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Circular grinding machine with their own hands. Grinding machine on wood - make it yourself or buy? Purpose of the belt grinding machine

For simpler grinding of small parts, it is necessary to use the same stationary grinding machine of a simple design, taking the electric motor from the old washing machine as the basis.

Today, stores are offered in a wide range of a wide variety of woodworking and grinding machines. However, the prices for good devices are very small, and cheap are very unreliable.

And here the author found the option quite profitable in all plans - the creation of a grinding machine into his workshop on its own. Moreover, all materials are ready for this - the motor is in excellent condition from the Soviet washing machine, plywood and chipboard of approximately the same years.

So, a list of materials for the manufacture of grinding machine:
Engine washing machine;
Plywood, chipboard;
Corner - 4 pcs.;
self-tapping screw;
sandpaper (circle);

List of tools:
electric jigsaw;

Step by step description of work

First of all, the author took the motor from the washing machine, which was once postponed until the best times, cleared and connected to the network to check how it works.

Then a connection was made in accordance with such a scheme.

To make it convenient to carry the machine, an improvised handle was made.

Using the circus, the center was placed on the motor pulley, 3 holes were drilled to install the grinding wheel.

On a piece of plywood, a circle was scheduled, which then was filled with electric jigsaw along the drawn circuit.

To secure the engine on the bed, the author used corners.

Connecting the engine, condenser and switch - toggle.

A pair of milking pair was screwed to the bed.

At the resulting points, the shelf was recorded, which provides more convenient operation.

Then the craftsman produces not sliding legs for the bed using rubber.

Screen with screws.

As a result, we have such a nice machine.

Working on this machine is very simple and convenient. The item falls on the shelf, unfolds by the desired side, and grinds. And, which is very important - the author for this machine did not spend a penny, and as a result it is enough for a long time.

Note, those who will make such machines, we propose to make guides, by type of sliders or rails. They must be parallel to the grinding disk. In this way, you can smooth blanks straight, which is very important.

To clean the grinding circle, you can apply the metal brush. Alternatively, make removable velcro discs, so you can produce a quick replacement for the used grinding circle.

Rotation to the drive shaft of the ribbon machine is transmitted from the electric motor, which is connected to it using a belt transmission. The speed of the ribbon mechanism can be adjusted, thereby changing the mode of processing parts. The tape of the plane grinding machine can be placed horizontally or vertically, as well as at a certain angle, which allow some equipment models of this category.

Choosing a model of a ribbon grinding machine for processing a detail, it is important to consider the length of the surface that it is necessary to grind. It is much more convenient to handle parts on such machines, the surface length of which is less than the length of the abrasive tape and the desktop. Passing such conditions and the quality of processing will be much higher.

The ribbon grinding machine can have a different design: with a movable and still work desk, with a free ribbon. A separate category includes broad-power equipment, the feature of which is that their desktop, which is simultaneously the feed element, is made in the form of a caterpillar. In those models of equipment, in the design of which the desktop is provided, the abrasive tape is located in a horizontal plane, and in the equipment with a free ribbon, in which the desktop is not provided, it may have a different spatial position.

A mandatory structural element of any belt grinding machine, including desktop, is the exhaust device, which is necessary to remove dust, in a large number of generated during the processing process. Both professional and any homemade grinding machine, used in the domestic workshop or garage, is activated from the electric motor.

Principle of operation

The main parameters of the ribbon grinding machine include the feed rate and the force with which the tape is pressed against the part being processed. Parameters such as the degree of abrasive ribbon grain, should be chosen depending on which the material being manufactured is made, as well as on the degree of roughness, which should have the surface of the processed product.

The characteristics of the material being processed, in particular, its hardness, primarily affect which graininess should be chosen by the abrasive tape. Processing modes that are directly related to each other are the feed rate and tape force force. So, if grinding at high speed, but with a slight force of clamping an abrasive tape, then some parts of the surface part can be untreated. If, on the contrary, increase the clamping force and reduce the feed rate, you can encounter the fact that corrosion and blackening of the material may appear on individual areas of the surface being treated surface.

