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As a man look young and good. As a man looks younger than his years: practical advice and recommendations. Habits from which to refuse

Contrary to emerging opinion, representatives of strong sex just like women are concerned about their appearance and aging processes. And they just like women, like young and look good and enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. And in this article we will talk about how a man looks younger than their years.

Skin care

Moisturizing and nutrition of the skin is needed not only to women. In the men's body with age, the same processes flow - cell metabolism slows down, moisture is worse, the skin becomes more dry, and wrinkles arise. Therefore, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams, especially this is important after 45 years. There are both night and daytime complexes. The maximum effect is achieved if you use both. But it is more important, still moisturize the skin before bedtime, since it is at night she dries the most.

Special attention should be paid to the area around the eyes, here the skin is the most subtle and age changes are more visible. It is worth using special creams that will help get rid of not only from edema and bruises under the eyes, but also significantly reduce the effect of "goose paws".

It will also help protect the skin from aging using sunscreen. The destructive effect of ultraviolet on the skin has long been known, but, as a rule, men do not give it much importance and rarely enjoy in everyday life by means protecting the skin from the sun. Women in this regard is easier - the line of cosmetic means they have much wider, including with the function of protection against ultraviolet rays.

Habits from which to refuse

It is no secret that alcohol and cigarettes have a detrimental effect on human health. But, in addition to harm to health, these habits leave unfavorable traces and on human appearance. The smoker acquires an earthy shade of the face, since the skin is reduced in the skin that is responsible for elasticity. In addition, nicotine is poorly reflected on the skin around the eye, leads to the formation of swelling and dark circles under the eyes. And this is not to mention other extremely unpleasant impacts provided by this harmful habit of the body as a whole.

It is also worth thinking about reducing alcohol consumption. It extremely negatively affects the condition of the skin and blood vessels. As a result of abuse of alcoholic beverages, it is possible to achieve the expansion of blood vessels and the gap of capillaries. Very often, such changes are noticeable on the face, in particular on the wings of the nose. Alcohol prevents the proper absorption of moisture, which is poorly reflected in the skin condition. In general, drinking people look often older than their real age. Therefore, in order for the elderly man to save a healthy appearance as long as possible, you need to refrain from using this poison.


It is worth paying a little attention to the style of your nutrition. The best option is to stick to a balanced diet. Do not abuse fried, oily and sweet food. Such food also adds age. It is very important not to remake with sweets, sugar reduces the content of collagen, so the skin begins to lose elasticity. The conversation is not about eliminating this product from its diet. Finally, it's just better to restrict it use.

Physical Loads and Sports

There is no age in which it is late to start playing sports. Yes, in 40 years, the professional level is no longer shining to you, but if you correctly approach training and the level of exercise, you can achieve impressive results. At the same time, absolutely not necessary for days and nights to disappear in the gym. Extremely favorably on your appearance, even just regular walks or jogs will be displayed. Physical exertion allow you to get rid of excess fat, improve posture and metabolism, lead to muscle tone. And also pleasantly affect the skin and complexion.

Wardrobe and appearance

Do not need too chasing the latest fashion trends, nothing is so old man, as an overlooking youth style. The best clothing is the one that you go. The classic is also always in fashion. The main thing is that things are high quality and sitting on you.

In order to look more young, it is worth getting rid of excessive vegetation. With age, many men appear their nose and ears, they should take care of their absence. In addition, you should not wear a long beard or lush mustache, it will only add to you.

All men have a desire to always look younger and feel young. Today, the rejuvenating industry operates budgets in hundreds of billions of dollars annually and their income is constantly growing. According to experts, this growth will be extremely dependent on the total aging of the population, as well as people who make decisive efforts to preserve their young appearance. While cosmetic surgery can help a man look younger than his years, such a practice is far from the only working option. In this article we will tell about three things that teach as a man looks younger than their years with ease.

Correct skin care - and man young looks

Moisturizing. If you live with a woman, you, no doubt, have seen how much cream she keeps to maintain youth and skin health. Of course, skin moisturizing is not only for women. Signs of aging often look like excessive dry skin on the body and face. In such a situation, you melted with moisturizers to help a man even in 45 look like a young man. There are daily and night creams - the use of a moisturizing cream during sleep guarantees the maximum result, because at this time the skin, as a rule, dries more. Nevertheless, there are faces of the region who should pay more attention. The use of men's eye cream is a good idea, because it contributes to the hydration of delicate skin, located in this area, which the first shows the signs of wrinkles.

