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Frame construction of the article. Frame houses - familiarity with technology. Reviews from Northwest

Frame household houses - offer many building organizations, but what is the prevailing design? The future owner of low-rise buildings would wish to learn more pluses and cons of the skeleton house. We will try to gradually determine the effectiveness of the construction and identify the shortcomings. We will understand in the used heat-insulating materials and construction technologies.

In recent years, the residential building, referred to house of carcass "It is becoming more and more popular. Installation organizations have in their arsenal typical projects of frame houses, as well as offer individual buildings. Currently, there are no perfect construction technology, which would be superior to other and herself would not have obvious disadvantages.

However, according to statistics, it is most often built at home from the carcass. In the domestic (and not only) building market, the apparent benefits were able to provide frame houses in demand, even despite some small flaws.

Fast buildings are attracted by the fact that on a ready-made basis it is possible to build in record deadlines. There are only two people, having a draft frame house in arsenal, able to build a frame house on their own for about a month. With the fact that inexperienced builders will build it.

Frame house with your own hands without lifting mechanisms

And all thanks to a step-by-step assembly - repetition of simple actions. It is only important one thing - to know how to properly collect each of the nodes. In the presence of instructions and understanding of the principle of construction, to collect a house from the frame can anyone.

Building frame house It also attracts its cheapness. The specific amount depends on the size of the house and the used building materials (varieties of wood and finishing). One way or another, this option is considered to be one of the available and financial budgets.

What are the frame houses?

Frame houses are a special kind of design, where all carriers are closely related to each other. Such a kind of construction of low-rise buildings has won great popularity in America, Germany and the countries of the East.

It is noteworthy that in the cities of Germany, the frame buildings began to build a nine centuries ago. To date, some details have undergone many changes, but the main principle of work remained the same as the centuries ago.

At the very beginning, the main construction from the bar is built, which is gradually filled with heat-insulating materials and is trimmed with protective elements.

Technology and construction of frame houses

The basic principle of the technology of construction of frame buildings is a steady frame and fillers with a low price and thermal conductivity. Basically, such a structure is made up of wood or metal.

Accordingly, the bars, boards, or steel with zinc coating are used for this. And to strip the walls, usually take oriented

Thermal insulating company used:

  • Warm cotton wool;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Cellulose EcoWhat.

Typical, multilayer scheme of insulation of frame houses

The most common option for private house builders in the Russian Federation is basalt. It has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Long service life;
  • Nonseasing;
  • Excellent noise insulation;
  • Repulsion moisture.

"Silver medal" honestly deserved. It is used for the production of sandwich panels, for the construction of frame-shield houses in Western technology. Closes the top three eco-friendly cotulose wool leaders.

There are only three methods of building low-rise buildings:

  • . The plant produces the same type of panels of their pairs of oriented chipboard sheets and a layer of expanded polystyrene between these shields. Dispressing shields already on the site of the intended building. Houses from the panels are often becoming an alternative that displaces the frame at home.
  • . OSP is reproduced on the shields of the desired size still in production. Already at the place of construction, they are skewed on the frame and insulation is carried out.
  • German. Frame - shield houses fold from the shield prepared at the factory. The place of construction is already brought to the place of glazed window frames and ready-made door panels.

The first pair of options may well do without unnecessary technology - several people are managed with them. As for the assembly of buildings from huge shields, there will already have to attract a crane to work.

Panel board house on screw foundation

Warming of a frame house

That before the internal arrangement of the walls, the houses from the frame are panel or framework. The first type is a kind of designer, made up on the production of parts, which only need to be only assembled into a single whole. Framework frame houses involve the installation of a skeleton of metal or wooden profiles, as well as trim and thermal insulation.

Frame houses are subject to mandatory insulation

Using the latest technology allows you to fully control the quality of the materials and the entire assembly process. Each of the stages. In contrast to this, the construction of the panel houses is spent at times less time. The only thing for what is worth carefully tracing is the quality of the purchased shields.

The walls of typical private houses consist of a variety of layers, including:

  • OSP or CSP plates on both sides;
  • A special lattice that forms;

The frame of the internal insulation is able to be single or pair. In areas with a gentle climate or for giving, which is not intended for permanent residence, the first option is fully suitable.

The thickness of such walls is up to ten centimeters. In areas with cold winters, it will be better to acquire in thick walls - fifteen centimeters and thicker.

SIP is filled with polystyrene foam, and in the ends - bars. Their presence will allow in the construction process to do not have such a powerful foundation. Partially the load takes the SIP shields.

The main advantages and disadvantages of framework low-rise buildings

Currently, frame buildings are of great popularity, and all thanks to the short period of construction, reliable design and relatively small costs of building materials. Nevertheless, the frame houses include the pros and cons of which they tell the reviews of the owners.

Frame house on piles - photo of fixed construction

Such a house, with a great desire and the availability of the right skills, can be built even on their own. Of course, all these undeniable advantages inspire many enthusiasts to lean exactly to this variant of the private house.

But we must not forget that the framework buildings, with all their quality, there are some disadvantages, which should not be ignored. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this building in more detail.

Frame houses Pluses:

1. Excellent perspective hide and pave electric and plumbing communications directly in the walls;

2. A large rates of construction;

3. Low thermal conductivity - frame houses are very warm and losing, except, a log house;

4. The finish can be started immediately after roofing;

5. Little weight design, n sharpness is not sitting;

6. Cheap construction work. The panel framework of the frame will cost several times cheaper than brick walls.

7. Lack of seasonality. Frame houses can be erected all year round.

8. Improved wall insulation. The cavity between wooden studs provides enough space for isolation.

9. Speed \u200b\u200band budgetation of construction. Wall frame walls are much faster and, in the case of complex buildings and windows configurations, they will cost much cheaper. Among other things, laying engineering communications through the wall much easier.

The basic advantage of this design is the total lightness of the whole house. This, in turn, makes it possible to carry out construction work in most cases without special equipment.