Another variation of the machine - the side view of the working surface of the ribbon

The grinding results are influenced by how high quality abrasive tape is glued. To obtain high quality processing and not encounter failures in the operation of the ribbon machine, you should not use abrasive ribbons that glued incorrectly or have needed edges. When equipping the ribbon on the shafts of the equipment, it is necessary to have it so that the end of the seam, the lying pectorist, does not go on the surface of the work being processed, and slipped through it. Read more about gluing tape in the video below.

Anyone, including a manual grinding machine, should provide for the possibility of adjusting the tension of the tape, which is ensured by moving a movable shaft that is not driven. The tension of the tape is a very important parameter, when choosing which the Golden Mid-Mode should be guided. If the tape of the grinding machine is pulled too much, then this can lead to its rupture in the process of operation, and its too weak tension is the cause of slipping and, as a result, its excessive heating. The main characteristic to determine the degree of tension tension is the arrow of its deflection, which is measured at easy pressing on its surface in the stretched state.

The hand-made ribbon machine of the grinding group can be served by one statement, which moves the desktop with the workpiece and turns it to bring all the sections of its surface under the abrasive tape.

How to make a tape-grinding machine

Many home masters and professionals wonder how to make a grinding machine with their own hands. The reason for the occurrence of such a question is quite simple: the high cost of serial grinding equipment, they will recoup which with irregular use not for everything. In order to make such equipment, you will need several basic components: electric motor, rollers and reliable bed. Naturally, there will be no superfluous drawings of such a device or his photo. Also at the end of the article, you can see the rollers to assemble the ribbon machine on their own.

The engine for ribbon grinding equipment is easy to find, it can be removed with the washing machine that served his term. The bed will have to do it yourself, for this you can use a metal sheet with dimensions of 500x180x20 mm. One side of the bed should be trimmed very smoothly, since it will need to lock the platform on which the electric motor will be mounted. The electric motor platform should also be made from a metal sheet with dimensions of 180x160x10 mm. Such a platform must be fixed to the bed very securely with several bolts.

Another feature of the face

The effectiveness of the belt grinding machine directly depends on the characteristics of the electric motor, which is installed on it. If you are going to make a grinding machine with your own hands, then you will be quite suitable for an electric motor with a capacity of 2.5-3 kW, developing about 1500 revolutions per minute. In order for using such an engine, the grinding ribbon moved at a speed of 20 m / s, the drums must have a diameter of about 200 mm. What is convenient if you choose the engine with such characteristics, then you will not need to make a gearbox for your grinding machine.

The presenter shaft is connected to the motor shaft directly, and the second - slave - should rotate freely on the axis, which is installed in the bearing nodes. In order for the abrasive ribbon more smoothly with the surface of the workpiece, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bed, on which the slave shaft is installed, should be performed with a small bevel.

Make shafts for a ribbon grinding machine with minimal financial costs can be from the chipboard. Just cut from such a plate square blanks with a size of 200x200 mm, drill the central holes in them and the package with a total thickness of 240 mm attract them to the axis. After that, you will also remain soaking the resulting package and make a round shaft from it with a diameter of about 200 mm.

Drawings and detailed analysis of some parts made of wood.

Tape-grinding machine made of wood (click to enlarge)

Tilt adjustment mechanism plate plate tension tensioner

All materials in any manufacturing, in addition to the manufacture, require even additional and finishing. Bright examples of such treatments can be called grinding and polishing of the product. These two types of mechanical exposure to the surface of the part, bring its appearance to perfection. However, everyone knows how to perform these operations with their hands, takes a lot of time and strength, and the uniformity of processing can ensure except a very experienced master. To facilitate this kind of work, a person came up with various adaptations and mechanisms to help. Some of them will be discussed further.

General purpose and types of machines

The machine is designed for the final processing of parts and billets from different materials by affecting them with an abrasive or diamond spraying. The machine, its component mechanisms and fixtures allowt absence accuracy of size and shape, and also provide the creation of an ideal surface of the part or blanks.

