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Wheel Piscar (Saltykov-Shchedrin). "Woven Pescar

He lived, was Piskary. And his father and his mother had smart; Largebly, and Maleleg Aridova, the River lived both in the ear, did not fall into the pike in Higho. And the Son was ordered. "Look, Son," said old Piskary, dying, "if you want to bust life, so look at both!"

And the young teacher's mind was the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Circle, in water, all large fish float, and he is less than everyone; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother Piskary - and the one see that he caught the mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz he invented him, so that his, piscory, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? - Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is put ... Yes, and how? .. In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely more Piskary and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "The forest is all the wise! He said, "because even though it's a stupid shell, but with us, piscory, which is more stupid, or rather. Throw us to fly, as if we also want to robberies; You are cling to her - An in the fly, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And the piscory and the score lost. And which fears he, old Piskary, suffered, as long as his fiber river, - it is neither in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's, now, or that, or the other will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands. Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, precisely in the lake, during the storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: the rolling in the "boiler" - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Flows", which means, hung. Talilli-valves first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which from him, from the kid, the GOB for the ear! Fruit in the river will be pretty! " He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running, and his piscarica from the hole either alive neither is dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Piskary-son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pisachar-Father, and wound on his satisfaction. He was a Piscar enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "We need to live so much so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! He fell his nose to his north for a whole year, and how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, but he doesn't get a salary and does not hold servants, then he will run out of the hole about halfdden, when the whole fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in the lunar light was bought, and in the afternoon I was climbed in Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, night does not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be tomorrow? "

Rewindle, sinful things, and in a dream he dreams that he has a winged ticket and he won two hundred and two hundred. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - the look, and he has been polished from the hole, it was leaning out ... that, if it was near the purse at this time! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the bark, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowings tried, exclaimed every day: "Thank you, Lord! Alive! "

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had a big family. He reasoned like this: "Field jokingly could not live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melongu, did not divert. And although one day he got into the ear, so and then there was an old man who rescued him! And now, how the fish was rising in the rivers, and Piskary in honor fell. So here is not to the family, but as it would be only to live yourself! "

And he lived the wisdom of Piskary so much like a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. The card does not play, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it is not chasing the red girls - only trembles and one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive! "

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "That's how everyone lived - that would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he is at the praise, it is recommended - here, they say, I! Here it and clas! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, just wisered Piskary Piskary. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just as Mother and Father died." And he was remembered here to whitewash words: "Here, who can everyone lived, how does this wise Piskary live ..." And well-taja, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to scatter the mind, whom he had a chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispering: "After all, it would probably have been transferred to the whole piscal of the genus!"

Because, to continue Piscarying, it is, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: In order for the Piskary family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and cheer, you need them to raise themselves in the native element, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that the piscaries have a sufficient nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have drove each other and borrowed from each other and other excellent qualities borrowed. For only such a life can improve the piscal of the breed and will not allow her to grind and degenerate into the snack.

Incorrectly believe those who think that only those piscaries can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless piscaries. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? Who did the good word told? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole, he is dark, closely, turning to turn around, neither the sun beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, other fish - maybe, like he, Piskary - and none will not ask them. I will not come to the idea: "Dai, I will ask the wisdom of Pischar, how he managed to live a hundred years old, and neither the pike did not swallow him, nor a cancer of culish ends, did not catch a fisherman at Udua?" Flowed by themselves, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole woven the piscar of his own process completes!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the escape who does not eat, does not drink, no one sees anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everyone only cuts out his life chooses?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Paul-Arsshin and chuck himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether it was swallowed by him, whether his cullene was crushed, or he himself died his death and came to the surface, - there was no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he himself died, because what kind of salai pike to swallow the ailor, dying piscory, and besides, also "wisdom"?

He lived, was Piskary. And his father and his mother had smart; Largebly, and Maleleg Aridova, the River lived both in the ear, did not fall into the pike in Higho. And the Son was ordered. "Look, Son," said old Piskary, dying, "if you want to bust life, so look at both!"