The frame house cannot be distinguished from ordinary buildings and is suitable for year-round accommodation

Under the frame houses, a massive foundation is not required, there is no need to lay it as deeply as under a brick house. In such a ratio, only aerated concrete blocks make up competition with frame houses with trimmed with warmed wooden panels.

Frame houses minuses

Now about the lack of frame houses. Although they are relatively little, but it is still worth mentioning them:

  • The project proposal must come from organizations with extensive experience. Otherwise, you can not even think about the durability and durability of the frame, which is the "skeleton" of your housing;
  • If there is no compulsory ventilation in the house, be prepared for the fact that it will be pretty stuffy in the room;
  • Polystyrene foam, as well as polyurethane foam, are not environmentally friendly materials;
  • The sawn timber has a flammability and it is also worth considering;
  • Framework buildings are much less resistant to beran and strong wind, compared with concrete. "Sander" from wood, as well as concrete buildings must be checked for compliance with the same standards for building standards of sustainability. And yet buildings from wood - easier.
  • We often face termites and ant attacks, because in them the wood content is much higher. Prevention in the form of special traps, bait and antiseptics will help secure your building from pests.
  • The house of the frame is not as resistant to the penetration of water. The outer layer of a wooden frame building is covered with a moisture-resistant shield that thoroughly hides all the holes. But in case the water penetrates into the wall of the tree, it will damage it much more than the wall of concrete or brickwork.

Video review - pros and cons of the skeletal house:

If we talk about the fire safety of wood, it may only be concerned with raw frames. If the wood is impregnated with a special substance, it will not be on the fire.

In most cases, all the minuses of frame buildings are attributed, mainly due to gross mistakes of builders. Or because of the inexperience in the details of the construction technology. They occur among such minuses even far-fetched.

The main problem with which the fact and the matter faces residents of houses from the frame - stuffy rooms. The walls of this house, and the truth, almost do not let the air. On the one hand, it is a significant savings on heating. On the other hand, the need to install forced ventilation.

The main threat to the frame building is called:

  • Wooden rot;
  • Termites;
  • Hurricanes.

In the past few decades, fires added to them. Including cases when the fire happened in the forest, not far from residential buildings.

Technology of modernity in the construction of frame buildings

The construction technique of frame buildings permits to build a house for the shortest possible time, with a relatively small estimate. If you build the same house from concrete, bars or brick masonry, the same building will eventually make an order of magnitude more expensive. But you can live in such a private house until hundreds of years!

Skeleton boards Home Building Technology

On the other hand, a lot here may depend on the details, among which is the quality of the material and climatic conditions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe construction.

It is worth remembering that the main danger to the skeleton house is water. No matter how hard you try to protect wood from water, do it all 100% will not come out.

Stock Foto Frame houses on Canadian technology from panels

Advanced frame houses are always optimal engineering design. It fully corresponds to the intended task to reduce the amount of timber used and form the smallest amount of waste during construction.

Wooden frame at home

Modern construction methods that use frame houses increase energy efficiency due to the replacement of sawn timber insulating material while maintaining the structural integrity of the house.

The insulation of the frame house, made by technology, improves the value of thermal conductivity by reducing the thermal bridge, through the frame and maximizing the insulated area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.

Frame cottages are highly popular in the private house building market, as they are raised quickly and costly cheaper than bricks. But if you just know what skeleton houses are, their real pros and cons often remain "behind the scenes", lost against the background of myths and prejudices. Knowledge of the nuances will help to accurately decide on the project of the future at home and choose exactly the version of the technology "sander", which is suitable for you.

Frame houses are very attractive, but accommodation in it will be comfortable if technology has accurately complied with

Features of frame construction

The advantages and disadvantages of frame houses are largely determined by the technology of the construction. The fact is that all components are initially manufactured at the factory, and they are simply assembled on the construction site. Therefore, it is so important to choose a professional construction company, which has sufficient experience not just assembly, but also designing houses.

Otherwise, you can encounter a negative even when assembling at home - if the dimensions of some parts do not even correspond to the project, then at best, the workers simply spend some time to fit for fitting.

In addition, the pros and cons of the frame-shield house, its comfort, largely depend on how the items (beams, strapping bars and others) are accurately adjacent to each other. The gaps that appear due to the poor fitting of the beams or the sedimentation of the structure, significantly reduce its thermal insulation characteristics.

Also, much depends on the quality of the materials used - as the main component is wood, it should be without chipping, cracks and other defects.

Benefits of frame houses

    Fast mounting. The construction of the house on framework technology takes 1-2 months depending on weather conditions, the experience of builders and the total area.

After a month or two, the house will be ready and you can proceed to interior decoration

    Low cost. In comparison with brick structures, frame structures are perceptibly cheaper.

    Good indicators of thermal conductivity. Together with the use of high-quality insulation, it allows to reduce heating costs in winter and air conditioning system in summer. Frame houses are quickly warming up, so in the cold season you can pull only the exploited premises.

    No shrinkage. When erecting frame houses, well dried wood is used, and therefore, the inner decoration of the premises can be carried out almost immediately after the construction is completed.

    Low fundamental costs. Frame structures are lightweight, so houses for this technology are erected on small-breeding or pile foundations. The use of the latter, except for saving, significantly accelerates the construction process.

    Ecology. Houses are erected using natural materials that correspond to sanitary standards.

    Temperature resistance. The material used in construction preserves the initial geometry in the cold and warm seasons.

With the right construction, the frame house is well holding heat

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of frame houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of the houses "low-rise country".

    Wind and seismic resistance. The framework houses erected in compliance with all the requirements are popular in the United States and Japan, which showed that they are able to withstand strong earthquakes and hurricane winds.

    Optimal microclimate Inside. Such conditions provide a natural tree that absorbs excess moisture from the air.

