Repairs Design Furniture

Laminate classification: designation class of wear resistance and physical strength. What is the best class of laminate? What laminate is better

Most consumers when choosing a material for their flooring make a choice in favor of laminate. It is distinguished by the available price for quite high quality.

Owners of their own housing appreciate the laminate for ease of care and long service life, during which there is no need to invite masters to replace, edit elements. Repair is moving into the background for many years.

The selection of laminate is reduced to the perfect combination of three characteristics:

  1. Design,
  2. Quantity
  3. Class of wear resistance.

The drawing is obeying only to the owner's taste. The amount depends on the economy and the stock of the owner, the accuracy and experience of the wizard.

Error in choosing The density will lead to an unnecessary cash of cash when purchasing too expensive material or when purchasing panels, which will need to be replaced after three years.

The number of people, daily walking along the flooring, determines the load on the laminated panels. Various characteristics of premises: attendance, humidity, the possibility of frequent mechanical shocks, require the selection of the appropriate type of laminate. This rule is for all rooms, not only for residential.

The wear resistance classes of the laminate require more close attention to themselves.

Miscellaneous destination

Commercial and home floors fall with different strength to resist wear. For each of the types, there are laminate classes with various abrasion coefficients.

Coating for home use is divided into three classes

  • Class 21 - Ki\u003e 900. Laminate is suitable for low load rooms like a bedroom or pantry;
  • Class 22 - Ki\u003e 1800. For rooms with medium load and the high probability of mechanical damage. Suitable for children's, living room.
  • Grade 23. - Key\u003e 2500. High load peculiar to the kitchen requires high quality laminate.

Commercial laminate is divided into four classes

  • Grade 31- Ki? 2500. Created for premises with low patency.
  • Grade 32. - Ki? 4000. Laminate is suitable for rooms with an average load, for example, for offices.
  • Grade 33. - Ki? 6500. Increased loads in stores or corridors requires special attention to the flooring.
  • Grade 34 - Extra line laminate, created decorating the floors of hotels, hotels, supermarkets. Officially, the 34th class of laminate is not yet recognized, but experts have already rated the properties of some brands.

Marking on the package in the form of a little one determines the class of wear resistance. Accordingly, the more such icons, the stronger the laminate.

Helpful information! The Russian wide soul and stocks often play with the owners of a keen joke, causing to acquire a class 31 laminate in the apartment. Money spent on excessive density is not justified even over the years.

This type of laminate has its own shortcomings - often manufacturers are used in its production not only environmentally friendly raw materials. Now we consider each subtype in more detail.

Low resistance to abrasion and the minimum service life displaces this category of the product from the expanses of the domestic building market.

Suppliers do not want to take a position that, taking into account the mentality, is provided with ignoring. But no one looks at the situation on the other side. Household laminate is distinguished by a very modest price.

Each new repair, fully changing the interior of the room may include and replace laminate. Not only commercial expensive options are able to hold out from one repair to another.

  • Class 21. The absence of a protective layer under the conditions of active load in the form of moving furniture, regular movement of a pet to rigid claws (dog, rabbit, ferret) will turn out the floor covering in the ugly surface for two years. The placement of such a laminate in quiet impassable premises in the form of a pantry or bedroom increases its service life up to 10 years.
  • Class 22. This type of lamina distinguishes the presence of a small protective layer. It is able to resist only a small mechanical exposure. Leaving it defenseless before rigid shoes, scratching furniture in 2-3 years will have to once again think about replacing the floor covering. By creating a way to soften the blow and other impact, such as beds on top of the carpet laminate, the owners can safely forget about the problem of their sex for 10 years.
  • Class 23. It can be resistive to the average for the intensity of the loads due to improved wear resistance. Rough aggressive use allows you to admire laminate for no more than 4 years, careful relationship provides the ability to use up to 15 years.

For household laminated panels, frequent contact with moisture and cleaning, detergents are dangerous. This type of flooring is not recommended for use in rooms, where active wet cleaning is carried out daily.

Important! When leaving these panels, it should be remembered that even small puddles can cause their deformation.

