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How to make your motor at home. How to assemble the simplest electric motor at home. Production of current interruption

Make an electric motor from the fact that at all is not difficult at all.

I spied the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a motor on the site as seen in the photo at the top for the engine we need tape, pair of pins, magnet, battery and a piece of copper wire.

Instead of a regular battery, it is better to take a battery because the battery charge for such an electric motor will not be enough for a long time. Take the copper wire and wrap 30-50 turns around the battery.

Wire ends secure on opposite edges of the resulting rotor, they will be axis. They can be tied up with a node.

Both ends of the wire can be cleaned from lacquer insulation by sandpaper or knife.

Now take the battery, tape and pins, attach the pins of scotch tape in the battery contacts, insert the cooked copper rotor in the ears.

ATTENTION! At this point, the contour of our rotor closes the contacts of the batteries and keep this design in the "calm" position for a long time not recommended! The electrolyte batteries can be very hot, so do not make the rotor less than 30 turns, the more the better (more resistance). Now, under the rotor on the battery, put a magnet, it will "stick" to the battery itself. The rotor will start to rotate quickly.

The rotor should not touch the magnet and even better if the magnet will be at a distance of 5-10 mm from the rotor. Try the magnet in different positions, bring it up, try to attribute it away from the copper rotor, achieve the maximum speed of rotation.

This is the simplest example of an electric motor, we have repeatedly passed at school on the lessons of physics, but for some reason we never showed this simple and interesting design :) We watch the video how this homemade motor works.

[Video lost service Rutube]

It is always interesting to observe the changing phenomena, especially if you are involved in creating these phenomena. Now we will collect the simplest (but really working) an electric motor consisting of a power source, a magnet and a small coil of the wire, which we ourselves.

There is a secret that will make this set of items become an electric motor; The secret that is simultaneously smart and amazingly simple. That's what we need:

1.5V battery or battery.

Holder with contacts for the battery.


1 meter wire with enamel insulation (diameter 0.8-1 mm).

0.3 meters of uninsulated wire (diameter 0.8-1 mm).

We will start with winding the coil, that part of the electric motor that will rotate. To make the coil sufficiently smooth and round, we wock it on a suitable cylindrical frame, for example, on a battery of AA sizes.

Leaving free 5 cm wires from each end, we wock 15-20 turns on the cylindrical frame.

Do not try especially tightly and smoothly wind the coil, a small degree of freedom will help the coil better to preserve its shape.

Now carefully remove the coil from the frame, trying to keep the resulting form.

Then wrap several times the free ends of the wire around the turns to preserve the shape, observing the new bonding turns to be exactly opposite each other.

The coil should look like this:

Now the time is the secret, the features that will make the motor work. This is a secret, because it is an exquisite and non-obvious reception, and it is very difficult to detect when the motor works. Even people who know a lot about the operation of the engines can be surprised by the motor's ability to work until it detects this subtlety.

Holding the coil vertically, put one of the free ends of the coil on the edge of the table. Remove the upper half of the insulation, leaving the lower half in the enamel isolation.

Do also the same with the second end of the coil, observing the uninsulated ends of the wires to be directed up the two free ends of the coil.

What is the meaning of this reception? The coil will lie on two holders made of uninsulated wire. These holders will be attached to different ends of the battery, so that the electrical current can pass from one holder through the coil to another holder. But it will only happen when uninsulated half of the wires are lowered down, touching holders.

Now it is necessary to make support for the coil. These are just turns of the wires that support the coil and allow it to rotate. They are made of uninsulated wire, since in addition to supporting the coil, they should deliver to it electric current.

Just wrap every piece of uninsulated wire around a small nail - and get the desired part of our engine.

The basis of our first electric motor will be the battery holder. It will be a suitable base, because when the battery is installed, it will be difficult enough for the electric motor to be trembled.

Collect five parts together, as shown in the picture (at the beginning without a magnet). Put the magnet on top of the battery and carefully push the coil ...

If everything is done correctly, the coil will start to rotate quickly! We hope that you, as in our experiment, everything will work the first time.

If still the motor did not earn, carefully check all electrical connections. Does the coil rotate freely? Is it easy to closely located magnet (if not enough, install additional magnets or cut wire holders)?

When the motor earn, the only thing to pay attention to - so that the battery does not overheat, as the current is large enough. Just remove the coil - and the chain will be torn.
Let's find out exactly how our simple electric motor works. When electric current flows on the wire of any coil, the coil becomes an electromagnet. Electromagnet acts as an ordinary magnet. It has the North and South Pole and can attract and repel other magnets.

