Repairs Design Furniture

Pictures from sand in a bottle. Bottles with sand - an unusual accessory with their own hands. Unfortunately, the purchase of sand has flaws

Bottle with color sand with your own hands + photo

Bottle with colored sand. Photo

Recently, it is considered fashionable use in the interior decor of various bottles and jars with different fillers: color sand, cereal, grain, beads, glass balls, etc. Regarding non-ferrous sand, Master can make whole paintings from it in a bottle. Today we decided to demonstrate to your attention a master class on how to create a rainbow in the bottle!

To create a bottle with colored sand, we will need:

Sand or salt

Suitable bank

Colored shallow

Paper sheet

Bottle with colored sand step by step:

First of all, you need to pour a small amount of salt or sand onto a clean sheet of paper (in an exemplary ratio of 1/8 of the total amount of can) (Fig. 2).

Take a specific color chalk and scroll to them (sand) (Fig. 3).

Salt will acquire colored granules (Fig. 4).

The resulting color salt (sand) needs to be carefully pouring into a glass vessel (Fig. 5).

After that, you should take a new sheet of paper and repeat this procedure with small colors.

Capacity must be fully fill in layers of multi-colored sand. In order for the glass vessel to look more interesting, it is necessary to ship out the painted salt into the container at different angles, while turning the vessel. Only to do it is very careful that the sand layers are not mixed.

If you wish to diversify your leisure time - we bring to your attention a paintball club in Moscow. Here are various game scenarios contributing to raising mood.

Probably, this technique does not know only the lazy. A very affordable way to decorate the interior with a decorative bottle with a spawn sand layers or shallow salt, pre-painted. You need to pour them not just like that, but in a certain order and observing some moments. And how to do it right - in this master class. We will tell you about this on the example of the crafts of Hendmade "Sea bottle with salt and shells." You can, using this technology, make a bottle with another idea, not at all marine.

To work will be required:

bottle of light transparent glass of beautiful shape;

sea or cook salt;

blue and green ink (or blue);

small shells;

a little sawdust;

pVA glue;

piece of gauze;


A small piece of gauze is put on the plate, pour salt on it and watered in ink or blue. Ink and sink are not diluted, since, after drying, the salt will be pale into several tons. Raising for corners, the gauze is shifted on a double layer of the newspaper and leave to dry in a warm place (on the battery).

From the bottle remove the label, the vessel itself is washes and dried. A dry bottle through a quarter funnel is filled with an unpainted salt. The container is tilted so that the salt shifted to one of the sides. Insert paper rolled into the tube, then a funnel and pour a dry blue or green salt with a smooth layer 1 cm. Not a return vessel in a vertical position, add a conventional light salt by filling out a bottle of 2/3 of the volume.

Then, putting a bottle vertically, a colored salt is spooking into it again. The thickness of the layer is chosen at will. The remaining volume is filled with light salt.

Saws are mixed with PVA glue until a homogeneous consistency mass of thick sour cream. Shells are filled with adhesive weight so that it reaches the edges, but did not appear out. Bottles are decorated, gluing the shells with a solution to the glass. The most small shells are punctured vessel cover.

The art of creating paintings from colored sand bottles came to us from Arab countries. In Egypt or Jordan, you can find masters capable of creating such souvenirs in 5 minutes using conventional sand and thin sticks. Traditional plots of these unusual paintings - dugorby camels, vegans, elegant houses, pyramids, palm trees, marine inhabitants and birds - are born in your eyes, when the sand grain is merged into bizarre patterns, and the picture comes to life.

Preparation of material

Before proceeding to work, you should take care of the material - the sand of all sorts of colors and shades. The richer and more diverse the palette, the more beautiful it will be painting. Color sand can be obtained as follows: Lock the sand along the jars, filling them in about ¾. Then, in the jars with water gouache paints, that is, make the "colored water", and fill it with sand jars. Just do not overdo it with water. Before proceeding to creating a picture, sand should be carefully dried.

There is another way of sand color - if you want to get an unusual shade - gold, silver or pearl. Spread the sand on the newspaper and spray it from the distance of the artspray, after drying the sand, mix so that the sands do not stick. For sand color, you can also use paint for color printer. And instead of sand, you can try to use the semoline, which can also be painted in different colors. To do this, it is possible to wrap a stylograph of a color pencil or pastel and rub together with semolina.