Sunscreen It really helps a man look younger. For those who like to spend time outdoors, it is important to remember about the number of hours that pass under the sun. Harmful ultraviolet rays damage skin fibers, which leads to its sagging and loss of elasticity. Excessive exposure to the Sun not only affects your skin, it also exposes you to health risks. About 40% of cases of melanoma occur in men. The easiest way to stay safe is to apply some sunscreen before going out of the house. This is the most powerful product from aging in the modern market. Any cream at least with the SPF 15 protection factor is ideal, but with a higher SPF always provide better protection.

Pay attention to the eye area. Eyes, no doubt, the soul mirror, but nothing gives your age more than this mirror. Sometimes the eye condition can make you outwardly older than your real age. It is well known that the skin around the eye of a person is thin enough, which makes it more prone to swelling, wrinkles and dark circles. Thus, the eye area should get more attention every morning and at night. Use the eye cream, which has already proven itself as an effective tool of getting rid of goose paws.

Lifestyle: When Men look younger than women

Stop smoking. Not just to get rid of the resistant habit, but the advantages that gives a refusal of this bad habit, are all efforts. Smoking makes the skin of the earthly shade, because he adversely affects the content of collagen in the skin. Collagen is responsible for youth elasticity. Delicate skin under the eyes dramatically depends on cigarette smoke, it often leads to the swelling and the formation of dark circles. In addition, smoking reduces sexual attraction, destroys the teeth, causes infertility, and also affects many other issues related to health.

Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol leads to many human skin damage, such as the expansion of blood vessels, which leads to the breaking of capillaries. Also alcohol additionally loads the body with sugar, which deprives the skin of so necessary moisture. Alcoholics and strongly drinking people, as you know, seem older, regardless of real age. If you want to be a man who looks young, be sure to reduce alcohol consumption or completely refrain.

Stick up a balanced diet. This is a well-known fact that eating more fried, oily and sweet food, makes a person outwardly a few years older than he / she really. Reducing sugar intake is a very effective way to improve your diet in general. In particular, excessive sugar consumption reduces the content of skin collagen. Studies have shown that the presence of a too large amount of blood sugar leads to the formation of a protein that violates the elasticity of the skin. It equally exposes you more risk to suffer from the sun.

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Adequate physical activity allows a man and look younger in 40 years. Actually be younger also just how to wear in the morning sneakers and go on a 30-minute jog or walk. Exercises, as you know, help burn belly fat, improve posture, increase the metabolism, and also help slow down the aging process. Definitely, participation in regular training helps to preserve a young look. Exercises can improve the complexion - very young looking men are most often not a question of genetics, but a consequence of the right lifestyle.

Appearance: When a man looks younger?

Do not chase fashionable clothes. Boldly wear even outdated, but classic outfits. Nothing is so old as an adult, like a youth "CID", but, of course, it is not necessary to go out into the light in the ancient crutches and Camzoles are quite suitable for the last decade-two good quality things for the last decade.

Take care of eyebrows. In men, as you know, over the years there are unevenly long eyebrows, issuing their age - sometimes make them look a little crazy. It is always good to have neat eyebrows trimmed during the usual visit to the hairdresser. Also shorter haircuts make a man visually younger.

Get rid of any unwanted hair on the body. In men, as you know, hair with age is beginning to grow in several unwanted places - nose and ears. Getting rid of these unwanted hair will always give a rejuvenating effect. In addition, when the hair starts to be seen, the short haircut will make the gray one less noticeable. This is equally working for beard and hair on the chest.

Remove vegetation on the face. Hair on the face make a man look like. So if you want to have a younger look, or say goodbye to the beard and mustache, or make them shorter.

Secrets of the youth of famous men.

This second article, the continuation on the topic looks younger than your years. There are people who believe that asking such a question is not normal, humiliating and should not sound with the mouth of a man. But it is probably a delicacy. A man who remembers the fountain of energy, strength, inspiration, which he experienced in youth never wants to lose such a state of body and mind. Dryness, weakness, slowness - what can be attractive in old age? Therefore, I am confidently declare - the more often in society the men raise the question - how to look young, the healthier is society.