Our coil becomes an electromagnet when the non-insulated half of the protruding coil wires concerns the uninsulated holder. At that moment, the coil begins to flow the current, the coil arises the northern pole, which is attracted to the southern pole of a permanent magnet, and the South Pole, which is repelled from the southern pole of a permanent magnet.

We filmed isolation from the top of the wire, when the coil stood vertically, so the pole of the electromagnet will be directed to the right and left. And this means that the poles will come into motion to settle in one plane with poles of the lying magnet, pointing up and down. Therefore, the coil turns to the magnet. But at the same time, the isolated part of the coil wire is touched by the holder, the current will be interrupted, and the coil will no longer be an electromagnet. It will be checked on the inertia further, will again affect the uninsulated part of the holder and the process will repeat again and again until the current is running in the batteries.

How can the electric motor rotate faster?

One of the ways is to add another magnet from above.

Apply the magnet during the rotation of the coil, and one of two will happen: or the motor will stop, or start rotating faster. The choice of one of two options will depend on which pole of the new magnet will be sent to the coil. Just do not forget to hold the lower magnet, and then the magnets jum down to each other and destroy the fragile design!

Another way is to put small glass beads on the coil axis, which will reduce the friction of the coil of holders, and also better balanced the electric motor.

There are still many ways to improve this simple design, but the main goal is achieved - you have collected and fully understood how the simplest electric motor works.

For an elementary electromagnetic motor, the AA battery is needed, two stationery clips, an enameled wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm, glue or tape, plasticine for fastening the design to the table, a small magnet that should not be too big and not too small. The magnet size should be approximately with the diameter of the coil. Acquire them in this store.

How to make a simple motor.

Bend paper clips. Make an elementary coil in 6-7 turns from the enamel of the wire enamel. Wire ends Lock on the coil with a nodule and clean one end of the insulation to the entire length, and the second is also over the entire length, but only on the one hand.
Strengthen the clips on the battery with glue or other material. Put the batteries magnet from above. Install the entire assembly on the table and secure. Install the coil so that the ends of it touches the clips to the stripped sides. When the current runs through the wire, the electromagnetic field occurs and the coil will become an electromagnet. The magnet should be put so that the poles of the magnet and coils are the same, then the permanent magnet and the electromagnet coil will be repelled from each other. This force turns the coil at the very beginning of the turn due to the fact that one end is cleaned by length only from one side, it is lost for a moment the contact is lost and the magnetic field disappears. By inertia, the coil rotates, the contact again restores and the cycle unfolds again. As you can see, make the simplest motor with your own hands just just! It describes in more detail how to make a simple motor that was discussed above.

All the assembly of the magnetic engine on video

Simplified Motor Model from Battery and Wire

There are many types of electric motors, and they can be classified according to different criteria. One of them is the type of electricity supplied by him. We can distinguish constant and alternating currents.

One of the first DC direct current engines was the Faraday drive, which, like many engines, was a reversing machine. After the delivery of mechanical energy, it produced electricity (single-polar generator).

Today we are going to build the simplest, but the working model of the DC motor.


Materials needed for making toys can be found in every home. We need:

A small amount of wire in enamel with a diameter of 0.3-0.6 mm
R6 - Battery 1.5 V
Magnet may be small
Auxiliary materials: tin, rosin, wire fragment and part of a universal printed circuit board for "luxurious" version
Of course, we also need a soldering iron with a resistance or resistance of the transformer.

We are working

Enameled wires must be wound on the battery, creating a small circle that will serve as a winding engine. Then, with the ends of the wire, wrap the winding so that it does not develop.

So that the impeller is ready, you still have to remove insulating enamel at the ends of the wire that will serve as a axis. In addition, one of them will also be a primitive switch. Therefore, if, on the one hand, we remove all enamel, on the other hand, we must do it only on the one hand, on top or bottom:

The easiest way to do this is to put the straightened end of the wire on the flat air, for example, on the worktop, and then clean the enamel from above using a razor blade. I remind you that the other end should be isolated around the perimeter!

Finally, straighten the axis so that the impeller is aslended as possible.

Then make two small hoops (bearings) in which the rotor will rotate. The diameter of the rim should be about 3 mm (it is best to use a nail for winding).