Manufacturers necessarily attach detailed instructions to their products on preferred care methods and cleaning features. Careful following recommendations in combination with limited mechanical exposure to the surface increases the operating deadlines of Lamine 21-23 of the type several times.

Household laminate is simply created for people surrounding themselves in the home furnishings of silence and comfort. They walk on the floor in soft slippers, do not rearrange the furniture for several months or years. Their children have long been adults or have not yet been born to knock on the laminate toys, scratching pieces from him, trying to taste.

Commercial laminate

This product category is designed to decorate office space, shopping centers. Nowhere, in addition to Russia, he was not trying to apply as an outdoor coating in the nursery. You can make sure that you can see the videos and photos, seemingly provided with an unlimited Internet.

  • Class 31. One of the most accessible options. Commercial use leaves such a laminate for no more than 4 years of service. Application in everyday life is limited to 12 years. Focusing on a modest price Most consumers seek to save, putting this type of Lamin in the apartment.
  • Class 32.. The optimal ratio between price and quality provides laminate of this type of increased interest from the potential consumer. In the office with the middle passability of the panel will be able to last up to 5 years. In the apartment they will "live" to 15 years. Russian community buyers - owners of pets with large claws invariably prefer precisely this material. Masters are seen that most attempts to lay laminated panels are made independently with panels of this type.
  • Class 33. Intensive loads, peculiar to restaurants, hotels are able to bring out the design of this laminate for 6 years. At the moment, 33 class is the most durable and reliable, its use is permissible at high passability.

Laying 33 laminate class at home provides an outdoor coating of at least 20 years of service. During this time, he will definitely have time to bother, he wants to replace it with a new one, while the invested funds will remain unjustified.

Read more about scratches ...

In a professional environment, the value of the laminate is determined by resistance to wear. The indicator is easily calculated when processing abrasives. A certain time rotating on the machine an abrasive circle affects the surface of the panel. For the accuracy of the data control the number of revolutions when controlling the degree of abrasion.

The results are formed into a certain marking:

  • IP is the first degree. When exposed to abrasives, the integrity of the surface is broken with the adoption of deep scratches.
  • Fp is the second degree of abrasive capable of causing no more than half the protective layer.
  • AT - Third degree. The protective layer is not able to resist the effects of abrasives.

Test results for general public are not advertised, but it is enough to look into certification data to get the necessary information.

Sellers do not have to answer honestly questions about the quality of the products presented. Experienced consultants always answer the question of a degree assigned.

Taber Test

The wear resistance of the modern material is examined using a special device called the Taper appliance. The surface of the laminated panel affect the device with an abrasive circle, simultaneously imitating the pressure similar to the mass of the average person.

Helpful information! The task of the toaster device is to fix the revolutions made by the abrasive circle for a certain period of time.

To classify the flooring (parquet board or laminate), the abrasive is launched, starting to wash the surface of the material. As soon as the process of destroying the protective layer turns out to be fully completed, remove the testimony. Based on the obtained data, the material is carried out.

The abrasive circle has to make a different number of revolutions before the abrasion of the layer depending on the class of laminate. The classification of Averagetaber (AT) is precisely the number of revolutions, assigning surfaces one of five possible categories of AC1-AC5.

Graduation EN 13329 is designed in accordance with European quality standards in the field of flooring. Another 10 years ago, this sphere was regulated by the standard EN 438, characterized by softer requirements and rules.

Nuance! Many owners who have already experienced happiness replace their floor covering on the laminate, well know that no substrates are able to save from the screens.

It is completely impossible to get rid of the screens. There are two exits from the situation - to accept and endure or buy a large thickness panels.

However, this is a stick about two ends. The thicker the laminate, the less creaks and the more expensive. At the price of many expensive panels, most often affects the presence of a special sound-absorbing layer. The quality of laminate installation also affects the volume of the screens.

Helpful information! The more densely the elements are adjacent, the calmer is indoors with such a coating on the floor.

However, it should not be required from the builders of the impossible - to fit the panel to each other absolutely no one can not be able. This is not provided for by the structure of the laminate.

Laminate - became universal flooring, this is used in absolutely different conditions. It is well suited for both use in everyday life and commercial premises. And all because of the fact that his varieties although not a great set, but they have different characteristics. Therefore, this floor covering became universal.