That is why the experience of famous men aged may seem interesting to you. They are popular, almost always in sight. And the matter of youth and vigorus concerns them not only as a personal wish, but as well as the requirement to comply with a specific image. You can even say that such an external responsibility to which their fans are forced is the best good and stimulant for them. Who knows him, how would they look without need to appear in humans. Therefore, you, dear reader, useful to appear and interact in society as often as possible. Healthy competition and understanding that you are assessed with an important stimulus in preserving a good form.

The question of a reasonable and educated person will sound like that - and whether there are any secrets of youth? In terms of, something that is what few people know about, or secrets that cannot be proved by an experimental scientific way. And the answer of a reasonable author will sound like this - of course there are no secrets. There is only will, discipline and mind. The fact that a man gives force, it saves it.

The main problem of modern civilization is that we are too early old and too late die. Why not die late, but vigorous and gambling. Look at this ten famous many in the world of stars, estimate their age and appearance - do you want to look like at a similar age?

Randy Gerber, 54 years old.

Randy Gerber is a former entrepreneur in the field of nightclubs, and today the owner of several brands of perfume. Like his wife Cindy Crawford, he regularly deals with himself. Early in the morning - jogging on the beach in Malibu, sometimes sunbathing on the same beach and regular cycling trips with a friend George Clooney. What are the secrets here here. Permanent exercise, beloved wife and good friends.

Kevin Bacik, 58 years

Now Kevin has been 58 years old, and he is the father of two twenty-year-old children. But his sharp cheekbones and riddled nose remain the same as in his youth. Another feature of his body is almost a complete lack of hair on the face. He loves vegetarian food and a lot of fitness - tourist hiking, free weights, gymnastics. It is difficult to say what is the main cause of his such young species. But on fitness and light breakfast worth paying attention.

Jeff Goldblum, 63 years

Jeff Goldblum is one of the oldest men in our feed. In his 63, he is married to a girl twice as younger - Emily Livingston, Olympic gymnast. And imagine, he became a dad, already in his 62 years. With this event, even if you do not want - rapidly. He is one of the few girlfriends aged who did not make a plastic surgery. Constantly wears clothes from Prada and Yves Saint Laurent, which naturally add to it peppercorn and zador youth. Jeff meals consists of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain and lean protein. In physical exertion, it passes a day at least 10,000 steps. Simple habits that each can follow. But a young wife gymnast. Probably plays a major role in youth, if you understand what I mean.

Bruce Springstine, 67 years

Bruce Springstine is a famous American rock and folk-musician held the way from the Narrow of Fastfund in the mid-1980s to the sports 67-year-old man that you see in the photo. A large role in this was played by his personal coach, who followed the implementation of the norm in 4-6 miles run three times a week, work with weights and on the rowing simulator. Add a vegetarian diet here and you will understand that old age is primarily a conscious choice of man. The old one is not necessary.

Dane Dehaan, 30 years

Dane Dekhan is an American actor who surprises everyone with his appearance in 30. When you look at his role 5-10 years ago, do not understand whether his age is changing at all. With a certain make-up and clothing, he can impeach himself for a minor. What's the secret? According to him, it's just good genes. Well, let's see what it will be 50-60 years old. If the effect persists, then scientists of genetic engineering probably stands to explore it.

Viggo Mortensen, 57 years

Mortensen - many known exactly on the trilogy of the lord of the rings, which touches the hearts of almost all men on earth. But he never played the Goliwood game, never fought for Oscar. He lives in Madrid with 47-year-old actresses Ariad Hil, draws, photographs, writes poems, launches the publisher. In a word, he lives as the hero of the Renaissance Epoch enjoying every minute and not chase behind the laurels. At the same time, in its 57 it looks like 40. Maybe you just need to do what you like?

Alexander Skarsgard, 40 years

You could already read a detailed interview with Skarsgard here. In the matter of age, first of all, attention should be paid to his service in the Swedish marine infantry, where he spent 15 months and was known for several cross-country distances. He also, for his biography, nomaded to the southern pole with Prince Harry, thus spending three weeks of swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. Saturated life, active workout, travel and excitement - this is what you can learn in the Swedish star.