In addition, the demand of "carcassniks" is also explained Mounting features of such houses:

    Still at the construction stage inside walls or floor overlaps You can lay electrical cables, tubes of ventilation, plumbing and sewage systems.

    Interior decoration variability and organization of premises. Since the skeleton house has little bearing inner walls, then if necessary, household owners can make changes to the layout of the premises.

    Construction can be kept in any season. Works must be stopped only at temperatures below -15 ° C.

One of the advantages of a frame house - construction work can be carried out in the winter season

The main plus technology is the price. In comparison with concrete and brick structures, construction 1 m 2 frame house will cost an average of 30%.

Cons of frame houses

Most of the shortcomings that are attributed to frame houses are explained by insufficient knowledge in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction. Since the houses of this type in Russia began to erect relatively recently, the use of labor is not enough qualified installers inevitably gives a negative result.

Violation of technology during the construction significantly reduces the service life and reliability of the frame house

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of construction of frame houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Therefore, considering the minuses of framework technology, first of all, to take into account who was engaged in construction and what materials were used. If we are talking about the house built in compliance with all the requirements, then many drawbacks simply do not stand criticism.

Allocate the following :

    Small operating time. On average, every 25-30 years, any home requires overhaul. For "sander" is the replacement of external sheaving and thermal insulation materials.

    High combustibility. Since the basis of the framework is the use of wood, then this lack of a frame house really needs to be taken into account. But at the same time it must be borne in mind that this is a common minus of all wooden houses, and their market share is only increasing. Conclusions here everyone does for himself. Moreover, modern methods of wood treatment with antipers and the use of non-combustible thermal insulation materials significantly reduces the likelihood of a wooden house.

    Low noise insulating properties (in comparison with brick and concrete houses). It all depends on the thickness of the walls and the use of heat and noise insulation materials.

Good insulation will also provide soundproofing

    Wood inclination. If you don't care for the house, the tree really can start grew. This minus frame houses are leveled if at the construction stage, as well as every 3-5 years to process the wood with the corresponding compositions.

    Rodents and insects will be treated in the walls. In fact, this is a big and bearded myth, unknown by whom and when running. In Russian climatic conditions, the problem with insects rarely arises, and even if they appear, then they will not like the impregnation-treated tree. As for rodents, they may appear in any house without exception, where there are suitable conditions for them. For example, in bricks they lived even in those days when no one had heard about the skewers in Russia.

Often you can hear conversations about the low ecology of frame houses. Usually, at the same time, antiseptics, impregnations and insulation materials are accused - everything that is used to protect the design from the negative impact of the external environment. Partially, these statements are not devoid of truth, but here it all depends on the quality of all listed materials. Any house, for example, can be separated by low-grade plastic siding, which will not add to it ecology.

Video Description

Visptious about the pros and cons of the framework of houses construction of houses, see the following video:

Problems arising from construction

During the construction of any house, problems often arise, requiring close attention from the installation of installers and the owner.

Quality Materials

Since the framework technology appeared in Russia relatively recently and competition in the domestic market is still quite weak, the question of the quality of materials is sharp.

Some construction companies solve this problem with the purchase of structural elements from foreign performers, but it significantly affects the final cost. A more acceptable option is to contact the company that has a full production cycle. In this case, domestic materials are used, but the processing equipment is established from market leaders.

Qualification of builders

Another consequence of the youth technology is the insufficient qualifications of most installers. Many can assemble a frame house, but it will be possible to make it high quality.

The most profitable option is to search for good installers.

If the construction of the house does not profess professionals who give to their work a guarantee, but private "gray" brigades then you need knowledge of technology and constant monitoring of workers at all stages of construction. This is especially true when the walls are mounted, under which the material defects are easily hidden. You can find marriage in this case, you can be at least a few months after the construction is completed and everything will have to fix it yourself.

Ventilation system

This is a separate question that must be standing on the agenda when building a skeleton house. If a foam or extruded polystrophire is used for wall insulation, then in essence the house turns into a thermos - it is very good in terms of energy efficiency, but without a good ventilation system about fresh air will have to forget. Alternatively, you can use vapor-permeable materials, but good ventilation in any case is preferable.

Another important point to pay attention to is to ensure the facade ventilation. If you do not fulfill this requirement, then the insulation can overcome it, which will reduce its effectiveness, and can negatively affect the microclimate in the house.

Video Description

Vitely about ventilation in a frame house, see the video:

To avoid similar consequences, it is recommended to leave a gap of 3-5 cm between the insulating layer and the outer skin. It is also necessary at the bottom and upper parts of the facade to make holes through which air flows. Such technology will exclude condensate sediment on the walls.

Video Description

About the engineering communications "Sander" in the following video:


Pros and minuses of frame houses are often rated in the root incorrectly. Of course, if you take a house for example, which was built with the purpose of maximum savings and was made without complying with all technological requirements, then the result will not endure any criticism. If you do everything right, then you will get a high-quality house made from environmentally friendly materials, and at the cost of giving odds to many buildings erected by other technologies.

Frames are usually called cheap houses, and relate to them with caution. In fact, economical, and elite housing is also erected in framework technology. Framework technologies in construction were used since time immemorial - these are half-timbered homes in Europe, and Mazanka in Ukraine. As the most quick-scale and economical frame houses used in the development of the American West, and as the most energy efficient - in the development of Siberia.

Principle frame technology It is that the framework, which is, anterorant-beam design, is erected from durable material - metal or wood, and the walls are filled with thermal efficient and inexpensive materials.

Previously, saman, clay, porous stone used in the walls, and today apply new materials that allow you to make the house even easier and warmer. At the same time, the main advantages of such a building remain unchanged: economy, heat efficiency, the speed of construction, the savings of the area due to the smaller wall thickness.

1. OSB plate (OSP), base for outdoor decoration; 2. Controlling, forming ventilation gap; 3. Ventilation clearance; 4. Windproof in the form of a vapor-permeable membrane; 5. Fiberation insulation (basalt insulation); 6. Independent dual frame racks; 7. Parosolation; 8. Internal OSB plate (OSP); 9. Glk, base for interior decoration; 10. Layer of interior decoration.

