowed not to change the previously established designations of the climatic performances of products in the following cases:

    if products are outlined to removal from production until 01.07.85 and will not be available as spare parts;

    if it is necessary to use the existing snap and accompanying documentation made by the typographical way, but no later than 01.07.85.

(Modified edition, change No. 4).

2.7A. No products of the types of climatic execution specified in the first line of the table. 2a, since these products satisfy the requirements for products of climatic execution, given respectively in the second line of the table. 2a.

Table 2A.

Row number

Types of climatic execution




























(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 4).

2.8. In the conditional designation of the type (brand) of the product additionally, after all the designations relating to the product modification, letters and numbers indicate the type of climate performance of the product. For example, an AO2-21-4 type electric motor in version T for the placement category 2 denotes AO2-21-4T2.

The designation of the type of climatic execution indicates all types of documentation, including the operational, as well as on the factory plate (label), in which the type (brand) of the product should be given.

It is allowed not to introduce the type of climate execution into the conditional designation of the type (brand) of the product in the cases specified in subparagraphs A, B, B. In this case, the climate execution type should be specified in standards or technical specifications, operational documentation. The designation may not indicate:

b) the type of climate execution of one of the options of products, as a rule, is usual for the entire industry or group of products of the industry, if products are made of several types of climatic execution;

For products that do not have the factory number, tablets and individual differences (for example, products of electronic equipment, wiring products) It is allowed to apply symbols or a conditional sign on a fixed part.

The designation of the climate performance of products made in accordance with paragraph 1.4 should include either a combination of execution and categories that provide the most rigid operating conditions, or (if this combination cannot be installed) several executions and categories for which products are intended (combined designation). For example, an electric motor of the AO2-21-4 type,intended for categories 2, 3, 4 of the versions of UHL (Category 2 - the most rigid for this product) are denoted by AO2-21-4Ul2; The same electric motor designed to work additionally under Category 5 conditions are denoted by AO2-21-4HL2.5 in conditions of category 4 of the O-AO2-21-4-4-4 compound (in the last two examples, category 2 is the most rigid for this product by the lower temperature value, Category 5 or Conditions O4-by air humidity).

For products that meet the requirements of clause 5.2, for those cases when the range of nominal values \u200b\u200bfor any factor is narrower, which is narrower than the range of normal working values, as well as for products, the operating conditions of which are set by paragraph 1.5, to the designation of the type of climatic execution. (or categories) add a sign *.

For products that meet the requirements of clause 5.2, for those cases where the range of nominal values \u200b\u200bon any climate factor is wider than the range of normal working values, and narrower ranges of the values \u200b\u200bof other climatic factors are not provided, a sign is added to the designation of the type of climatic execution * * This sign is not added to the designation of groups of products specifically designed in accordance with clause 5.2 for use as built-in elements for complete products, where the temperature inside the design is higher than the outside.

If the product consists of several component parts that do not have a common shell and operating in conditions of different categories, the designation of the category of the product as a whole is taken by component parts that perform the main function; In the standard or technical specifications, the categories of other components can also be indicated on the product.

In the designation of products that meet the requirements of clause 5.10, and products intended for work only in a non-midcast medium, instead of the designation of the type of climatic execution, a sign * is used. For example, AO2-21-4 *.

In the designation of products designed to work in water, a sign * applies instead of designation. For example, AO2-21-4Ω *.

It is allowed to separate the characteristic designation of climatic execution from the main designation of products, if the lack of a feature leads to distortion of the main designation.

It is allowed not to introduce the designations of the types of climate execution into the symbol of the types of products in the technical documentation (except for technical conditions and operational documentation) developed before January 1, 1972.

For materials and semi-finished products, the designation of the type of climate execution or only climatic execution is established in cases not specified in subparagraph A, while the designation of the category in the composition of the designation of the climate execution is allowed to be installed in cases where the material is used for the manufacture of product details.

2.7, 2.8. (Modified edition, change No. 2, 4). Conditions set in standards or technical conditions on products.

(Introduced additionally, change No. 2).

3. Normal values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors of the external environment during operation and testing

3.1. The normal values \u200b\u200bof the climatic factors of the external environment during the operation of products take equal values \u200b\u200bspecified in PP. 3.2-3.14, 3.16. These values \u200b\u200brefer to the operation of products at altitudes up to 1000 m, unless otherwise indicated in the items of this section.

3.2. The values \u200b\u200bof ambient temperature are given in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Product performance

The temperature of the air temperature during operation, ° C


Limit working





U, T.

1; 1.1; 2;

2.1; 33.15; 5.1






1; 1.1; 2;

2.1; 33.15; 5.1






1; 1.1; 2;

2.1;; 5.1






1; 1.1; 2; 2.1;

3;; 5.1






1; 1.1; 2;

2.1******;3; 3.14*******4.1*******4.2*******5; 5.1

50******** +45+25+45+35

10 +1+10+10+1 +60


10*** +1+1+10+1

1; 1.1; 2;; 5.1





1; 1.1; 2

2.1; 3; 5; 5.14;






1; 1.1; 2;

2.1; 3; 5;






1; 1.1; 2; 2.1;

3; 5; 5.14;





1; 1.1; 2; 2.1;; 5.1





* For products that, according to the terms of operation, may have breaks in operation during episodically appearing temperatures below minus 40 ° C, the lower working value of the temperature is allowed in technically reasonable cases to take equal minus 40 ° C.

To perform the lower working value of the temperature, it is taken equal to minus 25 ° C, the lower limit working value of temperature-minus 30 ° C.

** For some areas with subtropical climates, the value is taken equal to minus 10 ° C.

*** For some areas in the PRC, Turkey, Afghanistan, the value is taken equal to minus 20 ° C.

**** For vessels not used in the districts of the Arctic Ocean in winter, the lower working value of the temperature takes equal to minus 30 ° C.

***** For operation in non-working condition (for operational storage and transportation), the value is taken as for category 3, and for the type of climate execution B4, as for the type of execution of OM3.

****** for execution by T.

******* for the execution of the vehicle.

******** For some points of central sugar, the temperature is taken equal to 55 ° C. It is allowed to set the temperature of 45 ° C for products developed before 01.07.89 and not supplied to Iraq, countries of the Arabian Peninsula, southern Iran and Central Sahara.