Jamie Fox, 48 years

Previously, Jamie had alcohol problems that prevented themselves to call him a truly healthy man. But since 2008 he has everyday intense training for 45 minutes with free weights, a couple of basketball sessions and no alcohol. Plus a diet that is similar to the nutrition of all the above men - the low content of carbohydrates, high fiber content and fish in the diet. The result is visible in the photo, from 48 you can safely take 8-10 years.

KIAN RIVZ, 52 years

Keanu Rivz always looked over his years younger than his years. As always, the mysterious and unlikely recently he explained that the martial arts mean for him, which he learned when preparing for the "matrix" and "47 Ronins". Yes, he continues to practice Tai Tzu and considers it as a key to physical and spiritual health and well-being. Here Kiwa is right, like all past generations of masters Tha Tzu. He who understood the philosophy and the importance of this art for a person - is unlikely to go to another combat discipline.

Farrell Williams, 43 years old

Some Farrela fans consider him a mysterious Benjamin Button. After all, in his 43 years he has practically no traces of this age. But according to him, everything is easier, he is blewing his face with cold water every day and uses several special creams. I do not think that this is enough to be young, but these tips need to be included in your list.

As you can see, algorithms are simple, there are no secrets. The problem is only in their execution. Now you are deprived of the right to their ignorance. How long are you ready to maintain your youth due to the will, discipline, responsibility, joy and life azart?

You know, what is the name of the stage of life when you just 40? Autumn time life. This is because everything is popped like autumn foliage ...: hair, tone, potency ...

Sad? On the one hand, yes. Why? Because not everyone can cope with new sensations of themselves, taking another life stage like a sunset.

The reason for all misfortunes of men "a little over 40" is fear, and the secret, but destroying everything around and generates a lot of complexes and errors.

Here is some of them:

1. Suddenly, a man becomes a mega athlete. Before that, he drank, smoked, tusyl, and now sport-sport. All this is very good. But science repeatedly said that the sharp change of a celebrating lifestyle to healthy and mega active - leads to failures. First, psychological, secondly, to physical. It is necessary to leave the "stagnation" gradually.

2. At the turn of the forty-pharmacy, a woman is afraid of wrinkles, and the man of Klimaks. Paradox, climax comes to one, and to others. But the woman knows, the climax will bring her temperament, and the man on the contrary, is experiencing for his potency. Remember: Main Regularity! No, it does not mean that it is necessary to look for young mistresses and use them as a simulator. It is important to all: emotions, quality of execution, the ability to open and trust. With a frequent change of the partner - it will be more physical culture. Which, by the way, is fraught with various diseases. And one thing to "pick up" them at 20, quite another 40 ...

3. In the event of a crisis of 40 years, a man will again have to rebuild their life plan, produce a new "I - concept". This crisis can seriously change the life of a person up to the change of profession and creating a new family. And often with a girl much younger.

No, I do not want to offend young girls. We were all there :). Young girls really like adults uncle. They are such impressive, smart, consistent, attentive lovers and blah blah blah.

The young girl's body is better, she looks in love with her eyes and boasts to your girlfriends ... But damn, what could be common in people so different, except sex and wallet? 20 and 40 years - it's like two polar circles ... She loves him, he loves her ... and in his eyes fear ...

Studies are disappointing, with a small age break (3-7 years), specialists are observed by the greatest satisfaction with marriage, the greatest number of children in the family, the most harmonious sex life, and the smallest number of divorces (37%). In turn, multi-age marriages, where the gap is 10 years or more, is much less resistant: divorces in them about 60%, children are much less, the degree of satisfaction and psychological, and the sexual decreases are significantly reduced over the years.

But the collective argument of girls ..: "One thing when you 20, and it is 40 ... it is cool. But when you are only 30, and he is already 50 - here are the problems here ... ".

In a word, choose myself a companion not by age, but on intelligence - you will live longer: British social psychologists conducted research on the duration of marriages and longevity and found out that those men live longer and full of falsity, whose wives are intellectually more developed than they. Men - Think.

And one more argument ... Many men think that "heading" a young girl (mistress) all around him envy. No matter how. There are no envy there, more sympathy ... Another 5 years ago it was supported by fashion. Now the fashion for such unions passed. And only love remained. If love connects you, then age does not matter ...

4. In fourth place we have healthy food. The smartest solution to go to the correct, balanced nutrition. Clearly divide food intakes and abandon low-quality products.