Slices of wire with bearings must be soldered to the battery. Then we glue from it a small magnet so that one of his poles is directed up. All this should look something like this:

If you now turn on the rotor, it should rotate at high speed around its axis. Sometimes it takes a small preliminary start, carefully rotating the rotor until it "snaps up." This model of the electric motor, made during this action, can be seen on the video:

We can also make a solid version of this physical toy. I used a large magnet from the old dynamics, which I attached to a universal printed circuit board with wiring fragments. Also, more rigid brackets are soldered. The 4.5 V flat battery is located under the plate, as well as under it there are cables that provide voltage on the brackets. Visible on the right side of the jumper functions as a switch. The design looks like this:

The work of this model is also depicted on the video.

How and why does it work?

The whole joke is based on the use of electrodynamic power. This force acts on each conductor through which the electric current placed in the magnetic field. Its action is described in the rule of the left hand.

When the current passes through the coil, the electrodynamic force acts on it, because it is in a magnetic field created by a permanent magnet. This power causes the coil to rotate until the current is interrupted. This is due to the fact that one of the axes through which the current is served is isolated only at half pasta. Although force does not work anymore, the coil performs the second half of the rotation due to its inertia. This continues until the axis turns into its isolated side. The scheme will be closed, and the cycle will repeat.

The submitted electric motor is simple, but an effective physical toy. The absence of any reasonable practical applications makes the game very pleasant.

Have fun and informative entertainment!

The other day she showed the child how the electric motor works. I remembered the experiment on physics from school.

Source materials:

  1. AA battery
  2. Enameled wire 0.5 mm
  3. Magnet
  4. Two paper clips, about the battery size
  5. Stationery Scotch
  6. Plasticine

We drive part of the clips.

Wash the coil from the enameled wire. We make 6-7 turns. Wire ends fix nodules. Then we clean. One end is completely cleaning from isolation, and the other is only on the one hand. (On the photo, the right end is cleaned below)

Fix paper clips on a battery Scotch. Install a magnet. Breeping the whole design on the table with plasticine. Next, you need to correctly put the coil. When the coil is installed, the stripped ends should touch the clips. In the coil arises a magnetic field, we turn out electromagnet. Poles of a permanent magnet and coils must be the same, that is, they must be repelled. The repulsion strength turns the coil, one of the ends loses contact and the magnetic field disappears. By inertia, the coil rotates, the contact again appears and the cycle is repeated. If the magnets are attracted, the motor will not be spinning. Therefore, one of the magnets should be turned over.

Consider individual aspects of design. I will not promise to promise the manufacture of an eternal engine, by type of creation attributed to the Tesch, but the story is foreseen interesting. We will not disturb readers with paper clips and batteries, we suggest talking how to adapt the ready-made motor under our own goals. It is known that the structures of the mass, all are used, but modern literature basic foundations leaves for feed. The authors have passed the textbook of the last century, studying how to make an electric motor own. Now we propose to plunge into the knowledge that make up the basis of the specialist.

Why collector engines often apply to everyday life

If you take a 220V phase, the principle of operation of the electric motor at the collector allows you to make devices 2-3 times less massive than when using asynchronous design. This is important in the manufacture of instruments: manual blenders, mixers, meat grinders. Among other things, the asynchronous engine is difficult to dispersed above 3000 revolutions per minute, there is no specified restriction for the collector. What makes the devices only suitable for the implementation of the designs of centrifuge juicers, not to mention the vacuum cleaners, where speed is often not lower.

The question disappears how to make the electric motor revolve. The task has long been solved by cut-off portions of the cycle of the supply voltage sinusoids. It is possible, because there is no difference collector engine, eat alternating or direct current. In the first case, the characteristics fall, but with a phenomenon, it is placed because of the obvious benefits. There is a collector-type electric motor and in a washing machine, and in dishwasher. Although speeds are very different.

Easy to do and reverse. For this, the polarity of the voltage on one winding changes (if both affected, the direction of rotation will remain the same). Other task - how to make the engine with a similar number of components. Make an independent collector is unlikely to succeed, but to rebel and pick up the stator is quite real. Note that the rotation speed depends on the number of rotor sections (similar to the amplitude of the supply voltage). And on the stator only a pair of poles.

Finally, when using the specified design, you can create a universal device. The engine is running without difficulty and from variable, and from DC. Just on the winding make a removal, when turning on from the straightened voltage, the turns involve completely, and with sinusoidal solely part. This allows you to save the nominal parameters. Make a primitive collector type electric motor does not look a simple task, but it will be possible to fully adapt the parameters for your own needs.