Birth pattern

The technology of manufacturing a sandy picture is very simple. In a bottle of beautiful shape made of transparent glass, a layer in the layer of sand of different colors is poured using a special funnel for this. The sequence, thickness and shape of these sandy slides depends on your artistic design. The sandy mound inside the glass vessel is neatly tamped to the thick metal wire, with the help of it and the picture is formed. To begin with, you can try to create a simple picture using several basic colors, for example, just falling asleep multicolored layers of sand with smooth waves. After training, you can proceed to creating more complex plots.

Hand dexterity, imagination and colored sand - that's all you need to create such a picture. When the bottle is filled, it should be closed in a cloth tied to a knot, tested pre-in the glue. And further: Pictures of colored sand in bottles require very neat handling: when shaking the bottle, the drawing can be broken.

Want to learn this original art - try, create, not afraid that something will not work the first time. Imagine how pleasant and interesting to create beauty with your own hands from ordinary sand. Such an unusual souvenir will surely take a worthy place in the house, and in the heart of who you give it.

I have never been to Egypt, but I accidentally saw on the Internet here are such interesting bottles, inside which the sand was in interesting paintings:

They say it is a chassis souvenir for tourists (the second most of the prevalence after papyrus). And that every boy in Egypt since childhood learns to make such pictures from the sand in bottles.

Each Egyptian master can make a similar picture in your eyes with the help of a special box, in which colored sand is embarrassed (just like a huge paint box), an empty glass bottle, funnels and tubes:

And sell their works of art right here, on the street:

(Photo from page\u003d3195)

I do not know at what price they are sold in Egypt, but on one Vietnamese site it is indicated (this needlework is also common in Vietnam) that such bottles with a sand pattern are sold for 5-15 dollars.

I have not seen such souvenirs on the Russian nor in Ukrainian resorts (apparently there are no masters).

Of course, to make such bulk drawings from the sand, you need to learn some time. So you can learn, and then teach others. Organize master classes - and make your business on it (if you, of course, will like it).

I will give below several businesses that can be done on just this needlework. These directions will be fair for any needlewomen.

Business 1. Training master class on the creation of sand drawings

As far as I know, there are no master classes in Moscow (not counting the traditional needlework) - and the creation of paintings from sand on special tables, and drawing on water, etc. On any master class - the more such a spectacular and beautiful - wishes will be found.

And unlike many new-fashioned master classes, the result of this event will be able to take home and to give someone.

Business 2. Corporate events and holidays

This is also a fairly fashionable direction in our time. Corporate events with a learning focus bring together a team and help to know each other in an unconventional pastime.

And in the wedding ceremony it turns into a certain symbol of unity (in the West, this ritual is very popular):

The same applies to holidays. Organizers of home (or corporate) holidays seek to take the most and surprise guests. The unusual invited master class - the greater interest he will cause.

(Photos from

At this orphanage used, in my opinion, Chinese colored sand bottles, with already planned tubes (want such to buy - go to

Business 3. Sale of finished work as handmade souvenirs

For our edges, this is a rather rare and exotic souvenir, especially since I read the blogs of travelers, not everyone managed to bring bottles from Egypt. It happens, the bottles are saved, but the drawing is spoiled irretrievably. Moreover, the Egyptian (Arab, Vietnamese) bottles contain their national motifs (camels, vegans, palaces). Our motives are not doing. And we have something to show. Especially for different holidays - the New Year, February 23, March 8 and others.

But here we already have needlewomen who can invent their motifs in bottle of sandy drawings. In the picture below - the work of a resident of Belarus, an accountant by profession, Lyudmila Mogelya:

(Photo from the page

Business 4. Production of souvenir sand bottles to order

As some craftsmen sign on the order of dolls (portrait of a birthday party), so it will be possible to create pictures from sand with a significant story (well, at least with the figures of the fulfilled years; or with some characteristic symbol of the profession of congratulated).

Business 5. Creating your club needlewoman and supplying their materials for creativity

I found one Russian online store, where you can buy colored sand for creativity for 50 rubles per kilogram -

You can buy in bulk (it is cheaper; I don't know how to, I saw such colored sand at a price of $ 100 per ton, that is, 3.5 rubles per kilogram) and resell to retail to your clubs.

But you can make colored sand yourself. I read the recipes of its manufacture on the Internet (ordinary river sand takes, washed thoroughly, sieved, and then painted with dry paints for printers).

Not every handicraft can prepare such sand for itself. And they also need special glass bottles and some other tools (which are also not sold in stores).

The same Alibaba sells plastic bottles of different shapes and sizes at a very cheap price.

Sell \u200b\u200band color sand, and bottles for creativity can not only with the participants of their club, but also through the Internet - all other needlewomen.

