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To work out the bottom of the breast muscles. Swing the chest muscles at home without simulators. Minding hands in crossover

Learn how to add the volume of the lower segment of the chest and make the chest is a sharpening and expressive. Read 8 important rules and apply in training!

In most cases, the middle and upper portion of the chest muscles are being worked out in training, while the bottom remains without attention and if they train, then with thought - a couple of times for a year and enough, and it works hard.

Although the bottom of the breast muscles, it is allocated both on the beach and in a T-shirt, this is the most massive part of the chest, which gives an attractive look of the torso in front and emphasizes the power and health of its owner. Read further and find out how to eliminate the gap in this problem area.

1. Train the bottom site first

Usually on the day of training the chest muscles, visitors fulfilling and go on, then goes up and rarely third exercise down head, only dumbbells can be used. Working in such a sequence by paying the bottom of the breast only a third exercise, you will spend a lot of strength and will be strongly reduced.

Also, crossing the threshold of the gym and keeping the goal in the head - how to pump up the bottom of the chest, you must immediately go to the center of the rods down your head, making it the first exercise.

Just so you can work well muscles when full of energy and forces, including the most sleeping muscle areas, do not be afraid to take weight by 6-8 repetitions, but use the help of the insurer, due to the inconvenience of doing the exercise it can fall on the neck, The consequences of thinking do not need to talk.

2. More breast exercises

This is the first rule that should come immediately to the mind, in the question of pumping Niza breast.

To do this, you need to pay attention to different exercises at different angles to include more muscle and work them from all sides. To do this, use a different angle of a negative tilt, each new exercise, exhibit at different angles, not allowing them to repetition.

An example of basic exercises Next:

  1. Dumbbell dumbbells
  2. Hooms in the simulator Smith with a negative slope
  3. Push-ups at an angle (the torso at an angle of 30 degrees is directed up)

3. Add insulated exercises

After performing the main basic exercises by activating the muscular growth, you will achieve the tired muscles by pumping them
Blood into specific sections, for a more expressive, detailed type of chest.

For this task, the best solution will be the following exercises:

  1. Handling from the bottom block in the crossover on the bench down head
  2. Information dumbbells on the bench down head

4. Train breasts after a full day off

This method use fitness and bodybuilding professionals, full day off allows muscles better and reduce risk. Moreover, do not train the front site and, at least 1 day before the chest, otherwise tiring them, you will not be able to work well well.

5. Turn on new exercises

Of course, the arsenal of exercises for the sighting pumping of the breast is not great, but it should not put you in a dead end with the decision of the question - how to pump up the bottom of the chest. If you worked in a simulator, it's time to change it to dumbbells and rods, change each time, change the angles of inclination of the gymnastic bench and the backs of the simulators, make innovations and diversity.

All this will allow the muscles not to get used to the loads and force them to always experience stress, and therefore grow.

6. Push-ups on the bars with focus on the chest

Ordinary bars work perfectly on the chest and triceps, the main thing is to know the correct execution technique, then you can direct more targeted load specifically in the lower section, namely:

You need to write down with an inclined body forward, approximately at an angle of 30-45 degrees, for the first time you can ask the partner to keep up the legs up, so that it will be easier to keep the body at an angle.

Elbows in the process of movement should be divided into the sides, and not pressed to the body, the angle between the case and the elbows is about 45 degrees, this will allow the load to pick up from the triceps and send to the chest.

When push-ups, at the top point of the elbow, do not straighten until the end, it will allow you to maintain the load in the muscles of the chest and to achieve faster.

7. Exercise efficient

Do not forget that there are a lot, do not forget about them, but actively implement:

When you can no longer survive the barbell or harvest the levers in the simulator, ask the partner to almost help almost completely squeeze the weight up, while omitting the weight itself. Perform it in the last 1-2 approaches of the exercise.

Breaks the usual approach to smaller. For example, you in terms of 8 repetitionsYou made 3 repetitions returned a bar on the racks and relax for 20 seconds, then again 3 repetitions and rest of 20 seconds and so as long as you learn at least 2 times.

- a great way to short-term magnification of muscle volume by performing the required number of repetitions, quickly reduce
Weight by 25% and again perform the same repetitions, as in the first case and so on, reduce the weight, we get to the empty griff, your chest will feel and even at a time feel Hercules.

Training is the execution of the exercise when in the last repetition you feel that the projectile simply falls out of the hands, due to the full physical and emotional fatigue.

- Meaning the assistance of a partner, which slightly helps to raise weight, while the weight is descended independently without help.