With the help of the machine, you can handle flat parts, surfaces outside and inside, details of various geometric shapes, grinding or polishing the thread and teeth of gear wheels. According to mine characteristics Grinding machines are divided into:

  • Circular sloping.
  • Intrahelifing.
  • Enchanted grinding.
  • FlatShelipoval.
  • Special machines (for grinding threads, gear wheels).

Grinding process

Grinding is the process of removing the upper layer from the surface of the processed part using the use of abrasives or diamond crumbs. They are assembled in the total mass on the working surface and is bonded by the binder. They form a grinding wheel or ribbon as a result..

During the operation of the abrasive surface there is a circular motion using an electric motor. When contacting the surface of the blank with an abrasive and the processing process takes place. There is a commodity opinion that grinding abrasives is friction treatment. However, it is incorrect.

Each abrasive particle has sharp edges when touched with the material (metal, plastic, wood, stone) works like a cutting tool and removes chips, how to say the cutter or drill. If we take into account the considerable speed of rotation of grinding wheels, as well as the occurrence of chips, as the grinding product, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of injury to this chips.

Safety measures during work

When working on the machine required Comply with the following safety regulations:

The need for production and in everyday life

Today, grinding machines are used constantly in production shops. Depending on the scale of production, both one machine can be installed, and all its varieties in complexity and dimensions.

However, in everyday life of this equipment There is always an application. In some - in the garage there is a vertical emery metal for processing metal. Others - in the workshop are installed several different grinding machines on the tree. Thirdly - in possession is a universal, combined machine. There are power tools for manual grinding: drum type, lintishlyphic, band saw, small machines or large machines. And they are all in demand.

The market presents a fairly wide range of all sorts of similar equipment from many manufacturers. And they are quite acceptable prices. But these are general-purpose machines. And if a person is engaged in own businessOr he has a hobby, then you need a special specialization machine. Here the price is already growing several times.

For this reason, or on the basis of our own desires, many craftsmen make homemade. Basically for wood processing, plastic and metal, less often for cutting and grinding stone. And, in general, it is correct. After all, even a simple sharpening of kitchen knives is easier and faster to do on the machine than manually using donel. The benefit of creating their own hands a homemade machine for a tree has a completely non-suty design.

Grinding machine with your own hands For a tree, collect quite easily. In the people, it is also called simply - emery.

The main component of the element is the engine. Surely many in the farm there is an old washing machine. Its motor for this purpose is quite suitable. If not, the new engine on the market will cost quite expensive, but on any flea market you can find used in working condition. The electric motor must be strong from 750 W to 2 kW, not high-speed from 1500 to 3000 rpm, if three-phase, then you can always adapt under 220 V. Thick plywood, self-tapping screws, PVA glue, well, and tool, of course.

The task is simple: make a hard disk on which sandpaper paste. To do this, draw a circle with a diameter of 150-170 mm on the plywood, if the plywood is sufficient thickness to hide the clamping nut, just one billet. If not, we glue the two identical billets with PVA glue. The engine spindle nut must be recessed into the disk flush with its work plane.

From the same plywood 15-24 mm, you need to make several parts:

  • The bed to which the engine will be mounted.
  • Table of feeding with guides to change the angle of inclination.
  • Disc defense design.
  • The base for fastening the entire machine to the workbench.

The protection for the disk can be made in the form of arches with straight corners or truncated. She, like the table of filing, is attached to the bed. From additional devices can be installed on the stop of the flexibility of the stop-transport, which will allow to feed the workpiece under a fixed, horizontal angle.

Giving tribute to aesthetics, preferably every detail before assembly to polish. But it is, if desired, but with the table of filing it must be done carefully. Smooth surface will provide Uniform and continuous movement of the part along the working surface of the disk.

The purpose of this machine opens in its very name. - plane oxylipheal, that is, for grinding flat surfaces of parts and blanks. It can be a disk, drum (by the type of flights) or tape. In this case, its working surface can be located vertically, horizontally or regulated.

Separate designs of machine tools are made fully adjustable. But it is individually. Homemade cars each makes it to work more convenient. Constructions with full adjustment make harder. They are regulated by clamping drum or tape, that is, in other words, there is the possibility of fixed movement of the working surface along the vertical axis. And the girlfriend has a movement mechanism in two directions, like a carriage of the cutter holder on the lathe.