1. Waterproofing, windproof film (diffusion membrane); 2. Heat insulation with a thickness of 150 mm.; 3. Sheet of OSP thickness 9-12 mm.; 4. Outdoor decoration of the walls of the house (block house, lining, imitation of timber, siding); 5. Coupling from bars 30x40 mm.; 6. Basic frame racks (ram 150x50 mm., With increments of 500-600 mm.); 7. Parosolation; 8. Sheet of OSP with a thickness of 9-12 mm.; 9. Interior wall decoration (plasterboard, lining).
1. Outdoor wall covering (Isoplaat, Isotex, with a sheet thickness of 25 mm.); 2. Outdoor doom (planed board with a thickness of 25 mm., In increments of 500-600 mm.); 3. Outdoor decoration of the walls of the house (block house, lining, imitation of timber, siding); 4. Basalt insulation thickness of 150-200 mm.; 5. Vaporizolation film; 6. Basic frame racks (70x195 mm ram., 500-600 mm.); 7. Inner casing of walls from an OSP, a thickness of 9-12 mm.

1. External finish of the house (block house); 2. Dome of bars (50x50 mm.); 3. Waterproofing, windproof film; 4. Sheet OSB-3 (OSP), thickness 12 mm.; 5. Stands of the main frame (ram 150x50 mm.); 6. Insulation with a thickness of 150 mm.; 7. Insulation 50 mm thick.; 8. Dome of bars (50x50 mm.); 9. Parosolation film; 10. Sheet OSB-3 (OSP), thickness 12 mm.; 11. Sheet of plasterboard with a thickness of 12 mm.

Modern skeleton design - Multi-storey, if it is erected, knowledge, experience and care, which far from always inherent in builders are required. As a result, since the frame houses are very sensitive to the quality of construction, an incredulous attitude has been formed. Myths about their negative qualities do not consider.

Myth 1. Frame house is short-lived

Different types of frame houses will serve from 30 to 100 years. This indicator depends on the quality of the frame and the insulation and their safety in the design.

To ensure the durability of materials, it is important to prevent moisture from entering the wall. The durability of the tree and metal under conditions of normal atmospheric humidity and with proper processing exceeds 100 years.

Weak link - insulation. The house with polystyrene foam insulation will serve at least 30 years. The use of a rigid mineral wool material will increase the service life of the building without repairing the wall to 60 years and more. However, these deadlines are justified with high-quality implementation of the house, when fasteners and protective films have a high degree of reliability, providing tightness of the structure for long years.

Metal frame is reliable and can carry serious loads

Significantly reduces the durability of the structure. Use for a raw wood frame. As the tree in the constructed house dries up, racks and beams change their geometry, the casing is disturbed, the slots appear on the joints, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture content of the material for the frame (for this you can use a special device - moisture meter). The tree should be dried natural or artificial (vacuum drying) in the way.

Most often framework made of wood

Summary: Durability of the frame house is 30-100 years old, and depends on the quality of materials and works.

Myth 2. Frame house cold, he will not stand frost

On the contrary, one of the most important merchandise of frame houses is the high energy-saving quality of the walls. They provide a layer of insulation with a thickness of 15-20 cm, located inside the wall between the frame racks. But insulation can be more serious - as in skew houses with increased energy efficiency ,.

Such a solution also levels the bridges of the cold, which occur in the location of the frame racks. The tree, although it has a relatively low thermal conductivity, but still greater than the thermal conductivity of the insulation. The heat transfer coefficient of the outer wall of the standard frame house without an outer insulation is 2.9 m * ° C / W, the design of the "shelter-insulation-insulation" - 3.4 m * ° C / W, and at home with an outer insulation of extruded polystyrene foam 5 cm thick - 4.7 m * ° C / W. The lowest value is already complied with the standards. In addition, the variation of the parameters of the insulation allows the use of the same structures as in the southern and in the northern regions.

Many manufacturers perform a trim from environmentally friendly cement-chipboard. In this case, CSP slabs with stone crumbs were used.

American Frame House Lesson

After the Second World War, tens of thousands of American families moved to the suburbs. This happened thanks to the construction of the houses of the framework design, which were worth several times cheaper than traditional stone. The author of the idea was the builder and businessman Bill Levitt. The first town of Levittown (named as later in his honor) was built in 50 kilometers from New York. "Construction of the Century" began in July 1947 and after three months later the first young families moved to new homes, and then came 100-150 newcomers per week.

In four years, the company has built 17 thousand houses under New York. Levitta was accused of building tonsils, which in a few years break down. But at home justified itself and stood for a long time: about a thousand of them are still exploited. Levitt organized the factory production and conveyor in construction: already ready-made blocks of the house were delivered to the assembly site, builder brigades were narrowly specialized. The house could buy almost everyone (60 years ago they cost 8 thousand dollars). The idea of \u200b\u200bLevitta led to a revolution in world housing construction.

Summary: The frame house is quite warm.

Myth 3. All frame houses are built on the same technology.

The concept of walls in all frame houses are really the same: between the frame racks there is a heater, protected from the inside of a vapor barrier film, with an outer-waterproofing superdiffuse (transmitting pairs) membrane. On both sides of the frame and the insulation are protected by rigid trim, different: oriented chipboard (OSP, OSB), cement-chipstones (CSP), waterproof, drywall sheets (GKC). Similarly, overlaps are arranged.