The main thing is that these methods are forbidden to use constantly, only from time to time, otherwise the muscles will go to plateau (Stagnation), which means a complete stop of muscle growth.

8. Negatives on the bars at the end of the training

The main rules of push-ups are described in P.6, and here you perform the usual lowering.

To do this, fall on the bars within 10 seconds, immediately without rest with the help of the legs climb up and down again. Do so until you can descend although b 5 seconds, it will give a huge load on the lower chest.

You can use another way, warming up the run on the bars, dress the weight on the belt and perform only the lowering of the body down, the weight should be decent. It is necessary to lower at the usual pace for 1-2 seconds, but be careful, any incorrect movement can injure the shoulder joint, so this view is only for the halls of the hall.

The question of how to pump the lower part of the chest muscles is worried about the representatives of both sexes. Men tend to make the contours of the breast more decorated, obvious. After all, the rugged men's chest has a great attractiveness for women. The girls are not lagging behind the men in the desire to like the opposite sex and also seek to pump up the muscles of the chest. It helps them pull up the dairy glands, make them more elastic and volumetric. After all, the growth of the breast muscle visually increases the size of the female bust on the basis of the minimum.

How to pump chest muscles

Often, novice gym visitors face such a problem as the lack of grinding of the chest muscles. It seems to be a heavy load, the tummy pulls up, the hands become impressive, but the chest does not change in size. To pump up the chest muscles, make them more voluminous and embossed, you need to know several rules.

  1. Start a training with exercises on that group of muscles, the growth of which you currently need you most. Therefore, as soon as you came to the hall and made a light workout, proceed to pumping the bottom of the chest. Fresh organism full of strength will allow you to make more repetitions with great weight.
  2. Do not focus on endurance, increasing the number of repetitions, and for strength, increasing weight of weighting agents. This ensures the growth of muscle mass.
  3. Each time you change the load so that the muscles are not getting used to. Increase the number of repetitions, increase weight, change the exercises. Every day after training, you should feel a light pain - this means that the muscles grow.
  4. No need to do every day. After training, the muscles need at least a day that the fibers stretched and healed after the microtravis obtained. Optimally engaged three times a week.
  5. Experienced bodybuilders distribute the load for the entire week. One day is engaged in legs, in the other they train the press and back, the shoulders and hands are forced into the third. So, to get the maximum effect, try to engage in breast muscles after the weekend. After a two-day leisure, the muscles are full of strength and glycogen, such a training will go to the chest.
  6. Train yourself at the limit of your capabilities. Even when it seems to you that you cannot perform a single repetition, try to squeeze out a couple more movements. Training on the verge of possible significantly accelerates the growth of breast muscles.

These simple rules will help you accelerate the process of increasing the lower part of the chest muscles. But what exercises do you need to do?

To pump up the bottom of the chest muscles, you need to try to pay attention to all the chest muscle. Its lower part grows best, so pumping the bottom of the breast does not seem to be a problem.

  1. Rod nodes from the chest lying. This is the first exercise that will help you outline the contours of a beautiful chest. Locate for a direct bench, make 2-3 warm-up approaches with gradual repetitions. After the workout, you need to make 4 working approaches of 6-10 rod lifts. If you can more - increase weight. At the same time, try to follow the proper exercise technique. Lower the rod low, right to the chest, do not shift it to the neck. At the time of lowering the zone of the forearm must be perpendicular to the floor. The effort must be done on exhalation.
  2. Handicate of dumbbells on an inclined board. To pump exactly the lower departments of the breast muscles, you need more time to devote exercises on the inclined bench in the opposite form. Lower on the bench with lowered down head. Take the dumbbells in the hands of a straight grip and raise them up. Why dumbbells, not a rod? The fact is that dumbbells allow you to make a greater amplitude. Make at least 4 approaches with 10 repetitions. If you have problems with the vessels - it is not recommended to do this exercise, because the brain vessels of the brain are obtained in the down position.
  3. Crossover. This is a simulator that allows you to breed and cut your hands. To be worked out exactly the breast muscle, it is necessary to cut your hands yet, but from the bottom. You should not take a big weight, it is important to make more repetitions - at least 20-25. The correct exercise technique involves fixing the simulator for a couple of seconds at the moment of coming hands.
  4. Hand breeding with dumbbells. Lower on the bench with a reverse tilt and take the dumbbells. They need to be breeding to the sides as wide as possible. This not only train the chest muscles, but also thoroughly stretch them. Stretching muscles is a deposit of future growth and increase.
  5. Hoom in Hammer. This simulator is perfect for the formation of beautiful breast muscles. It allows you to raise large weights without the risk of injury. Make at least 4 approaches of 12-15 repetitions.
  6. Push ups. This exercise is more suitable for girls, because it is quite easy to perform it. If you wish, we raise the upper part of the chest muscles, we raised your legs over the overall level of the body. To work out the lower chest departments need, on the contrary, press from a low bench. So that the exercise was not so simple and easy, hang on the neck of small weights or make such pushups at the end of the workout, when any movement is given with great difficulty.
  7. Bars. This is one of the best exercises for the bottom of the breast muscles and the whole breast in general. However, it is best to put the bars as a final exercise in the complex of work on the breast. Make as many pushups as possible on the bars, if necessary, use additional feet weights. To remove the load from triceps and step out the lower chest departments more, you need to unbind your hands completely, that is, not to rise to the end. Elbows should diverge down, and not drop down. It is necessary to study on the bars with a cable-tilted guard. This technique will allow you to achieve good results after several workouts.