According to the verbal description, it is difficult to imagine how it looks like. And the more difficult to understand how it works. But today we have the Internet. There you can find rollers where the craftsmen share their experiences, explain in detail and show how to make such equipment. Detailed are provided drawings and schemes with precise size and instructions, what material to use for the assembly. In general, if there are difficulties with independent design, you can always just make someone's copy.

This machine was invented for processing long details. Abrasive tape has basically fastened cloth fastened in the ring. Dimensions exist different. It is driven by the same electric motor with similar characteristics. But some craftsmen replace the drill engine. A good drill is a universal tool in many parameters. However, such a replacement is more relevant for a small size of tabletops, as a rule, models are used.

How is the ribbon grinder going with her own hands? The tape is tensioning between two shafts or drum rollers. One of which is the presenter (it is attached to the engine spindle), and the second is the slave (it ensures the tension of the grinding tape). For the tape did not score from the drums, the washers-stops are attached to their ends. It turns out something like a textile coil. With minor skews, the tape wear occurs faster than the edges of the ribbon rubbing on the lock washers are destroyed. So this idea is quite viable and justifies itself.

Also between the drums from the back of the tape, the support screen is installed, which provides a dense clamp of the entire plane of the billet to the surface of the tape. To reduce the strength of friction, the screen is thoroughly polished. It is possible to make it from both light metal and solid wood.

Leading roller must be cut or made from rigid rubber. This will ensure the impossibility of slipping the tape over the surface of the roller. The whole design can be positioned differently: vertically, horizontally or at an angle. To the shared bed, as well as on all similar machines, the girlfriend is fastened, at an angle of 90 degrees, or adjustable. The distance between the ribbon and the edge of the girlfriend should not be more than 3 mm. Due to the fact that the tape break is not able to cause significant injuries, protection is made only to remove grinding products.

Homemade Grinder

Grinder is a high-speed lintishlyphic machine or a universal machine. Working surfaces - disk and tape. The engine is used as on all machines. And high speed is achieved when using different diameter pulleys. The pulley of the large diameter is mounted on the engine spindle and is the leading. Small pulley - stretch.

On the universal machine on the spindle is also attached to the disk. You can install an additional transmitting roller, which will be skilled fasteners. It is done to quickly shift abrasive tape.

From the remaining grinding machines, Grinder is characterized by processing speed and versatility. Using replaceable ribbons for different materials, you can quickly process the surfaces of even high-alloy steel.

Grinding equipment is used to finish the details. The machine performs finishing technological operations in the manufacture of wooden and metal products. A significant plus of such a device is the possibility of its self-assembly. The homemade unit is somewhat inferior in performance by factory models, but it will cost much cheaper.

Principle of operation and characteristics of grinding machine

Grinding machines differ from each other with constructive performance and scope. The overall characteristics of the instrument is a similar principle of operation. The working mechanism rotates, and the abrasive material grinds the surface surface.

When choosing finished equipment or making machine, you need to take into account the main characteristics of such equipment:

  1. Power. When using the machine at home, it is enough power in 400 W. To perform production tasks, high performance and productivity of the unit will be required - at least 1 kW.
  2. The speed of rotation of the working mechanism. The grinding abrasive element per minute performs up to 3000 revolutions per minute. The higher the speed of rotation, the better the quality of processing. Specialists recommend applying units with an indicator of at least 500.
  3. Processing area. This parameter is determined based on the scope of application. The greater the width of the drums or grindlets, the larger products will be polished.
  4. Dimensions of the device. The dimensions are an important parameter that depends largely on the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop or the workshop. With independent manufacture, the machine is designed so that after its installation it remains enough space for the placement of instruments, blanks, consumables and other inventory.

Features of different grinding machines

Depending on the configuration of the abrasive assembly, the following types of machines differ.

Ribbon device - Grinder. The machine is equipped with an abrasive ribbon, which over time is engaged and requires periodic replacement. With the help of an aggregate, you can remove the rust layer from the metal, correct the dimensions of the product in some planes, clean and give the shape of wooden parts.