However, different types of buildings have significant differences in the methods of construction, materials and nuances of the structure. Frame houses are prefabs, since they are mounted from pre-manufactured structures, which are brought to the construction site. The design of structures must be factory - this approach will ensure the accuracy of the size and completeness of the elements. At the same time, the assembly technology of the house may be different:

assembly on the construction site

At the pre-prepared foundation, the framework of the walls is set, they are squeezed, filled with insulation, protected with insulation. In the same way, overlaps, the roof is collected from the harvested elements, then the windows, doors, etc., are installed on the construction site - 3-12 weeks. Work requires thoroughness and strict compliance with the installation requirements - to control this by a non-specialist is difficult.

factory assembly (frame-boiled houses)

The assembly of walls and floors of the house is made in the factory conditions on special technological lines, and already brought to the construction site. They are varying degrees of readiness: from the collected frame structure to completely finished wall panels (with inserted windows and built-in engineering communications), multilayer slabs of overlaps and even roofs. The prefabricated elements must correspond to the design dimensions with an accuracy of a millimeter, and on the construction site they only fasten them among themselves.

The box is erected within 3-7 days depending on the complexity of the project. In a large extent, the quality of the structure depends on the factory work. Therefore, the company supplies prefabricated structures should have an impeccable reputation: then the building will be reliable. Collect the house should specially trained brigade. However, the kit along with detailed instructions can supply the customer for self-assembly. This practice is found in both foreign and domestic frame construction. Houses differ in the framework of the frame:

Wooden frame

Make from the board, one-piece or glued bar (which is the most durable, high-quality and expensive), as well as a wooden 2-way beam (wood + osp + tree). Standard cross section of the rack - 50 x 150 mm. The durability and strength of the house depends on the quality of the tree. The main requirement is the humidity of the sawn timber should not be higher than 18%. Houses with wooden frame are most common.

Metal carcass

Perform from profiles of various configurations collected on bolts. They must have an anti-corrosion coating (be galvanized or painted). The metal frame allows you to arrange large spans of overlaps and openings in the walls (only the frame of the glued timber can be compared with it).

Other differences between frame houses consist in the features of the wall design. Materials, thicknesses and the number of layers of insulation, plating, vapor and waterproofing, the design of overlappings (on beams, farms or panels) can be different. Thus, the generalized name "Canadian houses" does not describe the entire variety of frame structures.

These types can be distinguished:

  • houses with wooden frame and insulation from basalt wool and a wall thickness of 18-25 cm (frame and frame-panel);
  • houses with metal frame , insulation from basalt wool and wall thickness 18-25 cm (frame);
  • frame-shielde. at home with insulation of polystyrene foam and wall thickness 12-25 cm;
  • premium Houses with a frame of glued timber , several layers of insulation and wall thickness up to 35-40 cm.

Summary: Frame houses are distinguished by design, assembly technology and heat engineering properties.

What insulated a frame house?

Insulation, which are used in the walls of frame houses, must ensure thermal insulation of the house not lower than the normative layer with a layer thickness of about 15 cm (this figure is determined by the size of the frame cross section).

These requirements are:

mineral (basalt) wool (sufficient thickness - 15 cm). This material also has good sound insulation qualities. The insulation plates should be rigid so that over time their shrinkage and the reduction of energy efficiency of the walls of the house occurred. Basalt Wat is the most common insulation in skewhouse houses.

Mineral Wat - one of the most popular insulation

foamed P. eneopoluretan. (PPU), sufficient thickness 10-12 cm). This is a durable, hard material. His drawback is that during the fire it highlights a poisonous smoke, so in the wall it should be insulated with a trim (which just corresponds to the design of the frame house). Polyurethane foam is used in some types of framework-shield houses of factory manufacture.

extruded expanded polystyrene foam Apply as an additional insulation (layer thickness - 3-10 cm). Put it on the outer bedding of houses to give them increased energy efficiency. This is a high-quality, durable, dear material, it is used in the frame houses of the premium class.

ekwata. - Heatel from cellulose (thickness 20 cm). The material is a homogeneous mass resembling cotton. When the walls are insulation, it is covered between the trim or moisturize and apply on a warmed surface using blowing equipment. With a moist application method, the material, frozen, is tightly grasped with the structures (due to the lignin - wood glue present in it, natural binding). To reduce the flammability, the EcoWhat includes antipyrenes.

walker Wat. - insulation for houses with elevated environmental requirements (thickness - 16-20 cm). It has the shape of rigid plates in which the binding thin fibers of cellulose is natural wood resin.

Another type of eco-friendly insulation - reed (caressing) mats and plates .

Properties of mineral wool

The effectiveness of thermal insulation material for a frame house is made up of several aspects:

  • thermal insulation properties
  • environmental and fire safety,
  • convenience of mounting and durability.

These criteria correspond to plates from mineral wool - non-combustible material, which is especially important to ensure fire safety of wooden frame houses. High-quality stoves from stone wool are not burning, they do not emit smoke and flaming droplets, in addition, they serve as excellent acoustic insulation. Mineral wool is a hydrophobic (almost not absorbing moisture) and plus it does not absorb moisture from the air. The main raw materials in the process of producing this insulation are basalt and gabbro. Molten rocks at a temperature of 1400 ° C are subjected to separation on fibers, forming stone wool. Thermal insulation products from this material with the correct installation and operation are capable of listening over 50 years. The insulation in the frame design should be laid tightly to the racks (the versius is installed), there should be no gaps between thermal insulating plates. Depending on the type of frame design, steam barrier and windproof may be required.

Thermal inertia frame wall

Feature frame wall - Its low thermal inertia (the ability to accumulate heat, and then gradually give it). High inertia inherent in brick, concrete, less - wood, so the cold house with stone walls heats up slowly, and when the heating is turned off, slowly cools. In a frame wall, except for wood, a significant part of the mass is a heater, which heat does not accumulate. This means that the house with frame walls is quickly heated, since it is not consumed heat for heating the wall, but also quickly cools when the heating is turned off. Low thermal inertia is not positive or negative quality, but it must be taken into account.