It differs not only in the manufacturer, color and size of the board, but also by classes in which abrasion characteristics are concluded, moisture resistance, shock strength and others. Now let's find out how to pick upthe class of wear resistance of the laminate and which is better to use in what premises.

Knowing the main features of these characteristics you will easily select a floor covering, which will meet your requirements and significantly save on unnecessary properties that are not fundamental for use in this type of premises. If all the conditions are chosen correctly, the floor covering will delight you with your gorgeous view of many years.

Why are they divided into classes?

Since laminate firmly entered the sex life, firms producing it and people buying it began to grow in geometric progression. Therefore, a controlled organization was created, which prevented the formation of the market for non-valid quality products. And with the introduction of certain standards and norms, the consumer has become much easier to navigate when this product is selected. In distant 1999 Western manufacturers of laminated flooring created an association (EPLF). In turn, this membership in this association is an indicator of the quality of this company. Our homeland is not as of course quality control as in the West, and on this, the products of domestic producers are classified according to tests for abrasability.

Why choose laminate?

    Very easy to install. The plate is elementary connected to each other with the help of lock connections:Click ( which are snapped), this type of connection is taken more reliable. and LOCK ( which are driven).

    Does not require special attention in cleaning. Basically enough once a week to pass the vacuum cleaner.

    Very durable (depends on class). Studs from the ladies' heels, claws of domestic pets, burns from cigarettes, the wheels of furniture - to all this laminate to sneeze!

    Rich selection of styles and colors. You will easily pick up exactly the drawing and size that is suitable for your designer solution.

    Environmentally friendly (quality models only). Never cause allergies or other skin and asthmatic diseases.

    Do not fuel. Easily tolerates high temperatures and does not support burning.

    Starts with low price. Due to the low pricing policy (again, dependence on class and producer) uses good demand.

    Therefore, weighing all the advantages of the laminate, some people use it not only as an outdoor coating, but also for decoration of the walls, and sometimes the ceilings.


    European classification The norm of laminate EN 13329 includes 18 diverse tasks. Marking at the outlet of the laminate, depending on the result of this testing.

    The results of studies of different types of one class may vary, since each manufacturer itself tests produced products.

    We list the tests that are held:

  • Resistance to abrasion.
  • Resistance to
  • Impact resistance.
  • High temperatures tolerability.
  • Test for stratification.
  • Resistance to fading.
  • Checking resistance to chemical domestic products.
  • Slip resistance.
  • Test on painting water.
  • Test n released substances.

In fact, testing weight is only part of the most basic.

To test the manufactured products, the following steps are carried out in the laboratory: a special device is attached to the front side(Taper Abrasimeter) with grinding circle, as a result, for how many revolutions will erase the protective coating just the same will be the determining factorclass of wear resistance Laminate.

I would like to note that according to a new technique, the measurement standards have changed. According to the old tradition of measuring, the abrasive paper of a special circle changed every 500 laps, and on the new technology it must be changed once in 200 circles, this leads each new laminate cry to more intensive abrasion. And due to these innovations, manufacturers often indicate both parameters at once, both in the old scheme and new.

table of correspondence

Symbols for designationLoad level when usedApplication areaThe abrasion coefficient
According to EN 438.According to EN 13329.
Living spaces
21 easy Cabinet, Bedroom, Storeroom≥2000 ≥900
22 average Children's, living room≥2000 ≥900
23 highkitchen, corridor, hallway≥6000 ≥2500
Public premises
31 easyThe meeting room≥6000 ≥2500
32 averageOffice, boutique, reception≥10000 ≥4000
33 highGym, bar, cafe, shop≥15000 ≥6500


An important criterion when choosing any finish flooring is to understand which functions it will perform. After that, it will become clear what kind of laminate is better for one or another room. It would seem yes? - Take the most durable and leping it everywhere. No, prices for different types of laminate differ significantly. And sometimes it does not make sense to overpay for the most wear-resistant laminate, laying it for example in the bedroom, where actually the load is not particularly.

All laminate is divided into 6 classes on wear resistance. Half is intended for residential premises and half for commercial.