Positive aspects of tape machines:

  • versatility;
  • small dimensions and low weight;
  • the possibility of independent manufacture;
  • an adjustment of the length of the tape is provided that allows you to perform grinding and polishing of products of different sizes.

Council. When equipping ribbon grinding equipment, it is better to choose graphite abrasives - they are the most wear-resistant.

Drum Machine Works on the principle of drill. The grinding part of the device rotates from the engine at a speed of about 2000 revolutions per minute. The main purpose is the calibration of flat long blanks. The drum type unit is more complicated in the manufacture, but such a homemade grinding machine on the tree will allow processing rails, shield surfaces from MDF, chipboard, veneered material and wood.

Disk device (Tarld machine). The unit is quite possible to assemble yourself, as it has a simple device. Disk machines are characterized by such features:

  • compact dimensions and ease of use in domestic purposes;
  • good performance with a powerful electric life;
  • the possibility of polishing the billets of cone-shaped, ball and cylindrical shape.

Combined grinding machine - a combination of functions of flat and circular chlorinous equipment. One device is equipped with a grinding circle and abrasive ribbon. This option is optimally suitable for small workshops and arrangements of garages, where the installation of two aggregates at once is problematic.

Homemade Ribbon Grinding Machine

Band-type components

The homemade grinding machine for metal or wood has the following construction:

  1. Stanna - base of the machine. The working base of the design is usually done static - screws to the floor. Sometimes the equipment is additionally equipped with wheels for the convenience of moving.
  2. Workplace for subsequent placement of the electric motor.
  3. Electrical engine. As a rule, the drive is set near the leading roller of the larger diameter.
  4. Leading and slave tension rink. With independent manufacture, you can use fir-handled materials from metal or high density wood. To the tape did not roll from the shaft of the diameter of the central part of the roller, it is necessary to make 2 mm less than from the edge. To prevent slippage tape on the drums, it is desirable to wind a thin layer of rubber.
  5. The tape tape mechanism consists of a lever and a pressure springs. The lever is fixed to the bed and the slave tension rink.

Important! For steel or wood treatment, tapes are used based on paper whether fabrics. Ribbon width - 5-31 cm, length - from 11 cm, graininess from P-80.

Ribbon Units Production Technology

Homemade belt grinding machines on a tree or metal will be able to make from the following materials:

  • the electric motor with the frequency of rotation of the shaft is about 1300-1600 rpm;
  • steel pipes at least 2 mm in thickness;
  • corners with a cross section of 50 * 50 * 5, 25 * 20 * 1.5 - the amount is determined by the equipment dimensions;
  • magnetic stand for fixing metal blanks;
  • bearing supports, ball-screw transmissions;
  • shafts for fastening tape;
  • rail guides.

Sequence of work:

The described type of machine is more suitable for grinding flat metal blanks.

Homemade drum grinding machine

Drum type equipment device

The drum grinding machine refers to the class of calibration models. The main element of the device is a grinding drum, which gives smoothness with wooden surfaces.

Base configuration elements:

  • stanina;
  • engine;
  • planed drum with emery ribbon;
  • the feed drum with a tape conveyor;
  • mechanism for adjusting the speed of the drum;
  • racks for fixing the position of the grinding drum;
  • protective casing;
  • dust adver

Homemade grinding machine on wood: drawing

Step-by-step instruction for creating a machine

Stage 1. Select an electric motor. The old engine is suitable from the washing machine. From equipment to withdraw pulleys, belt and electric focal. Preference is desirable to give asynchronous single-phase electric motor for 200-300 W, 1500-2000 rpm.

Stage 2. Making a drum. It is suitable for PVC pipe, wooden rings and other healthy items. The drum installation of PVC is as follows:

  1. From a plastic tube with a diameter of 10 cm cut off a piece of the desired length.
  2. Prepare from wood end plugs with holes in the center of 2 cm.
  3. Secure end elements on a pipe with screws.
  4. Skip through the hole of the steel rod with a thickness of 15-20 mm.
  5. Top of the pipe paste rubber cloth.
  6. With the help of a stapler, fix the sandpaper on the drum.