Walls with high thermal inertia smoothes daily fluctuations in temperatures, and in the house with frame walls they will be more pronounced. In winter, they will have to be smoothed by the dynamism of the heating system (its ability to quickly heat up when turned on and cool when it is turned off, which is more inherent in electrical systems). But from a low-cost wall will never have a cold and dampness. And if necessary, the thermal inertia of the frame house as a whole can be enhanced by the use of a reinforced concrete foundation plate (which is very convenient when erecting such buildings), more solid finishing (for example, when used in the trim two layers of HCL).

Myth 4. The wall of the skeleton house is continuing, it can be broken and climbed into the house

This is the proportion of truth - the brick is stronger, but it's hardly a thieves to break the wall when it is much easier to climb the house through the window or the door. The design of the standard wall of the frame house is similar to the roof design and has about the same thickness. However, it's not easy to destroy it. OSP, which the house is cited outside, the stronger the wood array of similar thickness due to its multi-layer structure. Even stronger CSP. The covering along with the frame gives the wall with the necessary rigidity and stability.

Especially high strength (due to the rigid interconnection of the layers) is the wall from the factory manufacturers and walls of houses with several layers of insulation. The strength of the house itself is also sufficient. Many foreign technologies are designed for seismic sustainability up to 7 points. In addition, due to the ease of construction, frame houses without amplification can be built on soils with a small bearing capacity, without fear of distortion and cracks.

Summary: Frame houses are durable and resistant to natural cataclysms, but against a person who is firmly intended to break the wall, he may not resist.

The finished panels can be ordered for self-assembly, but better if a team of professionals will occur

Control of the foundation of the frame house

For frame houses, it is most often used, or foundations. Savings are achieved at the expense of a smaller consumption of materials, a small volume of land and assembly work. The foundation is the basis of the house, and its construction should be taken particularly carefully. If the customer is not confident in the high professionalism of the builders, he can monitor the quality of execution, referring to the drawings. The miscalculation of the foundations and the manufacture of work drawings performs a professional designer. In the documentation, the Customer will find in detail the necessary plans, species, cuts, specification, material intensity.

When using factory concrete, it is necessary to require a certificate from builders or suppliers to imported material. Must correspond to fixed in the drawings. When using fittings, it is necessary to check whether its diameter and the linking method of the specified constructor corresponds. You can also take photos of various stages when the foundation device and consult with other professionals.

For houses with wooden frame and wood slabs, fire-fighting breaks should be more

Myth 5. The frame house does not breathe, it always stuffy

In fact, in any house, a healthy microclimate provides only ventilation, regardless of the material of its walls. The myth is based on an erroneous idea that brick walls breathe - pass through itself excessive moisture. However, according to experts, the diffusion of steam through the vaporonic wall is insignificant compared to its accumulation in the residential premises. In old houses, including brick, ventilation provided slots in the windows and doors, underground and in the attic.

However, the energy efficient structure, regardless of whether the stone or frame, should have hermetic structures. Fresh air in the house provides efficient with mechanical exhaust. Her project should be as part of the plan of each frame house. To ventilation does not reduce the heat efficiency of the house, it is desirable to have in the system. In addition, natural ventilation should be envisaged - the windows in each room should be opened.

Summary: In a frame house, equipped with a mechanical exhaust ventilation system, even with the winds closed will always be fresh air.

Myth 6. Frame house is not environmental

Most frame houses meet the requirements of environmental friendliness, and many of them have relevant European certificates. A tree or metal from which the framework is made belong to the most environmentally friendly of well-known materials. Stone wool, which, as a rule, is used in frame houses, is positioned as neutral, not harmful to health material (although there are different opinions on this). The polystyrene foam used in the most economical buildings at temperatures below 85 ° C is also not dangerous, in addition, in the wall it is completely isolated from the inner space with the trim. Inside the walls, the GLCs are crushed, the environmental friendliness of which does not cause doubts, or OSP, 95% consisting of wood (the percentage of harmful binding resins is reduced to a minimum). Insulating films in the composition of the wall are environmentally neutral. Overlapping in frame houses are performed on wooden beams, partitions - based on a wooden frame.

Of course, if the frame house is too cheap, the likelihood of the use of poor-quality materials, dangerous for the health of materials. But such a danger may occur not only in the construction of frame houses. In any case, if you doubt as components, require environmentally friendly certificates and conclusions of the SES.

Summary: As part of the designs of a high-quality frame house there should be no materials that are harmful to health.

Housekeeping technology and environmental friendliness

To date, there are three technologies for building prefabricated frame houses: 1) frame, 2) panel and 3) frame-panel (Canadian). They differ from each other with nuances of construction. In the first case, enveloped structures and inner partitions (walls) are mounted on the erected frame. With panel house-building, the walls of the house do not need additional strengthening, as they themselves are carriers.

Canadian Framework House Building Technology It is a certain symbiosis of the first two, since applicable, being carriers, are additionally enhanced by a wooden frame. The main structural elements of frame houses are a tree and its derivatives, or rather an OSP. Regarding the ecology of the OSP there was a lot of disputes. At the very beginning of these plates, manufacturers were used by formaldehyde-based adhesive composition, but after long research, a more successful solution was proposed that meets strict standards and environmental requirements. As a result, now we have eco-friendly and comfortable for living frame-panel houses.

Myth 7. Frame house fires

In such buildings, all carrier elements of walls and roofs should have fire retardant treatment. It is also desirable to be sewn from the effects of high temperatures with leaf or slaughter materials. It is precisely the trim from CSP and GLC - non-combustible materials. The casing of two layers of GLC will increase the limit of the fire resistance of the design for 30 minutes (and at the same time will improve the sound insulation of the wall). And in general, the limit of fire resistance structures of frame houses is 30-60 minutes, which meets the standards and should be reflected in the manufacturer's certificate. Also, fire safety requirements should be taken into account when placing a house on the site. Between frame buildings requires a greater fireproof distance than between stone.

Summary: The degree of fire resistance of frame houses is lower than the stone, to increase their fire safety, wooden structures are treated with antipirens and used DM of the inner casing two layers of GKC.