And the young teacher's mind was the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Around, in water, all big fish float, and he is all smaller; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother Piskary - and the one see that he caught the mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz he invented him, so that his, piscory, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? - Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is put ... Yes, and how? .. In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely more Piskary and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "The forest is all the wise! He said, "because even though it's a stupid shell, but with us, piscory, which is more stupid, or rather. Throw us to fly, as if we also want to robberies; You are cling to her - An in the fly, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And the piscory and the score lost. And which fears he, old Piskary, suffered, as long as his fiber river, - it is neither in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's, now, or that, or the other will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands. Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, precisely in the lake, during the storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: the rolling in the "boiler" - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Flows", which means, hung. Talilli-valves first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which from him, from the kid, the GOB for the ear! Fruit in the river will be pretty! " He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running, and his piscarica from the hole either alive neither is dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Piskary-son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pisachar-Father, and wound on his satisfaction. He was a Piscar enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "We need to live so much so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! He fell his nose to his north for a whole year, and how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, but he doesn't get a salary and does not hold servants, then he will run out of the hole about halfdden, when the whole fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in the lunar light was bought, and in the afternoon I was climbed in Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, night does not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be tomorrow? "

Rewindle, sinful things, and in a dream he dreams that he has a winged ticket and he won two hundred and two hundred. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - the look, and he has been polished from the hole, it was leaning out ... that, if it was near the purse at this time! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the hole, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowings tried, exclaimed every day: "Thank you, Lord! Alive! "

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had a big family. He reasoned like this: "Field jokingly could not live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melongu, did not divert. And although one day he got into the ear, so and then there was an old man who rescued him! And now, how the fish was rising in the rivers, and Piskary in honor fell. So here is not to the family, but as it would be only to live yourself! "

And she lived a wisdom of Piskary so much too one hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. The card does not play, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it is not chasing the red girls - only trembles and one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive! "

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "That's how everyone lived - that would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he is at the praise, it is recommended - here, they say, I! Here it and clas! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, just wisered Piskary Piskary. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just as Mother and Father died." And they remembered to him Shchuchi Words: "Here you all lived so much like this wise Piskary lives ..." And well-taja, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to scatter the mind, whom he had a chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispering: "After all, it would probably have been transferred to the whole piscal of the genus!"

Because, to continue Piscarying, it is, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: In order for the Piskary family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and cheer, you need them to raise themselves in the native element, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that the piscaries have a sufficient nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have drove each other and borrowed from each other and other excellent qualities borrowed. For only such a life can improve the piscal of the breed and will not allow her to grind and degenerate into the snack.

Incorrectly believe those who think that only those piscaries can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless piscaries. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? Who did the good word told? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole he is dark, closely, there is no place to turn around, neither the sun beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, other fish - maybe, like he, Piskary - and none will not ask them. None of the thought will come: "Dai, I will ask the wise pischar who he managed to live too many years old, and nor a pike swallowed him, not a cancer of a culley, did not catch a fisherman on Uduts?" Flowed by themselves, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole woven the piscar of his own process completes!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the escape who does not eat, does not drink, no one sees anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everyone only cuts out his life chooses?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Polyshin and Schuk himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether it was swallowed by him, whether his cullene was crushed, or he himself died his death and came to the surface, - there was no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he himself died, because what a salat of pike to swallow a pussy, dying piscory, and also also promato?

The fairy tale tells about Pescara, who was afraid to be eaten. From this he lived alone in his hole, there was no family, nor friends. Alone and constant fear of Pescar and finished his life. In the fairy tale there is a deep meaning and humorous moments.

Fairy Tale Will Pescar Download:

Fairy tale wisp sand

He lived - was sand. And his father and his mother had smart; Largebly, and Maleleg Aridova, the River lived both in the ear, did not fall into the pike in Higho. And the Son was ordered. "Look, son, - said old sand, dying, - if you want to bust life, so look at both!"

And the young teacher's mind was the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Circle, in water, all large fish float, and he is less than everyone; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother, Pescar - and the one, he will see that he caught a mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz he invented him, so that his, piscory, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is put on ... and what are you like? In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely on the ridge of everything more sand and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "It's the rest of the TDA Total!" He said, "because even though it's a stupid shell, but with us, piscory, which is more stupid, or rather. Throw us to fly, as if we would like to hurt us; you are clinging to her. Well, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And the piscory and the score lost. And what fears, he, old sand, suffered, as long as his fiber river, is neither in a fairy tale, or a pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's it, now, or that, or another will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands.

Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, exactly in the lake, during a storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: Vali in the "boiler" Fish - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Esi", which means that you have given. Talilli-valillats first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which of him, from the baby, the GOB for the ear! Praise in the river will be pretty!" He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running, and his piscarica from the hole either alive neither is dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Pescar-Son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pisachar-Father, and wound on his arm. He was a sand enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "You need to live so much, so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! He fell his nose to his north for a whole year, and how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, but he doesn't get a salary and does not hold servants, then he will run out of the hole about halfdden, when the whole fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in the lunar light was bought, and in the afternoon I was climbed in Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, the nights do not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be?"