This is a simple basic set of exercises that will help you achieve the desired goal. However, beautiful chest is formed not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen.

So that the muscles grow intensively, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. Its foundation should be protein. Protein products should be more than half of the diet of the athlete. If in the morning and at lunch you can afford some carbohydrates in the form of cereals and fruits, in the evening there should be a purely protein dinner. Cottage cheese, a piece of birds or fish, vegetable salad - the perfect option.

So that the muscles grow well, you need to eat something sweet before training, for example, banana. Glucose will give you energy and strength to perform as much power exercises as possible. And immediately after training, you need to drink a protein cocktail, which will saturate the muscles with food.

To increase the breast muscles, not fat, you need to eat fractional. The optimal option is 5-6 times a day, in small portions. This will allow to disperse the metabolism that will allow you to get rid of excess fat and dry the figure. Pay attention to the amount of water drinking - it should be at least two liters.

Separately, I would like to say about various nutritional supplements for bodybuilders. This is an easy way to get pure protein in large quantities. Usually, serum and soy proteins are also available. If you just started taking such additives, start using them only before and after training. It will improve your strength opportunities, will give muscles food, accelerate their growth. Dry serum is the most convenient and safe product that can help you increase not only thoracic, but all other muscles. Serum is bred and accepted in the form of a cocktail. The amount of serum consumed should be strictly limited - according to the weight of the athlete. Usually, the average bodybuilder is enough 2-3 grams of serum per day.

Creatine will help to increase muscle mass and regenerate damaged muscle fibers. In addition, his reception will allow to train longer and more intensively. Creatine intake (usually sold in capsules) must be accompanied by a large number of water drinks, because the drug is dehydrated by muscle exhausted.

The first thing that the woman pays attention to the form of a male body is powerful hands and contour breasts. To pump up the bottom of the chest muscles is not difficult, the main thing is to act comprehensively. Proper nutrition, intense training with exercise techniques and reasonable food additives will make your figure attractive.

Video: how to pump up the chest muscles at home

Hello everyone! Interested in the bottom of their breasts? That's right, it is very correct! So you are already more or less non-novice in bodybuilding, because you already start paying attention to subtleties.

After reaching noticeable results in bodybuilding, many athletes are conceived about pumping certain muscle groups. A special place among them is chest.

I would like to immediately note that for women the breast training should not be something very serious. The question of the lower chest should not worry the girls at all. Women's chest does not have the muscular structure, which is in men. In other words, there are few muscle muscles in the breast, and therefore there is nothing to train. But we will somehow consider this question separately.

In general, men work on reliefs and bulges, and women - over elasticity and taut. So, this article will consider the most effective exercises on the lower part of the breast muscles.

Before dealing with this issue, let's briefly consider the structure of the chest muscle and as usual - we will go a little in anatomy. Not prevent!

So, our busty consists of a large and small thoracic muscle. Small is in, and bodybuilders are interested in exactly the large ones. It is customary to divide on top, middle and lower beams. For a more intense study of each zone, you must do exercises under various inclons.

The most important rules for beginner bodybuilders - do not need to try to pump all these bundles immediately, performing an incredible amount of diverse loads.

The lower part of the chest can be started to work only after the set is noticeable so the answer is unequivocal - to pump up the lower chest, it will give this part a more spectacular look, but only after achieving significant experience in training.

You can work on the bottom of the chest both at home and in the gym, as well as combine them. First consider the first option of classes.

Exercises for the lower chest at home

PUSHUPS. The most accessible exercise, especially suitable for girls, as it requires minimal skills and its execution is not too complicated.