Surely you are not going to live all your life without repair. If you take on the average calculation, the replacement of the floor covering occurs once every five years, for one reason or another. To someone borne color, someone is abrupting from not careful use. Yes Mass options.If a you do not plan long-term use of this coverage, then you will probably suit the models 21, 22 or 23 class. They are it is endowed with average technical characteristics and velkolyeply fit for flooring both in the hallway and in the bedroom. On the other hand, if the design of the project is scheduled for the use of laminate in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is worth paying attention to the laminate not lower than the 31st class. Which will serve in such conditions longer.

If you purchase a coating for use for example in an office or a small store, laminate should also have increased characteristics. In this case, choose which laminate is better on direct depends on the class of wear resistance. The best solution will be laminate with a number 33.

Due to the transfer of potential buyers to laminated coatings of increased strength, the production of 31st grade or 33rd has become increasingly using the laminate production.Today, the production of wood panels is increasingly used by the protective coating from the 31st grade and more. Under this most common type of wear resistance of the laminate, the 32nd grade was. With its proper operation, the service life reaches about 20 years.

Both commercial and domestic laminate on the box should always be the pictograms on which the drawing is depicted by the defining class of this laminate. (See Figure below). By remembering these drawings you will easily understand.

Household laminate

In this category, laminate falls with wear resistance classes 21, 22, 23. The price category is average. TOaka Laminate class is the best of this category to solve you, do not forget onlyongravel with proper care of two years.

Class 21

Time wear resistance when complying with rules of operation fluctuates in the area 2 years. The main reason for this was the lack of high qualityprotective layer. It is recommended to apply in utility rooms or storage rooms.

Class 22

It has a slightly more reliable protective layer. Recommended for the use of indoors with low permeability (bedroom, toilet). The service life under compliance with the rules of operation does not exceed 2-3 years.


What to extend the life of this class of laminate, you can go for a trick! Betting on top of it carpet or original carpet in the middle of the room.

Grade 23.

It is an upgraded version of the preconditioning class. Wear resistance is slightly increased. Focused on average permeability. The service life does not exceed 4 years. So it turns out that there are differentlaminate classes and what better to choose to solve you already.

Commercial laminate

Grade 31

Is the cheapest in this category. Mostly apply in commercial premises with not high patency. In commercial operation, it will last no more than 3x-4x years, and if at the household - sometimes the service life reaches 10 years. The initial price of the square meter of the 31st grade of laminate is equal to 200th rubles.

Grade 32.

The most chassis class of laminate in Russia. It will go as an optimal solution in the price-quality ratio. In the office, this coverage will simply flash in the original state under compliance with the rules of operation of no more than 5 years, and when used in emerging conditions, the service life reaches 12-15 years. On this type of laminate prices start with 700 rubles per square meter.

Grade 33.

Proverted itself thanks to excellent durability. Unless of course not take into the calculation class 34, which is not officially. This coating is suitable for hotels, dance floors, or restaurants, where the passage load is very high.

Its durability he owes thickened lamella (10-12mm), despite the fact that it is designed for commercial use of the service life of this coverage will be more than 6 years. And if you decide to lay such a coating at home, it will last you for more than 20 years, and some manufacturers generally give a lifelong warranty. Accordingly, if it is for him to care for it. The cost of a square meter of such a laminate in the area of \u200b\u200b1500 rubles.


Laminate class 33s texture for parquet in appearance is sometimes confused with a real parquet.

Class 34.

It is recognized in the world as the most durable and wear-resistant type of laminate. It is able to accept the load of the sports hall, a car dealership or waiting room at the airport. It rarely, who acquires this appearance, in view of its high cost, which starts from 1800 rubles.The most urgent class. Withstands the loads characteristic of gyms, car dealerships, airport halls. Laminate 34th grade to buy a few, since its price starts from 1800 rubles per square meter. m. But when using his home, manufacturers Alloc and Pergo give a lifetime warranty. By the way, they are manopolists in the production market of such a class of laminated flooring.

With laboratory tests, this laminate with digit 34 shows the results, even even provided for by the EPLF asociation, on this it is considered to be the laminate of extra class.