Myth 8. All frame houses are built by typical projects.

Indeed, each company that builds frame houses has in its disposal in detail of the designed typical projects, the designs of which are included in the factory production programs. But if necessary, the project desk is developing an individual project or adapts to the framework structures that already have the customer. The construction of the house in this case will cost more than a typical project for which the production of structures has already been established at the factory. In addition, more time will take place from the start of design until the end of construction.

Summary: The frame house can be built both by typical and by an individual project.

Features of metal roll

In our country, some developers still relate to the skeleton structures. We are accustomed to the fact that the house should be built "on the century" and from massive materials, the prevailing buildings seem too unreliable. The hard and durable metal frame as a supporting structure allows you to switch to new construction technologies, while remaining faithful to the traditions of the thoroughness.

The finished frame house, built on the basis of the metal frame, is outwardly not different from the buildings from other materials.

Metal frame also has a number of other advantages. So, it can withstand heavy loads, such as beautiful, but at the same time a rather heavy natural ceramic or cement-sand tile. The metal also provides the stability of the geometry of the house (the wooden structure of poorly dried and unprocessed raw materials can be a story, and additional training is spending that construction companies are trying to avoid). Metal also wins in the plan of firebreaks. Some customers are afraid that metal carcass It will be cold or start rust. But this is just a myth - metal is closed with a sufficient layer of heat and waterproofing, so as not to freeze and serve for many years.

Myth 9. Frame house is unpredictable in appearance

This cannot be agreed. The frame house is only the technology of construction. And its appearance depends on the finishing and architectural qualities of the project. The decoration is used as for houses from stone materials: plaster, painting, ventilated facade with the use of siding, block house, etc. It is also possible to facing walls with brick, and the base of the stone (the wall is not recommended to separate the wall). In architecturally, the project of the frame house does not differ from the projects of buildings from stone materials, and almost any of them can be recycled for frame structures. Thus, the frame house may have a completely representative view.

Built on framework technology at home may look modern and representative.

There are almost no restrictions in the interior design: you can apply any finishing finish to drywall, except, except, heavy materials, such as a stone. However, the architecture of frame buildings really have features. The frame allows, without additional constructive triggers, create large open spaces in the interior, arrange wide windows, which even with small areas creates a feeling of space in the house. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe low-cost framework of the frame structure was due to the fact that the cup of all they are built if necessary to save. However, in foreign practice, frame houses often refer to objects of modern, progressive architecture: an eco-friendly, economical and easy.

Summary: The frame house may look beautiful and solid.

Myth 10. All skew houses cheap

The cost of construction of a frame house ranges from 150 to 1200 $ / m². Such a wide range is due to various technologies and the possibility for the customer of the degree of readiness of the construction: from the acquisition of a set of the house for an independent construction before turning turnkey. Within the framework of the same technology, cost fluctuations are possible depending on the materials used. For example, a house with a frame of glued bar is more expensive than from the array. It matters material insulation and trim, etc. Houses with insulates from polystyrene foam is cheaper than from basalt wool, an insulating of an OSP is cheaper than from CSP.

With additional insulation, the cost of the house will increase. Some technologies use import energy efficient windows and doors, especially reliable membranes, which also increases the cost of construction. But in general, on consumption of material and labor intensity, frame walls are most economical. This is due to the smaller volume of the foundation and walls, as well as with a lower price of the insulation compared with massive materials.

The cost of 1 m² of a standard frame wall with a thickness of 20 cm 1.3 times cheaper than the walls from the bar, 1.7 times - from the foam concrete blocks and 2.2 times - from the brick (with the same energy-saving ability and different thickness of the walls required for it achievements). But too low, the price should be alert: perhaps the carcass tree will not be insufficiently dry, the casing is minimal thickness, etc. It should always be ensured as structures and materials for assembling at home. Reliable quality indicator - certificate of compliance with European standards (construction, energy-saving, environmental), as well as a guarantee provided by the company (for the highest quality frame houses, it is 30 years old). One of the benefits of frame construction is the transparency of investment and accuracy of the estimate. The cost of the kit of the house is determined individually after the development of the project and then does not change.

Summary: The range of 1 m² of frame houses varies from the cheapest to elite.

A good alternative in the construction of housing, consider everything for and against a frame type of construction.

This technology is hotly loved and must be admitted that there are good reasons for that. The list of all the advantages is much wider than the list of flaws.

Why not take advantage of the many years of experience of our foreign neighbors and not please yourself the advantages of building a skeleton house.

Only worth aware of some nuances that can hide the contractors of prefabricated houses.

History of origin

The construction of the house has always been difficult. Headache begins long before the start of work.

Therefore, the most popular, nevertheless, uses a nominal frame frame.

The width of the board is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation layer.

The outer surface is trimmed with oriented chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood or cement-chipstop. And insulate the foam or any mineral wool insulation.

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages

Alternative buildings

Consider the structures of the alternative option.

Brick house

Durable, reliable, durable, can be performed in any architecture, frost-resistant, environmental.

But at the cost will cost expensive, in time - also no one year will come out, except when designing all the nuances of the soil on the ground should be taken into account.

House from Bruus

Environmental, with good heat insulating parameters, special design.

However, after construction requires expectation of shrinkage and can give.

House of aerated concrete

A good rate of construction, simplicity of construction, good characteristics. But there is a probability of cracks and dampness.

Building a frame house: for and against

Advantages - all for


Listing all the advantages and shortages are clear that advantages, nevertheless more.

In addition, all the disadvantages can be eliminated or bringing the likelihood of their occurrence to zero.

Varieties of technology

There are two technologies for the construction of frame houses:

  1. canadian I.

In Finnish

A wooden frame is assembled, the insulated layer of 100 mm is stacked and the entire design is sewn on both sides by a bar of approximately 70 mm thick.

Canadian technology

It happens in two versions:

  1. wooden frame house and
  2. collected-shield.