Features of the work of collector engines

The collector engine is not too poles on the stator. To speak more precisely, there are only two - the North and South. The magnetic field in counterweight asynchronous engines does not rotate here. Instead, the position of the poles on the rotor changes. This provision is ensured by the fact that the brushes are gradually moving through the sections of the copper drum. Special winding coils ensures proper distribution. Poles like slide along the rotor circle, pushing it in the right direction.

To ensure the reverse mode, it is enough to change the polarity of the nutrition of any winding. The rotor in this case is called anchor, and the stator is the causative agent. Include these chains permissible in parallel to each other or sequentially. And then the characteristics of the device will begin to change significantly. This is described by mechanical characteristics, take a look at the attached pattern to imagine the approved. Here are conditionally shown graphics for two cases:

  1. With parallel power of the pathogen (stator) and anchor (rotor) of the collector motor with a constant current, its mechanical characteristic is almost horizontal. This means that when the load changes, the nominal frequency of the shaft rotation is saved. This is used on machining machines, where the change in revolutions does not differ in the best way. As a result, the part rotates when she taps it with a cutter, as when starting. If the initial moment is too increasing, the movement takes place. The engine stops. SUMMARY: If you want the engine from the vacuum cleaner to apply to create a metalworking (turning) machine, the windings are proposed to connect in parallel, because in the household appliance, another type of inclusion dominates. And the situation is explained. With parallel diet, the windings of alternating current forms too large inductive resistance. The specified technique should be used with caution.
  2. With a sequential power of the rotor and the stator from the collector engine, a pretty property appears - a large torque at the start. Such quality is actively used to affect trams, trolley buses and probably electric trains. The main thing is that with an increase in the load, the turns are not broken. If you start in this mode, the collector engine at idle, the rotation speed of the shaft will grow immensely. If the power is small - dozens of W - it is not worth worrying: the force of friction of bearings and brushes, an increase in the induction currents and the phenomenon of the recession of the core will slow down growth on a particular value. In the case of industrial aggregates or said vacuum cleaner, when its engine was removed from the case, the increase in speed is avalanche-like. The centrifugal force turns out to be so large that the loads can break the anchor. Preparately when starting collector engines with sequential excitation.

Collector engines with parallel inclusion of stator and rotor windings are perfectly adjustable. Due to the introduction of a risk in a chain of the causative agent, it is possible to significantly raise the revolutions. And if you attach such an anchor into the branch, rotation, on the contrary, will slow down. It is massively used in the technique to achieve the desired characteristics.

The design of the collector engine and the connection of it with losses

When constructing collector engines, information relating to losses are taken into account. Three species stand out:

Usually, when powering the collector engine, the variable current is used to enable windings. Otherwise, there is too large inductive resistance.

To those who have said, that when nutrition of the collector engine, an alternating current enters the inductive resistance of the windings. Therefore, with the same current voltage, the frequency of revolutions will drop. Poles of the stator and the body are fascinated from magnetic losses. In addition, it is easy to make sure about simple experience: do the low-power collector engine from the battery. His body will remain cold. But if you now submit an alternating current with the previous current value (according to the testimony of the tester), the picture will change. Now the housing of the collector engine will begin to warm up.

Therefore, even the casing is trying to collect electrical steel sheets, riveting either gluing with the help of BF 2 and analogs. Finally, supplemented with the statement: Sheets are gained along the transverse section. Often the stator is assembled according to the sketch shown in the figure. In this case, the coil is wound separately according to the template, then it is isolated and put on back, simplifying the assembly. As for the techniques, it is easier to cut steel on the plasma machine, and not to think about the price of the event.

It's easier to find (on a landfill, in the garage) already ready for the assembly. Then it is already climbed under her coil from copper wire with lacquer insulation. Obviously diameter selected more. Initially, the finished coil is tightened to the first protrusion of the core, then to the second. Cress the wire so that a small air gap remains on the ends. It is believed to be like not critical. To keep, in two extreme plates, sharp corners are cut off, the remaining sector is rejected outward, pressing the ends of the coil. This will help assemble the engine by factory standards.

Often (especially in blenders) there is an open core of the stator. It does not distort the magnetic field form. Once the pole is the only one, there is no special power to expect. The shape of the core resembles the letter n, between the legs the litera in the magnetic field rotates the rotor. Under the device made circular slits in the right places. Such a stator is not difficult to collect independently from the old transformer. It is easier than to make an electric motor from scratch.

The core at the winding site is insulated with a steel sleeve, on the sides - dielectric flanges cut from any suitable plastic.