Stage 3. Preparation of the desktop and bed. Case made of wood:

  1. Wooden canvas "Cut" on the side panels (2 pcs.), Spacers, details of the working table (base and movable component).
  2. Collect and strengthen the design of the cross. The internal strut will additionally execute the role of the adjustment screw.
  3. For the ability to control the stroke of the working surface, its movable element is fixed with a piano loop to the base. From the supply of the workpiece, an adjustment screw is installed.

Stage 4.. The assembly is performed in such a sequence:

Stage 5.Fastening protective casing and commissioning.

Grinding devices do it yourself

In addition to the overall machines in everyday life, small practical fixtures for polishing metal products or grinding some parts can be useful. Many of them can be done with their own hands.

Mini-grinders and "polishing" for metal

Homemade masters and lovers of alterations will be useful mini-grinders - the device is used for high-quality stripping surfaces before soldering. Required details can be taken from the old Soviet tape recorder.

On a wooden round plate glue fine-grained sandpaper. This will be the working part of the grinders. To start the machine, you will need a small engine with a shaft diameter of 1.5 mm and a button. To the electric motor solder the start button.

For the power supply, a network adapter is suitable for 7 V. One adapter contact is soldered to the foot of the switch, and the second to the electric motor. Spike places to pour thermoclaim. After drying it, the housing is wrapped with a heat shrink or tape. Finish stage - fixation of the working grinding element.

Homemade disk grinding machine

Disk grinding of small power is useful for wrapped wood fine products. For the machine presented in the photo, a three-phase was used for 90 W, started through the capacitor. The engine with turns of 2750 per minute is connected by a triangle with a starting condenser and reverse. Connections are soldered and hidden in the heat shrink.

The base is fixed on four steel rods - if necessary, it is quickly installed and removed. On the shaft attached mandrel on M14, it is possible to install different nozzles from the grinder.

Safety technique when working on homemade grinding equipment

Performing work on the machine, it is worth holding a number of rules that will help protect themselves and others from possible injuries:

  1. It is impossible to concern the working surfaces and movable components.
  2. During work, you need to wear safety glasses, so that the particles of the redhead and abrasive do not fall into the eyes.
  3. Before you start, you need to check the reliability of the attachment of the shafts, ribbons and disk.
  4. It is important to control and check the integrity of the braid of the wires. If the slightest malfunctions of the work must be suspended.
  5. It is necessary to use a protective cover. The element slightly narrows the review, but it repeatedly increases the level of security.

Homemade vertical grinding machine: video

Homemade disk grinding machine, made by the craftsman, do it yourself: detailed photos of making with a description.

I decided to make myself in the garage - the grinding machine. In the covers found the old engine of Soviet production, the power of about 1 kW, 1420 rpm.

It means that this electric motor completely disassembled and cleaned from rust, emery paper and noodles.

The nut was lost on the junction box, I had to put the nut from the adapter to the plastic tube.

Polished the housing of the ga paste.

Then he cleaned and painted the casing, used primer, paint and varnish.

Tokar ordered a puck plan. The outer diameter is 100 mm, 4 holes and one in the center, all with a diameter of 4 mm, the thickness of the washer is 4 mm. However, it turned out that the plan-washer engine was dressed at least with a little effort, but by hand, and it is necessary that with a little tension. Foil does not exist, too tight, therefore there is a layer of primer.

Then manufactured a working surface - disc from chipboard. Bought 2 pieces of a chipboard 16 mm thick, for large sanding and shallow. In the circle 5 or 6 layers of varnish PF-170 were applied.

To accurately install the disk, did this: in the center of the plan-washer (in a pre-drilled hole in the manufacture), it was driven a short of the nail, and combined with a drilled hole in the center of the disk, stirred and drilled 4 holes in the disk for fastening.

Hats of screws drowned and planted on epoxy resin, so as not to be rotated when tightening nuts.

The bed made from the door of the old cabinet.

Put condensers.

The disk was glued to sandpaper No. 60 on PVA glue. The maximum disk size that can be used is 330 mm.