So the answer to the questionwhat laminate is better to sharpen in the apartment will be class 33, again, looking at how long you plan not to make another repair and what budget of the current one.


Take a high-grade aminat need not always. An important criterion for the adoption of such a decision will be the accounting of the pavement of the structure of the covered area. The apartment is better to lower the laminate under the number 31 and 32, due to the moderate load and the low passability of this will quite be enough. It should take into account the parameters of moisture resistance (if you plan to put the bathroom or kitchen). Laminated Class Lamps perfectly suit both home and commercial use. And if the planned loads on the floor are very high, they recommend laminate with a number 34.

Moisture-resistant laminate 33 class

Video instruction

Laminated flooring, more often called simply laminate, the most popular method of finishing floors. The number of those who produce and sell laminate is impressive. Therefore, for competent selection, some important characteristics should be taken into account.

First of all, in the description of this product, the wear resistance class of the laminate is denoted. Let's try to figure out what they mean these numbers and how to consider when buying.

Laminate - Material Material

The finishing in the form of separate plates-boards, which are placed on a special substrate and are connected to a single adhesive on a glue or by snapping in special grooves, appeared in the second half of the last century in Sweden. He got his name from the Laminate Latin word, meaning "layered". This word perfectly explains the design of each board.

Usually, the laminate board consists of 4 layers glued under pressure with special resins. The main core of the structure that gives it the mechanical strength and proper geometry is performed from high density (HDF). Less quality varieties of laminate make MDF and even organitis. The density of these materials is lower. Their use reduces the class of wear resistance of the laminate, because In this part of the board there are lock compounds of plates. After some time, unacceptable backlash may appear.

From the bottom, the plate protects against the moisture layer of the melamine resin. In the laminate of the premium variety, this layer is complemented by soundproofing from a porous polymer or cork.

From above there is a soaked paper or artificial veneer. This layer largely determines the appearance of the coating, its design. In addition to the usual imitation of a variety of types of parquet, it can be tissue, metal, tile, stone and various decorative prints.

The top of the "cake" (overlay) takes on the main mechanical impact arising from the floor operation. Durable polymer film protects laminate from abrasion, punctures, shocks, etc. Often this layer carries and decorative function, determining the texture, microrelief of the surface. It affects from the floor surface. But the main purpose of Overlea is protective. From the thickness and strength of the upper coating directly depends on the class of wear resistance of the laminate.

Who determines the class of laminate

Since the invention of laminate, the number of manufacturers and buyers has increased rapidly. There was a need to introduce norms and standards to protect the market from unscrupulous vendors and help the consumer with a choice of decent goods.

In 1999, European flooring producers united in the Association (EPLF). Membership in this organization is one of the indicators of prestigidity for laminate manufacturers. Russia has also taken into account the norms and rules generated by EPLF. We have relevant classification of laminate by applications developed on the basis of abrasability tests.

Test Taper

Laminate samples are installed in the device (the toine abrasimetre), where they are processed with discs with glued sandpaper. The number of disc revolutions is determined, for which the facial surface is damaged to a certain extent. This number is an indicator of the quality of the coating. There are five abrasion classes: AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4 and AC5. In accordance with them and the class of wear resistance of the laminate is appointed. AC4 in this case means, for example, that the coating withstands 4000 disc revolutions with abrasive.

In addition to the Taper Test, other laboratory tests of laminate samples are carried out. This is a reaction to resistance to impact, resistance to the effects of household chemicals, tests using chairs on wheels, etc.

Laminate classification

According to the results of tests, the finishing material for the floor is assigned the class of wear resistance will suit the specific situation - you can understand from the consolidated table. The corresponding index and the graphic symbol is affixed on each package with the laminate, which has been certified in EPLF.

This is the official classification of EPLF. It can be seen from it, for example, that having a wear resistance class 32 laminate is designed for use in small offices and stores with an average traffic intensity.

Six categories, six classes

European standards identified six basic classes of laminate: 21, 22, 23, 31,32, 33. The class was assigned by the results of tests conducted in strictly normalized conditions. Therefore, the labeling on the package was unconditionally trusted. Each category corresponds to a completely adequate laminate in quality. Wear resistance class 33 was assigned to the most durable and expensive coating.