To study the bottom of the chest, it is necessary to keep the head above the level of the legs. To do this, you can use stands from books, with time increasing their height. Install on the floor two stacks of books. Become in the initial position, putting the legs by 15 cm from each other, hands on books, palm inside.

Move down need very slowly and as low as possible. Follow the training very carefully, since the books can slip, and you can easily be injured. As a support, you can also use special sports stops, in which case you can still connect burdens.

Push ups from the bench. Put your hands on the bench, turning the palm inside. The feet are divorced, spin smooth. Go down until you touch the chest bench. You can use a backpack on the back as a weighting agent.

Push ups on the bars. One of the most efficient exercises for the bottom of the chest. There are several nuances how to move the load from the hands to the zone you need. When pressing the body, you need to slightly tilted forward, and elbows to get out to the sides, and not down.

Moving up, you do not need to level your hands to the end. Make an exercise in a measured pace. Over time, you can use weights on your feet.

Push ups on the horizontal bar. This load requires experience and pressing skills on the horizontal bar. If you are just starting to get acquainted with this inventory, it is better to use a low horizontal bar, approximately one level with your head. If you are already a professional, then the usual one will fit.

Performance: Place your hands on the horizontal bar at a distance of about 25 cm from each other direct grip. You need to squeeze the strength of up, bouncing, and align completely hands. At the same time, the lower part of the body should be restarted into the crossbar. Then you should make a small tilt forward and slowly move down, spreading elbows to the sides. Run as low as possible and repeat.

Exercises for the lower breast in the gym

After studying the effective trainings performed at home, we turn to the available room. Now we will look at the exercises that are performed exclusively on an inclined bench.

These exercises with the position of the head down, perfectly work out the lower chest departments, but give a greater load on the vessels. Therefore, people with high pressure and older than 30 should refrain from them. The lower you lower the bench, the more the lower muscles of the chest are being worked out.

Rods in the slope. Can not serve as insulating exercise for the bottom of the chest, so use as basic. Take a grade from above at a distance equal to the width of the shoulders. On the exhalation, lift up, lay down on the breath, pressing to the bottom of the chest. Perform 7-9 times in 4 approaches.

Handicate of dumbbells in the slope. Thanks to the possibility of breeding hands on a greater amplitude than when working with a barbell, it is more efficient and directed to the elaboration of the lower beams. Lie on the bench, taking inventory direct grip.

Lower the dumbbells to the bottom of the infants, elbows ranging to the sides. Follow the slow rhythm and follow the breathing - it is necessary to squeeze on exhalation. Perform 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

Breeding dumbbells in the slope. Take the dumbbells in your hands and spread as widely as possible. It provides not only the pumping of the lower muscles of the chest, but also stretches this zone well. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times in 3-4 approaches.

Hand information in crossover standing. The main nuance of training for pumping the bottom of the breast is the position of the hands when crossing - they must be downstairs. When crossing hands, it is necessary to linger for a couple of seconds. Do not focus on a large working weight, but for more repetitions. They should be at least 20-25 in 3-4 approaches.

Hoom in Hammer. This exercise is done on a lever device. The training in this simulator is good because the load here goes exclusively on the chest, the muscles-stabilizers are turned off. Accordingly, this is an additional exercise for breast development.

Make an exercise in the simulator at least 15 times in 3-4 approaches, better at the end of the lesson. Do not forget to increase gradually load, increasing working weight.

Tips for training lower chest muscles

  1. Make focus on the desired zone at the beginning of the workout. This will allow to spend fresh strength and energy to work out exactly the bottom chest muscles. Try to change the execution mode. For example, make less repetitions with great weight.
  2. Diverse exercises. Many errors are the execution of one insulating exercise or as much as possible. For expressiveness and relief of the lower chest muscle, this is not enough. Perform all exercises described in this article. Lives by dumbbells and barbell in the slope can also be combined, receiving the maximum benefit. To do this, you need to change the angle of inclination of the bench. It will also help changing the number of repetition and working weight. For example, make a stranded rush to 7 repeats with heavy weight, and dumbbells - 10-15 repetitions, but with light weight.
  3. Perform insulating loads. The most effective - exercises in the crossover and dumbbelling, lying in the slope. Perform the recommended number of repetitions at the end of occupations.
  4. Do not forget to add new loads. It is not necessary to constantly compile new training programs, you can simply modify the old ones. For this, various burdens will suit this, change the angle of the bench slopes, or the position of the hands in the harmmer simulator.
  5. Conduct lessons after rest. After complete restoration of the muscle, relaxed and rested, with a high content of glycogen. This will help them grow with a new force.
  6. Intensive workouts. For better muscle development, work to failure. Use the drop-set for this, implying the reduction of working weight every time you perform a load before failure. Also perfectly work negatives, as well as work in the rest-pause mode. To do this, make an exercise with a maximum weight 3 times, then take a pause for about 15 seconds, and repeat again. So you can bring the number of repetitions up to 15 and higher, when only 6 could do before.
  7. Perform a negative load on the bars at the end of the workout. To do it, straighten your hands and move down, slowly counting to 10. Using the legs again, rise in the upper point. Continue until you can withstand the specified pace.