Rewindle, sinful things, and in a dream he dreams that he has a winged ticket and he won two hundred and two hundred. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - the look, and he has been polished from the hole, it was leaning out ... that, if it was near the purse at this time! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the bark, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowing, exclaimed, every day I exclaimed: "Thank you, Lord! Alive!"

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had a big family. He reasoned like this: "The father was jokingfully could live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melinka, did not drive. And although one day he fell in the ear, so there was an old man who rescued it! A Today, how the fish was in the rivers rose, and Piskary in honor got. So here is not to the family, but as it would be only to live! "

And she lived wisden sanding with such a batch of a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. Does not play cards, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it does not chase in red girls - only trembles yes, one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive!"

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "Here, whatever everyone lived - there would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he is at the praise, it is recommended - here, they say, I! Here it and clas! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, only became the wisdom of sand. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just like the mother and father died." And he was remembered here Shchuchi words: "Here, I have all lived like that, how does this wise sand live ..." And well, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to spread the mind, whom he had the chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispered: "After all, it would probably be married the whole piscal of the genus!"

Because, to continue the sandy kind, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: in order to have a pecaria family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and vigilant, so that they brought up in their native elements, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that the piscaries have a sufficient nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have drove each other and borrowed from each other and other excellent qualities borrowed. For only such life can improve the breed and will not allow her to grind it and degenerate into the snack.

Incorrectly believe those who think that only those piscaries can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless piscaries. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? Who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? Who did the good word told? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole, he is dark, closely, turning to turn around, neither the sun beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, other fish - maybe, like he, Piskary - and none will not ask them. None for the thought will come: "Dai, I will ask the wise Pischar who he managed to live a manner with a terror, and neither a pike swallowed him, not a cancer of a culley, did not catch a fisherman in Udule?" Flowed by myself, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole wisp sand has completed his own process!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the isola, who does not eat, does not drink, no one does not see anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everything only cuts out his life protects?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Paul-Arsshin and chuck himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether it was swallowed by him, whether his cullene was crushed, or he himself died his death and came to the surface, - there was no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he himself died, because what salai pike to swallow a pussy, dying piscory, and besides, also "wisdom"?

Will the piscar or sand?

According to the spelling standards of the XIX century, the word "Pescar" in this fairy tale is traditionally written through "and" - "Piskary", including in modern academic (with comments) of the editions of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Some children's illustrated non-academic publications call the main character in accordance with modern standards - "Pescar".

He lived - was sand. And his father and his mother had smart; Largebly, and Maleleg Aridova, the River lived both in the ear, did not fall into the pike in Higho. And the Son was ordered. "Look, son, - said old sand, dying, - if you want to bust life, so look at both!"

And the young sand mad had the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Circle, in water, all large fish float, and he is less than everyone; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother, Pescar - and the one, he will see that he caught a mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz is neither inhabited, so as he, sand, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? - Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is put ... Yes, and how? .. In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely on the ridge of everything more sand and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "The rest of the waste of the Uda! - He said," because even though it's a stupid shell, but with us, sanding, which is more stupid, then rather. Throw to us to fly, as if we would like to hurt us; you are clinging in a fly Well, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And sandbreaks have lost their score. And what fears, he, old sand, suffered, as long as his fiber river, is neither in a fairy tale, or a pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's it, now, or that, or another will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands. Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, exactly in the lake, during a storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: Vali in the "boiler" Fish - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Esi", which means that you have given. Talilli-valillats first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which of him, from the baby, the GOB for the ear! Praise in the river will be pretty!" He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running away, and his sanding of him from the hole either alive it looks like a dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Pescar-Son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pescar-Father, and shoved himself. He was a sand enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "You need to live so much, so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! He fell his nose to his north for a whole year, and how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, but he doesn't get a salary and does not hold servants, then he will run out of the hole about halfdden, when the whole fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in the lunar light was bought, and in the afternoon I was climbed in Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, the nights do not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be?"

Rewindle, sinful things, and in a dream he dreams that he has a winged ticket and he won two hundred and two hundred. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - the look, and he has been polished from the hole, it was leaning out ... that, if it was near the purse at this time! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the bark, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowing, exclaimed, every day I exclaimed: "Thank you, Lord! Alive!"