And on the website of the needlewoman, and on the Russian similar site there are sellers and sand, and sets for wedding ceremonies (they have thousands of sales, despite the presence of Chinese with their cheap sand).

Here is one of these sellers, he has more than six thousand sales for 1.5 years:

Business 6. Sale of finished sets for creativity

One bottle, several color bags with sand, tools for creating a drawing in a bottle, instruction and some nice accessory.

One Australian Housewife created just such a business - it sells through the Internet kits for creativity to create drawings in bottles (in addition to holding actually entertainment holidays), its website is FUNANDFUNKY-SANDART.COM. Moreover, for children. That is, such sets that any child will win independently, without the presence of an instructor:

She uses plastic bottles, with a screw cap (probably, a penny stand).

With such a pattern, any child will cope with himself (from the instruments it will be needed a funnel and a spoon):

Each set includes accessories that make a funny character from a bottle (and a child, placing these accessories, will feel himself if not God, then the Creator):

In my opinion, simple, original and beautiful business. Available to any housewife living near the River (Sea, Ocean).

Business promotion on sand bottles with sand

1. At least - YouTube - where you will post your master classes or their passages, as well as examples of doing certain works. Such videos are very well spinning and will affect you yourself and your business.

2. Creating a group of social network. You can not only talk about your events, upload photos of your works and your video, but also to ask our customers (students) to send photos of their collected work. This process of involvement in the structure of the group will further promote it.

3. Cooperation with holiday organizers, wedding designers - with all organizations that are engaged in people's entertainment.

4. His regiment in the souvenir store. With the sale of your works as souvenirs, too, everything is simple. Arrange with local souvenir shops so that they put your bottles for sale. Sales - good, not sell - you will not lose anything. In my own experience I know that there is practically nothing original in our souvenir shops. And you can make every bottle to make the original, unique, decorated to the nearest holiday.

Such a bottle, despite the apparent fragility, can stand for several years or even centuries (the sand in it is tamped and either poured with special glue, or is very tightly sealing so that the sand does not grind). How more than 100 years of work of the American artist Andrei Klemensa studied:

5. Participate in urban events (in such where you can sell your needlework) and exhibitions.

This is the canva of creating and promoting any needlework business. There is nothing complicated in this, if you like to create, teach other people and spread around yourself the beautiful (and, as they would tell in the business of youth - "to put the world irreparable benefits").

My sister returned from Ana to the other day and also brought Russian pictures from the sand. Made so simple in the container, in which the smoked fish (or nuts) is usually sold:

And they are sold for money. That is, even on such drawings in our resorts, people manage to earn money.

A bottle of color sand is a favorite souvenir of tourists who visited on vacation in Arab countries. But it is not necessary to go for the thirty lands behind this souvenir. You can try to create such a picture with your own hands.

Preparation of material

Before proceeding to work, you should take care of the material - the sand of all sorts of colors and shades. The richer and more diverse the palette, the more beautiful it will be painting. Color sand can be obtained as follows: Lock the sand along the jars, filling them in about ¾. Then, in the jars with water gouache paints, that is, make the "colored water", and fill it with sand jars. Just do not overdo it with water. Before proceeding to creating a picture, sand should be carefully dried.

There is another way of sand color - if you want to get an unusual shade - gold, silver or pearl. Spread the sand on the newspaper and spray it from the distance of the artspray, after drying the sand, mix so that the sands do not stick. For sand color, you can also use paint for color printer. And instead of sand, you can try to use the semoline, which can also be painted in different colors. To do this, it is possible to wrap a stylograph of a color pencil or pastel and rub together with semolina.

Birth pattern

The technology of manufacturing a sandy picture is very simple. In a bottle of beautiful shape made of transparent glass, a layer in the layer of sand of different colors is poured using a special funnel for this. The sequence, thickness and shape of these sandy slides depends on your artistic design. The sandy mound inside the glass vessel is neatly tamped to the thick metal wire, with the help of it and the picture is formed. To begin with, you can try to create a simple picture using several basic colors, for example, just falling asleep multicolored layers of sand with smooth waves. After training, you can proceed to creating more complex plots.

Hand dexterity, imagination and colored sand - that's all you need to create such a picture. When the bottle is filled, it should be closed in a cloth tied to a knot, tested pre-in the glue.

And further: Pictures of colored sand in bottles require very neat handling: when shaking the bottle, the drawing can be broken.

Want to learn this original art - try, create, not afraid that something will not work the first time. Imagine how pleasant and interesting to create beauty with your own hands from ordinary sand. Such an unusual souvenir will surely take a worthy place in the house, and in the heart of who you give it.