On this I finish this post. Do not forget to symmetrically develop all your breasts. To new meetings!

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All who are engaged in sports want to have a relief and beautiful breasts. However, for many, to fully pump up its lower part is a big problem. We will tell about the structure of the breast and how to develop its lower part.

Trending of breast muscles

The following muscles are located on the human breast:

  • Big thoracic muscle. She is the biggest on his chest. It has a fan-shaped form, flat. Responsible for lowering the arms and its turn towards the body. It is easier to pump it easier.
  • Small thoracic muscle. This triangular muscle is located under the big breast and attached in three places to the ribs and in one thing to the blade. Responsible for the movement of the shovel forward, as well as for the rise of the ribs.
  • Plug muscle. It is located between the upper rib and the clavicle and is responsible for its move down and inside.
  • Front gear muscle. It is flat and located on the sides of the rest of the chest muscles, overlooking them. Pulls the shovel forward and outward, and also responsible for its turn and lifting of the hand.
  • Greopred muscles. From their name it is easy to understand that they are located inside the chest, under the ribs, and are responsible for breathing, lifting and lowering it.
  • Diaphragm. This is not a completely muscle, partly it consists of connective tissue. It separates the abdominal cavity from the chest and participates in the process of breathing.

General principles training

If you just started doing, then thinking about the development of the bottom of the breast is still early. First you need to pump up other muscle groups. And only when they are simply trained, you can start training the bottom of the chest.

To pump up the bottom of the breast it was easier, guided by the following principles:

  • Use several exercises immediately. It is necessary that the load is distributed between all parts of the muscles located at the bottom of the chest. When using one exercise, it will not work.
  • Start the workout with exercises on the development of the bottom of the chest. If you do them in the middle or end of your classes, you will not be able to put it in full, as you will already be tired by that time.
  • Train your chest as intense as possible and pay more forces to it than other exercises.
  • Training day after the rest dedicate exactly training. The restored organism is much easier to invest in a certain group of muscles, so the result will be much better. You can dedicate other training days to other muscles.

Target exercises

In order to pump up the bottom of the chest, the following exercises are used:

  • . If you want to train the bottom of the chest, during the exercise you need to place the elbows to the side and round up the back. If you take such a position, the load will have to make this muscle group. Optimally to make 3-4 approaches 10-15 times. You can perform pushups on the bars with burden. Then you need to reduce the number of approaches to two, and the number of repetitions in them - up to 7-8.
  • . For exercise, an inclined bench, rod or dumbbells will be required. We go to the bench with a bias head down and perform an exercise. Weight and number of approaches depend on your individual capabilities. The higher the angle of inclination of the bench, the greater the load falls on the bottom of the breast, the more difficult to carry out the exercise. The angle of inclination is better to choose an experienced way by choosing a gold middle when the load is not too strong, but not weak.
  • . When performing the exercise, you need to arrange hands, take up the handles direct grip and bend a bit of the back, bumping the torso ahead and slightly down to load the chest. After that, we reduce your hands. The point of their contact must be no higher than the groin, otherwise there will be no proper load on the chest muscles. The optimal number of repetitions -10. You can make 2-3 approaches. Suitable weight determine by itself based on their capabilities.
  • . Going to the bench and ask a partner to file you a dumbbell. Click the dumbbell for the end of both palms so that they are sent to the ceiling. Raise a shell above yourself, gradually straightening hands. Make exhale. We start lowering the dumbbell behind the head, rapidly pulling the air with breasts. Move the shell on the semicircle until you feel that your breast and spine muscles stretched well. At the bottom point, delay your breath by 1.5-2 seconds and smoothly return the dumbbell to its original position, while maintaining the voltage in the elbows and making a powerful exhalet.

Exercises for the house

Exercises that we spoke above are good for the gym. But what to do, when there is no possibility to visit it?