Such a classification was adopted in Europe. American manufacturers of laminate, which appeared soon overseas, have developed their own regulations for their activities.

Lamindes-high school students

It is believed that this classification is outdated. Thus, the production of laminated coverage of classes 21, 22 and 23 is discontinued due to low performance. At the same time, have higher quality indicators than covering 33 of the class. Therefore, for the device of floors in the premises of commercial and industrial purposes, where the mass human stream is assumed, it became quite realistic to find the suitable finishing material according to the properties. In this case, the class of wear resistance of laminate 34 is not just a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe marketer. This index is real and corrected, it is recognized even among professionals.

Warness Resistance Laminate Conditions

It is not always worth believing the numbers. Often unscrupulous manufacturers label their products based on independent tests and tests. In this case, the class of wear-resistant laminate claimed by them causes reasonable doubts.

The recommendations of the manufacturers of laminated sex on the use of their products, made on the basis of the technical characteristics, are quite specific and substantiated. But practice has shown that even for professionals are crucial when choosing a variety of laminate can have other factors. This is the brand of the manufacturer, the presence in the warehouse of a concrete design laminate and, of course, financial capabilities. Most often is considered to be comfortable to have a margin for the strength of the coating, and where the minimum traffic intensity and gentle operating conditions are assumed, put more expensive laminate. The class of wear resistance 33, for example, in such a situation is overly high and its use is economically unjustified.

Progress Do not stop

Search for methods for creating construction and finishing materials with inaccessible previous properties continues. Appear on the market new for the floor of various forms and properties. They have unprecedented mechanical strength, high resistance to abrasion, complete water resistance, chemical inertness, fire resistance and ecology.

We are talking about more complex composites. The basic material having woody nature (HDF, MDF) is replaced with more modern vinyl and quartz vinyl. The composition of the "sandwich" is introduced glass cholester and fiberglass. Protective coatings are treated with UV radiation that increase the quality of the front surface of the panels. Strictly speaking, this high-tech product is difficult to name the classic laminated floor, but also the use of such a coating is unattainable for the usual laminate, albeit the highest class. "Ideal laminate" and vinyl stove are covered with dance floors, supermarkets and airports. They successfully replace more expensive porcelain stonewares and artificial stone. Therefore, the belost resistance class of Laminate 43 declared by the manufacturer corresponds to the truth.

Thus, the appearance of at least three class of wear resistance becomes relevant: 41, 42, 43.


The class of laminate, of course, can affect the choice of concrete it is useful to remember that the first digit means the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this finishing material, the purpose of the room, where it is intended to operate this flooring. The second number indicates the operating conditions of the floor, the level of load on the laminate.

Information about the wear-resistance class should not be a decisive argument when buying a laminate, but help make the right choice can.

We understand the variety of species and categories of laminate from well-known manufacturers

Choose the coating is quite difficult. This is due to a wide range of finishing material and a significant number of its manufacturers not only in our country, but also abroad.

Laminate classes

Laminate can be divided into commercial and household. The cost of the commercial option is quite democratic, and the deadlines for operation exceed household analogs:

  • Grade 31. Used in a commercial destination with minor loads. The average service life in offices is three years, with household uses may exceed ten years.
  • 32 class. Used in the commercial destination with the average load levels. The average service deadlines in offices do not exceed five years, when used at home, the period of operation reaches fifteen years.
  • 33 class. Used in commercial premises with intensive loads. The average operating deadlines in office premises reach seven years. When used in domestic conditions, the coating can last twenty years.
  • Grade 34. Lamedlae have the highest technical parameters and high-quality characteristics. This allows the use of material in commercial premises with maximum loads.
  • 43 class. This less common type of laminated material refers to the category of "premium coatings". Produced by manufacturers under the order.

Laminate design

Laminated boards may have different types of surface:

  • Smooth lamellas. The surface has a smoother coating, including glossy. This laminate is quite slippery, and almost any traces of hands or legs are noticeable.
  • Matte elements. More popular, as they have significant naturalness, low degrees of slip and lack of traces.
  • Laminate with texture. This is a modern development with the presence of the effect of brashing or artificial irregularities. It gives coat the most natural look.
  • Laminate with chamfer. They have bevels or roundings at the edges of the boards. This gives naturalness to appearance and increases practicality in operation.