The insulation is laid insulation outside, which is placed by the wind radiation membrane, and from the opposite side - the film.

After that, the frame closes outside the oriented chipboard, cement-chipboard, wooden board outside. And inside - most often. The facade is performed by either any other material for the outer decoration.


It is only distinguished by the fact that the manufacturer on its territory manufactures the panels, and on the construction site, only the collection of the house from the finished parts is performed.

Interesting! In terms of environmental friendliness, the Finnish version wins, however, in terms of cost it will be more expensive. Canadian technology is more democratic in price, and its components can also be replaced by more natural.

Scrolling offering manufacturers of frame houses, know that most often the price is indicated by the price for the house, most likely without the cost of assembling the design and delivery of materials or assumes only the construction of the box of the object, without finishing.

All this is done to attract customers with a pleasant budget. In the contract you will be offered a completely different amount. But it will still be less than about 1.5 times than the cost of building the cheapest house.

1 meter of frame building rarely stands above $ 600. For confidence in choosing a contractor, you can discuss it on a specialized forum.

The popularity of frame houses has steadily grows from year to year. Houses are well kept warm, this is especially important in such a northern country as Russia. In the summer, it is not hot in the houses, as the walls of wooden materials perfectly "breathe."

Frame houses are characterized by excellent performance. It is always warm buildings. In winter, you save on heating, because thanks to good thermal resistance of walls and special fillers (most often it is mineral wool or polyurethane plates) walls stored heat. In the summer in the house cool, natural wooden materials breathe perfectly.

Sometimes just a few months as if a ready-made home appears from nowhere. In just a year, whole villages grow. This became possible through the use of the unique Canadian technology for the construction of frame houses.

Frame houses belong to the structures of fast assembly. You can get the finished house in just 3-6 months, and often faster. In many respects, it depends on the company-developer and the complexity of the chosen project.

Immediately it is worth noting that the frame house has long been not only a variant of the country, but also a capital housing. Modern frame structures build warm for Russian winters and comfortable for summer.

Technologies for the construction of country houses and cottages are improved regularly for several decades. Currently, these technologies have achieved tangible success. The technology of frame house-building is among the most effective in our time.

Framework construction technology, which is now popular, is a comfortable and easy way to get a decent house for year-round accommodation. The myth that these are "cardboard boxes" for giving long-ranged. It is known that the way of the construction of the carcass came from Canada, and in this country winter is very long and harsh. The house must be not only energy efficient, but also comfortable with excellent thermal insulation. Build such quite real. Recall that to build a frame house in winter - perhaps due to the lack of "wet" processes, and the quality is not lost.

A comfortable cozy house on the country site is a dream of any dachank, and the construction of dacha carcase turnkey houses, using modern technologies, it is quite realistic to spend only in one season.

Frame construction in Russia is still gaining momentum. The unique properties of the frame house allow you to get a client a modern house, which meets European quality standards.

Today, framework has been widespread. Note that as soon as the question arises about private construction, a number of questions arise. Initially, it is necessary to determine the project of the future structure. If you stopped your decision on the project of a skeletal house with an attic, then you made the right choice towards savings.

New technologies of modern house building on the "Canadian" system fully conquered the Russian construction market. Construction companies already today offer hundreds of projects of frame houses of various architectural solutions. The undeniable advantages of this type of construction increase the demand for the construction of frame houses every year. Simplest and affordable are projects of single-storey frame houses.

Frame construction is a modern method of building houses. The very first stage is important to choose the right project correctly, and it costs it only taking into account your own wishes and preferences. Today, frame houses are more used as country construction. However, the low cost of receiving your home makes the frames are increasingly popular.

To date, a private house-building becomes more and more relevant. Wide distribution received frame construction. In Russia, this modern way of building houses is also gaining its turnover. If you decide to build such a house, the first thing you have to do is to decide on the project at home.

Calculation is a mandatory stage of any construction. Without his holding, the construction of the house will have increased costs of materials and exhaust funds, which is undesirable.

The construction sphere is constantly developing, and modern houses look completely different than a hundred years ago. New technologies offer us many options, among which the construction method was not lost - frame-panel houses. It features environmental friendliness, efficiency and durability. In fact, such houses can be bolded by quick-planning structures. Today, this technology is becoming increasingly distributed, in view of its simplicity and accessibility.

Frame houses today got a fairly widespread, due to the fact that at their base they have a maximum simple device. However, the process of their erection may seem quite laborious. But today, advanced technologies in construction are not in place, so it has become much easier to build your own skeleton. Consider the construction technology of the frame-shield house.

A couple of dozen years ago, monolithic frame houses were almost exotic. But today this technology is gaining significant revisions of popularity. In major cities, this technology has already been widespread due to its unique advantages. And most importantly of them are the opportunity to build externally attractive homes, while creating any volume-planning solutions.

The framework of frame construction is most popular among residents of the Nordic countries, such as Canada, Finland and many others. Finnish technology has significant differences from ours, according to which we previously built the famous Soviet "country" houses.

Incruptions in popularity in Russia, Canadian technology is becoming increasingly distributed. After all, our climate is very similar to Canadian, so these methods of building houses for our band are great. In view of a number of significant advantages, this technology is developing rapidly and acts as the most optimal solution of building problems for the country with a harsh climate, as our. Construction of Canadian houses allows you to get a modern, comfortable and affordable accommodation.

The frame technology is an interesting direction, although many immediately begin to imagine muddy houses. Many people think that the new technology can be used only exclusively for country construction. Modern construction went far ahead, and the new "Canadian" technology makes it possible to get high quality houses.

Construction of houses for framework technology Popular worldwide, but the methods of their construction differ quite significantly. For example, US and European technologies correspond to the soft climate of these countries, but in our, Russian conditions the most acceptable is the method that we borrowed from our northern neighbors - Finns. The construction of frame houses on Finnish technologies is characterized by increased demands for such parameters as heating and steaming.