Many times came across men, who suddenly become vegetarians ... I do not want to argue on the use of such nutrition - I will leave you on thinking. I will only note that such experience leads to the fact that a man begins to "dry", becoming "pinned dried fruit" ... After 40 years, such "dryness" does not make men attractive... and good health adds. Decide yourself.

5. Changing style, hairdresser and shopping sites ... This is perhaps another unkind moment in the life of a man. Here you can write a book, but ... the main rule: it is better to be just a forty-male man than a young fellow man. I am for: color of seeds, beautiful teeth, manicure, massages and hiking to the beautician. But I am against: the outfits of twenty years of juncs, shirts in the "pink color" and the gates with an open breast.

In 40 years, you need to have your own style and do not chase at ultra-treated things. Little troughs and jackets with sleeves. Seven eighth-eighth are caused only pity and mockery. Somehow read in one journal, that when looking at such a "retro" is created hopelessly the sorrowful impression that the only chance in life has already been used and it is when buying this outfit.:))))

We asked three questions to our beauties - readers.

Perhaps women's opinion will help men to pass this stage without loss ...:

1. Is it worth a man to regree or first of all need to be?

2. In your opinion, the three components would avoid despondency in a 40-year-old crisis ...

3. How should the companion must support a man in this "not easy" time?

1. Is it worth it to make a man ... everything is very thin and individually. I am now watching the "transformation" of two men, my acquaintances. Two opposite stories, but I assume one reason - a crisis of 40 years. One got out of the chair, took off the dimensionless sweaters, went to the pool, threw 25 kg, dressed dear shirts and elegant suits. Dacha's trips changed to travel around the world. It is surrounded by intellectual, self-sufficient young women, the wife in Bigudah remained at the cottage.

The second story does not inspire that. Located jeans, T-shirts in the "Appearance" and discos with graduates of the school. Wife for now forgives everything, but sadly look at both spouses.

2. 3 components ... Avoid the crisis is unlikely to succeed, reassessment of values \u200b\u200bis inevitable. The collapse of those "importance", which was used to relying and the birth of new ones. But it is possible to avoid despondency.

To live up to 40 so that there is no painfully painful to answer the question: "And that's all what are you able to?"

Do not delay the problem of problems before that they would not be wrapped in neurosis. Not satisfied with the work, not only think about changes, but also act. The chill in family life will not pass by itself. Weight and physical form from the power of desire will not improve.

Learn easier to take life.

3. As a wife must support her husband ... My opinion, to be honest, the wife less should climb. And it is better to think about yourself that after the husband in the new perspective looks at the past years, he would not want to leave her in the past.

1. Peer?! I think, at each age there is its own charms, but as for men, I am for the naturalness and opportunity to remain. Everything should be in moderation, but if a man is bright pronounced, it is worth alert. After all, such a self-admission is the theater of one actor, and this is not interesting for women.

40 crisis is eternal, and of course there are many reasons for this. But I think it can be avoided only by the global way: do not lose the taste of life. The crisis 40 does not cure in one day. No such medicine.

2. Three components: 1. Expression of emotions, it does not matter even what, but while you feel something, it means not everything stopped around. Sugari more often suffer from the 40-ka crisis :-)) 2. A hobby that can help relax, whether it is a hobby or sport, the variations of interest are at the moment a lot. 3. To be honest with himself, and not to confuse itself in life, so that by the 40s of the years did not have to rethink all the priorities, desires and aspirations.

3. Support for the companion ... This is not an easy moment for both sides, and the test for marriage. Often, a man retracts his spouse and does not give her a chance to help him. He himself does not understand what is happening, how to help him?! Here in relationship and the winter comes. But we are women who are endowed with wisdom and patience. At such moments, it's just worth being near and give the time to your man for thoughts about high-distant. And then, it all depends on how strong feelings are married. It is time to go to the scene to his wife and wake feelings not on the word, but in reality - to show how to warm the sun :).

1. A man, anyway, no matter how many years old, it is necessary to care for me. It would be nice to pick up clothes to the place and according to the status (in the good sense of the word). And also take vitamins, eat well, play sports. Men for 40 are interesting to their charisma, remember Clooney, or an aging and simply stunning Sean Conma.

2. The despondency is the state of the soul, and not age, so the case is individual. But I can say for sure, sad, the man for 40 is of course horror bump. Another thing is when the sparkles are burning in the eyes, or a person acts as a teacher, a wise man - it attracts.