Also read the materials:

Variety of thickness

Modern laminates may have different thickness indicators. The most common sizes include:

  • laminates with thickness in 7 mm;
  • laminates with thickness in 8 mm;
  • laminates with thickness in 9 mm;
  • laminates with thickness in 10 mm;
  • laminates with thickness in 12 mm.

The thickness of the laminate has a positive effect on the fortress of the castle system and reduces the negative impact on external loads. Thick have less beability.

Types of castle compounds

The principle of connecting laminated boards allows them to divide them into the following types of systems:

  • LOCK-lock system It assumes the implementation of the coating assembly in horizontal planes.
  • Click-lock system It assumes the execution of both horizontal and angular assembly.

A significant part of laminate locks currently refers to the category "Clone". They are distinguished by reliability and assembly efficiency.

Laminate locks overview (video)

Variants of household laminate

For flooring in residential premises, the following options for the household type of laminate can be used.

Cork laminate

Lamins have a different texture of the facial layer, which varies from the plate to fine-grained type. Classic versions are presented with warm shades of yellow, brown colors and staining type of ocher. Fans of exotic choose an option with color inclusion. The material is harmless and has high dirt-repellent properties.

Vinyl laminate

It is a relatively new variety in the construction and finishing materials market. He has structural features and consists of two layers united in the planks. The front part is represented by aluminum or polyurethane oxide with a pattern that imitates the natural surfaces of expensive wood rocks. The basis is vinyl, which increases the stiffness and durability of floors, as well as the extended service life.

Glossy laminate

It is characterized by an attractive mirror glitter and a large number of advantages, including durability, aesthetics and reliability. Gloss helps to reflect the light, dissipating it on the room. This visually expands the space.

Types of pictogram

Special attention is paid to so-called pictograms that are able to designate the compliance of the material by international standards and clarify its advantages:

  • icons EN 13893. and EN 14041. characterize classes by sliding of the laminate surface;
  • icon DIN EN 12664. characterizes the laminate thermal resistance indicators and their possibility of combining with warm floors;
  • icon DIN EN 14041. characterizes the emission of formaldehydes in the laminated board;
  • icons DN 4102 T1. and EN 13501-1 characterize the ratio of the laminated coating to the fireproof class;
  • icon EN 438-2. characterizes the stability of laminates and other types to the effects of unsightened cigarettes;
  • icons EN ISO 105 - B02, EN 20105 - A02 characterize the stability indicators of the laminated boards to burnout from the sunlight;
  • icon EN 438-2. characterizes the stability of the laminates to the formation of spots on the surface;
  • icon DIN EN 1815. characterizes the parameters of the antistatic laminated board;
  • icon EN 13329 Application F characterizes the impact resistance of laminates and the absence of deformation as a result of mechanical impact.

It should be used by the informative of the above icons or pictograms when choosing an outdoor coating.

Famous manufacturers

The selection of the laminate coating is required, taking into account the fame of manufacturers of this material. A well-proven brand often becomes a guarantee of quality and durability. We give examples:

  • Absolute global leader is represented by Belgian company Quick-Step.. Features of the design and the qualitative characteristics of this laminate suggest the performance of laying in a residential room. Conducted by high quality material popularity made the laminate of this company is quite expensive.
  • Laminate from the most famous and popular European producer of the brand in Russia Tarkett.. The laminate of the average price class has a standard set of quality characteristics and an acceptable cost.
  • Prestigious coating of the European brand Berry Alloc.. He has increased quality by moisture and wear-resistant. This allows the use of material as an outdoor coating in the kitchen and in the bathroom. High cost fully corresponds to quality characteristics.
  • Laminate from the German manufacturer producing products under the brand Parador. The material has the best characteristics, as well as an absolutely unique design, which is developed by the company individually.

Consumers should be carefully applied to laminate from Chinese manufacturers.

Widely represented in our country, such an outdoor material not only belongs to the budgetary category, but also does not have sufficient quality. Often, problems accompany this laminate already at the stacking stage.

How to choose high-quality laminate (video)