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had a big family. He reasoned like this: "The father was jokingfully could live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melinka, did not drive. And although one day he fell in the ear, so there was an old man who rescued it! A Today, how the fish in the rivers rose, and Pescari in honor got. So here is not to the family, but as it should only live! "

And she lived wisden sanding with such a batch of a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. Does not play cards, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it does not chase in red girls - only trembles yes, one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive!"

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "Here, whatever everyone lived - there would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he is at the praise, it is recommended - here, they say, I! Here it and clas! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, only became the wisdom of sand. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just like the mother and father died." And he was remembered here a whipped words: "Here, I all lived it, how this wise sand lives ..." And well-taja, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to scatter his mind, whom he had a chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispering: "After all, therefore, perhaps, all Pescaria would have been translated!"

Because, to continue the sandy kind, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: in order to have a pecaria family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and vigilant, so that they brought up in their native elements, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that Sandari has enough nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have been drove each other and drove away from each other and other excellent qualities were borrowed. For only such life can improve the breed and will not allow her to grind it and degenerate into the snack.

It is wrong to those who think that only those Pescari can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distraught from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, it is not citizens, but at least useless Pescari. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? Who did the good word told? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole, he is dark, closely, turning to turn around, neither the sun beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, the other fish are shyring - maybe he, Pescari - and none will ask them. None of the thought will come: "Dai, I will ask the woven Pescar, how he managed to live a hundred years old, and neither her pike swallowed him, not a cancer of culish people, did not catch a fisherman at the Udule?" Flowed by myself, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole wisp sand has completed his own process!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the isola, who does not eat, does not drink, no one does not see anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everything only cuts out his life protects?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Paul-Arsshin and chuck himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether it was swallowed by him, whether his cullene was crushed, or he himself died his death and came to the surface, - there was no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he died himself, because what salai pike to swallow the ailler, dying sand, and besides, also "wisdom"?

In this article, one of the pages of the creativity of the famous Russian writer Mikhail Epgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin is a story "Wheel Pescar". The summary of this work will be considered together with its

historical context.

Saltykov-Shchedrin is a famous writer and satirik, creating his literary creations in an interesting style - in the form of fairy tales. The exception is not "Wheel Pescar", the short content of which can be told by two sentences. However, it raised acute socio-political problems. This story was written in 1883, during the early repression of the emperor aimed against the activated opponents of the royal regime. At that time, many progressively thinking people had already understood the entire depth of the problems of the existing building and tried to convey it to the masses. However, unlike anarchist students who dreamed of a force coup, the advanced intelligentsia tried to find a way out of the situation in peaceful ways, using appropriate reforms. Only with the support of the entire public could be affected by the situation and prevent an existing mess, saltykov-generin. "Wheel Pescar", the short content of which will be given below, sarcastically tells us about a certain part of the Russian intelligentsia, in every way evading social activities from fear before the punishment for liberty.

"Wheel Pescar": summary

He lived yes there was one sand, and not simple, but enlightened, moderately liberal. Since childhood he himself instructed his father: "Beware of dangers that set you in the river, the circle is full of enemies." Pescar decided: "And the truth, at any time you either on the hook

catch or pike will eat. And you cannot cause any harm to hurt anyone. "And he decided to overcome everyone: built himself a hole, where he lived," lived and trembled, "he went on the surface only at noon to catch some midge, which was not always able to succeed . But Pescar was not upset, the main thing is intact. And he lived all his life, and he didn't have a family or friends, and he lived in constant fear for his life, but he was very proud of the consciousness that he would not die The ear or in the mouth of the fish, and with his death, like his respectable parents. And here she lies with sand in his mink, it grabs lazy thoughts running in his head, and suddenly, as if someone whispered to him: "But in vain you He lived, did not make anything useful nor harmful ... only the feed translated. Dash, no one remembers about you. Even no one wishes you, no one calls you, only a fool and sulder. "And then I understood the sands that he himself deprived himself with all the joys, that his place was not in this artificially dug festive mink, but in the natural environment. But it was already too late, he lay and fell asleep. And suddenly sand was missing, no one knows how . Most likely, died and surfaced to the surface, because no one would have it - the old one, and also "wisdom".

Such a summary. "Woven Pescar" tells us about the useless people for society, who live in fear all their life, in every way avoiding the struggle, presumptuously considering themselves at the same time enlightened. Saltykov-Shchedrin once again brutally ridiculed a pitiful life and the image of the thoughts of such people, calling for not hiding in the hole, but boldly fight for the place under the sun for himself and their descendants. Not only respect, but even pity or sympathy in the reader does not cause wisdom of sand, a brief content of the existence of which can be expressed in two words: "lived and trembled."