3. The wife must take care and look great :). And also to indulge with little weaknesses, in other matters, as in the 30 or 50 years of age.

1. Mate, probably, still do not need, although this is a personal choice of each. The main thing is not to forget about elementary care, then everything will be fine.

2. Men always happen. I think this is a general trend and the most important thing is that in my head! Let pay more attention to family, children, the second half, are engaged in sports ...

3. At the expense of the support of the companion ... And how do they support a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, Klimaks?

Probably, his wife should take a situation with humor, unless of course the partner is all right with a sense of humor :).

The wife of forty-year-old men, for obvious reasons, decided to stay incognito ...

1. Male is not worth it for sure. It is worth elementary to monitor itself (at least eat less and drink alcohol in moderation) - then the weight will be normal. And a person without excess weight - already looks unstary! A man should remain unequivocally. To do a favorite business (work), sports and sex - from the series "Boxing, Sex, Jazz". Well organized leisure is also a big deal.

2. In order not to fall into the despondency, first of all, these are new impressions and sensations in which the beloved (travel and sports) takes part, favorite job. It seems to me that by 40 people people already have enough rich life experience and they cease to be surprised. It would be nice to come up with a way to surprise yourself.

3. The wife must not cut, but be a "combat girlfriend", do not get it over and without reason, love and appreciate your man, not to focus on age and show an active part in the implementation of paragraph 2.

In general, I will say for the sander: it seems to me that at the age of 14, that in 40 years old - a man should be busy so that there was no time to raise the head and think about all nonsense, whatever it was to get bored, so that life would be so interesting And rich that, coming home, the man had only one desire - to relax.

1. I think that it is preferable to remain at any age. A man must not launch himself, follow his appearance (without fanaticism), be fresh, purely shaved, pleasantly smelling, and of course with clean teeth ... sounds, can be comic, but very often pay attention to this important item when communicating And alas, not in favor of a strong floor.

2. Probably the most powerful stimulator of the prevention of despondency after 40-ka is the birth of a child. Such an event completely makes you forget about your age and possible physiological changes.

And so, of course, an active lifestyle, sport, which stimulates the production of hormones, improving the mood, appearance. As a third factor, you can wish to find a new gambling hobby, passion, the case, may be an interesting business, thereby increasing the circle of communication and dating in the environment of enthusiastic like-minded people.
3. In my opinion, the wife will certainly need to be a "lighter" in a number of life situations, stimulate on new achievements, both in the household and professional environment. Mild and unobtrusively direct in the right direction. When I read an interesting statement, I do not know who the author, but completely agrees with him: A man is a wine of the wisdom of ancestors, the term of exposure of which depends on the woman.

Often, our age increases 1.5-2.5 kg of weight, bounds exclusively with excess fluid in the body. You can get rid of them literally in one day with diuretic herbs. Daniel Murray, President of the American Fitotherapeutic Experimental Center, recommends that this purpose, take a field or dandelion root for 1 g in capsules twice per day. Instead of capsules, you can take 12 drops of tincture of these plants on a glass of warm water 2-3 times a day. But this method is applicable only in emergency cases when it is really very important to look brilliantly literally the next day. Abuse them, as well as exceed dosage, it is impossible. After all, together with liquid, the body loses and electrolytes, mineral salts and other necessary organisms of the substance.

Tune in for youth

Many specialists converge on the fact that a person is so many years as he "permits" to look like. What makes us younger?

Memories of love. Plastic surgeon from Baltimore Yves Bruce believes that in order to look younger, just enough to cause memories of happy love in memory. Sit for 20 minutes in a comfortable chair in a quiet and peaceful place, close your eyes and try to imagine how it was all. Help yourself focus, deeply inhaling through the nose to account 1-4 and exhausted through the mouth to account 5-8. Think than you would supplemented these memories: burning fragrant candles, beloved music, flower-sicks? Once you had it all? Pretty think about it and enjoy your feelings again.

Imitation of youth. People who lead themselves as if they are much younger than they really look, respectively. To feel young, you do not need to look back. It is enough to be interested in the life of young, do not be afraid to change your habits and lifestyle - just as they do. Just believe that you are young.

Remove swelling

Eyes - this is what primarily pay attention to when they talk about the age of man. Try to get rid of the edema of the eyelids that add to your person a couple of unnecessary years.

Jennis Cox, naturopath from Medford, offers two means of dealing with this trouble:

Pose during sleep. Do not sleep without a pillow or bolding a face in bed. Sleep on your back with a raised headboard and, before getting up, lie on a high pillow.

Cold compresses. Put the eyelids for 15 minutes of scavented and chilled tea (green or black), slices of cold cucumber, raw potato or cold teaspoon. Its form perfectly repeats the contour of the eye, and the metal retains the cold for a long time. To achieve a better effect, a spoon can be held in the refrigerator.

Smooth wrinkles without expensive cosmetics

Whatever excellent cosmetics you use, you will still look older than your years if the eyebrows are naughty, the teeth are compressed, the tips of the lips are omitted. One way or another, stress and negative emotions do not make anyone younger and get the most beautiful face. Therefore, it is necessary to fight first of all with stress.

Massage Stop. For this, a reflexologist from New York Nancy Alfero advises to influence certain points of the foot. One of them is at the place of weave the nerve ending next to the protrusion under the thumb. Press on it, and you will be able to cope with the voltage. It is even better to massage this point in front of bedtime clockwise, moocked the skin of the aromatic oil.

The main sign of skin fading is the lack of moisture. Even thin wrinkles are noticeable on the dim dry skin. If at least once a day there is a feeling of tightening, it means that the skin must be supplied.

Moisturizing spray. The American cosmetologist Tamara Markus recommends spraying the face from the spray with a mixture: 1 cup of distilled or mineral water, 3 drops of geranium aromatic oil, lavender or daisies pharmacy. Store a bottle with sprays in a cold dry place. Such a mixture can be used arbitrarily for a long time.

Cacao butter. This oil simply magically acts on dry skin, moisturizing and softening it. It is desirable to add grapefruit, orange and lime oil to it, which communicate the skin additional tone.

Don't forget about sex

Laura Corn, american sexologist from Los Angeles, believes that after the love games, a person emits energy that nothing will replace. According to scientific data, the classes of love strengthen the vessels, strengthen the blood circulation, improves the skin nutrition and the supply of it with oxygen. Regular sex is capable of eight years to reduce the biological age of a woman, and men too.

Follow energy

A person who is vigorously moving, demonstrating an elastic gait and shine in the eyes, of course, makes others forget about their age. This requires feeding with energy from natural sources.

Eleuterococcus extract. Phytotherapist Daniel Murray recommends Take 6 g of Eleutherococcus every day with food in the form of capsules, dividing them into three doses. You can take advantage of the tincture of this plant - 15-20 drops three times a day, only in the first half of the day. You will feel the tide of smooth stable energy.

Tea Mate. South American plant Mate richly anti-stress vitamin B6. Tea from his leaves acts better than coffee. Fill 2 hours. Spoons with two glasses of boiling water, let's break for 5 minutes, add cinnamon, honey, ginger and milk. Such a drink will quickly return to you.

Dry red wine. Antioxidants, which are contained in red dry wine, increase the elasticity and elasticity of the walls of the vessels, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition. Dr. Michael Rosen, American nutritionist from New York, considers it very useful to take a half-table of a dry red wine of high quality for the organism rejuvenation.

5 km on foot. American experts from the Center of Natural Medicine in Boston held an experiment for 200 women who agreed to pass exactly the distance on foot daily, instead of reaching work on the car or city transport. A month later, special devices have shown that women have increased their energy reserves twice.

Keep under control external signs of age

Although sometimes gray hair look beautiful, they still give out age. The American Stylist Donna Gray recommends using hair color only by natural dyes, such as henna, in which there are no chemical impurities injured hair, besides Henna feeds hair with useful substances.

Another blow in appearance is lowered or thinned shoulders, bent back. All this will try a woman no matter what kind of figure, hairstyle, makeup. The stuff can be overcome by strengthening the muscles of the back, chest and hands daily workouts. From the bags on the belt it is better to refuse. The daily wearing of heavy bags on the same shoulder fixes the wrong, old posture.

Personal opinion

Svetlana Toma:

- I believe that age does not need to deceive. It is not necessary to deceive anyone, it is not good. In order to feel young, it is important first of all the state of the soul. It is the psyche that sets the body in a certain way. But proper nutrition and exercise are also important, of course.